Tag: comprehend (page 2 of 4)

Galactic Federation of Light Hilarion April-21-2013

Hilarion — April 21-28, 2013
Thanks to Oracles and Healers
Original Link: http://www.therainbowscribe.com/hilarion2013.htm

Beloved Ones,

The times that you are living in are wrought with both the greatest

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Galactic Federation of Light SaLuSa April-17-2013

SaLuSa on Peace by Multidimensional Ocean — 17 April 2012

We are pleased to see your discerning and filtering of information being more and more reliable. Your conscious

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Galactic Federation of Light El Morya April-09-2013

Galactic Federation of Light El Morya April-02-2013

Julie Miller: Ascended Master El Morya — Creating a Relationship with God
Thanks to Méline Lafont
Channeler: Julie Miller
Creating a Relationship with God
Ascended Master, El Morya’s Weekly Message

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Ships of Song: Faith and Focus


Thursday, January 19, 2012

Faith is the focus of consciousness in creation. It is a driving factor in the direction and the manifestation of the creative process in your life. Faith, in the religious context, is the belief in the...

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by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles

There are a lot of challenging things taking place on the planet at this time, but on July 17th and 18th, 2010, hundreds of thousands, and most likely millions, of people around the world participated in various activities of Light that were dedicated to cocreating a template for Unity Consciousness.  The Company of Heaven has assured us that our unified efforts were God Victorious, and now there is a template for Unity Conscious pulsating in, through, and around every particle and wave of Life on this planet.
So where do we go from here? Well, our responsibility now is to focus on the Light and to continually empower our thoughts, words, feelings, and actions with Divine Love and Reverence for ALL Life. Today I would like to share some information with you that is being given to us by the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth. The intent of this information is to help us see the bigger picture, so we can navigate through these wondrous but very confusing times.
As the Light of God increases on Earth, it pushes everything that conflicts with that Light to the surface to be healed and transmuted into its original perfection. We have just experienced a tremendous influx of Light through the global activities involving the cocreation of the template for Unity Consciousness. Now everything that conflicts with Unity Consciousness is being pushed to the surface to be healed. This includes the obsolete fear-based patterns of separation and duality.
This phenomenon can make it appear as though the accelerated influx of God’s Light is making things worse, but nothing could be further from the Truth. That is an illusion. The Beings of Light have given us the following information because it is very important that we clearly understand what happens when we invoke the Light of God. They do not want us to become discouraged. They want us to "keep on keeping on," even in the face of apparent adversity.
Once again, it is vital that we remember we are all One. There is no separation. In order for us to move forward in the Light, we must first transmute the human miscreations we created in the past. That means that anything that conflicts with the Light of God must come to the surface to be healed and transmuted back into its original perfection. This is what is meant by the statement "All that is hidden must now be revealed."
Regardless of how deplorable our human miscreations are, the energy that comprises those gross mutations was originally pure Light from the Heart of God. You and I and every other person responsible for creating those miscreations must transmute that energy back into pure Light. This is true for every single human miscreation. Anything that is not reflecting the harmony and balance of the patterns of perfection in the Causal Body of God is a human miscreation. This includes poverty, disease, hatred, prejudice, corruption, greed, violence, war, religious fanaticism, abuse of power, and every other physical manifestation that is less than the perfection of Heaven on Earth.
When we invoke the Light of God through our prayers, meditations, invocations, decrees, affirmations, or any other way, our Father-Mother God respond and the Light of God increases on Earth. This frequency of God’s Infinite Perfection floods the planet and enters the core of purity in every atomic and subatomic particle and wave of Life.
Regardless of how dark or contaminated our human miscreations are, the energy within the core of that miscreation still pulsates with its original Divine Potential. That is true for every person, place, condition, or thing existing on this planet. For instance, in the core of every expression of poverty still pulsates the Divine Potential for God’s Infinite Abundance. Within the core of every facet of disease still pulsates the Divine Potential of vibrant health. Within every manifestation of war is the Divine Potential of peace. Within every electron of hatred is the Divine Potential of love. This is true for people as well. No matter how far a person has fallen or how depraved or degenerate he or she may seem, that person still has the full Divine Potential of a Beloved Child of God blazing in their Heart Flame. 
The reason it sometimes appears as though things are getting worse after we invoke the Light of God is because of what happens when the Light enters the core of purity. When the Light of God enters the core of purity, it activates the original Divine Potential that is still encoded within that particle of Life. Everything that conflicts with that potential is then pushed to the surface to be healed and transmuted back into Light. This is a necessary part of the process that has to be successfully accomplished in order to clear the way for the tangible manifestation of the Divine Potential.
What this means very practically is that when we invoke prosperity, the Light of God enters the core of purity in every electron of energy in our lives that conflicts with prosperity. This Light activates the Divine Potential in that energy, which is God’s Infinite Abundance. Then the vibration of God’s Abundance pushes to the surface every thought, word, action, or feeling that is responsible for manifesting our poverty. As the patterns that created our poverty surface to be healed, it often looks like things are getting worse, but that is never the case.
This illusion is caused by the fact that we can easily see the patterns associated with our poverty that are being pushed to the surface to be healed. What we cannot see as easily, is the powerful Light of God that is pushing those distorted patterns to the surface in order to clear the way for our prosperity. With the limited perception of our fearful human egos, we end up focusing our attention on the surfacing patterns of poverty instead of the patterns for God’s Infinite Abundance.
Now with the influx of Unity Consciousness that is flooding the Earth, the patterns that conflict with that wondrous Light are being pushed to the surface. Those are the obsolete patterns of our fear-based separation and duality. We must be cognizant of this fact and pay close attention to what we are empowering with our thoughts, words, feelings, and actions.
It is critical for us to remember that we create our Earthly experiences through our thoughts and feelings. If we focus on fear, separation, and duality, that is what we empower and sustain in our lives. It is just that simple. Through our lack of understanding, we have created a vicious circle for ourselves. That is why these "end times" have been referred to in many teachings as "The time of screaming and the gnashing of teeth."
It is time for us to learn how to transmute the surfacing negativity in a more effective way, while staying focused on the positive things we are invoking. The Company of Heaven has given us guidance and wonderful tools that will help us to do just that. One of those tools is the Violet Flame of God’s Infinite Perfection.
In the Earth’s natural orbital process known as the Precession of the Equinox, we have moved into the forcefield of Aquarius. This constellation resonates with the Violet Flame of God’s Infinite Perfection. This will be the predominant activity of Light on the Earth for the next 2,000 years.
The Violet Flame is comprised of the Sapphire Blue Ray of our Father God’s Divine Will, Power and Authority, and the Crystalline Pink Ray of our Mother God’s Transfiguring Divine Love, Adoration and Reverence for Life. This Sacred Fire reflects the perfect balance of our Father-Mother God.
The Violet Flame is a tool more powerful than our finite minds can conceive. When used consistently, it will transmute every electron of precious life energy we have ever misqualified at any time, in any existence, both known and unknown. It works as an atomic accelerator. It raises the frequency of all discordant energy into vibrations of healing and harmony. When we invoke the Violet Flame and empower it with feelings of forgiveness for our own mistakes and those of others, it works miracles.  
You do not have to fully comprehend every facet of the Violet Flame in order to use it effectively. All you have to do is ask your I AM Presence to take command, and then invoke this wondrous gift from the Heart of our Father-Mother God.
Let’s join together in Unity Consciousness and invoke the Violet Flame of God’s Infinite Perfection on behalf of ourselves and every, man, woman, and child on Earth. I have stated this activity of Light in the first person, so that you will experience this individually and personally, but KNOW that you are also serving as a surrogate on behalf of every person evolving on this planet

