Tag: daniel jacob

Conscious Control

One of the dangers of Conscious Control, which everyone seems to be seeking in today's world........is the natural tendency for the "Controllers"..........no matter what their "benevolent intent" starts out to be.......to subtly slip into a "them and u...

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WHAT’S AHEAD for the PLANET EARTH? Another Transmission from The Reconnections…….


12 March 2012

Channeler: Daniel Jacob

My Dear Friends:

The transformative energy moves on, even as more and more souls begin to come "online" with the Oneness Paradigm. Transits through various life paths that us...

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Daniel Jacob on Facebook …

Dress Rehearsal for a Grand Opening, indeed!........12/12/​11.........As these final preparatory days click by....the rising tide of energy on Planet Earth is mandating that each of us let go of all remnants of effort and struggle around gaining ...

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A blanket of silence

Daniel Jacob A blanket of silence seems to have fallen over what most "sensitives" think of as their "homing beacon." Its like working in an environment where youve gotten used to hearing familiar background "noise".......and suddenly there is none. T...

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"Been Having Financial Problems" ?

Daniel Jacob The Recons were speaking to someone recently, in a channeling session, who was mentioning that she had trouble paying the rent.  She was living in a small place in a desert area of the U.S. when she really longed to be near water.  Whe...

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Realms of Dominion


20 March 2011 Channeler:  Daniel Jacob

by Daniel Jacob on Saturday, March 19, 2011 at 2:57pm "Realms of Dominion"

I had an encounter with a young Indigo the other day.......who was complaining about the fact t...

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Reconnected Sexuality

21 August 2010 - 11:56am

Channeler: Daniel Jacob

Another Transmission from The Reconnections "Reconnected Sexuality, Pt. 2

My Dear Friends,

What is sexuality, anyway? We would suggest to you that...

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Understanding Multidimensionality!

“No great advance has ever been made in science, politics, or religion, without controversy.”

          -Lyman Beecher


“MULITIDIMENSIONAL SETHD8” an illustration by SethD8 – 16 Feb 07




by Daniel Jacob

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