Tag: concerned (page 4 of 6)

Letting Go To Live Your Life Now

It’s the small things my Lightworker friend, that can bring the most profound insight.  I was told early in 2009 to pay attention to the birds as they would let me know what was going on with the Earth changes.  As the birds change their behavior, we could tell when some immediate change was going to occur in our area.  So I have been paying close attention to our animal friends and the other day I noticed the birds singing.  Not just a little song, but an entire musical!  All different types of birds were singing and I asked the Lord if there was a particular reason for this.  He said the birds were singing to uplift people’s vibrations.  I asked if there was a particular issue that Lightworkers were dealing with and He said it was difficult for them to let go of the things to come to live their lives to the fullest now.

Does this ring true for you?  Are you concerned about the fast approaching 2012 date and concerned how you, your family, friends are going to go through these Earth changes? What I find interesting about this time period is that for the first time we are aware of this Ascension.  Have you ever thought about that?  In all our other previous lifetimes, it just happened. For this Ascension process those of us that want to participate consciously, are now conscious of the process. Don’t you think there is a reason that your Soul wanted you to know about this?  Do you think that the reason is because your Soul wanted you in fear or worried?  Do you think that your Soul wanted you to not receive the highest blessings you deserved during this time?  Of course not!  There is some reason; some higher purpose for you to know and understand what is going on.  

By reaching that 5th Dimension (Christ Consciousness) energy and bringing it into your life every day, you are making it possible for the Ascension to occur.  You are helping to make these changes happen!  Did you realize that?  And because of your spiritual intentions to remember, to serve more, to be more, you are a huge blessing to those that have no concept of what is going on.   You will essentially be handing these people the 5th Dimension on a silver platter for them to just walk into the energy.  Your being 5th Dimensional is much more difficult now than it will be for them when it finally arrives in 2012 / 2013 because in order to anchor the energy in your life you have to be more consciously joyful, happy, loving, compassionate, non-judgmental, forgiving, etc. now. That is the only way to even touch the 5th Dimension. 

If you are worried about these Earth changes and what the 3rd Dimensional people are doing to the world, then you won’t be touching that higher consciousness. That consciousness doesn’t judge.  It just is.  The 5th Dimension also has another name, the Christ Consciousness.  “Christ” also means “Anointed.”  When Jesus was on the cross and forgave those that persecuted and ultimately killed him, at that point he became Christ Jesus or the Anointed Jesus.  It has taken us over 2,000 years to spiritually get to the point that a mass amount of people could even understand how to do this.  It’s not easy to not judge or to forgive while still be in the human flesh. Remember you chose to be here at this very moment, to be in service, to be the light to others.  So that means that you have what it takes to walk this higher path or you wouldn’t even be reading these words.  Accepting your role as Lightworker and stop wondering if you are a Lightworker will be a huge step in walking in the higher energy.  You won’t have to wonder how to serve because you just being you is serving!  When you accept your Lightworker path, you are the light and everyone you talk to, walk by, etc. has access to that anointed light.  You are a blessing.  

I don’t know how exactly the Ascension is going to happen or what it will look like after it is complete.  No one does.  But I do have what I call “the teacher’s manual” where there are notes on the sides of the pages that gives extra insight into what is up ahead.  I am sharing that information as I get guided to.  But this information isn’t shared to put you into fear; it is to help you work through your emotions now so that when these things occur you will be able to continue channeling the light.  When it happens, you will say, “Wow! It’s really happening” and then feel an immediate surge of power and love to start doing whatever you are called on to do.  Each Channeler is getting the information on this according to their abilities but we all only have pieces of it.  The reason for this is our Souls are supposed to experience this transition as never before.  If we did know everything it would be like reading the end of the book.  That ruins the lessons and excitement of the story.  So then why go through it?  Everything here in this Earth experience is for our Souls to learn, to remember who we are.  I know sometimes it is more difficult to know things than not know them. As a Prophet and Channeler I have had access to information that afterwards I wish I hadn’t known.  So I do understand these feelings. But I also understand that we wouldn’t ask the questions or seek the answers if we weren’t powerful enough to handle it.  You wanted to be here at this time on Earth.  There is a reason for your being here.  Remember, you have the full support of Spirit and are never alone!

If this message is ringing true for you at this time and you are having difficulties letting go of concerns of things to come to live your fullest life today, why don’t you do this.  Get in your sacred space.  Take three long, slow deep breaths.  Call forth the highest Angels of your Soul.  Call forth your protection.  And ask these questions (and any others you can think will help you at this time):

~ Why are you conscious of this Ascension and Earth changes?  It’s not just for serving others.  There is a reason, personal to just your Soul.  

~ What is your Soul learning through this? 

~ What fears are you working through and releasing? 

~ What does your Soul want you to do during this time? 

~ What changes can you make to make this process easier for you?

I want you to know that there are birds singing all over the world right now to let you know that there is reason to sing.  We are changing, not ending our experience.  How it all looks will be according to what we create every day in our thoughts and actions.  Let go of all the “What if’s” and fully live now.  Let’s do our best to be light, be love and be the most we can be every day so that we can go through this process on the easiest path bringing forth the highest, brightest outcome possible. 

I am honored to walk beside you in the light of this Ascension,


Copyright 2010 © Christina Lunden ~ Creator Mediator, Inc. All rights reserved. Although these messages are copyrighted, you are invited to share them, send them to friends, add to your newsletter, post on your blog, etc. including the Source: www.ChristinaLunden.com

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Push Pause

Greeting and Salutations My Beautiful Beings of Light. Smile and be in gratitude, My Beloveds these are the moments that you all came to witness. Your “time” as you perceive it is speeding up. As you sense it speed up into what can almost be felt as warp speed your vibrations go higher and higher. You are evolving on so many levels, it is amazing to watch.

Push Pause for a moment, take a deep breath and sense The Creator’s wonderful love energy swirling around you. It is creating a lavender and pink vortex of amazing love energy that is swirling from your head to your toes. Close your eyes and just feel the stillness and tranquility that this luscious love energy shares with you. It assists you to center and balance as well as harmonizes your energy fields to be more receptive to your higher guidance.

Once you are still My Beloveds, your body can then adjust to much of the changing scenery and emotional roller-coaster ride that you constantly find yourselves on during these moments in NOW.

Finding that balance and footing is very important, My Beautiful Beings of Grace. Your emotional health and your physical health depend upon your body’s abilities to detach and detox. Constantly being on Red Alert in your own life keeps you in turmoil and clouds your decision making abilities.

