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SaLuSa 28-Mars-2010

Channeler: Mike Quinsey

You have the potential to do whatsoever you desire, but seldom do you have that belief in yourselves. Your power lies in your ability to create through sheer intent, but because you do not see instant results you have doubts. Often what you focus upon is way in the future, and is not necessarily part of the life you planned beforehand. Certainly you have freewill, but your Guides will do their best to influence your decisions so that they are in your best interests. The most important thing is to put your efforts into raising your consciousness, so that you can be sure of being ready to ascend. Unless you reach a certain level of vibration, you will be unable to proceed when the opportunity arises. However, once you express the intent to ascend you are given every help to get there.

Nothing would please us more than if you all had a turn of heart, and every soul made the transition. However, at present there are less than half of you that are consciously making changes in your lives to do so. Yet as the energy levels increase, more of you are awakening and seeking your own path to understanding. The truth is there to be found, but not until you are prepared to move beyond the mindset you already have. You cannot accommodate new ideas if your belief system is rigidly held in place. Unfortunately, generations upon generations of families or institutions have passed on their own misguided knowledge in all good faith, but their understanding has been tainted by false teachings. Humans have a way of believing that a majority opinion makes it correct, whereas in spiritual matters it is often quite the opposite.

Your best guide in matters affecting your life choices is yourself, and through your intuitive feelings. Trust in yourself, as you have a wealth of experience to call upon that has been acquired over many lifetimes. Remember that the choices that are ideal for one person are not necessarily the best for all. You have your own goals to achieve, and you will instinctively know what they are. Do not be scared of being the odd one out, because as long as it is giving you fulfillment and satisfying your quest for knowledge, it will be correct for you.

You have been living in a reality that has been created by you, and served its purpose by fulfilling your desires. It was not however meant to be permanent, and would in any event have changed in response to the higher energies. Duality such as you have experienced it is not to continue beyond the end of the cycle, and that will also include the astral dimensions. Therefore all souls will make a freewill choice as to where their journeys will take them next. Your subconscious memories of having come from the higher dimensions will draw you back to them. You will instinctively feel that it is where your real home lies, in the realms of Light. Indeed your bodies are already changing at this very time, and your Light bodies are forming in readiness for Ascension.

Our presence and that of the many other Beings from Higher dimensions are here to ensure that the end times fulfill everyone’s promise. It does not matter whether they remember what they planned; the important thing is that in the end they will stand at the door of their choice. Position, power and wealth will count for nothing once you leave Earth, and any measure of your success is purely by your level of spiritual understanding.

You are immersed in aspects of time that controls your lives, but once you ascend it is no longer applicable. Past, Present and Future are all one, and you will find that all is simply in the Now. We can view your activities as one and therefore see what lies ahead of you, and it is why we can confidently predict the outcome of duality. We see success and there are many paths that lead to the same conclusion, and you have created these through your many different beliefs. It is an example of your creative powers, although you may not realize you have been responsible.

Meanwhile back on the Earth, changes that you are striving for are getting nearer as our allies clear away the last remaining obstacles. The unwarranted and unnecessary attacks on our craft have at last ceased, allowing us to proceed with our plan for open contact with you. We have never represented any type of threat to you, and in fact take pride in having protected you for thousands of years. We have kept unwelcome visitors away from Earth, and carefully monitored on-earth activities whether they have been natural or man made. The Galactic Federation are just one of many groups working for the Light forces, that closely follow your personal progress. Our mission is to ensure you reach completion of the cycle of duality, as decreed by the higher authorities that include the White Brotherhood.

It has taken many years to maneuver the dark ones into a position where their power and influence has waned. Sometimes we can use the very same tactics they use to control you, against them. They rely on creating fear to accomplish their aims, but you are gradually becoming wise to their methods. All in all, you are beginning to see the bigger picture and are not fooled so easily as you were. Now you walk with your heads held up high knowing you have the power to change the circumstances that affect your lives. You not only know that you are great Beings, but are using your creative powers to do so. The more you continue to focus on a peaceful and happy future, the more energy you are creating that will manifest it for you.

We desire the best for you, and work towards the return of your sovereignty. By rights acceded to you as a child of God, it is law that you are allowed to claim them. They have been denied you because you have been deliberately kept in ignorance of them. However, you are awakening to your true selves and insisting on being treated with respect, and your rights acknowledged. Be assured you also have us alongside you, and you will be restored to your true levels in readiness for the end of this cycle. It is all part of the process of Ascension that will see you lift up into the higher dimensions.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and pleased to be part of the armada of Spaceships that bring you release from your oppressors, and immense love for your well being and happiness.

Thank you SaLuSa.

Mike Quinsey.

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Fully Trusting SELF

Morning Messages

Dear ONE,

I feel that there is a message for me now, so I release my consciousness to you. (I have made a few changes to apply this message to everyone. When the Collective Consciousness of the Arcturians speaks through me, they always speak to the Collective Consciousness of Earth. I needed to hear this message AGAIN, so I thought some of you may need to her it again too.)

Dear Ones, please just release you grasp on your immediate reality and join us as we take you to New Earth. Yes, of course, it is also already created, as there is no time. However, as each of you surrender to the flow of the ONE, your consciousness constantly makes adjustments of this reality. You, our dear ones, are still struggling with your survival consciousness, which is limiting your experiences at this time. If you can allow yourself to release the need to survive for even one week, you will see a great shift in your reality.

We realize that we are asking a lot of you. To fully trust your SELF is, indeed, a challenge. However, trust must begin within. As long as you do not fully trust yourself, how can you fully trust us? “Maybe I was wrong? Maybe I just imagined it? Maybe I am too conceited to think the I could do this?” These are old core beliefs that must be rooted from your subconscious. You will only hear these old whispers of survival/fear if you dare to trust your SELF completely.

You are saying that you want a deeper experience of your SELF and of your relationship with us. In order to regain this connection, you need to go deep inside your self to find the parts of you that are too afraid of “being different.” Your daily self has found that there are actually many who are just like you, but your unconscious self has not yet received that information. Much as a Mother would be brave so as not to frighten her small child, you must be “brave” to show your wounded past that you love your SELF so unconditionally that you can let go of all the limitations and reasons that have held you back.

