Tag: depending (page 3 of 4)

It’s July! Here are the Keys to Your New Porsche

a message from Archangel Michael channeled by Meredith Murphy

Thursday, 1 July, 2010  (posted 4 July, 2010)

Clearing away anything which does not fit with your “future” incarnation...

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Dad, what’s a Transpiracy?

They never did ask me (yet), but both my little mistresses (no hanky-panky implied or expressed) could have asked me at any one time. On the way home from getting Laura a little graduation surprise, which I won't divulge here in case she's watching, I figured out the proper answer to this deep question for you all to wrap your infinite minds around. Shouldn't be hard.....

Well, lovely, you know conspiracies right? I mean, you've been around me long enough to see a lot of them being mentioned, both on-site and in real life. Con-spiracies are spirals if you let them, and depending on whether you flee from them, fight them, fear them or disregard them, they are either downward spirals, inward spirals, outward spirals or upward spirals (not necessarily in that order). Heck, because Conspiracies may be either negative or positive, you could even love them, but they'd still elude you by either presenting no end or a dead end.

Spirals are very often used in crop circles, and it is thought they convey a message. I guess we just didn't listen intently enough, so they (yes, the elusive 'they') sent us this Norway Spiral last year, for All to see. And guess what? I think I finally 'get it'.....

Because what is the obvious end of a spiral? For a flat spiral, that is either the middle, or the end. And actually not even the end, if your sheet of paper is large enough (Can you say Infinite?). And then there are always the coil-like spirals, the serpents. That coil-like bouncing serpent used to be Q-Bert's most feared enemy back when I was a kid in the Arcades. Coil-like spirals require 3D space, but have the added advantage that they can be infinite in a confined space. Just circle them around your little finger, and weld the ends together with a bit of crazy glue, to form a spiral toroid. Clever eh?

But if you can weld them to themselves, just imagine what you could achieve welding them together...  Now that, my pretty, is a Transpiracy! Because no matter which Conspiracy you defeat in what way, they are All intricately connected, into the One Consciousness. Escape one conspiracy, escape them all even, but you'll still be connected to the conspiracy that is YOU! You, the One Consciousness! You can only escape your own conspiracy by turning it into a transpiracy, but then again you have the same escape mechanisms to get over the Transpiracies: inward, outward, fleeing, sideways or head-on! and of course downward and upward, but they're all Spirals! Just one big rollercoaster!

Now you of course did not ask me for this answer. You probably just misspronounced Transparency. Well, that's the next stage: the moment you've experienced enough to see both the Conspiracies and the Transpiracies and all the other piracies for what they are, you reach clear vision all across the Cosmos. And that, my dear, is called Transparency!

Mental exercise: try visualising the above fractal in 3D.....  

Have Fun!


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Tom T. Moore – the Gentle Way II

Since this great self help book gave me an essential ingredient for the story in my very own novel, I figure I owe Tom the space on Moorelife to at least tell us about his beautiful creation. And besides, don't Moore's have a place on Moorelife by association?  I'll post the story he's mentioning as a separate post after this.

Love Life...


I'm Tom T. Moore, author of THE GENTLE WAY: A Self-Help Guide For Those Who Believe in Angels and my just published THE GENTLE WAY II: The Story Continues.  Hopefully, if you review books you received a review copy of this one. 
I have a new article for you--my first one in several months, as I was busy finishing the book and working on my next three.  The title is JUNIOR CREATORS IN TRAINING.  I have two sizes--1,050 words and 600 words depending upon your space limitations.
You can go to my press website www.Media.TheGentleWayBook.com, and click on my Photo Gallery for images of my books and of me to choose, should you wish. 
My first book is STILL often in the top 25 Angel books on Amazon.com, even though it was published in 2006!  That's due to word of mouth, as requesting Benevolent Outcomes is going world wide.  My first book will be out in the fall in both Germany and Greece. 
Please let me know if you use the article, or if you need a review copy of the second book. 
Expect Great Things!


Tom T. Moore
7000 Independence Parkway
Suite 160-7
Plano, TX 75025
Tel. 214-521-3301
Fax 214-522-3448
Email: TomTMoore6@aol.com
Website: www.TheGentleWayBook.com

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Are you a nitpicker?

After a good half a days work on my manuscript, I figured I'd had enough of it for the moment. So I crashed on the couch, and went to watch Iron Man, which came out in 2008. Not because of Gwyneth Paltrow who is quite beautiful but just not my type, but more because of Tony Stark, played by Robert Downey Jr. Basically, because he is me....

Yes, I could totally dig being Tony, except for a few rough edges that Sander doesn't really have anymore. But the totally abundant does-as-he-pleases single guy could very well be in my future, and not give me any uneasiness if it did come true!

