Tag: dancing

Surprise dancing at Stockholm Central Station


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Flash Mob: Dancing at the Irkutsk Airport


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Flashmob Mainstation Berlin Staatsballett Berlin


On March, 3rd 2011, at 5 pm at the main station in Berlin an unusual performance catched the attention of the travelers at the station! The event allowed Vladimir Malakhov and his company, the staff of the Staatsballett Berlin and the...

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And those who were seen dancing…

  And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music. ― Friedrich Nietzsche      

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Chaos and the Dancing Star – 777

Laura Bruno | March 13 2012 Whew! These solar flares are really digging up some old stuff, or at least … something is. I keep hearing from friends and clients that issues they thought they had long left behind have recently demanded further a...

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Time to Dance


a message from Sarah-Jane Grace Friday, 14 October, 2011  (posted 16 October, 2011)

‘You need chaos in your soul to give birth to a dancing star’ ~ Friedrich Nietzsche

This phrase seems so apt for the curren...

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Loreena McKennitt – Santiago (Dancing Gypsy)


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Djwhal Khul – “Opening Pathways”


Djwhal Khul Spirituality Article Channeled by Rev. Terri Newlon (Complimentary every week)

July 28, 2011

(Channeling begins)

Djwhal Khul here. Tashi delek.

Alright. First of all, I want to work with vibrant light o...

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HEAVEN #3878 Smile at God, July 8, 2011


God said:  

You give Me great happiness. You make Me Who Knows Only Happiness happy. I am already smiling, and you make Me smile. Although I know true happiness that is beyond happiness occasioned by this or that, I will ne...

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HEAVEN #3854 Advance the World , June 14, 2011


God said:  

How do you separate the world from its people? There is Earth, and there are people. Together they are what make up the world. I created the world. I set it in motion. I created formulas so that the beautiful Ea...

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Denisa: BEING ~ IN JOY~

greetings unto you....beloved
and "wholly" friends...
~wholly~ meaning
you are whole and complete ~ now~
we bring this day a very "timely" message
it is given this day to bring "peace"
the "peace of Christ"
ever more deeply and ever more deeply
into your consciousness...

dear one...
you abide in an eternal "state of joy"
joy meaning celebration !!!!!
a celebration of the "truth"
that you abide ~in love~ always...
no matter what is going on around you
in your world of form
you can step back in any moment
"i abide within the kingdom"
i am ~in love~    now....!!!
what would love have me do
in this moment???
for you see
my beloveds
you are in truth a field of awareness...
an extension of the creator source
yet ~one~ with that source
whose only purpose is to extend the
love of abba...god...all that is
thru you ..into the world of form...
having no attachment to outcome..
no attachment to "the thoughts of the world"
simply abiding in your truth...
being that one who turns within
allowing each moment of arising
to be "as it is"
asking of that love...
how would you have me extend your presence
into "time" thru this body????
~as you stand "outside of time"
by your choice to be one with love~... !!!
then...you are as i am..
breathing that love into whatever
dimension of creation
you happen to find your self in..
you are in a very unique position...
you are the one who allows the love
of abba to flow thru you...
you are the one who receives the love
and you are the one who witnesses
the presence of love
as you allow the voice of love to extend itself
thru you..into the dream of time...
you are eternally
extending the radiance of love
wherever you find yourself to be..
as ~you~ choose to allow it to
be so..!!!
you are one with this love
a healed mind
is a mind that knows it is one with love
with abba...with god
it knows itself to be that one
thru which the very power of love itself
can flow freely into all dimensions
of creation...
so...dear heart
dear...dear heart
you abide within this love always...
no matter where you find yourself
to be...you are eternally in
a state of love...
the forms arise and pass away...
being of time they are of themselves
an illusion...
and yet...within the illusion
the very power of love
calls all of itself home
thru you...
it is a lovely dance...
in truth..it is the only dance in town
if one would choose for it...
the joy...the peace that fills you
knowing that
you are bathed in the love of home
in every now moment...
that in truth...you never left
this love has been with you always...
i often speak thru many
that I AM with you always...
Now...you understand the "meaning"
of the phrase"
i am with you always
because i am you...
what i am...you are !!!!
with each choice to "extend love"
as love would move thru you
by asking of that love
"what would you have me do
in this moment"
right there...right there
you bring "heaven to earth"
love to a "space" of non love...
so...celebrate this day...
know that the "world" itself
means nothing...
yet...the love that can be revealed to you...
the mystery of loves presence
that reveals itself to you
within each choice to allow that love
to move and breathe as you...
now...that is a dance worth dancing...
to know this truth
is to walk in peace...
simply a conduit where love itself
can be extended and realized
be "in" peace this day
by your choice to remember
you are ~ONE~ WITH ALL THAT IS...
your journey here is to re-discover
this truth for yourself
by being ~in joy~
the joy of knowing you are always
one with love..
no matter what appears to
be dancing in front of you
in the illusion of time...
now that...........that knowing
is the "peace of Christ"
that i taught to many
yet many "misunderstood"
with that..
we bid you adieu
denisa and jeshua
a co-creation
if you would desire to be added to this list..simply send me an email at
if you would like to be deleted...do the same..
touch a heart with a simple smile this day.........know you are deeply loved...