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7 July 2010 - 1:57pm

Channeler: Maureen Moss

Wow! What a time to be alive on Planet Earth. It's daunting and exciting all at the same time isn't it? On some days it feels like a liberating free fall into the ...

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4 July 2010 - 11:10am

Channeler: Blossom Goodchild

July 4, 2010

Blossom: Good morning to you. I wonder if I could bring up the issue of the ‘activation’ in our last communication? Many experienced ...

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2 July 2010 - 1:31pm

Channeler: Patricia Diane Cota-Robles

July 1, 2010


In the past few mailings I have been discussing the opportunity that is being provided this summe...

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Alice Time: Choosing Six Impossible Things To Believe In

I am an “Alice-o-phile”. I adore Alice in Wonderland and have forever and ever. My basement stairwell is painted as a Rabbit Hole and I have a collection of Alice art and copies of Alice because early on, I understood the message of Alice in Wonderland and Alice Through the Looking Glass at an archetypal level.

Alice is our escort into the many absurd notions, ideas, politics and policies, beliefs and attitudes that underlie society and the way we see “reality”. And oh how long and absurd this list is of beliefs we are so convinced are true, important, real, and urgent. Why just the other day, I overheard a woman at the gym say to her friend, “I’ve got to hurry. If I don’t get this report in to my colleagues, the business deal we’ve been working on will be toast.”

“That’s absurd,” I thought. “If that report were so important – if you were so important to the business deal - what on earth are you doing at the gym?” Silly, silly girl – and now, I thought, she is going to rush away from the gym in a state of “It’s all about ME-ness”. An “Alice moment”, if there ever was one – and there are plenty in my world because I see so much “through the Looking Glass”. (Seeing through the Looking Glass requires that you reverse what you’re looking at, viewing everything through its opposite. If something appears complicated, see it as simple. People always look for “something”. Note this classic line from A through the LG: “I wish I could see nothing as well as you can.” Brilliant…)

We live in a world that is completely in love with going in the wrong direction. For example, we live in a society that completely trusts the rational mind to structure and order “reality”. (For starters, just look at what the rational mind has produced: wars, weapons, bio-destructive forces, environmental disasters, politics of deceit, religious corruption, false gods and bogus religious myths, bizarre notions of what’s real and what isn’t – like the doctrine of creationism in this, the 21st century, though civilization is much older than 21 centuries.) The absurdity of what we believe to be true and yet, how we behave as a “civilized” people is incomprehensible – much less how we go about negotiating our definition of being civilized. But enough of that…you get the picture.

Let’s jump back into Lewis Carroll and his magic. He delighted in satirizing the love affair that members of Victorian society had with themselves and, in particular, their addiction to snobbery. He looked at what the upper class could not bear to examine about themselves, which was, in essence, their own lavish lifestyles, attitudes, and well maintained prejudices about the way the world was and simply had to remain in order to keep them happy. But it is precisely this addiction to one’s personal enclosed comfort zone that positions a person to become exactly what he or she believes an elite lifestyle and privilege protects a person from becoming: close-minded, irrational, unyielding, unrealistic, and completely out of touch with the world at large. To say this another way: The more a person has to lose in life, the less likely that person is to welcome change or to embrace the vast world of the imagination.

Social and political revolutions have always been initiated at the grass roots level because those at the “top” have the most to lose. They see no reason for society to change, because from where they are sitting (Wall Street), everything looks just fine. Those who can envision energy technology, for instance, and have urged the auto and other industries for decades now to invest in energy technologies, have done so for several reasons, among them these two: First, they can see the handwriting on the decline of the oil-based economic wall. That is, we have to move in the direction of alternative fuels. But secondly, these visionaries simply can imagine the impossible. These are the people who are not afraid to take a risk and go where others have not yet gone in thought, in action, and yes, in investment in financial resources.

Carl Jung adored the realm of the imagination. He may well be the master explorer of our age of this domain. For him, the imagination contained the passageways to the psyche and the inner voices of our archetypes. Active imagination was an essential tool that he introduced, establishing a form of communication between the conscious and unconscious self. Right there we have something to imagine as impossible: opening a portal of communication between your conscious and unconscious self. That may be getting ahead of yourself a bit, but such a mega-thought does qualify for imagining the impossible, if you have never, in fact, considered undertaking such an endeavor.

Imagining the impossible – what a delicious and positively enchanting notion. And yet, the realm of the imagination is a fully and completely threatening place to suggest to a person who fears the loss of the familiar. As children, the world of the imagination is an acceptable playground because children are not yet rational creatures and a child’s imagination is considered cute – to an extent. Children are supposed to have imaginations – for a while. Technically speaking, if one can say such a thing, the psychic boundaries of children are still porous; therefore, they are subject to the “hallucinations” of the imagination. These include, for example, imaginary playmates and perhaps seeing the occasional fairy or sprite. Dark spirits may even show up. But a child is likely to be told that these nonphysical visitors are not “real”, they are merely “imaginary”. Thus, early on the lines in the sand are clearly drawn: What comes from the mind is “real”; what comes from the imagination is, well, imaginary. Not real. A poof of a thing, no more than a whimsical passing thought form.

