Tag: despair (page 2 of 3)

Aghartha In The Hollow Earth!


The Inner Earth & Realm of Aghartha

Aghartha In The Hollow Earth!

By Dr Joshua David Stone

The biggest cover-up of all time is the fact that there is a civilization of people living in the center of Earth, whose c...

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Consciousness Shift: If you want to be really free, you must choose freedom!

During my meditation this morning a bright white being with wings showed up. It appeared more male than female. Now be honest. If this happened to you, wouldn’t you feel honored and excited that a “being of light” presented itself … Continue reading

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Blossom Goodchild – It Has Begun – 7/13/10

13 July 2010 - 3:56pm

Channeler: Blossom Goodchild

I found this under Blossom's Blog, but it reads like a channeling, so I thought I'd post.


ZenGaianJul 13, 2010

It has begun. Can you feel i...

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7 July 2010 - 1:57pm

Channeler: Maureen Moss

Wow! What a time to be alive on Planet Earth. It's daunting and exciting all at the same time isn't it? On some days it feels like a liberating free fall into the ...

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Feng Shui for Better Living

a message from The Brotherhood of Light channeled by Edna G. Frankel

Sunday, 4 July, 2010 

Greetings, dear ones, from the Brotherhood of Light! We are excited and delighted to be sharing e...

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The Importance of Alignment ~ Channeled Message by Archangel Gabriel

Channeler: Shelley Young

We understand that you wish to examine what is going on with the some enlightening human beings at this time. We are hearing that many are falling into despair. They are bone weary, soul weary if you will, and wonder where on earth they will find the energy to go on. Our answer is nowhere! You will not find the energy on earth to continue, however, through aligning with the endless spiritual supports that are in place, you will be able to navigate this quite beautifully.

We understand that this is a play on words. However, we wish to point out that if you are looking around you on the earth for support, that is not where it exists. It exists in your alignment with Source. Do you see? All of the loving supports are in place for you. You have worked hard to move yourself into this alignment yet many choose to step slightly out of it. When you are in your highest alignment you understand that there is nothing to do but just Be. You understand that everything is divinely perfect and you can observe without being unpleasantly effected by what is going on around you. By being in alignment, you choose to take that higher perspective that brings peace and love, acceptance and excitement for the change energies that are swirling around.

Now if you have, for whatever reason, stepped out of your highest alignment, you will find yourselves very uncomfortable indeed. When you are out of your highest alignment you lose your sense of Creator Self. You fall into the illusion that things can be wrong or bad. You lose sight of the purpose of the wonderful process that is going on around you. Sadly, you lose your view of the beauty and the sense of love and support that is always available to you. You buy into the illusion. It is so unnecessary, Dear Ones.

This is an amazing process that is happening on the earth right now. You have chosen to be here, to experience this. It is a great highlight to your existence. You planned for this. You were filled with the excitement of the potentials of the planet when you were planning this life expression. Most of you couldn’t wait to come in and have this experience. There is no way that you ever would have chosen more than you can handle. It will only feel that way if you allow yourself to step out of your highest alignment.

People will ask, well Gabriel, how do we do that? Give us the steps, give us the instructions. It is very simple, Dear Ones. You get there by choosing it. We tell you to simply Be. This instruction is dissatisfying to many. They say that it is too simple. We laugh at this because in it’s simplicity, it seems like it is a very difficult thing for the enlightening human being to do! We say, do whatever brings you joy. Again, this advice gets dismissed.

In reality dear ones, when you are just Being, you are allowing yourselves to align. When you choose activities that bring you joy, it is through that joyful activity that you align. When you allow yourself to stay in your highest alignment, you will not only see things from the higher perspective where everything is divinely perfect; you will also be embracing your Creator Self. And while you are doing this, you will be doing exactly what you came here to do which is supporting the planet and each other during these amazing and unprecedented times.

Honor yourselves, Dear Ones! Just for a second allow yourselves to see yourselves as we see you, shining in your light and integrity, your courage and your love. Take a moment to see, truly see, how far you have come in the last year, five years, ten years of your time.

Nothing can be wrong in this process because you are the ones who are creating it! And you truly are doing it magnificently. It is simple, Dear Ones. Do not make it more complicated than it needs to be. You have an entire universe supporting you and cheering you on. This is all we have for you today.

Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
Transcribed by Terri DeMarco

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Start Using Your New Tool Kit

Posted: 21 Apr 2010 12:50 PM PDT

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for Life Tapestry Creations.com

Dear Ones,

You have experienced a tremendous influx of energy in the last few days – which may seem as if it is old news. Perhaps you feel as if every few days we have noted a new influx of energy…and so we have. We merely wish for you to acknowledge to yourself that much is shifting and changing in your physical being and therefore your life. This shift is larger than you can imagine.

But we have said something similar in the past, as have many other channels. The piece that we wish to tie to this message is that you have a fully functioning tool kit and it is time to start utilizing it.

Even though intellectually, perhaps even emotionally, you are aware of the shifts in your being, you have attempted to adjust to those shifts with Old Age techniques.  For example, when you are tired you make a note to yourself to go to bed earlier or when you are angry, you try to see the good things in whatever has made you angry. Those “one size fits all” techniques that have been sufficient until now.

We were hoping that you would access your new tool kit without our urgings. Such has not been the case for most of you. Do you remember how the first time you used a computer – especially you baby boomers who were familiar with typewriters – the lack of a return lever stymied your early attempts to write a letter? So it is now. Your new tool kit is much more flexible and easy to use than your previous and, we might add, comfortable tool kit.

How do you access your new tool kit? Do you have to read a book, take a course or find a teacher? Of course not. All you have to do is be willing to practice with your new tool kit.

Let us give you some of the basic elements of your tool kit so that you will understand how easy it is for you to use. Listen to your heart/soul/inner being and it will direct you to the path that is correct for you. Listen to your body and it will direct you to the path that is correct for you. Listen to your emotions and they will direct you to the path that is correct for you.

For example, perhaps you are feeling tired. Using your old tool kit such feelings would warrant a nap with little reflection about why you were tired.

Your physical body is not separate from your heart/soul/inner being. Nor is it separate from your emotions. If your physical being is out of balance, your emotions will probably also be off kilter and you will probably have more difficulties hearing your inner messages. It is no longer appropriate to divide your being into three separate entities, anymore than it is appropriate to separate yourself from other entities on earth. All are one. All is one is your tool kit.

It is no longer appropriate to explain away all that happens to you with the need for more sleep or more positive thoughts. It is time to explore your being in its entirety. Ask your being what it needs – that is your key for all emotional, physical and spiritual concerns or questions. Just ask.

Many of you are thinking that such action is too simplistic, that you need another source outside of yourself to fix whatever is ailing you. While such might have been true in the past, it is no longer so. You are now your own mechanic, your own repair person.

You no longer need complicated rituals, books or gurus to heal what ails you. You merely have to ask yourself – and the correct approach, or if you prefer, the correct tool will be provided. Perhaps your repair kit might require sleep, journaling or hundreds of other techniques you are not yet familiar with. Ask and you will receive. Continue to try to direct your recovery, as you did in the Old Age, based on what others told you and you will be stumbling in directions that no longer define your needs.

Perhaps some of you will wish to continue on an Old Age path for security. That is fine and good. It is your right to fight yourself through this transition process and beyond. But if you wish to return to peace within your body, your soul or your emotions, know that you merely have to ask yourself and the correct answer will be provided.

You no longer need a return lever to prepare professional looking documents. Your inner workings are now much more sophisticated. Allow that thought to roll around your  being for a bit of time and then start practicing any day or moment you do not feel comfortable.