When you release old beliefs that limit you, you remove the barriers that you have been feeling between who and where you are now and the expanded reality that you feel within. Remind your frightened self that you have always been that Being. In fact, you have always been a Being within the ONE. Therefore, you need not gain, achieve, deserve or work for what you seek. All you need “do” is accept that that which you so desire has ALWAYS existed—just beyond the veil of third dimensional illusion.

We hear you thinking, “I have heard, written and done this over and over again. Why do I still have to do it?” Our answer is, “Because you still hold an earth vessel.” While you maintain this vessel you still must breathe, again and again. You still must eat everyday. You still have to bathe, clean your home, go to work, exercise and meditate. You also, need to face the frequency of fear on a continual basis. When your consciousness is expanded, you can easily choose love. However, if you are tired, sick, in traffic or had a bad day, fear is a more formidable force.

There is nothing "wrong" with you that you have to repeat these daily activities. They are just a compnonent of a polarized reality. As more and more of your consciousness resides in the fifth dimensional New Earth, your third dimensional activity will fall away from your reality, and you will focus more and more on your new reality. However, you are among the many who are “awakeners,” in that your life-contract was to assist in the awakening of humanity to the great moment of Planetary Ascension.

To release your vigilance to “survive” and trust your SELF, is a huge initiation because you are handing the controls of your earth vessel over to your Multidimensional SELF. Fortunately, your Multidimensional SELF includes your 3D earth vessel, as well as your ego who is in charge of care and maintenance. In reality, you are not releasing your ego-control of survival. Instead, you are expanding your control of survival to your Multidimensional SELF who is in constant contact with myriad other expressions of your SELF. With this awareness forever alive within your consciousness, fear of “death” is gone, as you KNOW you cannot die.

On the other hand, you still will need to confront the fear of loss of your present, third dimensional earth life, especially the fear that you will not fulfill your life-contract. We say to you now that fear will not assist you in that fulfillment. However, unconditional love of your self, unconditional acceptance of who you are right NOW and minute-to-minute unconditional forgiveness will pave your path Home to the resonance, which you have never left--only forgotten.

See that Home now through your wondrous tool of imagination. With eyes open and full awareness of your physical surroundings, look around you and see, not the third dimensional reality, but the fifth. Whatever remains the same are areas of your life that are already fifth dimensional. Whatever alterations you see to your 3D life are areas of your reality that are about to change. The reality is that we cannot “take you to New Earth,” except in your imagination, for YOU are the creators of this reality.

At the same time, this reality has always existed, because it resonates beyond time and space. Therefore, to experience fifth dimensional Earth, you need to expand your consciousness to the resonance of that reality. You will likely find that your adventure will be different with each visit because YOU will be different. We close our message reminding you that you cannot conceive of a multidimensional reality from the limitations of third dimensional consciousness. To change your life, you must chance your consciousness.

We are HERE, NOW to assist you with this change,

The Arcturians

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Sneak Preview……

Today, I feel urged to to reveal a little of the novel I'm currently writing. Not sure what it will accomplish, but the urge is there, and it feels good. "Make It Real" is a so-called braided tale weaving three timelines into a timeless piece of reflection:

  • My 2007 past self, in the form of the novel Going Within, which I wrote back then. It's name turned out to be aptly appropriate, for it is now Going Within the new Make It Real novel.
  • My 2010 now self, which comments on things as I write this novel.
  • My 4444 future self, an android, who addly enough bears the name of 'Sander R.B.E. Beals', the 'author' of this book for those who don't know any better....

Comment I got from a fifteen year old as I told him the outline of the story: "This book is going to change a lot"  and me, daft as I am, said "Why?, it is almost half finished"  Turned out he meant that it would change many of those reading it....  And you know what they say about kids.  And no, he wasn't one of my kids.......

Love your Light, 


P.S. I still come up short on my list of E-mail addresses to present to the publisher as receivers of the mailing about that book. Especially since I do not specifically wish to invite my colleagues to join. This story might be a bit too close to home to involve them. However, if they pass the barriers I will be putting up, then their knowledge of it is apparently what should happen.

4444AD, Day 223, 12:34, Home

I'm flat on my back, relaxing as I'm working. The two by two meter vidcloth on the ceiling displays various windows, from various eras. Top left is my vision feed of March 12th, 2010. I have the accompanying audio on the speakers, and “Day sixteen: Loser” plays, not interfered by anything else in the vicinity. I just love seeing myself be busy creating. The video feed gets interrupted by the screen saver kicking in: photos of an intimately familiar lady fill that top left corner. I leave it be, and switch to another, apparently me in a train. Nobody in  view, just empty seats opposite me.   
I remember how I felt back then, being busy with the idea of the neural network I'd envisioned seeing myself create. I know I can't actually make myself achieve anything better back then, but I can make myself feel better about it. I flip open the plans of the quadrionic mind in my mind's eye, and study them for the next few minutes. By focusing the energy of that activity on my past incarnation, I can strengthen his belief in the fact that he will, in due time, achieve his goal. Just as I eventually did in 2042....
Seda steps into the bedroom, seeing me enjoy myself. She bounces onto the bed next to me, and immediately succeeds in getting my mind off myself. Hey, some people have that effect on me, what can I say? “And, where has my most favorite girl in all the world been hanging around?” I ask her. She tells me she's been walking around town, collecting interesting things from an antiques shop she frequents on a regular basis. Roberto, the antiquarian, told her he had some really nice needlework from around the turn of the second millennium. She jumps off the bed, and steps into the corridor, only to return with four almost square frames. They depict four angels, delicately embroidered on white linen. Two are relatively colorful, a third is done in distinct autumn-like colors. The forth and final one apparently depicts wintertime. A quick reference to the vidcloth on the ceiling gives the game away: the design is indeed a quartet, and these are called the Four Seasons. My vision enhancer highlights a slightly off-colored patch in the corners of the needle works. In icy blue, nearly indistinguishable from the surrounding whiteness, some sort of code is embroidered: MS2000. I now begin to appreciate the weird familiarity of the female foursome: I have seen them before! Rather than letting the raw power of the Google vision search loose on it, I'd rather let my mind do the work involved. The vision search is a descendant of the Google image search, which searches for imagery based on text. Vision Search does quite the opposite: based on a single image, it retrieves images of the same subject, or similar ones, to enable the user to gather context data on something they've only seen once.
And then it hits me: around 2000, my dad in that life embroidered these  ladies, proud to have done it in only 555 hours! I flip over the frames, and indeed: one of them has a small label on it, specifying the name of the works, the period they were made in, and the telltale 555 hours.
It is always nice to find stuff from your own past. It reminds you of the timelessness and the interconnectedness of things, which reminds me:
While Seda goes down to the kitchen to make her famous macaroni with synthetic (but no less tasty) chicken and sweet & sour, I go with her and read some more in my manuscript, so attentively sent to me by Denisa.....

