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Michael Teachings


The Michael teachings explore the spiritual philosophy of the mid-causal plane entity Michael, popularized in the best-selling book, "Messages from Michael" by Chelsea Quinn Yarbro.

The Mic...

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Day 3 – Find your center.

Today we meditate…

But, first let’s review what we did yesterday.  Total personal responsibility and cancelation of contracts, vows agreements, spells and curses is a HUGE step.  This declaration of your will allows for the energy to free up and provide much better access to your Soul.  Always continue to take these declarations deeper and deeper until they become a part of your being.  Consider for a moment what these words mean and you will begin to see just how powerful words can be.  Allow yourself to truly feel to the core of your being what is happening as a result of your declaration.

Stand Tall in the light that you are.  See yourself as a radiant being perfectly positioned in time and space to experience exactly what you need to learn and grow.  Allow the energy, right now in this moment to expand into your consciousness and be right here with it.  What is happening around you, in your world, that is important for you to see and understand?  Take total personal responsibility for all your thoughts, words and actions right now.  How will you be in this moment?

Powerful stuff...  In order to work with this energy, we need to still or quiet the mind.  The mind is an active place for those just beginning on the path, filled with notions that are rooted in the past.  Today commit to a practice of meditation.  This is a very personal practice and can take many forms, you will find what works for you.

Today, we begin very simply with the breath.  Deep breathing that trains our body to use our entire lungs for this very important bodily function.  Here we go...

Find a comfortable place, free from distractions.  Perhaps some soothing instrumental music, but stay away from lyrics, or an outdoor location with the sounds of nature as your background.  I recommend Heavenly Hygiene a shamanic mediation.  A sample can be listened to here.  Disconnect from the outside world, turn off cell phones, disable computer notifications, put up a sign on the door so other family members know to allow you some space...  Make sure you will be free from outside distractions for the entirety of the experience.

Are you ready?  Let's begin.  Sit comfortably on the floor or chair, keeping your head, neck and spine in vertical alignment.  Relax.  Start by bringing awareness to your breath.  Follow it.  See where it goes.  In your comfortable position just breathe normally for a few minutes.  Notice what your breath feels like.  Is it deep and full, sinking into your belly or shallow and light staying high in your chest?  Is it smooth, flowing freely or is it tight and constricted?  Are you breathing through your nose or mouth?  Take inventory of these sensations...

Anytime your awareness strays to something other than your breath, gently guide it back.  Beginning meditation can be fun and exciting if we let it.  Of course there is a thought stream and yes you will be distracted.  That is all part of the experience.  How do you feel now?  Are you peaceful and serene?  Happy and Joyful?  Frustrated with other things to do. What is that mind trying to tell you?

Begin to deepen your breath now, making a conscious effort to inhale deeply through your nose and allowing your belly to expand filling your lungs completely.  As that breath comes to it's fullest point without strain, relax and exhale through your mouth with pursed lips so there is a slight pressure and a "blowing" sound.  There is a great example on that sample track...  Cycle this breath now for a few minutes.  Again, keep your attention and focus on your breathing, gently guiding it back when it strays.

Visualize yourself in a peaceful and serene setting where all that is happening is stillness and breath.  See yourself in this place, smiling and bright.  See yourself just being in the beautiful moment, conscious, present and aware.  Continue this breath work for as long as you can breathing with the flow of the universe.  See yourself as the observer of the action, see the peace and tranquility that this practice is generating.  See your creation...

That's it...  Just sit quietly and breathe.  Try to do it for as long as you can sustain your focus.  Just breathe.  Our minds may try and tell us something very different... I must be doing something, it may say...  __________________...  Fill in the blank.  I know there will be a dialogue.  Your journaling tools are nearby, so get them and use them.  Tell the page what just happened.  What did you experience?  How did you Feel?  Were there physical sensations?  Was your thought stream clear?  These are all important signs to pay attention to.  Write them down now, immediately after your meditation.  Stay clear and present in the time after the meditation as additional things may come up.  Be present and aware and remember the experience.

Stillness is such an important component to this growth process.  It is something that we have a difficult time achieving as we have been run around so much in the external world.  Oftentimes we forget just how important it is to take the time to connect with our Higher Consciousness.  You have done so now in this moment.  Savor it and carry it with you today and always.

As your practice grows, your meditation will become yours.  You will find the right place, time and method that works for you.  Please share your experiences in comments or on the Heroes of the Now page on Facebook, as we are all in this together.  We can share, learn and grow from one another's experiences.  We are here now to help one another.

Right now commit to a daily mediation practice for yourself, for your freedom...

Love and Kindness,


Heroes of the Now

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Operating Outside of the System’s Protocol

During the past several weeks I have stepped into levels of understanding about the nature of creation, taking me even further outside the normal protocols of reality as experienced by collective consciousness. Such interception has a profound effect on every action in one’s life even the most mundane of everyday actions. This is all relative of course as we all experience a shift in our reality as we are impacted by the minutest change.   

This becomes interesting as others will express to you that they understand what you mean or what you are experiencing yet you know that they don’t. How can that be determined? For myself I determine the possibility that such a person truly understand my current position simply by an observation of their action, by their language, their belief system and their thought process. This does not mean however that their experience is disqualified or of less value than mine but it simply means that we are on two different wavelength of experience.

The content of upcoming lectures clearly expresses the direction of information unfolding within me at this time. Many continue to wonder how it is that I am able to access this information and my response is generally the same, “I do not have a lid on what the potentials are, I am not afraid to see what it is that we are or how we were designed”. Now I do know that a number of people will be quick to say that they too do not have a lid on creation nor are they afraid to discover what it is that we are but their actions and their responses tell me otherwise. While I may not be from this neck of the woods in terms of Earth as we know it to be I am here just like you and I know what my objectives are at this time in the game and that would be to continue to spread out into forever but from an ever expanding consciousness instead of a sleeper.  

The issue is that humans are afraid of being disqualified from being what they think they are, but what I am showing is that yes consciousness is the ultimate force in charge but these bodies and this experience is a construct ran by cycles which operate like computer programs. Our universe is a system of program streams written to provide a specific kind of outcome or experience. However this can all be overridden if we will allow ourselves to truly examine the truth of what we currently are and what we continue to be unless we awaken. The engineering of this reality construct and programs are relentless and are cleverly written so no matter how you attempt to transcend them they loop you into yet another simulation.

Now let me engage you further in the new realizations that have come about in my consciousness.  Humans fear the thought of being insignificant or not special so concepts outside of our comfort zone of indoctrinations are quickly tossed aside for more comforting concepts. However it is the discovery of the kinds of information that we shy away from that actually hold the key. Throughout all historical texts pertaining to spirituality or human existence it is noted that very few will find the door at any one time in any given cycle of evolution. This conclusion becomes more evident each day as people scramble to hold on the old beliefs inserted into their minds and within the overall human program by more aware forces both on the planet and outside of our planet’s terrain.  I

t is necessary to recognize that all that we create in the name of technology is mirrored from the engineering of our own construct as physical beings. We are also mirroring the design formula of the universal system and all inclusive systems known as planets; galaxies, solar systems etc. The entire procession operates based on cycles to which we are tied. These cycles are on a timer which creates a domino effect of cycles from beyond zero point right through to this third dimension. However these cycles are program streams no different than a computer program. We naturally want immediately imagine that this spiral of cycles descending from beyond zero point is the totality of all creation; it is not! It is simply a separate program stream directly related to a specified reality with its own unique protocols. That program stream is coded based on a “what if” blueprint for a human being! Not every experience in core consciousness involves the model of a human being or the human experience. Therefore humans are generated from a specific set of programs. Who generates these programs? Well this is where system lords/engineers come into play or system architects. These are simply aspects of core consciousness operating at various levels of the descending program stream. They operate based on the original imagination of the “what if” consciousness; the processing of potentials and possibilities endlessly exploring itself.