We wish to add one small caveat to that last statement. We are not suggesting that you should be cheerful and loving every second of every day or that if you are not, somehow you are not listening correctly. We are instead telling you that you may find a great deal of joy in being angry..or maybe not. Or that your body might need to feel some despair as it moves from the Old Age to the New Age. Only you know for sure what your  being needs.

There are no longer any rules including how you should behave in certain circumstances. Perhaps you need to feel joy at a funeral. Or sadness at a birth. It does not matter what you should feel or how you should act or who others feel you are – it is you. That is, it is you in all your glory if you listen and act on your tool kit of resources.

Ask yourself and ye shall receive – the life you wish to truly live. So be it. Amen.

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SaLuSa 12-April-2010

Channeler: Mike Quinsey

The meek shall inherit the Earth, and these are of course those of you who have found your Love and Light within. Not only that, you live by your understanding of what that means where your relationship to other souls are concerned. To see each other as One means you accept that all are from the One Source. Therefore you would no more raise your hand against your brothers and sisters, than smite yourself. True love of others raises all of you together and once you understand the purpose of life, you see there is no gain to be had at their expense. The problem for eons of time is that you have been taught to put Self first in the pursuit for survival. The survival of the fittest and strongest is the Law of the Jungle, and not for Man who has the potential to become a God. You are powerful Beings, who have the capability of reaching levels of Christ consciousness.

What you have been in the cycle of duality is but a shadow of your real Self. Albeit that you have had to experience much negativity to find your Light, but with the intent to lift yourselves up you have succeeded in discovering the true path. You have progressed at such a fast rate in this lifetime; you now stand ready to take a quantum leap forward. Instead of despair and little hope, you have found that the true path is the promise of return to the higher levels of Light. The Earth may have its attractions, but your paradise will not be found in the lower dimensions. Everything that you have ever dreamt of awaits you with the coming of Ascension, and subconsciously you know that to be so and it drives you onwards.

Now you see the last acts of those whose eyes are still shut, and would prevent your upliftment if they could. However, they are doomed to failure and are already in disarray, as they can no longer hold to their plan for total domination of Mankind. In fact, the Illuminati have accepted that their cause is lost, but they still harbor thoughts of somehow restoring their power. We can assure you that they have no chance of doing so. It is the Light that is now the controlling force, and is growing stronger by the day. Allow matters to act themselves out, and as they do so it will become quite clear that the promises made to you will be fulfilled. Indeed, the signs are already beginning to show the destiny for Mankind, and you will find that your sovereignty will be restored.

If you reflect on your experience of duality, you will surely see that there has been a divine plan to release you from it. It was never intended that it should completely engulf you, although many of you have touched the depths but have risen up again. All of your experiences have been placed within the mass consciousness, and each of you will benefit from them as it is unnecessary for each of you to experience everything personally. There will come a time when you will review your many lives, and it is as well that you remember that you chose your experiences. Even now you are moving through your final experiences, to bring your karma to an end.

We of the Galactic Federation do not consider you as lesser Beings, simply because your vibrations are lower than ours. We know that duality was your choice, and that you left the higher vibrations to face its challenges to lift up and find the Light once again. We see you as an ascended Being already, and admire your strength of character to take on such a challenge. When open contact commences, you shall see that our approach to you is as equals. We wish you to work with us and will introduce you to our technologies that we know you will quickly adapt to. Even now your knowledge borders on ours, and it means that once together no time will be lost before we get started. There is so much to do in a relatively short time, yet all will proceed as planned and completed by the end of your cycle.

Is it not strange Dear Ones to think that some 70 years ago, you would not have accepted the possibility that Beings like us existed? You held the idea that we could not reach you, because it would take too many Light Years to do so. Yet in that comparatively short time since, you have learnt about other dimensions, and how we can use them for inter-dimensional travel. Now you accept that intelligent life can reach you from far-flung constellations. Indeed you are also aware of parallel Universes, and your understanding of life expands even further. Life abounds everywhere and yet most of it is invisible to your eyes, as it vibrates too highly to be registered by you. However, when you have ascended the whole Universe opens up to you, and you will meet Beings of all types in addition to those more readily recognized as human.

In your own way you have plenty of excitement and adventures on Earth, but when you have earnt the right to Galactic travel they will be far more fulfilling. Think about what you have learnt from the different races upon Earth, such as their cultures and religious beliefs, then think of it on a Universal scale and imagine how much more there is to consider and understand. On Our ships you will meet some Beings that are not humanoid, and they are also Galactic Federation Members. You tend to judge people from their outer appearance, whereas we see the inner soul and know we are One.

With regard to what we have told you, you will understand that we cannot flood you with information too early on our initial contact. The fact that we really exist will be too much for many people, who have shut their eyes and closed their minds to such a possibility. However, in a gentle way we shall gradually bring out the truth about us, and how you are linked with us from times long gone. Many civilizations have had a hand in your evolution, and more you shall learn in all good time. Think upon it Dear Ones, why is it that in this Universe that all Beings are of the Human form; does this not tell you that the hand of God is in all things?

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and as I look upon Earth I see a glorious Light rising up from the grids around it. It tells us in no uncertain terms that it is so powerful, that it cannot possibly be reversed or stopped from fully manifesting. That is the most wonderful sight and your future in the higher dimensions is assured.

Thank you SaLuSa

Mike Quinsey.

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Day 5 – Stand on the Earth

 Here is Day 5...  If your are ready for more, follow the link at the end of the post to come to heroesofthenow.com for days 6 and 7...  Blessings on your Journey.  Marc

 Wow, here we are already 5 days into this wonderful Journey, with incredible insight and discovery.  As you can see this practice is somewhat cumulative in nature often being described as peeling the layers of the onion we dig deeper every moment.  Each of our previous days experience becomes foundation for the moment at hand.  We are in the process of re-training ourselves to ’see’ differently as many have been conditioned to see what the governing society wants us to see.  It is an illusion and as we begin to peel away the layers to reveal more information a new world opens to us… We must let it, to be sure… We must want it from the depth of our beings.  It is a commitment to ourselves and we continue now.

Come into your awareness, the practice, right now however you are.  Bring yourself to this present moment and begin to breathe consciously.  Take total personal responsibility and cancel contracts, etc and give yourself some time to meditate.  Find your center, that radiant core from which your being moves with Divine purpose.  Bring all of your awareness to right now, notice all of your surroundings… Open your eyes and look around.  What do you see?  Where are you? at work, the office, at the airport?  How close are you to our Mother Earth?  Are you standing on her now?  Are you grounded?

Write in your journal the sensations you are experiencing now.  Focus your awareness to how grounded you feel.  Allow that to hold whatever meaning it does for you and describe your sensations.  Just open the floodgates and let that pen float across the page or your fingertips fly across the keyboard.  Write it out, now while it is fresh in your experience.

I remember when I was working at a large government office, often I would enter the building at 5:00 am and never touch the Earth for the next 10 hours…  Sure there were windows, but I was inside with all that energy, all those vibrations and no way to ground out and reconnect with the vibrations of our Earth Mother.  When I did go outside, I was completely unaware of any natural surroundings as often I carried the issues from inside to out.  Is this your experience?