'From one marvel to the next'

Thinking back, I wonder why our hosts arrived on foot when they could just as easily have flown right to where we were standing. When asked, Mayra gives a simple explanation: “Two beings on foot pose much less of a threat than a flying saucer carrying the same two people. Hence our preference for walking the extra distance”. Now there’s a train of thought I can wholeheartedly agree with. I thank her for the explanation, and go back to my own thoughts, that wander to the design of the floater that we are in. Sure, its mind-controlled interface is spectacular enough, but otherwise it’s very minimalist in design: a large metal disc-shaped object, with a depression at the center. Around it, seven seats are placed. Come to think of it, it looks suspiciously like the wild water rides that we use on the outside of the globe. Only this one floats on air instead of water, and it’s a much smoother ride. It has no apparent roof structure, so I ask Kayim about it. He explains that inside, the weather does not have its ups and downs like outside, for there are no seasons. There is occasional rain, but the people here don’t really mind that, and the same force field that floats the floater also keeps out the excess water. As we approach the city, I take a closer look at it: it consists almost entirely of spheres of various sizes, some buried halfway in the surface. Lots of green in between, making it a great place to live in, I imagine. The spheres are different shades of color, giving the impression of soap bubbles from afar.
We land on the edge of the city, next to a modest globe. I can now spot an entirely glass surface surrounding it, which can be seen to be divided into six distinct levels. The top level seems to have no real ceiling, more like a greenhouse. We enter the structure at ground level, and step onto a disc that’s in the core of the building. You can look up and see all the floors, just like an elevator that has no walls. The disc starts to rise, and I see Melanie trying to scare me to death: she holds out her arm, and steps to the side of the platform to allow the next floor to chop it off. Her plan is foiled, because of some unseen barrier that won’t allow anything to cross the edge of the platform as long as it is moving. Mayra notices also, and laughs at my youngest.
We stop on the next floor, and find it divided into four quarter-circle rooms. “These are the working areas,” Mayra explains: “They are on the lower levels because of the frequent transporting of goods in and out of them. Because of their being on the lower half of the sphere, they are usually lit by artificial means”. I see what she means, but for the life of me cannot discover any source of internal light. Still, the rooms seem better lit than any I’ve seen on the surface. We get onto the disc again, only to stop briefly at the next level, which is divided into six pie-shaped rooms.
Each one has two discs on the floor, and two discs on the ceiling directly above them. One of the rooms clearly demonstrates the purpose of the discs: another Inner Earth person is suspended in between two discs. As we approach, he effortlessly swings into an upright position, and steps forward to meet us. “I’ve been waiting for you since I finished preparing our meal. My name is Sinan.” Further talking reveals that he is the mate of Mayra, and Kayim is their son. They live together in this house, which seems somewhat large for the three of them. Mayra explains that they have been appointed hosts of the access point that we came through, so they sometimes have guests from the surface, hence the six bedrooms. The seven of us step onto the central disc again, and ascend to the next level, which also has six pie-shaped rooms. “These are for various activities,”, Mayra explains: “Kayim has his musical studio in one of these”. Laura can’t wait to hear her new friend: “Will you please play us something?”, she asks in her sweetest voice. Kayim obliges, and takes the seat behind a desk that features various colored crystals. They light up the moment he sits down, and his hands above the array of crystalline light start making subtle movements. The end result is one of the sweetest compositions I’ve ever heard. All of us stand there and listen intently, until the spontaneous concert is finished. When it does, we outsiders all applaud Kayim, with Laura cheering as well. “Who wrote that marvelous piece?”, she wants to know. Kayim smiles, taking a bow: “I just improvised a little, so you could say I 'wrote' it...”, he says.
We go up another level, and come to another set of four rooms, with large, tilted windows all around the circumference of the building. Three of the four rooms are home to various plants, growing in shallow tanks containing a greenish, luminous substance. “This is our hydroponics area. It grows all of the fruits and vegetables we consume.”, Mayra explains. She goes on to tell us that the plants that thrive best on real sunlight are closest to the windows, whereas the more rugged plants get by on artificial light. Finally, the ones that don't require light, like mushrooms, are grown in a subterranean level at the base of the sphere. The one remaining room on this level is the kitchen, which has its own dedicated access to the dining table above, which we will see shortly.  Sinan gestures towards the central disc again, to introduce us to the final level of the structure: the living area.
The four of us stand  in awe of the sight we behold: a large circular floor, that is topped by an equally large glass dome. Basically, this dome is the top sixth part of the sphere, leaving the entire floor permanently lit by the smoky central sun. We can see the entire city, and the landscape that surrounds it. ”That's something different from the street view you get from your average city home.”, I say to Gea. She looks at me, and just smiles quietly. Mayra calls our attention to a round table, with a big gaping hole in the middle. As we look on, a plateau displaying the most delicious dishes surfaces, inviting us to the table. Around it we find simple but adequate stools, that automatically adjust their height to the size of the person sitting on them. We all sit down, when Sinan invites us to quietly contemplate the origins of the food we are about to eat. I look over the dishes, and realize that no matter how different they are from the foods of the outer world, their origins are the same: it is all part of the All, just as we are.
Sinan wishes us a healthy meal, and puts some food on his plate. As I ask him to hand me one of the green eggs that are in his vicinity, the central plateau of the table rotates, so I can easily take one myself. “How did you do that?”, I ask. Mayra explains that it is the same mechanism that controls the floater outside. She invites me to try it myself, because it isn't that hard. I notice a delicious piece of fruit across the table, and decide to give it a go. I concentrate on choosing the fruit, and the plateau revolves to the point where I can reach in and get it. Of course the girls can't wait to perform their own experiments on it. Unfortunately, they both formulate their requests at the same time, and the end result is that the table voices its objection against this conflict by a short somewhat irritated sound. Kayim laughs, and tells Laura to let her sister go first. Melanie, seated right next to me, chooses her food with care, and then mentions to me that Laura has already learnt her first words of Solara Maru, from Kayim. I look across the table, and see the two of them exchanging meaningful looks.