All is in perfection My Divine Beings of Light, All is as it should be, look past the illusions of chaos and feel the larger Divine Blueprint filtering through. Look closely with your spiritual eyes and see that ray of light beaming through the Earth Plane illusion. You can hear it with your spiritual ears and sense it with your spiritual heart in the question it keeps asking you to quiz yourself on “Who Really Are You”. It keeps echoing back at you “You are not this physical body, but a Beautiful Being of Light.” The Divine Blueprint keeps sending you these messages: “You Are Divine”, “You Are Loved”, “Ask the question Who I AM”, “Ask the question What Is My Mission”; “You are a spiritual Being having a human experience”.

Your Angels and Guides, My Beloveds, are all around you. There is not a moment that you are in this physical realm that you are not surrounded by your Angels and Guides. You are never alone My Divine Light Beings. The Creator would never ask you or let you come alone on such a journey. You are deeply loved and cherished.

Allow this Messenger to take you on a mediation journey.

Arrange yourself in your chair or lie on a bed so that you are comfortable. Keep your legs and arms from crossing if at all possible as this blocks the flow of energy. Cover yourself with a light blanket if you chill easily. We want you comfortable and undisturbed for a while as you journey within yourself through meditation.

Close your eyes and take a deep breath, then let it out.  With each in breath, you are breathing in love. With each out breath, you are breathing out fear and doubt. Take another deep breath in and let it out.  Take another deep breath in and let it out with a sigh. Breathing out all frustrations of the day.

Feel your body relaxing from your toes to the top of your head. Give yourself permission to feel the calm and peace. Your muscles are feeling loose and limp, so relaxed, so deliciously serene, so wonderfully lazy.

Direct your ego self to perch on your left shoulder. Instruct your ego self that it is only to be an observer on this journey, it is not to participate. If it helps you to visualize by identifying your ego with a symbol or as an object please do so.

In your imagination ask through prayer for The Creator to send you down a protective Ray of White Light by praying mentally something like this “My Creator I AM asking for a protective Ray of White Light to enfold me and lift me up so that I am experiencing the very highest of vibrations during this journey into my inner most depths of understanding and Being. I am protecting myself My Creator from anything that is not for my highest good on this journey. I am thanking you My Creator for assisting me by sending this Ray. I am seeing it in my imagination now coming down through the corner of the area where I am meditating. It is entering into my physical form, permeating all that is within my I AM presence.”

The Creator has responded to your prayer and has gifted you with an Iridescent White Ray plus a Golden Fluid Ray for this journey. The Rays are entering into your body through the soles of your feet and moving up through your physical vessel; permeating throughout all of your etheric energy fields & physical vessel and into all corners of the actual area that you are meditating in; then the rays are exiting through your Crown Chakra. The Rays are returning to The Creator and cycling back down through you again and back to The Creator in a continuous circular loop. These protective therapeutic rays are in continuous circular motion while you are in meditation.

You are now divinely protected at this moment and nothing can even communicate with you, that is not for your highest good, without your permission.

My Divine Beings of Light. You are breathing very slowly and evenly now; you are feeling secure and safe.

Breathe in deeply My Beautiful Beings of Light and feel the lighter relaxed feelings of being protected & divinely guided into this meditation. Breathe in deeply and know that you are breathing to the Pulse of The Creator. Listen to The Creator’s spiritual heart beat and feel the unconditional love that courses through you each time you think about this moment.

Breathe in deeply allowing and seeing within your spiritual imagination your Guardian Angels and invited Spirit Guides as they join you.  The Angels take your etheric essence hand and guides you out of your physical body and direct you into your Etheric Spiritual Heart Chakra. An Angel has been stationed to stay with your physical essence until you return from your meditation. 

You are seeing, feeling and sensing this within your imagination, Your Guardian Angels, Spirit Guides and special invited guests are now within your Spiritual Heart Chakra with you. Your Angels and Guides are helping you locate the Golden Door that says “To My Highest Guidance Within” you turn the etheric spiritual door knob and cross over the threshold knowing that you are on a spiritual growth adventure.

You find yourself in a white marble corridor. Your Angels sense the stress that you brought with you and take your etheric hand to guide you down the hall to door that will lead you to your Crystal Palace.

Your helicopter has been summoned to whisk you right up the mountain to your Garden of Serenity.

You hop in the helicopter and away it flies. In the distance you can see the mountain top from your seat in the helicopter. Your Angels smile and tell you that you will be there in no time at all. The Angels laugh of course this is a cosmic joke because in this realm there is no time. They remind you that in this realm if not mindful that you can almost blink your eye and be in eternity (smile).

You arrive at the helipad on top of the mountain and step out of the plane. There you look around at the magnificent vistas and the beautiful Garden of Serenity. Your friend, the white Unicorn, Jake greets you and begins to lead you down the path to your Crystal Palace off in the distance.

You stroke the silky ears of the Unicorn as you walk. There is just something so soothing in stroking his silky fur. You arrive at the golden door of the Crystal Palace. The door that has your name on it, along with all the other names that you have ever held throughout any of your past life incarnations. See if you can read any of the other names as you prepare to open the door and step inside. Don’t be concerned if nothing else appears on the door for you, it is information that is not ready for you to remember just yet. More opportunities will present themselves when the moment in NOW is right to have those recollections surface.

You step inside and the remembrance of this place is flooding back into your awareness. The Palace continues to expand and construction is always a constant here as it evolves as you evolve.

Your old friends the color dots are bouncing around on the entrance floor as the light filters in through the refractions of the crystal all around you. The colored dots dance in such joy welcoming you back to your Crystal Palace.

Your Angels lead you into the main room where you see the doors all around the perimeter of this great room. Each of the doors is labeled with it content or work related area. 

The Angels lean over and tell you that they are guiding you to your Healing and Releasing room down the hall there to your right. You find the door and turn the knob. There is a Nurse Angel at the door to greet you. The Angel asks you to hand over your cell phone, your I Pad, your beeper, your computer lap top and oh yes, also the Blue Tooth device sticking out of your ear. You smile because you thought they wouldn’t notice that one since you need a hair cut the hair was covering the Blue Tooth. The Angels laugh and you laugh over this one. There simply isn’t much you can put passed an Angel they remind you.

The Angels just shake their heads at all the communication devices you are laden with. No wonder your Angels tell you that you have so much stress; you are wired to the hilt.  

The Angels direct you to a changing screen and ask you to put on the bathing suit that you find hanging there waiting for you. You do as requested noticing that the bathing suit fits and looks divine on you. You thank the angel for their selection and sizing and they laugh telling you that they know your fit and style better than you know it yourself.

You have to agree with this statement since these Angelic Beings have been with you from your inception and birth in the Firmament.

You walk out from behind the screen and your Angels direct you to the scale next to the Emerald Green pool that is labeled The Stress Meter. You step on the scale and it promptly digitally shows your stress level at “10”. The Angels giggle as you also laugh because you thought they would be measuring your weight with a scale. They tell you that your stress level is at a 10, which is the highest it can be. You shake your head and tell them you are not surprised, your body feels like it is in a pressure cooker.