But this is not a movie review, at least not of any particular movie. It is more a view on moviewatching in particular, and how different people do it differently. We probably all are somewhat annoyed if in a movieviewing audience, there is this guy that constantly keeps telling you what went wrong in the making of this movie, don't we? And yet, there is an entire group of Earthlings on this very planet that have exactly that as a hobby: http://nitpickers.com/

They spend whole evening, watching every movie they can get their hands on, and diligently report their findings on the Internet. I don't think there is one movie that has received zero nitpicks, because that is what they call them. It is defined as any situation that defies believability, or in other words any deviation that places itself outside of consensus reality. Are you one of these guys too? I am! I actually in my past entered a few nitpicks, but the novelty of it wore off quickly, because they're just grubby little details, and I'm a Big Guy, aiming for the Big Connections. And just now, while doing the slicing and peeling for dinner, I came across a beauty!

Nitpickers are considered weird by many, yet we all from time to time do it. But it is what you do with your nitpicks that makes all the difference: observing them and immediately loudly alerting everyone to them usually does not promote a friendly reaction. Hence everybodies revoltion regarding the loud guy in the crowd. But let's look at a nitpick up close: if you find one, what have you found? Have you found a fact that diminishes the believability of the movie, or have you found an exception that points at a missing piece of the puzzle you call your Reality? Basically, if movies had no nitpicks, the following hierarchy would have to exist:

  • Movie Reality: that which the movie claims to represent
  • Consensus Reality: the world we agree on is real.....
  • Internal Reality: the world any individual holds to be possible.
  • Reality: the All that is, encompassing all.

Now the order of these four may vary, because depending on the genre, Movie Reality may be inside or outside Consensus Reality. And depending on the audience, it may even be outside their Internal Reality. But we can be sure of one thing: none of the other three lie outside Reality!

Now a nitpick happens when movie reality pierces the reality that it is supposed to be inside of. If that happens, you can either yell that you don't believe the movie, you don't believe that one fact, or you can refrain from such gut reactions and take a look at what is happening. 

If the movie shows something that does not fit the picture you want it to conform to, you have two obvious choices: you can either disregard the part that sticks out, or you can deduce that if the movie did it, then the reality in which you think it belonged was probably not yet fully complete. In that last case you may be led on a path to discover some new 'rule' to your Internal Reality, that would explain away the nitpick. And that, my friends, is a lovely path to be on, for it is usually loaded with syncs....

Love your Light, 


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Adventures of the New Human

Iterations of Release and Giving Over Authority to the Soul

My beloved ones,

Many of you are experiencing enormous cycles of letting go. 

This includes the past re-surfacing to be healed and released.  The present being shifted into a more perfect alignment as you let go and let yourself re-orient to your own natural frequency and functional focus.  The future being shifted as the dreams and intentions you held based on what you would term a “prior” self felt appropriate and delightful are recalibrated to support your increasingly clear sense of function.  As you more and more spend time knowing yourself as unified consciousness, as you try on and get used to the power of wearing the wings of the New Human, as you spend more time with your physical, emotional, mental and spirit bodies in unity, oriented from the heart chakra, more and more--the soul IS the navigational system for your journey and this changes everything!

With an increase in your vibration, comes an increase in speed of experience and manifestation and your point of view is expanded. 

If you are able to trust in yourself, you will naturally orient to these shifts simultaneously and thereby have an understanding of what transpires in your life, what shifts and creates space, what is being magnetized and drawn to you to support the fulfillment of your function—you will be able to feel and know all of this as one unified vector moving in alignment with the everything.

When, however, you doubt yourself—and depending on where this occurs—you may find your mental or emotional bodies out of alignment with your entire Lightbody and this creates much confusion, disorientation and a sense of loss.

Your Soul knows your function.  It blends in at the appropriate levels to fulfill your role in the process of dimensional ascension.  All-That-Is or Spirit knows itself as one-ness and in this orientation; it does nothing, it simply IS.  Spirit also performs certain functions—as the Archangel Michael for example.  The portion of Spirit performing the functional of the Archangel Michael changes all the time—yet this energy understands the function of the Archangel Michael and retains the appearance of consistency and continuity.

The same is true of you in your various incarnations of Spirit.  You, in your various reincarnational existences (physical and non-physical) co-occur.  In the gestalt of “YOU,” you recognize the “progress of your functional expression” and feel a sense of gratitude comparing “later” circumstances to “earlier” circumstances. 

The people you have been and are, are like the childhood you remember—part of you entirely, and yet also having gone their own way.  Pursued different expressions and yet all interconnected.  You experience, unconsciously of course, the collective unfolding of all of these aspects of yourself, as well as the unified expansive perspective of All-That-Is, which guides and informs your functional role in each point of focus continually.

