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Andromeda, feels like home to me…..

Andromeda Galaxy

The Andromeda Galaxy, also known as Messier 31, M31, or NGC 224; often referred to as the Great Andromeda Nebula in older texts, is a spiral galaxy approximately 2,500,000 light-years away in the constellation Andromeda.

It is the nearest spiral galaxy to our own, the Milky Way. As it is visible as a faint smudge on a moonless night, it is one of the farthest objects visible to the naked eye, and can be seen even from urban areas with binoculars. It is named after the princess Andromeda in Greek mythology.

Andromeda is the largest galaxy of the Local Group, which consists of the Andromeda Galaxy, the Milky Way Galaxy, the Triangulum Galaxy, and about 30 other smaller galaxies. Although the largest, Andromeda may not be the most massive, as recent findings suggest that the Milky Way contains more dark matter and may be the most massive in the grouping.

The 2006 observations by the Spitzer Space Telescope revealed that M31 contains one trillion (1012) stars, several times more than the number of stars in our own galaxy, which is estimated to be c. 200-400 billion.

While the 2006 estimates put the mass of the Milky Way to be ~80% of the mass of Andromeda, which is estimated to be 7.1 X 1011 solar masses, a 2009 study concluded that Andromeda and the Milky Way are about equal in mass.

At an apparent magnitude of 3.4, the Andromeda Galaxy is notable for being one of the brightest Messier objects, making it easily visible to the naked eye even when viewed from areas with moderate light pollution. Although it appears more than six times as wide as the full moon when photographed through a larger telescope, only the brighter central region is visible with the naked eye.

Observation History

The earliest recorded observation of the Andromeda Galaxy was in 964 CE by the Persian astronomer, Abd al-Rahman al-Sufi (Azophi), who described it as a "small cloud" in his Book of Fixed Stars. Other star charts of that period have it labeled as the Little Cloud.

The first description of the object based on telescopic observation was given by Simon Marius in 1612.

Charles Messier catalogued it as object M31 in 1764 and incorrectly credited Marius as the discoverer, unaware of Al Sufi's earlier work.

In 1785, the astronomer William Herschel noted a faint reddish hue in the core region of the M31. He believed it to be the nearest of all the "great nebulae" and, based on the color and magnitude of the nebula, he incorrectly guessed that it was no more than 2,000 times the distance of Sirius.

William Huggins in 1864 observed the spectrum of M31 and noted that it differed from a gaseous nebula. The spectra of M31 displayed a continuum of frequencies, superimposed with dark absorption lines that help identify the chemical composition of an object. The Andromeda nebula was very similar to the spectra of individual stars, and from this it was deduced that M31 had a stellar nature.

In 1885, a supernova (known as "S Andromedae") was seen in M31, the first and so far only one observed in that galaxy. At the time M31 was considered to be a nearby object, so the cause was thought to be a much less luminous and unrelated event called a nova, and was named accordingly "Nova 1885".

The first photographs of M31 were taken in 1887 by Isaac Roberts from his private observatory in Sussex, England. The long-duration exposure allowed the spiral structure of the galaxy to be seen for the first time. However, at the time this object was commonly believed to be a nebula within our galaxy, and Roberts mistakenly believed that M31 and similar spiral nebulae were actually solar systems being formed, with the satellites nascent planets.

The radial velocity of this object with respect to our solar system was measured in 1912 by Vesto Slipher at the Lowell Observatory, using spectroscopy. The result was the largest velocity recorded at that time, at 300 kilometres per second (190 mi/s), moving in the direction of the Sun.

Island Universe

In 1917, Heber Curtis observed a nova within M31. Searching the photographic record, 11 more novae were discovered. Curtis noticed that these novae were, on average, 10 magnitudes fainter than those that occurred within our Galaxy. As a result he was able to come up with a distance estimate of 500,000 light-years (3.2X1010 AU). He became a proponent of the so-called "island universes" hypothesis, which held that spiral nebulae were actually independent galaxies.

In 1920 the Great Debate between Harlow Shapley and Heber Curtis took place, concerning the nature of the Milky Way, spiral nebulae, and the dimensions of the universe. To support his claim that Great Andromeda Nebula (M31) was an external galaxy, Curtis also noted the appearance of dark lanes resembling the dust clouds in our own Galaxy, as well as the significant Doppler shift.

In 1922 Ernst Opik presented a very elegant and simple astrophysical method to estimate the distance of M31, his result (450 kpc (1,500 kly)) put Andromeda Nebula far outside our Galaxy.

Edwin Hubble settled the debate in 1925 when he identified extragalactic Cepheid variable stars for the first time on astronomical photos of M31. These were made using the 2.5 metres (98 in) Hooker telescope, and they enabled the distance of Great Andromeda Nebula to be determined. His measurement demonstrated conclusively that this feature was not a cluster of stars and gas within our Galaxy, but an entirely separate galaxy located a significant distance from our own.

Andromeda plays an important role in galactic studies, since it is the nearest spiral galaxy (although not the nearest galaxy).

In 1943, Walter Baade was the first person to resolve stars in the central region of the Andromeda Galaxy. Based on his observations of this galaxy, he was able to discern two distinct populations of stars based on their metallicity, naming the young, high velocity stars in the disk Type I and the older, red stars in the bulge Type II. This nomenclature was subsequently adopted for stars within the Milky Way, and elsewhere. (The existence of two distinct populations had been noted earlier by Jan Oort.) Dr. Baade also discovered that there were two types of Cepheid variables, which resulted in a doubling of the distance estimate to M31, as well as the remainder of the Universe.