The Angels tell you to look down at your belly button and as you do, there you see a button attached to your stomach that says “Pause”. The Angels tell you to push the pause button, there on your tummy and walk down the steps into the Emerald Green pool.

You do as instructed and as you get to the bottom step an Angel hands you a special floating raft for you to lay back on while you enjoy the water. The first think you notice since they asked you to push the Pause button is that your mind is blank. Your Angels hear that thought and relay to you that Pause means Pause your mind needs to be still and not think.

They tell you to close your eyes and just allow the blank empty feeling to help you unwind and release the stress into the Emerald Green pool. They don’t have to ask twice, you close your eyes and immediately feel yourself without thoughts, drifting so peacefully, so serenely in this beautiful emerald green water. This is Bliss you tell yourself. It feels so good to be devoid of all thoughts if only for a little while. You feel the stress starting to drain out of your body. First it just trickles but then it just begins to pour out in bucket loads. The sensation is actually a little calming because as each stress moment is released into the pool you begin to feel better and better. This is amazing you tell yourself.

After a while you sense that the draining has stopped. You open your eyes and notice that the Archangels are standing around the corners of the pool beaming your healing and clearing energies to help all of your essence heal from the debilitating stress. You can feel the Archangels re-energizing you with calm, peaceful energies that create harmony and balance within your energy fields. You thank them for their gifts and are so grateful for the stress intervention.

Your Angels tell you that you should be ready now to come out of the pool and step back on the stress scale to see where the stress level is now. You climb back up the pool steps and notice as you step out of the pool that you are not even wet. You begin to laugh, saying how fun, you are not even wet. You were expecting to step out and have water dripping off of you everywhere.

You step on the scale and it can’t even measure anything. The Angels tell you that you are done then, perfect. They tell you that you may release the pause button now. They tell you to go change back into your clothes.

You change and get ready to leave. The Nurse Angel hands you back all of your electronic devices and advises you to push the pause button on each one of them several times a day to avoid putting yourself back at risk for a physical ailment caused by the stress that these devices cause in your daily life.

You agree, the Angels have shown you how very close you were to implosion. You immediately put an intent out into the Universe to respect your own health and cut back on the constant access caused by these devices. They remind you that everything has balance and requires constant monitoring in order to remain in harmony with yourself.

You thank the Archangels and the Angels for all their help. Your Angels guide you back out of the Healing and Releasing room back into the hallway. You walk back up the hall into the Great Room, cross back into the colored dot filled entrance corridor, turn the handle, cross back over the threshold. Your friend Jake is waiting for you there to take you back down the path to the helicopter pad and the waiting helicopter.  

You stroke Jakes fur again and thank him for his friendship. You tell him until next time and step back into the waiting helicopter.

The helicopter swishes away and lands at the helipad where you started. You open the plane door, step out, re-enter through the door from where you started. You instantly find yourself back in the White Marble Corridor.    

You catch a glimpse of your glowing Essence in the mirror. Your Angels lead you back across the golden door threshold back into your Spiritual Heart Chakra and then they assist the return of your spiritual Essence back into your physical form.

Wiggle your fingers and toes and when ready open your eyes. Go about your day remembering that your inner Wisdom and Angelic support staff are always at your service working with you to help you reach your highest most appropriate potential.  

Beloveds you are blessed beyond words and loved beyond measure more than any Earth Plane language can ever express. 

I Am Archangel Michael, The Creator’s Messenger, of Love, Joy, Wisdom, Light, Peace and Grace.

This Message is Channeled Through & Written by Carolyn Ann O’Riley. This is copyrighted material. © It may be shared with those that you sense might resonate with the material provided all the appropriate credits are given and there is no charge for the channeled message shared with another. To e-mail The Channel, Carolyn Ann O’Riley click on this link

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You Are Creators of the Highest Magnitude

Posted: 31 Mar 2010 02:34 PM PDT

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for Life Tapestry Creations.com

Dear Ones,

Please know that you are rare entities. Not necessarily because you are on earth at this time, but because you are of such an adventuresome nature that you have agreed to help with this New Age Transition. Of course, you are silently nodding in agreement that you are fully aware of that role and are trying to implement it to the best of your ability.

Perhaps helping others to navigate this Transition does not seem that challenging to you. We beg to differ. What you are accomplishing – with a great deal of skill and decorum – is something that has never been attempted on earth before. This thought is not to frighten you, but rather to allow you to understand how magnificent you are.

Please remember the actions and reactions of your youth. The peace movement. The Vietnam War. Drugs, sex and rock ‘n roll. Whether you were instrumental in that shift or a bystander does not matter. We merely wish to point out that shift was minor in comparison to what is occurring now.

Some of you may believe what you are experiencing now is of less importance and less traumatic than was the case of your parents during the Great Depression and World War II. We beg to differ. Granted they suffered physically and they explored issues that had not necessarily been explored previously because of limited international communication systems. But your parents and your grandparents continued the exploration of the physical world that was initiated eons ago.

What you baby boomers are now experiencing is the first and greatest spiritual shift, the shift that marks the beginning of the New Age. Let us be more specific. You baby boomers accepted two major roles in your lifetime. The first was to explore your emotional world. This you have done with a great deal of angst. You have completed the issues on abuse, chemical usage and other emotional hardships that have turned your world upside down. Now you are moving into yet another chapter of exploration – your spiritual realms.

Your parents, grandparents and many previous generations explored the physical realms. They discovered new worlds, climbed the highest mountains, survived the coldest temperatures and achieved a stability that you still cling to. You do not wonder or worry whether there is another piece of land over the horizon. You do wonder or worry about whether you can survive in space. And you are not terribly concerned about the mechanics of flying wherever you wish to in the world. It just is. Your parents and other previous generations completed that piece for you.

But they completed that piece over eons of time. You raced through the emotional elements and stand at the brink of fully exploring your spiritual realms. Yet you wonder what you have achieved in your life. Do you see how silly such concerns are given how much you have accomplished in the first six or seven decades of your life? And yet you are willing to do more. What brave and adventuresome people you baby boomers are!

You do not yet have a perspective of your life on earth. Let us outline what you have accomplished to date and then tell you what your current sense of urgency is all about.

You baby  boomers were the ‘wild children’ of the 60s and 70s. You demanded your freedoms in so many areas – areas your parents were not that concerned about. Yet you berate yourself for not completing what you thought should have been completed in a few years. Granted, there are some emotional freedoms that still need to be reviewed, but it is now acceptable for women to be corporate executives, abuse issues to be discussed and an African-American to hold the highest office possible in the United States.  Such freedoms were your goals in your youth. You did not require generations to complete those goals, you did so in a few decades.

