Tag: codes (page 2 of 3)

On the cusp of 2012


17 October 2011

Channeler: David Miller

Greetings, this is Juliano. We are the Arcturians. We are on the cusp of 2012. In many ways, our estimate is that the energies of 2012 really are here now. In our estimation the date of ...

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September Energy Update: Loosening Structures & Igniting Codes

Message from the Shambhala Masters and Telos Masters, accompanied by Archangel Michael and Saint Germain.-Meredith Murphy   The Energies of September will orient you to greater tones of liberation.  Pitches, if you will.  Meaning that frequencies t...

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From within my roots at homebase in Rawlins WY (Where I first was licensed to create) I just could not resist the potential in every moment to observe and explore

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The New Earth Energies April 2011


a message from Archangel Michael

channeled by Celia Fenn

Friday, 8 April, 2011  (posted 11 April, 2011)

Beloved Family of Light, you have truly experienced a Great Shift on your Planet, as you have shifted from the o...

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Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn

Beloved Family of Light, you have truly experienced a Great Shift on your Planet, as you have shifted from the old Third Dimensional timelin...

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El Morya: Shake, Rattle, and Rise


El Morya: Shake, Rattle, and Rise . . . through Light and Sound Healing . . . to the Rhythm of the One 7 March 2011

Channeler: Marie Mohler

Dear One,

It is I, El Morya, Keeper of the Golden Flame that inspires a new Go...

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Archeological Find of the Millennium!

Washed out by the recent rains, I came across this artefact this morning on the way to work. It was found near a pasture, with grazing cows and all, but definitely did not originate with this species. For that, optical corrosion dating indicates it was there for far too long:


more later, still writing as research continues.....

Preliminary Conclusion:

This must be what we would like to call Junk Transformer DNA: The striplike configuration and repetitive pattern indicate a tendence to return to their former spiral shape. However, logic dictates that in order to reach a higher information density, the material needs to be spatially folded rather than torqued. Normal biological DNA would leave by far too much space unused, so it stands to reason that this mechanical form of DNA is no longer helical but linear in shape, with regular indentations to allow for folding at specific intervals. 

Notice please the symbolic numeral codes used, and their self-similarity in the left digits:

These codes are numerical, and decimal. We would gather that this race has not yet reached it's full potential, since higher compression rates are definitely achievable using higher cardinality, or just larger character sets. Since these codes just increment regularly, we figure this particular strain of DNA does not have any significant function within the grander scheme of things.

The dark holes on the left are obviously start markers, indicating where the higher values can be found.  The fold at the right side indicates a halfway reference, signifying to the double redundancy these systems are equipped with. On the back there are similar markings for the backup system. 

We are excited at the prospect of trying to clone this system from the remaining partial codes. Our knowledge that the Cosmos is fractal and holographic, we figure that enough information can be gleamed off the sample to facilitate reconstruction....

(S)He'll be back !

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The Final Stages of Grounding: life thru new eyes

Thursday, April 15, 2010

The Gift of Grounding

Since the last update, we are definitely still grounding, grounding, grounding.  Ouch.

We are basically being drilled into the earth...hence all the unbelievable leg, back & neck pains... while experiencing earth activations and the opening of major chakras and higher octaves of universal intelligence...all of which is providing us with the option to openly reveal our true nature as fully integrated beings of love.

Roughly speaking, in the space of time provided for the finalization of these major activations, many of us will be presented with swift and grand opportunities to align with our next level creations and share our gifts and expertise with the world.

In the mere moments ahead... mainly the time cycle that is presenting itself through the remainder of this sacred season of completion (from the equinox until the summer solstice)...those with contracts to serve the higher good in physical ways are quickening and beginning to put their newly acquired universal intelligence into tangible form.

From this perspective, those who have had limited access to the earthly dimensions, the grounded energies and applications needed to live a fulfilling life, will be once again in the throes of great earthly support and forward movement.

New Earth Rules of Conduct

There is a celestial timeline of completion rapidly approaching that will sever all energetic ties to the lower dimensional field matrices for those who have completed their "inner" work.  These souls will be freed from disharmonious energies and aligned with the source of greater potential to apply their "inner" work to the "outer" world.

Those who have completed the journey into oneness ... the forerunners in ascended consciousness...will not necessarily be provided with "rules of conduct" for new earth living, however.  (mostly because we make this part up) This is notable because for those of you who have completed the "work", honored your personal evolution and the sacred laws of creation, you will be progressing at speeds and levels previously unknown to the human experience.  In fact, this quickening process may have already begun for you.

I am hearing that this information is not to warn or discourage us from forward movement, but to make us aware of how effortlessly and fast energy works in alignment with "right timing" and without karmic resistance in the upper realms of human consciousness.  This fast moving energy is the energy of a fully reconnected being.  Pretty exciting stuff....well, except for all those lingering physical symptoms....

Creative Surges
The next level of creation...the physical manifestation phase...is what we have been tirelessly working toward for so so so freaking long.  It is the proverbial reaping of our meticulously cultivated crops.  This stage of creation will be an acute reflection of the mastery that we honed through relentless hardship and in many ways, will feel like the next logical step on your journey.  This phase gives us the key to unlock the gates to the ripening fruits of all our divine labors.

There are many opportunities beginning to surface for us to explore new potentials in physcial form... a plethora of new ideas will be gifted to those tapped into the new matrix and through the reunion of soul family, these ideas will begin to quickly materialize in astonishing ways.

All this information coming at us can be a bit overwhelming if you are in tune with these surges of creativity. They can come on sudden and strong, so you may find it helpful to rely on the earthy energies surrounding us at this time to keep balanced and at peace with these tidal waves of new and exciting ideas. For the next few weeks there will literally be a multitude of creative endeavors swimming in the hearts and minds of awakened souls everywhere.  These ideas will inevitably bring the physical framework and new earth structures into full form and it will be the first wave of partcipating souls who will have the role of relaying these concepts to the world for the next act in this r-evolutionary play.

The Script-less Play

Each of us has a unique part in this divine play, but the beauty in its creation comes from our ability to write it as we live it...real time creation.  This is because there is nothing in place here...no rules, no guidelines, no structure, no format...only the fluid fields of creative potential waiting to manifest through us, into form.

The pioneers who will lay the laws of this new land...the purified vessels of Source creation...are the first to have access to it and are arriving now to announce and proclaim our individual visions of this beautiful new earth.  As each of us applies our individualized vision of perfection in this fertile soil, we will be awestruck at the rate and ease by which things grow.

What Now?

Right now we are finishing up a particularly arduous and physically painful cycle of grounding and detox, and while learning how to master the application of our new perceptions in the physical world.  Everything now is about bringing our point of perceptual awareness to the physical realms of creation and learning how our expanded potential fits into our cellular form.

This new framework by which we are learning to operate is familiar, yet new...operational, yet dormant...mundane, yet other-wordly.  It is the juxtaposition of these energies that are now merging into one...where spirit meets matter... with the sobering realization that we have come full-circle and that nothing, yet everything, has changed.  Our outward life may or may not look the same, but suddenly the eyes we are looking thru are not.

This grounding business is almost like waking from a dream by which we were removed from reality and tortured for a decade and then popped back into our life again to make sense of it all.  It can be confusing, foreign and strange...you may be wondering "where you have been" and "why you were even on this journey" as you look around you with no connection to what is your so-called-life.