After you have finished your journaling, step outside and onto the Earth.  Stand barefoot on the ground if you can and close your eyes.  Align your body comfortably and relax… draw your shoulder blades back and align your center axis. Breathe.  Feel a connection to the Mother extending beyond your feet… roots, energetic roots that go deep, down and into the core of our beautiful planet, our home.  Feel those roots strengthen and grow, allowing energy to exchange between you and Earth’s core.  Feel the vibration of the Universe flowing through her, aligning your vibrations with it.  Allow any negative energies, dark or shadow thoughts and emotions to drain out those roots.  With conscious effortless effort ‘push’ those things you wish to leave out through your roots and allow them to dissipate into the ground…

Open your eyes and notice what you feel.  Look around you for natural Earth relations.  Look for the birds and trees, the grass and flowers.  Hear the freedom songs the birds are singing, inhale the life energy or prana and feel it’s tingle on your skin… Open your nostrils and smell deeply for the purity of the life’s breath.  Find a tree and place your hands on it’s skin… Feel the life energy flowing through this magnificent creation, feel your connection to it.  Look at it’s leaves, introduce yourself…  This tree is your brother or sister, it is part of all creation and perfect in it’s nature.  Find a stone and see it’s elderly wisdom, pick it up and hold it close to your heart.

Today, connect with the Earth.  Share it’s strength and power, feel her pulsing, vibrant and alive with the natural vibrations of the Universe.  This is our home, this planet we stand on.  Root deeply into this awareness.  See all the Earth relations with new sight.  Do the flowers strive to be any more than they are, beauty in the moment… Are the birds singing songs of gossip or ballads of despair?   Does water flow uphill?  Look around and take notice of things you may never have actually been aware of.

Presence yourself in nature today and stand effortlessly and gracefully on your Mother Earth.  Write about this experience on a new page of your journal.  Notice your sensations and thoughts, your clarity and peace of mind.  Do you feel different than before?  Did you feel the release or grounding?  Allow yourself to really explore your experience and share if you are so inclined.

Any time you may be feeling a little off, return to your home… Stand on the Earth and ground…

Love and Kindness,


Heroes of the Now

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Soul Transitions Vibe Report March 2010

Once again, it’s well into the month and the vibe report has been slow to come through. My guides tell me I’m being recalibrated (I’m quite sure this is happening to most of us at this time). It has felt like I’ve been moving up a spiral and I haven’t landed anywhere yet. In fact it feels like everything is suspended, and I am hanging in mid-air. Has the year 2010 started yet? What is going on? Where am I? Why do I feel like a stranger in a strange land, surrounded by what looks familiar but feels somehow different? Astrologically we are going through a time of recalibration and reassessment as we prepare for the Vernal Equinox and renewal. Clearing out the old and planting new seeds.

Check your engine

During this current transition, we may find ourselves needing more rest than usual and there have also been feelings of inertness – as mentioned last month, there’s been many moments of staring off into space and then “waking” up, wondering how long we’ve been in the void. This emptiness is part of the re-wiring process.

I’ve been hearing about people having problems with their electronic equipment (be sure to back up your computer) and car problems that are computer related. The check engine light in my car has been going on and off and I’ve been hearing of this same issue with several other people. Two weeks ago, due to severe snowstorms, I had no electricity, telephone or internet for several days. I’ve been looking into the symbolism of this and the words “power source” keep coming up. So I’ve been meditating on bringing in my Higher Self – not just in my meditation practice but whenever I think of it during my day.

On my radar

As we all know, strange weather patterns and earthquakes have been happening. And what are those spheres that showed up around the sun on the NASA SOHO sun observatory at the end of January? It is said that the spheres are as large as the Earth. Apparently the photos were removed from NASA’s website but they can be found online. Are they real? What the bleep do I know? These are things that have come across my radar – things I’ve been wondering about. Here’s another one: HAARP (which stands for High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program, and has been called America’s weapon of mass destruction). I’ve been hearing about this for years – the HAARP facility was constructed in Alaska 1993. According to Wikipedia its purpose is to analyze the ionosphere for developing “enhancement technology” for radio communications and surveillance purposes. Its Ionospheric Research Instrument is a high power transmitter which operates in the high frequency range and is used to excite areas of the ionosphere. Why? I don’t know, look it up – I’m not a scientist but am interested in all things energy related. Conspiracy theories abound, some of which have to do with this program causing earthquakes and changes in weather patterns. Last summer, here in the Hudson Valley we were inundated with rain and in some of the southern states, they were experiencing severe draught. I have to say I felt like I was living in some geek’s weather controlling learning curve!

Waves of Love

Energetically, we are receiving waves, yet again, of very strong high vibrational frequencies of love. This has been happening for quite a few years now, but the force is getting stronger and stronger. It is clearing out dense vibrational frequencies that we have stored in our energy bodies – these are related to thoughts, feelings and beliefs that are not our personal truth and so we are going through another deep cleansing process, which leaves many of us feeling like we’re in limbo. This energy is clearing the accumulation of all that is NOT us, so that we can move beyond our former limitations. This makes us feel disoriented as familiar patterns of thought are being washed away – that is, if we surrender and allow it to happen. At times this may make us feel uninspired or empty, wondering what happened to our motivation. At other times we may have a feeling of inner strength that maybe we’ve never felt before. Our deep authenticity is being given more room to grow within us as the density of false beliefs is being removed. Tune in to yourself – do you feel this “real” you beginning to shine forth more than ever before? We need to give this process time, allow ourselves to be steadfast within the rush and the flow of energy and know that the memories, images and emotions that come up are simply passing through to be released. Yes, we’ve been here before, but this is a much stronger wave of love and it’s releasing, as my friend Kelly Beard says, “the sticky stuff on the bottom.” We need to get plenty of rest and drink a lot of water.

Changing of the Guides

So where are Many of One? They are receding as I am moving forward. My good friends have assisted for many years during the shift, and now that the shift has occurred, I have crossed a threshold. I’m in a new frontier and they stand at the borderline waving goodbye. “Yes, m’dear you’re being upleveled,” they say. I don’t like goodbyes and in some way I know that Many of One are part of the “bigger” energies that are approaching. “Godspeed…On you go, welcome to the next level. New guides coming in.” I’m being graduated from kindergarten, being pushed out the door into new territory. And I am not sure where I am, but here I am so let’s see what comes through. But before I continue, check in on how you feel, for we have all crossed a threshold. Do you feel yourselves in new territory? Explore the within – remember, “As above, so below.” So as you see changes in your life, you can know that there are changes in your inner world. Also, these changes may appear to you in dreamtime, for it seems that our dreams are being activated. During the recalibration process we may not remember any dreams, but when we’re in the period of integrating the new energetic frequencies, our dreams may become quite active.

Marching Forward

When I tune into this month of March, I see myself on a beach, walking along with the ocean to my left and all around me and in front of me are huge black rock pinnacles jutting up through the sand. I walk between them and around them, moving forward, but they make it so I can’t see far ahead at all and I can’t see what’s around the corner. This speaks to staying in the moment of now. So onward I go. It’s beautiful and mysterious and the ocean is my only reference point.

The Vastness of Being

Well that was fun. Now, are you ready for a communication from the Beings of Vastness, or the vastness of your being? We are still Many of One as are all beings, but we are coming from a deeper, vaster connection in the cosmos. As you open to receive this communication, you are agreeing to connect with a High Counsel of Universal Wisdom. We will gently take you into deeper places of teachings that correspond to where you have evolved to at this time and we will attempt to carry you forward by planting seeds of wonder in your consciousness. As always, it is up to those who read these words to ascertain whether the information vibrates with you. We ask our channel to move outward from her rational mind and open the channel wider to allow information she has not considered to flow through – there is a feeling that the information will resonate with her soul as she, like most of you who read these words, is a Star Traveler, who, from a vaster perspective of her being, has seen many worlds.

We will still provide counsel for navigation through the changing, shifting energies of the physical plane but also offer a perspective that contains ancient wisdom and intergalactic connections. We invite you to listen with an open mind, an open heart and a playful imagination


Humanity is coming full circle – ancient times are coming back into the present. There have been great technologies and teachings on this planet throughout recorded and unrecorded history. And the tales of history that have been told have become distorted through time, however a vein of truth flows through all. We are the Ancient Ones come to deliver messages to you in times to come regarding those who have walked on earth before.