Now you are initiating your spiritual freedoms and you are feeling as if nothing is happening or changing. We beg to differ. Your, and thereby the earth’s,  spiritual shift will happen within years not decades. Your spiritual studies will be expedited in a fashion you cannot even imagine now.

Know without a doubt that you baby boomers are adventuresome and brave. Then know that you have achieved so much in your life – both personally and in terms of group baby boomer thought. Then understand without a doubt that what you have achieved to date will pale in comparison to what you will achieve in the next few years, not decades, not even a decade – but a few short years.

You are going to move the earth into a spiritual arena that could not even be imagined twenty years ago. Your role is much larger than merely accepting that the New Age has arrived. Your role is to shift the earth on its emotional/spiritual axis. We will tell you without a doubt that the emotional work you completed, in such a lovely and efficient manner, is nothing compared to what you will achieve in the next five or so years.

Perhaps it is time for you baby boomers to start singing, “You’ve Only Just Begun.” That last thought is not to frighten you, but to allow you to know the depth and breathe of your skills, interests, resources and abilities.

You baby boomers are truly God’s gift to the future.

Those of you who are the children and grandchildren of the baby boomers are wondering, “What about me? Am I chopped liver?” Not at all. You merely have a different role to play. Baby boomers agreed to ’set up’ the New Age. You are going to live it. Even though you also have transition aspects to consider, the work your baby boomer parents and grandparents completed allow you the emotional freedoms you take for granted – and of course, the communication systems, like the Internet, you cannot imagine not being part of your life. Baby boomers are the scouts and pioneers. Your generation and your children’s generation will live in those new emotional/spiritual realms created by the baby boomers.

Perhaps you are wondering why the physical realms were explored for eons, the emotional realms for decades and the spiritual realms for a mere few years? As many channelers have noted, time, as you understand it, is collapsing. There is no longer a need to spend generations understanding a concept now that you have the capability to flow between time periods and the physical, emotional and spiritual realms.

You are all now creators of the highest magnitude.  Allow yourself to accept that. Most importantly, allow yourself to live that. So be it. Amen.

Life Tapestry Creations.com   If you would like to receive my free blogs as they are posted, please click the Subscribe button on the upper portion of my subscribe page and then click – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your  e-mail address and accepting the e-mail request that you will receive in your inbox.

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No use fighting

It's not that I've given up, far from it. It's just that it feels futile in the sense that I could fight it till Kingdom come, but then that's just what is happening, right? Kingdom comes, not in the sense that we're getting another absolute ruler, but rather in the sense that we're becoming the absolute ruler. And a ruler, especially an absolute one, needs to know when enough is enough. So yesterday I rigorously rewrote my diet, switched to stuff like fruit and yoghurt instead of my more 'normal' diet. I full well know that it might be a shock to my systems, but it feels like enough is enough.

Never mind what my ex says, she's still very much into the mass consciousness at sheeple level, or so it seems. No offense, but in these matters, nobody is more qualified than me, because I'm hardwired to this body that I've known for well over 47 years now. And I say it's time!

Likewise the occasional dry spells at moorelife.nl. Seems like channeling land is all working on other things most of the time, because my supply lines are regularly drying up, leaving me the choice of going to find more, writing more myself, or just calling it enough is enough. None of these is better than the other, all is as it should be. So now I'm writing, and telling you to 'Just do It!' like Nike popularized it all these years ago.

Yes, I am writing, writing like crazy. And it feels like the One Thing To Do. Not sure yet if I'm sculpting, unveiling, or just making my mind go overtime fantasizing, but what's the difference? It's all good anyway, and that's immensely how it feels. With Dear Denisa and others cheering me on, how could I not feel like a million doing this? 212 pages and counting, so look out Half Blodd Prince! J.K Rowling had her moment in the spotlight, but without undue proudness I can safely say that this feels like the most awesome thing I've ever done, whether anyone ever likes it or not!

Off to work in half an hour, and you'd think that my willingness to work would be far gone with a pet project like that. Nothing is more beside the point! I cherish the day of work, with it's machine-driven forced contemplation moments, that have me drifting right back into Make It Real again. By nightfall there will no doubt be plenty of ideas to mold into adventures for Sander and Seda and their friends. Thank you also for guys like Tinus, a boy who is a friend of my daughters, and who has remarkable deep insights into the workings of Life. We volley with the concepts of the story every now and then, and I've even written him in, not as a personal favor, but simply 'because it feels right'.

My bicycle has been retuned again, and with its chain tensioned and the gears readjusted he runs like a million. I guess I owed him that for years of faithful service. All part of the master plan, which is unfolding at a rapid pace as far as I'm concerned. No need to fret, fear, or fumble the ball, this game is rapidly gaining terrain, and the endzone is approaching fast. Not even time to worry about the angry mob of broad shouldered jocks trying to pull me down, because I'm way ahead of them, and that ain't bragging (but just honest observation).  Touchdown coming up!

John's Mum said it: "The future is nothing but what we make of it!.....", and she was right. And if we all make our future the very best that we can possibly envision it, then our collective one has no other option than to follow suit, and be brilliant also! Just keep in mind to not willingly go against one another, and nothing and no one will be able to stop us. Sure, others may want you to do something, but since you're the one to do it, your voice in the matter weighs that much more. Just remember that it's a rigged game, rigged for your profit. It invariably pays out more quarters than you put into it.......

Love your Liberated Light, 


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Look Beyond the Spring Equinox

Posted: 18 Mar 2010 02:15 PM PDT

Channeled by Brenda Joyce Hoffman for Life Tapestry Creations.com

Dear Ones,

We wish for you to look beyond the upcoming Spring Equinox. Even though that day will introduce many new shifts and directions, it is only one day.

How are the shifts of the 2010 Spring Equinox going to affect your  ongoing life? What does it mean for you that a Spring Equinox is about new beginnings?

Until recently, you have been relatively content to allow your life to flow in an expected fashion. You have been aware of the new energy, New Age shifts. You have perhaps even felt them in your body via restlessness, anxiety, anger or hundreds of other reactions that have surprised you as well as the people who surround you.

When will these personality “anomalies” cease? Or at least be controllable? No one wishes to feel or express anger. No one wishes to feel as if they cannot sit still. In truth, what you have been recently feeling and expressing has been quite uncomfortable. A bit like burping loudly during a funeral –  a normal human sound, but one that you do not wish to emit in such a seemingly sacred environment.

Actually, you will be “burping loudly” more frequently than ever. Your behavior will become even more erratic than it has been. Many of you are concerned that if your behavior becomes any more erratic you will soon not have friends and relatives to turn to. Ah. That is the end result. Please allow us to show you the joy in that thought.

