Tag: cycles (page 3 of 5)

NEW ART! Veronica <-> Feedback Requested ::…

Men live in a fantasy world. I know this because I am one, and I actually receive my mail there. – Scott Adams

Meet Veronica

She and her many aspects live in the high dessert. She love to observe the moon cycles, with a perfect half harvest moon being her favorite. She is a light worker infusing her being and the earth light grid with new rays of higher vibrations as they come from the higher dimensions.

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Feng Shui for Better Living

a message from The Brotherhood of Light channeled by Edna G. Frankel

Sunday, 4 July, 2010 

Greetings, dear ones, from the Brotherhood of Light! We are excited and delighted to be sharing e...

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El Morya – Exquisite Ascension Guidance & Life Cycles as Reflections of Soul Cycles

Channeler: Marie Mohler

Blessings friends! This is another beautiful channeling that came through this week. This light-filled message offers an exquisite, higher lens - through which to view our inner rising/ascension experiences. If you seek additional positive messages and/or channelings, please visit my website at www.shineyourlightgifts.com. Heart blessings and light today! Namaste, Marie

Dear Ones,

It is I, El Morya, Keeper of the Golden Flame. I am here to assist with the ascension process, as a keeper of this Sacred Flame and as an ascended master myself. All who seek to know the riches of the kingdom within will walk a similar path. Some by sea, some by storm, by rugged path, or by small stair-step fashion. But all who seek to know thy self – will walk the age-old journey – that brings them home.

Why? “Why?” – so many are asking. It is a fascinating concept – beyond most’s comprehension. But to a soul – that is perfect Source essence in every way . . . the desire to deeply know itself – calls into question – that which is NOT like itself. To understand light, is to call to understand dark-ness. To understand full, is to call to understand hungry or empty. To understand prosperity, is to call to understand poverty. Each of these shadow sides are simply that – the other side of all light. So on the other side, or on extensions, of light . . . exists these contrasts.

To a soul – whose warm-hearted perfect center is Source essence – a desire to know thy self bursts into the ethers – at some point in one’s development. At first, soul play and soul essence and soul existence are enough. But the soul graduates at some point – to a new bigger reality . . . of wanting to know more. Wanting to know deeper. Wanting to experience – and to know itself more deeply and more completely. Just as an infant likes to be held and satisfied completely by its loving parents, eventually . . . the baby child will feel called to break out beyond this loving protection, safety, and existence – by exploring . . . toddling . . . and beginning to take its own steps. Making its own choices. And so each of you, as perfect essences of Source . . . each – in your own Soul’s development – graduated – to wanting to know more of your own inner essence – by seeking to stray from this utopian safety and make choices . . . to experience choice. To experience creation. To experience contrast. To experience light and dark, and all shades in between. For experiencing is a deeper form of knowing. By experiencing – a soul grows into a new level of becoming . . . Becoming EXPANDED Source Essence.

Expanded Source Essence is different you see from Beginning Source Essence – because it experientially knows more of its truer self. Make sense?

So as infants rest in the comfort of having all needs perfectly provided – toddlers begin their desire to choose for themselves their experiences. Tasting everything. Trying. Working. Moving. Maneuvering. Attempting. Falling. Getting up again. Attempting Anew. This is the journey that in many ways is what takes place in 3rd Dimension. It is the journey that represents these aspects of the human lifespan.

Only mastery, in this context, requires a soul’s expansion to rise to a stage – where they see again – through human physical eyes . . . the inner eyes once more --- that recognize the chosen path of "experiencing" – to better know one’s true self. An ascending master begins to remember – its own Source Seed origins. It remembers how all was one, and true, and perfect – when infinitely and eternally connected to Source and Source embrace. An ascending master sees through new eyes once more – without returning to infancy. But [rather] in choosing a conscious rebirth; As One IS – and "The New" – [that] One is expanding to become. A new graduation unfolds for the rebirthing soul. A graduation that cumulatively collects all wisdoms of the earth’s evolutionary journey, and begins to look for the new inner rising experience unfolding within – that fully promises to bring new expansion experiences. To the soul, there is nothing more delightful than to expand itself. For in expanding itself, it is deepening its sense of Source within. It is becoming an expanded sense of Source Essence itself. Each of us then is a growing, expanding, evolving unlimited essence of Source essence. And as we expand, so too does Source energy itself. Every expansion brings expansion. And the cycle and circles grow, and continue . . . rippling infinitely and eternally – bringing more and more of the core Source essence in all of us – TO LIGHT!

So – why? “Why” is the question many ask today. And today I say – think of your sense of self as an infant. While you liked the safety and security of your early embrace, did you not love the freedom and independence of toddlerhood? And thus expanded then – in girl or boyhood, or childhood? And then more and more – expanding your experiencing in bigger and newer and broader ways – as teenagers? And again – graduating to even more experiences and expansions – in early adulthood? And then maybe [onward] to birth a cycle of witnessing and nurturing your own children’s cycles of expansion and experiencing. To watch and participate in their expansion and unfolding. To ultimately know your self more deeply and truly.

The life cycle itself is a wondrous example of your journeys here, and their purpose. To assist your deepening experience of your Source Essence within your essence.

And now – as many of you are individually and collectively awakening, rising, and re-collecting the gifts of all this wondrous experimentation, experiencing, and expansion, it calls you once more to go within – to your Source Seed within – to tune into the new birth on the horizon . . . in the womb of your own Soul’s desires.

This is the platform of viewing life on this earth planet at this time. Many are seeing their soul desires [already] expanded . . . which is calling out a greater desire – to expand in community. To expand in group consciousness. To release the consciousness of Source separation and other-separation. And to expand into a greater state of Source-beingness with other Source-beings, [who are] also experiencing and expanding Source-beingness.

On this platform, you may be seeing others in different stages of life cycle development, chronologically and soulful-logically. Allow this all to be. It is the divine design. There is Source perfection in all that is.

An ascending master – sees without – the power of a Source Seed’s desires to expand itself – in all aspects of contrast to its original Light. And an ascending master – hears within – its own timing – coordinating with the infinite sense of group timing – that a developmental or essence-tial leap is upon and within them. Ready to burst forth – in new birth – of new desires – to more deeply know its Source essence through an expanded sense of Source-beingness, in higher rates and vibrations of love, . . . now that the contrast of the light is deeply known to them.

When Source-essence-energies act in good intentions of light and love and greater good for all, an expanded experience of the richness of Source in the inner kingdom of all becomes the greatest desire . . . and the drawn experience. The soul then rises into a new earth experience, or new birth experience, with a new level of sight, and an expanded sense of Source essence and perfection in the All That Is.

Judgment fades from consciousness, for Light is the inward sight - and this outer expansion experience. Light is all there is. And Light becomes the teaching tool for this stage of Soul-Mastery, reflected within the hearts of all joined in conscious, loving, co-creation together.

For now – this is a time of practice – to release judgment of the contrast. To honor it as a part of all souls’ journeys – to expand in depth of knowledge . . . of the soul as Source. And to further attend and focus on the Light – as much as can be found – in all things. These are the birthing practices – that help [and ease] the labor involved – in producing a new inner vision and a new earth’s birth.

We are ALL Ascending Masters. Just in different aspects and angles of the life cycle process – that birth’s higher and higher levels of consciousness . . . and Light in All That Is.

Call on the Golden Flame – if you find yourself in need – in a situation of darkness – [where you are] without a quick light to see – [in order] to release the contrast in your experience. The Golden Flame thus is an Ascension Flame – for all on the path of releasing and rising – to be their greater inner Source Flame. Expanded and more deeply known now within.

That is Grace. That is Prosperity. That is why we all make these incredible journeys. And this rediscovery to YOU – is as great – as the first baby steps for a soul JUST entering third dimensional awareness and experience.

So you see – Compassion is having True Sight in all things – even if no light appears to exist. Hold your Light. Be your Light. And allow it to fill your sight and full experiences.

Blessings One and All! A great message of heart – this is for All! Namaste.

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A New Spin on Earth

This channel showed the group at their best with a very direct channel to the citizens of planet Earth. Normally I would call this one "Earth Shattering" but I think we will find other words now, especially after this message. The spoke of the recent earthquakes and how it has shifted the earth to a new rotational axis that has changed our experience of time and gravitational pull. They said several interesting items that they said our sciences now agree with and several that they don't yet know. It will take us years to uncover all the events that took place in that one series of adjustments.

They spoke of what was ahead for humanity and directly ahead for our economies and especially the US. At one point they warned the leaders of planet Earth of what is ahead. They likened this a wave of energy coming in rearranging everything in its path. They talked of the sexual energy entering the planet as they described three years ago. This is why everywhere you look in the news there is some sexual incident being uncovered.

They also said the economies of the world will take another hit soon as the US will soon experience great difficulty unless it balances. At one point the group spoke directly to the leaders of the planet warning of the severe effects of polarity thinking. They challenged each of us to search for these beliefs within ourselves and all begin to look for ways we are alike instead of separate. The ride is less scary if we all hold hands.

Big hugs. Have a great month!


(You can watch the video version of this channeling)

Greetings from Home

We visit with you this day to tell you about what is taking place on planet Earth. First, let us share with you, dear ones, that you have already changed the outcome of planet Earth. You have already shifted the highest potential, for humanity is no longer limited by what you used to call your highest potential. There are opportunities now to find passion in ways that you only dreamt were possible. Each and every one of you has come with a part of Home that you need here to put this grand puzzle together in order to create Home on Earth. Some of you think you do not have anything. What do you have to say that has not already been said by someone else? Every one of you has a very unique piece of that puzzle and all of those puzzles are needed right now. Yet, it is becoming difficult. Not only are you transitioning and evolving incredibly fast, but so is the Earth.

Most of the changes that have already happened have set into motion some things which will affect all of you over the next 100-200 years. So, let us explain a little bit of what is ahead in a couple of different areas and how this will affect each of you personally. Let us go back a few weeks and talk about the Earthquake in Chile which was,one of the largest earthquakes you have had in this millennium.  Not only has it changed the face of Earth, but it has shifted more than you know and has actually confirmed a few predictions previously made. One of these shifts is that the atomic clocks on Earth will soon need constant adjustment. Your atomic clock is no longer accurate on planet Earth.

Inner Earth is Growing

The inner core of Earth is what you call metal. It is actually an iron core. The next level, which is actually a very good part of the Earth, is what you would call molten or liquid metal. This liquid metal has always allowed the inside of the Earth to travel at a different rate of speed than the outside of the planet. Although the inside of the Earth is actually spinning faster than the outside, recently it has sped up and is moving even faster. It could even be said that the inside of the Earth is pulling the rest of the Earth into its orbit. This has been known for a very long time. However, what we wish to tell you is that this energy is now changing and has been speeding up. Your sciences do not agree with this yet, but we will tell you what they do agree with and what they do not. They have not found this to be true, but we are telling you that it is absolutely true.