Now granted the mind has “poofs” all the time, ideas that run through it this way and that, but because such thoughts come from the mind, these are not the same type of “imaginary” thoughts because…well…because they can perhaps wear the label of “practical” or “provable” or “conventional”. A value is made apparent very quickly to baby humans: If you are going to delve into the impossible, just make sure it’s the “practical impossible” and that your ideas can solve problems or increase production or profits somewhere. Having ideas just for the fun of having ideas is well, impractical! A waste of imaginary income – not that a person imagines or visualizes income….well, perhaps people do. But do such thoughts really qualify for “imagining” or just wishing? That question leads us to this most important question: Do people really know how to fall down the Rabbit Hole? It’s an art, after all, and not an accident.

The Art of Falling Down The Rabbit Hole

I’m an expert on falling down the Rabbit Hole. I live in the world of the imagination and the impossible. I rely upon the imagination to fill me with ideas on a continual basis. If I lived in the ordinary world, I would disintegrate in short order because the ordinary world is a place filled with reasons why ideas can’t succeed and with the wounds of failure and painful memories of the past that keep reminding people that they should live fearful lives instead of inspiring ones. In fact, even while writing this, a friend called for a business-related matter but in warming up to our meeting, he asked what I was doing. I told him I was writing a piece based on Alice in Wonderland. He asked if I liked the movie. I said, “Not really, and I suspect Lewis Carroll would not have cared for it either. Alice was meant to be enchanted in Wonderland and not be disappointed by characters who were defeated by an angry Red Queen.” He asked me why I loved Alice so much and I carried on and on about my many reasons and even brought the wisdom of Alice into the nonsense of the politics of Washington – which was not all that difficult. But after all that, he said, “I have an idea,” and off we went into the realm of the imagination, into the world of what is waiting to be created, ideas just waiting for a chance to incarnate.

Falling down the Rabbit Hole requires the capacity to “let go” and allow your imagination to take flight, giving form and vision to possibilities and impossibilities – before you let your mind tell you they are absurd, ridiculous, too expensive, and then that final blow, “What will people say?” What do you care what people say? I never have – and that is the great secret of the Rabbit Hole. You simply have to get over your fear of what other people think. For what possible reasons do you care what other people think?

Now to be clear – I am speaking of creative ideas, not of running out on my responsibilities, incurring huge debts, shooting up drugs, or deciding on a life of theft. So let’s be realistic about what I am speaking about when I speak about not caring about what other people think. I still have my head on straight and my feet firmly planted on the ground – but not my imagination. That part of me is given full reign to go off to places known and unknown to me. My target is the realm of ideas, original thought, creativity, and accessing the deep resources of your soul from which springs your “charism” or your “unique creative grace.” Visionaries and creative geniuses know this inner sanctuary, as do great poets, writers, and pioneers of science and medicine. This is where Emily Dickenson dwelled as well as Shakespeare, Mozart, Bach, Einstein, Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin. They all fell down their unique Rabbit Holes. They imagined worlds that did not yet exist and their lives became devoted to incarnating those worlds. I have no doubt that they imagined far more than six impossible things before breakfast every morning.

It’s easy to tell who has what it takes to sojourn down their Rabbit Holes. Within seconds of conversing with people, they say something that reveals whether they are courageous or frightened, or whether they essentially travel backwards all the time. They soon reveal whether they have the stamina of spirit to explore the unknown in their life or whether most of their decisions are aimed at keeping everything the same as it always has been. Backward travelers will never be able to find their Rabbit Holes. They have to be content with reading Lewis Carroll and simply wishing their life could be different. They will find it difficult to penetrate into the realm of the imagination, as there is a profound difference between wishing and imagining.

Wishing Versus The Power of The Imagination

Wishing has little, if any, real power. It’s musing at best and a passing thought or fancy in its weakest form. A wish is a temporary enchantment that lacks the backbone and substance to attract creative life force or power.

Imagination, on the other hand, takes effort, energy, and generates a substantial amount of emotional and psychic response once you make contact with a great idea. Merging with a unique vision is the same as having an unfamiliar download of grace rush through your system. In an instant, it penetrates into your intellect, your emotions, your mind, your vocabulary; your archetypal dynamics adjust themselves to new symbolic content – shifting your understanding of the cosmos. You can feel the power of that idea – that vision – take hold of you as it runs through your blood like a new drug, making its way into your neurology. And then it’s locked into your psyche. It’s yours. The download is complete and you are on a high that is unexplainable to anyone who has never been swept away by the thrill of contact with the realm of original thought. This is a love affair unlike anything on earth because it isn’t of the earth. But it soon will be – that becomes your task as the vessel of the imagination.

Original thought implodes someone who won’t do what’s required to be a container and vessel of that which others cannot see or comprehend. You have to be someone who can handle being misunderstood or keeping your own creative company or handling a vision others cannot understand. You have to be strong enough to believe alone – and for a long time – in what others cannot imagine. Many people have been able to do that, but most people cannot stand alone in the demanding realm of the imagination. So they live in the lesser world of fantasies and musings.

What if you really could fall down the Rabbit Hole? Would you? Doesn’t it tempt you even a little – or perhaps more than a little? Wouldn’t you love to let yourself go and tumble into your own great unknown – the unknown that is your own unimagined life that you could imagine if you fell down the Rabbit Hole? You know you would.

You could tell yourself this is just a game, so let’s just say this is just a game. Okay – falling down the Rabbit Hole is just a game. (But what if it isn’t? I had to say that – I just had to.)

Falling down your Rabbit Hole requires that you dwell in the world of your imagination. But really dwell in it. Nurture it. And here’s the challenging part: You have to do what your creativity calls for, in order to bring forth the ideas you are imagining. They won’t just fall from the sky. Books, for example, don’t write themselves. Great discoveries in medicine just don’t happen. Poets actually sweat over their poems even though they’ve been completely saturated with the grace of imagination. You must understand that you form a working partnership with your imagination. Consider that one never forms a working partnership with a wish – how absurd is that? Fairy tales always lead a person to believe that a “wish” alone does all the work. Now really – a wish and a bunch of fairies – and people believe this more than they believe in mystical consciousness. And you talk about absurd????? Anyway – on to the impossible – which is utterly possible.

Believing in Six Impossible Things Per Day

This could be the most fun exercise I have ever given you, by the way. Do NOT answer these questions rapidly. Answering rapidly is an indication that you do not want to give reflective thought to these questions which – let me point out – you have never been asked before. Therefore, you can’t possibly know the correct response right off the top of your head. These questions require reflection. And they are questions in search of responses versus “answers”.