If you have not yet thought of your emotions as a pendulum, it is time to do so. You have curtailed your emotions for so long that you must return to the base of your emotions before you can determine where your comfort level truly is. To achieve that comfort zone,  you must experience the emotions you have held back for decades.

When you were born, you were not yet acclimated to society’s expectations so you behaved as you needed to in order to achieve whatever you wanted from a diaper change to food. You rapidly lost that natural ability to feel and act on your emotions. Were your parents upset when you cried the day you were born? No. But would they have been upset if that crying continued for years? Yes.

Who are you? Most of you are not quit sure. This Equinox and beyond will help you determine who you are.

You may be worried that your partners,  friends and relatives will not accept your crying,  rages or whatever emotion you need to express to find your true being. We have long told you that some relationships will not continue. But such will be so because you are finally daring to be who you truly are – and the same will be true your friend or partner.

If finding your true being is distasteful to those you find important in your life now – they soon will not be that important to you.

In nursery school, toddlers and infants cry, laugh and play. No one, including their little friends, thinks any of those actions are that unusual. Babies are allowed to be themselves.

You will find, if you have not already, that you will prefer surrounding yourself with people who allow you to cry, laugh and become angry as the need arises, rather than those who insist that you should never “burp” during a funeral.

This Equinox and beyond will assist you in determining what emotions you need to display to find your comfort zone. And by doing so, which people, jobs and environments are most comfortable for your being. In essence, this Equinox and its aftermath will allow and encourage you to return to your true being.

Perhaps we should resort to more psychological terms. You have most likely learned that a trauma at a specific age often stilts emotional and behavioral progress. For example, you could  be 70 years of age but still reacting in many ways as a 12-year-old might or at whatever age the trauma occurred.

Shortly after birth, almost all of you were traumatized in a subtle fashion in the sense that you were taught to fit into society, rather than into your own “skin.” It is time to return to yourself – the self you wished to be when you uttered your first cry at birth.

Does this mean you will need to spend years in psychotherapy. Of course not. How can anyone but you find your true being? This is not about noting every time you were hurt or every difficulty you have encountered. Rather it is about wiping your slate clean by merely expressing who you are at the moment – just as is true for any infant.

You will probably be uncomfortable at first because you have so many society rules that you have learned to follow in order to fit in. But then, allow yourself to observe others and you will find that most are reacting in a similar fashion – including your government officials and your church leaders. This is a Universal shift. The end result will be a much more joyful world for you and for the others who wish to remain on earth. It is about finding yourself and the same for all of the others who wish to do so.

You are now perhaps wondering if anything in your life will be as it was just a few months ago. Probably not. But you will be lighter and more joyful than has been true since you were first born. Allow yourself to pout, to cry, to rage, to giggle and to laugh out loud. Allow yourself to be. This Equinox and beyond is designed to help you with this complicated issue. At least, seemingly complicated now. By this time next year, you will think, “Ho Hum. Done that, been there. What else is new?”

Welcome to the New Age. So be it. Amen.

Life Tapestry Creations.com  


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2010 Spring Equinox: Saturday, March 20

Channeler: Barbara Hand Clow

see chart:

The Spring Equinox has arrived, the beginning of the solar year in the Northern Latitudes. It is time to decide what you want to create this year, and then use manifestation to empower these ideas. If you want to have an ordered intentional life, choose your projects in the spring, deepen this work during summer, and then balance these creations with the other aspects of your life during fall. From the Winter Solstice until spring, we naturally fall into deep contemplation about what we are creating in the world. If you live this way, you will find yourself moving into attunement with Nature.

Since Christmas 2009, many of you have let go of old judgments and sureties about what you want to do with your life. Now, you are pristine, you are a fertile field for new intentions. This is especially true this spring because Mars went direct in Leo a few weeks before the ingress of the Sun into Aries. This "popped" many hidden things into the light that will be cleared away, which will make space for new ideas.

When the Sun moves into Aries, the potential for manifesting new realities is always very powerful. Whatever you intend during the Spring Equinox tends to happen easily and forcefully. And, whatever is in your mind tends to happen without you even intending it, so it is wise to be very clear about what you are thinking about right now. Sort out what you'd really like to be involved in this year, now that you are emerging from deep winter contemplation. You are an empty wineskin waiting to be filled. Our ancient ancestors discovered that they could create almost anything by using the powers if the Spring Equinox. In modern times the Easter Bunny and/or the Resurrection draws our attention away from this opportunity. Meanwhile, choosing three things you want to create during the Spring Equinox really works! So, begin a few days before spring actually arrives by making your list of three and have them ready for meditation.

About fifteen minutes before the solar entry into Aries, sit alone or in a circle with friends, and then bring out your list. Writing things down ahead of the time is a good idea. My favorite manifestation technique is described in detail in The Alchemy of Nine Dimensions on pages 131-32 of the first edition and pages 133-34 in the newly-released second edition. Here is a quick summary: Beginning with the first intention you think you want to create, read it, then close your eyes and imagine yourself actually having it; feel what this would be like. Then say to yourself, "If I could have it, would I take it?" You may be surprised to discover that sometimes you don't want something, while knowing what you do want clears your head. If you honestly can answer yes to having this thing, then go on and manifest it. Otherwise, drop the idea.

With your wish in mind, do three visualizations of scenes that portray this creation actually happening in your life. Never include people who might make this possible for you because that is influencing others, or conjuring. First of all, it doesn't work, and secondly, you are interfering with others. As you visualize each scene, see each image in front of your third eye. Once it is clearly visible in your third eye, transfer this picture to the back of your skull right above the top of your spine (medulla oblongata), and see your medulla as a television screen and transfer the image onto it. See it as clearly as possible, make it crackle, and then go right to work on the next scene. Once you've visualized all three scenes, say, "So be it!" Then use the same visualization process with the two other things on your list. Put your list away somewhere for reference during the year. I have a special box for mine.

You may also want to have the Spring Equinox chart and this reading with you during the Equinox meditation. For some people, understanding the quality of the energy that exists enhances their manifestation powers. The Spring Equinox chart describes an energy field that will have great influence over the next three months, leading up to the Summer Solstice. First a creational field sets into the planet during the Equinox, and then it just keeps on developing and recalibrating during the three New Moons that follow. Nature invents new worlds during the spring, so by manifesting things at this time, you are putting in your "order" on the hot list, so to speak. Most people who use this technique for a few years are shocked by how successful it is. So, watch out for what you ask for!

This year's Spring Equinox is very formative, because Mercury/Sun in Aries conjuncts Uranus in Pisces and opposes Saturn in Libra. And, Pluto in Capricorn forms the head of a T-square to this intense opposition of four planets. The energy intensity is the strongest between the close opposition of the Equinox Sun to Saturn in 1 degrees of Libra. Saturn retrograde in Libra is pulling away from its exact square to Pluto on January 31, and its final square will be on August 21. There is also a very close square to Pluto from Mercury in Aries, which locks in the intensity of this T-square and accentuates the developments inspired by the great Saturn/Pluto squares.

