Tag: cosmic energies

Blue Dawn

Age of Aquarius meditation was very successful and we have reached the critical mass, albeit barely. Around 150,000 people were actively participating:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=33Yb3_60gwE&feature=youtu.beThis was just enough to push us over ...

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Cintamani Grid

Since my last Cintamani update, the Cintamani grid on the surface of the planet was strengthened significantly.Two pieces were strategically positioned on certain key points in Antarctica:  Many pieces are now being positioned on the ocean floors ...

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Galactic Federation of Light Hilarion May-19-2013

Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah)

May 19-26, 2013

Beloved Ones,

In these days that are upon you, much is being revealed that was previously not known.

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Kris Won, November 10, 2011


Greetings from Alpha Spaceship!

We are entering a new stage in the process of Ascension as a human race on this planet. We could say, without wishing to exaggerate, that the time you are in at this very moment is of enormous impor...

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soluntra king The Light from the higher dimensional realms, and from the stars and unified aspect of you is beaming today and as always, the stars are pulsating in unison and illuminating us with cosmic energies. On this day we are invited to be awar...

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Hilarion’s Weekly Message 2011, September 11-18, 2011


Beloved Ones,

Many of you have learned very well how to align yourselves to meet the energies expressed from those around you, with equilibrium, insight and clarity. This is a good skill to carry with you as you traverse the Cosmi...

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Hilarion’s Weekly Message 2011, August 21-28, 2011


Beloved Ones,

Our hearts are full as we see each one of you valiantly go about your daily lives, striving to transcend the energies that swirl around you everywhere you turn. It requires a continued focus on the remembrance of who...

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ARCHANGEL GABRIEL – April 14-21, 2011


Beloved Ones,

I would like to have discourse with you on the quality of Love called alchemy. Each time there is a challenge in your path, there is presented to you a choice, and it requires for you to make a choice for either the ...

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The Mayan Calendars and the Nine+Nine-day Count


By Carl John Calleman

Often we talk about the Mayan calendar as if it was something fixed and eternal that has stayed the same throughout the ages. Such a view is far from the truth since the calendars that the Mayan people have b...

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Melchizedek 2011


No, it's not Drunvalo...


January 25-February 1, 2011

Most Dearly Beloved Lightworkers,

And so we begin our series of discourses through our Beloved Scribe. I wish to address the current situation upon y...

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Master Hilarion’s Weekly Message December 5-12, 2010

Marlene Swetlishoff

Beloved Lightworkers,

The great cleansing continues and each of you is making great gains and headway even though you may not be seeing this manifest in your daily life as yet. Be assured that this is taking pla...

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