Tag: diplomat

The ‘Lion People’ Make Their Presence Felt On Earth


10 January 2012

Hello dear family

We, the Lion People (Lyran Feline origin) wish to introduce ourselves. We have waited patiently watching and observing the Ascension Process here on your beautiful planet Earth, as you call it...

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Networking Business and UFO/ET Disclosure


Networking Business and UFO/ET Disclosure By Ed Komarek 2/18/11 Copy and Distribute Freely My blog: http://exopolitics.blogspot.com/

Jonothon Boutler has come up with a really good concept to network global pro-disclosure...

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Confessions of a Spiritual Teacher


a message from Sarah Biermann

Wednesday, 16 March, 2011  (posted 28 March, 2011)

Thank God(dess) I Don't Have to be Perfect

Perfection (doing it right) is not required to be a Spiritual Teacher. Actually, imperfe...

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Heaven #3506 Be a Delightful Surprise

a message from God channeled by Gloria Wendroff

Thursday, 1 July, 2010  (posted 14 July, 2010)

How necessary is it to you to take everything seriously? What if you didn’t take to heart every i...

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Numerology & Self Discovery Validation

Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.

~ Albert Einstein

Numerology is astonishing accurate from the report I read today.  For the first time in a long time I felt like I maybe just didn’t have a huge case of the crazies.  Sometimes validation is good even if it is from numbers.  Einstein loved them, and they fascinate me so.  I encourage you to check some numerology out for yourself.  Below are my numbers & chart:

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