This means spring 2010 will be a tense, combative, change-oriented time that will shift many entrenched realities. I will discuss a few specific issues that suddenly popped into the limelight when Mars went direct. In my reading for the Pisces New Moon (March 15), I noted that recent earth changes are going to pressure our species to stop wasting precious resources in warfare, because so many people on the planet are suffering calamities. Well, this Equinox T-square is going to push relentlessly for the end to this profligate waste.

Saturn-square-Pluto was very close together from November until now, and it is only moving apart for a little while this spring. The current T-square involving five planets (Mercury/Sun/Uranus/Saturn/Pluto) locks in the influence of Saturn-square-Pluto all the way through the spring season. Saturn in Libra (October 2009-October 2012) pushes Pluto in Capricorn's struggle to transform economic and societal structures into a balancing mode. Regardless of Saturn's struggle for harmony, the Sun in 0 Aries demands we just get the job done. This Equinox is going to be characterized by a resounding scream for action, deep change, and new pathways, a shift that already started when Mars went direct on March 10. This process actually began when Pluto went into Capricorn in 2008, and then it deepened during the first Saturn/Pluto square in November 2009. Systems that have been tottering are going to crash, such as the Catholic Church under the pressure of clerical sexual scandals, and the many countries that are threatened with economic collapses. Mercury in Aries ahead of the Equinox Sun suggests that many people know exactly what is going on, and they are fostering these collapses because they seek new ways to create what they want in our world. Uranus in late Pisces just before the Aries Sun means that the spiritual awakening of Uranus in Pisces (2003-2011) is culminating this spring. Just imagine how new spiritual pathways will open when Uranus goes into Aries during Spring Equinox 2011!

This great T-square heralds a great crisis in consciousness that can shake up dysfunctional systems. The Galactic Underworld time acceleration (1999-2011) has been exposing many of the abusive systems that have been used to manipulate people, such as medicine-for-profit. The Roman Catholic Church has manipulated people for two thousand years, but now the priestly sexual-abuse scandals are penetrating the Vatican and rocking the Petrine throne. Clerical sexual-abuse scandals and huge payments to the victims have been weakening the American Catholic Church for more than twenty years. In the last few years, Ireland has been rocked by 15,000 abuse complaints. In Germany, the Vatican has been on the defensive since 170 former students of Catholic schools came forward with abuse claims in Church-run orphanages and schools.

Bishop Giuseppi Versaldi of the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome announced that the Pope has been "a vigilant shepherd of his flock decisively denouncing the filth in the priesthood." Strangely, on March 13, just after Mars went direct, the Munich archdiocese reported that when he was the Cardinal Archbishop of Munich, Joseph Ratzinger (now called Benedict) had approved therapy for a priest known to be an abuser in the 1980s. Then Ratzinger transferred the pedophile to Upper Bavaria, where he was soon convicted for abusing minors. Ratzinger knew this priest was an abuser, yet he allowed him to continue in his ministry. Some writers, such as John Clooney, are already saying that Ratzinger's position as Supreme Pontif could become untenable. These transits are tearing up institutions that have been controlling human access to divine consciousness for too long.

The Equinox Moon gives us a reading for the condition of the public mind. The Moon in 26 Taurus is in a tight square to Chiron/Neptune. Stolid Moon in Taurus tells us that our spiritual healing crisis, inspired by the long-lasting Chiron/Neptune conjunctions in Aquarius, is coming to a head this spring. The great wise bull has the depth and patience to cry "Enough!" The public is not going to be patient with platitudes and procrastinations now; they will demand that heads will roll. The Moon in Taurus trining Saturn in Libra means that our feelings will be strong and confident this spring. Simply put, the public is going to be demanding and irate, and they are going to throw off their oppressors.

Newly-direct Mars in Leo is the real key to the spring because it aspects so many other planets, like a musician playing all the octaves. Mars closely trines the Sun going into Aries, a very benefic influence this spring. As each one of us strives to do things in new ways, Mars trining the Equinox Sun will give us strength and will power, a clear sense of direction, and the ability to just put ourselves into first gear. Saturn in Libra closely sextiles Mars in Leo, so we will have harmonic structural support when we use our will power to get what we want. Mars in Leo also sextiles the Moon in Taurus, which means we will be emotionally stable while undertaking difficult things. Pluto in Capricorn is quincunx to Mars in Leo during the Equinox. This firey and earthy quincunx is exact in mid-April, and then Pluto goes retrograde until mid-September, right before the Fall Equinox. While we consider the deep structural changes inspired by Pluto, Mars in Leo will nudge and push us to get involved in these processes. People will tend to just charge forward in spite of any obstacles because retrograde Pluto in early Capricorn will be constantly reminding them it is time to change.

When Mars went direct on March 10, all kinds of blocked processes began releasing, such as the Arab/Israeli stalemate. Just when Vice President Joe Biden completed talks with the Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, Israel announced they were building 1600 more homes for Jews in East Jerusalem on Palestinian land. This was a slap in the face to official American policy, as well as an act of utter rudeness. Biden responded to this insulting behavior by arriving at a state dinner with Premier Netanyahu ninety minutes late, a radical way to show displeasure in the Middle East. As I write this file, Hillary Clinton is being very vocal about this insult to America, while the media calls it the "New Chill". Well, if the United States changes its policy toward the Israelis, it would influence all policy in the Middle East; this Spring Equinox chart predicts such great changes.

Perhaps women like Hillary Clinton will be able to cause change this spring. Venus in 16 Aries squares the lunar North Node in 18 Capricorn and the South Node in 18 Cancer. When the nodes are in Capricorn/Cancer (August 2009 through March 2011), we are inspired to construct new structures and systems that work for us by letting go of old security and nurturance. We are in the middle of this process, and Venus in Aries squaring the lunar nodes suggests a karmic crisis this spring over the role of women and power in society. As we come to the end of the Mayan Calendar and as the National and Planetary structures are falling, the patriarchy that created them also must go, yet many men just don't know how to change. Women need to assume more power this spring to function as guides while these structures fall away.

Jupiter in Pisces is not aspected during the Spring Equinox, which means its spiritual and tectonic force is weak this spring. Perhaps, and I am only speculating, religious tension will calm this spring, and certainly the tectonic factor needs calming. I wrote a lot about the high level of earthquakes in the Pisces New Moon reading, and the quakes are continuing with a 6.6 quake in Japan on March 13. I am very concerned about these quakes, and I am sure you are too. So, I'd like to end this reading with a very funny commentary on my favorite subject, sex.