The immediate sharing of all of this information, and the way in which it is known, understood, integrated and shapes your sense of focus and desire is beyond comprehension in your current vessel.  Simply know that it exists and it is always connected to what IS; and as such, timely, relevant knowledge about your own experience is fully available to you.  You only need to ask and to learn to listen to yourself and to cultivate the way in which this communication works best for you.

For example—Meredith has been asked by many experiencing break-ups of existing relationships to comment on this seeming “trend”…

Knowing as you do, that all is shifting in to alignment, the read on breakups is an easy-one; the functions are no longer aligned.  The vibrations are no longer in sync.  The shared purpose has dissipated and/or the individuals involved have shifted to a new focus as a result of their own growth and no longer is the functional overlap present which made the relationship so primary in the experience.

The more one grows and expands the more continual adjustments relationships must go through.  For some this ongoing stimulus and realignment is refreshing and exhilarating; to feel oneself in a never ending experience of unfolding, re-inventing, creation—a thrilling ride indeed.  In some of your relationships, you continually inspire and elevate one another.  Your purpose is ongoing and these shifts become a means of discovery together and a catalyst for each of you living a happier, more fulfilling life.  For those, these shifts are not as difficult and not as much of a surprise. 

It is for those who would like to experience the illusion of solidity and/or those who desire a slower pace to change and life that these shifts are either difficult and/or avoided/denied.  The challenge comes when one member of the relationship aligns with a pace and a frequency or vibration, which is significantly faster or slower than the other. 

And it is this differing response to life, which complicates the natural completion or shifting of priorities.  One who is in sync with all-that-is will feel their priorities realign as there are significant shifts and as dimensional ascension brings them closer to their soul signature and to their innate function being embodied more directly on the earth plane.  If they are “partnered” with one who is not aligned or significantly related to this emerging function and the related sense of lifestyle, and especially if the partner is not also experiencing their own shifts and realignment; then at first they will find their partner possibly feeling “abandoned”—as their energy and focus is withdrawn or diminished as it shifts to the new point of creation in experience.  If this is discussed, the emotional body may become triggered and there is often an imbalance then in the vibrational frequency, as the emotional body becomes out of sync—vibrating out of harmonic ratios with the physical, mental and spirit bodies.  Now orientation has been lost.  Which leads to a feeling of being disconnected in the one who was connected and therefore, shifted.  Then there is more emotion and confusion.  Which creates further imbalance.

The solution is to let go.

Once you let go, naturally you will align with your inner sense of things.  Allow the emotions to flow through you; trusting in all-that-is and knowing that all is well, even if you do not understand what is taking place.  Once you are re-oriented to self and your inner connection, if the purpose which led you “apart” is still clear and present, then allow it to unfold, at the rate you desire and trust that all is well for BOTH of you, and All-That-Is. 

Again, the challenge comes when one member of the relationship aligns with a pace and a frequency or vibration, which is significantly faster or slower than the other. 

You have, innately, your own frequency at which you vibrate.  You may not fully experience this when you are dis-allowing a full connection to your expanded self; but as blocks to clarity are removed and as the soul gains dominion in being your point of orientation, these natural frequencies appear and cannot be stifled, or adjusted significantly to keep pace with others, without significant negative experience within. 

Let go and BE YOU.  Trust in that way of being and all that is attracted and aligned with it.  Love everything with curiosity and interest; expecting something wonderful to unfold and rejoice in your own function!  Celebrate the variety of our purposes and rates of unfolding.  Invite grace into your life to smooth all of this out, and simply let go.

Becoming the New Human requires you learn to live from your soul perspective, fully conscious of your innate power and connectedness, as well as clear and allowing your unique function.  The wisdom as to how to blend your function with All-That-Is, moment to moment and point to point will be clear from within; much of this happens without evening needing to ask—it is simply non-verbal, non-thought knowing which leads you.  You only need trust your heart and move toward peace and what feels good next to stay in sync with this natural personal power through awareness which is YOU. 

Realize there is an enormous variance in our functions and frequency!  Let this be.  No.  Go further—love this!

For some their natural frequency is so rapid that what you experience as a lifetime is known in what you would call a moment.  {Can you imagine?  Ha!}  Since all lives are lived simultaneously, then any separation experienced is but a psychological one.  Your “future” personalities are as real as your “past” ones.  After a while, this will no longer concern you and you will live increasingly “in the flow” concentrated on the activity that is at each point, the perfect expression of your unique aspect blending and harmonizing with All-That-Is. 

