Tag: dedication (page 1 of 3)

Secret of Immortality

The secret of physical immortality is one of the deepest occult secrets of the Light forces that has never been revealed to anybody who has not reached a certain vibrational frequency, a certain inner purity and a certain degree of dedication to the Li...

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Mysterious X-37B Space Plane Returns to Earth After Nearly Two Years

Excerpt from nbcnews.com

By Devin Coldewey

No one seems to know much about the Air Force's X-37B secret space plane except that it appears to be working exactly as designed. The unmanned Boeing-built craft, which resembles a miniature space shuttle, returned to Earth on Friday after nearly two years — 674 days, to be exact — in space. It's the X-37B program's third mission to space and by far the longest.

The plane landed at 9:24 a.m. local time on Oct. 17 at Vandenberg Air Force Base in California, the Air Force's 30th Space Wing announced. 

"The 30th Space Wing and our mission partners, Air Force Rapid Capabilities Office, Boeing, and our base support contractors, have put countless hours of hard work into preparing for this landing and today we were able to see the culmination of that dedication," Colonel Keith Balts, 30th Space Wing commander, said in a release. "I'm extremely proud of our team for coming together to execute this third safe and successful landing. Everyone from our on console space operators to our airfield managers and civil engineers take pride in this unique mission and exemplify excellence during its execution." 

But just what did the X-37B do up there? Officially, the Air Force isn't telling. 

What is known is that the X-37B has no human pilot, or at least not one in its windowless cockpit. It's operated remotely and lands on its own.

The plane's size means there isn't room on board for much except avionics equipment, fuel for the thrusters, and a mysterious cavity about the size of a truck bed that could contain all manner of sensors, experiments, hardware — perhaps some bacterial colonies, or a bomb. No one can be sure what's inside.

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Galactic Federation of Light The Hathors May-07-2013

The Hathors of Earth’s Solar Astral Planes: Funneling Consciousness Down, Transmuting Accumulated Density and Traveling with Faith

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Galactic Federation of Light The Pleiadians May-03-2013

Channeled Interview with the Pleiadians: Increased Energy, Expanding upon Dedication and the Various Laws of Manifestation by Wes Annac: http://aquariusparadigm.com/2013/05/03/channeled-interview-with-the-pleiadians-increased-energy-expanding-upon-dedication-and-the-various-laws-of-manifestation/

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Galactic Federation of Light Hilarion April-21-2013

Hilarion — April 21-28, 2013
Thanks to Oracles and Healers
Original Link: http://www.therainbowscribe.com/hilarion2013.htm

Beloved Ones,

The times that you are living in are wrought with both the greatest

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Our Galactic Family Of Light Archangel Gabriel May 17 2012

Our Galactic Family Of Light Archangel Gabriel May 17 2012

http://www.therainbowscribe.com/archangelgabriel2012.htm http://www.therainbowscribe.com/

Beloved Ones,

I would like to have discourse on the quality of Love known as commitment. This qual...

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The Guide to Ascension; Part One

Published January 30, 2011 | By awakenedhearts Arcturian Perspectives Ascension is a steady process, one that requires perseverance and dedication. Ascending simply put is one’s ability to raise the level of consciousness in a person or a pl...

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How to Know God – Heavenletter #3975 Published on: October 13, 2011


God said: Here's the thing. Whatever you do, you are doing in service to God. You might as well acknowledge this. Let this thought be the umbrella you carry with you. This is the umbrella you are under. You might as well know it...

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Your Path of Service Is Before You


a message from God channeled by Yael and Doug Powell

Monday, 23 May, 2011  (posted 19 August, 2011)

Oh, beloved, precious heart of God, your existence is a miracle. You are a glorious stream of Love. Each moment is expre...

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Hilarion’s Weekly Message August 7-14, 2011


Channeler: Marlene Swetlishoff

Beloved Ones,

We see you Beloved Ones, as staying true to your course. During your busy daily lives, you still make the time to maintain your Light and frequency and this is helping you to stay c...

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Djwhal Khul – Dedication


Djwhal Khul Spirituality Article Channeled by Rev. Terri Newlon (Complimentary every week)

May 5, 2011

(Channeling begins)

Djwhal Khul here. Tashi Delek.

Alright. We're building up here to a very sacred t...

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fathers day in uk ..

it is fathers day in the uk tomorrow.

and as my dad comes from liverpool, home of the beetles, im going to be putting some of their most up lifting songs on today, in dedication to fathers everywhere.

love you dad...

The Beatles


Love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love.There's nothing you can do that can't be done.Nothing you can sing that can't be sung.Nothing you can say but you can learn how to play the gameIt's easy.There's nothing you can make that can't be made.No one you can save that can't be saved.Nothing you can do but you can learn how to be youin time - It's easy.All you need is love, all you need is love,All you need is love, love, love is all you need.Love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love.All you need is love, all you need is love,All you need is love, love, love is all you need.There's nothing you can know that isn't known.Nothing you can see that isn't shown.Nowhere you can be that isn't where you're meant to be.It's easy.All you need is love, all you need is love,All you need is love, love, love is all you need.All you need is love (all together now)All you need is love (everybody)All you need is love, love, love is all you need.

