Tag: dear one (page 2 of 3)

The Ascended Masters- “Disclosure Will Only Be the Beginning”


Aug 15

Posted by Wes Annac

-Channeled By Wes Annac-

Wes: My dear Ascended Masters and friends, I wish to speak with you on this night.

AMs: Hello Dear Wesley. We understand you have some questions for us. What wou...

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3 Way Assistance


Frank N. Raymond (SunRaymond) July 28, 2011  

>I ask for the highest guidance to speak through me now. I feel lost and in need of some direction. I ask for the highest guidance to speak through me now…whoever wa...

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High Council of Orion message for 15th June


15 June 2011

Channeler:  Karen Doonan

Welcome loved ones, you are now approaching the time of great change with speed. Many of you will have been keenly aware in the past few days of the energies around you and through yo...

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Remember Who You Are and Integrate The Wisdom Of The Now


a message from Sananda

channeled by Michelle Coutant

Tuesday, 24 May, 2011

Beloved Ones,

Remember who you are, remember who you are in every now moment. We know it is a challenge, yet it assists you to stay focused i...

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The Release of Fear


a message from Archangel Gabriel

channeled by Shanta Gabriel

Wednesday, 6 April, 2011  (posted 12 April, 2011)

The Release of Fear is a Small Price to Pay for the Ecstasy of Full Merging with the Divine

Dear One...

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I ask love…


how deeply can we truly let go...     as i am watching the events on t.v. tonight.. feeling the Egyptian leader as he continues to try and "hold on" to his power..to his control.. to "his&quot...

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The Soul Speaks


a message from Archangel Michael

channeled by Meredith Murphy

Tuesday, 25 January, 2011  (posted 26 January, 2011)

The Soul Speaks:

I AM one with you; you are not alone.

Nearness to me is inevitable; it is aw...

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the gateway to Christ Mind...

ahhhhhhhhhhhh........yes!!!!!! yes!!!!

i  come unto you with great salutations

of JOY...of LOVE...of Joy...joy...joy...


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THE PEACE OF CHRIST (short but sweet)


to   ~Know ~    the   "peace of Christ"

is to allow all   "arisings"


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heart of my heart....
your consciousness is liken to the ocean
vast.....unlimited....all encompassing...
in truth...it is your god given divinity
with each choice for love
you add to the ocean of love
bringing forth waves of light
that land upon the shores of time...
you see dear one..
love waits on "your" welcome...!!!!!!
you are the "movers" of love....!!!!!!
see yourself this day as the very bottle above
whose purpose is to add to the totality
of the ocean by  pouring your thoughts of love
unimpeded.............just allow them to flow freely
through your divine mind so that their effects
can add to the ocean of love itself....
(the ocean of love a symbol of
the one mind that all swim within)
you do this by allowing your thoughts of love
to "flow freely" undisturbed by any and all
thus...love itself..life itself
becomes your responsibility as you continue
to "pass the wine" into all of creation
by your non resistance to loves presence...
each loving thought adds to the momentum
of the flow of love
within and without all of creation...
see yourself as the angels of creation that you
truly are...
angels of love simply expand loves presence
by being of service to the unexplainable mystery
that abba...love is...
they simply "move with the wind"
not knowing where they are going
not having any agenda
other than being the extension of love
right where they find themselves to be..
this day....precious..precious one
allow your waters of love to touch and heal
all things
simply by your choice to keep your
waters within a     ~free flow~...
one thought of judgment stops the ~ flow~...
one thought of separation from me
stops the ~ flow~...
yet every thought of love..
every remembrance of our union
every choice to embrace all
allows the waters to flow..touch and lift
all of creation....
this momentum of loves remembrance
will take on such a "spin "
that in the twinkling of an eye
all minds will wake up and remember
their union with me...
this is how important retraining the mind
is to the "whole of creation"
would you choose to "be that one""
who willingly and humbly takes on
the responsibility of "lifting the whole"
by remembering your loving thoughts...???    
the waters of grace will fill you
and you will ~know once again~
that love itself is your      ~ beloved~.... 
be at peace this day
and know you are deeply loved....
~the voice of love~
feel free to pass these along................please do keep the email address for others...
if you would like to be added to this list simply send me an email...
touch a heart with your loving thoughts this day...............each day........
remember that love waits on "our" welcome..................we are the "movers" of love itself....

