Tag: christ self

Aspects of Self by Lord Melchizedek


Aspects of Self by Lord Melchizedek

Channelled through Natalie Glasson- 15-04-12

I shower you in abundant blessings from the Universal level and ask that at this moment you allow me to connect your energies with the Universal ...

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Message from Ascended Master, Allah Gobi Channeled by: Julie Miller March 26, 2012

Dear beloved children of our most blessed Heavenly Father; I come to speak to as many children that will listen from reading our message today....

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Love Each and Every Dear Person UNCONDITIONALLY


Message from Ascended Master, Paul the Venetian Channeled by: Julie Miller February 23, 2012

Dear children, none of you have to verbally affirm that you are devoted to trinity of the Divine Body, Father, Son and Holy Spirit w...

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Embrace Each Step with Gratitude


Message from Ascended Master, Saint Patrick Channeled by: Julie Miller February 13, 2012

Dear Hearts it pleases me to speak through our lovely vessel once again. It has been quite awhile since we last conversed. Allow the ful...

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The Inner Geometry of the Interlaced Triangles


12 January 2012

Teacher: Djwal Kul

~**~ My Beloved in Christ: Let us enter into the consciousness of the heart. "Draw nigh to me, and I will draw nigh to you" are the words of the Lord spoken w...

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Live within your Christ-Self


A Message from the Creator Channeled by: Julie Miller 8 September 2011

Welcome, my beautiful and beloved children, welcome! My heart is overflowing with love as I gather my thoughts to today’s discussion. It is I, the Cr...

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Golden Age Messages from the Masters


Golden Age Relationships Many of you are feeling that the world around you is falling apart and you want someone to be with you just in case things get worse. Your most important relationship is the one you have with your Presence f...

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Hilarion’s Weekly Message 2011, August 21-28, 2011


Beloved Ones,

Our hearts are full as we see each one of you valiantly go about your daily lives, striving to transcend the energies that swirl around you everywhere you turn. It requires a continued focus on the remembrance of who...

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Hilarion’s Weekly Message 2011, August 14-21, 2011

{mainvote} Beloved Ones,

In this now time, it is important for all to focus on the bringing in of greater Light upon this Planet. Try to make some time each day to affirm your willingness to be a transducer of the powerful and intense energies...

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Hilarion’s Weekly Message July 31 – August 6, 2011


Beloved Ones,

Life on the Earth plane begins to take on a faster pace than before. There will be many happenings that occur that will seem to be miraculous and hard to believe. As these events take place, remember to keep your equ...

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Hilarion’s Weekly Message 2011, June 19-26, 2011


Beloved Lightworkers,

Each of you are into the deep cleansing and purification of all remaining issues that have lain hidden and buried deeply within your subconscious minds, and a lot of these are issues that you thought had alre...

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The Super–Logic of the Heart!


4 April 2011

Mary Magdalene through Paschalis Kazakopoulos | Germany, 23 Mar. 11

Beloved lightworkers of God’s work, I welcome you in the arms of the Mother. Surrender now like you let a child in the arms of his mother....

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