The other thing that is happening is that this ball of molten metal has been growing. As it reaches certain levels it hits pockets of emptiness, or pockets that have formed through volcanic activity. This is what you are starting to see as the eruption of the Ring of Fire. There is much more to come. You are going to see activity in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. You will also see further activity in the Atlantic Ocean, but it will be less at this point. These are triggers and things we spoke about so very long ago. Now they are happening and your world is changing on a regular basis.

New Human Templates

Understand, dear ones, you are at a similar point where the dinosaurs disappeared from planet Earth but that is not going to happen to humans. Two things are happening: the Earth is changing to house a higher vibration not only of herself, but of humans, animals and every other part of it. The entire game is changing to begin a new game at a higher vibration. Secondly, your physical re-wire—your own physical bodies—are changing so that you can carry more of your own light and your higher self. Only a very small portion of your higher self is housed within the body for the temporary duration that you call a lifetime. Literally, only a small piece of it does…it is easy for you to see that you have one higher self and 11 aspects on Earth. So, 11 parts of your higher self goes into each one. However, the vast majority of your higher self does not fit into any of these aspects, including all of them together. That is about to change. You are now going to be able to carry more light than ever before in your physical body without having to go Home and without having to rid the Earth of the human race.

You will make this evolution while you are standing, walking, sleeping, playing, and loving on planet Earth. That has never been done before. That is the reason that all eyes in the universe are upon planet Earth right now. The six parental races that helped you form these physical bodies that you hold right now are back again to help. The interesting part is that they are fighting over who can help the most. But they are all here to work with you, because you are no longer limited by the same 500 human templates that you had in the beginning. You are no longer limited to that, which is part of the reason that your physical bodies are changing and your emotional bodies are growing.

Does Anyone Really Know What Time It Is?

We wish to tell you that the Earth has changed its relationship to time. Your relationship to time will also change, and what you do not know about it at this point is that you have control over how that changes. If you do not take charge in any way, the default answer is that time will shrink. Time has a natural tendency to shrink anyway. It is the nature of humanity because everything is relative. If you go back to when you were one day old, that one day is 100% of your lifetime. If you go back to the time when you were one year old that one day is only a very small percentage of your lifetime, so it has a tendency to naturally shrink as you age. Now we tell you that even the atomic clocks are noticing the difference. Big changes have happened as a result of the shift in Chile. Number 1: The Earth has changed axis; it is not on the same axis it was before. It has already shifted and your scientists are scattering frantically trying to figure out by how much and how we can measure it accurately, as they have noticed a major difference. It has been reported all over the world because the sun used to enter a window at a certain time of day and it now it is on a different schedule. Those times have changed throughout the entire world. Your scientists are looking for answers to describe what has taken place, but let us give you the short answer so that you can see what is happening.

We told you the molten part of the Earth has become larger inside the Earth and that part has been growing over the last few hundred years—especially over the last 60 years. As that has grown, the Earth itself is not as solid as you thought it was. The earthquakes in Chile and the earthquakes around the Ring of Fire, including the one in Haiti, have caused a shift of the planet not only on the axis. It has actually elongated the planet a little bit, almost as if was squished in the middle and got a little bit longer. Again, this is a point your scientists do not agree on, but we tell you that the process of making the planet just the slightest bit longer has also made it smaller around the middle. This means it rotates faster which is changing your relationship to time as we speak.

We encourage all of you to play with this concept you call time. Go back to some of your basics, for you have all studied ways of controlling time and learning how to project time into the future. You know that so much of it is held within your own belief systems. You believe it is accurate and you must live by this. The atomic clocks will not work for much longer, because they will need so much adjustment for what is ahead on planet Earth and some of the changes that are taking place. Embrace them. Do not fear these changes, for your reaction is actually what the earth needs to settle. Your reaction is the stability that you offer as Lightworkers not only with the Earth, but with other people around you.

A New “Wobble’’

These changes and the ones to come may create great fear throughout many different places. You are the ones that can hold that energy, the ones that can help to make it very positive evolution. Let us tell you this as well…because of the planet changing her axis slightly, what happened is that there is now a wobble. There has always been a wobble in the Earth’s rotation. It is nothing secret. It has always been known, but now that the wobble has changed and this can create a circumstance for you that we wish to tell you about.
As we mentioned before, you have these up and down periods that you are all going to be experiencing. But now it has become much stronger than we ever thought possible. Some of the physical reactions to this new wobble will be experienced as emotion. At times it will be uplifting, such as joy or exhilaration, while other times you may feel depressed as if you cannot seem to get out of bed. Those are simply normal cycles, because you are a part of the Earth and she is a part of you. As she is going through these changes they mimic and mirror themselves in your bodies. This is part of how you can help to ground this change and center this energy with her. Know that has affected you and find the ways it can affect you positively.

Riding the Wave

There are points on this planet where you can now launch yourself. This has been done before through using astronomy and astrology to help find the perfect time to start your new business or a new project. You would always know the rotation of the sun around different planets, their alignment and how that could or could not support you. Now in addition to that, there is an entire wave of energy that slides the rug beneath your feet and shifts it in such a way as to send a wave down its length. The pull of that carpet will create high and low spots, as well as spots where you can launch yourself very effectively or be wrapped up in it and shut down. Once you are aware of these highs and lows you can learn the timing needed to make the highest use of it. We ask you to be very aware of how you are feeling, where that passion is and how you get this in the outside world, as well as your effect on other people around you. That will tell you whether you are doing your work or not. Position yourself so that instead of being wrapped up in this carpet as the big wave comes through, and instead of being overwhelmed and having to protect yourself from it, you are in just the right spot to be launched by it. That is why you are here.

You are the ones that carried the secrets from Home—from Lemuria and Atlantis—in hopes that humanity would ever reach a stage where you could come back and do it again. You are here. You made it. Each one of you has this opportunity right now to step into this energy and to position yourself at that launching point. We will tell you, dear ones, it takes tremendous courage to do that for you can see the energy moving. Some of you might want to put your little toe in, but you are not so sure about jumping into the water completely. We will come along and push you, if you only try to put your toe in. It is time. Each and every one of you came with specific timings that you wanted to be here at this exact time, because this is the time of the big shift. This is the when it is said that the shift is really going to hit the fan.

It is the time where you are going to be finding things changing in every place that you have been talking about for centuries on this planet. You find yourself in a position to put yourself on that curve. This is on a personal basis for each and every one of you, for if you try to use the normal standards that you have used for your own evolution they are not going to work the same way. In other words, you cannot count the vibrational lines of your evolution the way it used to be done. During these times we ask you to be kind and understanding of each other, as tempers can flare easily.

Economics of Earth

We also wish to speak of economics on planet Earth. You have many systems in place that have allowed you to exchange energy and to exchange money. You have a system called the stock market. We are so fascinated by that, for is so interesting to us that you have built an entire system based on the perception of perception of perception. We would never have dreamt to do that. It took humans to invent this entire process. Because of that, you have a perception of perception which is what your economies have been based on. You have gone through one of these ripples, dear ones, and it has affected the entire planet. You have had an economic event on planet Earth and it is one of these ripples that have gone through. We tell you, there are more of these ripples coming. In fact, there is a big one that is liable to come very soon. We cannot tell you when it is, because you are the ones that have the perception that determines when it is going to be. We also tell you that it does not need to be negative, for it can be a positive event. That is entirely up to you, but what we do tell you is that change is imminent in this area.

You had opportunities as this wave came through which took the air out of the balloon. All of a sudden this overinflated balloon shrank down to practically nothing. Now you are perceiving an economic recovery. You are seeing it because you perceive it. That is the way your system works—because you want to perceive it. That is exactly what is happening, yet the underlying fundamentals that had a chance to change during that explosion did not actually change. For that reason, until you see some fundamental changes in the way you do business on planet Earth you will experience more difficulties in these areas.

We also wish to reach into an area that the Keeper loves to stay away from, and we are going to talk about politics for just a moment. You are seeing a very interesting thing happening. It is occurring all over the world, but you can see it in the United States very clearly. It has happened since the incredible pull into polarity. As the new field of triality starts to come in and you have three positions from which to view things instead of just two. You have a new perception to see everything from. Yet it is difficult to truly grasp that new perception, to trust it, to understand what it means and how it works. We tell you that many of you are going through your a time where your own perception, ideas, and relationships are going to change, but that also happens on an economic level throughout the world. One thing you have all learned from this recent economic stretch is that all of your economies are connected. That is incredibly beautiful, dear ones, because it really means that you can no longer have a world war. Who would you be bombing? Yourselves? That is perfect because the blending together is what will change all of this. There are many high level officials that are now looking for this to happen, but the changes on planet Earth are occurring very radically and very quickly. Not only does this include the changes in the planet, but the changes in you, as humans, are also happening very rapidly. Because of that the economic systems that have supported you are likely to experience another one of these. However, if you know about it and are aware, you can put yourself in the highest position to create something positive instead of something negative. There will be difficulties with your systems on planet Earth. Now, how do you fix them? How do you change that? We can tell you what it looked like in the days when these systems worked, when you had empowered societies and that was the essence of the society. It was not, “How do we make money? How do we support ourselves? How do we live better?” Instead it was, “How do we empower the people around us?” That was the key element that existed in the days of Lemuria. It happened so clearly that there was no need for laws and you only had customs. It was incredibly beautiful and those days are returning.

The Soul of Business in the New Energy

You have a challenge in the way you define business so far, so let us speak first of the challenge because each person who makes up one of these collectives that you call business has a soul. The overall corporation whether it is made up of one person, five people or 500 makes no difference, for that company has a soul because it has an energy that acts as one. The moment you identify that place in the world, you can change the whole prospect of the company from the top down…all the way. What we are telling you is that companies that have only been in business for the purpose of making money will no longer be able to do that, because you are finding out it is an empty shell. There is no soul there. In the future we see a time when in order for governments to issue a permit for starting a business, it will also require that the company has a consciousness and that the company will do the best for humanity even if it is against their own profit. The company will bear the same responsibility that each and every one of you has as you walk down the street and past other people. That has not happened at this point on planet Earth. Now is the time to consider what you can do at your individual level wherever you work, whatever companies you own, or in whatever structures whether it is government or religion. These are the collectives of humans that will have to evolve very quickly.