1) Define what’s impossible versus what’s possible for you. You’ve said to yourself, “That’s impossible.” What were you talking about when you said that and why was “that” – whatever that was – impossible? Too risky? Too much money? Would you risk looking foolish?
2) What’s the key difference between what you see as possible versus impossible? In particular, you are to carry this description all the way to the point of including “consequences”. That is, what would be the consequences of the things in your life that you declared were impossible – because in identifying the consequences, you are naming what you are really afraid of experiencing?
3) Everyone travels backwards because everyone has a history. The object now is to determine this: How often each day do you travel backwards in time? All day? Most of the day? Occasionally?
4) Are most of your decisions aimed at keeping your life as it is or introducing change? What is your rationale for your decisions: Safety or new experiences and adventure?
5) Do you tend to dismiss the creative ideas of others, looking for why new ideas of suggestions won’t work as opposed to why they could work?
6) Is there some part of your life that you would like to move forward that would be assisted by believing in six impossible things?

Imagining Six Impossible Things

Start anywhere. Or you can build all six impossible ideas around a strategy, all supporting the desire to break through something. Imagine something in your life that you would like to be other than the way it is. Imagine something absurd, for instance, or you doing something you have never done before. For example, imagine yourself wearing something you’ve always wanted to wear, or imagine yourself speaking to a neighbor that you really do want to meet, or imagine yourself climbing a tree.

Here’s the real point of this exercise: Holding these imaginings is symbolic of the White Queen in Alice – pure new thought. Consider the Red Queen the aggressive part of your mind that will come to do battle with pure thought, pure imaginings, pure creativity. The Red Queen will always try to destroy a creative gift as the Red Queen represents the opposition of the collective unconscious as well as your external world and your own inner saboteur, so you must meet that force on your inner battlefield. If you can grasp that, then you can understand that the object of imagining the impossible is a multileveled discipline that introduces you to the power of your imagination and creativity as well as to your inner saboteur.

But imagining is ultimately not enough. You have to do more than just imagine. You have to act on something that you imagine. You have to bring it forth and give it life. The “impossible” requires vigilance and dedicated attention and constant courageous choices as well as a willingness to allow your life to change in “impossible” directions – directions transcendent of north, south, east, and west. Imagine that.

How often should you make a list of six impossible things? That all depends on how daring you are and how bold an imagination you have. In this regard, there are no rules. You decide. My list is endless.

Just go for it. Enter the realm of impossibilities. One of the most delicious lines Emily Dickenson ever wrote was: Dwell in impossibilities. She obviously resided down the Rabbit Hole. It’s no wonder she is my favorite poetess.


© 2009 Myss.com - Caroline Myss is a New York Times best-selling author whose books include Anatomy of the Spirit, Why People Don’t Heal and How They Can, Sacred Contacts, and Entering the Castle. Defy Gravity: Healing Beyond the Bounds of Reason, will be published by Hay House in October 2009.
Listen to Caroline every week on www.HayHouseRadio.com

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Day 10 – Presence

I am printing the semi-final draft of my book, Heroes of the Now as I write this...  Galley Proofs are next!  Awesome. 

Blessings on your Journey…

As you begin to sense the energy around you, perhaps even interact with it as you will likely come to do, notice the presence that you carry.  It is much easier to navigate the waters around us if we can still them with our presence.  As we continue on this Journey, we begin to see what is all around us for what it really is.  Creation, intention and energy…

What is presence?  A quick look in the dictionary reveals:

EXISTENCE, being there.

ATTENDANCE, appearance, company, companionship.

AURA, charisma, poise, self-assurance, self-confidence.

Our presence at any moment, is the gift that we all have access to.  If we allow our EXISTENCE, ATTENDANCE and AURA to radiate we can fully tune in to all that is happening in our surroundings. We can move with confidence, assured that our actions are timed perfectly without preconceived notion of the way things should be.  When we come into our being and embrace the guidance our presence shares, then we can fully comprehend the magnitude of this discovery.

It can turn it all around.  Bring your presence to you now… Show up for yourself, attend this experience fully.  Stay in it and use all your senses to perceive the energy that flows around you.  Connect to it and feel it coursing through you.

Now is a good time to take a look at what is happening in your mind.  What are the thoughts or voices saying? If there are mental distractions, just see them and ask them to step back for now… Bookmark them as coordinates for later exploration and Soul Recovery.  For now, remain present and and look around you… What is in your surroundings? Name them off… Closet, monitor, keyboard, music, cd hard drive, computer, desk, chair…  This simple exercise can bring you quickly to your presence.

Sit up and attend.  Feel your Soul energy rise up in your spine, lengthening and exposing your heart.  Allow your aura to shine and feel it extend beyond your physical body.  Presence.  From this place one can act authentically and with higher consciousness.  Listen with more than your ears, see with more than your eyes, feel with more than your skin, smell with your entire body, taste beyond imagination…  Bring about your entire being and receive what your presence brings to you.

Feel you Authentic Self expanding and filling you up, overflowing with radiance you carry the frequency of Love from this place.  It fills the space around you with an electromagnetic field that tunes your surroundings to the vibration of Love.  All that comes into contact with it is affected and will begin to vibrate at the same frequency.

Today, share your Presence with the Universe.  Show up for yourself and all those around you, share the Love that you are, by carrying presence everywhere you are… eating, sleeping, working or playing Be Present.  It is your gift to Humankind.

Share the Love,



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Update by Sheldan Nidle – 13 April

Channeler: Sheldan Nidle

Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation

6 Etznab, 1 Kank'in, 5 Caban

Selamat Jarin! We return with more to tell you about your world. Right now, our Earth allies continue to work on undermining the present banking system. Since the start of fractional banking in the early 1810s, the dark cabal has managed to slowly gain control of the global banking system. This system, like its partner the nation-state, is beholden to the moneyed interests on your world. Opposing them is a group of enlightened ones who saw the gross inequities produced by these systems and sought to reform them. In the past few decades, the opportunity arose to pull off this massive reform. The desperate conditions now surrounding your world's economies are a pressing reason to do these reforms properly. We have watched as your greedy and arrogant cabal plotted to avoid tackling these issues, but this proved to be a more difficult avenue to pursue than the cabal originally anticipated. A large group of hardened profiteers has attacked the cabal with a savage vengeance to the point where it can be said that a sickening sort of cannibalism is taking place.

As this self-destructive feeding-frenzy continues, the cabal inevitably hurtles toward its demise. The world watches as this grotesque performance reaches rock bottom. Our intervention, meanwhile, strengthens the activities of our Earth allies. Your limited-conscious realm is governed by money and power, ensuring that the state is wedded to the whims of the wealthy. This symbiotic relationship now requires a quick end. Our Earth allies comprehend this and have drawn up a host of new agreements between various states, the powerful, and our allies. These rare birds understand how important it is to create a situation in which the "old ways" are put at risk in order to finally discard them. These strategies are close to achieving their objective. Many on your world are truly frustrated at the time this has taken so far. We sympathize and are using our own plans to hasten the long-overdue end of the old ways. Your old reality is visibly cracking under the combined strains of the activities of both the cabal and of our Earth allies.