These messages, your inner sense of things, the mingling of reality and experience, these messages from one system to another occur in various ways continually, emerging in your experience in one guise or another—as inspiration of many kinds.  All are doorways.  The door to the soul is open, and it leads to all the dimensions of experience.

The soul stands both within and without the fabric of life as you know it.  It is your point of power, peace, clarity and connection.  I invite you to let go and be SOUL; be who you are.

I AM the Archangel Michael.

© 2009-2010, Meredith Murphy, Expect Wonderful | Modern Paradise Publications http://www.expectwonderful.com – You are free to share, copy, distribute and display the work under the following conditions: You must give author credit, you may not use this for commercial purposes, and you may not alter, transform or build upon this work.  For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the license terms of this work. Any of these conditions can be waived if you get the permission of the copyright holder.  Any other purpose of use must be granted permission by the author.

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Wake Up!

Channeler: sheryl pedersen

A message from Mother Mary

You are all moving into a time of rapid change and I just wanted to share a few words of encouragement so that this does not catch you off guard.

A download of light energy and light codes has been happening,accelerated around the time of your solstice. This has been affecting many of you in different ways, the most noticeable for many has been highs and lows of emotional energy. Many have been shifting rapidly between extremes with no real reason that you know of. You may cry at the slightest thing and be really upset and then quickly shift into feeling so happy you think you may burst.

This is a result of the light energy waves that pull many of you along in an emotional way, through ups and downs. For each of you this experience will be different depending on how ready your physical body is to handle this type of light energy wave.

I want to assure you that nothing is wrong with any of you. Everything is right, in fact it is perfect for this time in your evolution. Indeed from our perspective, most of you are actually ahead of schedule in your spiritual progressing that you designed for yourself.

Now for a sort of warning for so many of you. Be prepared for all that is not light to be coming to the surface and into your awareness for healing. This is a supreme wake up call happening across your planet to shake up your complacency and move you into action. It is important that you get all of the crap so to speak out of the way and get on with what you really came here to do. Your soul work is needed NOW, thus the somewhat urgent wake up call.

What will happen for many of you is that seemingly out of the blue an issue will surface. You will most likely feel this as a very strong uncomfortable feeling in reaction to something another says or does or a situation in the world. This is the wake up call, that strong uncomfortable feeling. This is a clue that there is something within you that is ready to be healed.

For those of you that work with me directly in any capacity, know that I am not fooling around at this time. You have been sent subtle clues of the healing that needs to happen and if you have been ignoring them, you will be getting a very strong and firm wake up call. This may come as a message from a being in spirit, or may be triggered by events in your life. And, if you don't hear the call the first time, be assured that it will be repeated in a louder and bigger way so that we indeed get your attention.

Some will perceive this to be a punishment of some sort or unfair in some way. That is not the intention nor has spirit any intention to cause harm to anyone. We just want you to be aware of what is happening inside of you that you are not always consciously aware of. Sometimes it is necessary for you to feel pain which is the greatest motivator for you humans to take action. You so much want to be free of pain and these wake up calls are an opportunity for you to move fully into the glory and brilliance of who you really are.

And know also that you planned these wake up calls for yourself before you came here on the planet. You knew in a general way what you were coming to do and what issues you would be dealing with . This is your life lesson and life purpose. This is part of your plan for your soul in this incarnation.

You made sure that we would assist with setting the alarm clock to go off at a certain time if you fell asleep, which many of you have done. We are just assisting with helping create the situations for the alarm clock to go off. And if you ignore it the first time it rings, there is another and another ring until you do wake up.

All of you reading this and all of you who attend the live sessions that we do in Kingston are high spiritual beings who have particular work that you came here to do and now is the time to do it. You will begin to see so much more resources to help you identify why you are here and what you are to do, again your life lesson and life purpose. We are rapidly training individuals to do this work so that you are prepared to start your mission helping the planet transition smoothly into the 5th dimension.

I am available to work with all of you at any time, all you need to do is ask and I will be there with you to guide you through this process for it may be a challenge for those of you who have experienced great pain in their lives. It is time to bring all that is not light to the surface so that it may be cleansed and released to reveal the brilliance of who you are.

We are here to support you and guide you. Some may feel the need to reach out to other people to help them in this transition and individuals are being trained and prepared to do this work with you. Just let us know that you are ready to let go of the past and live in your brilliance and we will guide you in the perfect direction.

And a reminder that this process of being woken up is done with the intention to do no harm, but with the intention to bring you to a place of peace and joy beyond your current understanding. It is just time to stop sleeping and wake up to a new world of possibility and purpose.

Blessings, Mary, your divine mother


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March 21, 2010 This exercise is simple but extremely effective.

Channeler: Kris-Won

Greetings from Alpha Spaceship!