Undoubtedly, life is growing increasingly more surreal by the moment...very Truman-show-esque...but this will pass as we settle into ourselves fully.  During the early stages of awakening we are deliberately removed from life-as-usual as all of our energy is focused on developing the upper energy centers, expanding our consciousness and developing our higher aspects.

As we complete the reconnection phase we drop back down into our lives and bodies and begin to work within the physical dimensions again...albeit with our new and expanded sense of self.  This is why it may seem that we are waking from a dream because tho we were on the earth during the last several years, we were not fully participating in it.

It will definitely take some acclimating to understand how all of our inner-schooling will apply to the outer-world, right now we  just need to take one step at a time and help our still-morphing-bods to catch up.  As we begin to practice using our authentic selves in our daily living, things will get interesting...for sure.  We will realize that we bump up against familiar situtions, people and places...but with a new way of seeing, being and experiencing.  We will notice a significant increase in confidence, a surety we haven't had in a VERY long time...or ever. 

As we climb back into these changing bodies we are starting to see the magnitude of what we have accomplished...mainly because we finally have a context for it now that we can relate to the outside world.  In fact, we are beginning to see this whole remembering-our-divinity game as more real and as a result, those around us will now begin to respond to us in different ways.

Because we are becoming more certain and assured of who we are, where we've been and where we are going, we will now have a greater impact and believability as the masters we truly are.  In other words, we are beginning to really SEE, understand & know ourselves...the whole of who we are...for the first time.   This new clarity is also enabling us to understand more fully how others see and relate to us...whereas for the last several years, we were so immersed in the process, we couldn't see outside of it. 

Practically Speaking

We are at a major crossroads...a turning point...and literally bumping elbows with our new lives.  Many of us are about to take a serious step in the direction of our long held dreams and heartfelt desires...and once we do, there will be no turning back to the life we knew.  Amen to that.

This means a lot of "spring cleaning" and practical, down to earth biz...a time to bring old projects to completion and to hone new projects to perfection.  It is also a time to harness the multitude of incoming ideas and information (at the very least, write them down) for our new beginnings and the start of a brand new life.  A time of review is also upon us with Mercury going retrograde on the 17th and will best be put to use thru reorganizing and restructuring our foundations once more before building the new framework upon it.

We are being completely supported to create a radically different life for ourselves...one that is based on the full integration of our authenticity, but very grounded in earthly structure with the blessing of the divine masculine energy here now to support the free-flowing energy of the divine feminine that we have been nursing for so long.

Renaissance Revival

Those who will be utilizing the new earth freqeucny codes for the purposes of enjoying a better way to live will be those who are providing others with the inspiration, scope and understanding of whats possible as a whole and integrated being.  We are not only approaching a time of inspired work, but a time of inspired play...a time to make life beautiful and fun again...a time to resort to our childish ways of playfulness, imaginative creativity and to induldge in the deeply physical and sensual pleasures of life.

Beginning at the end of April... and in light of our renewed physical desires... there will be strong celestial support for beauty and healing.  Akin to a modern Renaissance period we will begin to witness new levels and highly inspired creations of art, architecture, music and even some creative sciences at the fore.  

We are being supported to integrate new systems that support uninhibited creation, love and beauty, reconnecting with our bodies again, and working from the sacred connection between spirit & matter...a time to honor our own power...to  finally and fully create a beautiful and abundant life here on earth. 

In addition to all this feel-good stuff, many new gifts of our multidimensional aspects are beginning to pop through, and in some cases are taking us to greater levels of expertise in our known field or talents.  These gifts may come as a complete surprise, or may be a part of you that you were vaguely in tune with...either way, they are now surfacing for us to fully explore and share.

What Next?

Planetarily and numerologically speaking... if April is all about stillness & inner exploration, then May will be about stepping further out into action. Our inner renewal process will wind-up (after Mercury goes direct) and our outer transformations will begin to solidify...maybe even through the ability to adhere to a routine!...remember what that is?  

We will continue to have access to really supportive earth energy that is grounding, stable and practical and we should be able to move into a new life-rhythm with greater ease.  The new moon last night was a potent (and really painful) blast of the energy that is literally pushing us on our new path.  This energy can be felt in every cell of our bodies and is restructuring our daily lives on fundamental levels, helping us to create new balanced systems for living...both personally and collectively.

From now until July we will have the opportunity and support to continue tying up our loose ends, finish up our healing, resolve any unresolved personal issues and while simultaneously launching the first phase of our new-level lives and creations.

Physical Symptoms

See the last 100 energy updates.

In Closing

The unseens are hammering two things in my brain:

1) A great divide will soon be very noticeable in the world and those who are activated and cleared are beginning to hold a very bright light for newly awakening souls.
2) This cycle we are entering is a time of great power... but also great responsibility.  Those with pure hearts and minds will feel driven in ways that will uplift and inspire large masses of people during the continuation of great planetary dismantling.  It is their wish that those with the gifts of ascended earth use them wisely and consciously to prepare the foundation of a new society based in love, sovereignty and with strong structures of support for the many who will need it.

...now on to filing those damn taxes... : ((

With Love,

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ENERGETIC SYNTHESIS: April 9, 2010 Newsletter Headline

by Lisa Renee

ES News- April 2010

The Mother Arc
Dear Family,

For those of us participating with the 2012 Ascension Timeline as awakened Starseed's or Indigo's, this last cycle of the "Galactic Underworld" has been intensely transformative in bringing the next level of heightened awareness to perceptible knowledge. Since last November the Inner Revelations abound with much information surfacing that has continually tested our personal discernment in every way.  Most of us have been feeling overloaded or overwhelmed with some major life lesson attempting to integrate us more fully into accepting the incoming transformational energies. These incoming energies are above and beyond the most evolutionary frequency waves our planet and human beings have ever been exposed to. This sequential series of Magnetic Propulsion  Waves are of such magnitude it is forcing us as a species to transform, adapt and evolve -- in order to change from within.

Since Mid December's life changing event (this changed the structure on the earth forever as we have known it) that began the sequential collapse of the 4D false white light webbing and its false umbilicus structure (this was the inorganic reincarnation structure attached to the group human soul layer of light-body, the opening portal accessed in Giza, Egypt) this last quarter has been challenging for us on the Astral Plane Cleanup crew. This has meant that a container of "Underworld "energies (aberrant Astral plane entities and related debris) has been consistently spilling out into the larger planet 3D consciousness reality fields.

Which means more people are either feeling these energies and  are unconsciously "acting them out" or consciously choosing to "clear them out" by not allowing negative energies to govern themselves. The good news is the new forces are powerful so when you interact with them you can clear tremendous amount of negativity with greater ease than the past. However, you may note in the external world populace that many are not acting within their best behaviors from the onset of tremendous internal pressure these energies create. Since most of the population does not have a context for what is happening on the planet, or how to effectively deal with their stress, it creates a large group of persons "acting out" in unconscious destructive ways. Addiction, thought  obsession/possession programs have accelerated for those that have not yet learned how to cope with these mechanisms. These energies will bring to the surface fragmentation and distortion in the masses, and it is necessary to surface what is "real" rather than denying the problem exists in order to begin to face the integrative healing process. This is a shifting energetic complexity that is happening at the individual field and collective field levels.