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SaLuSa 16-April-2010

Channeler: Mike Quinsey

Every soul is being given the opportunity to resolve any outstanding karma, and since you are in your last lifetime on Earth some of you are living hectic lives. Karma is normally worked out when the best conditions present themselves, and do not necessarily occur in the life immediately after the one in which it was incurred. It is a major factor that determines your life plan, and more often than not is related to personal relationships. Each of you sets out in life looking for happiness and fulfillment, but often there is disappointment. Dear Ones, if you have failed to succeed in some aspect of your life, consider that it was planned and intended to give you lessons that are of value to you. After all, nothing that is important to your life plan happens by chance.

At our dimensional level we have long overcome the need for karma, and if we make the wrong choices we recognize them and make amends immediately. For us personal relationships are based on love and respect for each other. We recognize our Oneness with all that is, and acknowledge the divine essence that all life carries. Our caution concerns decisions that are made that effect many souls, such as our involvement with your future. The outcome is not always clear, but based on our experience and ability to read the future probabilities we are confident that little can go wrong. When an advanced civilization intervenes with one that is still evolving, much care is necessary to ensure that it does not interfere with their path of evolution.

On Earth, at almost every turn you have decisions to make and you are prone to build up karma. However, once you understand the purpose of life and acknowledge the fact that you are all One, you will approach life with a greater understanding. It is not necessarily bound up in religious beliefs, as sometimes these can have the opposite effect by isolating you from other people. Again such souls are working out their karma through such experiences, and in the scheme of things every experience adds to your total consciousness, accumulated through all of your lifetimes.

When you finally ascend you may be absolutely certain that you have succeeded in overcoming duality, and you will truly be looked upon as a Master. You are amongst the bravest of souls to have honed your spiritual awareness, by going through each experience in person. You may wonder what happens to those memories of the negative ones, as many have left you scarred for life. Please be aware that as your consciousness rises, you will set aside such memories and eventually only recall your triumphs and successes. You cannot in fact carry the lower vibrations into the higher levels, and that is the Law. Whenever you carry heartache and sadness, know that it will not remain forever and that the energies of love and happiness will replace them.

Life can seem cruel and very unfair, but remember that you have created your own reality. You cannot escape the Universal Law, but in no way are these in the form of punishment. In fact behind them is the great energy of Love and Light that is the life force of All That Is. Your progress is in your own hands but as we often remind you, the pathway you chose is one that you have decided upon. That is in accordance with the freewill you have been granted, so that you are not restricted in your choices. However you are not expected to necessarily know exactly what is the best path to take, and there are always greater Beings of wisdom and understanding that will guide you if you ask. Even now, although we are fully conscious Beings we consult them if we are uncertain as to the best course of action. Bear in mind we are dealing with the future of planets and their civilizations, just as we are with you. It is a great responsibility and care must be taken when decisions are made. At this time you stand at the gateway to Ascension, and once the changes commence that will bring it into being, they must take you to it with as little inconvenience as possible. Clearly in view of the massive changes to be made, we want it to go smoothly and it is why our plan is reviewed quite often. The timing must be right and we will not move until it is seen to be certain that it will succeed.

When you think about the worldwide problems that exist, and the extent of the changes that are coming know that it is quite an undertaking even for us. However, we have unlimited resources and have complete confidence in our ability to deliver the plan. Once we can openly visit you, your doubts and frustrations will disappear, as you will quickly realize that we are the Creator’s representatives on a divine mission. Your future is tied in with the total upliftment of the Universe, and you are as important as any other part of the plan.

Your participation in the changes requires no more than your dedication, in visualizing the happiness and joy they will bring to all life upon Earth. Stay in the Light and live your life to your best ability, as if you had already ascended. Spread love and harmony wherever and whenever you can, and allow any negativity to pass you by. You cannot fight it by approaching it at the same level of vibration, but you rise above it and surround it in love. This way you will be contributing to the overall vibration of the Earth, and indeed you will be helping lift it even higher. You will find that the more you think and act in the Light, the easier it will be to maintain your place at the higher level.

Remember Dear Ones that you are party to the cleansing of Earth, and it is your responsibility to do all you can to reverse the damage that has occurred over many years. We are of course doing our part although you may not necessarily be aware of exactly what we are doing. Much of our work goes unannounced, and it will not take place openly with your knowledge until we are able to work in unison with each other. Mother Earth continues to rumble away, and is waiting to finish her own preparations for Ascension. It is therefore becoming important that she is allowed to complete it very soon. There are reasons related to your safety that are holding back any increase in the cleansing operation, which must be completed in readiness for Ascension.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and bless you all and surround you in Light. May you be touched by it, and your consciousness awakened to a higher level than previously. Many higher Beings are also focusing their Light upon Earth, and it increases with your ability to ground it.

Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.

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