Tag: consciousness shift (page 2 of 2)

You are responsible for creating the reality you experience. All of it!

Yesterdays post drew some interesting responses from my Facebook friends, so you won’t see the comments on this website. The reaction was to the idea that if people experience a catastrophe, they are responsible for creating it. So in other … Continue reading

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Sustainability: In the Consciousness Shift What Endures?

Sustainability is rolling around in my head today. How do we approach sustainability in these times of transition, when we are not sure exactly what we are sustaining?  Certainly we can’t be choosing to sustain our current economy, or what … Continue reading

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HA! New paradigm consciousness shift embodiment example!

I was ready to talk some more about Alchemy and the consciousness shift, because I am participating in a round table (video and e-mail so a round world actually) discussion on the art of transformations and that’s what was on my mind. Other threads of thought were related to transitioning, permaculture, new economy, etc and how that would all work.

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From the many, ONE. 2011 Consciousness Shift

I’m having a conservation (I keep trying to type conversation but it comes out conservation so I’m leaving it.) with my Higher Self. My Higher Self will be in black. I’d put myself in white, but then I’d disappear, so the other color is me.

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2010 Download Integration = 2011 Consciousness Shift. DOMINI DOMINI DOMINI-you’re all Shamans now!

I believe the theme for the coming month is integration of the major downloads we experienced in December 2010. To assist you with that I have presented a picture of a tool, above, that can help you to install and actualize the codes in the downloaded programs. The vibratory frequencies in the picture are a key and a catalyst to the alchemical(transforming) process of accessing the information (frequencies) in the downloaded codes which will entrain (raise)your bodies frequencies, resulting in the actualization of this information (consciousness shift) in your reality.

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No Secrets in the New Consciousness Paradigm- Are you really ready?

What would it be like if there were no secrets? I mean really no secrets at all. You would not have any secrets from anyone else. And no one would have secrets from you. When you really consider it, you … Continue reading

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Consciousness shift; christ consciousness; DNA activation: Get ready for 2011

Okay, I didn’t mention extraterrestrial disclosure in the title. Maybe if I had just said extraterrestrials or aliens in the title the other things would have been included by default. But Do you realize how true that really is? My … Continue reading

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Planatary Consciousness Shift: No Religion!

With Christmas day bearing down, I’ve been having thoughts about our culture and celebrations etc. I’m not really a scrooge even though I balk at Christmas “gift” giving and “Christmas day celebrations.” No one says I’m a scrooge if I … Continue reading

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This month, while not yet over, seems to be about receiving frequency raising light code packages or “downloads”. What will next month bring? Probably integration ( installation and activation of the downloaded “programs”). This is all in the name of … Continue reading

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Consciousness Shift = raising your light quotient

Yesterday I attended an event at The Light Center in Black Mountain, NC. It was presented by David Chim and Dahvid Weiss. Both of these guys work/play with sound. Any wonder I was attracted to this? The Light Center is … Continue reading

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Don’t claim you didn’t know CONSCIOUSNESS SHIFT happens: PREPARE!

We are well into Mercury Retrograde. So that usually means there could be challenges in communications, and mechanicals and electronics can go haywire. I’ve been experiencing quite a bit of all of this in the last week or so. Because … Continue reading

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True Freedom!

Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation
        2 Ix, 15 Zip, 2 Ik        

Selamat Jarin! We return, dear Hearts, with more things to discuss with you! In our past few messages, we dealt with some of the financial and political ramifications of the program put together by our Earth allies. We talked about the ultimate importance to you of personal sovereignty and how the ending of global statute or military law is to set you free from the ominous designs of the dark. Let us look at this now in greater depth to understand more about sovereignty. All humans are born free with certain unalienable rights given to them by a gracious and Loving Creator. Among these are the right to Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. This phrase given to the writers of the American Declaration of Independence by St. Germaine is not a mere grouping of ideals. Rather, it is the distillation of a greater discourse given by Lord Surea to the Councils of Heaven that deal with the spiritual evolution of humanity on this most luscious gem that you call Mother Earth. Never forget that freedom is the very core of your sovereignty. Freedom defines you and provides the means to sustain you in physicality.       Sovereignty is a direct by-product of freedom. When you are truly free, you are fully responsible for yourself and for your community. This goes hand in hand with your spiritual or consciousness growth. Divine service is to fulfill your community and to creatively use your ability to solve the various problems that daily surround you. You truly understand how connected you are to your fellows. This connection breaths forth a great desire to forge a Loving and sustainable environment for your community. This invites actions that enhance not only your efforts but also those put forth by the spiritual collective that is your community. Sovereignty is the divine and lawful means for carrying out these positive actions. Accordingly, sovereignty has possessed a special lawful status from the very beginning of Human community as initially expressed in Hybornea and later in Lemuria and the first stages of Atlantis. This status gives each Being an equality with each other. Sovereignty is the special foundation that your good works can be built upon. It is the means by which your full creative talents can easily manifest.

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Re-inventing Money!

Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation
        13 Eb, 10 Zip, 2 Ik        

Selamat Jarin! We return with more to say! As always, events are moving forward at their own unique pace. This operation has been marked from the beginning by sudden, accelerated steps quickly countered by many forced steps backward. This uneven pace can be frustrating to the uninitiated. At present, we are at a stage where progress is being made on numerous fronts. When considering this incredible project, it is necessary to comprehend its vast international scope. As noted in previous messages, the intent is no less than to transform the global financial and banking system. Our Earth allies are saddled with literally well over a hundred countries and a plethora of banks, loan institutions, and similar financial organizations. A great deal of important, personal conferencing; protected, confidential memo-ing; and secured video-conferencing goes on daily between thousands of individuals involved in this procedure. The outcome of all this is a steady rate of progress toward your predestined victory. Let us look at some of the obstacles that have so far been cleared.       The most consequential one to date was achieved in the first two years of this decade. In order to challenge the “Dumbarton Oaks” agreement, it was first necessary to get some of the major central banks of Europe and Asia to decide to work toward creating a new global financial network. This goal was reached when Europe and a few major Asian banks joined together to form a secret task force to forge such a document. This working group swiftly grew in scope and in numbers in the last two years. Your world’s financial instability increases by the day, and this factor greatly accelerates the need to produce a new financial prototype. With this new model in mind, our Earth allies were able to make many political alliances. These, in turn, have made it possible for the IMF to declare the prosperity program allied with this monetary shift to be true humanitarian projects. By late 2005, the new financial plan had acquired a large degree of legitimacy, which was further bolstered by a number of conferences convened to address ways to dismiss the humungous third world debt. Everywhere, progress was being made and being made swiftly.

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