As more of us prepare to be the embodied being that is the "calm that walks into the center of the storm", you realize this is a wake up call to have dominion over oneself, and it's a critical lesson in self energetic mastery. We are being called to bring Harmony into the Seed of Conflict in these external circumstances. The love and peace you hold will enable the Source Field to re-harmonize the external environment though your very physical being. Do not take anything personal.

Planetary 9D Merkaba Buffer Field

We are at the midpoint cycle of the Sixth night of the Galactic Underworld which shifts into the next cycle of the Seventh day in November 2010.  A new platform architecture for our planet has been required and prepared meticulously to be reconnected to the planetary light body by Interdimensional Guardian groups.

(Guardian groups are of all levels of consciousness agreeing to hold their life force at ONE level of focused consciousness agreement - "Ascension Liberation For ALL". This is carried out in accordance to the free will choices of each being respected although each being answers to the consequence of its choices. Genetic rehabilitation and re-education of the laws in order to live in Harmony with the Universe are freely shared with all sincere seekers.  Guardians are embodied as physical humans, as well as other species and races that are all a part of the covenant to serve "The Law of One". These are the Natural Laws of God and the Mechanics of Creation, and are the mathematical physics that govern the time space fields in our Universe, not a man made mental belief system of judgment. )

This was in order for the planetary body to handle these new forces being reconnected to our access at this density level. It also has SPECIFIC purpose to buffer the cosmic energies as they filter in so they create a minimal amount of stress in the tectonic plates and the surface crust of the earth. It is no surprise as we have been aware for a long time that when the magnetic fields shift into other proportionate scales it creates many weather pattern and climatic anomalies. Our planet has seen an accelerated increase of weather (i.e. floods, hail) or volcanic-earthquake changes quite rapidly in the past quarter leading up to this event.

Some of us with the job of planetary gridworker have been acting as energy placement holders ( like an acupuncture point for the planet body) for this 9D merkabic system until it was stabilized in the planetary body merkabic structure through the earth core. This is like understanding a higher octave Merkabic Structure, the 9D Quadra Merkabic Architecture has been overlaid into (dna bonded) into our planetary light body (or its energy blueprint architecture).

The Golden Chalice

That means for April we should get a break from the high level intensity of shadow clearings and should start to feel the new energy platform supporting our foundation so this group of us is not feeling such an energy burden in our personal bodies. The 9 D chakra has been referred to as the "Mouth of God" and its opening is exactly at the back of the neck where the skull lays on top of the spine. It connects to the medulla oblongata and the reticular formation of the brain and spinal cord. This area esoterically has been called the Golden Chalice for it is the Occipital Cup that holds the Cosmic Intelligence or Wisdom. It is a literal brain rewiring ( spiritual body activation) in order to hold and be receptive to the "Golden Chalice" of Universal Knowledge. 

Many of us are becoming aware that we are being connected to another "language", another octave, another dimensional layer of accessing knowledge. There are waves of us accelerated into this spiritual body development of accessing Universal Knowledge from the Golden Chalice as it activates processes in the base of our brain. We may not comprehend it quite yet, as it involves a language of "code", "syntax" or "archetype".  However our sensory faculties are aware of something that is changing the "field" and our relationships to everything in it.

Knowledge and the wisdom required to be responsible for that knowledge comes with the great purification of "Fire". This purification fire has been rearranging the cells and for some of us it manifested into symptoms of head and sinus infection, throat and lung congestion and other physical ailments. The dropping density requirement has been feeling very intense to prepare our bodies to hold what is coming next.

Many of us have been isolated, sequestered and sleeping a lot over the last quarter quite busily building this structure as well as step down fields that act as circuit boards to transduce and moderate high frequencies in these various energetic circulatory complexes. Also this is the same 9D portal area of Guardian projects rehabilitating the mental body fragments of the male/Michael consciousness grids. A tremendous amount of change is underway now.

The Mother Arc

This has also been evidenced lately as the planetary body is shaking and quaking lately to reposition itself for an entirely new Magnetic Field Grid Network System to power up new levels of the 13th Pillar or The Mother Arc.

The Guardians are calling this aspect of Mother Aquamarine Ray energy, a Magnetic force powering up in our Earth Core (through the newly reconnected levels of the 9D Quadra Merkabic structure)  - The Mother Arc.  The awareness and systematic dismantling of several obsolete controlled architectures in the planetary field have allowed this to come on line. It is similar to understand we have poked a hole in the mind controlled frequency fence and reconnected our handshake hub to reconnect with the Mother Arc.   It is through the Mother's Perfect Proton Seed (or Cosmic Egg) that Creation can Heal Itself to its Original Divine Blueprint.

A new "Mother" language/vibration and its seed codes began transmission from the planet's newly activated Australian portal network and its reconnected portions of the horizontal "Golden Eagle" grid system. From this vantage point of human reality the seed codes are being called the "Universal Grandmother Turtle Codes".  These codes have been embodied, protected and hidden by the Aboriginal and Indigenous cultures of the earth for eons of time. These are like a God Inoculation and a surprise revelation as to what is beginning to transpire in consciousness fields --an event that has never transpired before in the history of creation! (It cannot be emphasized enough that God consciousness has some surprises up its sleeve.... transmitted through our bodies....as the countdown to the final conflict continues..)

The Eastern Australian Seaboard from Brisbane to Uluru ( Ayer's Rock) is acting as one of the main portal magnetic battery generators that is gaining charge in its main magnetic hub located by the monument of Uluru. The Guardians explain Uluru is similar as many other planetary pyramidal structures, it is being used to mark a major portal system gateway on the planet. (Just as the pyramids were not just tributes to dead Pharaohs they were specific gateways marking access to other dimensions and visible from outer space) Uluru is a power point for a Global Network of dormant or inactive ancient  gateways, systems or hubs and was "placed" there as a marker by the God creators of this system. The Architects of Creation and Guardians of the Universal Time Matrix were known as the King Dragon lineages, and many of the Aurora fields are coming from  which is the esoterically known as the Dragon lines. They say Uluru was placed there by the Dragon races of the next Universe. (This is not to be confused with Orion's Draconis or Reptilian races)  This is primarily being utilized to begin to power up a new level of the Arc Gate Systems on the planet. This ignition has specific relevance to the Mother Arc ( 13th Pillar Mother Magnetic Aqua Flame) igniting the Giza Pyramid and its related circulatory grid systems.  It appears  the timeline for activation is geared for this June Solstice.

The Magnetic Field of the Mother Arc ( the beginning and end of creation back into the zero point) is connecting to magnetically charge up Uluru to power up the Giza/Pyramidal dipole activity located in Egypt. This activity is similar to switching on a generator that is to POWER UP these dormant vortexes/grid points.

 ( See wiki reference: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Piezoelectricity ( http://app.expressemailmarketing.com/get.link?linkid=2043934&subscriberid=68365363&campaignid=545041&linkurl=http%3a%2f%2fen.wikipedia.org%2fwiki%2fPiezoelectricity )

Piezo electric conductor- it's been clarified that's what's happening on the planet is the " squeeze" effect from the compression that is required to ignite and propel the magnetic charge transduction. This effect creates all these earthquakes in the field as the shifting of the tectonic plates rearrange to accommodate these new charges and the fields they create)

The phase beginning now is like a "New Year" as we are entering an elevated space available from the additional Underworld clearing since November. Hallelujah for -  She has Risen!