Radio emission from the Andromeda Galaxy was first detected by Grote Reber in 1940. The first radio maps of the galaxy were made in the 1950s by John Baldwin and collaborators at the Cambridge Radio Astronomy Group. The core of the Andromeda Galaxy is called 2C 56 in the 2C radio astronomy catalogue.

In 2009, the first planet may have been discovered in the Andromeda Galaxy. This candidate was detected using a technique called microlensing, which is caused by the deflection of light by a massive object.


Based on its appearance in visible light, the Andromeda galaxy is classified as an SA(s)b galaxy in the de Vaucouleurs-Sandage extended classification system of spiral galaxies. However, data from the 2MASS survey showed that the bulge of M31 has a box-like appearance, which implies that the galaxy is actually a barred galaxy with the bar viewed almost directly along its long axis.

In 2005, astronomers used the Keck telescopes to show that the tenuous sprinkle of stars extending outward from the galaxy is actually part of the main disk itself. This means that the spiral disk of stars in Andromeda is three times larger in diameter than previously estimated. This constitutes evidence that there is a vast, extended stellar disk that makes the galaxy more than 220,000 light-years (67,000 pc) in diameter. Previously, estimates of Andromeda's size ranged from 70,000 to 120,000 light-years (21,000 to 37,000 pc) across.

The galaxy is inclined an estimated 77° relative to the Earth (where an angle of 90° would be viewed directly from the side). Analysis of the cross-sectional shape of the galaxy appears to demonstrate a pronounced, S-shaped warp, rather than just a flat disk. A possible cause of such a warp could be gravitational interaction with the satellite galaxies near M31. The galaxy M33 could be responsible for some warp in M31's arms, though more precise distances and radial velocities are required.

Spectroscopic studies have provided detailed measurements of the rotational velocity of M31 at various radii from the core. In the vicinity of the core, the rotational velocity climbs to a peak of 225 kilometres per second (140 mi/s) at a radius of 1,300 light-years (82,000,000 AU) light-years, then descends to a minimum at 7,000 light-years (440,000,000 AU) where the rotation velocity may be as low as 50 kilometres per second (31 mi/s).

Thereafter the velocity steadily climbs again out to a radius of 33,000 light-years (2.1x109 AU), where it reaches a peak of 250 kilometres per second (160 mi/s). The velocities slowly decline beyond that distance, dropping to around 200 kilometres per second (120 mi/s) at 80,000 light-years (5.1x109 AU). These velocity measurements imply a concentrated mass of about 6 x 109 M in the nucleus. The total mass of the galaxy increases linearly out to 45,000 light-years (2.8 x109 AU), then more slowly beyond that radius.

The spiral arms of Andromeda are outlined by a series of H II regions that Baade described as resembling "beads on a string". They appear to be tightly wound, although they are more widely spaced than in our galaxy.

Rectified images of the galaxy show a fairly normal spiral galaxy with the arms wound up in a clockwise direction. There are two continuous trailing arms that are separated from each other by a minimum of about 13,000 light-years (8.2E+8 AU). These can be followed outward from a distance of roughly 1,600 light-years (100,000,000 AU) from the core. The most likely cause of the spiral pattern is thought to be interaction with M32. This can be seen by the displacement of the neutral hydrogen clouds from the stars.

In 1998, images from the European Space Agency's Infrared Space Observatory demonstrated that the overall form of the Andromeda galaxy may be transitioning into a ring galaxy. The gas and dust within Andromeda is generally formed into several overlapping rings, with a particularly prominent ring formed at a radius of 32,000 light-years (2.0x109 AU) from the core. This ring is hidden from visible light images of the galaxy because it is composed primarily of cold dust.

Close examination of the inner region of Andromeda showed a smaller dust ring that is believed to have been caused by the interaction with M32 more than 200 million years ago. Simulations show that the smaller galaxy passed through the disk of Andromeda along the latter's polar axis. This collision stripped more than half the mass from the smaller M32 and created the ring structures in Andromeda.

Studies of the extended halo of M31 show that it is roughly comparable to that of the Milky Way, with stars in the halo being generally "metal-poor", and increasingly so with greater distance. This evidence indicates that the two galaxies have followed similar evolutionary paths. They are likely to have accreted and assimilated about 1-200 low-mass galaxies during the past 12 billion years. The stars in the extended halos of M31 and the Milky Way may extend nearly one third the distance separating the two galaxies.


M31 is known to harbor a dense and compact star cluster at its very center. In a large telescope it creates a visual impression of a star embedded in the more diffuse surrounding bulge. The luminosity of the nucleus is in excess of the most luminous globular clusters.

In 1991 Tod R. Lauer used WFPC, then on board the Hubble Space Telescope, to image Andromeda's inner nucleus. The nucleus consists of two concentrations separated by 1.5 parsecs (4.9 ly). The brighter concentration, designated as P1, is offset from the center of the galaxy. The dimmer concentration, P2, falls at the true center of the galaxy and contains a 3-5x107 M black hole.

Scott Tremaine has proposed that the observed double nucleus could be explained if P1 is the projection of a disk of stars in an eccentric orbit around the central black hole. The eccentricity is such that stars linger at the orbital apocenter, creating a concentration of stars. P2 also contains a compact disk of hot, spectral class A stars. The A stars are not evident in redder filters, but in blue and ultraviolet light they dominate the nucleus, causing P2 to appear more prominent than P1.