The noise from humanity has gotten so loud and you are being bombarded with frequencies not only from your own televisions, cell pones computers and other electronic devices, but from the frequencies of energetic experiments through technological advancement. These frequencies have created a tight web around the earth and there are frequencies being sent into the ionosphere affecting weather patterns and brain wave functioning. The ringing in the ears is part of these transmissions. Do not despair, you are here to bring back and advance your own individual power – and to realize and cultivate the power that humans have when working in groups – the power of group energy of focused thoughts and feelings. You are more powerful than your technology! You have yet to know what you are capable of doing – you are capable of shifting energetic frequencies. You do it all the time but mostly unconsciously. So you are at a time in your evolution where you are learning about directing energy through thought and feeling. There are many teachers who offer tools to do just this.

And there are messages coming through from many different channels with guidance on the importance of finding stillness within and most of all loving yourselves. The vibration of love is at one with the Creator of All Things. It is time for you all to stop criticizing yourselves, telling yourself you’re a loser, a failure, or that you’re unworthy of Divine Love or happiness. Many people have been taking desolate walks down memory lane, examining every decision made and judging them as all wrong. What you need to do is honor and bless your life, bless your past, own the knowledge that you did the best you could do, and start from where you are now in your life. Now is the only reality you know. It’s a practice, to bring yourselves back into the present moment. And then you can begin to breathe yourselves and feel yourselves forward on your paths.

Within the changes and shifts that are happening, you are being drawn to one another. Can you not feel this? There is a longing for community and as you create these circles of communities, they grow and overlap each other forming the vesica pisces and the flower of life. This is sacred geometry of harmony and balance. Contemplate the circles in your life – circles of friendships, circles of soul family connections, circles of wisdom and higher learning. There are physical circles and etheric circles – you have a circle of spirit guides – your personal posse – each with a different purpose to assist you on your path.

Remember you were chosen to come to this earth plane at this time – and you chose to be here. No one said this was going to be easy! That wasn’t why you came here. Oh no, dear ones, part of your mission is to see beyond the veil of illusion – the illusion of lies that has been fed to humanity for centuries. The lies that create the fear within and the lies that keep you separate from the Creator, from Nature and from one another. You have the energy of Divine Source flowing through you. This has been said so many times in so many ways and we will keep on saying it, for we are here to remind you of who you really are. Each of you have a uniquely personal relationship with your spiritual essence. There are so many names for this – it is called Chi, Energy, Spirit, Divine Source, God, Great Spirit. It doesn’t matter what you call it, what matters is the feeling you find within the essence – we direct you to the feeling of love and innocence. We tell you this energy is what enlivens you – it is the 21 grams that leaves the body upon physical death. This essence is within all life. As you continue to release the dense energies of fear and all the derivatives of fear, you make room for this essence to flow freely within you. And when you allow this, you feel happy, you feel innocent. You can cultivate this in daily musings or meditations. You can cultivate this while doing your favorite form of exercise or creative expression. In other words, by doing that which you love, you allow more love – more of the Divine Essence – to flow through you and then it radiates out from you and fills your aura and draws to you experiences that reflect this love and happiness. So every moment is a meditation.

As you get to know your guides you can ask them for specific help in this regard. The feelings of fear waft through the airwaves, poking at you, sometimes shoving you, doing whatever they can to get your attention and as you turn your attention towards fear it sends its tentacles within you and grows and soon you feel despair or depression – as if it will always be this way – the fear sucks hope from you. Now, it would be too easy to say “don’t give in to this energy,” for many were born with fear all around them and were fed fear from their care givers, unknowingly, because fear has been top dog here on this planet for so long. Each generation carries fear within them and the fear causes events to happen that seem to prove the fear as real. But the fear is truly not part of you. And this is one of the reasons you have come to Earth at this time – to dispel fear – to diffuse it – and of course you do this within your own being. There is no other way. We non-physical beings love you so much and we have said this time and again that we see you as brave and courageous ones for coming into this paradoxical place of polarity. We are here to assist you whenever you need it. Call forth the help you need to cast the fear out of your beings. This is the great challenge of the times you are in.

Joy, happiness, love, freedom, creative expansion and fun, fun, fun are what humanity is designed to experience! You are surprisingly resilient beings. Your blessed sense of humor is what helps you navigate the churning waters of despair. Laugh in the face of fear. Love in the face of fear. Cultivate your energetic connection with the nature spirits and with mother earth.

Another mission you have is to do this – to praise, honor and care for Mother Earth, your home. This brings us back to the circles. The Earth herself is a circle, the feminine energy is a circle. When you gather around the sacred fire, you do so in a circle. There are circles of people who are finding ways to live harmoniously upon the Earth. There are practical ways of doing so – collaboration, cultivation and composting – and there are energetic ways of doing so through ceremony. There is an individual task for each person. Vision yourselves living in community with one another in the timeless moment of now and feel into what your personal focus would be – are you one who cultivates the plants, or do you spin the plants into cloth? Are you one who feels the earth energies and communicates with the spirits that tell you where to plant and where to place your homes? Are you one who initiates ceremony or are you one who tells the stories that keeps the hearts of people aligned with love? Are you one who makes the music to heal and raise the vibration in the physical body or are you creator of visions to expand the imaginations of the people? Each of you has a gift to bring to the center of the circle. Vision your future into being.

We see you moving back into a way of living that looks like circles of families with all being parents to the little ones who are born into this world. This looks like tribes living together, but the difference is that the tribes will not be warring with each other for any reason. This is where the circles overlap into the elliptical vesica pisces. There will be a coming together in love and respect. There will be gatherings where the people will show each other what they have discovered – new ways of moving energy and new ways of creation will be gifted to humanity as you cultivate the responsibility of your energetic creations in the world.

This is a glimpse into the future – what you are growing and dreaming yourselves towards. This is a small part of what these times are leading up to. And it begins with casting off fear. The fear is an entity – a scary monster (we say this with humor) – that actually served a purpose on your evolutionary path but is no longer needed or welcome here. So each of you, in your own way, as you dissipate the fear within you and learn to not allow the fear to take root within you, are doing your part for the whole – the circle of humanity. And you have so much support in the physical and non-physical realms. As you do what you can to cast off fear, remember to fill yourselves with Light and love. You need to fill the places within you that were emptied of fear with the energy of delight. “Let de light shine within you!”

All are being called and accelerated to the vastness of your beings. You are being given a gift to rise up upon waves of light as you allow the untruths to be removed from your energy bodies. Surrender to the experience. A new day is dawning as you embody more and more light and move into the 4th and 5th dimensions and beyond, to one day fully live in your light body.

Reach out to one another – you are here to help each other and love one another.

Blessings, until we meet again.

Nancy Leilah Ward
The Vastness of Being

Copyright © 2010 by Nancy Ward and Smote Hill Press. All rights reserved. Permission is granted to freely redistribute this article as long as the author’s name and website www.soultransitions.com are included.

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Sunday, March 7, 2010 . Those six planes…

Channeler: Kris-Won

Greetings from Alpha Spaceship!

Those who expect quick results in our advances towards dissipating the darkness on Mother Earth, waiting for others to do all the work required to cut short the effort the dark ones make to maintain their hegemony and power over humanity, we say to them that the New Earth will not be for those who wish to have a better world while at the same time are lazy and make no effort on their part for that new world to come together and truly materialize on the physical plane. This idyllic world exists already on the astral plane, because before things materialize on the physical plane of matter, they take shape on the astral plane, and even before that on the mental plane - and before that on the causal plane, and so on. Why is that? Because the Will of God materializes first on the highest planes, which we could name the "celestial planes" where the monad resides and who is the purest Spirit of the multidimensional being, that is, man. After that, the plans of the Creator gradually descend until they are matter, as if they were crossing the layers of an onion starting from the inside and finally reaching the outermost layer, which is the densest of the seven bodies that make up the human being.