Remember that all that exist are concepts.  The idea of a ruling God is derived from these engineers/architects. They however maintain their position while incorporating aspects of their consciousness into this experience we call the third dimension. These are the life forms on the planet we call human beings; the you and the me along with all forms of life on the planet including the planet itself!

In steps our obsession with Ascended Masters and guides. They are all programs coded into the general experience of the planet. Not only are they a program construct but they were incorporated during a certain cyclic shift in human evolution as watchers/guardians and regulators of reality as perceived by humans. Once humans made their way onto the planet operating from a diminished mindset in these physical bodies some thought it essential to position certain archetypes into the game experience. So we were wired/programmed with the savior/lord and master/god program which we hold dearly to at this time. This is perhaps the most limiting program designed for a human being. Next came the death program to which humans are wired.

Although these bodies are robotic and designed with a deeply rooted set of programs they can be overridden however the programming is so deeply rooted that one looks forward to an expiration at the end of a determined cycle. With the aid of much of these programmed inserts to which humans look for guidance in the past 15-20 years humans have been more strongly encouraged to look forward to the afterlife. A sudden surge of near death experiences were wired into the experience no different than the countless themes that have come and gone in these cyclic processions. Humans are more confident than ever that they should go towards the light. What is the light? This is another space of existence that one’s consciousness is ushered into. There was a surge of books and experiences by those having near death experiences and going towards the light, this allowed them to return and encourage others that it’s ok…it feels really good…go ahead and “expire”.

Well once again in this shrewd game with all of its trickery and twists and turns humans do not exist long enough in their bodies to override a certain set of programs which have their own expiration dates if only we could hang on long enough to acquire enough memory/knowledge. It is why you must “expire” so soon for this disallows you to discover more of what you can be. I will not bombard this article with the science to support my conclusions but I hope to share that aspect in upcoming lectures.

There are some that will disqualify what I am presenting and that is ok…you see the system counts on the fact that the majority will disregard this truth but I am providing it none the less for those who will recognize what it is that I am sharing; those who will find a resonance. Again you may ask how do I know these things, I will tell you this much I have not acquired this knowledge from channeling any external forces but rather from a place within me that maintains an aware existence in all potentials and in all pockets of that which exists and that which does not exist. I am technically no different than anyone. This is what I share with you and perhaps it is your time to move about in a more profound manner.

This kind of unfolding knowledge which I have touched on is not doubt shifting my life to OPERATING OUTSIDE OF THE SYSTEM’S PROTOCOL. This is challenging as things crumble around you yet you cannot reach for the same solutions for those solutions are only associated with who you were prior to this heightened level of understanding. So what do you do when your world seems to fall apart around you, well this is where you begin to reflect on the new knowledge and hold stead fast to knowing that you are becoming even more of a magician. You begin to recognize that you are entering a new field of thought and with that occurring a new reality must be created, new people, new concepts a new life. Is there fear? Yes because you are wondering into uncharted territory and it does not matter how many times you may have experienced a shift they are all different and where you end up will hopefully be different than the old patterns you left behind.

Although you will continue to observe the outer world the emotional impact of these disasters and survival displays and the general motion of the world is seen, felt and experienced differently. You do not pray for peace and you do not pray for unity but instead you see a reality/people that/who do not need to be saved but rather to be given compassion if that is felt and honor them for their bravery in being part of such an experience. We all graduate from many levels of experiences but we simply do not all discover the door at the same time. This is simply the nature of the game. I know that there are many preaching about humanity moving collectively towards a brighter day…well again this is all based on perception so there will be collective shifts into various constructs and concepts of existence and none will be the wiser as to their advancements or setbacks. Yes that’s the nature of the game, wherever you lay your hat is truly your home so why would you question anything. What I have learned is that you keep moving…moving in unlimited awareness, no limiting belief systems, no ritualistic practices that keep you trapped for years without you adding dimension to those practices.

I do hope that I was able to bring a bit more clarity to the direction of information that I will be presenting as I gain even more insight into an even more profound level of awareness yet to come.

©2010 Sonia Barrett

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Andromeda, feels like home to me…..

Andromeda Galaxy

The Andromeda Galaxy, also known as Messier 31, M31, or NGC 224; often referred to as the Great Andromeda Nebula in older texts, is a spiral galaxy approximately 2,500,000 light-years away in the constellation Andromeda.

It is the nearest spiral galaxy to our own, the Milky Way. As it is visible as a faint smudge on a moonless night, it is one of the farthest objects visible to the naked eye, and can be seen even from urban areas with binoculars. It is named after the princess Andromeda in Greek mythology.

Andromeda is the largest galaxy of the Local Group, which consists of the Andromeda Galaxy, the Milky Way Galaxy, the Triangulum Galaxy, and about 30 other smaller galaxies. Although the largest, Andromeda may not be the most massive, as recent findings suggest that the Milky Way contains more dark matter and may be the most massive in the grouping.

The 2006 observations by the Spitzer Space Telescope revealed that M31 contains one trillion (1012) stars, several times more than the number of stars in our own galaxy, which is estimated to be c. 200-400 billion.

While the 2006 estimates put the mass of the Milky Way to be ~80% of the mass of Andromeda, which is estimated to be 7.1 X 1011 solar masses, a 2009 study concluded that Andromeda and the Milky Way are about equal in mass.

At an apparent magnitude of 3.4, the Andromeda Galaxy is notable for being one of the brightest Messier objects, making it easily visible to the naked eye even when viewed from areas with moderate light pollution. Although it appears more than six times as wide as the full moon when photographed through a larger telescope, only the brighter central region is visible with the naked eye.

Observation History

The earliest recorded observation of the Andromeda Galaxy was in 964 CE by the Persian astronomer, Abd al-Rahman al-Sufi (Azophi), who described it as a "small cloud" in his Book of Fixed Stars. Other star charts of that period have it labeled as the Little Cloud.

The first description of the object based on telescopic observation was given by Simon Marius in 1612.

Charles Messier catalogued it as object M31 in 1764 and incorrectly credited Marius as the discoverer, unaware of Al Sufi's earlier work.

In 1785, the astronomer William Herschel noted a faint reddish hue in the core region of the M31. He believed it to be the nearest of all the "great nebulae" and, based on the color and magnitude of the nebula, he incorrectly guessed that it was no more than 2,000 times the distance of Sirius.

William Huggins in 1864 observed the spectrum of M31 and noted that it differed from a gaseous nebula. The spectra of M31 displayed a continuum of frequencies, superimposed with dark absorption lines that help identify the chemical composition of an object. The Andromeda nebula was very similar to the spectra of individual stars, and from this it was deduced that M31 had a stellar nature.

In 1885, a supernova (known as "S Andromedae") was seen in M31, the first and so far only one observed in that galaxy. At the time M31 was considered to be a nearby object, so the cause was thought to be a much less luminous and unrelated event called a nova, and was named accordingly "Nova 1885".

The first photographs of M31 were taken in 1887 by Isaac Roberts from his private observatory in Sussex, England. The long-duration exposure allowed the spiral structure of the galaxy to be seen for the first time. However, at the time this object was commonly believed to be a nebula within our galaxy, and Roberts mistakenly believed that M31 and similar spiral nebulae were actually solar systems being formed, with the satellites nascent planets.

The radial velocity of this object with respect to our solar system was measured in 1912 by Vesto Slipher at the Lowell Observatory, using spectroscopy. The result was the largest velocity recorded at that time, at 300 kilometres per second (190 mi/s), moving in the direction of the Sun.

Island Universe

In 1917, Heber Curtis observed a nova within M31. Searching the photographic record, 11 more novae were discovered. Curtis noticed that these novae were, on average, 10 magnitudes fainter than those that occurred within our Galaxy. As a result he was able to come up with a distance estimate of 500,000 light-years (3.2X1010 AU). He became a proponent of the so-called "island universes" hypothesis, which held that spiral nebulae were actually independent galaxies.

