Tag: conscious energy

Galactic Federation of Light Saul May-05-2013

Assistance of a very wise and technologically advanced order is now available to help you
05/05/2013 by John Smallman

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Nine Numbers of Creation: FIVE (Pleiadian Renegades)


27 April 2012

Teacher: Nine

A chaotic addition to a dramatic set of conditions of reality is Four. It rearranges everything and throws in more to be naughty. All not for naught, however, as Five shows.

Five. Baubles, trin...

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Integrating Balance, A New Beginning


a message from Goddess of Creation channeled by Shelly Dressel

Sunday, 18 March, 2012  (posted 30 March, 2012)

There were a number of different things happening within this channel. At the very beginning, the Goddess spo...

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AA Metatron: Newgrange – Infinity Point of the New Firmament & Mechanics & Function of the Global Leyline System


Lord Metatron Channel

Metatron via James Tyberonn

Greetings! I am Metatron, Lord of Light! I embrace each of you in light, in love.

And now another precious moment brings us together, uniting thoughts within the...

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AA Metatron Channel: Mystical Ireland


Greetings! I am Metatron, Lord of Light! I embrace each of you in light, in love.

And now another precious moment brings us together, uniting thoughts within the matrix of the unified field. Combining geometric thought patterns wi...

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The Structure of the Soul


5 March 2012

Teacher: Julie Miller

The Structure of the Soul http://www.innerfrontier.org

What is soul, this mysterious something that forms our true essence? Many speak of the soul, but rarely does anyone attempt to ...

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Multidimensionality – Peggy Black and the ‘team’


18 July 2011  

_________ Message from the "team"_________

Multidimensionality Peggy Black and the 'team'

This transmission from the 'team' is long yet I feel it is a very good one, may it...

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Angels on Earth


a message from Mother Earth/Gaia

channeled by Pamela Kribbe

Friday, 13 May, 2011  (posted 20 May, 2011)

Sweet human child,

I am the voice of the earth. I have known you forever. Your every footstep is ...

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The Only Law is Love


23 April 2011   Channeler:  SoulFire

The Only Law Is Love The Divine as channeled by SoulFire

“Once you learn to feed yourself love, you can learn to feed it to the world.” - SoulFire


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Message from the “Team” Imprinting Each NOW


12 April 2011

_________ Message from the "Team"_________

Imprinting Each NOW Peggy Black and the 'team'

We are here and honored to be connecting with you in this manner. You are owning and recognizing y...

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Metatron – Roslyn – The Sun Disc and Star Gate


Metatron Channel 

"Greetings, I am Metatron Lord of Light, and you are Beloved ! 

The energies of the areas within England and Scotland are among the most potent and active on the planet. ...

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Alex Collier – The Andromedans and Mentoring Humanity

It won't properly embed, but you should be able to at least see the video. Transcript is in the more... section. Thanks to AM for bringing it here in its full totality (both video and transcript).

Love your light,


Alex Collier -...

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