Well then, we have this advancement towards a new world and the new humanity is already a reality in the six internal bodies of man, which correspond to the six planes enveloping and including the physical plane which are, from highest to lowest density: the astral plane, the mental plane, the causal plane, the buddhic plane, the atmic plane and the monadic or divine plane. Those six planes are already living that luminous and resplendent new reality, which must also come to materialize on the physical plane or the outermost layer of the "onion", following this simile.

For the lifting of your three-dimensional physical/material reality, it is necessary for the indigenous human being of the planet to intervene, who has been called to raise his/her vibration to move onto a higher, new density. Otherwise, we who have come to visit you from outer space to help lift you to a new dimension, would be violating your "free will." It is not possible for us alone to propel your quantic leap. Your cooperation is necessary also, which we have from some of you (all of those who have volunteered, they know who they are and in which way they can partake in this task of lifting humanity). However, there are still many amongst you who had been called to help us lift humanity from their "sleep" state and into their new awakening stage but they continue to be distracted in the world of dense matter. Even though many of them believe in the existence of older brothers from other worlds, they remain "asleep" playing with the toys of the phenomenal and misleading world of matter, and keep on playing the game with the dark ones without supporting us, we who have come precisely to save you from the clutches of these regressive and speculative forces.

What they do is so illogical and foolish, like a child insisting on playing with other children who do not want to go to school in spite of the fact that its mother and father sent the child to school to learn what it will need to become a cultured and refined person and assist in some way society. But that child has older brothers who know it has not done its task of learning, and so they go to that place where the child is playing with those other children who do not want to learn, rescuing it from its ignorance and explaining to the child that the best thing it could learn from life to become an ideal and useful citizen is to go to school and follow the indications of their mother and father, for the child's parents are the same as those of its older brothers.

Humanity living at this time on the surface of the Earth is like that child, and it must now decide whether to keep on "playing" or if it prefers to make the decision and follow the advice given by its older brothers, and to follow the loving and wise indications of its mother and father who only watch over their child so that it grows and is educated in the correct path.

Many of you get demoralized because you claim not to know how to contribute to overcoming the current situation you are living in and to be able to get out of the chaotic situation the world finds itself in. In order for a person to be able to heal, it is necessary that before the healing takes place this person must go through a stage where the symptoms get worse and there is a "peak" point with more pain and more suffering before the organism returns to its natural state, that of not being sick. That is why you must be patient and wait until Gaia, who is also a living organism going through that same crisis before "healing", reaches her optimal state of health after liberating herself from the viruses and bacteria that had undermined her health. Do not despair, for the celestial doctor has already prescribed the necessary medication for her body to recover and become healthy and strong.

Do not stress yourselves thinking that you have to contribute to the planetary healing, which is undergoing huge rescue actions; it is not asked of you to do great deeds to achieve human Ascension. You only have to sit down and go within to connect internally with the Divine Plan, and you yourselves without outside help will be able to know how you can cooperate with us to manifest the New Earth. Doing something simple would be enough, because if one and another and another of the humans who are awakening cooperates in a small way, no matter how small it is, we will reach our objective of definitively taking away power from the dark forces who have dominated you for so long. They will not be able to continue deceiving the human beings who inhabit this planet in much greater numbers than them, for they represent only a handful of humans in comparison to the world population.

Continue following us through the multiple channels that we use to get to you our information. Follow our advice, do not stop reading our messages and cooperate in the way you feel from within is right for you and through which you can contribute to bring about this new stage that planet Earth and all the beings who inhabit her will live.

Peace and Love

Channeler: Kris-Won
Source: Commander Sohin of Alpha Spaceship
Translator: Gloria

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THE WONDER OF IT ALL – Part 1 of 2


I don’t know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody. – Bill Cosby

THE WONDER OF IT ALL – Part 1 of 2

by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles

This is the most difficult article I have ever written, simply because words cannot adequately express the wonder of what has taken place. Since the beginning of this year, the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth have been saying that 2009 is a turning point. They said it will be the year that is referred to throughout the Ages as the Cosmic Moment when the collective masses of Humanity changed our course of direction and reclaimed our Divine Birthright as Beloved Sons and Daughters of God. Even though Lightworkers around the world heard those words, I do not believe anyone grasped the magnitude of just what they meant.

What I am going to share with you now is known through your I AM Presence and is recorded within the deepest recesses of your heart. This is not something new that you are learning through this article. This is something that you personally experienced through the Presence of God pulsating in your Heart Flame. Ask your I AM Presence to help you remember on a conscious level the glory of this event. Allow the Flame of Truth within your heart to reveal to you the miracle that has transpired.