While at the initial time of its discovery it was hypothesized that the brighter portion of the double nucleus was the remnant of a small galaxy "cannibalized" by Andromeda, this is no longer considered to be a viable explanation. The primary reason is that such a nucleus would have an exceedingly short lifetime due to tidal disruption by the central black hole. While this could be partially resolved if P1 had its own black hole to stabilize it, the distribution of stars in P1 does not suggest that there is a black hole at its center.

Artist's concept of Andromeda galaxy core showing a view across a

mysterious disk of young, blue stars encircling a supermassive black hole.

Discrete Sources

Multiple X-ray sources have been detected in the Andromeda Galaxy, using observations from the ESA's XMM-Newton orbiting observatory. Robin Barnard et al. hypothesized that these are candidate black holes or neutron stars, which are heating incoming gas to millions of kelvins and emitting X-rays. The spectrum of the neutron stars is the same as the hypothesized black holes, but can be distinguished by their masses.

There are approximately 460 globular clusters associated with the Andromeda galaxy. The most massive of these clusters, identified as Mayall II, nicknamed Globular One, has a greater luminosity than any other known globular cluster in the local group of galaxies.

It contains several million stars, and is about twice as luminous as Omega Centauri, the brightest known globular cluster in the Milky Way. Globular One (or G1) has several stellar populations and a structure too massive for an ordinary globular. As a result, some consider G1 to be the remnant core of a dwarf galaxy that was consumed by M31 in the distant past. The globular with the greatest apparent brightness is G76 which is located in the south-west arm's eastern half.

In 2005, astronomers discovered a completely new type of star cluster in M31. The new-found clusters contain hundreds of thousands of stars, a similar number of stars that can be found in globular clusters. What distinguishes them from the globular clusters is that they are much larger ­ several hundred light-years across ­ and hundreds of times less dense. The distances between the stars are, therefore, much greater within the newly discovered extended clusters.

Future Collision of the Milky Way with Andromeda

The Andromeda Galaxy is approaching the Sun at about 100 to 140 kilometres per second (62 to 87 mi/s),[56] so it is one of the few blue shifted galaxies. The Andromeda Galaxy and the Milky Way are thus expected to collide in perhaps 2.5 billion years, although the details are uncertain since Andromeda's tangential velocity with respect to the Milky Way is only known to within about a factor of two.

A likely outcome of the collision is that the galaxies will merge to form a giant elliptical galaxy. Such events are frequent among the galaxies in galaxy groups. The fate of the Earth and the Solar System in the event of a collision are presently unknown. If the galaxies do not merge, there is a small chance that the Solar System could be ejected from the Milky Way or join Andromeda.

Andromeda's Satellite Galaxies  Wikipedia
Like the Milky Way, Andromeda Galaxy has satellite galaxies, consisting of 14 known dwarf galaxies.

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March 21, 2010 This exercise is simple but extremely effective.

Channeler: Kris-Won

Greetings from Alpha Spaceship!

We have been providing some tips for you all during our previous messages. We are now going to recommend a new exercise to perform each day at 12:30 in the afternoon. Stand with your legs evenly apart, approximately shoulder width, arms extended outwards, as if they were aligned with the body to make the shape of a five-pointed star, a pentagram. It is better if you close your eyes and concentrate on what you feel. Breathe slow and deep, as if sleeping or meditating. You should visualize how the energy flows from the Cosmos to you, entering through the crown chakra, namely, the etheric heart-shaped "wheel" that everyone has just above their heads, connecting them with the cosmic energies.

You may eventually feel a surge of energy that makes you tremble from head to toe. Do not be frightened by that; your body is becoming an antenna in this moment and you will feel the cosmic energy coming into you as an energy discharge, which may be faint or undetectable in some cases, while strong and violent in others, depending on the type of energy that is received at that particular time.

Always do it at 12:30 in the afternoon in the respective time zone of your countries. It is not necessary for it to be at the same moment for everyone in all nations. The important thing is to connect to the Universe at this time, since it is a time that is right in the middle of a very powerful energy band and ideal for attracting energies that come from outer space. This exercise will help you adapt your physical and subtle bodies to the emanations coming from your Central Sun and to make the most of them, enabling them to act upon your aura each day, in accordance with in conjunction with the Energies we will send you from our Ships. These Energies will progressively change your cells and DNA, making them more subtle and light. If there are many who practice this, you all will become like a large satellite dish that will help change the energy pattern of humanity in its entirety, not just the energy system of the people who practice it.

If for whatever reason you could not do it on that day at 12:30, then do the exercise whenever you remember, because it is always better to do it at another time of the day than not at all. Only try to connect mentally to this momentum and tune in to this band of space-time.

This exercise is simple but extremely effective. It has been taught recently by Kris-Won, who has already known this for some time, to one of our closest partners, and witnessed by us. We decided that it would be a good idea for a number of you to learn this, as it will help us in our task of preparing you for the New Age and for human beings of the New Earth in which you will become, as the Ascension process is revealed.

It seems as if that genius who lived in the past, Leonardo da Vinci, had understood the effectiveness of the physical position of the five-pointed star, right? We have been pleased to see that even some European currencies have been minted with the very image of da Vinci. He was an initiate who observed the Universe and the world, which surrounded him with ideas that were far superior to humans of that era. In actuality, he is a great teacher of Wisdom and now of Ascension, who continues working for the spiritual evolution of human beings on this planet.

The moment of Ascension for you as members of the human race on planet Earth is approaching rapidly, and we are confident that this moment will become a reality, always gradual in form and not abruptly, in a short space of your linear time. We have this absolute confidence because we know that those are the Plans of the Father-Mother God.