We have been providing some tips for you all during our previous messages. We are now going to recommend a new exercise to perform each day at 12:30 in the afternoon. Stand with your legs evenly apart, approximately shoulder width, arms extended outwards, as if they were aligned with the body to make the shape of a five-pointed star, a pentagram. It is better if you close your eyes and concentrate on what you feel. Breathe slow and deep, as if sleeping or meditating. You should visualize how the energy flows from the Cosmos to you, entering through the crown chakra, namely, the etheric heart-shaped "wheel" that everyone has just above their heads, connecting them with the cosmic energies.

You may eventually feel a surge of energy that makes you tremble from head to toe. Do not be frightened by that; your body is becoming an antenna in this moment and you will feel the cosmic energy coming into you as an energy discharge, which may be faint or undetectable in some cases, while strong and violent in others, depending on the type of energy that is received at that particular time.

Always do it at 12:30 in the afternoon in the respective time zone of your countries. It is not necessary for it to be at the same moment for everyone in all nations. The important thing is to connect to the Universe at this time, since it is a time that is right in the middle of a very powerful energy band and ideal for attracting energies that come from outer space. This exercise will help you adapt your physical and subtle bodies to the emanations coming from your Central Sun and to make the most of them, enabling them to act upon your aura each day, in accordance with in conjunction with the Energies we will send you from our Ships. These Energies will progressively change your cells and DNA, making them more subtle and light. If there are many who practice this, you all will become like a large satellite dish that will help change the energy pattern of humanity in its entirety, not just the energy system of the people who practice it.

If for whatever reason you could not do it on that day at 12:30, then do the exercise whenever you remember, because it is always better to do it at another time of the day than not at all. Only try to connect mentally to this momentum and tune in to this band of space-time.

This exercise is simple but extremely effective. It has been taught recently by Kris-Won, who has already known this for some time, to one of our closest partners, and witnessed by us. We decided that it would be a good idea for a number of you to learn this, as it will help us in our task of preparing you for the New Age and for human beings of the New Earth in which you will become, as the Ascension process is revealed.

It seems as if that genius who lived in the past, Leonardo da Vinci, had understood the effectiveness of the physical position of the five-pointed star, right? We have been pleased to see that even some European currencies have been minted with the very image of da Vinci. He was an initiate who observed the Universe and the world, which surrounded him with ideas that were far superior to humans of that era. In actuality, he is a great teacher of Wisdom and now of Ascension, who continues working for the spiritual evolution of human beings on this planet.

The moment of Ascension for you as members of the human race on planet Earth is approaching rapidly, and we are confident that this moment will become a reality, always gradual in form and not abruptly, in a short space of your linear time. We have this absolute confidence because we know that those are the Plans of the Father-Mother God.

Love and Peace

Source: Commander Sohin of Alpha Spaceship
Channeler: Kris-Won
Translator: Steve

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Heal The Polarization

by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles


There is a lot of misinformation circulating about what will happen in 2012. Most of it is fear-based and predicting things like cataclysmic earth changes and the end of the world. In Truth, we have already entered the initial impulse of the Shift of the Ages. We began our ascent up the Spiral of Evolution into the 5th Dimension between the Lunar and Solar Eclipses in November 2003, during an event that was coined Harmonic Concordance. That does not mean, however, that 2012 is not important. It is very significant.

Whenever the collective consciousness of Humanity is focused on a particular moment in time, we have a tremendous opportunity to cocreate something together. Depending on what we are focusing on, that cocreation can be either wonderful or devastating. It is important for us to realize that whatever happens in 2012 will be the result of what you and I and every other person on this planet empower with our thoughts, feelings, words, and actions between now and 2012.

Since we have already begun our Ascension into the 5th-Dimensional Realms of God’s Infinite Perfection, our ability to quickly manifest the archetypes for the New Earth has been greatly enhanced. We need to pay attention to the negativity that is surfacing to be transmuted back into Light so that we can invoke the Violet Flame and transmute it, but we must not stay stuck there. Once we invoke the Violet Flame, we need to focus our attention on what we want to cocreate on the planet instead of the surfacing negativity.

One of my favorite quotes from Buckminster Fuller is “In order to change something, we do not try to alter the existing model. We create a new model and make the old one obsolete.” This is what we need to do with the existing systems on Earth that are not working toward the highest good for all Life. For instance, the banking systems and Wall Street have proven that there is no depth of greed or corruption to which they will not sink. Instead of waiting for the people to change who are still being grossly manipulated by their human egos, people with a higher consciousness need to create new monetary systems that will make the old ones irrelevant. Instead of waiting for the corporations who are creating the devastating pollution on the planet to develop a reverence for Life, people with a higher consciousness need to reach up and tap into the viable solutions that are now available in the Causal Body of God.