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Love Poem of Life (take III)

Hi everybody,

Here I go to dance and sing
Some poetry of light with a magical ring...
This journey begins from deep in my heart
It is my deepest life prayer in every part.
I truly hope it lifts your hearts up high
To spread your wings and fly in the sky.

I slowly remember, as it comes together again...
As above outside, so below within...

Life is like being within a round crystal ball
That reflects back to us our inner all.
The truth that I see in front of me outside
Is a different point of view
Than what can be seen to be true
From your own point of view.

Life is an amazing journey of adventure
In the discovery of just how far...
Who we each individually within
Really and truly are!

Our feeling heart (((❤))) is our key
That opens our door of our whole me
To really and truly feel and see
Into the infinite universal oneness
Of what I call the "we within me"!

What an awesome resonating feeling view
That feels to go through me connecting all of you.
Like waves of love dancing all over me
It really feels to be all we are truly meant to be!

As I bask in this infinite light
It all comes so fully into sight
And I truly feel in my heart what I see
That we really are all one within me!

Fully being me in the all that I now see
Includes being all of you
Felt in my heart to be so true!

What is true within you that I see within me
Is that as I do unto you,
I actually do unto the you of the "we within me"!

It truly is magic in the highest degree
This love from our heart of the "we within me".
It connects us all in every way
Inviting us to join in the ultimate play.

It's all about love! It's all about peace!
It's all about the infinite love that will never cease.
It's all in our heart where our healing will start.
In all of our thoughts and feelings within
Our love seeks to mingle with all and to blend.

Remember the caterpillar life that came to an end
Became the butterfly of new life from within!
It broke through the cocoon of fear without
To shine its love to the world all about!

Love is our light that shines up our day
To guide us from within and show us the way!
It calls us out from our cocoon to play.
Love isn't really in our heart to stay
But fully blooms when we shine it away.

I really and truly do love each of you!
Deep within your heart you know this is true!
I am your mirror shining your love back to you.
I am you from a completely different point of view.
Remember this love that you feel from me
Is really within your own "we within me"!

May love shine in your heart and lift you high
To soar like an eagle and touch the sky!
It calls us forth to come out and see
All the wonders of life that it means to be free!

There are no limits to how high we can fly
As we release it all to soar into the sky!
Allow your caterpillar to be a butterfly
And you will discover the reasons why!
Then from high above you shall see
That it's less about understanding
Than simply choosing to be
Our one true we in our individual me!

I really do feel love for all of you
And dream this poetic explosion of light
Will open up the we within you too!
As "I" am also you from another point of view!


Just writing and playing with this is an adventure in of itself for my "we within me".
Even now as I read it, I feel there is some that wants to evolve more and have fun.
So who knows where it will all go, as I share what I know in my own sort of show.... lol
It's so funny, because the more that I dance and sing,
the more comes out with a resonate ring...

Love you all from the depths of my heart,


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