In 1920 the Great Debate between Harlow Shapley and Heber Curtis took place, concerning the nature of the Milky Way, spiral nebulae, and the dimensions of the universe. To support his claim that Great Andromeda Nebula (M31) was an external galaxy, Curtis also noted the appearance of dark lanes resembling the dust clouds in our own Galaxy, as well as the significant Doppler shift.

In 1922 Ernst Opik presented a very elegant and simple astrophysical method to estimate the distance of M31, his result (450 kpc (1,500 kly)) put Andromeda Nebula far outside our Galaxy.

Edwin Hubble settled the debate in 1925 when he identified extragalactic Cepheid variable stars for the first time on astronomical photos of M31. These were made using the 2.5 metres (98 in) Hooker telescope, and they enabled the distance of Great Andromeda Nebula to be determined. His measurement demonstrated conclusively that this feature was not a cluster of stars and gas within our Galaxy, but an entirely separate galaxy located a significant distance from our own.

Andromeda plays an important role in galactic studies, since it is the nearest spiral galaxy (although not the nearest galaxy).

In 1943, Walter Baade was the first person to resolve stars in the central region of the Andromeda Galaxy. Based on his observations of this galaxy, he was able to discern two distinct populations of stars based on their metallicity, naming the young, high velocity stars in the disk Type I and the older, red stars in the bulge Type II. This nomenclature was subsequently adopted for stars within the Milky Way, and elsewhere. (The existence of two distinct populations had been noted earlier by Jan Oort.) Dr. Baade also discovered that there were two types of Cepheid variables, which resulted in a doubling of the distance estimate to M31, as well as the remainder of the Universe.

Radio emission from the Andromeda Galaxy was first detected by Grote Reber in 1940. The first radio maps of the galaxy were made in the 1950s by John Baldwin and collaborators at the Cambridge Radio Astronomy Group. The core of the Andromeda Galaxy is called 2C 56 in the 2C radio astronomy catalogue.

In 2009, the first planet may have been discovered in the Andromeda Galaxy. This candidate was detected using a technique called microlensing, which is caused by the deflection of light by a massive object.


Based on its appearance in visible light, the Andromeda galaxy is classified as an SA(s)b galaxy in the de Vaucouleurs-Sandage extended classification system of spiral galaxies. However, data from the 2MASS survey showed that the bulge of M31 has a box-like appearance, which implies that the galaxy is actually a barred galaxy with the bar viewed almost directly along its long axis.

In 2005, astronomers used the Keck telescopes to show that the tenuous sprinkle of stars extending outward from the galaxy is actually part of the main disk itself. This means that the spiral disk of stars in Andromeda is three times larger in diameter than previously estimated. This constitutes evidence that there is a vast, extended stellar disk that makes the galaxy more than 220,000 light-years (67,000 pc) in diameter. Previously, estimates of Andromeda's size ranged from 70,000 to 120,000 light-years (21,000 to 37,000 pc) across.

The galaxy is inclined an estimated 77° relative to the Earth (where an angle of 90° would be viewed directly from the side). Analysis of the cross-sectional shape of the galaxy appears to demonstrate a pronounced, S-shaped warp, rather than just a flat disk. A possible cause of such a warp could be gravitational interaction with the satellite galaxies near M31. The galaxy M33 could be responsible for some warp in M31's arms, though more precise distances and radial velocities are required.

Spectroscopic studies have provided detailed measurements of the rotational velocity of M31 at various radii from the core. In the vicinity of the core, the rotational velocity climbs to a peak of 225 kilometres per second (140 mi/s) at a radius of 1,300 light-years (82,000,000 AU) light-years, then descends to a minimum at 7,000 light-years (440,000,000 AU) where the rotation velocity may be as low as 50 kilometres per second (31 mi/s).

Thereafter the velocity steadily climbs again out to a radius of 33,000 light-years (2.1x109 AU), where it reaches a peak of 250 kilometres per second (160 mi/s). The velocities slowly decline beyond that distance, dropping to around 200 kilometres per second (120 mi/s) at 80,000 light-years (5.1x109 AU). These velocity measurements imply a concentrated mass of about 6 x 109 M in the nucleus. The total mass of the galaxy increases linearly out to 45,000 light-years (2.8 x109 AU), then more slowly beyond that radius.

The spiral arms of Andromeda are outlined by a series of H II regions that Baade described as resembling "beads on a string". They appear to be tightly wound, although they are more widely spaced than in our galaxy.

Rectified images of the galaxy show a fairly normal spiral galaxy with the arms wound up in a clockwise direction. There are two continuous trailing arms that are separated from each other by a minimum of about 13,000 light-years (8.2E+8 AU). These can be followed outward from a distance of roughly 1,600 light-years (100,000,000 AU) from the core. The most likely cause of the spiral pattern is thought to be interaction with M32. This can be seen by the displacement of the neutral hydrogen clouds from the stars.

In 1998, images from the European Space Agency's Infrared Space Observatory demonstrated that the overall form of the Andromeda galaxy may be transitioning into a ring galaxy. The gas and dust within Andromeda is generally formed into several overlapping rings, with a particularly prominent ring formed at a radius of 32,000 light-years (2.0x109 AU) from the core. This ring is hidden from visible light images of the galaxy because it is composed primarily of cold dust.

Close examination of the inner region of Andromeda showed a smaller dust ring that is believed to have been caused by the interaction with M32 more than 200 million years ago. Simulations show that the smaller galaxy passed through the disk of Andromeda along the latter's polar axis. This collision stripped more than half the mass from the smaller M32 and created the ring structures in Andromeda.

Studies of the extended halo of M31 show that it is roughly comparable to that of the Milky Way, with stars in the halo being generally "metal-poor", and increasingly so with greater distance. This evidence indicates that the two galaxies have followed similar evolutionary paths. They are likely to have accreted and assimilated about 1-200 low-mass galaxies during the past 12 billion years. The stars in the extended halos of M31 and the Milky Way may extend nearly one third the distance separating the two galaxies.


M31 is known to harbor a dense and compact star cluster at its very center. In a large telescope it creates a visual impression of a star embedded in the more diffuse surrounding bulge. The luminosity of the nucleus is in excess of the most luminous globular clusters.

In 1991 Tod R. Lauer used WFPC, then on board the Hubble Space Telescope, to image Andromeda's inner nucleus. The nucleus consists of two concentrations separated by 1.5 parsecs (4.9 ly). The brighter concentration, designated as P1, is offset from the center of the galaxy. The dimmer concentration, P2, falls at the true center of the galaxy and contains a 3-5x107 M black hole.

Scott Tremaine has proposed that the observed double nucleus could be explained if P1 is the projection of a disk of stars in an eccentric orbit around the central black hole. The eccentricity is such that stars linger at the orbital apocenter, creating a concentration of stars. P2 also contains a compact disk of hot, spectral class A stars. The A stars are not evident in redder filters, but in blue and ultraviolet light they dominate the nucleus, causing P2 to appear more prominent than P1.

While at the initial time of its discovery it was hypothesized that the brighter portion of the double nucleus was the remnant of a small galaxy "cannibalized" by Andromeda, this is no longer considered to be a viable explanation. The primary reason is that such a nucleus would have an exceedingly short lifetime due to tidal disruption by the central black hole. While this could be partially resolved if P1 had its own black hole to stabilize it, the distribution of stars in P1 does not suggest that there is a black hole at its center.

Artist's concept of Andromeda galaxy core showing a view across a

mysterious disk of young, blue stars encircling a supermassive black hole.

Discrete Sources

Multiple X-ray sources have been detected in the Andromeda Galaxy, using observations from the ESA's XMM-Newton orbiting observatory. Robin Barnard et al. hypothesized that these are candidate black holes or neutron stars, which are heating incoming gas to millions of kelvins and emitting X-rays. The spectrum of the neutron stars is the same as the hypothesized black holes, but can be distinguished by their masses.