Michael /Male Principle Consciousness Healing Continues

As we are well aware, the old energy architecture that impedes the new consciousness structures from connecting are in the process of being demolished. As a result the soul fragments and the cellular memory are also cleared from the planetary matrix. This is not an invisible process of a God figure waving his wand in the sky, it is the agreed upon mission and life work of the collective awakened Starseed or Indigo. It is through embodied polarity integration and the rehabilitation of the dark forces (absent of light and ignorant of the law) that this process can actually happen. That is why we must face the darkness, conquer our fears as we commit to serve as the embodied representative of God Source in order to be the ultimate Alchemist. Polarity Integration is Alchemy.  (This is one of the most confused aspects of belief in the New Age awareness - that we deny that darkness exists. Denial breeds deception and then manipulation by the very forces you deny as existing.)

Most of this is transpiring at the holographic blueprint level within the anti particle fields. (We will see more of these changes manifested in the material world over the next two years specifically) There never exists judgment in what structure is demolished or rehabilitated in order to exist within a higher integrity of harmony with the Natural Laws of God. Only that which holds the integrity of the organic living light of the Eternal Supply of Source is left standing as the Truth.

Given the information this month on the necessity of a new connector to the 9D Planetary Merkabic structure being built  - it is the same portal and dimensional area of Guardian projects rehabilitating the mental body fragments of the Male/AA Michael consciousness described last month. This clearly is ongoing to integrate and merge the "Unity" consciousness fields where there has been "Patriarchal Domination" propagated through distorted or controlled holographic programs.(Remember that "controlled" means inorganic, it means another consciousness outside of the reality decided to interfere and manipulate with the organic and natural evolution of a species)

We have been witnessing systematic Male bloodline clearing through the 12 Tribes of Genetic Seeding of the Human Race since the AA Michael Matrix began dismantling and clearing genetic memory in the 3-6-9 dimensional fields. (as mentioned last month Males in these bloodlines or energetically named have the most radical symptoms for Ancestral and Pathcutting clearing)  These bloodline histories are being re-patterned and cleared in Triads as stemming from the Family of Michael Consciousness as the Patriarchal or "Grandfather" Lineage of the Masculine. The House of Kings, starting with King David most recently has been especially prominent in clearing the cellular memory fields existing within the planetary history.  The House of David is especially important now to  the Guardians as the Three Kings in the House of David -- Saul , David and Solomon are the last bloodline that hold the rightful Priest-King of Benevolence, they are the last line of the embodied Kings that held the "Rods" of God Source. It ended with Solomon and it will open again with Solomon, as the "Shield of Solomon" is the hosting shield of our source code embodiment work for this planet called "The Avatar of Ascension".

The Avatar of Ascension Ignites

We are a Universal Group Consciousness experiment of genetic "Unity in Diversity" relearning how to reconnect into our Source origins. Some of us act as energy placement holders, some of us do the ancestral pathcutting and transmuting for the mass consciousness fields, some of us are the midwife's of the birthing or passing souls, some of us are teachers or healers, some of us birth the new consciousness children, some of us are the architects, some of us are the Galactic polarity integrators. There is an incredibly diverse amount of genetic material and unique energy signatures embodied in this Living Light Library of Planet Earth.  There is no value difference given although we should learn to respect each unique role as a part of the One. We are a group consciousness  of Unity in Diversity.

Once you have committed to embody the Guardian Consciousness, (or it is your blueprint) you may be required to play all of the roles if your destiny path is one of Stewardship. Stewardship and Leadership roles in the new consciousness fields are now required to be a path of self energetic mastery. This newsletter is servicing that smaller niche of cultivating Human Guardian Consciousness through informed awareness and by supporting the energetic integration necessary to be an embodied container of the Truth Vibration/God Spark. This is a frequency requirement to participate as a Steward with the Host Shields through the Avatar of Ascension. One must have mastered the Self to a degree that Inner Source Sustainability is embodied in the physical reality. Obviously  the more embodied Stewards we have - the easier this process is for ALL of US.

Polarity integration through life experience is the Soul Transmutation Alchemy that is required to physically embody total Inner Source Sustainability. One must transcend judgment through neutrality, not ignore the polarity of forces. Ignorance of these forces otherwise breeds spiritual righteousness, false glamour and its demonic delusion to take hold of the consciousness.

Inner Source Sustainability means you have no need to create attachment cords, control circumstantial outcomes or engage in karmic relationships that energetically feed off of something external to yourself. 

This means you commit to not being emotionally or energetically parasitic/vampiric to anything external to yourself, and that you self contain your personal energies and attempt to be completely responsible for them.

Our group planetary consciousness has been traversing another in depth sensing of the Underworld energies (through the portal of the Astral Plane) in order to heal and unify the collective emotional body of the planet, therefore reconnecting and healing the human being's group soul and its heart center.

In order to heal, one must be able to "feel". (This is clarified by having an ability to access the soul matrix function of "Higher Sensory Perception" which distinguishes between "Cellular Knowing" impulses, rather than the "Linear Analytics" that characterize the 3D mental body functions)  Emotional distortions (2D and 4D Astral Plane Damage) needs to be first "realized", then "witnessed" in order to be "synthesized" into a higher frequency and harmonic alignment. This is how individual and planetary DNA is recoded and healed through the energy blueprinting architecture, through higher light, sound frequency arranged in tones of scalar wave arrangements. This is the God composition -- known as the "Music of the Spheres". Our God parent has returned to show us how to  create beautifully harmonically arranged music that allows us to merge with the Higher Kingdoms of God. This way we become in harmony with the Universal laws and in harmony with ourselves.  (See:  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Musica_universalis ( http://app.expressemailmarketing.com/get.link?linkid=2043935&subscriberid=68365363&campaignid=545041&linkurl=http%3a%2f%2fen.wikipedia.org%2fwiki%2fMusica_universalis ) )

This is the Avatar of Ascension Unity Field, it harmonizes conflict by holding the Power of One in the Core Being as the Ultimate Truth. It is a group consciousness field that will support many of us to move to higher levels of consciousness that have been limited through genetic or ancestral patterns buried in our flesh. It is the beginning of a group field "re-encryption" process at the elemental vehicle level, ( physical body)  the level of planetary raw material that makes our physical flesh. It is to begin bringing the possibility of freedom to the flesh from the genetic manipulation that has been controlling the elementals on this planet. This is being supported by ES community projects and by the Ascension Hosts of Crystal Matrix and Aurora.   


In the closing of our lengthy transmission, we choose the archetypal principle of Temperance to meditate upon and serve as a reminder for our concluding timeline theme. Much  skill at neutrally applying "Temperance" is required through this current planetary Rite of Passage. Temperance is the Law of Verification that stands at the pinnacle, the crux of making a personal major life choice, in order to integrate fully what has been learned on the life journey. It forces us to make hard decisions based on what we now know to be our personal truth. Through the tempering of Soul through its many challenges, we become increasingly able to embody Soul (God) Essence.  We have a choice to forfeit that knowledge through fear and if so -- we will continue to  undergo more of the same static patterns of life experience until the learning is complete. It is that completion ( through polarity integration) that alchemically molds you into the embodiment of the true nature of your God Essence. This is the task at hand.

Some questions to ponder this month : Can you remain on the pathway despite challenges to your faith?  What have you learned spiritually that you can integrate neutrally and apply it practically to your life? Are you willing to accept that in order to serve God - you will be continually purified?

