Tag: custodian

Through the Life that is Growing ALL Around you, There is WISDOM to be Had


Message from Gaia, Earth Mother and Goddess Channeled by: Julie Miller May 19, 2012

I greet all children who reside on my surface with so much love that you will feel it as you embrace and rejoice each step you take as you ma...

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The Divine Dialogue


a message from The Council of Light channeled by Meredith Murphy

Saturday, 24 March, 2012  (posted 29 March, 2012)

Stillness precedes order.

Ideally, as you revise your lifestyle to liberate greater well-being and al...

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From Victim to Creator – Part 3

ZingdadIf you’ve been following this process in chronological order, you’ll remember that the impetus for me to start blogging was from my spirit-guide, 8.In Chapter 10 of The Ascension Papers, he asked me to find a way to share with you how I am “moving out of the victim relationships I have had with my world and moving into a new situation where I will be in greater harmony with life”.And that is what the “Victim to Creator” blog series is about.In Part 1 of this series I talked about the specific moment in which I, once and for all, decided to relinquish victimhood and choose the path of the creator-being.In Part 2 I shared with you the mystical experience I had on the hill-top in the Outeniqua mountains that showed me that I would find the way forward by following my heart, not my mind.And now, in Part 3, I want to tell you about the ethos of the new life I have planned.I will update you, in follow-up blogs to this series, as to how that ethos is converted into practical life-choicesand I will share with you my experiences of those choices. It promises to be a most exciting journey.

In the very briefest of terms, then, the ethos of my new life is:

1.To live in the most beautiful place in the universe.For me, while I am restricting myself to planet earth, this is in the forests of the Outeniqua Mountains.This is MY particular paradise.It is a place that speaks to my soul.

2.To engage the land in a loving, mutually supportive relationship; to be the custodian of the land rather than its owner.You see I don’t believe one can actually own land any more than you can own another person.Sure, I will legally have to own the land before I can live there but those are silly, transitory man-made rules.The RELATIONSHIP between the land and me will not be that of owner and possession.I will love and respect the land and look after its best interests and in return, it will supply some of my needs for things like food, water and a place to live.But the mutually utilitarian relationship will be subordinate to the love relationship.

3.To express myself as magnificently as I can and to give my expressions away with love.I find I am at my happiest when I am allowing inspiration to arrive and when creativity flows through me.I have found that, as soon as I begin to ask questions like “what’s in it for me” or “how can I make money out of this” or “how will I stop people from just taking this and using it for their own benefit” then I move into a poverty mind-set.These miserly thoughts make my heart smaller.And then I find the grand and beautiful creations that I seek will no longer flow though me.Focusing on my wants and needs, especially of money, makes me less.It reduces me.It shuts off the flow.So I want to do the opposite of that.I want to focus on what I have to give and then I want to focus on the best way to give it as magnificently as I can.

And then to give… and give... and give…

At this point, my greatest gift is The Ascension Papers.So I’m giving that away.

I have also created some music that has flowed through me.I’m giving that away too.

I am now planning to make some meditation tracks that will employ a combination of my music-making skills, my training as a voice-artist and the teachings in The Ascension Papers.I’ll give those away too.

While I was coming to understand the nature of creation I was inspired to learn to understand fractal art.As a result of which I was inspired to actually create some fractal art pieces.These too I am willing to give away.

I don’t know what I will next be inspired to express.But whatever that is, I do know that I’ll be giving it all away.

4.To trust that Life will provide all that I need, in abundance, in response to my giving.I believe this is the way it works: what you give, you receive.So then, surely, it must be so that giving in abundance will result in receiving in abundance?I believe it is so and I am now allowing this to be true in my life.First by giving and then by opening myself to receive.Its funny but “receiving” is the part that I have struggled with the most.It is has always been very difficult for me to ask anything of others.I have always been uncomfortable with “receiving”.What I have recently come to understand is that I have created energy blockages for myself with this mind-set. If the energy cannot flow back to me then I make myself ill and I systematically reduce the amount of energy that can flow out from me.So I am now learning to open that flow.I am learning not only to receive, but to receive with open-hearted gratitude.

In the blog item, YOUR Call to Action I reached out to you, my readers and I asked for help with “getting the message out”.The response to date has been joyously wonderful.So, it seems, asking is okay.  I can actually do that.

And I am learning to receive what is offered too.I still have a difficult relationship with money (I’ll write more about that sometime soon) but the donation model I have on my website is a way for me to receive money that I am comfortable with:If you find that you wish to give something back to me in that way, then the option is available to you.And when that happens it is always a wonderful, joyful thing.A gift is given and received.This is MUCH better for me than if I had to charge you some kind of fee to read what I have written.With the donation model it is an exchange of love rather than a grudging exchange of commerce.

So THAT is the ethos of what I am now creating for myself: a simple life of harmony and love, living in the Outeniqua mountains, creating abundantly.

In the following blogs in this series, I will talk about the new home I am planning to build on my little patch of paradise.I will explain about “Open-System Self-Sustenance”, which is a concept that I am developing as a way to live life in a loving and harmonious manner.I will begin to get into some of the details of how this can be made to work in the practical nitty-gritty terms of plumbing, electricity and growing food and so on.And then I will share with you my process of actually building that home and implementing those systems.You might want to do something similar in your life.You might already be doing some of these things and you might want to share YOUR experiences with ME.Or you might just be interested to see how I apply these things in my life and to read about my journey.Whatever the case I invite you to share with me what life gives.

Until next time then, I wish you Joy…

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