A report on sex and aging from the British Medical Journal was released on March 10, just when Mars went direct, so the information in this report is very relevant. I want to report on it here because the global-elite-run media will probably be directed to not discuss it. It contains some very damaging information about the use of recreational sex drugs, such as Viagra and Cialis. It caught my eye because there has been almost no discussion about what is really going on with these drugs since they were introduced in 1998 (Galactic Underworld stimulants!). Yet, these drugs are widely advertised in seductive ways, causing doctors to hand them out like candy, yet there are no public studies of how they affect health.

The researchers found that men tend to be sexually active until they hit 70 and women until they are 66. For those women who were sexually active at age 75-85, only half reported their sex lives were "good", yet men had more favorable reports. There are obviously many ways to interpret these findings, but several things really stand out for me. First of all, many women end up being single after they are 60 because they lose their partners to death or younger women. Meanwhile, many men want to keep themselves sexually active, especially if they have younger partners. Erectile dysfunction (ED) drugs have really changed the playing field since 1998 by creating a sexual renaissance during the Galactic Underworld. Yippie!

But, there is a dark side to all this fun between the sheets-heart attacks for older men, not to mention trips to the chiropractor! In Switzerland, a country that tends to take responsibility for its citizens, brothels are being required to train their prostitutes to use defibrillators to help prevent clients from dying in the throes of passion! Well, here is my issue: Practitioners of alternative medicine are forbidden to prescribe many substances and to use alternative techniques because somebody might get hurt. Yet, the truth about the real dangers of ED drugs is suppressed. How many men are having heart attacks while using these drugs? Since this is often embarrassing for families, the old guy just gets sent quietly off to the undertaker. Big Pharma doesn't want to lose profits and maybe some elderly old men just want to blow themselves away in bed? The problem is, men and women who might benefit from ED drugs have no way to evaluate their safety, and should not use them until the truth is told. Maybe nobody is paying attention, since they are the only legal way to commit suicide right now? With that happy thought, let me wish you a happy spring!

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Moving Ahead With New Energy

Channeler: Selacia

Messages from The Council of 12
Transmitted through Selacia on 3/12/10 - March 2010

(A Council of 12 message about changes in energy at the equinox.)

Your human life is like a flower. You exist in a field of energy, surrounded by other flowers and by other living things. You are alive!

You are also changing continuously. You may look similar to other flowers, yet you are also unique. You are a creation of the Divine! There is no separation between you and other living things. There is oneness.

Today, as you go about your day, think of yourself as this beautiful flower. Imagine the oneness and the connection you feel with others who are similar and yet different. Allow yourself to feel your own aliveness.

A Choice to Welcome Change

Make the choice to welcome change, and to allow shifts in energy to be catalysts for your spiritual advancement.

There are energy shifts now on an ongoing basis as the revolutionary paradigm shift moves into the next stage. You may feel these more tangibly when there is a change of seasons, a full moon, or an eclipse. That is normal. Do not be concerned. You are not losing your mind.

In order to move ahead in the most positive way, you will need to become skilled in finding your balance, finding your inner voice, and finding your heart's truth. It will become easier, too, when you can begin to live your life as though it is a gift. This is different from intellectually knowing that your life is a gift. When you learn to live fully from this perspective, you embody
the gift. There's no need to question it.

The next step is your decision of what to do with your gift. When you take that step, you have decided to use the gift of your life for good, and to create a more love-filled world.

Your Life As a Gift

When you view your life as a gift, you also see these times of great change as an opportunity. You remember that it was for this opportunity that you came to Earth. You want to use it fully. You desire to fully embody your role as Divine Changemaker.

What does that mean? It means that you are on Earth to be at the forefront. You in fact have a front row seat during these times of shifting. You have that seat because you are energetically encoded for it. This is in your DNA. This is your energetic destiny.

The ones like you in the front seat are those who pioneer the changes. The Divine Changemakers are making the changes required to transform the fear-based world into a light-filled one. To create something new involves experimentation. To experiment involves risk and trying things you have never attempted before. It can be scary.

The fear can stop you in your tracks. If you have tried something before and it did not lead to success, your fear can stop you from experimenting with a new vision for the same task. Do not allow your fear to be in charge. Face it head on and choose what your heart is telling you to do. Your heart will not lie. Allow it to guide you into the unknown and unproven territories.

The Path of Collaboration

When you meet fellow light workers on the path, remember that you are joined in a collaborative effort to birth a brand new type of world. You are not meant to do this alone. Reach out to others, including those you are meeting for the first time. Make your best effort to connect at a heart level, and to be supportive. Remember that it is often the simple things that will guide you and help you to feel more comfortable being at the forefront.

Experiment with smiling. To smile costs you nothing. What you receive back from a smile is priceless. Experiment with smiles today, giving them to others and also taking a moment now and then to smile at your life and at the beauty around you.

As you continue the journey of rediscovering your Divine nature, we surround you with our love and blessings. We are The Council of 12.

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SaLuSa 12-March-2010

Channeler: Mike Quinsey

As you might expect, like a play you may see at your local theatre you can thoroughly immerse yourself in it, but when the final curtain comes down your reality returns. Dear Ones, you are all the actors that have written your own scripts for the purpose of experiencing duality. Now the play nears its end, and you are becoming more conscious of your true reality. You are becoming aware that you are more than you appear, and that your destiny is to return to your real home amongst the stars. You have been attached to Earth for so long, that you have almost forgotten how special you are. Regardless of the many lives spent on Mother Earth, you did not originate from it. As the end time of this cycle comes into sight, you are preparing to move back to the higher dimensions from whence you came.

The end times are clearly bringing the changes that you are experiencing now, and it is becoming more apparent that you cannot maintain the old paradigm. All that has no place in your future will fall away, and that will momentarily cause you discomfort and upheaval. It is unavoidable as the cleansing takes place but you are assured that it will be replaced by conditions, more suited to the new Man emerging with an ever-expanding consciousness. It has all been planned well in advance and cannot fail, and we as the Galactic Federation are playing a vital role to ensure the perfect outcome. Do not be distracted from your goal by the turmoil that may touch you, but know that it will be short lived. Keep looking to the future and the great upliftment that is coming to you.

The final events may not manifest exactly as you might have expected, based upon many prophecies relating to physical changes. The benefits of NESARA have become a part of the general changes, and embodied in the plan that we are working to now. Debt has been deliberately forced upon poor countries as a means of control, and taking their assets in the form of oil and other precious commodities. In a similar way Man himself has been subjected to laws that have often been illegal, and have ensured that he is only able to live with financial help. Thus both the countries and their populations have been kept in debt. Therefore steps are in place to reverse that situation, once your existing governments are replaced. It has only been through the decimation of the Laws of your Constitution that it has happened in the U.S. However, the financial controls and problems arising from them have permeated most of the world, and that must change to bring about a fair and just distribution of wealth.