I ponder the apparent design choices of the Inner Earth people: their homes seem  built for maximum efficiency.  Distinguishing them from the houses of neighbors appears to be totally irrelevant. Mayra explains that the spherical shape has been chosen because it leaves a minimal surface for a maximal content, thus minimizing the exchange of energy  with the environment. Not that they really need it of course, because the season-less weather keeps the outdoor temperature always around twenty degrees centigrade. “We prefer the beauty of optimal solutions to the aesthetics.” Sinan says. I state that even though aesthetics is not their main concern, they haven't lost their eye for beauty. When everybody seems to have had enough, the plateau slowly sinks back to the kitchen level. Mayra points out that the remains of  our copious meal will be recycled into the substance that feeds the hydroponics area.
As we stand up, Sinan again draws our attention to the table. The plateau has returned, and the large circular surface becomes the scene where a scale model of the city appears. Even my untrained eye recognizes the configuration of spheres, some large and some small. But the differences between big and small are much smaller than between houses and office buildings up top. Mayra explains that massive office buildings are not needed here, as most of the people work from their homes. In fact, most won't call it work, because basically it is just doing what they love to do. The only reason things seem so out of proportion on the outside, is because there everything is controlled instead of trusting that nature will find the right way. “Call me an anarchist, but that reasoning doesn't sound half bad”, I thought.  Since consumption here is on a much lower level than outside, big stores are also not needed. Life inside isn't all about money, certainly not. The necessities of life are provided for all, and to acquire luxury items, people trade instead of spending their days doing things they don't like.
With the model, Sinan wants to show us which sights we will be visiting tomorrow. On the left, he points to a fairly large globe, half buried in the forest. This is the city's swimming pool, that has been chosen as an item on our trip because it is markedly different from the surface swimming pools: you simply cannot drown there, because the “water” is far denser, causing you to float easier. “Like the Red Sea!” Melanie interjects. “But it isn't that salty” Kayim asks her. “Help, I didn't bring my swim gear!” Laura utters with panic in her voice. “Don't worry” Mayra says: “We can pretty much make you any apparel you find suitable.” So apparently, there's nothing to stop us from having a nice swim tomorrow. Sinan points out that this will happen tomorrow afternoon. The morning will be spent with the Elders, who will give us a bit of a history lesson.
I ask Sinan if there is a possibility to access the Web on the outside. I would very much like to update my site with a story of our exploits on the inside. Sinan leads me to a round seat, which envelops me with a spherical ‘screen’ the moment I sit down. It is projected around the seat, and is pressure sensitive. On the edge of the seat is a keyboard, which can be augmented by use of the dictation unit. It doesn’t take me long to get the hang of it. Once Sinan has shown me how to get to the outer web, I quickly find my own site, and am somewhat hesitantly typing and talking away to let our readers know how exciting it is down here.
As I finish, I notify Linda and Carlo. They are on holiday themselves, so I mail them, and send SMS-es to both their cellphones. I tell them something like “no matter what you hear, we're OK”. That ought to cover any rash actions by the hotel staff, or other people. Gea is up next, and takes the seat.
An hour or two later, even though the internal Sun is still high in the sky, it is the moment of sleep. Mayra leads us to the bedrooms a little lower, and gets us something to wear while in ‘bed’. I am very curious about the force field that acts as a mattress, will it be easy to lie on? We first go into the room designated to the girls. Mayra demonstrates how you can just walk onto the lower disc, after which you will be slightly lifted up to the levitation center of the field. After that, it is easy to position your body any way you like. The kids get into their nightly attire, step onto the pads, and immediately start doing rolls, and other tricks. I wonder how long they will be doing that before falling asleep. As for the lack of night, the windows have their own mechanism to remedy that: they slowly fade from transparent to dark gray, creating a great nightly look. Mayra, Gea and me leave the kids to their tricks, and go into two other rooms, one for Gea and one for me. After I’ve dressed for the night, it is my turn to try the ‘bed’. I step onto it, and feel myself being slightly lifted. It is a weird sensation, because there seems to be no extra pressure from below, like when you’re sitting on a bed. It is more the absence of weight, without the lack of oxygen normally found in outer space. But it also does not seem to be quite like normal weightlessness, for there is a certain friction between the force field and my body, that makes it easy to move around. I experiment a little, but it doesn’t take much time to find my optimum position. I doze off quickly, forgetting all about my peculiar surroundings.
But it doesn't last long. Not seven minutes later, I wake up terrified, because I just realize that I forgot my pills! I get dressed again, and think about why oh why I don't keep the bottle in my pocket at all times. Since our trip to the pyramids was only supposed to last a few hours, I'd plain forgotten about it, since I didn't need them till bedtime anyway.
I step onto the landing, and almost bump into Mayra. She sees the worried look on my face, and asks what is wrong. I explain the predicament of missing medication to her, and she looks me into the eyes: “Fortunately, we do have a remedy, a permanent one even”, she smiles. She leads me to the lower level, speaks some words I haven't heard yet, and grabs what seems like a futuristic motorcycle helmet from a closed container. “Here, put this on”.
I do, and Mayra pushes the shiny red button that is now on my forehead. A weird sensation, a tingling starts right below the button, inside my skull. “What is it doing,” I ask. Not that I'm scared or anything, because during my manic episodes I've felt similar sensations. “Basically, it does what you would call a defragmentation of your neural net.” Mayra volunteers. She goes on to say that where I come from, the Lithium would be used by the brain to perform a similar function itself. This just is more thorough, and will last me about a year. If needed, she can even have me taken to see a doctor, who will cure it permanently....  After that, I have no problem getting back to sleep.

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The Fisher King Wound

Greetings Dear ones, for I am Kryon of magnetic service.

It's wonderful to be with you all this night, this very night. And it is wonderful once again to be back here in Durbanville with this familiar energy, here in the Western Cape.