Love and Peace

Source: Commander Sohin of Alpha Spaceship
Channeler: Kris-Won
Translator: Steve

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Sneak Preview……

Today, I feel urged to to reveal a little of the novel I'm currently writing. Not sure what it will accomplish, but the urge is there, and it feels good. "Make It Real" is a so-called braided tale weaving three timelines into a timeless piece of reflection:

  • My 2007 past self, in the form of the novel Going Within, which I wrote back then. It's name turned out to be aptly appropriate, for it is now Going Within the new Make It Real novel.
  • My 2010 now self, which comments on things as I write this novel.
  • My 4444 future self, an android, who addly enough bears the name of 'Sander R.B.E. Beals', the 'author' of this book for those who don't know any better....

Comment I got from a fifteen year old as I told him the outline of the story: "This book is going to change a lot"  and me, daft as I am, said "Why?, it is almost half finished"  Turned out he meant that it would change many of those reading it....  And you know what they say about kids.  And no, he wasn't one of my kids.......

Love your Light, 


P.S. I still come up short on my list of E-mail addresses to present to the publisher as receivers of the mailing about that book. Especially since I do not specifically wish to invite my colleagues to join. This story might be a bit too close to home to involve them. However, if they pass the barriers I will be putting up, then their knowledge of it is apparently what should happen.

4444AD, Day 223, 12:34, Home

I'm flat on my back, relaxing as I'm working. The two by two meter vidcloth on the ceiling displays various windows, from various eras. Top left is my vision feed of March 12th, 2010. I have the accompanying audio on the speakers, and “Day sixteen: Loser” plays, not interfered by anything else in the vicinity. I just love seeing myself be busy creating. The video feed gets interrupted by the screen saver kicking in: photos of an intimately familiar lady fill that top left corner. I leave it be, and switch to another, apparently me in a train. Nobody in  view, just empty seats opposite me.   
I remember how I felt back then, being busy with the idea of the neural network I'd envisioned seeing myself create. I know I can't actually make myself achieve anything better back then, but I can make myself feel better about it. I flip open the plans of the quadrionic mind in my mind's eye, and study them for the next few minutes. By focusing the energy of that activity on my past incarnation, I can strengthen his belief in the fact that he will, in due time, achieve his goal. Just as I eventually did in 2042....
Seda steps into the bedroom, seeing me enjoy myself. She bounces onto the bed next to me, and immediately succeeds in getting my mind off myself. Hey, some people have that effect on me, what can I say? “And, where has my most favorite girl in all the world been hanging around?” I ask her. She tells me she's been walking around town, collecting interesting things from an antiques shop she frequents on a regular basis. Roberto, the antiquarian, told her he had some really nice needlework from around the turn of the second millennium. She jumps off the bed, and steps into the corridor, only to return with four almost square frames. They depict four angels, delicately embroidered on white linen. Two are relatively colorful, a third is done in distinct autumn-like colors. The forth and final one apparently depicts wintertime. A quick reference to the vidcloth on the ceiling gives the game away: the design is indeed a quartet, and these are called the Four Seasons. My vision enhancer highlights a slightly off-colored patch in the corners of the needle works. In icy blue, nearly indistinguishable from the surrounding whiteness, some sort of code is embroidered: MS2000. I now begin to appreciate the weird familiarity of the female foursome: I have seen them before! Rather than letting the raw power of the Google vision search loose on it, I'd rather let my mind do the work involved. The vision search is a descendant of the Google image search, which searches for imagery based on text. Vision Search does quite the opposite: based on a single image, it retrieves images of the same subject, or similar ones, to enable the user to gather context data on something they've only seen once.
And then it hits me: around 2000, my dad in that life embroidered these  ladies, proud to have done it in only 555 hours! I flip over the frames, and indeed: one of them has a small label on it, specifying the name of the works, the period they were made in, and the telltale 555 hours.
It is always nice to find stuff from your own past. It reminds you of the timelessness and the interconnectedness of things, which reminds me:
While Seda goes down to the kitchen to make her famous macaroni with synthetic (but no less tasty) chicken and sweet & sour, I go with her and read some more in my manuscript, so attentively sent to me by Denisa.....

'From one marvel to the next'