More on Temperance: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Temperance_(Tarot_card) ( http://app.expressemailmarketing.com/get.link?linkid=2043936&subscriberid=68365363&campaignid=545041&linkurl=http%3a%2f%2fen.wikipedia.org%2fwiki%2fTemperance_(Tarot_card) )

As a personal note it is my inspiration to serve what is true humanity, that which is our birthright of sovereignty through Unity consciousness. That which has happened to this earth is not human. I continually challenge and provoke the reader's belief systems by sharing direct experiences from the Guardian consciousness perspective, of which is through the human lens of attempting to live in Harmony with the Universe. My human being dislikes conflict and yet I have learned that in order to answer to Stewardship and Service  -  it is inevitable.  I do not like to be in a controversial position, but I feel a moral, ethical and spiritual obligation  to my brothers and sisters to share all that I have been given. This is in order to break free from the constraints and controls that may be limiting the God Spark from embodying. I do not have Oath for everyone to Love me, I have Oath to Love and Serve God. As a result beings that choose this are controversial figures, provoking both great Love and hate in the amplified polarity of this distorted hologram. Please take which that supports your resonance to Own your Personal Truth, and discard the rest.

For those of you new to this material, I cannot tell you what you want to hear and lull you to sleep in complacent dreams. This is non-negotiable spirituality and you must rise to your internal and spiritual responsibility to live your spirit in every way or you will have great consequence. With all of my heart and might I choose to empower you in the pathway of integration, so that the brilliance of your internal light can be fed upon no more, and each can contain the divine birthright of infinite and eternal God Supply. Please read the entire Newsletter Series from inception if you are looking to answer questions around this material.

Thank you to our growing and expanding Guardian Family willing to be disciplined and self contained in order to embody the Power of the One for the All.

We are in this together and until next....Stay in the luminosity of your Avatar Heart Path! Be Gentle with your hearts and each other.

Love, Lisa

© 2010, Lisa Renee

This ES Monthly News Article reflects the Guardian Perspective of the Ascension Timeline (2012 Timeline) as support, both energetically and informationally, for the Galactic Families of Starseeds and the Indigo Races. This Spiritual Family has accepted the Guardianship role to support the foundation of Cosmic Citizenship as an evolutionary model for this planet and humanity, and this is a level of earth based advocacy designed for this specific group. There is absolutely no value difference given on the role each being has chosen for its expression. The Guardian Groups mission directive is rehabilitation of the hologram, repairing its energetic architecture (dna), embodying the Ascended Human Protoform, supplying  informational context on Ascension dynamics and Exopolitic (ET) Agendas and reeducating both human and non-human's to be congruently aligned to the Universal Law of One. Freedom, Fraternity, and the Sovereign Right of All Beings to be a Knower of God Source is protected by the Collective Unity Vow shared among our Universal Guardian Groups.

The Group Unity Vow Decree    Defender Warriors of Truth, Sovereignty, Liberation. All Guardian races Serving the One. From Across All the Multiverses We Call Upon You to Join US Now. Our Unification Principle deemed as demonstrated in the waves of Omni Love - We Sound our Group Note to You Now.   Our Group Template Updated, Individually and Collectively, Renewed and Forever Perpetuated in the Eternally Sustained Light. Our Alchemical Container is consecrated and dedicated to the Purposes of One, and we endeavor to be the Knower of God to then be the Way Shower of God.   Sustain Us in the Eternal Power of our Consecration. 

We have called for your Gatekeeping in order to hold our community, our missions, our mutual highest purposes in Service to the One Light, Our Source, The Living Light Code. Our Intention is Unification - The Christ Principle - as an Energetic Reality, Here and Now.

We request the handshake of our community to fortify our spiritual links through the Universal Cosmic Triad, and into The Core of One, the Zero Point God Matrix, that which is the source of our Genesis. With deep reverence for all of Life, Dear God, Breathe your Life Codes into all created form. We set our intention now to be Remembered to That Which We Are, fully completely and totally.
To State our Mutual Purpose as One, Resurrect All inorganic patterns to the Organic Living Light Now. And to that we Say, Thank God We Are The Cosmic Christ!

And so It is. Lovingly Decreed.  

Please note in order to distribute this Newsletter in other forums please do so with the following guidelines: Include author's credit, copyright and include the ES website url. http://www.energeticsynthesis.com

 © 2009, Lisa Renee

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13 – 33 – 333 Number Sequences – New Earth Codes

We are sharing a series of esoteric transmissions, invocations, activations of the sacred Divine feminine of Shekinah through Blue Ray to assist you through the great shift of 2012 and beyond. You the Blue Ray and many Light Bearers carry the new earth frequency of ascension through the sacred heart of the holy divine feminine.

As you read this information know that it is your own knowledge awakening, your sacred heritage and lineages. You the Blue Ray and the many Light Bearers true divine nature have been undercover of your full expression, gifts, talents and abilities, and as this information is being revealed so are you.

Higher Realms Number Code Sequences Activation

The higher realms, ascended masters, the Light and your guides communicate with you in many ways in your world and life. We are in constant communication and communion with you. One way that is increasing with momentum is through the sacred number sequences. They are more than mere numbers. They are sacred codes, energetic frequencies of dimension and light. These sacred codes of communication form sacred geometry and gateways, creating activation of your higher nature.

How the sacred numbers activate you

It is not that you are looking for the numbers or just seeing them, it is an activation and remembrance as you and the higher realms, the masters of ascended light and love, are aligning at a divine configuration of reality of time and space. It is a holy moment when this occurs. As you acknowledge this communion, it builds a stronger vibration of higher light in your energy field and life.

For some time now, many of you have been seeing the sacred number sequences occurring frequently in your life. It may have become such a common occurrence that has been easily discounted to, "Ah yes, I see the numbers all the time and that is all."

Downloads from Spirit 44

If you have a connection with spirit in this way, we wish to remind you to stop for this holy moment and take it in. We know that many times you are busy with your life, and

through mental processing may feel you cannot take time to be activated by the higher realms. Know that you are in a holy moment beyond time and space, a place of divine power, where a moment can become many hours, days or even years. When you return to this time space you will see that it was only a moment or minute in this reality.

Ah, yes, you can stop and stretch time and this is only the beginning of your unlimited potential multidimensional divine power. 55 It is why the power elite of times ago did not want the general public to know this esoteric wisdom. And why they created fear as a deterrent in ever seeking this knowledge and deeming it unholy. These age-old energies are leaving with the shift and emerging of the new earth. 44

Sacred communion with the higher realms and Masters of Light and love through the number sequences

You will see, hear or read a certain number sequence coming to you over and over. The number sequence will keep coming to you everywhere you go: when you check out in the store, on license plates, clocks, TV, movies, media - spirit will find clever ways to get your attention. It makes you stop for a moment; there is a knowing, a recognition that you are in communion with spirit; you feel it in your body and that is your confirmation. Trust this direct knowing through the sacred vehicle of your body, as it tells you of a meeting of two worlds, your holy moment. 13

You are now being given more information, energetic transmissions on the sacred number sequences. You can use them 44 to ride the information matrix, giving you exactly what you require energetically at any time. 333

Codes of the New Earth through sacred number sequences

13 –33-333 represent the new earth, golden age of Gaia through the sacred heart and the Christed female - the return of the Goddess, Shekinah and Sophia, the sacred divine feminine.