There are approximately 460 globular clusters associated with the Andromeda galaxy. The most massive of these clusters, identified as Mayall II, nicknamed Globular One, has a greater luminosity than any other known globular cluster in the local group of galaxies.

It contains several million stars, and is about twice as luminous as Omega Centauri, the brightest known globular cluster in the Milky Way. Globular One (or G1) has several stellar populations and a structure too massive for an ordinary globular. As a result, some consider G1 to be the remnant core of a dwarf galaxy that was consumed by M31 in the distant past. The globular with the greatest apparent brightness is G76 which is located in the south-west arm's eastern half.

In 2005, astronomers discovered a completely new type of star cluster in M31. The new-found clusters contain hundreds of thousands of stars, a similar number of stars that can be found in globular clusters. What distinguishes them from the globular clusters is that they are much larger ­ several hundred light-years across ­ and hundreds of times less dense. The distances between the stars are, therefore, much greater within the newly discovered extended clusters.

Future Collision of the Milky Way with Andromeda

The Andromeda Galaxy is approaching the Sun at about 100 to 140 kilometres per second (62 to 87 mi/s),[56] so it is one of the few blue shifted galaxies. The Andromeda Galaxy and the Milky Way are thus expected to collide in perhaps 2.5 billion years, although the details are uncertain since Andromeda's tangential velocity with respect to the Milky Way is only known to within about a factor of two.

A likely outcome of the collision is that the galaxies will merge to form a giant elliptical galaxy. Such events are frequent among the galaxies in galaxy groups. The fate of the Earth and the Solar System in the event of a collision are presently unknown. If the galaxies do not merge, there is a small chance that the Solar System could be ejected from the Milky Way or join Andromeda.

Andromeda's Satellite Galaxies  Wikipedia
Like the Milky Way, Andromeda Galaxy has satellite galaxies, consisting of 14 known dwarf galaxies.

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2010 Spring Equinox: Saturday, March 20

Channeler: Barbara Hand Clow

see chart:

The Spring Equinox has arrived, the beginning of the solar year in the Northern Latitudes. It is time to decide what you want to create this year, and then use manifestation to empower these ideas. If you want to have an ordered intentional life, choose your projects in the spring, deepen this work during summer, and then balance these creations with the other aspects of your life during fall. From the Winter Solstice until spring, we naturally fall into deep contemplation about what we are creating in the world. If you live this way, you will find yourself moving into attunement with Nature.

Since Christmas 2009, many of you have let go of old judgments and sureties about what you want to do with your life. Now, you are pristine, you are a fertile field for new intentions. This is especially true this spring because Mars went direct in Leo a few weeks before the ingress of the Sun into Aries. This "popped" many hidden things into the light that will be cleared away, which will make space for new ideas.

When the Sun moves into Aries, the potential for manifesting new realities is always very powerful. Whatever you intend during the Spring Equinox tends to happen easily and forcefully. And, whatever is in your mind tends to happen without you even intending it, so it is wise to be very clear about what you are thinking about right now. Sort out what you'd really like to be involved in this year, now that you are emerging from deep winter contemplation. You are an empty wineskin waiting to be filled. Our ancient ancestors discovered that they could create almost anything by using the powers if the Spring Equinox. In modern times the Easter Bunny and/or the Resurrection draws our attention away from this opportunity. Meanwhile, choosing three things you want to create during the Spring Equinox really works! So, begin a few days before spring actually arrives by making your list of three and have them ready for meditation.

About fifteen minutes before the solar entry into Aries, sit alone or in a circle with friends, and then bring out your list. Writing things down ahead of the time is a good idea. My favorite manifestation technique is described in detail in The Alchemy of Nine Dimensions on pages 131-32 of the first edition and pages 133-34 in the newly-released second edition. Here is a quick summary: Beginning with the first intention you think you want to create, read it, then close your eyes and imagine yourself actually having it; feel what this would be like. Then say to yourself, "If I could have it, would I take it?" You may be surprised to discover that sometimes you don't want something, while knowing what you do want clears your head. If you honestly can answer yes to having this thing, then go on and manifest it. Otherwise, drop the idea.

With your wish in mind, do three visualizations of scenes that portray this creation actually happening in your life. Never include people who might make this possible for you because that is influencing others, or conjuring. First of all, it doesn't work, and secondly, you are interfering with others. As you visualize each scene, see each image in front of your third eye. Once it is clearly visible in your third eye, transfer this picture to the back of your skull right above the top of your spine (medulla oblongata), and see your medulla as a television screen and transfer the image onto it. See it as clearly as possible, make it crackle, and then go right to work on the next scene. Once you've visualized all three scenes, say, "So be it!" Then use the same visualization process with the two other things on your list. Put your list away somewhere for reference during the year. I have a special box for mine.

You may also want to have the Spring Equinox chart and this reading with you during the Equinox meditation. For some people, understanding the quality of the energy that exists enhances their manifestation powers. The Spring Equinox chart describes an energy field that will have great influence over the next three months, leading up to the Summer Solstice. First a creational field sets into the planet during the Equinox, and then it just keeps on developing and recalibrating during the three New Moons that follow. Nature invents new worlds during the spring, so by manifesting things at this time, you are putting in your "order" on the hot list, so to speak. Most people who use this technique for a few years are shocked by how successful it is. So, watch out for what you ask for!

This year's Spring Equinox is very formative, because Mercury/Sun in Aries conjuncts Uranus in Pisces and opposes Saturn in Libra. And, Pluto in Capricorn forms the head of a T-square to this intense opposition of four planets. The energy intensity is the strongest between the close opposition of the Equinox Sun to Saturn in 1 degrees of Libra. Saturn retrograde in Libra is pulling away from its exact square to Pluto on January 31, and its final square will be on August 21. There is also a very close square to Pluto from Mercury in Aries, which locks in the intensity of this T-square and accentuates the developments inspired by the great Saturn/Pluto squares.

This means spring 2010 will be a tense, combative, change-oriented time that will shift many entrenched realities. I will discuss a few specific issues that suddenly popped into the limelight when Mars went direct. In my reading for the Pisces New Moon (March 15), I noted that recent earth changes are going to pressure our species to stop wasting precious resources in warfare, because so many people on the planet are suffering calamities. Well, this Equinox T-square is going to push relentlessly for the end to this profligate waste.

Saturn-square-Pluto was very close together from November until now, and it is only moving apart for a little while this spring. The current T-square involving five planets (Mercury/Sun/Uranus/Saturn/Pluto) locks in the influence of Saturn-square-Pluto all the way through the spring season. Saturn in Libra (October 2009-October 2012) pushes Pluto in Capricorn's struggle to transform economic and societal structures into a balancing mode. Regardless of Saturn's struggle for harmony, the Sun in 0 Aries demands we just get the job done. This Equinox is going to be characterized by a resounding scream for action, deep change, and new pathways, a shift that already started when Mars went direct on March 10. This process actually began when Pluto went into Capricorn in 2008, and then it deepened during the first Saturn/Pluto square in November 2009. Systems that have been tottering are going to crash, such as the Catholic Church under the pressure of clerical sexual scandals, and the many countries that are threatened with economic collapses. Mercury in Aries ahead of the Equinox Sun suggests that many people know exactly what is going on, and they are fostering these collapses because they seek new ways to create what they want in our world. Uranus in late Pisces just before the Aries Sun means that the spiritual awakening of Uranus in Pisces (2003-2011) is culminating this spring. Just imagine how new spiritual pathways will open when Uranus goes into Aries during Spring Equinox 2011!

