Tag: default (page 1 of 27)

Roll Up Your Sleeves Folks: 271 New Vaccines in Big Pharma’s Pipeline

Gary Kohls, Green Med InfoAs of 2013, Big Pharma has had plans for the development of 271 new vaccines covering an array of diseases.  Into Whose Bodies Will They be Injected?“No vaccine manufacturer shall be liable…for damages arising from a vaccine-related injury or death.” – President Ronald Wilson Reagan, as he signed The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA) of 1986, absolving drug companies from [...]

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Has Cancer Been Completely Misunderstood?

A Failed War On Cancer Sayer Ji, Green Med InfoEver since Richard Nixon officially declared a war on cancer in 1971 through the signing of the National Cancer Act, over a hundred billion dollars of taxpayer money has been spent on research and drug development in an attempt to eradicate the disease, with trillions more spent by the cancer patients themselves, but with disappointing results.Even after four decades of waging full-scale “conventional” (s [...]

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Galactic Federation of Light Pleiadian High Council May-13-2013

The Pleiadian High Council: Telepathic Conversations Have Always Preceded Contact
Channeled by Wes Annac

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Galactic Federation of Light Jesus May-10-2013

The emotional issues coming up for you are your attachments
May 10, 2013 by John Smallman

Humanity has always been enveloped by, but unaware of, the divine field of

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Heaven Letters April-20-2013

Heavenletter #4530 Your Basic Assignment on Earth, April 20, 2013
Gloria Wendroff

God said:
What I want to talk about is whatever you are open to today. Some

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Heaven Letters April-10-2013

Heavenletter #4520 Try Creativity, April 10, 2013
Gloria Wendroff

God said:
If you really and truly wanted peace, you would have it. Yes, you would. It isn’t that

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Knock On Wood – Amii Stewart

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December 2010 Monthly Visions: Goodbye Mind, Hello Heart

a message from Dana Mrkich

Friday, 3 December, 2010  (posted 9 December, 2010)

"Man is born of sadness, for he is of the Blood of the Ancient Ones, but has the Spirit of the Elder Gods breathed into him. And...

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Finding Consciousness

Expanding consciousness is a process. There is always forward movement in the end if the will decides it, the learning along the way and the side trips all part of the Journey to wholeness. It feels elusive sometimes, but knowing the process helps. Th...

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Secretive Knights Templar Make Astounding Bid To Save World

"Foundation X" might be the Knight Templars...


Source: http://www.whatdoesitmean.com/index1420.htm

November 7, 2010

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

In what is surely one of...

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What people use when they have cancer and want to get well with alternative treatment

by Wellness Warrior on May 29, 2009

PROTOCEL® Introduction

Protocel is a non-toxic liquid formula that thousands of people in the U.S. have used to help them fight cancer. It was developed by an American chemist named Jim...

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HEAVEN #3665 Make Room for Love

God said:

You like what you like, and you don’t like what you don’t like. That is fair enough. What you like, however, matters. What you don’t like, let it go. Carry on. Let go of the bygones. Don’t carry them. Do not p...

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Hormone gel could regrow teeth cavities

by David Gutierrez, staff writer

(NaturalNews) A new hormone gel that may stimulate teeth to grow back the tissue destroyed by tooth decay, according to a study conducted by researchers from the National Institute for Health and Medical Resea...

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