Tag: collapse (page 3 of 5)

Money and the Myth of Freedom

Gregg Prescott, M.S., In5D GuestWhat if EVERYONE was wealthy beyond their wildest dreams and how would that affect our perceived “freedom”?I often use an analogy of freedom as a man walking his dog.  The man is the government, you are the dog and the leash is your freedom.And this isn’t even “freedom”.  These are “civil liberties”.In an ideal world, there would only be two rules or laws:1. Love everyone. 2. Respect everything.What we are g [...]

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So what is a supermassive black hole anyway?

Artist's rendering of a black hole recently discovered in the ultracompact dwarf galaxy M60-UCD1.


The discovery of a supermassive black hole inside a tiny dwarf galaxy has shed new light on the potential number of black holes in the universe.

An international team of researchers has discovered a supermassive black hole in M60-UCD1, a dwarf galaxy some 54-million light years away. M60-UCD1 is about 500 times smaller than our own galaxy, the Milky Way, and 1,000 times less massive. The researchers published their findings Wednesday in Nature.

Scientists have previously identified numerous supermassive black holes throughout the universe – including one at the center of the Milky Way. But this is the first time that any of these largest types of black holes have been found in such a small galaxy, says study lead author Anil Seth, an assistant professor of physics and astronomy University of Utah in Salt Lake City. 

The revelation that a supermassive black hole can exist within an ultracompact dwarf galaxy could mean that there might be twice as many of these largest black holes than astronomers previously thought.

Black holes come in several different varieties, all of which are characterized by a dense concentration of mass compressed into a tiny space and a gravitational force so powerful it keeps light from escaping.

The smallest kind, called a primordial black hole, is the size of a single atom, but it contains the mass of a large mountain. The most widely understood black holes are known as stellar black holes and can contain 20 times the mass of the sun within a ball of space with a diameter of about 10 miles. Supermassive black holes can be as vast as the entire solar system and contain as much mass as found in 1 million suns combined.

Primordial black holes are believed to have formed during the early evolution of the universe, shortly after the Big Bang. Stellar black holes are thought to be the result of the collapse of a massive star. The formation of supermassive black holes has so far remained something of a mystery.
“We know supermassive black holes exist in the center of most big galaxies … but we actually don’t know how they’re formed,” says Dr. Seth. “We just know they formed a long time ago.”

Black holes are difficult to study because their tendency to pull light inside their centers renders them effectively invisible. 

Telescopes can observe contextual clues that suggest the presence of a black hole, such as stars orbiting around an apparent void.
“We can actually see stars moving around the center of the supermassive black hole of our galaxy,” Seth says. “It is much more difficult to study smaller galaxies.”

This particular dwarf galaxy happens to have so many stars – and a black hole that is so large – that telltale signs of the black hole were detected by two telescopes, the optical/infrared Gemini North telescope atop Hawaii’s Mauna Kea and the Hubble Space Telescope.

Typically, the size of a black hole is directly proportional to the size of the galaxy. Seth suspects that M60-UCD1 is actually the remains of a much larger galaxy.

“We think that this thing is a galaxy where the outer part of the galaxy has been stripped away by an interaction with another bigger galaxy and that the core has been left behind,” Seth explains.
In general, however, current technology has not yet reached a point that enables astronomers to definitively identify the presence of black holes in smaller galaxies.

By studying this and other black holes, scientists hope to unravel some of the mysteries of the origins of the universe.

“It turns out that black holes actually play a pretty big role in how galaxies form,” Seth says. “To understand our origin story we need to understand the formation of galaxies. And black holes, even though they are just a tiny fraction of all the mass in the galaxy, can play a really important role in their evolution."

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Galactic Federation of Light Sheldan Nidle June-18-2013

Sheldan’s Update for June 18, 2013
7 Kayab, 11 Cauac, 9 Eb

Selamat Jarin! We return with much to discuss. As you can see, your world is still subject

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Galactic Federation of LIght ~ The Elohim, Shazi June-07-2013

Ute Poseggga-Rudel: Messages From The Realms Of Light — The Elohim Of The Great Central Sun: A Great Work Is Before You — 7 June 2013
Thanks to Wes Annac:

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Galactic Federation of Light Jesus April-21-2013

Spring is in the air, and so is change of a most magnificent kind
April 21, 2013 by John Smallman

The Oneness that is God has all of creation

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Cosmic Awareness Newsletter 2012-01


7 March 2012

Channeler: Will Berlinghof

Well...Anasazi1 just made me realize that there was no Cosmic Awareness message posted here recently,so here's the most recent one avaiable right one,as the CAC newsletter is for mem...

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Parasitic fly creates "zombie bees" — a new factor explaining Colony Collapse Disorder


by Tara Green

(NaturalNews) Researchers at a California university have found a parasitic fly which causes honeybees to become disoriented and abandon their hives before dying, behavior which made one of the researchers compare t...

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Galactic Federation Of Light Horus February 09 2012

Galactic Federation Of Light Horus February 09 2012

http://lightworkers.org/channeling/152524/wake-call-horus I am here today to give you a lowdown on many things that will be part of your world when the time comes for the changes that will be takin...

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SaLuSa 2-November-2011

We can feel the rising expectation of events that are going to change your lives. The "quick fix" that many countries are trying to use to find their way out of trouble, will only be that with no long term solution. In fact they have no answers, which ...

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The Astral Collapse and Humanity’s Greatest Challenge


31 October 2011

Sacred Group at Pyramid! Beloved Community of Self-Ascension!

The heartbeat that is pulsing through all of humanity is anchoring Unification! Those who choose to connect to the cosmic beam of love that ...

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Eckhart on the Dark Night of the Soul

Eckhart Tolle Have you ever experienced the dark night of the soul?  Your teachings have been so helpful through this difficult period.  Can you address this subject? The “dark night of the soul” is a term that goes back a long time.  Yes, I ha...

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Sheldan Nidle / Sept. 20, 2011

12 Akbal, 16 Zip, 8 Manik Dratzo! We return! Your world continues in its transition mode. We observe how all the foundational constructs of your numerous societies are in the process of collapse; your economic and governmental structures as well as you...

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Collapse or Transformation? That is the Question.

{mainvote} Wednesday, April 20, 2011 By Jeannie Alvin

http://2012andbeyondliftoff.blogspot.com/ www.inetworld.net/lovesource See the free book 9, Being, Living, & Creating from the Christ consciousness

Dear fellow Lightworkers, we ...

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