Tag: dominance (page 2 of 2)

Transmission by YE about ‘Channeling’


28 December 2011


“So that if a being is channelling of another more spiritual, higher frequency, it is usually the case that the person steps outside of one's ...

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Carl John Calleman – The Third day of the Ninth Wave (Universal Underworld)


May 23rd, 2001 

Carl John Calleman

The Third day of the Ninth Wave (Universal Underworld) and the World Oneness Revolution  

Practically the whole world strongly experienced the frequency increase associate...

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Aghartha In The Hollow Earth!


The Inner Earth & Realm of Aghartha

Aghartha In The Hollow Earth!

By Dr Joshua David Stone

The biggest cover-up of all time is the fact that there is a civilization of people living in the center of Earth, whose c...

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The Egyptian revolt and the Mayan Calendar…


Thursday, February 10, 2011

In the following article, Carl Calleman zeros in on the Egyptian revolution via the Ninth Wave of the Mayan Calendar. The piece will give you an idea of how the cosmic impetus of the Ninth Wave fits in...

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You are that!

That which you seek, you already are. Just wake up and be that. Then you will be in the truth of life. You will be enlightened. You will be in Oneness and timelessness and so there is no soul, no journey, no separation, no seeking and no finding. Everything dissolves into the moment of NOW. Everything is revealed in Oneness.

The dimension of you that has been seeking enlightenment is the ego and the ego will never arrive at that which it is seeking. There needs to be a relaxation, a letting go. The seeking and striving and trying keeps you goal oriented and away from the doorway of the truth, which is the present moment.

When you are fully awake, there is nothing left of you from the past and nothing of you projecting into the future. Your are utterly here now.

This is the awakened state. It is an exalted state of consciousness.

At the deepest level of this state, separation dissolves and you enter into Oneness. Occasionally, through Grace, the sense of your self as an individual dissolves completely and all that exists is perfect Eternal Presence, Silence, Love and Oneness.

Occasionally, the nothingness at the heart of everything is revealed.

This awakened state of consciousness exists at a level that is transcendent of the mind and ego. When the ego is exposed to this information, it creates a desire in the ego for something that is impossible for the ego to achieve. But the ego will not give up its quest. This has the effect of strengthening the ego, which thrives in an environment of fear, rejection, and struggle. The ego can never awaken. The ego can never arrive at the goal. Awakening occurs when the ego is transcended.

So the question arises as to how to awaken into Oneness. If you cannot do it, then how is it accomplished? How can we still our thoughts and open into silence. A relaxation must occur. Simply bring yourself out of the world of the mind and the ego by becoming fully present. The key to being present is to bring yourself fully present with that which is already present. If you can see it, hear it, feel it, taste it, touch or smell it in this moment, then you can be present with it. The moment you are truly present with something that is here in the moment with you, thoughts will stop. Your mind will fall silent. You will know yourself as the one who exists in this moment and no other. Then you are awake in the truth of life.

But who is awake?
No more words.
No more thoughts.
No more concepts.
No more understanding.
Just silence.

Just full, awakened, all embracing Eternal Presence. It is the Presence of pure consciousness. If you awaken into this level of fully awakened consciousness, you cannot function in the world. Quite literally, there is no time. And there is no YOU to function in the world. You would need a team of caretakers to take care of you. I am speaking from personal experience. I have been in this exalted state of consciousness for weeks at a time.

But sooner or later, a sense of individuality will be restored, so that you can function within the world of time. Restoring my sense of individuality took several months, and it was not easy. This does not mean that the ego was restored to dominance in my life. I still have an ego, but it is surrendered. There is nothing wrong with the ego. In fact, to deny the ego its place in your life is to invite it to function unconsciously.

This has happened to many who have had powerful experiences of awakening. They have identified with the enlightenment experience, which then catches them back into the mind.

Beyond all experience is the one experiencing.

To anyone who declares themselves enlightened, I would ask, “Who is enlightened?” The answer is “I AM.” And then only silence remains. Pure consciousness is your true nature. The I AM Presence is your true nature. It is silent. It is eternal. It is impersonal.