While this strange operation is underway, Mother Earth has put us on notice to accelerate drastically our timetable for first contact. The recent increase in earthquakes measuring seven plus on the Richter scale is a clear warning of what she has in store, as is the extinction level of many endangered plants and animals. Meanwhile, the melting of the glaciers in the Northern Hemisphere continues unabated. The South Pole is temporarily a different story; here, millions of people are being affected by the huge rip in the ozone layer, and we have worked to repair this hole which is why the Antarctic glaciers are actually expanding again. Our next job is to give similar support to the Arctic ozone hole, but Mother Earth regards these as mere minor fixes. The slight shift in the Earth's 23.5 degrees of obliquity caused by the Chilean earthquake is yet another harbinger of what Mother Earth plans. We meet frequently with our Earth allies to discuss these vital matters and have begun a series of talks with major Earth governments.

Your ecosphere is strongly rebelling, and Mother Earth requires that you leave her surface soon to take up your new homes in the beautiful 5-D world that is Inner Earth. Remember that Earth, like all stars and planets, is hollow. Inside her is the most splendid world filled with sights, sounds, and fragrances that will astound you! To get you there we need to complete Heaven's work and return you to full consciousness. This is no small task when the major governments of your world plot with the dark to keep you from your destiny. Heaven reassures us every day that this goal is non-negotiable and that the upcoming period is when this grand transition is to take place. We have put together a team that is working closely with your planet's Spiritual Hierarchy and a firm timetable is being agreed upon. We asked our Earth allies to accelerate their plans for bringing down the dark cabal and we, meanwhile, are implementing a special plan to speed your conversion by Light Chamber into fully conscious Beings.

These various plans are currently under full review by our Command Board and the entire fleet. We are repositioning a number of atmospheric fleets and calling upon our family in Agartha to assist us in resolving and activating the requirements of several scenarios. We need to move you smoothly and swiftly to Inner Earth, where special zones have been set aside in which several crystal cities have been constructed for you. Here you will find the living quarters and Light Chambers where you are to undergo your transformation into fully conscious Beings. A training syllabus has been compiled to teach you about the etiquette you will need once you are fully conscious. When you are competent and comfortable with your new state of consciousness, you are then ready to be introduced to galactic society. Initially, you will live within a typical Agarthan "podlet," where you can freely discuss what you are seeing and experiencing.

This period of adjustment will take place while Mother Earth restores your former surface home. This immense reconfiguration is to happen after all living things have been evacuated. Once the new topography is set in place, the new ecology will be introduced. Mother Earth wants a far more varied and a much more friendly series of living zones to be set up around the world, and her new lands, seas, and skies will be the habitats of many new creatures and plants. The only artificial structures are to be small special villages placed on major surface nodes, where you, as Mother Earth's new guardians, are to keep her multiplicity of realms in balance with ritual, dance, and chants. You are also to assist with the song and ritual of your Cetacean allies. Together, you are to honor Mother Earth and be responsible for the well being of all her life forms on this most exquisite of worlds.

This joint activity with the cetaceans will show you how easy it is to work with your fellow humans as well as other fellow sentient Beings to preserve the natural balance of planets and to unfold the divine plan. As fully conscious Beings you take up your role as physical Angels and use your abilities to make of your home world a true paradise for all living aspects of a loving and caring Creator. The society you create will nurture each individual, and your galactic society will be able to creatively solve any challenge you come up against. As a people you are to be known for your ability to understand even the most abstruse nuance of limited consciousness. This talent is to permit you in the very near future to raise many limited-consciousness planets to the Light, thus bringing you a wonderful celebrity.

The present is seemingly a time of great turmoil and danger for you. See it as a precursor to the great worldwide shift. Your world is racing toward first contact and Heaven is working miracles to wonderfully transform your lives. Happily, it is also when the dark cabal is to capitulate; when the truth of many things will be finally revealed; and when a new day of peace and prosperity dawns. A new abundance and a new financial system are waiting to roll out. This is not pie in the sky, but is to unfold before you as the old ways fade slowly but surely. Relish this strange and extraordinary time, and try not to be impatient. We are coming, and our Earth allies are nearly ready to spring their grand surprises upon you!

Today, we continued with our discussion of what is transpiring on your world. We intend to see you very, very soon! Our ships are in place to do whatever is necessary to bring you to the magic moment that is full consciousness. The time of wish fulfillment is at last upon you. Know, dear Ones, in your Heart of Hearts that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

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ENERGETIC SYNTHESIS: April 9, 2010 Newsletter Headline

by Lisa Renee

ES News- April 2010

The Mother Arc
Dear Family,

For those of us participating with the 2012 Ascension Timeline as awakened Starseed's or Indigo's, this last cycle of the "Galactic Underworld" has been intensely transformative in bringing the next level of heightened awareness to perceptible knowledge. Since last November the Inner Revelations abound with much information surfacing that has continually tested our personal discernment in every way.  Most of us have been feeling overloaded or overwhelmed with some major life lesson attempting to integrate us more fully into accepting the incoming transformational energies. These incoming energies are above and beyond the most evolutionary frequency waves our planet and human beings have ever been exposed to. This sequential series of Magnetic Propulsion  Waves are of such magnitude it is forcing us as a species to transform, adapt and evolve -- in order to change from within.

Since Mid December's life changing event (this changed the structure on the earth forever as we have known it) that began the sequential collapse of the 4D false white light webbing and its false umbilicus structure (this was the inorganic reincarnation structure attached to the group human soul layer of light-body, the opening portal accessed in Giza, Egypt) this last quarter has been challenging for us on the Astral Plane Cleanup crew. This has meant that a container of "Underworld "energies (aberrant Astral plane entities and related debris) has been consistently spilling out into the larger planet 3D consciousness reality fields.

