Tag: denisa (page 1 of 3)

Denisa: hello sweet angels..the gathering..

{mainvote} just wanted to check in with all of you and re-mind your heartmind to listen if you can at least once to #46 on the conference line before this Sunday..   many of us right now are in what feels like a "holding pattern" or transiti...

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A Timely Message from the Christ Council


Channeled thru ~denisa~

dear ones....precious brothers and sisters of the heart...

i have attached a recording ...it is very timely

for the coming of days...

i have been asked to p...

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~ Remember who you Are ~


dear one's

you are love.... love moves you.. you move love...

it is an eternal dance...

just choose for love... as you love your Self your Self showers you with radiant gifts from the Real World...


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~ stepping into your Divine Self ~


a message for the eve of the 11-11-11

i have been given a beautiful message

to share with any of you who know yourself

to be at this moment in time on the road

to self mastery...

this por...

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~ the greatest gift ~


the greatest gift we can give our Self

is gratitude for what IS....

for what "is" in every moment is what has been

gifted us by that very Self...

and it is always     ~ per...

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~ open the palms to receive only Me….~


~ Open the Palms to Receive that Which

I AM....

a gentle voice comes to me..

it whispers...~new now ~ is already here

and it always has been....!!!!

you are simply letting go o...

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this sundays channeling..birthing christed consciousness



September 16, 2011

URL: http://wp.me/p1wC3Z-5y

hello dear ones...

wanted to remind you of this Sundays Channeling....

Birthing Christed Consciousness...

We will be taken to the deepest level....

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Jeshua channeling

Aug 5

Posted by Denisa

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~ live channelings with jeshua and denisa ~


Take a moment and allow your awareness to

~feel~ the space this message is arising from

and to allow yourself to truly ~feel~

the love you are..

simply to feel it...


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~ within the silence ~


i abide within the silence..

it is my true home..

that silence is what is known to be god..abba..love.

.all that is..pure knowledge..

i abide within th...

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~ Love is eternally neutral ~


 dear heart...

for you are all One Heart

appearing to be "many"....

as always....i come forth...we come forth

from a space of great joy...

for it is joy to share that which is t...

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~ A Message from the Voice of Love~


Where you find yourselves to be in this your New Now...

yes...you have entered the New Now my precious friends...

things around you may appear the same yet they are not....you have moved into a frequency of light.......

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~Love is the fixer..~


~Love is the fixer..~

when i speak of love i speak of the unseen love...

the mystery that enfolds all things...

you are the "chooser" who has the power to choose to see what you perceive as a problem ...

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