This great T-square heralds a great crisis in consciousness that can shake up dysfunctional systems. The Galactic Underworld time acceleration (1999-2011) has been exposing many of the abusive systems that have been used to manipulate people, such as medicine-for-profit. The Roman Catholic Church has manipulated people for two thousand years, but now the priestly sexual-abuse scandals are penetrating the Vatican and rocking the Petrine throne. Clerical sexual-abuse scandals and huge payments to the victims have been weakening the American Catholic Church for more than twenty years. In the last few years, Ireland has been rocked by 15,000 abuse complaints. In Germany, the Vatican has been on the defensive since 170 former students of Catholic schools came forward with abuse claims in Church-run orphanages and schools.

Bishop Giuseppi Versaldi of the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome announced that the Pope has been "a vigilant shepherd of his flock decisively denouncing the filth in the priesthood." Strangely, on March 13, just after Mars went direct, the Munich archdiocese reported that when he was the Cardinal Archbishop of Munich, Joseph Ratzinger (now called Benedict) had approved therapy for a priest known to be an abuser in the 1980s. Then Ratzinger transferred the pedophile to Upper Bavaria, where he was soon convicted for abusing minors. Ratzinger knew this priest was an abuser, yet he allowed him to continue in his ministry. Some writers, such as John Clooney, are already saying that Ratzinger's position as Supreme Pontif could become untenable. These transits are tearing up institutions that have been controlling human access to divine consciousness for too long.

The Equinox Moon gives us a reading for the condition of the public mind. The Moon in 26 Taurus is in a tight square to Chiron/Neptune. Stolid Moon in Taurus tells us that our spiritual healing crisis, inspired by the long-lasting Chiron/Neptune conjunctions in Aquarius, is coming to a head this spring. The great wise bull has the depth and patience to cry "Enough!" The public is not going to be patient with platitudes and procrastinations now; they will demand that heads will roll. The Moon in Taurus trining Saturn in Libra means that our feelings will be strong and confident this spring. Simply put, the public is going to be demanding and irate, and they are going to throw off their oppressors.

Newly-direct Mars in Leo is the real key to the spring because it aspects so many other planets, like a musician playing all the octaves. Mars closely trines the Sun going into Aries, a very benefic influence this spring. As each one of us strives to do things in new ways, Mars trining the Equinox Sun will give us strength and will power, a clear sense of direction, and the ability to just put ourselves into first gear. Saturn in Libra closely sextiles Mars in Leo, so we will have harmonic structural support when we use our will power to get what we want. Mars in Leo also sextiles the Moon in Taurus, which means we will be emotionally stable while undertaking difficult things. Pluto in Capricorn is quincunx to Mars in Leo during the Equinox. This firey and earthy quincunx is exact in mid-April, and then Pluto goes retrograde until mid-September, right before the Fall Equinox. While we consider the deep structural changes inspired by Pluto, Mars in Leo will nudge and push us to get involved in these processes. People will tend to just charge forward in spite of any obstacles because retrograde Pluto in early Capricorn will be constantly reminding them it is time to change.

When Mars went direct on March 10, all kinds of blocked processes began releasing, such as the Arab/Israeli stalemate. Just when Vice President Joe Biden completed talks with the Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, Israel announced they were building 1600 more homes for Jews in East Jerusalem on Palestinian land. This was a slap in the face to official American policy, as well as an act of utter rudeness. Biden responded to this insulting behavior by arriving at a state dinner with Premier Netanyahu ninety minutes late, a radical way to show displeasure in the Middle East. As I write this file, Hillary Clinton is being very vocal about this insult to America, while the media calls it the "New Chill". Well, if the United States changes its policy toward the Israelis, it would influence all policy in the Middle East; this Spring Equinox chart predicts such great changes.

Perhaps women like Hillary Clinton will be able to cause change this spring. Venus in 16 Aries squares the lunar North Node in 18 Capricorn and the South Node in 18 Cancer. When the nodes are in Capricorn/Cancer (August 2009 through March 2011), we are inspired to construct new structures and systems that work for us by letting go of old security and nurturance. We are in the middle of this process, and Venus in Aries squaring the lunar nodes suggests a karmic crisis this spring over the role of women and power in society. As we come to the end of the Mayan Calendar and as the National and Planetary structures are falling, the patriarchy that created them also must go, yet many men just don't know how to change. Women need to assume more power this spring to function as guides while these structures fall away.

Jupiter in Pisces is not aspected during the Spring Equinox, which means its spiritual and tectonic force is weak this spring. Perhaps, and I am only speculating, religious tension will calm this spring, and certainly the tectonic factor needs calming. I wrote a lot about the high level of earthquakes in the Pisces New Moon reading, and the quakes are continuing with a 6.6 quake in Japan on March 13. I am very concerned about these quakes, and I am sure you are too. So, I'd like to end this reading with a very funny commentary on my favorite subject, sex.

A report on sex and aging from the British Medical Journal was released on March 10, just when Mars went direct, so the information in this report is very relevant. I want to report on it here because the global-elite-run media will probably be directed to not discuss it. It contains some very damaging information about the use of recreational sex drugs, such as Viagra and Cialis. It caught my eye because there has been almost no discussion about what is really going on with these drugs since they were introduced in 1998 (Galactic Underworld stimulants!). Yet, these drugs are widely advertised in seductive ways, causing doctors to hand them out like candy, yet there are no public studies of how they affect health.

The researchers found that men tend to be sexually active until they hit 70 and women until they are 66. For those women who were sexually active at age 75-85, only half reported their sex lives were "good", yet men had more favorable reports. There are obviously many ways to interpret these findings, but several things really stand out for me. First of all, many women end up being single after they are 60 because they lose their partners to death or younger women. Meanwhile, many men want to keep themselves sexually active, especially if they have younger partners. Erectile dysfunction (ED) drugs have really changed the playing field since 1998 by creating a sexual renaissance during the Galactic Underworld. Yippie!

But, there is a dark side to all this fun between the sheets-heart attacks for older men, not to mention trips to the chiropractor! In Switzerland, a country that tends to take responsibility for its citizens, brothels are being required to train their prostitutes to use defibrillators to help prevent clients from dying in the throes of passion! Well, here is my issue: Practitioners of alternative medicine are forbidden to prescribe many substances and to use alternative techniques because somebody might get hurt. Yet, the truth about the real dangers of ED drugs is suppressed. How many men are having heart attacks while using these drugs? Since this is often embarrassing for families, the old guy just gets sent quietly off to the undertaker. Big Pharma doesn't want to lose profits and maybe some elderly old men just want to blow themselves away in bed? The problem is, men and women who might benefit from ED drugs have no way to evaluate their safety, and should not use them until the truth is told. Maybe nobody is paying attention, since they are the only legal way to commit suicide right now? With that happy thought, let me wish you a happy spring!

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Pisces New Moon: March 15, 2010

Channeler:Barbara Hand Clow

see chart:http://www.handclow2012.com/newmoon.htm

It is the New Moon in Pisces, the time to evaluate access to the spiritual worlds. This urge is very intense now because Chiron was conjunct Neptune during the previous New Moon in Aquarius; this released a piercing wave of pain that caused many people to feel profound separation from the divine. After a century of war and scientism and the recent accelerated takeover by technology, the spiritual worlds have mostly been forgotten. However, spiritual contact and communication are the only source of true happiness and joy, the only source of consolation amidst the sadness and pain of life. There is no meaning in life without sharing spirit's joy, so with this Pisces New Moon, we need to awaken just before the Sun blasts into don't-look-back Aries during the Spring Equinox. This New Moon is especially compelling with five planets in Pisces, four of them very close together. Retrograde Saturn in early Libra opposes the group in late Pisces, a hard and unavoidable reminder of how much we need balance now.

