Tag: cloning (page 1 of 2)

Jurassic World of Genetically Modified Simulacra

Jay Dyer, GuestJurassic World is the sometime sequel to whatever the last Jurassic film was. InJurassic Park, a ill-conceived theme park based on genetic resurrecting of the dinosaur all-star team. Now, Hollywood shows it’s gone fully green in recycling the same plot for a new audience of zombieswith Frankensaurus Rex. While the JurassicPlot (that’s a joke) is only a sliver different from the first, this time around genetic modifica [...]

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Top Secret Government Programs That Your Not Supposed To Know About

Originally Posted at in5d.com The following is the alleged result of the actions of one or more scientists creating a covert, unauthorized notebook documenting their involvement with an Above Top Secret government program. Government publications and information obtained by the use of public tax monies cannot be subject to copyright. This document is released into the public domain for all citizens of the United States of America. THE ‘MAJIC PROJECTS’ SIGMA is the project whic [...]

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Galactic Federation of Light Matthew Ward April-11-2013

Matthew’s Message — April 11, 2013
APR 12 Thanks to Wes Annac: http://aquariusparadigm.com/2013/04/12/mattews-message-april-11-2013/

Original Link: http://www.matthewbooks.com/mattsmessage.htm

April 11, 2013

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Cobra: Victory of the Light


Sunday, April 15, 2012

Victory of the Light will happen with mathematical certainty. There is a law in hyperdimensional physics that is called syntropic inequation. It states that total entropy of the universe decreases with time...

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Pleiadian High Consuls "Just So You Know"


7 February 2012


3rd Dimensional Pleiadians: Two arms, two legs, body, head; the Pleiadian ears are somewhat lower than yours, but Pleiadians are so much genetically like you that they consider you to be t...

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Messages from Matthew Feb 1st 2012


With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. While many lightworkers are confidently awaiting the transitional steps toward Earth's Golden Age to reach fruition, others are marking time, so to say, until ...

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The Lyrans – Your Galactic Heritage


17 January 2012

Hello there friends & star family,

I would like to acknowledge my fellow Light Worker Carterb2424, for kindly providing me with the following information, which he received personally from renown...

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AA METATRON – Revisiting the Story of the Law of One in Atlantis – Part 1&2


13 October 2011

Channeler: James Tyberonn

Archangel Metatron Channel

The Energy of the 11-11-11 The Platinum Crystal of Bio-Plasmic Interface (Revisiting the Story of the Law of One in Atlantis) Part One of a Three S...

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Message from Matthew – February 13, 2011


With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. We are joyous for the triumphant Egyptians, just as we are for the citizens of Tunisia, and shall be for people in all countries where voices for freedom are raise...

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Interview with Philippe de la Messuziere


Dr Michael Wolf - Case Validation by Philippe de la Messuziere COMETA associate 2011

Neil Gould, founder of Exopolitics Hong Kong, Director of the Exopolitics Institute interviews French aristocrat Philippe de la Messuziere; frien...

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MATTHEW’S MESSAGE: January 15, 2011



Suzanne Ward

Tucson, AZ shooting; mass deaths of birds, fish; manmade weather; Wikileaks' effect; Haiti; pole shift; human cloning; soul contracts, multiple lifetimes; 2012/Golden Age misconceptions, reali...

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Military Use of Mind Control Weapons


Volume 5, Issue 6 October/November 1998 $25/6 issues/ 1 year 1998 Nexus New Times 888-909-7474 nexus@peg.apc.org -------------------------- EXCERPT: More in magazine. -------------------------- Military Use of Mind Control Weapons...

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Discovering the Oldest Man-made Structures on Earth.

A 10-part article by Michael Tellinger

June 2009

Part 1 of 10

Exposing the Lost City of ENKI
Scholars have told us that the first civilisation on Earth emerged between the rivers Tigris and Euphrates in a land called Sumer some 6000 years ago. Recent archaeological findings suggest that the Sumerians may have inherited some of their knowledge and symbolisms from an earlier civilisation that emerged many thousands of years earlier in southern Africa – the cradle of humankind. The constant references to southern Africa in the Sumerian texts as a ‘time before time’ leaves very little doubt that this was the case.
Why have we been so resistant to this information?
Is it our arrogance?
Or are we just scared of change?

The discovery of the oldest statue of the Hawk Head of Horus, about 260,000 years old; petroglyphs of winged disks with a cross, and two pyramids aligned to Adam’s Calendar and the rise of Orion, are forcing us to rewrite human history. Let us cast the dogma of our existing knowledge aside and embrace the new evidence.

Adam’s Calendar – Should actually  be called ENKI’s calendar. The flagship ruin at the centre of the largest and most mysterious ancient city on Earht.. The Sumerian tablets tell us that this was a special place of observation built by ENKI in the deep ABZU (South Africa) around 260,000 years ago. Before the ADAMU was created.
When I wrote and released ‘Slave Species of god’ I never realised the kind of impact it would have on people all over the world. I am quite overwhelmed to have received feedback from readers in over 20 countries, describing how it has changed their lives and allowed them to question without fear of being punished by some invisible old man in the sky. But the biggest surprise has been meeting Johan Heine at one of my talks which opened up the floodgates of the next phase of my research.
When Johan first introduced me to the ancient stone ruins of southern Africa, I had no idea of the incredible discoveries we would make in the year or two that followed. The photographs, artefacts and evidence we have accumulated points unquestionably to a lost and never-before-seen civilisation that predates all others – not by just a few hundred years, or a few thousand years… but many thousands of years. These discoveries are so staggering that they will not be easily digested by the mainstream historical and archaeological fraternity, as we have already experienced. It will require a complete paradigm shift in how we view our human history.
I see myself as a fairly open-minded chap but I will admit that it took me well over a year for the penny to drop, and for me to realise that we are actually dealing with the oldest structures ever built by humans on Earth.
The main reason for this is that we have been taught that nothing of significance has ever come from southern Africa. That the powerful civilisations all emerged in Sumeria and Egypt and other places. We are told that until the settlement of the BANTU people from the north, which was supposed to have started sometime in the 12th century AD, this part of the world was filled by hunter gatherers and so-called Bushmen, who did not make any major contributions in technology or civilisation.
Little did we realise that long before Egypt and long before Sumeria, there was a huge ancient city in what the Sumerian tablets call the ABZU (southern Africa). The lost and the first city of ENKI – the Sumerian deity and creator of humankind who was responsible for cloning the species we call Homo sapiens. ABZU is often incorrectly translated as “HELL” by those who grapple with the true meaning of mythology. This is far from the truth because the ABZU was simply known as the land below the equator, where the gold came from. Sumerian tablets tell us clearly that ENKI established a base in the ABZU (southern Africa). This base grew into a very large ancient city occupied by the early human slaves who toiled in the gold mines.
We believe we have now discovered this large city he created. At its peak it was larger than modern-day Johannesburg, covering over 20,000 square kilometres. It consists of well over 100,000 stone ruins still today. These were linked by ancient roads and places of work and worship. ENKI controlled his gold mining operations from here and the fortress of Great Zimbabwe was his headquarters. The evidence of gold mining is everywhere in this part of the world and not only do historic records point to this as being the first place that gold was extracted by humans, new scientific research is there to support it.
Our research has shown that the ancient ruins of South Africa and Zimbabwe go back to around 260,000 years the very first appearance of humans on Earth. I will take you on a journey of discovery as we experienced it over the past 2 years, since late 2007.

End of part 1.
Please click here to share my articles with your friends who you know will appreciate them.
Keep exploring – spread the word.
Michael Tellinger

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