Which means more people are either feeling these energies and  are unconsciously "acting them out" or consciously choosing to "clear them out" by not allowing negative energies to govern themselves. The good news is the new forces are powerful so when you interact with them you can clear tremendous amount of negativity with greater ease than the past. However, you may note in the external world populace that many are not acting within their best behaviors from the onset of tremendous internal pressure these energies create. Since most of the population does not have a context for what is happening on the planet, or how to effectively deal with their stress, it creates a large group of persons "acting out" in unconscious destructive ways. Addiction, thought  obsession/possession programs have accelerated for those that have not yet learned how to cope with these mechanisms. These energies will bring to the surface fragmentation and distortion in the masses, and it is necessary to surface what is "real" rather than denying the problem exists in order to begin to face the integrative healing process. This is a shifting energetic complexity that is happening at the individual field and collective field levels.

As more of us prepare to be the embodied being that is the "calm that walks into the center of the storm", you realize this is a wake up call to have dominion over oneself, and it's a critical lesson in self energetic mastery. We are being called to bring Harmony into the Seed of Conflict in these external circumstances. The love and peace you hold will enable the Source Field to re-harmonize the external environment though your very physical being. Do not take anything personal.

Planetary 9D Merkaba Buffer Field

We are at the midpoint cycle of the Sixth night of the Galactic Underworld which shifts into the next cycle of the Seventh day in November 2010.  A new platform architecture for our planet has been required and prepared meticulously to be reconnected to the planetary light body by Interdimensional Guardian groups.

(Guardian groups are of all levels of consciousness agreeing to hold their life force at ONE level of focused consciousness agreement - "Ascension Liberation For ALL". This is carried out in accordance to the free will choices of each being respected although each being answers to the consequence of its choices. Genetic rehabilitation and re-education of the laws in order to live in Harmony with the Universe are freely shared with all sincere seekers.  Guardians are embodied as physical humans, as well as other species and races that are all a part of the covenant to serve "The Law of One". These are the Natural Laws of God and the Mechanics of Creation, and are the mathematical physics that govern the time space fields in our Universe, not a man made mental belief system of judgment. )

This was in order for the planetary body to handle these new forces being reconnected to our access at this density level. It also has SPECIFIC purpose to buffer the cosmic energies as they filter in so they create a minimal amount of stress in the tectonic plates and the surface crust of the earth. It is no surprise as we have been aware for a long time that when the magnetic fields shift into other proportionate scales it creates many weather pattern and climatic anomalies. Our planet has seen an accelerated increase of weather (i.e. floods, hail) or volcanic-earthquake changes quite rapidly in the past quarter leading up to this event.

Some of us with the job of planetary gridworker have been acting as energy placement holders ( like an acupuncture point for the planet body) for this 9D merkabic system until it was stabilized in the planetary body merkabic structure through the earth core. This is like understanding a higher octave Merkabic Structure, the 9D Quadra Merkabic Architecture has been overlaid into (dna bonded) into our planetary light body (or its energy blueprint architecture).

The Golden Chalice

That means for April we should get a break from the high level intensity of shadow clearings and should start to feel the new energy platform supporting our foundation so this group of us is not feeling such an energy burden in our personal bodies. The 9 D chakra has been referred to as the "Mouth of God" and its opening is exactly at the back of the neck where the skull lays on top of the spine. It connects to the medulla oblongata and the reticular formation of the brain and spinal cord. This area esoterically has been called the Golden Chalice for it is the Occipital Cup that holds the Cosmic Intelligence or Wisdom. It is a literal brain rewiring ( spiritual body activation) in order to hold and be receptive to the "Golden Chalice" of Universal Knowledge. 

Many of us are becoming aware that we are being connected to another "language", another octave, another dimensional layer of accessing knowledge. There are waves of us accelerated into this spiritual body development of accessing Universal Knowledge from the Golden Chalice as it activates processes in the base of our brain. We may not comprehend it quite yet, as it involves a language of "code", "syntax" or "archetype".  However our sensory faculties are aware of something that is changing the "field" and our relationships to everything in it.

Knowledge and the wisdom required to be responsible for that knowledge comes with the great purification of "Fire". This purification fire has been rearranging the cells and for some of us it manifested into symptoms of head and sinus infection, throat and lung congestion and other physical ailments. The dropping density requirement has been feeling very intense to prepare our bodies to hold what is coming next.

Many of us have been isolated, sequestered and sleeping a lot over the last quarter quite busily building this structure as well as step down fields that act as circuit boards to transduce and moderate high frequencies in these various energetic circulatory complexes. Also this is the same 9D portal area of Guardian projects rehabilitating the mental body fragments of the male/Michael consciousness grids. A tremendous amount of change is underway now.

The Mother Arc

This has also been evidenced lately as the planetary body is shaking and quaking lately to reposition itself for an entirely new Magnetic Field Grid Network System to power up new levels of the 13th Pillar or The Mother Arc.

The Guardians are calling this aspect of Mother Aquamarine Ray energy, a Magnetic force powering up in our Earth Core (through the newly reconnected levels of the 9D Quadra Merkabic structure)  - The Mother Arc.  The awareness and systematic dismantling of several obsolete controlled architectures in the planetary field have allowed this to come on line. It is similar to understand we have poked a hole in the mind controlled frequency fence and reconnected our handshake hub to reconnect with the Mother Arc.   It is through the Mother's Perfect Proton Seed (or Cosmic Egg) that Creation can Heal Itself to its Original Divine Blueprint.

A new "Mother" language/vibration and its seed codes began transmission from the planet's newly activated Australian portal network and its reconnected portions of the horizontal "Golden Eagle" grid system. From this vantage point of human reality the seed codes are being called the "Universal Grandmother Turtle Codes".  These codes have been embodied, protected and hidden by the Aboriginal and Indigenous cultures of the earth for eons of time. These are like a God Inoculation and a surprise revelation as to what is beginning to transpire in consciousness fields --an event that has never transpired before in the history of creation! (It cannot be emphasized enough that God consciousness has some surprises up its sleeve.... transmitted through our bodies....as the countdown to the final conflict continues..)

The Eastern Australian Seaboard from Brisbane to Uluru ( Ayer's Rock) is acting as one of the main portal magnetic battery generators that is gaining charge in its main magnetic hub located by the monument of Uluru. The Guardians explain Uluru is similar as many other planetary pyramidal structures, it is being used to mark a major portal system gateway on the planet. (Just as the pyramids were not just tributes to dead Pharaohs they were specific gateways marking access to other dimensions and visible from outer space) Uluru is a power point for a Global Network of dormant or inactive ancient  gateways, systems or hubs and was "placed" there as a marker by the God creators of this system. The Architects of Creation and Guardians of the Universal Time Matrix were known as the King Dragon lineages, and many of the Aurora fields are coming from  which is the esoterically known as the Dragon lines. They say Uluru was placed there by the Dragon races of the next Universe. (This is not to be confused with Orion's Draconis or Reptilian races)  This is primarily being utilized to begin to power up a new level of the Arc Gate Systems on the planet. This ignition has specific relevance to the Mother Arc ( 13th Pillar Mother Magnetic Aqua Flame) igniting the Giza Pyramid and its related circulatory grid systems.  It appears  the timeline for activation is geared for this June Solstice.