Thinking back, I wonder why our hosts arrived on foot when they could just as easily have flown right to where we were standing. When asked, Mayra gives a simple explanation: “Two beings on foot pose much less of a threat than a flying saucer carrying the same two people. Hence our preference for walking the extra distance”. Now there’s a train of thought I can wholeheartedly agree with. I thank her for the explanation, and go back to my own thoughts, that wander to the design of the floater that we are in. Sure, its mind-controlled interface is spectacular enough, but otherwise it’s very minimalist in design: a large metal disc-shaped object, with a depression at the center. Around it, seven seats are placed. Come to think of it, it looks suspiciously like the wild water rides that we use on the outside of the globe. Only this one floats on air instead of water, and it’s a much smoother ride. It has no apparent roof structure, so I ask Kayim about it. He explains that inside, the weather does not have its ups and downs like outside, for there are no seasons. There is occasional rain, but the people here don’t really mind that, and the same force field that floats the floater also keeps out the excess water. As we approach the city, I take a closer look at it: it consists almost entirely of spheres of various sizes, some buried halfway in the surface. Lots of green in between, making it a great place to live in, I imagine. The spheres are different shades of color, giving the impression of soap bubbles from afar.
We land on the edge of the city, next to a modest globe. I can now spot an entirely glass surface surrounding it, which can be seen to be divided into six distinct levels. The top level seems to have no real ceiling, more like a greenhouse. We enter the structure at ground level, and step onto a disc that’s in the core of the building. You can look up and see all the floors, just like an elevator that has no walls. The disc starts to rise, and I see Melanie trying to scare me to death: she holds out her arm, and steps to the side of the platform to allow the next floor to chop it off. Her plan is foiled, because of some unseen barrier that won’t allow anything to cross the edge of the platform as long as it is moving. Mayra notices also, and laughs at my youngest.
We stop on the next floor, and find it divided into four quarter-circle rooms. “These are the working areas,” Mayra explains: “They are on the lower levels because of the frequent transporting of goods in and out of them. Because of their being on the lower half of the sphere, they are usually lit by artificial means”. I see what she means, but for the life of me cannot discover any source of internal light. Still, the rooms seem better lit than any I’ve seen on the surface. We get onto the disc again, only to stop briefly at the next level, which is divided into six pie-shaped rooms.
Each one has two discs on the floor, and two discs on the ceiling directly above them. One of the rooms clearly demonstrates the purpose of the discs: another Inner Earth person is suspended in between two discs. As we approach, he effortlessly swings into an upright position, and steps forward to meet us. “I’ve been waiting for you since I finished preparing our meal. My name is Sinan.” Further talking reveals that he is the mate of Mayra, and Kayim is their son. They live together in this house, which seems somewhat large for the three of them. Mayra explains that they have been appointed hosts of the access point that we came through, so they sometimes have guests from the surface, hence the six bedrooms. The seven of us step onto the central disc again, and ascend to the next level, which also has six pie-shaped rooms. “These are for various activities,”, Mayra explains: “Kayim has his musical studio in one of these”. Laura can’t wait to hear her new friend: “Will you please play us something?”, she asks in her sweetest voice. Kayim obliges, and takes the seat behind a desk that features various colored crystals. They light up the moment he sits down, and his hands above the array of crystalline light start making subtle movements. The end result is one of the sweetest compositions I’ve ever heard. All of us stand there and listen intently, until the spontaneous concert is finished. When it does, we outsiders all applaud Kayim, with Laura cheering as well. “Who wrote that marvelous piece?”, she wants to know. Kayim smiles, taking a bow: “I just improvised a little, so you could say I 'wrote' it...”, he says.
We go up another level, and come to another set of four rooms, with large, tilted windows all around the circumference of the building. Three of the four rooms are home to various plants, growing in shallow tanks containing a greenish, luminous substance. “This is our hydroponics area. It grows all of the fruits and vegetables we consume.”, Mayra explains. She goes on to tell us that the plants that thrive best on real sunlight are closest to the windows, whereas the more rugged plants get by on artificial light. Finally, the ones that don't require light, like mushrooms, are grown in a subterranean level at the base of the sphere. The one remaining room on this level is the kitchen, which has its own dedicated access to the dining table above, which we will see shortly.  Sinan gestures towards the central disc again, to introduce us to the final level of the structure: the living area.
The four of us stand  in awe of the sight we behold: a large circular floor, that is topped by an equally large glass dome. Basically, this dome is the top sixth part of the sphere, leaving the entire floor permanently lit by the smoky central sun. We can see the entire city, and the landscape that surrounds it. ”That's something different from the street view you get from your average city home.”, I say to Gea. She looks at me, and just smiles quietly. Mayra calls our attention to a round table, with a big gaping hole in the middle. As we look on, a plateau displaying the most delicious dishes surfaces, inviting us to the table. Around it we find simple but adequate stools, that automatically adjust their height to the size of the person sitting on them. We all sit down, when Sinan invites us to quietly contemplate the origins of the food we are about to eat. I look over the dishes, and realize that no matter how different they are from the foods of the outer world, their origins are the same: it is all part of the All, just as we are.
Sinan wishes us a healthy meal, and puts some food on his plate. As I ask him to hand me one of the green eggs that are in his vicinity, the central plateau of the table rotates, so I can easily take one myself. “How did you do that?”, I ask. Mayra explains that it is the same mechanism that controls the floater outside. She invites me to try it myself, because it isn't that hard. I notice a delicious piece of fruit across the table, and decide to give it a go. I concentrate on choosing the fruit, and the plateau revolves to the point where I can reach in and get it. Of course the girls can't wait to perform their own experiments on it. Unfortunately, they both formulate their requests at the same time, and the end result is that the table voices its objection against this conflict by a short somewhat irritated sound. Kayim laughs, and tells Laura to let her sister go first. Melanie, seated right next to me, chooses her food with care, and then mentions to me that Laura has already learnt her first words of Solara Maru, from Kayim. I look across the table, and see the two of them exchanging meaningful looks.