<p>For clarity, the Company of Heaven asked me to reiterate a little of the information that they have shared with Humanity in the past. Their intent is to help all of us understand the groundwork that was laid in preparation for this moment. As you read these words, please ask your I AM Presence to help you &quot;see with new eyes and hear with new ears.&quot; This glorious occurrence has been a work in progress for millennia.</p> <p>At the beginning of the Piscean Age, a little over 2,000 years ago, our Father-Mother God observed the progress of their Sons and Daughters evolving on Earth. This evaluation allowed them to determine what the greatest need of the hour was for our spiritual growth and what our next learning experience should be in order to accomplish that goal. This type of evaluation occurs at the dawn of each New Age. It is a natural part of the evolutionary process in this Earthly school of learning. </p> <p>Our God Parents knew that their precious Children abiding on Earth had truly lost our way. We were buried in the illusion of separation, and we had forgotten that we are Divine Sons and Daughters of God. We were no longer conscious of the reality that all our Father-Mother God have is ours. </p> <p>Humanity was experiencing the oppressive grip of unbearable pain and suffering. This was caused by our free will choices and the misuse of our creative faculties of thought and feeling, which occurred as a result of our fall from Grace aeons ago. In the throes of our misery, we came to the erroneous conclusion that we are worthless sinners and worms in the dust. Since we become who we believe we are, this self-destructive belief was catapulting us into the depths of darkness and despair. It was clear that in order to reverse Humanity's downward spiral into oblivion, we needed to remember the Truth about who we are and to reclaim our Divine Potential.</p> <p>A Divine Plan was set into motion, and a Beloved Son of God was summoned from the Great Silence. This precious Being is the one we know as Jesus, the Christ. Jesus volunteered to embody on Planet Earth to demonstrate to the Children of God evolving here the Truth of our own Divinity. He was chosen to anchor, through his example, the archetype for Humanity's return to Christ Consciousness. A critical facet of his Divine Mission was to model the path of Oneness and Divine Love, which is the only way Home to the Heart of God.</p> <p>During what is referred to as &quot;the lost 18 years,&quot; Jesus studied in the mystery schools of India, Tibet, and Egypt. At the age of 30, when it was time for him to begin his mission of anchoring the archetype for Humanity's return to Christ Consciousness, he demonstrated for all the world to see the imperative first step- the return of the Divine Feminine, our Mother God, the Holy Spirit.</p> <p>The Divine Intelligence we refer to as God is a radiant forcefield of pure Light that encompasses every particle and wave of Life in the whole of Creation. God is omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent. God is the Alpha-I-and the Omega-AM-the beginning and the ending-the Cosmic I AM. God is All That Is. </p> <p>This Divine Intelligence pulsates with a masculine polarity and a feminine polarity. The masculine polarity is our Father God. This aspect of God radiates forth a sapphire blue frequency of Light that infuses all Creation with Divine Will, Power, and Authority. The feminine polarity is our Mother God. This aspect of God radiates forth a crystalline pink frequency of Light that infuses all Creation with Divine Love, Adoration, and Reverence for All Life. The activity of our Father God is the Outbreath of Creation. The activity of our Mother God is the Inbreath of Creation. </p> <p>When they are in perfect balance, the sapphire blue frequency of our Father God and the crystalline pink frequency of our Mother God merge into an unfathomable frequency of Divine Light. This balanced pulsation of our Father-Mother God is the Sacred Fire, known through all Creation, as the Violet Flame of God's Infinite Perfection. </p> <p>In the beginning the sapphire blue Flame of our Father God activated our left-brain hemispheres and the power center within our Throat Chakras. The crystalline pink Flame of our Mother God activated our right-brain hemispheres and the love center within our Heart Chakras. When these two Sacred Fires merge within us in perfect balance, the resulting Violet Flame activates our spiritual brain centers. </p> <p>These centers consist of our pituitary, pineal, and hypothalamus glands, and the ganglionic centers at the base of our brains. When these spiritual centers are fully activated, our Crown Chakras of enlightenment open to full breadth. The Sacred Fire associated with our Crown Chakras is the yellow-gold Flame of Wisdom or Christ Consciousness. Only when the masculine and feminine polarities of our Father-Mother God are balanced within us and our Crown Chakras are fully open, can we attain our Divine Potential as Sons and Daughters of God.</p> <p>These three Flames: the blue Flame of Power, the pink Flame of Love, and the gold Flame of Wisdom are secured within the Divinity of every person's heart. They form what is known as our Immortal Victorious Threefold Flames. These Flames were clearly seen pulsating within the heart of Jesus. That is why the Sacred Heart of Jesus is depicted with a Flame blazing within its center. </p> <p>Our Immortal Victorious Threefold Flames represent the true meaning of the Holy Trinity: the blue Flame of our Father God's Power, the pink Flame of our Mother God's Love-the Holy Spirit, and the gold Flame of the Son or Daughter of God's Wisdom-the Christ.</p> <p>The most tragic facet of Humanity's fall from Grace is that when we began using our thoughts, words, feelings, and actions to create patterns of imperfection that resulted in pain and suffering, we closed our Heart Chakras so that we would not feel pain so intensely. This horrific event blocked the portal through which the Divine Love of our Mother God, the Holy Spirit, entered the physical plane. </p> <p>This event forced our Mother God to withdraw her love to a mere trickle of its original influence in our lives. This imbalance caused the hemisphere of our right brains to atrophy, which in turn caused our spiritual brain centers to deactivate and our Crown Chakras to close. We lost Christ Consciousness and the awareness that we are Divine Sons and Daughters of God. We also lost the awareness of our Mother God. </p> <p>In desperation, we clung to a distorted perception of the Holy Spirit. We knew it was the Holy Comforter and the Love Nature of God, but because we no longer knew the Truth of the existence of our Mother God, we thought of the Holy Spirit as a masculine aspect of our Father God. For the first time, we began using our masculine power without the balance of our feminine love. This caused us to become aggressive, warlike, and domineering when we were in masculine bodies, and it caused us to suppress our power by allowing ourselves to be oppressed and dominated when we were in female bodies. We can observe the dire results of this extreme imbalance to this very day.</p> <p>The reversal of this tragic situation, which involved the anchoring of the archetype for the return of our Mother God, was the imperative first step of Jesus' Divine Mission. At the age of 30, Beloved Jesus came to the banks of the Jordan River and immersed himself in the sacred water element. Water represents the emotional strata for the Earth as well as the emotional bodies for Humanity. </p> <p>Once he was in the water, Jesus participated in a Divine Ceremony through which he anchored the archetype for the return of our Mother God, on behalf of all Humanity. In that ceremony, John the Baptist symbolically washed away the sins of the world by Baptizing Jesus with the Love of our Mother God-the Holy Spirit. </p> <p>We have all seen pictures of Jesus standing in the Jordan River with the Dove of the Holy Spirit descending into his Crown Chakra. In that moment, Jesus' right-brain hemisphere was brought into perfect balance with his left-brain hemisphere. His spiritual brain centers were activated, and his Crown Chakra was opened to full breadth. When this occurred, Jesus became the Christ grown to full stature, and his mission of modeling Humanity's Divine Potential as Beloved Children of God began in earnest. </p> <p>For the next three years, Jesus modeled the path of Oneness and Divine Love that each of us must follow in order to reclaim our Divine Birthright as Sons and Daughters of God. The path of Oneness and Divine Love is the only way the Children of God will return to the Heart of our Father and Mother. Jesus demonstrated our Divine Potential through the various miracles he performed, and clearly revealed the Oneness of Life through his dedication and reverence for ALL Life.</p> <p>Much of Jesus' mission has been misunderstood. He did not come to establish a new religion. He came to remind every man, woman, child that we are Divine Children of God. His mission was to demonstrate this Truth by the way he lived his life. Many believe that Jesus alone is the Divine Child of God, the only begotten Son. They believe that he came to do everything for us because we are such lost and depraved souls. They have the misconception that if we just speak the words that affirm that we accept Jesus as our personal savior he will save us. This distorted belief is based in Humanity's deeply ingrained feelings of unworthiness, but it is certainly not what Beloved Jesus taught us. </p> <p>Jesus' message was that the Divinity within each of us-the Christ-is the true Child of God, the only begotten Son or Daughter. He said throughout his ministry, &quot;These things I do you shall do, and even greater things than these shall you do.&quot; </p> <p>There are some other statements in the Bible that also reflect this Truth:</p> <p>And Jesus answered them, &quot;Is it not written in your law, I said, 'YE ARE GODS'?&quot;</p> <p>&quot;YE ARE GODS, and all of you are Children of the Most High.