Growing out of Polarity

This is a time where you can make a lot of these changes to result positively, rather than experiencing the cycles of fear and challenge. When you had an election in the United States, dear ones, you could not decide who was going to be president. One moment you found an extra vote over here and the next moment you found an extra vote over there. That started a stretch into polarity that was almost as if you were grasping for it. You started to move into a field of triality, but grasped for that old, familiar part. You hung onto it so tightly, that the whole world was laughing at your election and what was happening with it. Did it make any difference who won? Not really, because the reality of it showed the duality and the difficulties. In the United States you have not evolved past that, but now is the time to start doing this quickly. Dear ones, especially those in the United States, you have a very short time-frame that you can take hold of this and make something of it. We pray that the leaders can hear some of this message, because you have stretched so far into polarity that you do not know where the middle is any more. It is very important to come back to a point where nobody is right and nobody is wrong. It is a time to start figuring out how you and your neighbors are alike, instead of how you are separate. It is time to start figuring out how you can empower your people instead of spending your energy trying to lead them. Re-member, you have some of the greatest spirits on Earth and they are just waiting to go to work and spread light on this planet. If you make a space for that to happen, you will see great changes throughout all of planet Earth. It is happening now. It is taking place in many cultures, very quietly for most. Make your voices heard.

Now, how does each one of you deal with it? You say, “What can I do? I am not a leader of a nation. I am not a politician.” Dear ones, every one of you has a strong hold in the field of polarity. Every one of you believes something is right or something is wrong. It is so interesting to watch your news now, because the fight has gone on so long that no one can even re-member what the original argument was all about. So much fear has been created intentionally to dissuade all of the information on planet Earth that you are all in danger of losing your grip on reality, because you are believing and buying into the fear. Enough! You can see what is happening. There are no more secrets on planet Earth. Trust your heart. Do not allow yourself to get wrapped up in fear, for that is a luxury you can no longer enjoy…no longer afford. It is time to get serious about what you wish to do on this planet. It is time to know that you have the power to create your reality. It does not matter where you are in this ripple, what is taking place with planet Earth, what is happening with your relationships, your job, your home life, or your work life. You have an opportunity to put yourself at the pinnacle, and to actually do what you came here to do. We are behind you 1,000 percent, because our job is not to be here to tell you which way to turn or what to do. Our job is to help you re-member who you really are, because you came here with a very specific purpose. We love you more than you could ever know. It is not easy taking your wings off and pretending to be a human. You walk into many walls that way and we love you for it, for this job can only be done in the way in which you will do it.

We leave you with three little reminders. Treat each other with the greatest respect you have. Nurture one another and empower each other every chance you get. Play well together.


The group

(You can watch the video version of this channeling)

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The Art of Balancing Self is Achieving Neutrality


APRIL 14, 2010

"The Neutral Zone"

Blessed Are You BELOVED ONES! We Greet You with a Heart-Felt Welcome, Welcome One & All.

We invite each of you to take a moment here to settle into your chairs and become comfortable. And as you begin to settle into your seats feel your body being supported at this time.

We invite you to focus on your breath now and for the next few minutes as you quiet the mind leaving your cares of the day behind you as you breathe in the stillness of Peace into your Being as you breathe into your heart. Breathe with us now for the next few moments.

Allow your focus to settle into your Heart Center, into the Sanctuary of Your Sacred Heart Center as you continue to breathe. Feel the Peace... yes, feel the Peace as you continue to breathe in the Crystalline Golden Light particles which are now brightly illuminating within your Sacred Heart Center. Recall the Golden Chalice of your Heart Center, for you are the Holy Grail of Reunification, and know that as you continue to breathe you nourish your entire body and each cell of your Body as you breathe in the Crystalline Golden Light particles which are all around you...

Please pause here for a few moments to just breathe! KNOW that as you focus on your breath you Honor your body with Love & Acceptance for providing the vehicle for this amazing journey of Awakening. Please take these few moments to pause with Conscious Love & Acceptance of the Self and of your body as you breathe into your Heart Center.



We invite each of you to add your Love and your Light to the Consciousness Grids here on Mother Earth. As Often as you think of it we encourage each of you to send your Heart Light to these Consciousness Grids around Mother Earth. Hold the Vision of Heaven on Earth. Raise your heart and your minds above the 3D Grids to assist in the building of the New Consciousness Grids of Love & Peace.

Many of you may already be participating with different groups on this very project. For those who are not actively participating with a Group, you may simply visualize a "Golden Web" of Light surrounding the Earth as the Lightworkers around the planet participate in a conscious and/or non-conscious state to build the New Earth Consciousness Grid or Christ Consciousness Grid. For those of you who do not have inner vision yet that enable you to see these grids, in the simplest form of support you may simply close your eyes
and see purposely choose to see a beautiful new world at peace where every man, woman & child are living a joyful, rich and rewarding life.

For those who feel inspired there are Groups you can join to work together on this project. However all that is truly needed is your Heart Light holding the Vision of the New Earth! Remain calm and peaceful no matter what the news media are reporting. Focus on maintaining a "neutral" state of mind and inner balance. Remember to ask yourself; What am I feeding and nourishing in my world? Be the Co-Creators of the New Earth Energies and add your Love & Light to the WHOLE!


The Photon Energies is much lower this month, yet the energies are much gentler than past cycles when the Photon Energy has dropped this low. We are continually being "refined" by these cycles of "ebbing and flowing" in the Waves of Light.

The healing of the Mental & Emotional bodies continues to be the "subject" or "focus" of our Journey through Ascension. Family, loved ones, friends & the work place will continue to mirror to each of us just where we are still stuck in duality and where ego is ruling our lives. The beautiful part of this is, all of these areas will also mirror to us where we have found BALANCE in our lives and where we are functioning from our hearts and not the mental energies of the ego intellect that always need to be right.

Many are still experiencing a rewire, however to a lesser degree than previously as this rewire phase is reaching completion. Which is good, many of us are ready for a "pause" to regroup and integrate the new energies. Many of you are already experiencing the new levels of awareness and inner communication arriving for each of you.

Those of you who are still feeling isolated and feeling the need to sleep a lot, do not concern yourselves. During these periods your Higher Self is doing much work on inner levels with the Consciousness Grids of the Planet. So simply be gentle with yourselves knowing you have been working the "Night Shift" on the Consciousness Grids.

Many have continued to feel challenged by ongoing Life Lessons as the energies have continued to accelerate in clearing the Mental & Emotional Bodies for the individual and well as the Group Consciousness. The increasing frequencies of Light are pushing all of us to transform, transmute and adapt to the incoming Waves of Light. For those who are less conscious they will be acting out that which is in need of clearing, those of us who are choosing to remain more conscious will have the "pleasure" of clearing out all that is need of resolution and balancing.

Now is a perfect time to eliminate and release the old, outworn, outdated and obsolete in our lives. We will be urged to let go of old attitudes, communication and thinking patterns that no longer serve our purpose. We may feel the need to re-evaluate our needs for security and asked to eliminate rigid emotions that no longer serve us. This is an excellent time to undergo an internal form of house cleaning, and look into ourselves to determine exactly what we do and do not need.

Since the recent Equinox of March 21 most of us have felt an increased intensity in the energies around relationships in general, all relationships, for life experience is all a relationship to something/someone else. Most of us have noticed that everything "feels" a bit different than in the past, yet "appearances" have not changed much. For myself personally even though the energies have certainly "shifted" what I have noticed as being different than in the "past" is how the "Aries" energies are much softer than in years past, and I am able to move through the intensity with greater ease than before. We are certainly in "New Territory" so to speak.

But don't hold your breath.... We are moving into a potentially intense time. There are some very powerful alignments later this summer, living in your heart is the only answer to moving through the times ahead. We will not go into the Astrology of it all here as our Channel is not an Astrologer and that would be too intricate for her mind to process.

(Please remember here Dear Ones as we cover the potential intensity ahead that you are the Creators of Your own Reality and have been given the Birthright of having Dominion over your Life and your Reality, that said let us proceed)

We can see & hear intensity in the news and media groups. We can witness the emotional turmoil among the US Citizens as President Obama's Healthcare Plan passed. We can also see the intensity in the recent storms, earthquakes, potential tsunami etc. (Remember Dear Ones that All is in Perfect Divine Order even when you have not understood the Perfection yet). Remember that each Soul has a Blueprint and those who leave in large groups during these horrendous events are their Plan. Have compassion for their families yet, know that all is in Perfection. These Souls are simply going to be experiencing from the other side of the veil now.

Many can also see some of the intensity in the lives of people you know (or very possibly even ourselves), as decisions that need to be made are up-front and center in your world. Many are moving in new directions, whether it refers to one's home or place of residence, as well as the work place.

For those who have denied any of your heart-centered needs, you will feel these needs push themselves into your awareness even stronger than before. All energy that is in need of resolution will find a way to manifest the desired outcome. Any of you who have experienced feeling overwhelmed or overloaded and as if you have reached your limits (physically, emotionally, or mentally), are looking to find a new way. Remember to ask to be shown the way... Then... Watch & Listen for the synchronicities of life to show you the way.

Now is the time to find the courage to follow your hearts lead. Love yourself enough to make the choices needed to free yourself from "Old Energy Patterns of Experience". Now is the time to overcome your "fear of the consequences" whatever they may be. These are times when our heart's choices take the reins.

Mercury will be entering a retrograde phase between April 17-May 11. This will be a period to reveiw, reorganize, redo items you are currently working on. Be very aware if you must sign contracts to read everything carefully before signing. Be aware that misunderstandings are often experienced and clarify that you understand what you are hearing.

Now is a perfect time to organize your thought processes around making these potential changes. Take a sheet of paper make 2 columns, PRO'S & CON'S. This will help you to actually SEE the benefits of making a change, rather than continuing to procrastinate. "Make Note" of the fears you may have, and look closely at the benefits you will receive if you work through your fear. When there is clarity the solutions will align and you will "Shift" your perspectives.

We are integrating great waves of higher frequency and now is a perfect time to Observe Everything in our outer lives as an indicator of our inner vibrational relationship and partnership with Soul. The question of "How am I feeling in this Now Moment" is the Most Profound Key to understanding the vibrational match we have with the thought or feeling of the people, places and work environments in our lives. For those who find themselves feeling less than a perfect match we invite you to spend more time each day in developing your Inner Relationship with Soul.


The most important thing for anyone to do right now is to develop your inner communication with your Soul. Many of you have an open channel with your Soul. For those who have this connection and are not using it currently we encourage you to resume this relationship now more than ever. You will find this ultimately important as we move forward in the days ahead.

Automatic Writing is one of the most powerful forms of communication to open up as a way to communicate with your Soul. This will also expand any connection you may already have with Soul.

We invite you to sit down with a pen/pencil & paper available and then to state your intentions out loud.

Then close your eyes as though you are about to go into a meditation. Take several deep cleansing breaths and just before you begin to go more deeply into the meditative state open your eyes and just allow the pen/pencil to move in whatever manner the energies bring through, if you need to close your eye again just to re-enforce the energies then please do so at any time in the process...