Many benefits are lined up for you, but a priority exists where the Third World is concerned. Hunger and lack of adequate water facilities have caused much misery and death amongst them. Their quality of life is artificially kept low, as there are sufficient resources upon Earth to ensure everyone has a decent standard of living. Before the end time there must be upliftment all round, and a bringing together of all people so that they become as One. You are already souls of equal status having come from the Source, and you all deserve to share a happy life where lack has been eradicated. As Ones with the capacity to be all loving, would you really have it apply differently to your other brothers and sisters? We believe that you are recognizing your Divinity and see life differently to what it was previously, and can see beyond the outer physicality.

Past history will show that your leaders promoted the idea that some people were nothing more than lesser beings, and could be used as slaves. Instead of helping them to become literate and raising their standard of life, they were kept down and denied the basic requirements to survive. Can you see how karma has been built up by your forefathers, and why there is much to put right before this cycle ends? It is as you might say pay back time, and as you grow in consciousness you will understand that every action causes a re-action. Karma is something that has to be cleared both as individuals and as the Human Civilization, and it is embodied in Universal Law.

Most of what is happening to you on a personal level is known subconsciously, as you planned for this time and the opportunity to ascend. Regardless of your experiences, if you feel that somehow progress is being made then you may be sure you are heading for fulfillment. When you reflect on them you might admit to needing the lessons involved. Many revolve around personal relationships, and it is wise to leave the Earth having resolved any differences. More importantly, in making your peace with others remember that forgiveness also involves yourself.

What you perceive as the most evil people are still sparks of God, and they need love to awaken them to the truth of their essence. As you are working towards Unconditional Love to become a Christed One, it is never too early to put yourself to the test. It starts with compassion and the ability to be non-judgmental. “But for the grace of God go I” is a powerful statement that is worth remembering, as without exception you have all spent lifetimes where your light has dimmed. Such experiences are not a stain upon your character that remains forever, and the opportunity is given to everyone to make them good. There is no such thing as condemnation that damns you forever, and if God can forgive you is it not for Man to follow suit.

Some may read these messages feeling unworthy, and doubting their ability to open their awareness to allow the Light in. However, once you start to consider such prospects you are opening up to the Light, and if you start to believe in yourself help will also come. Like anyone else you will have always had your Guides with you, and they will open up opportunities for you to progress. You are never forsaken, and it is quite the opposite as fallen souls are given every attention to get them back into the Light.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and can tell you that we are looking forward to being your teachers. Our experience is such that we are well placed to understand your problems, and gently lead you into your new lives as Galactic Beings. For the time being we send you our love and wishes for a speedy conclusion to your time in duality. We draw nearer each day, as First Contact looms large and what a celebration we shall all have.

Thank you SaLuSa

Mike Quinsey

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Thanks Gerald, this is oddly appropriate where I am concerned......


Neville Goddard from “Immortal Man”

Question: In the scriptures, we are told that none will be lost but the son of perdition.
 Please tell us who the son of perdition is.

Answer: The son of perdition is the belief in loss. The only thing that can die or cease to exist in this world is that which has no right to live or exist. It's not a man. I'll tell you who it is.

Every moment of time you are feeding two beings of which you are totally unaware. Your every evil thought goes to feed one and your every loving thought goes to feed the other. The day will come you will confront them both at the same time.
 One is an angelic, beautiful creature.
 The other is the most monstrous thing you ever saw. . . it's covered all over with hair and has a gutteral, human voice.

When I looked at it, it was looking at this beautiful creation, this angelic being, calling her mother, and I struck him. He gloated, for he loved it. He feeds on violence.

 Then I realized this thing came out of me. I am its father.
 The angelic being came out of me, so I am her father.

Then I said to myself (for there was no one present but myself), "I will redeem you if it takes me eternity," and that whole thing got smaller and smaller, and in a matter of moments it was gone, and I felt a glow of strength, and she began to glow like the sun.
 She feeds on my every lovely thought and he fed on my every ignoble thought.

 He whispered in my ears my ignoble acts because he feeds on violence. If He could cause me to do anything of which I would be ashamed, it would fatten him. If he could only whisper in me to hit someone, that would fatten him and strengthen him. That was mis­spent energy.

Every lovely, noble thought I have ever entertained feeds her.

 So I know from experi­ence that's the only thing that dies and it's man's creation.
(my ignoble acts, the most monstrous thing you ever saw)

 But man does not see it until a certain point in his unfoldment, when he has the strength to face it. It's his dweller on the thresh­old. It's ever with him. It never leaves him. It goes to bed with him and it whispers into his ear the unlovely thoughts which it needs for its own existence. But when you confront it, you well up with a compassion you didn't know you possessed. You pledge yourself, "I will redeem you if it takes me eternity," and it melts before you, and its energy goes back to you, for energy cannot be lost. Not one little drop of it, if you can speak of it in drops. Nothing is lost. It all comes back.

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Diane – 29 August 2008

Because things are the way they are, things will not stay the way they are. – Bertolt Brecht



You are on your way, as you might say to the Promised Land and it will far exceed your expectations. After all of the turmoil you have experienced with the prospect of Mankind entering a period of collapse, it will be so uplifting to be able to put the past behind you. You have moods of consciousness, and presently there is much despondency at the direction the world is heading.  Yet within all of it a bright new dawn is emerging, that speaks of unity and a great coming together of all people. Changes are occurring all of the time, but hope is there that they will lead to new pathway that will put the past behind you.

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SaLuSa – 05 September 2008

So much depends on the weeks ahead as many different events work themselves out. At first glance they appear to be separate, but they all connect with the plan of the Galactic Federation to bring an end to the last cabal’s influence. Their powerful control base within the financial empire has to be removed, and that requires an in depth investigation of their affairs. They have been involved in many recent covert events, and we see various revelations bringing the truth to your notice It can sometimes be painful, not least of all that it reveals how you have been let down by those within whom you placed your trust. The trickery and blatant deceit has been occurring for almost the last century, and you have been literally kept in the dark.

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Ker-On – 08 September 2008

The intent of people to change the direction of their lives is altering the mass consciousness to such a degree, that it can now be seen as having a noticeable effect. The most important factor is the awakening that is helping others, and adding power to your resolve to find ways of bringing changes about. Not everyone understands what is happening around them, but they have felt the different energies that are building up. It comes to them in a sense of excitement knowing that something is stirring upon Earth.

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“Happiness is a perfume you cannot pour on others without getting a few drops on yourself.”




“I (WE) AM!” an illustration by SethD8 – 25 Feb 07

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