There are many, many changes happening on the planet; many, many changes. You are coming into a new world of love, a world of integrity, a world that is changing, a world that will know no boundaries, a world of love, of joy, of freedom. There is a completely new world coming; stress free with much love. We have always told you in these channellings that this day would come, but this day is getting closer and closer, where you create your own reality, a reality of your own choosing.

Many of you have been working on yourselves, working through your own issues. These are difficult times for there is much change and change is never easy. Change is always difficult, for you have to learn new things and you have to learn new ways to be within the new energy. Some of these ways will be like second nature. Just as you all know how to spend money, it's the making of it that is the problem, the unknown. But money will begin to come so easily as you change yourselves on the inside; your reality will begin to change on the outside; for the new world is coming where you will create your reality out of pure love.

You've noticed that your emotional state can be up and down, but the time is coming where it will no longer be up and down, there will be a smooth and gradual increase in vibration. Many things are to happen in this world; for instance between America and China there is to be a power struggle, and America will begin to loose some of the globe. South Africa being a nation whose power and influence, mainly through Africa, will increase. Brazil in Latin America will become a much stronger and more powerful nation leading the way for Latin America. India will also increase in power in the masculine realm, for the masculine real is what controls this earth. The more masculine you are the more femininity you can control; but that is not where you want to be on this planet for many things must change on this planet.

The way that the planet is managed is going to change, spirit is seeing to this. We can see in this hierarchical society that the bankers are taking a completely disproportionate amount of wealth from society and keeping it to themselves. This will happen for a little while longer, but slowly but surely a new energy will come to replace this, a new energy of smoothness and containment, an energy of love. The more work you do on yourself the softer and the more gentle you will become, and at the same time you will be able to maintain your boundaries more strictly. In the softness is the receiving and you will begin to receive what you are truly looking for. It is human nature to love and to be loved, but at the moment it does not work for everybody. In fact most people never truly experience love, most people don't understand love and don't know how to love and receive love or give love to themselves. This shift will be happening this year in 2010 whereby love will be on the increase for humanity, where there is a dawning of a new level of love and a new level of understanding.

There is much talk of the year 2012, and there will be significant changes to come in mass consciousness in the global energies in 2012, but the major changes are happening now, they are happening already as the planets move. There are many planetary shifts coming that are leading the way into a new world, a revolutionary new world. Your energies will completely change and the energies of the earth will completely change. We have always said in the channelings that love is the only answer. Love is what floats everybody's boat. Without the ocean there cannot be a boat to sail. The ocean is the love, the water is love, and once you begin to get the flow of love under control and allow it to move in a direction that you truly want it to, in the direction of your true dreams, that is when the old world will come to an end and the new one will begin.

We offer you some worlds of advice, and that is to let the material world go. Don't be too interested in the material world. Spend some time as these new planetary changes are coming about doing more and more inner work, for many things will change. David has explained about the solar system and how you have an inner solar system that is completely dependant on how your entire family relates. You will slowly begin to create love and peace and harmony throughout your family and the more peace and love and harmony there is in the outer world in your families, the more there will be with on the outside. Remember that your family are the closest things that you have to yourselves, the mirror reflection is very clear from family members. What you don't like in your family members, it's a good idea to acknowledge and work through. During your inner work allow more and more love to flow between you and those that are closest to you. This is not easy, it was never set up to be easy, but this is just the way it is, this is what your souls chose before you came to this earth. You chose your families and you chose those specific issues to work through.

Allow yourself to connect with each person in the room through your heart center and allow love to flow. Close your eyes and go inside, allowing your hearts to open. Send love to everybody in this circle and receive love from everybody in this circle. Allowing the love in this circle to grow bigger and bigger and becoming love. Acknowledge your spirit guides coming into the room, being at your feet, and feel them and feel the Kryon energy. Feel how the energies are beginning to change as you love what can be a perfect stranger next to you and that person loves you in return, for that is what you came to experience here on this earth. The forgetting of what love was was followed by the long journey and the remembering of what love is. Allow yourselves to visualise Mother Earth beneath your feet. See inside Mother Earth a beautiful pink heart. See that heart beating, and at the same time feel your own heart beating. Feel your own heart beating and observe that beautiful pink heart in the center of Mother Earth beating too. Allow yourself to descend into that beautiful pink heart at the center of Mother Earth and feel yourself held by beautiful pink hands. Feel held and absolutely safe and absolutely secure and absolutely loved by Mother Earth. Whatever you are feeling let it come, and let it go... there are new energies coming, but the first step is to be fully connected to Mother Earth, to feel the love of Mother Earth, to feel the caring and the support and the oneness. Feel held, absolutely safe and absolutely secure. When you feel the things in your body which are not love, just let them come, and let them go... feel the love, the love of Mother Earth and the love of this group, here in Durbanville, this night.

Allow yourself to connect to one another from this space of being held by Mother Earth. Now allow a connection from the heart of the Great Central Sun, and see at the heart of the Great Central Sun a beautiful lime green heart. Allow the energy of the Great Central Sun to flow through your crown chakra, through your third eye, through your throat chakra and through your heart through the solar plexus and through your second chakra. Allow this energy to energise your second chakra for a little while. Allowing it to awaken the Kundaleni, the two snakes that live in the base of your pelvis. Just feeling this energy moving and cleansing all your chakras and energising your Kundaleni. These two snakes have much to say if you give them a chance to speak. As they become energised allow these snakes of the Kundaleni to speak, for they have much knowledge and much wisdom. Allow yourselves to become energised. Be gentle with yourselves, allowing the energies to flow. Allow the energy of Father Sky to move through the second chakra and the base, connecting to the heart of Mother Earth. Just feel the love, for this is the love of the new world, the new age.

If humanity had behaved itself you could have had this energy two thousand years ago. This smoothness, this love, this joy. There is a story we will to tell you this night and this is the story of the Fisher Kings and the Fisher King's Wound. After Christ's Crucifixion, he and his family moved to France and England and they intermarried with the royalties in these countries. Out of these marriages came new religions, Celtic Christianity in Britain and the Cathars in the south of France. Celtic Christianity lived on for six hundred years before it was replaced by Roman Christianity, but in the south of France this energy and this new religion lived on into the twelfth century. These were the true descendants of Christ, this was the true Christianity and their beliefs were based in the true teachings of Christ. In the third century in Britain there was a Roman invasion and an attempt to break this Celtic Christianity. Slowly but surely this Celtic Christianity was dissolved and replaced by the Roman Christianity. This was a divine society based in love and connectedness and freedom and joy that had only lived for a few hundred years, it lasted a little longer in the south of France until the Roman Catholic church made a pact with the king of France; until genocide was committed against half a millions Cathars.