I ponder the apparent design choices of the Inner Earth people: their homes seem  built for maximum efficiency.  Distinguishing them from the houses of neighbors appears to be totally irrelevant. Mayra explains that the spherical shape has been chosen because it leaves a minimal surface for a maximal content, thus minimizing the exchange of energy  with the environment. Not that they really need it of course, because the season-less weather keeps the outdoor temperature always around twenty degrees centigrade. “We prefer the beauty of optimal solutions to the aesthetics.” Sinan says. I state that even though aesthetics is not their main concern, they haven't lost their eye for beauty. When everybody seems to have had enough, the plateau slowly sinks back to the kitchen level. Mayra points out that the remains of  our copious meal will be recycled into the substance that feeds the hydroponics area.
As we stand up, Sinan again draws our attention to the table. The plateau has returned, and the large circular surface becomes the scene where a scale model of the city appears. Even my untrained eye recognizes the configuration of spheres, some large and some small. But the differences between big and small are much smaller than between houses and office buildings up top. Mayra explains that massive office buildings are not needed here, as most of the people work from their homes. In fact, most won't call it work, because basically it is just doing what they love to do. The only reason things seem so out of proportion on the outside, is because there everything is controlled instead of trusting that nature will find the right way. “Call me an anarchist, but that reasoning doesn't sound half bad”, I thought.  Since consumption here is on a much lower level than outside, big stores are also not needed. Life inside isn't all about money, certainly not. The necessities of life are provided for all, and to acquire luxury items, people trade instead of spending their days doing things they don't like.
With the model, Sinan wants to show us which sights we will be visiting tomorrow. On the left, he points to a fairly large globe, half buried in the forest. This is the city's swimming pool, that has been chosen as an item on our trip because it is markedly different from the surface swimming pools: you simply cannot drown there, because the “water” is far denser, causing you to float easier. “Like the Red Sea!” Melanie interjects. “But it isn't that salty” Kayim asks her. “Help, I didn't bring my swim gear!” Laura utters with panic in her voice. “Don't worry” Mayra says: “We can pretty much make you any apparel you find suitable.” So apparently, there's nothing to stop us from having a nice swim tomorrow. Sinan points out that this will happen tomorrow afternoon. The morning will be spent with the Elders, who will give us a bit of a history lesson.
I ask Sinan if there is a possibility to access the Web on the outside. I would very much like to update my site with a story of our exploits on the inside. Sinan leads me to a round seat, which envelops me with a spherical ‘screen’ the moment I sit down. It is projected around the seat, and is pressure sensitive. On the edge of the seat is a keyboard, which can be augmented by use of the dictation unit. It doesn’t take me long to get the hang of it. Once Sinan has shown me how to get to the outer web, I quickly find my own site, and am somewhat hesitantly typing and talking away to let our readers know how exciting it is down here.
As I finish, I notify Linda and Carlo. They are on holiday themselves, so I mail them, and send SMS-es to both their cellphones. I tell them something like “no matter what you hear, we're OK”. That ought to cover any rash actions by the hotel staff, or other people. Gea is up next, and takes the seat.
An hour or two later, even though the internal Sun is still high in the sky, it is the moment of sleep. Mayra leads us to the bedrooms a little lower, and gets us something to wear while in ‘bed’. I am very curious about the force field that acts as a mattress, will it be easy to lie on? We first go into the room designated to the girls. Mayra demonstrates how you can just walk onto the lower disc, after which you will be slightly lifted up to the levitation center of the field. After that, it is easy to position your body any way you like. The kids get into their nightly attire, step onto the pads, and immediately start doing rolls, and other tricks. I wonder how long they will be doing that before falling asleep. As for the lack of night, the windows have their own mechanism to remedy that: they slowly fade from transparent to dark gray, creating a great nightly look. Mayra, Gea and me leave the kids to their tricks, and go into two other rooms, one for Gea and one for me. After I’ve dressed for the night, it is my turn to try the ‘bed’. I step onto it, and feel myself being slightly lifted. It is a weird sensation, because there seems to be no extra pressure from below, like when you’re sitting on a bed. It is more the absence of weight, without the lack of oxygen normally found in outer space. But it also does not seem to be quite like normal weightlessness, for there is a certain friction between the force field and my body, that makes it easy to move around. I experiment a little, but it doesn’t take much time to find my optimum position. I doze off quickly, forgetting all about my peculiar surroundings.
But it doesn't last long. Not seven minutes later, I wake up terrified, because I just realize that I forgot my pills! I get dressed again, and think about why oh why I don't keep the bottle in my pocket at all times. Since our trip to the pyramids was only supposed to last a few hours, I'd plain forgotten about it, since I didn't need them till bedtime anyway.
I step onto the landing, and almost bump into Mayra. She sees the worried look on my face, and asks what is wrong. I explain the predicament of missing medication to her, and she looks me into the eyes: “Fortunately, we do have a remedy, a permanent one even”, she smiles. She leads me to the lower level, speaks some words I haven't heard yet, and grabs what seems like a futuristic motorcycle helmet from a closed container. “Here, put this on”.
I do, and Mayra pushes the shiny red button that is now on my forehead. A weird sensation, a tingling starts right below the button, inside my skull. “What is it doing,” I ask. Not that I'm scared or anything, because during my manic episodes I've felt similar sensations. “Basically, it does what you would call a defragmentation of your neural net.” Mayra volunteers. She goes on to say that where I come from, the Lithium would be used by the brain to perform a similar function itself. This just is more thorough, and will last me about a year. If needed, she can even have me taken to see a doctor, who will cure it permanently....  After that, I have no problem getting back to sleep.