It is divinely powerful when you see these combinations of 13-33 together and 333 each one coming to you throughout your day. Together they are telling that you are a sacred way shower, a frequency holder of the new earth, that cellular rejuvenation of your light codes is taking place.

The Sacred Power of 13

13 is "The Return of the Goddess in all things"

Unity and balance, the natural order of life through the Holy Divine feminine and through the Sacred Heart. 13:13 and 10:10

The Sacred Power of 13 brings and carries the frequency resonance of Transcendence of matter and the embodiment of ascension, the new earth frequency code, Unity and Oneness, Mary Magdalene, Mother Mary, Shekinah and Sophia; natural rhythms coming into balance and sacred order; taking back your power through the sacred divine feminine.

Mary Magdalene represents the 13 and the shift of 2012 that will bring the new earth codes. She and her essence have re-emerged at a time when earth and the people would be ready to receive her lost knowledge. This will bring the Christed female of the holy spirit of the embodiment of Shekinah.

13 is a unifying vibration, it is the Christ with the 12 disciples.

There are 13 lunar cycles in a solar year that honor the sacred divine feminine and at one time you followed here on earth.

13 was the sacred number of the ancient Egyptians, part of the sacred geometry of Creation to activate their sacred light body.

The Mayans, many Native Americans, Lemurians, Atlantean and ancient sacred cultures used the holy code frequency of 13.

The turtle represents the primordial goddess of 13; many turtles have 13 segments on their shells.

Mother Mary of Fatima appeared to the children of Fatima on May 13, 1917, for 6 consecutive months on the 13th day of each month. Her presence will come again on that day of 13 through Shekinah in the coming shift of ages.

13 has a secret divine power and esoteric frequency of the Mother essence to transform all things. In the past, the 13 number vibration was one of fear. As the power elite of the time wanted to steer you away from its true direct connection with source creation. It is why they distorted the truth creating instant fright around 13.

Your indigenous and ancient cultures used a different system of time and communion with the cosmos, life and Spirit that was more in tune to the natural rhythms of Creation and heartbeat of Gaia. This holy way of balance is returning through the great shift of the ages. The 13 vibration is a part of the holy alignment and healing.

Sacred code frequency meaning of 33

33 is the sacred heart, ascension, the masters of ascended light and love, the return of the Shekinah, the holy sprit heart flame of the Mother of Creation.

Sacred code frequency meaning of 333

333 means cellular activation of your light codes and you are working with the teams, legions of the masters of ascended light and love and higher light beings and realms.

We will continue to give you information through the Blue Ray on the esoteric hidden information of the sacred codes to assist the activation of your divine original blueprint. This will be a series of the sacred number frequency vibration of activations, invocations, esoteric wisdom and information that is now ready to be released. 11.11

You are being activated by reconnecting to the true meaning of the holy numbers, transmuting fear that brings holiness back to your cells and to God’s true nature. You are divine; we bless, honor and thank you. All of God and Creation are reaching out to you in the highest Light and Love empowering you. You see, we are One! 13

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Diving Deeper, Flying Higher and Perceiving with Greater Insight

The Energies for April 2010

Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn

Beloved Family of Light, at this time of Change and Transformation, we see how so many of you are embracing the New Light and the Energy that comes to you in the Pulsations and Codes of Light from the Cosmic Heart. We see how you are stretching yourselves to grow and to evolve, and we applaud your progress. Now, we suggest that it is time to make another shift, and to allow yourselves to Dive Deeper, Fly Higher, and Perceive more truly with the eyes of Love and Wisdom, and to experience more of Who You Are at this time!Beloveds, this is not a difficult task, it is what you are allowing with the Activations of your Light Body and your DNA Light Codes. It is indeed time to move beyond the old ways of living and being and to embrace what is Possible and Probable in your New Earth Reality.

First, we will say, dive deeper into your Heart and Soul and into your Being, and experience the Depths of Love and Connection and Intimacy that are available to you in this New Energy. We have said before that this year of 2010 is a time when you will redefine Relationships and Partnerships and seek to align these with Divine Harmony and Will. And, within this Divine Harmony you will experience the powerful depths of Divine Love through your experience of the Soul and Spiritual aspects of your relationships and partnerships.

Beloved Ones, as you move into the Fifth Dimension you will redefine Partnership and Relationship to express a Love that is both Unconditional and Deeply Committed and Focussed in Intention. It will be a Love that honors both the Cosmic and the Individual aspects of Connection and Communion on Planet Earth.

We will suggest, Beloveds, that you might consider these suggestions for defining and expressing Love and Connection at a greater level of Joy and Intimacy. We would suggest that you consider the aspects of Intention, Commitment, Transparency and Grace, as defining the energy of Relationship from the Heart and Soul in the New Earth.

Firstly, Intention is an important facet of any Relationship. On the level of soul connection, souls are drawn or magnetized towards each other for a specific purpose related to their mutual growth. A wise soul will define and express an intention for any relationship or connection. "What is this connection about and how do I experience it?", may be questions that you will ask. Of course, Beloveds, Relationships change and grow over time, but the defined essence or intention is what guides the expansion and development of that relationship. If both souls are clear on their intention for their connection, then they are more likely to connect in Harmony and without needing to experience emotions such as fear and anxiety and manipulation, as well as expectations that will not be met over time.

Once the intention is defined, it should be honored through Commitment and Focus. This is an aspect of interpersonal connection that has been lost or poorly understood in your society. Commitment is an expression of a Choice, and does not imply possession or ownership. It does suggest that once an intention is defined through soul contract, then that intention must be honored with integrity. This creates Trust and Peace, which promotes Harmony and Joy. And this, in turn, creates a space for deeper connection and sharing in Love and Joy.

Then, Transparency is also an aspect of such a Relationship. There should be openess and honesty between the people in the Relationship. Where all is open and there are no secrets or hidden agendas, then Trust can flourish and deepen into intimacy on the level of the Heart and Soul. In the New Energy, where you are learning how to feel and perceive empathically, you will in any case soon "pick up" when someone is not honest and open and transparent. A Relationship that is open and honest creates a feeling of Freedom and gives the ability to "be yourself" without fear.

And, Beloved Ones, when a Relationship or Partnership operates in this way, then Divine Grace is present. Divine Grace is the energy of Absolute Unconditional Love, and it creates Joy, Peace and Harmony. In this New Earth, let it be your desire and intention to bring Divine Grace into your lives thorugh Relationships that create Divine Harmony. Go deeper into your Hearts and find that deep love and empathy that will allow you to create Relationships that are a Communion that gives rise to Divine Grace in your lives. This is the essence of Sacred Relationship.

So, Beloved Ones, imagine that you are like a Dolphin and that you are diving deep into the Ocean of Feelings and Emotions of Divine Love! It can be a playful and joyous expression of the Divine Light in your Heart!

Then, Beloveds, imagine that you are an Eagle, and that you can soar through the skies. What would you see as you fly higher and higher? Would you not see things differently? Would you not have a greater perspective on your life and how you live?

Indeed, the Soul may be likened to a free flying bird, and its nature is to rise up and see things from a higher perspective. This Higher Perspective can be aligned with the Feelings of the Heart and the Emotions to create an alignment of Body and Soul, or Heaven and Earth.

Beloved Ones, as you learn to redefine the way that you express Love and Relationship, learn also to rise above the physical aspects of life and to ask "What does my soul see and feel?" in this situation. Allow yourself to rise up and to see your life and your choices from the perspective of your Higher Self and Soul. As you become more proficient at this process, it will become natural to you and you will soon learn to live with a constant awareness of the perspective of your life from the "eyes" of the soul.