Why we tell you this story is because in the psyche of the West there is a problem; two thousand years later there is still one aspect of yourself that is the true Christ and then there is another aspect of yourself which tries to mimic Christ. The true Christ has to win and the Christ that is mimicking Christ has to move away, it has to dissolve. What we ask you to do is to find the true Christ inside yourself and allow your spirit guides to guide you to find the true Christ consciousness within yourself. This aspect of yourself can be quite angry, quite hurt, and quite wounded. The other side of yourself is the ancient Catholic Church that caused such devastation in the past and it is for you to observe these two aspects of yourself. These two cannot live together but they must understand each other. This is the journey of Western man, to overcome this collision between Roman Catholicism and the Cathars. You must sit and observe these two aspects of your inner self and be with these two aspects.

This is wounding on a global scale, this is mass consciousness for the West. This does not allow you to be whole. We ask that you allow love and true Christ consciousness and Catholic consciousness and the energies of responsibilities to flow through you. There has to be healing of this wound and you have to connect to the true divine, the loving divine. The western psyche is in this position at this present moment and will remain so until this wound is healed, until there is forgiveness all round. Let the energy of forgiveness flow around both aspects of your Christ consciousness, for in allowing apology to flow from one side to the other and back you will begin to release the anger and resentment held against these two aspects of yourself. Everyone in this room has had both lifetimes, as Cathars and as Catholics or as a Celtic Christians. You have experienced all these different aspects of worship and it is time for the truth to flow through. You may feel a little uncomfortable as you allow these energies to flow through the different aspects of yourselves. Just allow the love to flow, allow the apology to flow. Let it go where it needs to go. The energies of apology often release a lot of anger and a lot of discomfort and there is a lot of fear involved in resolving this issue. You are involving the masters of the world and the masters of your own universe, and those that have been mastered, suppressed, repressed and oppressed. Allow the energy of apology to flow through you and into the different aspects of yourself. Know that you will release negative energies and feel it releasing. Feel it coming; let it come and let it go...

As you release these energies you will be stepping into a new world, into a new state of being, a new state of consciousness. Let the next energy through, the energies of forgiveness, and allow all these aspects of yourself to forgive one another in the hope that they can live together. Allow the forgiveness to flow wherever it needs to for you are healing mass consciousness, you are allowing a new divine flow, a new connectedness, a higher level of connectedness to the divine, and you are healing a massive scar, a massive wound in the landscape of the psyche of Western man. There can be true love on this earth; peace, love, joy and freedom for all. It is a safe world for all, all peoples can become whole, can become one. There is enough for everybody, there will be a completely different world when whole-people walk this earth again.

It is not just those in the West who suffer with this wound, the Eastern religions also have their problems, they also have their disconnections and dysfunctions. So now let’s allow through the energies of the Sacred Embrace which will heal the trauma that has been caused through this fractured Christianity. It will reconnect you to the divine. Allow through the energies of the Sacred Embrace, allow these energies to flow through you and into your Fisher King Wound. This is where the stories of Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table began. Allow the energies of the troubadours and romantic love to return to your body and to your psyche. As this wound heals you will bring back into your bodies the energies of honour and respect and these new energies will be able to flow through you. Conflict will begin to dissolve.

On this planet that you live on there can be one truth or there can be a million truths, but there is one divine; an all pervading energy that brings love, connectedness and freedom into your bodies - The light that will replace the darkness. Allow the next energy, the energy of the Sacred Filter to flow through this conflict within. The sacred filter will filter out all the negativity from the past. It will either transform it or stop it. It will stop all good energies flowing into the past.

Allow for an anchoring of pure love into the ground here, into the floor here in Durbanville. Allow pure love to flow through your hearts, allowing it to dissolve the issues between Catholic and Cathar, between Catholic and Celtic Christians, allowing it to be dissolved completely. Allow your divine connection to become stronger and more powerful and allow yourselves to be truly connected and deeply, deeply loved. You are all loved for absolutely no reason whatsoever.

Feel the love that Spirit has for you this night in this room and feel this love. Let the love flow through your hearts, connecting to the beautiful divine. Your bodies will light up when you allow yourselves to become light, and in this light you will find your freedom and your joy. You will find your love for life.

Dear ones this is Kryon signing out, go well, God bless, and take care, thank you all.

Copyright © David Brown.  All rights reserved.

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SaLuSa 16-March-2010

Channeler: Mike Quinsey

Time marches on gathering speed, and it is bringing the changes ever nearer. No time has in fact been lost, although we would have liked to commence First Contact earlier. However, regardless of what you see happening around you, we place ourselves in a position where we can move into action at short notice. There is a clear defined plan for your future, but we can easily accommodate any changes necessary. We follow all events taking place on Earth, and as a result can adjust our actions accordingly. However, there is a core plan which shall manifest and take you through to Ascension as intended. As the dark Ones continue to lose their power and authority, so the chances of them escaping the inevitable collapse of their power base is unavoidable. Stubbornness and arrogance motivate their resistance to admitting defeat, but it shall be so. In ways that are legal and carry the authority of the Galactic Federation they will be removed.

In a manner of speaking, life goes on as before in spite of the many problems facing you. However one thing is for certain, it shall not return to the previous period that started at the commencement of this Millennium. Since that time you have progressively lost your way, and through contrived situations have been steadily subjected to draconian laws. The dark Ones played their hand realizing that time was not on their side, but have failed to achieve world control as intended. Their attempts to do so have left you with few rights and subject to rigid controls, that have taken away your freedom. Have no fear all of that will change, and the unjust and unnecessary laws will be repealed. The path to Ascension is to be cleared of any attempts to prevent it from manifesting, and be sure Dear Ones, that when a divine edict is given it is the Law of the Creator.