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author unknown
greetings unto you...beloved and "wholly" friends...
a promise kept..
heart of my heart!!!!
light of my light!!!!
being of my beingness!!!!
i do come again...
oh...you have known me by many names...
names...dear one..   are   "of the world"
you have known me by many names
many "names" given to one thing...
the love "you" are....
the love we are together as one...!!!!

yet...do you notice what a name
can "bring up" within you??
many past associations with a name
will never show you the truth
of that which i am...
nor will it show to you the "truth"
of your brother or sister
the name you give yourself
could not possibly reflect
the love you are...
truly...what a wonderful world it would be
if each of you called one another
"lotus blossom"
ahhhhhhhhhhh...what a wonderful world it would be
if each and every "one" saw the "other"
simply as that...
~love in blossom~
i am simply the "lotus" within you
that is in   ~full bloom~
i am that part of you that knows
this is true...about you
i have come again to bring
the purest of waters
to your seed of re-mem-brance...
i have come again
for i am a part of "you"
that remembers the "truth of you"
coming again to open the shutters
you have placed over the windows
that reveal the true "view"
of your glorious self...
it matters not to me what name you
choose to give to that which i am.
it is not about the name and all
the "fan fare" that could be given to a name...
you are the jeshua..
the buddah...the allah...
i am simply coming to you
~from within you~
to remind you that it is "time"
it is time to let go of all the worldly    ~thought~
and           remember
the truth of who you are
there is no separation between us
except when ~you choose~
to believe otherwise...
your free will has in truth
always been that choice...
to see yourself as one with...abiding in
swimming in love
or to see yourself
as alone and separate from love
thus creating many moments
of experience that would lead you to
believe this could be true...
it has always been "your choice"
that creates your experience...
that is all dear one...
it truly is that simple...
no matter what name you give to the
essence of that which i am...
that which "you are"
the essence is one and the same...
pure love
now...an easy yoke
to see that each and every "one"
carries within it
the essence of divine pure love...
it is for you to "see it"
within all things...
as you "see it"
you will find me clearly once again...
then...you will know from the depths of your being
that i am with you always...
be at peace...breathe me in
and all that i am as often
as you think of me...
breathe in the "love of     ~your self~
for today...i will call myself LOTUS
if you would like to be added to this list simply send me an email
at deniseanew@aol.com.....you will be added in love....

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artist unknown
you are all awakening to the "truth"
that you are ........ what god is...
all birthed forth from the same
Sacred Heart...
all containing within you
that which the Sacred Heart is...
to use your power as a creator
is to expand that which "is"
into that which "is not"....
so...many of you ask "what is my service"???
oh...beloved one
it is ~to be who you TRULY are~
to bring ~who you TRULY are~
into each and every now moment
of your awareness...
you are love...........you are peace...
love allows and embraces...
to walk in those shoes
and to discard all other "forms of shoes"
one might choose to wear
is the "way of the heart"
being conscious...owning who you truly are...
being the presence of peace and love
by "bringing that to each and every now"...
you see dear one
you are the arms that embrace all of creation...
it has always been so...
what this day would you choose to
reflect into this world that
"you created"....???
yes...the bringers of heaven to earth
are those who ~KNOW~
they are heaven itself !!!
touch a heart this day even with the simplest
of smiles and you will immediately know
that you have brought the presence of love
unto yourself!!!.
if you would like to be added to this list simply send me an email...
to be removed also simply send along a request...
i do understand that we all are "attracted to"
that which we are ready for...so i take no offense
in removing you....
touch a heart this day

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The great tragedy of Science – the slaying of a beautiful hypothesis by an ugly fact. – Thomas H. Huxley

Multidimensional News OCTOBER 2008

Many of the members of the ground crew have come from different Home worlds (stars/planets of origin) to take an earth vessel in order to assist in this great cosmic moment of planetary ascension. Our Corridor provides a homing beam by which each member can re-connect with his or her multidimensional SELF. The Arcturian Corridor serves as a star gate, a distribution station, or control tower, such as you have in your airports. We are the hubs, the way station for all inter-dimensional explorers. All inter-dimensional voyagers travel through our vortex/corridor. The, they either stay here or move on to whichever star system is their final destination.

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