Our time is at hand! This is our moment! The key is that we need to face these challenges and cocreate new options without falling into the consciousness of “us against them.” There is no separation. We are One.

Because of the intensity of the challenges Humanity is going through, the Company of Heaven is asking awakened Lightworkers around the world to utilize the collective Cup of Humanity’s consciousness between now and 2012. We are being asked to cocreate a forcefield of Transfiguring Divine Love that will envelop the Earth and all Life evolving upon her. This will help shift the mass consciousness of Humanity by revealing the Oneness of ALL Life in new and profound ways. As the Infinite Love of God floods into the hearts and minds of unawakened souls, they will be able to raise their heads above the chaos and confusion in their lives. Then they will remember who they are and why they are here, and the Truth of their Oneness with all Life will be reflected in their behavior patterns.

Go within and ask the Presence of God pulsating in your heart to reveal to you your part in this Divine Plan. If you feel the heart call to participate, please join with fellow Lightworkers from around the world. Weave your radiant Light into the Chalice of this Divine Mission, and offer to serve as a surrogate on behalf of your brothers and sisters in the family of Humanity. Prepare to release the residue of the behavior patterns that no longer serve your highest good, as you pave the way for an unprecedented shift of consciousness.

Every day deliberately use your thoughts, feelings, words, and actions to add to the Light of the world. You have been training for lifetimes to do this. Ask your I AM Presence for guidance. Listen to your heart. Trust yourself. You are powerful beyond your knowing.


Day by day more and more people are awakening. This inspires them to lift their hearts and minds, which, in turn, raises their consciousness and allows the Light of God to increase on Earth. When our consciousness is raised and the Light of God increases in our lives, we begin to “see with new eyes and hear with new ears.” This phenomenon has the wonderful effect of allowing us to clearly perceive the Oneness of Life and the Divine Truth that all Life is interconnected, interrelated, and interdependent. We then know beyond a shadow of a doubt that we are all One and that there is no such thing as “us and them.”

When this reality resonates in the deepest recesses of our hearts, the validity of war becomes impossible to accept, and the concepts of poverty, greed, corruption, violence, abuse of power, oppression, hatred, selfishness, prejudice, pollution, disease, ignorance, and every other reflection of our belief in separation become intolerable.

Often, from our newly awakened state of consciousness, our reflex response is to take a stand against these negative situations and behavior patterns. Unfortunately, this causes us to polarize ourselves against the people involved. Any time we polarize ourselves against a person or group of people, we motivate them to fight back. This merely widens the abyss between us and causes further separation. We attempt to solve this problem by arguing our case and trying to coerce the people we are polarized against into seeing things our way. We share all of our newly acquired insights and try to convince them that their way of thinking and feeling are flawed. They, in turn, argue from their perspective that our way of thinking is delusional and that we are being duped by unrealistic idealism. Of course, these arguments are futile and only exacerbate our polarization.

It is time for all of us to really grasp the fact that PEOPLE DO NOT KNOW WHAT THEY DO NOT KNOW. When a person awakens, his or her consciousness is raised up, and their perception of reality is transformed. An awakened person literally thinks, feels, sees, and hears with greater awareness. This shift of consciousness allows the person to perceive a greater Truth and to comprehend the Oneness of Life at a deeper level. This awakening results in an indisputable inner knowing within the person’s heart and mind.

When an unawakened person tries to deny, dispute, or discredit the inner knowing of an awakened person, it is futile. That effort is like a deaf and blind person trying to convince a sighted-hearing person that there is no such thing as color or music. The difference in that situation is that the sighted-hearing person would understand perfectly why the deaf and blind person was having trouble grasping the concept of color and music. The sighted-hearing person would have compassion for the deaf and blind person and would respond to him or her with patience, love, and understanding.

Unfortunately, we cannot easily tell if someone is awakened or not. We often make the mistake of assuming that people should know more than they do, or that they should understand more than they are capable of understanding. When we expect more from people than they are capable of, we are generally disappointed and frustrated with their actions and their perception of things, which only polarizes us further.

This is a very challenging time for people everywhere. It is a time when Humanity is being purged, and the negative behavior patterns of our lower human egos are being pushed to the surface to be healed and transmuted. This is a necessary part of our transformation, and a cleansing that must occur in order for Humanity to complete our Ascension into the 5th Dimension. This purification is happening for each of us individually and for all of us collectively.

It seems as though every time we turn on the news, we see widespread reports of corporate greed, governmental corruption, atrocities of war, gross imbalances in the economic system, and myriad other things that reflect Humanity’s fear and a belief in separation. These things have existed for a very long time, but they have not been brought to the attention of the masses as profusely as they are at this time.