Don't judge what comes out, don't worry about your penmanship, or punctuation... simply allow the words to just flow out. You will be surprised at what a powerful tool Automatic Writing can be! We recommend keeping a notebook, file, or journal of these writings as they will prove to be very "enlightening" as you reflect back on them at a later time.

As you develop the Automatic Writing you will expand the "portal" of communication in your brain. After having used Automatic Writing for a while, soon you will be able to just have regular conversations with Soul on a regular basis without the need for Automatic Writing, and yes even you can do this! At one time we all communicated in this way and will again. This is telepathic communication. (The benefits of Automatic Writing act like "a Chimney Sweep", cleaning out the "proverbial cobwebs" of the mind.)



What we would like to expand on at this time, is a greater understanding of what it means to "Integrate Polarity".

We have discussed achieving the "Neutral Zone" as we wish to call it today. This means not becoming polarized in opposition to anything. Now the "main point" we wish to focus on today is that this is not achieved by IGNORING polarity/duality.

If you will refer back to our messages on "The Power of Conscious Choice" and how by Mastering the Art of the "Observer Self" or "The Silent Witness. What this implies is Consciously Choosing to be "Fully Present in the Now Moment" and not functioning in " Auto Pilot" mode.

By continually choosing to be in "the Now Moment" we are witnessing each moment and being "fully present" which enables such clarity as to be aware of what our choices are in any given moment. We can divert a potential disagreement, or argument with an individual who may not be quite as conscious in that moment, by simply choosing not to go into a reactionary mode of needing to defend one-self, or needing to be right.

You may find yourself not able to understand the other persons point of view in that moment, yet the Key is not to "judge" that persons perceptions. In that moment use whatever method you prefer to transform/transmute the energies of polarity. My choice is simply to stop and breathe into my heart, or when more deeply triggered to use the Violet Flame of Transmutation to burn off any polarity in that moment.

A beautiful practice that I only know in a minimal way is to use the Hawaiian Healing Practice of "Ho 'O Pono Pono". Which goes like this:
"Thank You, I'm Sorry, Please Forgive Me, I love You".

In my perception this is a perfect way to "neutralize" polarity issues. All anyone ever wants is to feel loved and accepted.

The Beauty of "Ho 'O Pono Pono" is, when you say "Thank You", you are expressing your Gratitude to the individual for being given the opportunity to CHOOSE LOVE and to Master in That Now Moment the Perfection of Neutrality and Balance.

As you say "I'm Sorry", the other person feels acknowledged, while on the other hand you are also saying you are sorry to yourself as well for not having been more fully conscious and present in that Now Moment.

"Please Forgive Me", honors the other person as it honors you, for most often we do not recognize that we are usually unhappy with ourselves when we may have "played out" for another person that their feelings have been overlooked somehow.

Any time we say "I Love You" is a healing to all involved and nourishes the Unity of which we are all a part.

If you find it infinitely impossible in a given situation to move into this space, a position that can neutralize a situation is to simply say. "Let us just agree to disagree on this matter, and I Love You", and move past the need to CONTROL another Being or situation. Realize that any need to control reveal an unconscious level of fear that has not been resolved.

When One is in a state of Balance within the "Neutral Zone", this means you have no need to create attachment cords, control circumstantial outcomes or engage in karmic relationships that energetically feed off of something external to yourself. This can look like the need to control another. This can look like judging another. This will also look like anger, or resentment or any expression of Duality Consciousness.

As we move forward on the Ascension Path it is of upmost importance to become "Self Contained" without the "need" to be attached to another emotionally or energetically. This is very challenging in family and intimate relationships to achieve, yet is a very important part of "Self Mastery". It is not to diminish the Love you have for anyone, it is to achieve freedom from "dependency" so that you may attain your Full Sovereignty as an integrated Divine Human who is whole unto themselves.

And so in last month's message we brought into focus the GREAT IMPORTANCE of LOVING THE SELF. As you refine your ability to Love Yourself you move into greater levels of Self Mastery and Balance enabling you to function in the "Neutral Zone" more, and more.

Spend time each day reflecting on the Truth of Your Being re-enforcing the TRUTH, THAT YOUR ESSENCE IS LOVE. Breathe this Essence of Your Own Light into your Being daily for it Nourishes your body and your Soul Essence and assists in building the Light Body. TRUST with a PASSION THE LOVE THAT YOU ARE, for this will nourish your Mental Body and Emotional Body as you find your Perfect Balance within. RE-MEMBER THAT YOU ARE GOD INDIVIDUALIZED AS YOU!

We invite you to embrace the Self with sincerity in your hearts as you affirm these words as your TRUTH!

And So It Is Beloved Ones, That We Honor You for The Journey You Have Chosen, You Are Loved beyond Measure!

Blessed Be,
We Are One, Master Dakon, Sariniela, Anjuriel, and the I AM That I AM

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Adventures of the New Human

Iterations of Release and Giving Over Authority to the Soul

My beloved ones,

Many of you are experiencing enormous cycles of letting go. 

This includes the past re-surfacing to be healed and released.  The present being shifted into a more perfect alignment as you let go and let yourself re-orient to your own natural frequency and functional focus.  The future being shifted as the dreams and intentions you held based on what you would term a “prior” self felt appropriate and delightful are recalibrated to support your increasingly clear sense of function.  As you more and more spend time knowing yourself as unified consciousness, as you try on and get used to the power of wearing the wings of the New Human, as you spend more time with your physical, emotional, mental and spirit bodies in unity, oriented from the heart chakra, more and more--the soul IS the navigational system for your journey and this changes everything!

With an increase in your vibration, comes an increase in speed of experience and manifestation and your point of view is expanded. 

If you are able to trust in yourself, you will naturally orient to these shifts simultaneously and thereby have an understanding of what transpires in your life, what shifts and creates space, what is being magnetized and drawn to you to support the fulfillment of your function—you will be able to feel and know all of this as one unified vector moving in alignment with the everything.

When, however, you doubt yourself—and depending on where this occurs—you may find your mental or emotional bodies out of alignment with your entire Lightbody and this creates much confusion, disorientation and a sense of loss.

Your Soul knows your function.  It blends in at the appropriate levels to fulfill your role in the process of dimensional ascension.  All-That-Is or Spirit knows itself as one-ness and in this orientation; it does nothing, it simply IS.  Spirit also performs certain functions—as the Archangel Michael for example.  The portion of Spirit performing the functional of the Archangel Michael changes all the time—yet this energy understands the function of the Archangel Michael and retains the appearance of consistency and continuity.

The same is true of you in your various incarnations of Spirit.  You, in your various reincarnational existences (physical and non-physical) co-occur.  In the gestalt of “YOU,” you recognize the “progress of your functional expression” and feel a sense of gratitude comparing “later” circumstances to “earlier” circumstances. 

The people you have been and are, are like the childhood you remember—part of you entirely, and yet also having gone their own way.  Pursued different expressions and yet all interconnected.  You experience, unconsciously of course, the collective unfolding of all of these aspects of yourself, as well as the unified expansive perspective of All-That-Is, which guides and informs your functional role in each point of focus continually.

The immediate sharing of all of this information, and the way in which it is known, understood, integrated and shapes your sense of focus and desire is beyond comprehension in your current vessel.  Simply know that it exists and it is always connected to what IS; and as such, timely, relevant knowledge about your own experience is fully available to you.  You only need to ask and to learn to listen to yourself and to cultivate the way in which this communication works best for you.

For example—Meredith has been asked by many experiencing break-ups of existing relationships to comment on this seeming “trend”…

Knowing as you do, that all is shifting in to alignment, the read on breakups is an easy-one; the functions are no longer aligned.  The vibrations are no longer in sync.  The shared purpose has dissipated and/or the individuals involved have shifted to a new focus as a result of their own growth and no longer is the functional overlap present which made the relationship so primary in the experience.

The more one grows and expands the more continual adjustments relationships must go through.  For some this ongoing stimulus and realignment is refreshing and exhilarating; to feel oneself in a never ending experience of unfolding, re-inventing, creation—a thrilling ride indeed.  In some of your relationships, you continually inspire and elevate one another.  Your purpose is ongoing and these shifts become a means of discovery together and a catalyst for each of you living a happier, more fulfilling life.  For those, these shifts are not as difficult and not as much of a surprise. 

It is for those who would like to experience the illusion of solidity and/or those who desire a slower pace to change and life that these shifts are either difficult and/or avoided/denied.  The challenge comes when one member of the relationship aligns with a pace and a frequency or vibration, which is significantly faster or slower than the other. 

And it is this differing response to life, which complicates the natural completion or shifting of priorities.  One who is in sync with all-that-is will feel their priorities realign as there are significant shifts and as dimensional ascension brings them closer to their soul signature and to their innate function being embodied more directly on the earth plane.  If they are “partnered” with one who is not aligned or significantly related to this emerging function and the related sense of lifestyle, and especially if the partner is not also experiencing their own shifts and realignment; then at first they will find their partner possibly feeling “abandoned”—as their energy and focus is withdrawn or diminished as it shifts to the new point of creation in experience.  If this is discussed, the emotional body may become triggered and there is often an imbalance then in the vibrational frequency, as the emotional body becomes out of sync—vibrating out of harmonic ratios with the physical, mental and spirit bodies.  Now orientation has been lost.  Which leads to a feeling of being disconnected in the one who was connected and therefore, shifted.  Then there is more emotion and confusion.  Which creates further imbalance.

The solution is to let go.

Once you let go, naturally you will align with your inner sense of things.  Allow the emotions to flow through you; trusting in all-that-is and knowing that all is well, even if you do not understand what is taking place.  Once you are re-oriented to self and your inner connection, if the purpose which led you “apart” is still clear and present, then allow it to unfold, at the rate you desire and trust that all is well for BOTH of you, and All-That-Is. 

Again, the challenge comes when one member of the relationship aligns with a pace and a frequency or vibration, which is significantly faster or slower than the other. 

You have, innately, your own frequency at which you vibrate.  You may not fully experience this when you are dis-allowing a full connection to your expanded self; but as blocks to clarity are removed and as the soul gains dominion in being your point of orientation, these natural frequencies appear and cannot be stifled, or adjusted significantly to keep pace with others, without significant negative experience within. 

Let go and BE YOU.  Trust in that way of being and all that is attracted and aligned with it.  Love everything with curiosity and interest; expecting something wonderful to unfold and rejoice in your own function!  Celebrate the variety of our purposes and rates of unfolding.  Invite grace into your life to smooth all of this out, and simply let go.