&quot;</p> <p>And from Romans 8: 14-17, &quot;For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the Sons of God-the Spirit itself beareth witness with our Spirit that we are the Children of God; and if Children, then heirs, heirs of God, JOINT HEIRS WITH CHRIST.&quot;</p> <p>At the age of 33, Jesus accomplished the final facets of his Divine Mission. Thirty-three is the master number that reflects the Christ made manifest. There is a lot of discussion at this time as to whether Jesus was actually crucified and whether or not he resurrected his body. The Company of Heaven has confirmed that both of these events were vitally important to the fulfillment of Jesus' Divine Plan. </p> <p>Contrary to the guilt-inducing things we are often told, Jesus was not tortured and crucified in order to atone for Humanity's sins. This concept comes from the belief that we are worthless sinners and that we are so lowly someone outside of ourselves must save us. This belief perpetuates the notion that we are incapable of saving ourselves, but nothing could be further from the Truth. In fact, our Father-Mother God gave each of us the gift of free will and NO ONE is allowed to do this for us. </p> <p>We lost the awareness of our own Divinity through our free will choices and the misuse of our creative faculties of thought and feeling. Consequently, the only way we will return to Christ Consciousness is through our own endeavors, and by following the path of Oneness and Divine Love that Jesus demonstrated for us.&#160; </p> <p>Jesus agreed to be crucified in order to prove to the world that there is nothing the fallen human ego can do that will destroy the Divinity within us. His crucifixion and resurrection proved that even if one's physical body is abused, tortured, and crucified, the Christ within is eternal and lives on in our Light Body.</p> <p>It is said that Jesus forgave the sins of the world, and in a way he did. When Jesus was hanging on the cross a Centurion pierced his side with a sword. His intent was to accelerate Jesus' death, and put him out of his misery. As his blood and Lifeforce flowed onto the Earth Jesus said, &quot;Forgive them Father, for they know not what they do.&quot; In that instant, through the Grace of God, our Father-Mother God allowed the Law of Forgiveness to be initiated for the first time as the order of the New Day on Earth. </p> <p>Prior to that moment, the Children of God were subject solely to the Law of Karma or the Law of Cause and Effect. After the Law of Forgiveness was established on Earth, we had another option. Humanity could ask for forgiveness for the misuse of our precious gift of Life and be forgiven. We are still subject to the Law of Cause and Effect, but now when we recognize the error of our ways we can ask for forgiveness. This allows us to be forgiven without having to personally experience everything we deliberately or inadvertently created through the misuse of our thoughts, words, feelings, and actions.&#160; </p> <p>It is important for us to understand that we are not forgiven just because Jesus was here, as some believe. We are forgiven if we recognize our mistakes, ask for forgiveness, and change our behavior patterns. </p> <p>After Jesus' crucifixion and his resurrection into his Light Body, he had one more very important Truth to reveal to Humanity. It was obvious that the Children of God had been beaten down into a consciousness of unworthiness. Jesus realized that because of this low opinion of ourselves the chances were great that we would misunderstand the example he modeled for us, the example which we must each follow if we are to return to Christ Consciousness. Jesus knew that our lack of trust in ourselves was overwhelming. The potential was great that we would misconstrue his mission by believing that he had saved us, and that he had done for us the very things he came to demonstrate that we must do for ourselves.</p> <p>So the final facet of Beloved Jesus' mission was to clearly reveal to Humanity that he cannot do this for us, and that we are not saved simply because he was here. Jesus left an example to prove that no matter how dedicated we are to him and his teachings, we are each responsible for our return to Christ Consciousness. In order to accomplish this facet of the Divine Plan, Jesus invoked the assistance of his Beloved Disciples. </p> <p>After Jesus' resurrection, he remained on Earth for 40 days. During that time, he demonstrated to the Disciples what it was like to experience Christ Consciousness. Jesus expanded his Light Body and lifted the Disciples up in consciousness, so that they could know what it was like to become the Christ.</p> <p>In this elevated state, the Disciples remembered their Divine Heritage as Beloved Children of God, and they were able to perform all of the miracles Jesus performed. They quickly learned the lessons that would enable them to continue the mission that had been started by their Beloved Brother. They prepared to spread the Truth of Humanity's Divinity, and to teach the path of Oneness and Divine Love that would lead to Christ Consciousness for every evolving soul.</p> <p>At the end of the 40 days, it was time for Jesus to Ascend into the next phase of his mission. When the Heavens opened and Jesus Ascended into the Realms of Illumined Truth, it was no longer possible for him to sustain the Disciples in the elevated frequency of Christ Consciousness. </p> <p>Since the Disciples had not attained Christ Consciousness through their own endeavors, once Jesus withdrew his Light Body they began to falter and become afraid. The Disciples realized that in spite of their great love for Jesus and their dedication to him and his mission, he could not save them or sustain them in Christ Consciousness. This was something each of them would have to accomplish on his own. The most Jesus could do was anchor the archetypes for Humanity's return to Christ Consciousness and demonstrate the path of Oneness and Divine Love that we must each follow.</p> <p>For ten days the Disciples struggled with their predicament. On the 50th day after Jesus' resurrection, the day we now call Pentecost, the Disciples realized what they must do in order to attain and sustain Christ Consciousness. </p> <p>On that day, the Disciples entered what was called the &quot;Upper Room.&quot; This, in fact, was a higher state of consciousness that they each attained by consecrating their lives to the path of Oneness and Divine Love. In that elevated state of consciousness each of the Disciples opened his heart and from the depths of his Being invoked the return of our Mother God through a Baptism of the Holy Spirit. This time, the Baptism was by Sacred Fire instead of water. </p> <p>In that instant, the Disciple's right-brain hemispheres were brought into perfect balance with their left-brain hemispheres. Their spiritual brain centers were activated, and their Crown Chakras were opened to full breadth. We have all seen depictions of the Disciples after their Baptism by the Holy Spirit on Pentecost. They are shown with a Flame pulsating from their Crown Chakras reflecting that they had regained Christ Consciousness, and that their mission of spreading Jesus' teachings to the world was at hand. </p> <p>On that holy day of Pentecost, the Disciples were given what has been called &quot;the gift of tongues.&quot; This is another aspect of the Piscean Age that has often been misunderstood. The gift of tongues did not mean that the Holy Spirit would speak through the Disciples in unintelligible syllables and sounds for someone to try and decipher. The gift of tongues gave the Disciples the ability to travel the face of the Earth and to teach the Truth of Humanity's Divinity and the path of Oneness and Divine Love to the peoples of the world in their own language. This eliminated the problem of language barriers and ensured the clarity of Jesus' message.</p> <p>Even with all of the groundwork that was carefully laid during the Piscean Age, Jesus knew that it would be millennia before Humanity would really understand his message and reclaim our Divine Birthright as Beloved Children of God. He confirmed this knowing in Revelations when he stated, &quot;In the Day of the Seventh Angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God will be fulfilled and time will be no more.&quot; He said this would involve the Second Coming of the Christ.</p> <p>The predominant influence flooding the planet during the 2,000 years of the Piscean Age was the Sixth Solar Aspect of Deity. This Sacred Fire is ruby-gold and it reflects the Divine Qualities of Peace, Healing, Devotional Worship, Ministering Grace, the Christ working through the personality, and the Divine Image embodied in flesh. These influences were the perfect support that Jesus needed in order to accomplish his Divine Mission. </p> <p>The Piscean Age was the Day of the Sixth Angel. Jesus is known as the Prince of Peace because of these influences, and his symbol is the fish because he was the Avatar of the Piscean Age, which is represented by the fish.</p> <p>Now we fast forward to the Day of the Seventh Angel, who is beginning to sound. This Angel is heralding the Dawn of the New Age of Aquarius.</p> <p>There is a lot of misinformation about the term New Age. Let me briefly share with you what a New Age really is. It is not a new religion, a movement, a philosophy, or the work of the devil as some are professing. The Dawn of a New Age is nothing more than a span of time. </p> <p>As our Earth revolves on her axis every 24 hours, we experience a new day. As she orbits around the Sun every 365 and 1/4 days, we experience a new year. On this orbit around the Sun the Earth passes through the forcefields of the 12 natural constellations, which form our zodiac. During this annual orbit, the Earth and all Life evolving upon her are held in the Light and influence of these constellations for 28 to 31 days. These are our familiar Sun cycles, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, et cetera.