But that does not mean that you cannot also exist at the personal level. I do not mean to imply that life at the level of mind should cease. That is not possible, nor desirable. What is possible however is that you become so awake and deeply grounded in the present moment and the awakened state of Presence that you never lose your connection with the present moment, even when you do venture into the world of the mind. In other words, you no longer believe in your thoughts, memories, ideas, beliefs and opinions as the truth. You are no longer identified with any of it. You recognize that life at the level of mind is simply play. It is sometimes happy and sometimes sad, because it is a world of duality. You relax and accept the dual nature of the mind and the world of experience within time. You are no longer for or against anything. You have transcended judgment. Life is accepted fully and so too is death. Joy is accepted fully and so too is pain. But you are so deeply grounded in the moment of now, that you no longer get caught in the movements of the mind and its world of thought and emotion. You are deeply grounded in Oneness. You are able to return to silence and Presence at will. In fact, silence and Presence is always there as the foundation of your existence, and your sense of yourself.

It is time for humanity to awaken at a collective level. Enlightenment can no longer be for just a select few, who no longer participate in the world. If there is to be an awakening at a collective level, we will have to learn to function within the world. This means that we will have to find a balance between the timelessness of the fully awakened state and the world of time.

-Leonard Jacobson

Copyright Leonard Jacobson. For more info visit http://www.leonardjacobson.com or email to: info@leonardjacobson.com

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the Little Boy

There is this chair that I remember from being a little boy... It is a small rocking chair that I sat in at my Grandparents house in when I was just a wee little being. Did I say small? Well, it is... From my limited experience with children I would guess that 3 or 4 years would be the oldest a child would be to be able to sit in it. It is rather plain, unremarkable to look at really, but it turns out to be a powerful object. It was purchased in 1855 for my dad’s great great grandfather and from that time, all the lineage of men in the Titus family have sat in that chair... including me. Now, I have to say the magnitude of this particular revelation didn’t fully dawn on me until last night, yet I have been doing the work that allowed for me to see for many, many years. There is a flood of memories that are coming back, all the synchronicity remembered... But there is one memory that kept coming up.

My mom used to say to me... “you can break the cycle...” and now I can see what she was priming me for. I am breaking the cycle.

I have had this chair in my possession now for many years. It has had a stigma attached to it for me though... there was always a pressure that I would have a child that would sit in that chair. It came from my family mostly, in those early years after I got married, but really there was a pressure to have children to one extent or another. But it never felt right to me, so I never did... And now I can see why...

There is a lineage that needs to be healed before that could ever happen and I saw it last night. This chair physically links me to 6 generations of males in my family... There is no mention of girls in the history, and I guess there were none... I’ll have to ask.

So, in 1855 my great great great grandfather and grandmother purchased this chair for their little boy. In their parenting, they would be influenced heavily by their upbringing so the strong link continues to their parents making my linkage with this chair going back to my great great great great grandparents (over 200 years)... Wow... and so I have been shown what needed to be done.

I am here to heal this family lineage... Turns out, both sides of my family actually. I am perfectly positioned at this time to do the work that effects my entire family line, mother and father’s side. I understand now... I am to bring balance and wholeness back into the world, healing 200 years of slow metamorphosis towards a masculine dominated family unit. A slow and insidious movement from the Divine Feminine to a more logical and controlling dominance over nature is what has happened to humanity. And I have seen this in my family experience that has culminated with me. 

I always said that I didn’t want to bring a child into this world as it is. And I didn’t, but now I see how that can heal and change. That healing happens with me. I was unwilling to perpetuate a cycle that has been other than good for the planet as a whole. And now I see that right before my very eyes when I look at this chair. It holds a place of honor now...

I realize that every Titus male that has sat in that chair had come across the veil in a purposeful way, choosing the Titus Family to embody their Soul Signature for a purpose. To share Love and Kindness, to be the embodiment of Creator and carry that forward onto Mother Earth. To create Heaven on Earth through thoughts, words and actions. And they all sat in this chair, Soulful energy bright and untainted by the illusion perpetuated by fear, greed, anger, etc. There I sat. In that chair, sat beings who were clear, luminescent and bright... As they aged and began to take on the “issues of the day”, the chair remained clear as they would have been too large to sit in it any more. Eventually, the chair moved out of the way... placed in storage and passed down through each generation. 

As it was brought forward again, an opportunity for another Soul to bring it through. To carry the frequency of Love throughout their physical life, to stand up for the light and break the cycle. This chair carries such Light and I admit that I had issues with it before I could see just how pure it really is. But that is what I am here to do. I have been shown that and I am doing that. I am the one I have been waiting for... 