The Magnetic Field of the Mother Arc ( the beginning and end of creation back into the zero point) is connecting to magnetically charge up Uluru to power up the Giza/Pyramidal dipole activity located in Egypt. This activity is similar to switching on a generator that is to POWER UP these dormant vortexes/grid points.

 ( See wiki reference: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Piezoelectricity ( http://app.expressemailmarketing.com/get.link?linkid=2043934&subscriberid=68365363&campaignid=545041&linkurl=http%3a%2f%2fen.wikipedia.org%2fwiki%2fPiezoelectricity )

Piezo electric conductor- it's been clarified that's what's happening on the planet is the " squeeze" effect from the compression that is required to ignite and propel the magnetic charge transduction. This effect creates all these earthquakes in the field as the shifting of the tectonic plates rearrange to accommodate these new charges and the fields they create)

The phase beginning now is like a "New Year" as we are entering an elevated space available from the additional Underworld clearing since November. Hallelujah for -  She has Risen!

Michael /Male Principle Consciousness Healing Continues

As we are well aware, the old energy architecture that impedes the new consciousness structures from connecting are in the process of being demolished. As a result the soul fragments and the cellular memory are also cleared from the planetary matrix. This is not an invisible process of a God figure waving his wand in the sky, it is the agreed upon mission and life work of the collective awakened Starseed or Indigo. It is through embodied polarity integration and the rehabilitation of the dark forces (absent of light and ignorant of the law) that this process can actually happen. That is why we must face the darkness, conquer our fears as we commit to serve as the embodied representative of God Source in order to be the ultimate Alchemist. Polarity Integration is Alchemy.  (This is one of the most confused aspects of belief in the New Age awareness - that we deny that darkness exists. Denial breeds deception and then manipulation by the very forces you deny as existing.)

Most of this is transpiring at the holographic blueprint level within the anti particle fields. (We will see more of these changes manifested in the material world over the next two years specifically) There never exists judgment in what structure is demolished or rehabilitated in order to exist within a higher integrity of harmony with the Natural Laws of God. Only that which holds the integrity of the organic living light of the Eternal Supply of Source is left standing as the Truth.

Given the information this month on the necessity of a new connector to the 9D Planetary Merkabic structure being built  - it is the same portal and dimensional area of Guardian projects rehabilitating the mental body fragments of the Male/AA Michael consciousness described last month. This clearly is ongoing to integrate and merge the "Unity" consciousness fields where there has been "Patriarchal Domination" propagated through distorted or controlled holographic programs.(Remember that "controlled" means inorganic, it means another consciousness outside of the reality decided to interfere and manipulate with the organic and natural evolution of a species)

We have been witnessing systematic Male bloodline clearing through the 12 Tribes of Genetic Seeding of the Human Race since the AA Michael Matrix began dismantling and clearing genetic memory in the 3-6-9 dimensional fields. (as mentioned last month Males in these bloodlines or energetically named have the most radical symptoms for Ancestral and Pathcutting clearing)  These bloodline histories are being re-patterned and cleared in Triads as stemming from the Family of Michael Consciousness as the Patriarchal or "Grandfather" Lineage of the Masculine. The House of Kings, starting with King David most recently has been especially prominent in clearing the cellular memory fields existing within the planetary history.  The House of David is especially important now to  the Guardians as the Three Kings in the House of David -- Saul , David and Solomon are the last bloodline that hold the rightful Priest-King of Benevolence, they are the last line of the embodied Kings that held the "Rods" of God Source. It ended with Solomon and it will open again with Solomon, as the "Shield of Solomon" is the hosting shield of our source code embodiment work for this planet called "The Avatar of Ascension".

The Avatar of Ascension Ignites

We are a Universal Group Consciousness experiment of genetic "Unity in Diversity" relearning how to reconnect into our Source origins. Some of us act as energy placement holders, some of us do the ancestral pathcutting and transmuting for the mass consciousness fields, some of us are the midwife's of the birthing or passing souls, some of us are teachers or healers, some of us birth the new consciousness children, some of us are the architects, some of us are the Galactic polarity integrators. There is an incredibly diverse amount of genetic material and unique energy signatures embodied in this Living Light Library of Planet Earth.  There is no value difference given although we should learn to respect each unique role as a part of the One. We are a group consciousness  of Unity in Diversity.

Once you have committed to embody the Guardian Consciousness, (or it is your blueprint) you may be required to play all of the roles if your destiny path is one of Stewardship. Stewardship and Leadership roles in the new consciousness fields are now required to be a path of self energetic mastery. This newsletter is servicing that smaller niche of cultivating Human Guardian Consciousness through informed awareness and by supporting the energetic integration necessary to be an embodied container of the Truth Vibration/God Spark. This is a frequency requirement to participate as a Steward with the Host Shields through the Avatar of Ascension. One must have mastered the Self to a degree that Inner Source Sustainability is embodied in the physical reality. Obviously  the more embodied Stewards we have - the easier this process is for ALL of US.

Polarity integration through life experience is the Soul Transmutation Alchemy that is required to physically embody total Inner Source Sustainability. One must transcend judgment through neutrality, not ignore the polarity of forces. Ignorance of these forces otherwise breeds spiritual righteousness, false glamour and its demonic delusion to take hold of the consciousness.

Inner Source Sustainability means you have no need to create attachment cords, control circumstantial outcomes or engage in karmic relationships that energetically feed off of something external to yourself. 

This means you commit to not being emotionally or energetically parasitic/vampiric to anything external to yourself, and that you self contain your personal energies and attempt to be completely responsible for them.

Our group planetary consciousness has been traversing another in depth sensing of the Underworld energies (through the portal of the Astral Plane) in order to heal and unify the collective emotional body of the planet, therefore reconnecting and healing the human being's group soul and its heart center.