During this intense time of cleansing and awakening, people around the world are becoming vastly polarized over every conceivable aspect of life. They are polarized over the wars, the economy, taxes, health, health insurance, the justice system, politics, government, religion, education, family values, life-styles, energy, security, business, management, labor, medicine, food, water, air, the environment, and on and on ad infinitum.

We have been told by the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth that Humanity is in the midst of the greatest shift of consciousness ever known. The Earth and all her Life are Ascending up the Spiral of Evolution into the 5th-Dimensional Realms of Infinite Physical Perfection. In order for the Earth and Humanity to complete this Ascension process and for Heaven on Earth to become a manifest reality, we must heal the polarization.

Then God’s Eternal Peace and Abundance will be the order of the new day on this planet.

Since unawakened Humanity cannot easily grasp the concept of the Oneness of Life, it is up to awakened Lightworkers to heal the polarization. This means you and me and every other awakened soul on Earth. This is our purpose and reason for being in embodiment at this time, and we already have everything we need within us to accomplish this mighty feat.

What affects one part of Life affects all Life. In other words, as I AM lifted up in consciousness ALL Life is lifted up with me. Instead of polarizing against everything we disagree with, we need to create a new reality, a reality that reflects our Oneness and makes the concept of separation obsolete.

We have the opportunity to assist in this endeavor daily and hourly, as we take the power of our attention away from the illusion of separation and focus it on the vision of Heaven on Earth. When we observe something in our life or in the world that does not reflect Oneness or the Reverence of Life, we can invoke the Light of God into the situation and transmute the negativity associated with it by using the Violet Flame. Then we can envision what we want to create in its place.

Instead of polarizing against our government, for instance, we can invoke the I AM Presences of the people who hold public office and ask them to take command of their thoughts, feelings, words, and actions. Then we can visualize the public officials responding with integrity and striving for the highest good for all Humanity. When greed, selfishness, and the gross imbalances in the distribution of wealth are brought to our attention, we can invoke the I AM Presences of the people involved in these activities as well. We can envision their I AM Presences taking command of their hearts and minds, and we can visualize them responding with love, generosity, and a willingness to assist those who are less fortunate than themselves.

Whatever we focus our thoughts, words, actions, and feelings on, we bring into form. We need to create the vision of what we want life on Earth to be like, and then we need to set about creating that new reality.

In addition to empowering the vision of Heaven on Earth with our every thought, word, feeling, and action, we have the ability to serve as surrogates on behalf of all Humanity. Since all Life is interconnected, when we lift into a higher level of consciousness or transmute an aspect of our human consciousness that no longer serves our highest good, we also lift and transmute the collective consciousness and energies of all Humanity as well.

As we transmute our own obsolete behavior patterns, we need to simply ask the I AM Presence of every man, woman, and child to lift their consciousness and to transmute their negative behavior patterns simultaneously. The Universal Law is: Ask and you shall receive. Knock and the door will be opened.

In deep gratitude for our ability to serve Life on this sweet Earth, let’s join together and cocreate a unified forcefield of Transfiguring Divine Love. This forcefield will be far more powerful in its impact on Humanity’s global consciousness than any of the other humanly generated forcefields of energy perpetuating the serious problems facing us on this planet. It is a Universal Law that if the inner conditions or forces within Humanity’s global consciousness are transformed through Love, the outer conditions of the world will proceed to reflect the Divine Plan for the Earth.

The Divine Plan for the Earth is a living, active, all-powerful forcefield that will produce perfection if not interfered with by our human egos. In the Heavenly Realms, the Beings of Light work purely and precisely with the great forces of Cause, knowing full well that the effects will take care of themselves. Most of us are currently trying to manage EFFECTS in our lives rather than focusing on the CAUSE which will truly change the situation from within. Trying to change things by focusing on the effects is like trying to change the reflection in the mirror without changing the object that is causing the reflection. It is a futile effort.

To insure the transformation of inner conditions for Humanity and the Earth, let’s join together and create a forcefield of Transfiguring Divine Love. Centered within unity consciousness, our collective spiritual ability will empower each of us to accomplish this Divine Plan.


Please focus on this visualization now with the full power of your attention, knowing that you are joining in one-pointed consciousness with Lightworkers around the world.

We begin by invoking our I AM Presence and the I AM Presence of every man, woman, and child on Earth to take full dominion of our thoughts, feelings, words, and actions.

Our Father-Mother God now expand the Flame of Transfiguring Divine Love blazing in every person’s Heart Flame. This expansion of Light creates a tremendous magnetic Heart of Divine Love that envelops the entire Planet Earth.