We know that some of you wonder if every soul on Earth has the same opportunity to ascend, and you think of those who are living a simple life away from the influence of the West. You may not be too surprised to learn that in their own way, they are nearer to God and Mother Earth than you are. They live in a way that respects nature and all life, and understand its cycles and the energies all around them. Their needs are few, and when they leave there is no trail of damage and pollution. They may not have your awareness of the end times, but lead a highly spiritual life and have every opportunity to ascend. It is not wealth or intelligence that is necessary to create your own pathway, but your spiritual wealth and knowledge and its application to your way of life. After all you do realize that upon leaving the Earth, you cannot take anything of material value with you. Furthermore, there is no such thing as rank or importance in the higher realms such as you experience on Earth. In Spirit souls are equal except that their Light will determine which level they are entitled to be in. Of course there are Masters in the higher realms, but their spiritual achievement to reach such a level in no way elevates them over anyone else, but they do command great respect and acknowledgement.

The Earth has proved to be a distraction to your spiritual advancement, but when you succeed in finding your true Self your achievement is all the more commendable. You have had so much difficulty in deciding who you can trust or otherwise, and there have always been those who would mislead you for their own gain. It was not too long ago that only the priests were privileged to interpret the scriptures, and you had to rely upon them for guidance. As has been proven, it has not always been accurate when compared to the truth. The pathway of those seeking it has therefore been extremely difficult, and ultimately you have had to use your own discretion as to what to believe. Also bear in mind that in the course of many incarnations you will have had lives touching upon the different religions and beliefs. Subconsciously all that you have learnt forms your present beliefs, even if you have no awareness as to how it came about. You are therefore continually reassessing your beliefs, and gradually you make positive spiritual progress.

In this present age you have so much information at your fingertips, and can follow whatever path takes your fancy. You may even be spoilt for choice, but this is where your intuition will serve you well. It will not mislead you, but direct you to the experiences you need at the time. This is why it is important to be open minded and able to assimilate knowledge without being tied down by it. Be ever ready to move on when a new idea or understanding comes your way. Also remember that once you are on a spiritual path, you will attract Guides or Teachers to yourself who will help you make decisions. The truth is quite simple and uncomplicated, and can be summed up as Love Is All That Is. Applying it to your life in duality has been your sternest test, and if you are succeeding you have surely found the key to understanding. You can only take one thing at the time, and one of the ultimate achievements is to live in the Now.

Whatever you consider life is about, there is nothing wrong in experiencing pleasure or even wealth. It is how you acquire it and how you use it that is important. Spiritually you can lose or gain, and it is a fact that the more wealth you accumulate the greater responsibility falls upon you. Some become greedy and hoard money and valuables, whilst others will invest in people for the good of all. Money will not create happiness, but simply security in a material world. Imagine being in the higher dimensions where money has no use and is unnecessary, because that is what you will experience. Of course that is possible because all of your needs are supplied for free, and in many instances you will create what you need for yourself. We know that the idea of bartering is active in some areas of your world, and it shows what can be achieved without money. All of these things enter your mind, and sometimes it brings you to desire something different to the traditional way of doing things.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and Dear Ones you know life is one experience after another and it moulds your future. Sometimes you benefit from another souls journey, but often you choose to experience things for yourself. When you become part of a group consciousness, then you shall benefit from every soul that is part of it. Sharing is a very spiritual gesture that comes with awakening to the Oneness of all life. We love to share with you for the happiness it gives us and being of service to you.

Thank you SaLuSa

Mike Quinsey.

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SaLuSa 12-March-2010

Channeler: Mike Quinsey

As you might expect, like a play you may see at your local theatre you can thoroughly immerse yourself in it, but when the final curtain comes down your reality returns. Dear Ones, you are all the actors that have written your own scripts for the purpose of experiencing duality. Now the play nears its end, and you are becoming more conscious of your true reality. You are becoming aware that you are more than you appear, and that your destiny is to return to your real home amongst the stars. You have been attached to Earth for so long, that you have almost forgotten how special you are. Regardless of the many lives spent on Mother Earth, you did not originate from it. As the end time of this cycle comes into sight, you are preparing to move back to the higher dimensions from whence you came.

The end times are clearly bringing the changes that you are experiencing now, and it is becoming more apparent that you cannot maintain the old paradigm. All that has no place in your future will fall away, and that will momentarily cause you discomfort and upheaval. It is unavoidable as the cleansing takes place but you are assured that it will be replaced by conditions, more suited to the new Man emerging with an ever-expanding consciousness. It has all been planned well in advance and cannot fail, and we as the Galactic Federation are playing a vital role to ensure the perfect outcome. Do not be distracted from your goal by the turmoil that may touch you, but know that it will be short lived. Keep looking to the future and the great upliftment that is coming to you.

The final events may not manifest exactly as you might have expected, based upon many prophecies relating to physical changes. The benefits of NESARA have become a part of the general changes, and embodied in the plan that we are working to now. Debt has been deliberately forced upon poor countries as a means of control, and taking their assets in the form of oil and other precious commodities. In a similar way Man himself has been subjected to laws that have often been illegal, and have ensured that he is only able to live with financial help. Thus both the countries and their populations have been kept in debt. Therefore steps are in place to reverse that situation, once your existing governments are replaced. It has only been through the decimation of the Laws of your Constitution that it has happened in the U.S. However, the financial controls and problems arising from them have permeated most of the world, and that must change to bring about a fair and just distribution of wealth.

Many benefits are lined up for you, but a priority exists where the Third World is concerned. Hunger and lack of adequate water facilities have caused much misery and death amongst them. Their quality of life is artificially kept low, as there are sufficient resources upon Earth to ensure everyone has a decent standard of living. Before the end time there must be upliftment all round, and a bringing together of all people so that they become as One. You are already souls of equal status having come from the Source, and you all deserve to share a happy life where lack has been eradicated. As Ones with the capacity to be all loving, would you really have it apply differently to your other brothers and sisters? We believe that you are recognizing your Divinity and see life differently to what it was previously, and can see beyond the outer physicality.

Past history will show that your leaders promoted the idea that some people were nothing more than lesser beings, and could be used as slaves. Instead of helping them to become literate and raising their standard of life, they were kept down and denied the basic requirements to survive. Can you see how karma has been built up by your forefathers, and why there is much to put right before this cycle ends? It is as you might say pay back time, and as you grow in consciousness you will understand that every action causes a re-action. Karma is something that has to be cleared both as individuals and as the Human Civilization, and it is embodied in Universal Law.