In order to heal, one must be able to "feel". (This is clarified by having an ability to access the soul matrix function of "Higher Sensory Perception" which distinguishes between "Cellular Knowing" impulses, rather than the "Linear Analytics" that characterize the 3D mental body functions)  Emotional distortions (2D and 4D Astral Plane Damage) needs to be first "realized", then "witnessed" in order to be "synthesized" into a higher frequency and harmonic alignment. This is how individual and planetary DNA is recoded and healed through the energy blueprinting architecture, through higher light, sound frequency arranged in tones of scalar wave arrangements. This is the God composition -- known as the "Music of the Spheres". Our God parent has returned to show us how to  create beautifully harmonically arranged music that allows us to merge with the Higher Kingdoms of God. This way we become in harmony with the Universal laws and in harmony with ourselves.  (See:  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Musica_universalis ( http://app.expressemailmarketing.com/get.link?linkid=2043935&subscriberid=68365363&campaignid=545041&linkurl=http%3a%2f%2fen.wikipedia.org%2fwiki%2fMusica_universalis ) )

This is the Avatar of Ascension Unity Field, it harmonizes conflict by holding the Power of One in the Core Being as the Ultimate Truth. It is a group consciousness field that will support many of us to move to higher levels of consciousness that have been limited through genetic or ancestral patterns buried in our flesh. It is the beginning of a group field "re-encryption" process at the elemental vehicle level, ( physical body)  the level of planetary raw material that makes our physical flesh. It is to begin bringing the possibility of freedom to the flesh from the genetic manipulation that has been controlling the elementals on this planet. This is being supported by ES community projects and by the Ascension Hosts of Crystal Matrix and Aurora.   


In the closing of our lengthy transmission, we choose the archetypal principle of Temperance to meditate upon and serve as a reminder for our concluding timeline theme. Much  skill at neutrally applying "Temperance" is required through this current planetary Rite of Passage. Temperance is the Law of Verification that stands at the pinnacle, the crux of making a personal major life choice, in order to integrate fully what has been learned on the life journey. It forces us to make hard decisions based on what we now know to be our personal truth. Through the tempering of Soul through its many challenges, we become increasingly able to embody Soul (God) Essence.  We have a choice to forfeit that knowledge through fear and if so -- we will continue to  undergo more of the same static patterns of life experience until the learning is complete. It is that completion ( through polarity integration) that alchemically molds you into the embodiment of the true nature of your God Essence. This is the task at hand.

Some questions to ponder this month : Can you remain on the pathway despite challenges to your faith?  What have you learned spiritually that you can integrate neutrally and apply it practically to your life? Are you willing to accept that in order to serve God - you will be continually purified?

More on Temperance: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Temperance_(Tarot_card) ( http://app.expressemailmarketing.com/get.link?linkid=2043936&subscriberid=68365363&campaignid=545041&linkurl=http%3a%2f%2fen.wikipedia.org%2fwiki%2fTemperance_(Tarot_card) )

As a personal note it is my inspiration to serve what is true humanity, that which is our birthright of sovereignty through Unity consciousness. That which has happened to this earth is not human. I continually challenge and provoke the reader's belief systems by sharing direct experiences from the Guardian consciousness perspective, of which is through the human lens of attempting to live in Harmony with the Universe. My human being dislikes conflict and yet I have learned that in order to answer to Stewardship and Service  -  it is inevitable.  I do not like to be in a controversial position, but I feel a moral, ethical and spiritual obligation  to my brothers and sisters to share all that I have been given. This is in order to break free from the constraints and controls that may be limiting the God Spark from embodying. I do not have Oath for everyone to Love me, I have Oath to Love and Serve God. As a result beings that choose this are controversial figures, provoking both great Love and hate in the amplified polarity of this distorted hologram. Please take which that supports your resonance to Own your Personal Truth, and discard the rest.

For those of you new to this material, I cannot tell you what you want to hear and lull you to sleep in complacent dreams. This is non-negotiable spirituality and you must rise to your internal and spiritual responsibility to live your spirit in every way or you will have great consequence. With all of my heart and might I choose to empower you in the pathway of integration, so that the brilliance of your internal light can be fed upon no more, and each can contain the divine birthright of infinite and eternal God Supply. Please read the entire Newsletter Series from inception if you are looking to answer questions around this material.

Thank you to our growing and expanding Guardian Family willing to be disciplined and self contained in order to embody the Power of the One for the All.

We are in this together and until next....Stay in the luminosity of your Avatar Heart Path! Be Gentle with your hearts and each other.

Love, Lisa

© 2010, Lisa Renee

This ES Monthly News Article reflects the Guardian Perspective of the Ascension Timeline (2012 Timeline) as support, both energetically and informationally, for the Galactic Families of Starseeds and the Indigo Races. This Spiritual Family has accepted the Guardianship role to support the foundation of Cosmic Citizenship as an evolutionary model for this planet and humanity, and this is a level of earth based advocacy designed for this specific group. There is absolutely no value difference given on the role each being has chosen for its expression. The Guardian Groups mission directive is rehabilitation of the hologram, repairing its energetic architecture (dna), embodying the Ascended Human Protoform, supplying  informational context on Ascension dynamics and Exopolitic (ET) Agendas and reeducating both human and non-human's to be congruently aligned to the Universal Law of One. Freedom, Fraternity, and the Sovereign Right of All Beings to be a Knower of God Source is protected by the Collective Unity Vow shared among our Universal Guardian Groups.

The Group Unity Vow Decree    Defender Warriors of Truth, Sovereignty, Liberation. All Guardian races Serving the One. From Across All the Multiverses We Call Upon You to Join US Now. Our Unification Principle deemed as demonstrated in the waves of Omni Love - We Sound our Group Note to You Now.   Our Group Template Updated, Individually and Collectively, Renewed and Forever Perpetuated in the Eternally Sustained Light. Our Alchemical Container is consecrated and dedicated to the Purposes of One, and we endeavor to be the Knower of God to then be the Way Shower of God.   Sustain Us in the Eternal Power of our Consecration. 

We have called for your Gatekeeping in order to hold our community, our missions, our mutual highest purposes in Service to the One Light, Our Source, The Living Light Code. Our Intention is Unification - The Christ Principle - as an Energetic Reality, Here and Now.

We request the handshake of our community to fortify our spiritual links through the Universal Cosmic Triad, and into The Core of One, the Zero Point God Matrix, that which is the source of our Genesis. With deep reverence for all of Life, Dear God, Breathe your Life Codes into all created form. We set our intention now to be Remembered to That Which We Are, fully completely and totally.
To State our Mutual Purpose as One, Resurrect All inorganic patterns to the Organic Living Light Now. And to that we Say, Thank God We Are The Cosmic Christ!

And so It is. Lovingly Decreed.  

Please note in order to distribute this Newsletter in other forums please do so with the following guidelines: Include author's credit, copyright and include the ES website url. http://www.energeticsynthesis.com

 © 2009, Lisa Renee

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