This blazing Heart of Transfiguring Divine Love draws to itself the energy, vibration, and consciousness of pure Love from every Ascended level of Being in the Universe. This gift of Love flows into our planetary CAUSE and helps us to manifest the perfection of Oneness and Reverence for ALL Life through the hearts and minds of every man, woman, and child on Earth.

Our Father-Mother God send forth a clarion call, and twelve magnificent Solar Archangels of Transfiguring Divine Love respond. These selfless Beings of Light descend into the atmosphere of Earth from the electronic belt around the Great, Great Central Sun. They take their strategic positions around the planet and willingly prepare to assist in this activity of Light.

These Solar Archangels are stationed equal distance around the Earth’s equator. As One unified force of Transfiguring Divine Love, they project the Light from their Heart Flames into the center of the Earth. They begin conducting a symphony of Love that ensouls and interpenetrates our Beloved Mother Earth and all Life evolving upon her.

The Love from the Archangels expands through the 5th-Dimensional Solar Heart Chakras of every person on the planet. The I AM Presence of every soul becomes a power point of Light unified in consciousness with the I AM Presence of every other soul. Together we inbreathe, assimilate, expand, and project this forcefield of Transfiguring Divine Love. This Sacred Fire now blazes through all Humanity, the Elemental Kingdom, the Angelic Kingdom, and the entire atmosphere of Earth.

The I AM Presence within every person is the open door for this resplendent Light. At inner levels, every person on the planet is now experiencing this forcefield of Transfiguring Divine Love. Through their I AM Presence, every person is seeing the scintillating colors of Love, smelling the fragrance of Love, and hearing the Cosmic Tones and moving melodies of Love. Through this activity of Light, we are all, truly, Love in action. We are collectively changing the core vibration, the CAUSE, of the primal Light substance, which has gone into the present negative conditions that are surfacing to be healed on Earth.

Through the Love of our Father-Mother God, the Solar Archangels, and our I AM Presence, we are the CAUSE of this magnetic forcefield of Transfiguring Divine Love now anchored on Earth. Together we have set in place the basic, spiritual forces of Transfiguring Divine Love over which Humanity is Ascending out of our long exile in darkness into the 5th-Dimensional Realms of Light.

Unified in consciousness with the Kingdoms of Earth and the Realms of Heaven, we are the open door that no one can shut. We are exploring and rediscovering the Company of Heaven and the Divinity within every person, in which we now find complete support for the fulfillment of our Divine Plans.

This is what our Father-Mother God’s magnetic forcefield of Transfiguring Divine Love is attracting to each of us personally and collectively as we live within it. We are being raised into a profound awakening of Supreme Love Consciousness. We are, here and now, the masters of Love we were always destined to be.

We now know ourselves as Beings of Love, accepting responsibility for Loving this sweet Earth and all her Life FREE. We are One with this blessed planet, and the planet is One with us.

The twelve Solar Archangels are now expanding their Light to embrace every Human Being in a Cosmic Forcefield of Transfiguring Divine Love. This forcefield surrounds each of us and is anchored directly within the Divinity of our hearts.

Every person's I AM Presence now affirms with a deep inner knowing:

I AM a planetary forcefield of Transfiguring Divine Love. The Love of God is now thriving on Earth through me. The Heart of Transfiguring Divine Love now enveloping the Earth is transforming the primal Light substance of my four Earthly Bodies, as well as the physical, etheric, mental, and emotional strata of Earth.

I AM changing the inner conditions for the entire planet, and I AM setting this Earth on a new planetary course of Divine Love. I feel complete unity with ALL Life, and now with every Holy Breath I take, I inbreathe, assimilate, expand, and project the Love of God into every aspect of Humanity’s day-to-day functioning.

I feel this forcefield of Divine Love permanently secured within my Heart Flame and the Heart Flames of ALL Humanity.

I accept that this forcefield of Transfiguring Divine Love is manifest now, and forever sustained through God’s Holy Grace. It is done, and so it is. Beloved I AM.

I now breathe in deeply and return my attention to the room. I become aware of my physical body by gently moving my fingers and my toes. As I exhale, I open my eyes and begin breathing normally. (pause)

Patricia Diane Cota-Robles

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SETHD8 digiverse kre8tion Time Begins!

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Hello You!

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Truth, Lies, Global Politics AND Evolution!

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Reality Creation!

St. Germain | 28 August 2006

Your reality is one of your own creation, although it would be only right to point out that it has been influenced by deep memories that are in your subconscious mind, of experiences from eons of time ago. Because you entered a cycle of duality, the dark souls were let loose, but never to the degree that they would be able to totally overwhelm you. You are at present as near to that position as you are ever likely to be. However, such matters are totally controlled by the Lords of Karma, and the outcome is controlled.

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