Becoming the New Human requires you learn to live from your soul perspective, fully conscious of your innate power and connectedness, as well as clear and allowing your unique function.  The wisdom as to how to blend your function with All-That-Is, moment to moment and point to point will be clear from within; much of this happens without evening needing to ask—it is simply non-verbal, non-thought knowing which leads you.  You only need trust your heart and move toward peace and what feels good next to stay in sync with this natural personal power through awareness which is YOU. 

Realize there is an enormous variance in our functions and frequency!  Let this be.  No.  Go further—love this!

For some their natural frequency is so rapid that what you experience as a lifetime is known in what you would call a moment.  {Can you imagine?  Ha!}  Since all lives are lived simultaneously, then any separation experienced is but a psychological one.  Your “future” personalities are as real as your “past” ones.  After a while, this will no longer concern you and you will live increasingly “in the flow” concentrated on the activity that is at each point, the perfect expression of your unique aspect blending and harmonizing with All-That-Is. 

These messages, your inner sense of things, the mingling of reality and experience, these messages from one system to another occur in various ways continually, emerging in your experience in one guise or another—as inspiration of many kinds.  All are doorways.  The door to the soul is open, and it leads to all the dimensions of experience.

The soul stands both within and without the fabric of life as you know it.  It is your point of power, peace, clarity and connection.  I invite you to let go and be SOUL; be who you are.

I AM the Archangel Michael.

© 2009-2010, Meredith Murphy, Expect Wonderful | Modern Paradise Publications http://www.expectwonderful.com – You are free to share, copy, distribute and display the work under the following conditions: You must give author credit, you may not use this for commercial purposes, and you may not alter, transform or build upon this work.  For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the license terms of this work. Any of these conditions can be waived if you get the permission of the copyright holder.  Any other purpose of use must be granted permission by the author.

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The Presence of our Present

One of my favorite quotes (from the actor Woody Allen) is “Eighty percent of success is showing up.” Each lifetime is a way in which we show up, ready to complete a task begun long ago, to work through any karmic cycles which have the power to ensure our return for completion and transformation. While we may wonder why we do it, we volunteer to return because we know that every energetic opening we leave behind must be closed through our own healing. No one can heal, transmute or complete energies that we have left incomplete. And to do this we must be present in many ways, physically, emotionally, energetically, experientially and spiritually. Each of those levels of presence is important and without even one of them, we are not fully present in our life, our issues or our healing.

In each lifetime we are physically present for the work that we have to do and we accomplish this through our physical body which the earthly home we offer spirit. We may like or dislike our body, see it as a blessing or a challenge, and even wonder what accident of nature created the body we have but it is our vehicle for learning, growth, healing and transformation. So while our body is present on earth, it occupies physical space, when we do not like our body or find fault with it, we are not present within it. And this is one way that we under-utilize our presence.

Our emotional presence is a complicated jumble of a wide array of feelings from every lifetime we have ever experienced that we are consciously and unconsciously aware of, mostly the latter. What we know of our emotional presence is that we are always feeling some kind of emotional energy that we respond to according to how it affects us. What we do not know about this presence is the truth of how we are to use our emotional presence in a lifetime and without this knowledge we allow this aspect to become our most important presence and we live through it alone, creating an imbalance of emotional energy in our lives that leads to fear, pain and frustration. We need our emotional presence to re-create the energy of what we have come to heal as this is the energy of our karma.

Our energetic presence is the most under-utilized because allow our emotional presence to dominate it. Emotions are one aspect of our energy but there are many others. From a human perspective, our energetic presence is actually the most important because it determines how everything in our life unfolds and what we attract. When we are present in the emotional energy of an experience and do not incorporate the other aspects of our presence we are present in the emotions and nothing else. The emotions dominate to the exclusion of the higher vibrations of resolution and healing.

What is an experiential presence? It is how we participate in each experience. The people and situations we choose to engage with, the actions we take, choices we make, words we speak and energies we express and feel all relate to how we have chosen to experience a situation. And through our experience we can choose to raise our vibrations so we can experience life in a different way. But the experience itself has no value to us other than as a vehicle for learning. When we allow the experience to become the critical element we become present in the experience and all of its energies. Growth and learning occur when we remember the experience is a way to awaken other elements of our presence.

We also have the gift and choice of our spiritual presence. It is our gift because it is always with us, whether or not we acknowledge it and our choice because we choose to partner with it and receive guidance and wisdom instead of walking our earthly journey alone. Although it exists in the background, all of our other aspects of presence have no purpose without it for our lifetime is spiritual in purpose and context. Our many lifetimes exist on a spiritual continuum, in which our human incarnations are the practice field for our spiritual understanding. By bringing our spiritual understanding into all other aspects of our presence, we have wisdom to choose from our highest aspects and can then choose the highest vibrations of any energies.

We can be present, occupying a certain place in time and all of the other aspects of our presence are somewhere else. Our presence is where we are putting our energy. Think for a moment of where you are in this moment, are you present in what you are doing or thinking about something else. When you think about yourself, are you present in your thoughts or are you thinking about someone’s life, opinions or actions? Are you here in this moment or are you thinking about other things you must do or something that has happened in the past? So much of our presence is in the past, distracted, or focused somewhere else and that is why we have problems manifesting what we want—because we are not fully present in the energy of our manifestation.

This brings us back to the issue of wholeness, where we are fully connected to ourselves which also means we are fully connect to Source. When all of our aspects of presence are fully present, each contributes to the purpose of our life journey, which is to bring us back to wholeness within ourselves so we can be reconnected to Source.

This is just another aspect of our ascension journey and our willingness to achieve mastery. The journey to connection is about wholeness, within and without, so every aspect of our reality is filled with our presence and we are present within it. When we see our spiritual and material presence as being separate, we are not present spiritually in our physical form so we are missing an important component of our journey. Without wholeness we are simply taking space on the earth plane, engaging in experiences that do not result in growth and transformation. With the conscious joining of the spiritual and material, where all of our aspects are working in harmony we are gifting ourselves with spiritual understanding to make this a journey of growth and transformation instead of blindly wandering through life wondering whether we will ever find peace and fulfillment.

Copyright ©2010 by Jennifer Hoffman and Enlightening Life OmniMedia, Inc. This material is protected by US and international copyright now and may be distributed freely in its entirety as long as the author’s name and website, www.urielheals.com are included.

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13 – 33 – 333 Number Sequences – New Earth Codes

We are sharing a series of esoteric transmissions, invocations, activations of the sacred Divine feminine of Shekinah through Blue Ray to assist you through the great shift of 2012 and beyond. You the Blue Ray and many Light Bearers carry the new earth frequency of ascension through the sacred heart of the holy divine feminine.

As you read this information know that it is your own knowledge awakening, your sacred heritage and lineages. You the Blue Ray and the many Light Bearers true divine nature have been undercover of your full expression, gifts, talents and abilities, and as this information is being revealed so are you.

Higher Realms Number Code Sequences Activation

The higher realms, ascended masters, the Light and your guides communicate with you in many ways in your world and life. We are in constant communication and communion with you. One way that is increasing with momentum is through the sacred number sequences. They are more than mere numbers. They are sacred codes, energetic frequencies of dimension and light. These sacred codes of communication form sacred geometry and gateways, creating activation of your higher nature.

How the sacred numbers activate you

It is not that you are looking for the numbers or just seeing them, it is an activation and remembrance as you and the higher realms, the masters of ascended light and love, are aligning at a divine configuration of reality of time and space. It is a holy moment when this occurs. As you acknowledge this communion, it builds a stronger vibration of higher light in your energy field and life.

For some time now, many of you have been seeing the sacred number sequences occurring frequently in your life. It may have become such a common occurrence that has been easily discounted to, "Ah yes, I see the numbers all the time and that is all."

Downloads from Spirit 44

If you have a connection with spirit in this way, we wish to remind you to stop for this holy moment and take it in. We know that many times you are busy with your life, and

through mental processing may feel you cannot take time to be activated by the higher realms. Know that you are in a holy moment beyond time and space, a place of divine power, where a moment can become many hours, days or even years. When you return to this time space you will see that it was only a moment or minute in this reality.

Ah, yes, you can stop and stretch time and this is only the beginning of your unlimited potential multidimensional divine power. 55 It is why the power elite of times ago did not want the general public to know this esoteric wisdom. And why they created fear as a deterrent in ever seeking this knowledge and deeming it unholy. These age-old energies are leaving with the shift and emerging of the new earth. 44

Sacred communion with the higher realms and Masters of Light and love through the number sequences

You will see, hear or read a certain number sequence coming to you over and over. The number sequence will keep coming to you everywhere you go: when you check out in the store, on license plates, clocks, TV, movies, media - spirit will find clever ways to get your attention. It makes you stop for a moment; there is a knowing, a recognition that you are in communion with spirit; you feel it in your body and that is your confirmation. Trust this direct knowing through the sacred vehicle of your body, as it tells you of a meeting of two worlds, your holy moment. 13

You are now being given more information, energetic transmissions on the sacred number sequences. You can use them 44 to ride the information matrix, giving you exactly what you require energetically at any time. 333

Codes of the New Earth through sacred number sequences

13 –33-333 represent the new earth, golden age of Gaia through the sacred heart and the Christed female - the return of the Goddess, Shekinah and Sophia, the sacred divine feminine.

It is divinely powerful when you see these combinations of 13-33 together and 333 each one coming to you throughout your day. Together they are telling that you are a sacred way shower, a frequency holder of the new earth, that cellular rejuvenation of your light codes is taking place.

The Sacred Power of 13

13 is "The Return of the Goddess in all things"

Unity and balance, the natural order of life through the Holy Divine feminine and through the Sacred Heart. 13:13 and 10:10

The Sacred Power of 13 brings and carries the frequency resonance of Transcendence of matter and the embodiment of ascension, the new earth frequency code, Unity and Oneness, Mary Magdalene, Mother Mary, Shekinah and Sophia; natural rhythms coming into balance and sacred order; taking back your power through the sacred divine feminine.

Mary Magdalene represents the 13 and the shift of 2012 that will bring the new earth codes. She and her essence have re-emerged at a time when earth and the people would be ready to receive her lost knowledge. This will bring the Christed female of the holy spirit of the embodiment of Shekinah.

13 is a unifying vibration, it is the Christ with the 12 disciples.

There are 13 lunar cycles in a solar year that honor the sacred divine feminine and at one time you followed here on earth.

13 was the sacred number of the ancient Egyptians, part of the sacred geometry of Creation to activate their sacred light body.

The Mayans, many Native Americans, Lemurians, Atlantean and ancient sacred cultures used the holy code frequency of 13.

The turtle represents the primordial goddess of 13; many turtles have 13 segments on their shells.