Flying higher in this way will assist you to always align your Choices and Decisions with your Soul and with the Divine Light within, creating a continuum of Light and Power that will express the Divinity of Who You Are.

Beloveds, we offer this information because so many of you are still in the process of struggling to define and manage your friendships and personal relationships. You tend to get caught up in old, third-dimensional patterns of fear, anger, ownership, lack and conflict, when you would prefer to be on the higher levels of Harmony and Joy. We will say, Beloved Ones, simply make the choice to raise your relationship energies into Divine Harmony and Joy and learn to see, from a Higher Perspective, what choices need to be made and how you can honor those choices in your lives.

For know, beloved family of light, that the Soul always desires to align you with Spirit, and desires that you see with the Eyes of Love and Wisdom, and that you express Divine Unconditional Love and Harmony in all that you do and experience.

**The Energies for April 2010**

In this month of April, the energies will be intense. The Sun will be in fiery Aries until the 20th of April, when it moves into Taurus. Mars will be in fiery Leo, creating an agressive and explosive energy for the first part of the month. The Feminine planet, Venus, will be happily in Taurus until the 25th, celebrating Love, Beauty, Grace and Harmony, as a counterbalance to the more fiery energies of Mars, and when the Sun crosses into Taurus on the 20th there will be a brief favorable window of opportunity for establishing the Higher Frequencies of Love and Harmony.

But, these energies will be challenged by Mercury retrograde from the 18th of April. As always, this aspect will challenge you to be more careful and to slow down a little. Then also, Saturn retrogrades in Virgo, creating a difficult aspect with Venus, suggesting also that some relationships will need to be restructured if Harmony is to be achieved.

Pluto retrogrades through Capricorn towards Sagittarius and the Galactic center, and will do so until September. This energy will also tend to bring up issues, and relationships that may have seemed completed will "return" to be transformed or finally released. It will be a Cosmic "second chance" for unresolved relationship issues.

The New Moon falls on the 14th of April, and falls in Aries. This is a Fire New Moon, when the energy is always a little volatile and unstable. It is a good time to ground your energies and focus on the Solar Light of Spirit that brings Divine Blessings for the New Age of Light.

The Full Moon falls on the 28th of April and is in Scorpio with the Sun in Taurus. A Water Moon is always a good time to explore the depths of consciousness and to "dive deep" into the world of feelings and emotions. As we suggested in this message, allow yourselves to dive deep into the Ocean of Love and then soar into the Heavens with the Scorpio eagle! It is time to stretch your wings and to be All That You Are.

We wish you Divine Harmony and Grace in the month of April!

"Awakening" by Deva Premal and Miten

© 2010-11 Celia Fenn and Starchild Global

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License

You are free to copy, distribute, display, and perform the work under the following conditions: You must give the author credit, you may not use this for commercial purposes, and you may not alter, transform or build upon this work. For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the license terms of this work. Any of these conditions can be waived if you get permission from the copyright holder. Any other purpose of use must be granted permission by author.

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The Flame of the integrated Christ, bridge to the New Earth!

Master Sananda through Paschalis Kazakopoulos | Athens, 1 Apr. 10

Beloved light workers of the new dawn of the Light, I am here today among you to bring the message of change that is about to come in the global consciousness and the global collective unconscious. What is about to happen…

Beloved, your self is the bridge of change from one reality to the other. Many times, change is not easy and demands efforts. But these changes have been constructed and change is now in front of your reality. While the diamond codes of the Christ have been activated in your consciousness are embraced and wrapped now by the New flame of the Cosmic Christ consciousness; this pink rose-gold flame comes now to embrace you through the diamond Christ shape that you truly are, guiding you in the new reality in the New Earth.

Beloved workers of the new dawn of the light, of Earth, of the New Jerusalem; take now a deep breath through your heart, through the heart of the integrated Christ which burns inside you. Take beloved ones this deep breath and now come in the innermost of the interiors of your soul and let this pink-gold energy burn like a flame in your heart, and now see, see those light flashes which extend like lines in time-space.

Beloved ones, there are many realities. Which reality you will choose is solely your responsibility. There are realities which define the trail of Earth ending somewhere. There are realities where Earth is being destroyed. There are beloved ones, realities for heaven on Earth. There are beloved children of God, sons and daughters of God, the living and direct contact with the Source and the community of the light which is now being structured. There are also beloved ones realities of a hell on earth. There are many realities.

Choose now the reality which this flames reflects, this flame of the integrated Christ. This rose pink-gold energy which burns now in your hearts while change is being completed. And this flame wraps the diamond codes of the Christ you hold.

Come now, embrace this reality. Breathe in through this reality and see everything around you through this reality. See yourselves too…

-How do you see yourself in this new reality?

-How is your life beloved ones, in this reality? Is it joyful?

-Is it aligned? Is it integrated?

If so, see with the eyes of this reality!

Release any guilt syndrome, every shame and sin being held in your consciousness because this does Not exist. It is the complex of fear that lead you there in order to control you loved ones. Now come, let yourself to resurrect, through the sea of the Spirit and begin your course for this reality.

Now as never before is the time to make a step forward without need to look back because this step is a new page in your integrated reality which doesn’t share with any egoic syndrome. It shares with the Divine Presence and co-creates and moves forward to have a beginning and a target. Many times you move without having this compass in your reality.

I Am the Way, the Truth and the Life!

This is what is being radiated within you, by this rose pink-gold energy as it wraps the diamond codes-carriers that you are.

Open now your heart and receive this awakening within the innermost of the interiors, because beloved ones, you are this bridge, you are the builders and now the bridge is built. The time has come to cross over. And so you pave the way for those to come and follow you, and that’s what you do.

I now open the heart of the integrated Christ in the heart of the planet, while all these flames awaken like seeds and embrace the diamond Christ carriers of the Light you carry, on a planetary level. This is about to complete till the month of June, this year.

Beloved ones, know that we support you and push you in this step with all the love, with all the support and with all the blessings of heaven because you deserve it. Because you are the bringers of the Light. The Light of the World. Now this pulse is transmitted. Those who attune with it awaken from sleep, or in a better way, from a nightmare. Give them time, help them, support them, embrace them, as Spirit embraces everything.

May you be the example of the New Earth for this transition.

Teaching Alpha and Omega.

Jesus/ Yeshua/ Sananda

Channeling from the School of Mystery, 31 Mar. 10, Athens
Website: www.angelicreiki.eu

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A New Meaning for The Polar Shift and the End of Time

Beloved ones, I Am this Love that flows into your life right now and sings into your heart your purpose as the perfect expression of this Love I Am, unique and beautiful in every way.

I create for you an experience of God that lifts you up and opens you that you might be these wings of Love extending into the world to fulfill the call of Love's outreach and the fulfillment of Love's purpose that is you.

The pulses of Love now inundate the world and call to your heart so powerfully that your heart rises up and opens, dear ones, regardless of what you are perceiving right now in your experience of life through the mind.

What I call you to now is to attune to your heart in the deepest and most reverent way, that you might be fully aware of the awakening of Love that rushes right now to uplift you and to sing you forth as My celebration of life -- My very own shout of "Hallelujah! Life is endlessly perfect and glorious, and so too, beloved ones, are you!"