Thomas Banyaca Sr. (1910-1999); Speaker of the Wolf, Fox and Coyote Clan, and Elder of the Hopi Nation.
It is time to speak your truth. Create your community, Be good to each other.Do not look outside yourself for a leader. There is a river flowing now very fast, It is so great and swift.
There are those who will be afraid, They will try to hold onto the shore. They will feel they are being pulled apart, And will suffer greatly.

Understand that the river knows its' destination, The elders say we must let go of the shore. Push off into the middle of the river, Keep our eyes open and our heads above water. And I say; see who is in there with you, Hold fast to them and celebrate!

At this time in history, We are to take nothing personally. Least of all, ourselves!For the moment we do, Our spiritual growth and journey comes to an end.

The Time of the Lone Wolf is over! Gather yourselves! Banish the word 'struggle' from Your attitude and vocabulary. All that we do now must be done, In a sacred manner and in celebration.We are all about to go on a journey, We are the one's we have been waiting for!

In this knowing, I have broken the cycle...

I am to do the work that heals myself, my family, my ancestors... I am the one to show the way. I am the one who has remembered. I am Love and Kindness, I am that vibration that matches the Universal One and so to my family all of creation. Remember?

So I continue to do the work that heals and heal generations while doing so. I am realigning to Creation, connecting to my original blueprint... the energy that I brought forward into this dimension when I chose this body, these parents and grandparents. I am seeing the Truth and it brings freedom. Love is all around me and I am Love. Embodying that brings forth an entirely different beingness than I carried throughout most of my life... I like it!!!!

I look at this chair now and I remember sitting in it. The little boy with the Old Soul, gently taking it all in... Such wonder and amazement expressed, Joy and Bliss. I remember... Before the body developed or the ego was formed, I remember. And, as those who came before, I grew out of the chair and began to forget.

But I remember now...
I take a deep breath, center and begin to rock...

Love and Kindness,

the Buffalo Diaries


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Observe the Perfection of Change!

Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation
        12 Kan, 2 Tzotz, 2 Ik        

Greetings, dear Hearts! We come again with more to discuss with you! Presently, your world is caught in the final moves of a grand chess game between the forces of Light and dark. What is to be remembered about this time is the length of this chess match and how the Light finally outsmarted the dark. It will be seen that the key to all this was the overdrawn position accepted by the dark. Everywhere, holes kept popping up in their defense strategies. Eventually, these growing gaps led to their downfall. When you look upon the true history of this world, you can see how the dark was compelled to allow its entourage to become more internationally diverse. The dark’s intention was to forge a series of interlocking groups whose purpose was to manipulate and secretly control international banking and commerce. These groups were to report to a ruling directorate based initially in Europe and later also in North America. This directorate became very powerful. In the late 1990s, threats to its power started to appear first in Asia and then in Eastern Europe. These puny challenges were the beginnings of a broader power struggle.       By the start of this decade, these challenges to the dark’s dominance were strengthening. This did not go unheeded by the dark cabal’s ruling directorate. Its response to these provocations was to stage a massive event known as 9/11. It was specifically engineered to lead to a state of global martial law and the formal declaration of a new world order. Most of the conditions necessary for this state were complete by the Gregorian year of 2002. However, the final objectives of this goal were not quite achieved. Instead, the forces of Light had managed to keep a number of their strongholds intact and began to create new alliances with former members of the dark’s various international banking and commerce cartels. These coalitions were to increase both in number and in membership over the next few years. What was forming can be likened to a volcano before an eruption: a dome in the floor of the crater can temporarily contain an upsurge of magma, but in the end it blows. Until that point, all seems normal and quiet to a casual observer.

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Msg. from Ker-On – 31 July 06


Ker-On | 31-July-06

Many will have heard of Galactic Wars and will not need to be told that by their very nature they have been devastating. When technology reaches certain levels of advancement, it has immense power and the capability of extensive destruction. You have not seen anything on the scale of the advanced weaponry used in bygone era’s by the Anchara Alliance.

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Message from Atmos 11-July-06

Atmos Cares!


Dear Ones, you worry about your circumstances as you travel your final journey upon this Earth. This is normal for most of you whether you are aware of Ascension or not, and more relevant to those who do not realize they are immortal. You all look for something to cling to that will carry you through life, as do those who have no real goal and are still searching for a purpose.

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