</p> <p>In addition to these very obvious time frames, the Earth is part of a much larger celestial event that is called the Precession of the Equinox. This rotation of the Earth's axis creates a counterclockwise movement through the 12 constellations in our Solar System. This slow rotation of Earth's axis takes between 24,000 and 26,000 years to complete. The Earth's movement is measured at the point where the Sun passes the equator on the Vernal Equinox. This point moves about 52 seconds per year, so it takes about 70 years for the Earth to move one degree. During this rotation the Earth is held in the embrace of each constellation for approximately 30 degrees, or 2,000 plus years. These 2,000-year cycles are what we refer to as the various Ages.&#160;&#160; </p> <p>The Dawn of a New Age is a period of time that lasts between 150 and 300 years. It is a window of opportunity during the Precession of the Equinox when the energies of the Age we are leaving begin to ebb, and the energies of the constellation that we are moving into have not yet taken hold. It is during this lull of energy that our Father-Mother God evaluate the progress of their Children and determine the greatest need of the hour for our spiritual growth. </p> <p>Since the latter part of the 1800's, we have been experiencing the Dawn of the New Age of Aquarius. The predominant influence for all Life on Earth during this 2,000-year cycle is the Seventh Solar Aspect of Deity. This Sacred Fire is the Violet Flame, which reflects the perfect balance of the polarities of our Father-Mother God. It also reverberates with the Divine Qualities of God's Infinite Perfection, Mercy, Compassion, Forgiveness, Transmutation, Liberty, Justice, the Power of Invocation, Divine Ceremony, and Victory. </p> <p>It is because of the astronomical power and might contained within the frequencies of the Violet Flame that Beloved Jesus knew that in the Day of the Seventh Angel Humanity would at long last regain Christ Consciousness. This is what Jesus was referring to when he spoke of the Second Coming of the Christ and the mystery of God being fulfilled. </p> <p>He was revealing the time when the Sons and Daughters of God evolving on Earth would reverse the adverse affects of our fall from Grace. This would be the time when Humanity would consecrate our lives to the path of Oneness and Divine Love by opening our Heart Chakras, invoking the return of our Mother God, and receiving a Baptism of the Holy Spirit by Sacred Fire. This would be the time when the Sons and Daughters of God would reclaim our Divine Potential and become the Christ grown to full stature-the time when we would accept our true reality as the only begotten Sons and Daughters of God.</p> <p>Because of Humanity's feelings of unworthiness, many people believe it is blasphemous to think that anyone but Jesus could become the Christ, but in Truth Jesus came to reveal to us that every Child of God has the Divine Potential of becoming the Christ. This does not mean that everyone will be just like Jesus. Every Child of God is unique. We will each have our own individual way of living and expressing our Divine Potential as the Christ.</p> <p>For over 100 years, the Violet Flame has been building in momentum on this planet. This caused a gradual awakening to take place within the hearts and minds of spiritually orientated people all over the world. Then on August 15th, 16th, and 17th, in 1987, we experienced a global phenomenon that was referred to as Harmonic Convergence. This event involved an influx of Divine Light that caused a quantum shift of energy, vibration, and consciousness for every particle of Life evolving on this sweet Earth. </p> <p>Since that Cosmic Moment, the Earth has been moving up the spiral of evolution at warp speed. This has inspired myriad activities of Light, which have involved the unified efforts of embodied Lightworkers and the entire Company of Heaven. These events have accelerated the awakening of people who are seeking Truth, and those who are looking for answers that will reveal their true purpose and reason for being. These activities of Light have resulted in miracles beyond the greatest expectations of Heaven, and they have catapulted Humanity toward the fulfillment of our Divine Destiny. </p> <p>Now it is time for the next step; it is time for Humanity en masse to awaken to the Truth of who we are and why we are here. It is time for every Child of God to reclaim our Divine Birthright, and to regain Christ Consciousness. It is time for the Second Coming of the Christ.</p> <p>In 2008, we reached a critical mass of Light on this planet that allowed the patterns of perfection for the New Earth to be anchored in the physical plane. This event took place during the 21st anniversary of Harmonic Convergence. Once the patterns of perfection for the New Earth were securely anchored, the I AM Presence of every man, woman, and child on Earth was given permission by our Father-Mother God to expand our Immortal Victorious Threefold Flames.</p> <p>When the expansion of the Divinity in every heart was God Victoriously accomplished, our Father-Mother God granted a Cosmic Dispensation designed to help even the most recalcitrant souls remember their Divinity and the path of Oneness and Divine Love that would lead to Christ Consciousness. This extremely rare dispensation gave the I AM Presence of every person on Earth permission to intervene in our awakening process in an unprecedented way. </p> <p>Our God Parents determined that the greatest need of the hour was for the Children of God to remember our Divinity and the Oneness of ALL Life. To assist us with this critical facet of our awakening process, a plan was set into motion. Our Father-Mother God issued a Divine Fiat requiring that the Temple of the First Initiation in the Heavenly Realms be open to all Humanity for a 12-month period in order to accelerate our illumination and enlightenment. Beginning in August 2008, and continuing through the 22nd anniversary of Harmonic Convergence in August 2009, our I AM Presence was allowed to escort us, in our finer bodies while we slept at night, into the Temple of the First Initiation. </p> <p>There is no such thing as our soul being unconscious, so we always leave our bodies when we sleep. But this time it was different. This time, the I AM Presence of every man, woman, and child had a special mission. For this 12-month cycle, we were all escorted into the Temple of the First Initiation where we were taught the process for returning to Christ Consciousness. The First Initiation is the initiation of Oneness and Reverence for ALL Life. It is the path that Jesus modeled for us during the Piscean Age. He did so in preparation for this very moment.</p> <p>This rare dispensation was granted to Humanity's I AM Presence by our Father-Mother God because of the urgency of the hour. Due to the miracles that have taken place over the past two decades, every Child of God evolving on Earth has, at inner levels, made the choice to do what is necessary to move forward into the 5th Dimension. The problem is that there are many people who do not realize on a conscious level that they have made this choice. Consequently, as the human miscreations they have deliberately or inadvertently created throughout their Earthly sojourns are pushed to the surface to be transmuted into Light, they are becoming afraid and overwhelmed. </p> <p>The intent of the Cosmic Dispensation granted by our Father-Mother God is to help with this situation. When we attain Christ Consciousness, we &quot;see with new eyes, and hear with new ears.&quot; From this higher perspective, we are able to recognize new solutions to the maladies existing all around us, and we understand the importance of handling life's challenges from a consciousness of Oneness and Reverence for ALL Life. Our Father-Mother God knew of the opportunities that would be presented to Humanity in 2009, and they allowed this final step of preparation in order to help the masses of Humanity take a quantum leap into the Light.</p> <p><font size="3" face="Arial"><strong><em>CONTINUED ON Part 2 of 2 - THE WONDER OF IT ALL</em></strong></font> </p> </font> <p>Patricia Diane Cota-Robles</p> <p>New Age Study of Humanity's Purpose</p> <p>a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit educational organization</p> <p>Website: <a href="http://eraofpeace.org/">http://eraofpeace.org</a></p> <p>FAX: 520-751-2981; </p> <p>Phone: 520-885-7909</p> <p>New Age Study of Humanity's Purpose</p> <p>PO Box 41883, </p> <p>Tucson, Arizona 85717</p> <p>This article is copyrighted, but you have my permission to share it through any medium as long as the content is not changed and the proper credit line is included.</p> <p>©2009 Patricia Diane Cota-Robles</p> <p>The information in this monthly sharing is being given to Humanity by the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth. The Divine Intent of these celestial sharings is to encourage, empower, uplift and inspire Humanity by allowing us to see the bigger picture during these wondrous but often challenging times. </p> <p>&#160;</p> <a href="http://www.1and1.com/?affiliate_id=6616" target="_blank"><img style="border-width:0;" src="https://www.1and1affiliate.com/uploads/pics/468x60_01.gif?aid=6616" /></a>

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Ag-agria – 01 September 2008

For those of you who are abreast with the news of what is happening in the world, it is no surprise to find that it’s collapse is far reaching. However, what is becoming apparent, is the powerful energy generated by the people who are seeking changes that will move them onto a new level of being. The old ways are suddenly being seen as inadequate and unfulfilling, and unable to deliver what people desire. There is tiredness amongst you from being repeatedly embroiled in issues of war and confrontation. It is no longer acceptable, and your patience with your authorities is running out. You have realized that life should provide you with much satisfaction and would do so, as long as you were not having to consistently fight for acknowledgment of your entitlement to a happy and joyful life.

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