Mother Mary of Fatima appeared to the children of Fatima on May 13, 1917, for 6 consecutive months on the 13th day of each month. Her presence will come again on that day of 13 through Shekinah in the coming shift of ages.

13 has a secret divine power and esoteric frequency of the Mother essence to transform all things. In the past, the 13 number vibration was one of fear. As the power elite of the time wanted to steer you away from its true direct connection with source creation. It is why they distorted the truth creating instant fright around 13.

Your indigenous and ancient cultures used a different system of time and communion with the cosmos, life and Spirit that was more in tune to the natural rhythms of Creation and heartbeat of Gaia. This holy way of balance is returning through the great shift of the ages. The 13 vibration is a part of the holy alignment and healing.

Sacred code frequency meaning of 33

33 is the sacred heart, ascension, the masters of ascended light and love, the return of the Shekinah, the holy sprit heart flame of the Mother of Creation.

Sacred code frequency meaning of 333

333 means cellular activation of your light codes and you are working with the teams, legions of the masters of ascended light and love and higher light beings and realms.

We will continue to give you information through the Blue Ray on the esoteric hidden information of the sacred codes to assist the activation of your divine original blueprint. This will be a series of the sacred number frequency vibration of activations, invocations, esoteric wisdom and information that is now ready to be released. 11.11

You are being activated by reconnecting to the true meaning of the holy numbers, transmuting fear that brings holiness back to your cells and to God’s true nature. You are divine; we bless, honor and thank you. All of God and Creation are reaching out to you in the highest Light and Love empowering you. You see, we are One! 13

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SaLuSa 05-April-2010

Channeler: Mike Quinsey

This particular time in the Western calendar is one where there is much introspection, as the celebration of Easter is in remembrance of Jesus. It is perhaps sad that it focuses more on the crucifixion, and less on the works that this great soul achieved in his lifetime. Your history shows that periodically a leader emerges from within your midst, who is a Wayshower with teachings appropriate for the time. Jesus came not to start a religion, but show by his example the way Man should live. He was the perfect example of One who lived his word, and when he preached love that is exactly what he was - Love Incarnate. There is nothing else in your lives that is of such importance, and it starts by loving Self and then others. Since you are All One, why would you treat another part of yourself any differently from anyone else. Your principle lesson is to be able to express Unconditional Love, and when you can do so you can claim to have found the Way. We know that it is not easy to suddenly view life quite differently to what you have been used to, but if you are to progress you will need to change your beliefs.

You can stand still and even go backwards, but with the experience gained you will eventually go forward. The nature of duality is to help you confront what you call good or evil, so that you understand what it is like to experience lack and separation. These challenges further your spiritual evolution, and through your understanding you rise above your limitations. You too can then become a living example of the truth in action, and be assured that others will take note of it. Humans are surrounded by examples of falsehoods and outright lies, and there is a feeling that it is acceptable to achieve success in this manner. Even those you look up to and revere are often prone to giving out less than the truth, and honesty becomes a rare attribute. Try it dear Ones, go through a day without speaking other than the truth, it is far more difficult than you can imagine. Yet if you wish to rise up and attract the pure vibrations to yourself, you will need to aim for nothing less than a truthful relationship with all you meet.

We of the Galactic Federation have no such problems, because we have long gone beyond the ways of Humans. It may sound odd to you, but at our level only the truth can exist, because anything less is “felt” by a change in the energies accompanying the spoken word. It is also seen within your aura, as the purity of the colours looses its brilliance. This also applies to telepathic contact with each other, which is our normal means of communication. Do you see now that when we talk with your government officials, we cannot be fooled by any deceitful intent on their part? Most of your representatives have broken their oaths to serve you, and we are totally aware as to the ones amongst you who have your best interests at heart. When the governmental changes are made, as they will very soon, you may be sure that only those who are spiritually motivated will be reappointed.

Many of you wish to join us but that is not as simple as at may appear. You can do it through your application to raise your vibrations, in the manner we have informed you previously. As unless you can match the vibrations of the higher dimensions, you cannot move into them. Where it is your intent to do so you will be given every help, and in that event you would almost certainly be successful. Each of you has the potential to ascend but the desire has to be strong. You cannot approach it half heartedly, and it does require some work on your part to achieve your goal. It does not matter if you do not succeed this time round, as any progress you make will place your feet firmly on the next path to Ascension. The cycles of life continually give you the opportunity to evolve as no experience is ever wasted.

Theses times are exciting if you look at what lies ahead, because out the chaos will come a definite plan that all will understand. Once it gets going there will be one change after another all aimed at bringing in the New Age. You have a lot to catch up on, and it will lift your spirits in next to no time. The goals will be quite clear and you will be given sufficient information to help you understand. Anyone who follows the messages about Ascension will already have a good idea as where everything is leading. After many promises of action we can say that matters are coming to a head. The dark continue to be weakened by their lack of cohesion and power. For a time this makes them dangerous, as like a cornered animal they will lash out. However, we monitor their activities and do not expect any dramatic happenings. Our allies are well placed to contain any sudden move.

Let this period be one where you reflect upon your achievements to date, and if you take time to look at yourself open and honestly, you will know how far you have to go to be prepared for Ascension. Apply yourself to the task of going further with your preparations, as the rewards are so great. Right from the time you first dropped into the lower dimensions, you knew this period would release you from duality. So take it with both hands, knowing that you will not do have to do this journey again. Let the distractions pass you by, as they have no pull upon you unless you allow it. Indeed, you should by now have a strong defence against them, knowing that your willpower is all-powerful.

Dear Ones, you are generally so patient, and we still have some time to go before we can announce details of our presence. It is not that we consider it urgent, as there is already so much acceptance of us. However, a whole string of events are lined up, and once they become public knowledge they will go speeding ahead. We are in what you might call “nearly times” because on a number occasions we have been so near to making our announcements. Keep your eyes open and you will get wind of when something important is about to break.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and can tell you that the amount of Light on Earth has grown immensely just lately. So you can rest easy knowing that the vibration is rising as necessary to bring Ascension about. The shadows are dispersing as the Light penetrates every corner and transmutes the dark energies. Keep up your wonderful work, as you are all needed and much loved.

Thank you SaLuSa.

Mike Quinsey.

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Operating Outside of the System’s Protocol

During the past several weeks I have stepped into levels of understanding about the nature of creation, taking me even further outside the normal protocols of reality as experienced by collective consciousness. Such interception has a profound effect on every action in one’s life even the most mundane of everyday actions. This is all relative of course as we all experience a shift in our reality as we are impacted by the minutest change.   

This becomes interesting as others will express to you that they understand what you mean or what you are experiencing yet you know that they don’t. How can that be determined? For myself I determine the possibility that such a person truly understand my current position simply by an observation of their action, by their language, their belief system and their thought process. This does not mean however that their experience is disqualified or of less value than mine but it simply means that we are on two different wavelength of experience.

The content of upcoming lectures clearly expresses the direction of information unfolding within me at this time. Many continue to wonder how it is that I am able to access this information and my response is generally the same, “I do not have a lid on what the potentials are, I am not afraid to see what it is that we are or how we were designed”. Now I do know that a number of people will be quick to say that they too do not have a lid on creation nor are they afraid to discover what it is that we are but their actions and their responses tell me otherwise. While I may not be from this neck of the woods in terms of Earth as we know it to be I am here just like you and I know what my objectives are at this time in the game and that would be to continue to spread out into forever but from an ever expanding consciousness instead of a sleeper.  

The issue is that humans are afraid of being disqualified from being what they think they are, but what I am showing is that yes consciousness is the ultimate force in charge but these bodies and this experience is a construct ran by cycles which operate like computer programs. Our universe is a system of program streams written to provide a specific kind of outcome or experience. However this can all be overridden if we will allow ourselves to truly examine the truth of what we currently are and what we continue to be unless we awaken. The engineering of this reality construct and programs are relentless and are cleverly written so no matter how you attempt to transcend them they loop you into yet another simulation.

Now let me engage you further in the new realizations that have come about in my consciousness.  Humans fear the thought of being insignificant or not special so concepts outside of our comfort zone of indoctrinations are quickly tossed aside for more comforting concepts. However it is the discovery of the kinds of information that we shy away from that actually hold the key. Throughout all historical texts pertaining to spirituality or human existence it is noted that very few will find the door at any one time in any given cycle of evolution. This conclusion becomes more evident each day as people scramble to hold on the old beliefs inserted into their minds and within the overall human program by more aware forces both on the planet and outside of our planet’s terrain.  I

t is necessary to recognize that all that we create in the name of technology is mirrored from the engineering of our own construct as physical beings. We are also mirroring the design formula of the universal system and all inclusive systems known as planets; galaxies, solar systems etc. The entire procession operates based on cycles to which we are tied. These cycles are on a timer which creates a domino effect of cycles from beyond zero point right through to this third dimension. However these cycles are program streams no different than a computer program. We naturally want immediately imagine that this spiral of cycles descending from beyond zero point is the totality of all creation; it is not! It is simply a separate program stream directly related to a specified reality with its own unique protocols. That program stream is coded based on a “what if” blueprint for a human being! Not every experience in core consciousness involves the model of a human being or the human experience. Therefore humans are generated from a specific set of programs. Who generates these programs? Well this is where system lords/engineers come into play or system architects. These are simply aspects of core consciousness operating at various levels of the descending program stream. They operate based on the original imagination of the “what if” consciousness; the processing of potentials and possibilities endlessly exploring itself.

Remember that all that exist are concepts.  The idea of a ruling God is derived from these engineers/architects. They however maintain their position while incorporating aspects of their consciousness into this experience we call the third dimension. These are the life forms on the planet we call human beings; the you and the me along with all forms of life on the planet including the planet itself!

In steps our obsession with Ascended Masters and guides. They are all programs coded into the general experience of the planet. Not only are they a program construct but they were incorporated during a certain cyclic shift in human evolution as watchers/guardians and regulators of reality as perceived by humans. Once humans made their way onto the planet operating from a diminished mindset in these physical bodies some thought it essential to position certain archetypes into the game experience. So we were wired/programmed with the savior/lord and master/god program which we hold dearly to at this time. This is perhaps the most limiting program designed for a human being. Next came the death program to which humans are wired.

Although these bodies are robotic and designed with a deeply rooted set of programs they can be overridden however the programming is so deeply rooted that one looks forward to an expiration at the end of a determined cycle. With the aid of much of these programmed inserts to which humans look for guidance in the past 15-20 years humans have been more strongly encouraged to look forward to the afterlife. A sudden surge of near death experiences were wired into the experience no different than the countless themes that have come and gone in these cyclic processions. Humans are more confident than ever that they should go towards the light. What is the light? This is another space of existence that one’s consciousness is ushered into. There was a surge of books and experiences by those having near death experiences and going towards the light, this allowed them to return and encourage others that it’s ok…it feels really good…go ahead and “expire”.