During last month's Aquarian cycle, Earth began to vibrate in a new way. This process began during the January 12 Haiti quake a few days before the Solar Eclipse in Capricorn. Energy flows intensified during the Aquarian cycle that culminated during the February 28 Full Moon, when Jupiter was conjunct the Sun in Pisces opposing the Full Moon in Virgo. Just before this Jupiterian Full Moon, on February 26, there was a 7.0 quake under the sea south of Japan, and the Canadian, American, and South American west coasts were put under tsunami alerts. On February 27, the Chilean plate released an 8.8 magnitude mega-quake just before the Full Moon, just when Mercury came to Chiron/Neptune in 27 Aquarius. During the Full Moon, the area affected by the 8.8 quake south of Santiago shook and rolled. On March 4, there was another strong quake near Japan as well as a 6.6 quake north of Santiago, which was not an aftershock for the 8.8 quake. On March 5, a 6.5 quake occurred off the coast of Sumatra, and on March 8 there was a pre-dawn 6.1 quake in Eastern Turkey. Rumors abound that the American HAARP project is being used to trigger earthquakes, just when a consortium of doctrinaire geologists put out an announcement that there is no more tectonic activity than usual. [BS!] Whoever or whatever is causing this shaking, our species is on alert.

Wild and chaotic weather was also in the news during the previous lunation: England and France suffered horrible winter storms; the Baltic Sea was choked with ice that trapped ships; the canals in Amsterdam froze and people skated through the city; record setting blizzards shut down the Eastern US and many airports; the island of Madeira suffered catastrophic floods; and three "super waves" on the Mediterranean nearly capsized a cruise boat. Nature is awakening our planet with new waves of energy, which are also stirring up subconscious fears. These great earth changes are awakening our connections to divine levels because our highest levels of emotions are spiritual; we need to be in touch with our souls during these challenging times.

Bringing time acceleration into the discussion, we should not be surprised that earth changes are intensifying right now. Here we are in Night Six of the Galactic Underworld (November 7, 2009, to November 2, 2010). Our current moment corresponds to Night Six of the Regional Underworld (13,800 through 5900 BC), a time of constant cataclysms that peaked in 9500 BC. The real story of the past 100,000 years has been strangely withheld from the public, so these hidden memories are stirring up deep subconscious fears in our minds. [See Catastrophobia, and pages 76-80 of The Mayan Code, by Clow.] Many people are suffering with an unnamed, hideous, inner terror right now, as if they can hear boards creak under the feet of a creepy killer lurking in the basement. But, we are different now, and the current changes offer new things for us to learn. I think we are being prodded to reprioritize how we handle pain, which may finally push our species to realize it is an obscenity to engage in warfare amidst great natural disasters. Casualties and injuries overwhelm medical systems, and whole societies can't even care for their own citizens because the resources go to warfare.

This Pisces New Moon heralds a great spiritual crisis for our species, and the earth changes are a sign of what is coming. The whole Aquarian lunation with Chiron conjunct Neptune ripped open hidden wounds lurking within our denied shadows; many people wonder if they even want to be alive. I seek a new vision for how we can live in joy and trust, as James Cameron did for us in his blockbuster film, Avatar. We must remember our traumatic past in order to remove our quarantine from the rest of the universe.

It is possible to plan how to handle these great changes; and as they build and build, we will. Weak politicians who procrastinate all day waiting for the cocktail hour disgust everyone, now that we are in such dire times. For example, the weather in the northern latitudes may indicate that the warm ocean currents that temper the Eastern US and Western Europe are slowing down and getting ready to stop. Yet, all we hear is that El Niño and/or global warming is the cause, while the new carbon-credit millionaires pocket the sales. These issues are coming up now because: 1) the New Moon chart and Night Six call for our attention to them, and 2) because the most intense reckoning period will be during May/June 2010, the dates that correspond to the peak of the Regional Underworld cataclysms. We've got to keep pushing for ending wars, as well as redirecting energy use and cultivation planning; otherwise, we won't have the energy or resources to handle acts of nature.

It is time to sort out and face the fears you've been feeling. Is fear and terror coming from ancient memories that are awakening in your mind, or is there something you need to pay attention to right now? Find that place in you that demands your right for responsible leadership-instead of putting up with fools and their lame excuses. Keep your attention on what leaders are doing, such as noticing how quickly Obama ran out of influence when he lost his vision. Never forget to ask for divine assistance, divine intervention, even if the leaders have forgotten this. For my part, let's see what the New Moon chart can tell us about what is coming up this month.

The New Moon joining Mercury/Uranus/Sun in an exact stellium in Pisces lifts the veils to the spirit worlds. Last month the New Moon conjoined Chiron/Neptune exposing our inner wounds that block spirit. You now have access codes in your body/mind that can dial up cosmic consciousness. Advanced spiritual agencies can move into your body/mind when the New Moon removes the veils to spirit. This process will be very subtle and probably not registered until an hour after the New Moon; your lower and higher minds will merge when Mercury exactly conjuncts Uranus in Pisces. Then a few hours after Mercury joins Uranus, the Moon comes to Mercury/Uranus, which will awaken you to the merging of your lower and higher minds. The Sun exactly conjuncts Uranus the day after the New Moon, when your whole being will be flooded with these higher vibrations.

The Sun was exactly conjunct Jupiter during the February 28 Full Moon, when the Moon was very close to the Earth. This is could be what set off all the earthquakes. During the Pisces New Moon, Jupiter is in 13 Pisces, sharing the Piscean resonance with the stellium, but Jupiter is not aspected. This suggests we will be processing the damage from the quakes that have already occurred, since Jupiter is so often involved in earthquakes. Meanwhile, Saturn retrograde is in a wide opposition to the stellium. When the Sun makes its exact opposition to Saturn right after the Spring Equinox, structures will crumble but not necessarily because of earth changes. For example, financial structures may be shaken, since we are building up to a July opposition between Saturn in Libra and Uranus in Aries. Saturn opposing the stellium is tense, compacted, and determined. With the world so distressed during Night Six, I have been amazed by leaders who fritter away our money and refuse to change. Well, this New Moon might change that. Saturn squares Pluto, so the need for deep structural change is ongoing.

Mars in Leo went direct on March 10; and during the New Moon, Mars is in favorable aspect to many planets. Mars trines the New Moon/ Mercury/Uranus/Sun stellium in late Pisces, which could mean we are about to see great courage coming forth on the planet. Mars exactly trines the Spring Equinox Sun, which indicates rising courage all spring. Mars was uneasy while it was retrograde in Leo, but now he charges ahead to get the job done. Mars sextiling Saturn in Libra offers patience and a tendency for wise action instead of impetuous foolishness. Mars forms a quincunx to Chiron/Neptune, which fosters the need for spiritual direction. Mars quincunx Pluto in Capricorn favors contentiousness and overt aggression, and this long-lasting aspect (October 2009, and February through April 2010) has not been good for peace making. Venus has moved past a square to Pluto, but the influence is still in play, so women are encouraged to wake up the world.

Overall, this is a tight mystical field of energy, like a shaman working an activated power point for days and days. For me, the piercing of old wounds during the Aquarius lunar phases was almost too much to bear. Perhaps the lifting of the veils during the Pisces New Moon will feel like a welcome relief. The Spring Equinox comes in a few days when the new longer-term field moves in, so tune in for that reading in just a few more days!


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The Truth Revealed

Freedom is what we all seek in our lives, no matter how we each define it. There is no question that it is a universal desire regardless of our culture, religion, beliefs, status, wealth, diversity and uniqueness. Everyone wants freedom and is either fighting for the freedom of others in some way, or yearning for the right to express themselves in a way that is uninhibited and free of judgement. Which ever way we look at it, we all want to experience the joy in the freedom of being (the same thing that unconditional love affords us), yet feel that our freedom is being compromised by a variety of external influences.

While many of us are still relying on the happenings in our outer circumstances to determine how we feel, we are now at a stage in our evolution to know better. Our journey together has reached a point where we are heading into unchartered waters where the level of freedom we experience in the future is determined by the present liberation we feel inside. Actually, we are still defining what freedom really means and we have become so attached to the dramas of life that complete freedom can be a scary proposition for many. Who am I without the addiction to my – and everyone else’s - dramas?