Most of what is happening to you on a personal level is known subconsciously, as you planned for this time and the opportunity to ascend. Regardless of your experiences, if you feel that somehow progress is being made then you may be sure you are heading for fulfillment. When you reflect on them you might admit to needing the lessons involved. Many revolve around personal relationships, and it is wise to leave the Earth having resolved any differences. More importantly, in making your peace with others remember that forgiveness also involves yourself.

What you perceive as the most evil people are still sparks of God, and they need love to awaken them to the truth of their essence. As you are working towards Unconditional Love to become a Christed One, it is never too early to put yourself to the test. It starts with compassion and the ability to be non-judgmental. “But for the grace of God go I” is a powerful statement that is worth remembering, as without exception you have all spent lifetimes where your light has dimmed. Such experiences are not a stain upon your character that remains forever, and the opportunity is given to everyone to make them good. There is no such thing as condemnation that damns you forever, and if God can forgive you is it not for Man to follow suit.

Some may read these messages feeling unworthy, and doubting their ability to open their awareness to allow the Light in. However, once you start to consider such prospects you are opening up to the Light, and if you start to believe in yourself help will also come. Like anyone else you will have always had your Guides with you, and they will open up opportunities for you to progress. You are never forsaken, and it is quite the opposite as fallen souls are given every attention to get them back into the Light.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and can tell you that we are looking forward to being your teachers. Our experience is such that we are well placed to understand your problems, and gently lead you into your new lives as Galactic Beings. For the time being we send you our love and wishes for a speedy conclusion to your time in duality. We draw nearer each day, as First Contact looms large and what a celebration we shall all have.

Thank you SaLuSa

Mike Quinsey

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WE the PEOPLE…Founders Think, Speak and Act Now!

  “If you think nobody cares if you are alive, try missing a couple of car payments.” ~Earl Wilson

We the People?

There is NO more Perfect Time for True Change than this very Moment NOW!

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Mission 1017 Explained!

In the great game of creation you are a Wayshower. In this position you are contracted by higher intelligences to manifest constituency. Wayshowers are to integrate one million followers into the space of the fifth dimensional awareness upon the Solar Alignment of Arcturus.
The Arcturian Alignment is the first major move of the Wayshowers in the game to create the new world of the Fifth Sun. At this point of time and space Ultraviolet is the most powerful cosmic energy stream of the Galaxy. The highest intelligences of this Universe through our twin universe record that an Ultraviolet beam of energy will enter this planet through the Arcturian Doorway. At this Libra 24 point in alignment with Arcturus this stream will invoke a massive increase in fifth dimensional light transmission. The planet will experience and pass through a highly charged membrane of photons which will expand, intensify and increase all thoughts, feelings and actions.

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Observe the Perfection of Change!

Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation
        12 Kan, 2 Tzotz, 2 Ik        

Greetings, dear Hearts! We come again with more to discuss with you! Presently, your world is caught in the final moves of a grand chess game between the forces of Light and dark. What is to be remembered about this time is the length of this chess match and how the Light finally outsmarted the dark. It will be seen that the key to all this was the overdrawn position accepted by the dark. Everywhere, holes kept popping up in their defense strategies. Eventually, these growing gaps led to their downfall. When you look upon the true history of this world, you can see how the dark was compelled to allow its entourage to become more internationally diverse. The dark’s intention was to forge a series of interlocking groups whose purpose was to manipulate and secretly control international banking and commerce. These groups were to report to a ruling directorate based initially in Europe and later also in North America. This directorate became very powerful. In the late 1990s, threats to its power started to appear first in Asia and then in Eastern Europe. These puny challenges were the beginnings of a broader power struggle.       By the start of this decade, these challenges to the dark’s dominance were strengthening. This did not go unheeded by the dark cabal’s ruling directorate. Its response to these provocations was to stage a massive event known as 9/11. It was specifically engineered to lead to a state of global martial law and the formal declaration of a new world order. Most of the conditions necessary for this state were complete by the Gregorian year of 2002. However, the final objectives of this goal were not quite achieved. Instead, the forces of Light had managed to keep a number of their strongholds intact and began to create new alliances with former members of the dark’s various international banking and commerce cartels. These coalitions were to increase both in number and in membership over the next few years. What was forming can be likened to a volcano before an eruption: a dome in the floor of the crater can temporarily contain an upsurge of magma, but in the end it blows. Until that point, all seems normal and quiet to a casual observer.

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Why 2012?

The End of the Mayan Calendar is scheduled for December 21, 2012 (give or take a year). The possibilities of what this “end” might mean is an increasingly hot topic on the Internet, in conferences, printed articles, and in discussions all over the globe. This is because it just might be an incredibly important moment in history — e.g., the end of history!
the Mayan Calendar is not your average, run-of-the-mill calendar. It is, among other things, reputed to be the most accurate in the world. This is due in part to the fact it is also a relatively complicated calendar, using cycles of 13 and 20 (weird!), relating to the cycles of other planets (e.g. Venus), and in general incorporating some 22 (at last count) different sub-calendars, such that every contingency can be accounted for.

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Accepting Truth!

Ag-agria | 30 August 06

Mountains are there to be climbed and the one you know as duality has been a formidable task. Over millennia of time you have overcome all obstacles, and now face the final challenge to reach the top. It has been an intensely trying time, but like all climbers who see their goal in sight you now move on with a renewed vigor and purpose. Even those around you who do not have your knowledge about what is taking place, sense the changes. However, it can be unsettling for them as they realize many of their cherished beliefs are changing.

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Keeping Up!

St. Germain | 23 August 06

Matters seem to change so quickly that you are finding it hard to keep up with it all. Even then you cannot know the scheming and plans of the Illuminati any more than you know what plans we have to combat them. It is not that we totally keep our proposals or moves secret, as we do give you a broad outline of our intentions to ensure that Ascension comes to fulfillment. How we do it depends very much on you, and your reaction to each event taking place.

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Message from Ag-agria 12-July-06

Ag-agria  Views!


From our point of view which is far broader than yours, we see your two realities becoming further apart. It is not that everyone on Earth is aware of them, but we see people having to make a choice. For a long time there has been growing evidence of two separate agendas, and many now see that a clear split is occurring. You can no longer sit in the middle or pretend that the specter of continuing upheaval will somehow go away. The dark have the intent to continue creating chaos, and are relentless in their striving for world domination.

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