Well once again in this shrewd game with all of its trickery and twists and turns humans do not exist long enough in their bodies to override a certain set of programs which have their own expiration dates if only we could hang on long enough to acquire enough memory/knowledge. It is why you must “expire” so soon for this disallows you to discover more of what you can be. I will not bombard this article with the science to support my conclusions but I hope to share that aspect in upcoming lectures.

There are some that will disqualify what I am presenting and that is ok…you see the system counts on the fact that the majority will disregard this truth but I am providing it none the less for those who will recognize what it is that I am sharing; those who will find a resonance. Again you may ask how do I know these things, I will tell you this much I have not acquired this knowledge from channeling any external forces but rather from a place within me that maintains an aware existence in all potentials and in all pockets of that which exists and that which does not exist. I am technically no different than anyone. This is what I share with you and perhaps it is your time to move about in a more profound manner.

This kind of unfolding knowledge which I have touched on is not doubt shifting my life to OPERATING OUTSIDE OF THE SYSTEM’S PROTOCOL. This is challenging as things crumble around you yet you cannot reach for the same solutions for those solutions are only associated with who you were prior to this heightened level of understanding. So what do you do when your world seems to fall apart around you, well this is where you begin to reflect on the new knowledge and hold stead fast to knowing that you are becoming even more of a magician. You begin to recognize that you are entering a new field of thought and with that occurring a new reality must be created, new people, new concepts a new life. Is there fear? Yes because you are wondering into uncharted territory and it does not matter how many times you may have experienced a shift they are all different and where you end up will hopefully be different than the old patterns you left behind.

Although you will continue to observe the outer world the emotional impact of these disasters and survival displays and the general motion of the world is seen, felt and experienced differently. You do not pray for peace and you do not pray for unity but instead you see a reality/people that/who do not need to be saved but rather to be given compassion if that is felt and honor them for their bravery in being part of such an experience. We all graduate from many levels of experiences but we simply do not all discover the door at the same time. This is simply the nature of the game. I know that there are many preaching about humanity moving collectively towards a brighter day…well again this is all based on perception so there will be collective shifts into various constructs and concepts of existence and none will be the wiser as to their advancements or setbacks. Yes that’s the nature of the game, wherever you lay your hat is truly your home so why would you question anything. What I have learned is that you keep moving…moving in unlimited awareness, no limiting belief systems, no ritualistic practices that keep you trapped for years without you adding dimension to those practices.

I do hope that I was able to bring a bit more clarity to the direction of information that I will be presenting as I gain even more insight into an even more profound level of awareness yet to come.

©2010 Sonia Barrett

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2010: A New Linear Cycle Spun by Ancient Technology

We are indeed embarking on a new cycle. A new cycle called 2010. It is the entrance into what is recognized as “a New Year”. Each new year; new cycle is the result of the culmination of all prior cycles. Cycles are segmented periods between two points…which we recognize as “time”; having a beginning and an end. It is within these two points that we experience our own cycles. Are we affected by the general cycle defined by the period known as a “year”? Yes indeed…why? Because we are wired into the cycles of the turning wheel.

Each cycle has its own theme; its own guidelines, its own rules by which the collective human experience is mapped. Simply put there are some base guidelines for operating in this system. The questions is, are we confined to the motion of this wheel; are we tied to the movement and the conditions of this wheel; this blueprint. No! However it is an essential guideline for the navigation of the dreaming human; it is an integral part of the game. It is a fundamental technology set in place for the navigation of the entire human experience.

We speak of ancient engineers and architects but never do we speak of programmers. As humans we fear the thought of a drop in the “value” principles which we have placed on ourselves as humans. The thought of accepting the realization that we operate in these uniquely engineered vehicles scares most as there is that sense of losing value. To become aware of such truths will actually open one up to the “observer” that you are, as you are only driven around in your body/vehicle.

There is a great technology at work and it is from this technology that we build our computers and our machineries. We speak of the Mayan Calendar and the calculations done by indigenous groups on the planet including the Sumerians and the Dogons, they speak of cycles. They speak of Gods, they speak of those from the Sky, but what and who are these forces that seem to enter this virtual world? Yes our virtual reality. How is the “space” called reality truly being run, what is the cosmic technology behind it. Do you want to know or are you simply satisfied with the fact that you were engineered by another set of beings? What is it that was engineered, was it simply the vehicle/body?

Most certainly…as consciousness cannot be engineered however the mind connected with the vesicle can be overshadowed or blocked due to the design of the vehicle/body. One might say well if it is only the body that has been engineered then why can’t I simply jump into a greater awareness? Well there is difficulty as humans have convinced themselves that they are completely their body. So all that is accessed is the programming of the body which is genius in terms of the extensive data that it holds and from which it runs itself.  

The body is then wired into the cycles which produce the concept we view as “linear time”. How is time “generated” in this turning wheel? An essential question that should be asked by those who are ready to step outside of their human programming for just a moment so that you can see more of the intricacies of this dream world you are in. Amazing, amazing, amazing! Scientists and others will tell you that you can’t see it but

I am here to tell you that you can see it once you can step outside of your program, not just your individual program but the collective human program. I will say this to you the current program being offered by this unfolding cycle is one of the “group mind” concept disguised as the “enlightenment” idea of merging into “oneness”. There is oneness always but not necessarily a complete integration which would set aside the individualized aspect of core consciousness. This individualized aspect as imagined by core consciousness is essential in the movement of its imagination through all of its potentials.

Now will there be some who will participate in this Borg consciousness? Most definitely! Remember that the potentials and possibilities are endless. You are part of a vast imagination machine. Is your fate sealed to move in this direction? No! Each of us is the face of “core consciousness”, we are each paradoxically core consciousness. Many would have you sign on for the “no choice” rule. Choice however is an intricate science as all choices being made by the dreaming human is tied to a vast stream of inherited codes and programs from which we each operate. This exceeds time and space as we know it to be.

The idea of being an awakened being requires so much more than the illusion by which many so termed “conscious people” are willing to explore. Well you might say, Sonia do you consider yourself to be an awakened being…well I will say this, I have discovered great many truths and continue to discover and awaken to knowledge that reminds me of just how deeply we have fallen asleep and that there is no room for complacency in my growth. Your journey and your desires may not be the same as mine and that’s ok. You are not running out of time no matter what anyone tells you. Neither do you need to spend your time trying to save the planet and chant for peace. Those are all external approaches and as always the greatest gift that you can give to this game is to focus on your own realization and your own awakening to yourself…you represent the whole! But should you desire to experience the game from that perspective you are of course welcome to that experience. You are here to enjoy yourself in whatever way unfolds in your mind…all levels of emotions. You don’t have to be anything for anyone!  

This upcoming cycle will bring new health issues as this programming is part of the cyclic theme unfolding. This has been in the making…an insert into the minds or the wiring of humans for the past few years. The health care bill is simply a code that will impact the entire planet as all nations will review their health care policies. This involves all people; those practicing alternative health and those practicing conventional medicine. There will be battle between the two minds and those in the alternative health consciousness will not realize that they too are part of the game. There is fear of germs, viruses, nihi and so many more new health scares that will be in store for the human mind. Many people will be distracted and become obsessed with staying healthy; we will argue over raw food or vegetarian, fruitarian or pescaterian…oh this is going to be funny! We are already doing this so this will be turned up a notch. We are a gullible group but don’t beat yourself up, this is all part of the dance. I have played it too and am recovering from it.  

Learn to do whatever it is you do simply because you want to not based on an over abundance of fear otherwise you will create more of what you don’t want.

Don’t set yourself up with New Year’s resolutions and then feel like a failure when you are not able to comply. Remember that 2010 can be different. You can utilize the programming associated with this cycle and begin a transition beyond the “linear time” programs designed for the human experience. 0 Point is not the final point contrary to what is “believed”. Let’s discover more in this fascinating expedition we call “reality”. Have a profound 2010! Much love to you all, my fellow explorer!

©2010 Sonia Barrett

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Archangel Michael: Walking Into The Light of Your Future




Beloved masters, we ask you to take time to review what we will call your master plan for the future. We have told many of you in the past that it is time to write a new galactic mission statement, for your earthly contract has been fulfilled. We assure you this does not mean that you will be leaving this Earth any time soon. You have been preparing for this time for many incarnations, and you are sorely needed as World Servers of the Light. Time and time again, we have asked you to script your future and then live each day, moment by moment, to the best of your ability.

Even if you have not consciously made plans for the future, you still have a plan. A plan that has been created by your subconscious mind, your ego-desire body and its yearnings, and the constant mind chatter that takes place during your busy day. Powerful emotional thoughts create powerful frequency patterns, while the senseless meanderings of the mind create weak energy patterns which build up over time, eventually creating powerful, chaotic vibrational patterns that return to you via an Infinity sign called the Law of the Circle. If your life seems to be unfolding in a helter-skelter manner, it is because that is what your Energetic Signature is radiating out into the world of cause and effect. That is why it is so important for you to begin the process of becoming an objective observer, while you monitor your thoughts and diligently practice the art of staying focused within your Sacred Heart center.

Over these past years, we have given you the basic, as well as many of the advanced, tools of ascension; however, too many of you run hot and cold in your attempts to claim Self-mastery and regain control of your future. We tell you, beloveds, it is time to become seriously involved in your future, which entails stepping to the fore and stating to your Higher Self and your I AM Presence, I AM READY, thereby gaining the insight of and assistance from the many great Beings of Light, including your own Divine God Self.

Becoming an ALPHA MASTER entails learning to maintain brain frequency levels from ten to fourteen cycles per second, which will help you to function in a state of unified brain consciousness instead of a predominately left or right brain mode. Living Each Day as a Master, and using the tools we have given you to gain access to your Sacred Heart and Sacred Mind, as well as creating and using the various Pyramids of Light in the fifth dimension, will revolutionize your personal reality beyond your wildest imagining. The various breathing techniques are critical to your well being, and will greatly accelerate the process of ascension. The Transmuting Violet Flame is a most precious gift that is available to all upon the Path of en-Lighten-ment. It will assist you to speed up the process of healing and clearing all past negative thought patterns and transgressions.

Stepping off the Wheel of Karma into a State of Grace entails the consistent use of the Transmuting Violet Flame. You must call forth the Violet Flame regularly so that you are constantly enfolded within the Violet Fire, thereby returning all discordant energy to neutral Light Substance. This includes all negative thought forms that you send forth at any given moment, and it will also assure that any lower frequency karmic patterns you have created in the past are neutralized. You are responsible for any and all of your creations, whether positive or negative. The vibrational patterns you create will always return to you via the Law of the Circle. A caveat: you must be diligent and strive to achieve and maintain a higher and more refined personal frequency pattern, and not just rely on the Transmuting Violet Flame to clear up the negativity and distorted frequencies you send forth. It is a tool of transformation and requires effort and steadfastness on your part.

