Tag: child (page 3 of 14)

Law enforcement agencies will begin tracking animal abuse

    myfoxtampabay.comThe public sees or hears reports of animal abuse on a regular basis. But "all the time" is not a statistic. Crime statistics come from the Federal Bureau of Investigation's Uniform Crime Reporting Program, and sta...

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The Enlightenment Test

Enlightenment. The moment we consciously connect to eternal truth. It’s when we see through the veil of this illusionary world, rising above ego, time, materialism, and our own emotions to see the bigger picture—that we are all one. It’s what all gurus, spiritualists, yogis, Buddhists, monks, meditators, shamans, artists, writers, and religious leaders strive for. It’s the state Neo reached at the end of The Matrix, the level Dorothy attained so she could surpa [...]

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30 Life Changing Lessons to Learn from Thích Nhất Hạnh

Luminita Saviuc, Purpose FairyWhen I think of Thích Nhất Hạnh, words like – stillness, love, compassion, peace and oneness, come to mind. And even though these are some really beautiful and powerful words, they somehow can’t really express the beautiful, pure and loving feelings that I get from reading Thích Nhất Hạnh’s books and watching his beautiful videos.Thích Nhất Hạnh is someone who’s wor [...]

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Galactic Federation of Light~Morpheus June-17-2013

Morpheus June-17-2013
Beloved Masters,
Golden rays of light infiltrate your being as you are receiving this message, sending you divine love and spiritual connection. You are in alignment with the highest

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Archangel Haniel ~ Divine Mother 06-15,14,13-2013

Your Journey has Always been Touched by Synchronicity
Message from Archangel Haniel
Received by Julie Miller
June 15, 2013
Thanks to Wes Annac:http://aquariusparadigm.com/2013/06/15/julie-miller-archangel-haniel-your-journey-has-alwasy-been-touched-by-synchronicity/

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Heaven Letters June-03-2013

Be an Inspirer
Heavenletter #4574 Published on: June 3, 2013
Gloria Windroff

God said:
It’s good to accept life as it comes. Fighting life is pretty much a losing battle. Maybe

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Galactic Federation of Light Divine Mother May-30,31,June-01-2013

Be aware — The Divine Mother through Isabel Henn May 30, 2013
Posted on Mai 30, 2013 by Sirian Heaven

Notice what you think, my child. You run through your day and

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Divine Mother May-15-2013

Heaven Letters May-16-2013

Heavenletter #4556 Out of Bondage, May 16, 2013
Gloria Wendroff

God said:
Wrap a blanket of love around you from you. Bless yourself. Introduce yourself to yourself. Give

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Divine Mother May-08-2013

Heaven Letters May-09-2013

Heavenletter #4549 Hearts in the World, May 9, 2013
Gloria Wendroff

God said:
Let go of judging everything. Judging is often the same as reprimanding. Judging is often

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Divine Mother May-06-2013

Religion — The Divine Mother through Isabel Henn May 6, 2013

Don’t stick to your religions, my child. I have given you not one to be founded and

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Galactic Federation of Light Divine Mother May-04-2013

Come into my arms — The Divine Mother through Isabel Henn May 4, 2013
Posted on Mai 4, 2013 by Sirian Heaven

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