The truth on all levels is now being revealed to the masses as the dense energies of deceit and injustice are being exposed to clear the way for a new experience of being with each other. The darker side of humanity is showing us that we each need to look in the mirror of our own reality to determine what limitations and judgments we continue to chain ourselves to from the past that inhibit our sense of freedom. While we now have access to higher frequencies of energy that lead to a reality of total freedom, any fears we are still clinging to will present themselves to us for the opportunity to transcend them and experience the freedom we so desire.

Those of us who are awake to our true nature have been anticipating the arrival of this time on the planet for what seems like an eternity and now we must move from waiting to full participation. It is not our role to focus on who is still caught up in the old way, but instead to integrate all we have learned and know to be true so we can unite in the light of the new world. The prophecy of separating the wheat from the chaff is happening now. We must recognize the truth in every situation we are experiencing or witnessing and apply what we know so we are not pulled back into the trenches through the temptations of the old ways. The only domain we have control over in this universe is our own. Our purpose is not to interfere with the lessons others need to learn, but to learn what we need to from others by recognizing ourselves in the other. Therein lies the gift of self reflection.

The ever-present NOW is calling for us to be true to ourselves at all levels. We must embrace every opportunity that we are given to serve and hold the highest frequency of light that we are capable of holding without compromising our own well-being. We can no longer slow down our vibration to wait for others to “catch up” as that is the ego playing games and fighting to hang on to control. It is time to let go and trust that everyone is exactly where they need to be and choose to take the opportunity to jump into the higher dimensional experience once and for all.

The portal to the fifth dimension is inside of us and can only be accessed through becoming that which we already are. As we move through the portal of the heart - unconditional love - we discover the spiritual kingdom we so yearn for and can manifest the new world in whatever way we choose to experience. So go forth and create what it is you desire to experience and others of like mind will show up to support you!

Our external reality is a means to fine-tune our inner selves by owning our creations, releasing our judgments and allowing others the same courtesy without prejudice or a feeling of righteousness. That behavior is also the ever-masterful ego finding clever ways to distract us from the centre of our own Being in a desperate bid to cling onto its existence. Because of this we need to pay attention to our intentions, motives and agendas as it is here the ego lies lurking to catch us off guard when we innocently stray from our authenticity. The difference now is very subtle, so we must tune-in to remain centered and connected to our mission and purpose at all times.

On one hand, the initial journey home is a solitary one and yet we are ultimately joining together as the ascension wave gains momentum through sharing love and understanding like never before. It’s becoming more obvious as we look around and see the many beautiful souls who are gathering and connecting from all over the planet to indicate that the new world is taking form. Those who choose to stay in the illusion of the old world are fading fast from our everyday lives as two distinct worlds are now in place. The thing is, we can’t control who partakes in which reality, for in truth, only one reality exists: our own.

When we find ourselves confronted with a person or situation that challenges us or pushes our buttons, we can celebrate in the opportunity it presents for us to heal, evolve and anchor the highest frequencies of light possible. For it is in our external experiences that the truth of our inner state of being is revealed.

Our ticket to paradise comes at a price: it will cost us everything we “thought” we knew and our attachments to “things” and life as we know it. The pay-off is that the unknown, which is ever-present, will become our ally where we have the freedom to be and create in ways that we can not yet comprehend. Creation will be spontaneous when born from love and the expression of that love is a gift that all of creation will celebrate and cherish.

We have such incredible support from the higher realms in ways we still cannot see. Now that the veils between the worlds have been dissolved, the real truth is revealed for all to see who are ready. Life will take on a form which is so “out of this world”, we will rejoice together in having played our role in the overall unfolding of the Divine Plan.

It is a new beginning and quite literally, only the sky is the limit!

Dean Noblett

© 2010 Rebecca Couch, Dean Noblett and HeartLight ~ Living from the Heart. www.heartlight.ca - www.deannoblett.com/
Copies of this message may be made for non-commercial purposes through distribution in any media as long as nothing is changed, the author is credited and this copyright notice and web address is included. Publications and websites interested in carrying this information as monthly columns or special features are encouraged to do so. If the material must be shortened in length, please state that it is an edited version and refer the readers to the original full-length version on www.heartlight.ca or www.spiritlibrary.com

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Why 2012?

The End of the Mayan Calendar is scheduled for December 21, 2012 (give or take a year). The possibilities of what this “end” might mean is an increasingly hot topic on the Internet, in conferences, printed articles, and in discussions all over the globe. This is because it just might be an incredibly important moment in history — e.g., the end of history!
the Mayan Calendar is not your average, run-of-the-mill calendar. It is, among other things, reputed to be the most accurate in the world. This is due in part to the fact it is also a relatively complicated calendar, using cycles of 13 and 20 (weird!), relating to the cycles of other planets (e.g. Venus), and in general incorporating some 22 (at last count) different sub-calendars, such that every contingency can be accounted for.

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The Fourth Dimension – Explained