When the Infinity loop and the time line of your past are balanced and the major portion of your discordant energies have been transmuted, you will step into the Infinity loop of your future. You are in the process of walking into the Light of your future, while leaving the shadows of the past behind.

So many of you are having difficulty in discovering your mission or your passion, and so you drift through your days in inertia. You continue to do nothing, making no attempt whatsoever to initiate positive changes in your life. Not everyone is meant to teach the masses or become a world figure. In fact, it is those of you who are quietly going about your daily duties as you make small steady improvements within yourselves, while radiating the Love/Light of Creation down into the Earth and out into the world. You are the ones who are making the most dramatic impact on the earthly negative environment. We are seeking World Servers at a grass-roots level. Each and every one of you is needed to help lift and refine the collective consciousness of the masses.

In this instance, we wish to offer encouragement to those of you who are feeling helpless and fear there is no way out of the dilemma in which you find yourselves. Won’t you open your minds to the possibility that there is help available from the realms of Godly existence, and there is a new way of thinking and a more refined way of living available to you?

You pray and often beg in desperation for assistance; however, if it does not come in a form you are comfortable with, you deny and reject it. Prayers are always answered. Prayers asking for the greatest good manifest as miracles large and small, and open the path for a life of ease and grace. Prayers of the ego desire-body are answered by allowing you to seek your own solutions, which are manifested from your misconceptions and inappropriate actions. The lessons of life are learned by experiencing what you have created. The ego attracts disharmony and dissatisfaction, and it causes the seeker to look outside of Self for solutions and gratification. You must learn to pray with the purity of your heart and with intentions of the highest order. As you raise your Light quotient, you will increase the magnetic attraction of the heart. You must learn to receive the abundance bestowed upon you with thanksgiving and a grateful heart.

Why not start your mission statement by listing the negative things in your life you would like to change? Begin with several small changes in your life, and remember, you must begin with yourself. We assure you that if you make a concerted effort, and use the tools we have given you, you will begin to see dramatic changes in your life. We ask you to put us to the test. With an open mind, study some of the basic concepts we have given and slowly, but faithfully, implement some of them within your daily life. Give us permission to guide and inspire you, and by doing so, you will have the forces of Heaven behind you. You can only fail if you give up, beloveds.

Time is of the essence, for it is very apparent that the fear and anger of the masses, the power of the forces of nature, and the Earth changes/cleansing are accelerating and increasing in intensity every day. We told you in a recent past message that you are in the midst of a spiritual revolution (March, 2010 message, RH); however, the Earth and the masses of the third- /fourth-dimensional illusional reality are also in the midst of a revolution. There is an intense polarization building between the various factions, not just in isolated places around the world, but in every country, involving every race, culture, religion and political affiliation. We have told you that the chasm between the Light and the shadowlands is widening, and it is very apparent from both a lofty and earthly viewpoint. We see clearly the areas that are being bathed in the Living Light, thanks to you, the faithful Sentinels of Light. We also see the swirling whirlwinds of negativity and chaos building in a multitude of countries, provinces, cities, towns, neighborhoods and even among families around the world.

If you are caught up in the rhetoric of the worldwide news media, you cannot help but be aware that there is a feeding frenzy of negativity being spewed out into the airways and consciousness of those who are receptive to the distorted messages of sensationalism and separation. The fear of deprivation, anger at rulers, leaders and the government, and an indignant sense of entitlement to goods and services, without personal responsibility, are symptomatic of the intense fear of change that is taking place within every area of the world and within the human consciousness.

It is time for the next step in the ascension process to begin, and many of the advanced aspirants on the Path are already becoming proficient and engrossed in the procedures. At this time, there is no question that those who are in any way advanced in spiritual consciousness are having their awakening/evolution process hastened as never before in the history of the world, in order that they may act as transmitters and interpreters of Universal Law and Cosmic Truth

You, the aspirants on the Path, are becoming proficient at building and using multiple Pyramids of Light / Power in the fifth dimension as you slowly but surely become acclimated to a lower fifth-dimensional environment. You have opened the pathways to the Cities of Light so that you can gradually incorporate higher and more refined frequencies of Light. You are also preparing yourselves to interact on a regular basis with the many facets of your Higher Self and the great Beings of Light.

The call of reunification is beginning for many of you, whereby your refined Soul Song is reaching various members of your God Self. As you refine your vibrational patterns and your Energetic Signature reaches a certain level of harmony, your Soul Song will begin to reverberate out into and through the fourth, into the fifth and for some of you, possibly even into the sixth dimensions, and very gradually into the auric fields of some of the Soul Fragments of your Higher Self. Slowly, as these blessed facets of your Self become aware of you, they will begin the process of moving into alignment with you. Those whose resonance is lower than yours will fall into line below you, and those who are on the Path ahead of you will slowly move into the column of Light above you. You will also be moving laterally, as well as higher, into the refined realms as all of the fragments of your I AM Presence gradually begin the process of moving closer and closer to your central column of Divine Light.

For some of you this information will be confusing; however, many of you are experiencing this process in varying degrees during your nightly sojourns or in meditation. Therefore, we wish to give you a basic understanding of what is taking place at the various levels of the ascension process. We will discuss this further and in more depth in the near future.

As you study and delve into the mysteries of Cosmic Truth, you will build a reservoir of knowledge which you can draw upon when needed. Also, as you gain access to your Sacred Mind, it will seem as if you have tapped into a Cosmic source of information; however, in the beginning, it will be your own ancient, extensive past that has been made available to you. You will become increasingly sensitive to ideas, concepts and complex information, and you will gain the ability to tap into this rich storehouse of information at will.

As you evolve and become skillful at sharing your wisdom with others, you will become increasingly sensitive to the subtle messages, concepts and ideas from your guides, teachers, angelic helpers, and the en-Lighten-ed Beings from the higher realms. When you have turned the information you have garnered into wisdom, and have become a living example of each new, advanced level of consciousness, you will then be qualified to teach the concepts to others. You must experience that which you teach and become a shining example, which is the most effective way to get the attention of others.

Remember, my brave ones, in every era and major cycle, Cosmic Wisdom and Divine Truth are made available to those with open minds and loving hearts. Submission to the Will of our Father/Mother God means adherence to the Universal Laws as they are revealed to you. A Self-master always strives to make the highest choices, has a burning desire to serve others and is always responsible for their own actions. Call on us and allow us to Light the way as you journey into the future. You are loved most profoundly. I AM Archangel Michael.

* Transmitted through Ronna Herman * www.RonnaStar.com * Phone: 775-856-3654 

http://www.RonnaStar.com www.AskArchangelMichael.com * www.QuestForMastery.org *

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Aries 2010: Rebirth & Renewal

a message from Kelly M. Beard

Tuesday, 30 March, 2010

I prefer to be true to myself,
even at the hazard of incurring the ridicule of others,
rather than to be false,
and to incur my own abhorrence.

~ Frederick Douglass ~
Venus (values/priorities) and Mercury (thoughts/ideas/concepts) both dive in to Aries prior to the Sun, getting your *Heart* (Venus) and *Mind* (Mercury) in alignment so that a renewed *Identity* (Sun) can shine forth. As the Sun enters Aries ~ *Spring* Equinox Initiates a new Solar/astrological year. This is a *Universal* RE-Set Button. Clean Slate. New Beginning. It is *Initiation/Integration* for my Aries/Libra babies and *Growth/Development* for my Cancer/Capricorn babies.

However, everyone has Aries ruling some area of life and this is the area of life that gets activated at this time every year. Do you know your rhythm for this? How do you feel every Spring? Aries energy activates the instinctual draw toward change and new beginnings. Old ways no longer work and you must get out of your comfort zone and experiment with new modes of operating. It's time to *move* again, shake off the sleepiness of Winter. It's an annual Re-Birth that reminds you to honor both the Shadow and the Light, the visible work, done in the Light and often with others ... and ... the invisible work, done in the Shadow, behind the scenes, alone and hidden from view. How would you like to do things differently this year? What aspect of your life, being or environment could use some conscious focus and intent?
Mars rules Aries and defines your desire nature. It represents how you *DO* in the world, what motivates you to action and gets you fired up. Aries is the lesson of independence and courage, knowing who you are, what you want and embodying THAT! This is a Divine opportunity to discover what you're really capable of when you match passion with vision, align your heart/mind connection and never hesitate to take heart-centered action. It is time to embody the energy that is both wild and peaceful, always alert and ready for the next the adventure. Obstacles ~ that's a detail! Delays ~ better watch out! Challenges ~ bring it on! Aries is single-minded, determined and completely focused on present moment so it particularly adept at improvising with whatever is available in the here and now. (We could all use some practice there!) It's the fire that fuels the desire driving that moment in time.
Imbalanced Aries, demonstrates negative Libra: indecision, people-pleasing, other-directed. It is best for Aries energy to remain central and first priority. When Aries is balanced, it embodies courage and pure, instinctive drive ~ it gets things moving and it's exciting to behold. In its most noble expression, Aries energy brings out a protective warrior who defends the weak and infirm. It's very passionate (for the moment) and draws many challenges to their independence and courage to test the purity of the motivations and desires. It's time for you to be more independent and self-sufficient, using what you've got (internally and externally) and acting in present moment with faith and conviction. As you re-connect with your instinctual Self (Aries), your interactions with other life (Libra) around you will be more harmonious because you are initiating from the purest center. When you are self-sufficient, others want to support you ~ when you're passionate and clearly connected to your instincts (guiding your *now*), people want to bask in the warmth of your fire. It sparks your creativity and ignites others' and something *NEW* is born.
Aries' animal spirit is that of the Ram, fearless, agile and determined. It's time to find a cause or purpose larger than your small individual life otherwise, this same energy can be extremely selfish and one-dimensional. This energy is great for starting things, but you should also have other people or entities in place to support future growth and development. This is the energy of *Initiation* ~ getting things started ~ getting things moving in a *new* direction. Develop your own independent nature, cultivate a strong instinctual connection, improvise often, channel rage (paralyzing) into outrage (mobilizing), rise to the challenges as they are presented with heart and courage and gain the wisdom that is *YOU*! We are born on this planet with all that we need, desire and deserve coded in to our DNA. Modern life has attempted to disconnect our instinctual connection to Mother Earth, however, that is impossible. We need only be still and re-member ~ re-connect with our Source - from which we come and to whom all return ~ tune in to the cycles, honor them with your dedication and bountiful blessings for all will be the result.
Happy New Year!

Kelly M Beard www.KarmicTools.com

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