This world is changing -- or so it seems -- in so many ways. But what is really changing is that your hearts are calling you to make a turn so powerful that it changes your whole orientation to life and takes your focus away completely from the world that the mind creates.

Until now you have perceived a world of separation from Me, separation from the Love that is your truth. This has manifested as seeing your life as happening outside of you, as experiences of the world that then "happen" to you. It has meant seeing your Love as outside of yourself as well, perceiving it as needing to come to you through another person. It has meant perceiving your livelihood, your sustenance as coming from that which you do in the world, again.

It has also meant perceiving Me as something that you must find, search for through many different avenues when in truth I Am the Love of which you are made, in which you reside and which gives you life dynamic and whole, now.

So this shift, this change, this call to your heart will turn you around to find Love through the instrument of perceiving the unity of God which is your hearts in all their glory. In this turn you will come to experience yourself in such a different way, I cannot describe it to you. Yet already your heart begins to give you glimpses of this ecstasy and the miracle of life being expressed brand new, through you, as the pure vehicle of Love without limits.

This is a change in orientation from looking outside through the mind to living within through the heart. The mind is the tool created to uphold the perception of being separate from Love. What it sees as dramatic or sometimes traumatic events in the world before us, the heart sees quite differently.

Thus, what the mind sees as dramatic (and sometimes traumatic) events that will affect you through the world outside, the heart sees as a shift within, to experiencing life as unity. What the ego fears as cataclysm, the heart will show you as an explosion of ecstasy as your heart connects you to the glorious life you are in Me.

So the idea now circulating through the collective consciousness of humankind of the Earth shifting on its axis is a perfect analogy for the turn to the heart. In truth, it is not happening outside of you, dear ones, It is happening through this call from within.

This shift when seen or interpreted through the ego-mind has also been seen as the end of time. And it is! It is the return to the pure presence of Love, to the Vertical state of life where you are alive in the present, and receiving your life from Me directly, where you accept the gifts of Love. You move forth perfectly as part of this living flow of the outreach of the Love I Am as you.

It is time to make this turn, to make the shift to your heart that your heart might show you the life of unity in which everything is seamlessly woven of Love and given life in each Now Moment perfectly. The rush of Love and the Will of the Love I Am gives itself forth endlessly to multiply the blessings of Creation through the heart of Love which is you, dear ones. Accept this gift. Allow this shift and let your hearts be activated. Bring this into expression as a blessing that all might return to this wholeness.

Let the polar shift occur, beloved ones. Let Love call you to turn your life around, to shift your perception so dramatically that your experience of life is completely different. Let the single eye of the heart, the eye of unity begin to show you the world that Love creates, that is held in the embrace of this endless, dynamic, magnificent life I Am and is felt as the outreach of this streaming life, this joy of Love that is your heart flowering to make itself known, to make manifest the gifts of God.

When you allow your heart to be the center of your life, when you step free from the realm of time and mind, then this rush of Love, this pulsation of joy, this ecstasy of creation becomes embodied as you and knows itself as Love being extended as God meets God in every moment, in every experience of life.

Let time fall away in the realm of the heart as you fly free from every limitation, from every way that you have settled for the dream of separation from this whole and holy experience of life in which you are the energies of Creation made manifest as the outreach of Love giving of itself in endless ways.

Can you feel Love rushing through you now and can you feel its message: that if you allow it to carry you, not only will it open your way but will bring with this flow every provision of life that you might be this celebration of joy in every way.

As you shift, as you turn, as you allow the flip, as your heart becomes your avenue of experience, then you recognize from deep within that your livelihood means life in Me, given to you directly with each breath, rather than coming from somewhere outside of you in the world. It bubbles up and rushes forth from within through the open doorway of your heart.

So My call now is to the fulfillment of Love's purpose, and every heart in the world is responding. The question is will you allow the heart to be what guides you? What speaks to you, what shows you your reality? Or will you settle for the limitations of the mind and a life perceived as separate from you?

As you allow the heart to be who you are, your instrument of perception, that through which you live, all divisions will fall away and your life becomes truly a sampling endlessly of the banquet of Love. Each experience in every day is an experience of coming into the heart's temple and worshiping the God of Love I Am in everything, as everything your heart touches. Each blessed being that stands in this flow will see truly the lilies in My field, hearts in the field of God that is the endless and perfect cosmos -- that drink the rain of Spirit and live on the waters of Love.

One moment washed in your hearts magnetic flow can bring the active awareness of what is happening to the person's heart before you. Dear ones, Love will have its way and Love is gentle, sweet and tender. Love is My arms that wrap everything and show to every life its perfection.

But until you allow the turn to Me, allow the shift from the ego to the heart, it is as if you are standing with your back to the sun and all that is before you lies in shadow. It is difficult to see, so the mind makes up what it wants to. But the heart always knows the truth of Love, and receives its true identity as My heart continually as you are funded from the treasure house of God with all the creative energy that I Am, seeking to be expressed through you in your unique and perfect way.

Let Me promise you that if you will let go of the old way of seeing your reality…if you will release the perceptions of the ego mind, release, dear ones, the dream of duality and let your heart have its way -- then even as you feel your world turn upside down, even as you feel that polar shift, I will be with you every moment and will shift your experience into ecstasy, into joy as you have never known it, if you will trust Me. This I promise you.

Trusting Me is difficult for the ego, while it is natural, effortless for the heart. So if you find yourself, beloved ones, feeling fearful at all, then you know you must make the shift, the choice to move into your heart's reality where Love is the only experience, and it is wonderful.

To do so, dear ones, may take practice, for you have lived through the mind for so long. Yet the shift to the heart is now imperative. So I ask you to place your focus on becoming ready by exercising your ability to fall into My arms, to give yourself to Me and to Love, to let your heart open and inform you that life is filled with grace and endless joy and the heart's reality is the only true one. And this I promise you also.

If you were about to go on a physical expedition and your life depended on your body's strength, you would exercise. You would do strength training. You would feed your body well, and you would put effort continually into being prepared. Your life certainly doesn't depend on making this shift. Life is yours forever, eternally. But your experience of this change that is happening most definitely depends on your ability to be ready to make this shift to the instrument of the perception of only Love.

Therefore, beloved ones, please take the time, put forth the effort to practice softly giving your life to Me, sinking into your heart and feeling it, and letting your heart begin to communicate your reality. Do this even if at first it is only the tiniest of glimpses. With every moment that you choose your heart, you open yourself to the living flow of Love. You open yourself to the life that I Am, rushing forth Now as you.

You open yourself to the experience of the reality of Love that embraces your identity as the heart of God, and you become fully aware of this unity and joy. With it you come to know the feelings of ecstasy -- with it, the awareness that you are a Twin Flame of Love.

You are truly the Double Helix of God that holds within you the living codes of all Creation, waiting to be expressed as Love's blessing through the artistry of your uniqueness -- that this grand explosion of life can become My experience of what joy is, and the constant expansion of the purpose of Love which is giving.

I Am with you and this is the gift and the mystery. We are one life and we also have this tenderness, this relationship where you are constantly informed of your perfection and your ability to bring Love forth as the reality of an ever-expanding experience of God. Let your heart bring you this perfection Now, until your heart is so alive and so expansive that your ego, your mind is fully encompassed by it and then becomes the pure conduit of inspiration and the unfolding vision of the perfection I Am.

Let this breath be the beginning.

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