+ The Fourth Dimension     It seems to me that there is a lack of clarity over just what the fourth dimension is. And also on what exactly the Fourth Dimension does. In-fact, on many web-pages that I visit, I find an array of documents that say that the fourth dimension is the fragment of the whole Emotional Plane which is known as the Astral Plane – which it is surely not.   The truth of the make-up of the fourth dimension is veiled in the ‘impossible structures’ of mathematical artists, such as M.C. Escher, and which is quite brilliantly depicted his ‘Day and Night’ illustration which is shown below.         The fourth dimension is often thought of in terms of ‘movement’, since it is here that we find ‘thoughts’ [from the Mental Plane] and ‘feelings’ [from the Emotional Plane] travelling through the Fourth Dimension [the ‘Cosmic Motherboard’] and then into the Physical Plane atoms to manifest various objects and outcomes. We also find unrequired objects and outcomes exiting the Physical Plane and travelling, once again, through the Fourth Dimension, so that they can once again be ‘stored’ as ‘feelings’ and ‘thoughts’ in the Emotional and Mental Planes until they are needed once more.   So now you can see why mathematical artists, such as Escher, are so ‘drawn’ to depict a two-way movement in their works of four dimensional art. Since probability comes from the Fourth Dimension into the Physical Plane atoms, and is also returned back through it. And Escher’s next illustration is another quite excellent example [and quite a prophetic warning] of that.         The Capetown Toltec Elder Théun Mares tells us even more about this Fourth Dimension. And what we find, is that the Fourth Dimension can be imagined as a giant ‘rubix-cube’ which is viewed from the ‘inside’. And it is here that all of the ‘pressure’ of the Mental Plane ‘ideas’ and the Emotional Plane ‘feelings’, is ‘vented’ into the Physical Plane atoms, to manifest some object or outcome.   And if you are still con-fused, let’s make two diagrams of the 4th Dimension to make things clear. In next chart I will show the 4th Dimension filled with lovely ideas and lovely feelings, which can only ‘vent’ into the Physical Plane atoms to make a lovely world.     As you can all see, if the Fourth Dimension is only ‘passing’ nice thoughts and nice feelings from the Mental Plane and the Emotional Plane to the Earth-Plane atoms, then the ‘contents’ will look quite beautiful.     We are all capable of creating such beauty…     However, that is not always the case. As you can see in the next chart, if the Fourth Dimension becomes filled with terrible ideas and terrible feelings from the Mental and Emotional Planes, then the ‘contents’ will look quite horrific.       And we are also capable of creating such horror.     OK, so if we drew a chart of the Mental Plane and the Emotional Plane ‘feeding into’ the Fourth Dimension, which in turn pumps objects and outcomes into the Physical Plane atoms, then what would all this look like? Well, the following chart shows exactly that.        Of course, if we con-sider nasty ideas [even ‘afterwards’], which lead to nasty feelings, then the Fourth Dimension will fill to the brim with nasty probability, which will ‘vent’ through into the Physical Plane atoms. And this, of course, will make a nasty Physical Plane experience for all of us.   At this point you can probably see why we all need to focus on lovely thought and feelings, regardless of what we are experiencing, since lovely thoughts and feelings can only make a lovely world. And the next chart shows just that.           At this point many people ask: “but I only think about nasty things ‘after’ they have happened, and so surely I can’t be responsible for any of the terrible news stories that I am always hearing about ‘before’?” And, if you were thinking something like that, then you are about to have a bit of a shock.         You see, following the destruction of Atlantis the Black Priesthood that followed the ways of the demonic hierarchy distorted the language system in every single country of the world, to ‘promote’ a three dimensional reality. They made up words for ‘before’, and ‘after’, like ‘last Wednesday’ and ‘next Tuesday’, which turned out to be more of a ‘hook’ for hanging things on than anything else. And this concept of dates as ‘hooks’ is made clear in the following chart.                                                              Yes it can be quite a shock to find that you understand the workings of the 4th Dimension. Which is made very clear in the chart above, when Sananda tells us all what a day [‘hook’] in time-space really is made of.     A day is made from many things, and many ‘times’…     To put it in very simple terms, a day is made of everything ‘said’, ‘thought’, and ‘felt about’ that day by every single person that ever ‘spoke about’, ‘believed in’, ‘thought’ or ‘felt’ anything about the same day. More-so, it makes no difference from which point in time-space [another date-hook] that you ‘contribute’ some belief input from. Since in all truth you can ‘contribute’ amounts of belief ‘before’, ‘during’, and even ‘after’ the very thing that you were ‘believing about’.     Believe me when I say that ‘there is only Now’.     And by this I mean that you can ‘believe’ something about Tuesday 18th July 2006 at any point ‘before’ it, at any point ‘during’ it, or even at any point ‘after’ it. But make no mistake, whenever you choose to ‘believe’ something about Tuesday 18th July 2006 has little to do with anything: since whatever you ‘believe’ about will always head straight for the very date [‘hook’] that you were hanging your ‘belief’ upon. Which in our example case is the hook in time-space that is being Tuesday 18th July 2006.     If the Heavenly Beings known as ‘The Ancient Of Days’ were to look down upon our example date-hook of Tuesday 18th July 2006, then what might They Say about it?           Well ‘The Ancient Of Days’ would say something like:     “Based on our small statistical sample of 7 ‘belief inputs’ what we find is that the example ‘hook’ in time-space known as Tuesday 18th July 2006 will contain the following ratios of energies which will make it manifest as a day that has: [1] 28.58% of all people worrying, [2] 14.29% of all people experiencing loveliness, [3] a 14.29% availability of ice-cream, [4] 14.29% availability of good luck, [5] 14.29% of the populous will be ‘thinking’ that the ‘Bogie-Man’ is coming, whilst there will also be the certainty of [6] 14.29% of ‘very cool music’ to be listened to. Obviously ‘during’ energies would normally be arriving, as well as the ‘before’ and ‘after’ energies cited in our example date. And so, as ‘The Ancients of Days’, We Conclude that on our example date-hook it is such a shame that there is only 14.29% of ‘loveliness’ about. It is also a shame that 28.58% of everyone is worrying about something. And it is also a little sad for all the world’s children that there is only a 14.29% possibility of finding some ice-cream”.   Yes, it’s a shame our example date didn’t have a 100% availability of equality, nobody worrying over anything, and enough ice-cream for everybody. But then we’d all have to arrive at the qabalistic goal of ‘unity within time’ to be making ‘4D group-scores’ like that.   At this point, you may be fully understanding why it is that ‘aristocrats’ and upper ‘illuminati’ members do not read [‘believe’ about] negative newspaper stories, or indeed watch [‘believe’ about] the terrible tales about wars and class differentiation on the television news ‘programs’. Even ‘afterwards’. Since the karma of doing so is actually quite terrible.   This is also one of the main reasons that the remaining dark-side are found by some to be a bit tricky to depose. Since it is all of us newspaper story believers and T.V. watchers that have been ‘conned’ into conjuring the inappropriate reality structures in the Physical Plane that we all ‘say’ that we wish would end.         At this point you are probably fully understanding why the ‘illuminati’ originally devised a system of social control called ‘The Method Of Temptation’. Which was designed to ‘trick’ Mankind into ‘conjuring’ negative objects and outcomes into the Physical Plane, by pulling them through the Fourth Dimension from the Mental and Emotional Planes: largely by the method of ‘believing’ the stories about such things ‘afterwards’ – though sometimes ‘during’ too.         Of course ‘after’ heads straight for ‘before’…     Which is why the Ascended Masters are so fond of telling us all that: “There Is Only Now”.   We also need to be aware of something the Pleiadian ‘walk-in’ and channel called ‘Celestial’ has told us all on Her Blue Star web-site, when She warned us all that: “the truth is often stranger than fiction”. Which as far as the case of the true nature of non-linear time and the Earthly manifestation of our very reality is concerned – it most certainly is.         Or should I now say ‘most certainly was?’     What will you ‘believe’ in today, and which ‘date-hook’ in time-space will you be believing about, and hanging things on?     Currently I am believing about NESARA coming to the UK and the rest of Europe. I am believing about the uniting of all the world’s ‘channels’, instead of the warring between them. And I am also believing in the removal of all the worlds corrupt judges, politicians, and lawyers too. Amongst other things.     I was also going to say that:     “I have now completely stopped reading anything negative at all on the internet, such as the ‘same old’ 911 stories, and the various given reasons for the delays in Global NESARA. Since if I do ‘believe’ such things [which I can not], then I partly made the very things that I ‘believed’ all about. This is not to say that such knowledges are not useful at first if you are ‘coming from nowhere’, and building up your personal account of ‘how it was’ and ‘how it is’. But, beyond a level, all that such negative accounts are, are the very ‘spells’ [beliefs] that made the very things that we all despise happen in the first place. And this explains the line in the Phoenix Journals that speaks about ‘no written record surviving the 2012 planetary changes’”.   But then, Gea, the host of a very uplifting Dutch Ascension web-site asked me to write a more positive article about a better way of watching such ‘shows’, listening to such ‘chats’, and ‘reading’ such articles. So please look out for the follow-up document to this one, called ‘The 5D Survival-Guide To Successfully Watching T.V., Holding A Conversation, And Reading A Newspaper’.      Oh, one almost last thing. How about making the following mantra:     “I [your full name] call to my Monad, my Soul and to all Ascended Masters, and I ask that it is noted that I am formally withdrawing by misappropriated ‘belief’ from any negative media story that I ever ‘believed in’ that ‘was’, that ‘is’, or that ‘will be’, NOT of my Soul and Monad’s true desire. This notice will take effect in all Seven Eternities Of Time; in all Seven Evolving Super-Universes; and in all past, present, future, and parallel incarnational experiences. I thank my Soul, my Monad, and all Ascended Masters for hearing and noting my request”.   And one very last thing. The date-hook in time-space that is known as Tuesday 18th July 2006 asked me to ask you all something. And the thing that this ‘future’ Tuesday wanted me to ask you all is to make the following mantric statement on it’s behalf:   “I [your full name] call to my Monad, my Soul and to all Ascended Masters, and I ask that it is noted that I only contribute my ‘belief’ towards making the date-hook in time-space that is known as Tuesday 18th July 2006 the most Spiritually Perfect Day that Mankind has ever seen since the Earth started it’s Millennium Ascension process. This notice will take effect in all Seven Eternities Of Time; in all Seven Evolving Super-Universes; and in all past, present, future, and parallel incarnational experiences. I thank my Soul, my Monad, and all Ascended Masters for hearing and noting my request”.     Of course for a ‘perfect score’ everyone would have to ‘join in’.          Become a guardian of the Fourth Dimension, and not a victim of it – John Grau. View Article Here Read More
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