Tag: dimensional shifts

Power Nodes and the Various Dimensional Shifts and USING Your Power!


24 September 2011

Channeler: Lisa Gawlas

I so love this universe, multi-verses that we live and love within, so very much! I have said many times before, ask, and you shall receive every single time, without fail... just not a...

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DL Zeta – Understanding Vibrational Levels and Dimensional Shifts


As energies on planet Earth elevate and intensify, more people are aligning with fifth-dimensional energies. This alignment brings glimpses and experiences of realities imbued with ever higher vibrational frequencies. Remaining in the...

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Unanchoring in Order to Sail the Seas of Consciousness


Communiques is a channeled message from the One Mind and the One Thought, the only conscious that is the One. We would wish to be seen as you speaking to yourself. It is our hope and our intent that our words inspire and awaken that i...

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During This Intense, Bumpy Time, Remember: Call in Support from the Archangels! Shanta Gabriel

a message from Archangel Gabriel channeled by Shanta Gabriel

Wednesday, 24 November, 2010  (posted 3 December, 2010)

Dear Ones,

You are being celebrated in the heavens for your openness during this powerf...

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Why 2012?

The End of the Mayan Calendar is scheduled for December 21, 2012 (give or take a year). The possibilities of what this “end” might mean is an increasingly hot topic on the Internet, in conferences, printed articles, and in discussions all over the globe. This is because it just might be an incredibly important moment in history — e.g., the end of history!
the Mayan Calendar is not your average, run-of-the-mill calendar. It is, among other things, reputed to be the most accurate in the world. This is due in part to the fact it is also a relatively complicated calendar, using cycles of 13 and 20 (weird!), relating to the cycles of other planets (e.g. Venus), and in general incorporating some 22 (at last count) different sub-calendars, such that every contingency can be accounted for.

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Ascension Simply Explained!

“Mother Earth & Humans Ascending” by SethD8
July 16, 2004

An overview of the dramatic changes to world civilization

by Tony Wicks (Australian)


As incredible as it may seem to many people, humanity on Earth is in the process of an evolutionary change in how we experience life. We are to become a galactic civilization, interacting positively with the many star system civilizations in our galaxy and universe, and indeed other universes. It is our true destiny to change from a society based on fear and competition, to one based on love, peace, and harmony. The current chaos is merely part of the quickening change.

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