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You Are Experience

Channeler: Faye Rouchi

Greetings, this is Bree, here to share this message with you....

Reality is a dream. All realities are dreams. The dreams you have while you perceive yourself as sleeping, is a dream within a dream, when one perceives the sleeping dream as a dream and the world of matter as reality. This is a misconception. All realities are dreams. All dreams are realities. They are one in the same. All dreams are created from feelings. All feelings are created from beliefs. All. Feelings are different from experience. You are moving from a world of feelings into a world of experience. Feelings are limited, separate. Feelings have labels, definition. Experience does not. Experience does not require or invoke beliefs. Experience is what you are. You are not your feelings, you create your feelings to have, to be experience. Feelings are part of what you are, not who you are. Feelings are part of experience. You are experience.

Everything you experience you have selected by the part of you within the higher realms of creation. Embrace your experiences, they are you. You have selected them. The part of you that rejects them is the part of you known as the ego, the smaller you. This ego is also you. Embrace this as well, as to reject it is to reject you, and your creation. A conscious creator always rejoices in its creation. Acknowledge when you are not rejoicing in every experience, whether labeled good or bad, desired or undesired, that you are not being a conscious creator. You have chosen the perspective of the smaller you. You have chosen to play with your creation, rather than to be your creation. You will continue to do this until you no longer hold interest with this toy. This type of experience is akin to childishness. It is limited, lacking much truth.

To choose to experience from the more expanded you, the you that created the ego, realizing the totality of your self, rather than the concentrated focus on the limited part of your self, which limits your experience, is to embrace infinite experience. So, in order to experience infinity, one must be infinite. What you are to be is a choice. Who and what you are just is, but how you are to be is always your choice. You can misperceive who and what you are, but you cannot change this. That is beyond your power. You just are. You are consciousness, the awareness of God, of Source. This you cannot change. But, you can change how you “be“. You do this by changing your feelings, and you do this by changing whether you feel or you experience. You are moving from having your focus on feelings, to having your focus on experience, in which feelings are a part. But they, feelings, are not perceived as the experience any longer, but rather a tool you use in creating your reality, your dream, your experience of your creation.

As I stated, it is wise to embrace your ego as it is your creation, and an empowered creator always rejoices in its creation. Your ego has never been nor will ever be your problem. Your rejection of it is. Your denial of it is. Your refusal to love it is your problem. All that you exclude is resistance to your Self. Stop judging your ego. Start embracing your ego. Take your gaze away from condemning , and begin to shine your awareness, within the act of love, upon it.
To focus on your feelings is to focus on your awareness within. To focus on experience is to focus on both within and without. To experience is limitless. You are limitless. To focus on experience is to focus on your limitlessness.

The world of matter is limited. It is relatively stagnant. Think of the world of matter as a single particle. See the empty space around the particle as experience, you. You are the empty space around the particle, therefore the particle is part of what you are, not all of what you are. The particle is part of your creation. You are the empty space and the particle, but only when you focus on the empty space, rather than the particle. You are your focus as this is your experience. You are experience. When you are in remembrance of what you are, you are in a state of consciousness. When you focus on the particle as what you are, you become limited and forgetful of your true nature. But, this is a choice you have made, to be the particle. To experience the particle is to be the particle. You are experience. You are consciousness. You are love, as love is a choice of consciousness. You are moving into a dream, a reality where the name of the game is to experience yourself as love, not ego. Love is a part of consciousness.

Love is part of what you are. But it is not the totality of what you are. You are experience, and experience is infinite. Love is but an experience of what you are, but you are even more than love. Love is an experience, it is an act, a choice. Love is all of these things, but you are experience, and that is even more. You are God, the experience of God, the exhaled hallelujah of God. As God, you created the ego. This you did to experience yourself by experiencing your creation. Just as the “God” “above” created you. You have experienced your ego. You have had much experience through the creation and immersing your self within this creation, the ego.

You are now going through the process of pulling out of this immersion. As you do this, you become aware of more surrounding you. You become more conscious because you become aware of more. All that surrounds you is YOU. So, as you become aware of more surrounding you, you open the gateway to that which you become aware of being you also, and your consciousness expands. The ego creates matter. Whether your ego or the ego of the Universe, or the ego of the Cosmos. So, to embrace your ego is to embrace all ego, and you become more united to the Universe and to the Cosmos. This is a big step to take to rediscovering the truth of who and what you are. You are experience. With this expanded awareness of ego, you become expanded. To embrace your ego, to choose to love your ego as your creation, you expand to love the Universe, the Cosmos. To love is to become one with. To become one with is to expand. To love is to expand. But you expand even beyond this.

Expansion is your purpose. Expansion is perceived change, as expansion is a different focus, encompassing more than that which was perceived before. You will reach a point where you are all that is once again, returning to a pure state of experience. Until that is accomplished, you will experience time; past, present and future. Time is getting shorter. Time is squeezing itself tighter, becoming more narrow. This is because your vibrations are becoming tighter, closer together, a process moving you to timelessness. As your vibrations consolidate, time shrinks, consolidates as well. There seems to be less of it, because there is less of it, until it is no longer. Consider your experience of less time a marker for you that you are closer to timelessness. Tonal is simply the unity of all vibration, the end of vibrations being separated. Just as experience is unity, of which your feelings are a part. To consolidated one is to consolidate both.

In this way, vibration and feeling become tools for your creative ability. They become the paints you use to paint your dream, your reality. There are more tools than these of course, but for now, we will stay focused on these two tools as they more directly relate to the concept of who and what you are in a more expanded state, a more cosmic state. The more cosmic you are, the more expanded you are. To limit your awareness to matter, to the particle is to limit your self perception. You are all of it, and the particle exists within the soup of the empty space. You are the particle and the empty space. But your awareness has been fixed on the particle for so long, it is a good exploratory experience to focus now on the empty space, for this then opens your awareness to both. You become expanded. Your awareness now is beyond the particle, beyond matter, beyond your human vessel. Your body has become expanded. Your body is now infinite, as the empty space is infinite.

As your body expands, your ego expands. It travels with you as long as your focus is on the Universe or the Cosmos. There is still perceived matter, and where there is matter there will be some form of ego. Embrace ego, as it is part of who you are, and part of what you are as experience. Without your ego you would cease to have experience. You are experience. This is the part of God, of Source that you are. You are the experience of God. You are consciousness. Consciousness experiences. But it is still much more. This is how vast you are. You are so vast that you will never complete your experience of your Self, although you are always complete.

As you focus on the empty space, as this becomes your experience, you are no longer limited to the human vessel in which you sit. Where you sit then, is within the empty space, carrying with you your immense experience as being matter. This is now part of who and what you are, so you carry all of matter with you. You are then the empty space and the particle, matter. As you become both, your body expands to be all of it. Your body becomes the Cosmos. You do not need to remember this, it happens automatically, every time you focus on the empty space. Simply by placing your awareness on the empty space, it becomes you. All matter is connected to the empty space. Therefore, your body becomes all of the Cosmos, contained within an infinite body, which is difficult to comprehend by the mind. Allow your mind, your creation of the ego, which has been you, the limited you that you have been playing with, to have a graceful journey. Your mind is fully capable of accepting the existence of the empty space of the Universe, and for many even the Cosmos. Just simply focus on the empty space, all the rest is automatic.

As you focus on the existence of the empty space within the Universe, the Cosmos, imagine this as that which fills the container of your human vessel. For this is truth. Embrace this as part of what you are. You are the Cosmos. The Cosmos is your creation. It is your playground to be God, to be experience. You are experience. This is who and what you are. You choose your experience. You always choose the experience that will free you from limitation. This act is an act of birth. You are birthing your creation, your ego. Your ego is birthing its creation, your mind, this is a microcosm in itself. The macrocosm is you as totality and nothing less. Part of this totality is the Cosmos, your creation also. You created the Cosmos for experience. You are experience. You created the Cosmos to experience you. You are the experience of God. God created you to experience God. You are also God, but also a part of God as well. You are both, as you are infinite, either through a microscope or a telescope.

Start being the telescope. See yourself as the empty space. Increase the colors of your palette. This will allow you to paint more expanded dreams, realities. It is at this juncture the use of imagination becomes powerful. Anything prior to this is simply fantasy. It will be our next exploration to look at fantasy and how it differs from imagination.

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SaLuSa – 05 September 2008

So much depends on the weeks ahead as many different events work themselves out. At first glance they appear to be separate, but they all connect with the plan of the Galactic Federation to bring an end to the last cabal’s influence. Their powerful control base within the financial empire has to be removed, and that requires an in depth investigation of their affairs. They have been involved in many recent covert events, and we see various revelations bringing the truth to your notice It can sometimes be painful, not least of all that it reveals how you have been let down by those within whom you placed your trust. The trickery and blatant deceit has been occurring for almost the last century, and you have been literally kept in the dark.

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My Past 2 Months…Literally!

“Critics are like eunuchs in a harem. They’re there every night, they see it done every night, they see how it should be done every night, but they can’t do it themselves!” ~Brendan Behan

“The sleep cycle is the place where each person experiences the idea of letting go and returning “home” (multidimensionality)……….followed by a rebirth to physical form, so as to experience another “round” of Life in Limitation.

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Time Waits for No Man!

Diane | 21 August 06

Time waits for no man, and this is certainly true of the present period that you are experiencing. There is a goal to be reached in good time, so that the remaining years are fully productive and as planned conclude in Ascension. The scene has already been set, and many are well along that path. You are also seeing the last attempts of the dark to hold on to power and disrupt this process. Their attempts are tenuous and fragile, and as each truth is finding the light of day another crack is made in their crumbling empire.

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Worthy Melting Pot!

Atmos  | 15 August 2006


Dear ones, you have an expression about everything being in the melting pot, and this describes exactly where you are just at the moment. It is because so much is happening and changing so quickly, that we are reluctant to give too many indications as to the outcome. However some things are certain such as the end result. It is just a matter of exactly how events manifest themselves as to which one will be the deciding factor.

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Transmuting Dark Energies? It all starts with You!

Diane  | 07 August 06


Dear Ones, in the Heavens a gathering is taking place of great Beings. They come from many different groups, that are responsible for ensuring that Humanity is the beneficiary of changes that are now far advanced and are appropriate for the time you are in. There is a movement towards exposure of the Illuminati plans for mankind, and the covert actions that have been taking place for a long time. It is essential that you learn of the way you have been manipulated and used, in manifesting the dark agenda that has led you to the edge of a major disaster.

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Msg from St. Germain – 03 Aug 06

St. Germain | 03 August 06

You need hardly be reminded that you are in the end times, and are seeing a great clear out of the dark energies that have been holding everyone back. It is of necessity that they are dealt with before the next step in your evolution can take place. On the surface matters do appear worse, but it is necessary to bring matters to a head. Many of you as individuals are also in a similar position, and working hard to move out of the lower vibrations.

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Message from Diane 13-July-06

Diane Re-minds Us!


With all the attention on the anticipated act that will remove the last cabal, do not forget to concentrate on your own development. This may be the end of their reign, but it is the beginning of the most exciting period in your life, indeed it will be extraordinary. You have expectations, because along with the many teachers we have prepared you for this time.

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Arcturians an Introduction

We Are the Arcturians

We are the Arcturians, and I am Juliano, one of the commanders of the contingent that is overseeing the Earth connection. We have a very strong interest in the Earth, for we view ourselves as the midwives of your spiritual birth into the fifth dimension. You would not expect a human baby to be born into the third dimension without assistance to both the mother and the baby. Therefore, we have been designated as powerful helpers for you in your birthing process. We are like a magnet that is attracting your spiritual energy into the higher realms.

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Message from Atmos 11-July-06

Atmos Cares!


Dear Ones, you worry about your circumstances as you travel your final journey upon this Earth. This is normal for most of you whether you are aware of Ascension or not, and more relevant to those who do not realize they are immortal. You all look for something to cling to that will carry you through life, as do those who have no real goal and are still searching for a purpose.

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