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Embrace Conflict: Hold the tension of the opposites

It's a beautiful, spring-like day here in the Northeast and it feels good to be home enjoying the sun and warmth. Michael and I returned from Paris last week after a business trip that gave us the opportunity to visit places like the Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame, and the Basilica of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Church. The beauty and grandeur of Paris is beyond words. (You can see photos and video of our trip on my Facebook page here.)

During our vacation I was struck by a feeling I often experience when I travel - conflict. While I enjoyed the sights and sounds of Paris and the magical experiences we encountered, I also missed the beauty and comfort of our home (and, of course, our cat, Poupon). The feelings for both were equally strong.

Several times during the week I had to stop and re-center myself in the present moment to take full advantage of our time in Paris. When I did, I found myself recalling a message I heard long ago from a teacher who has had a profound influence on my life and my work. Her name is Marion Woodman and she used to tell us that wholeness comes from learning to "hold the tension of the opposites."

We live in a world of duality. There's daylight and nighttime, summer and winter, good and evil. It's the nature of living as a human being on earth to deal with the tension of opposites. And yet, navigating the complex feelings that come from holding this tension can be stressful and challenging at best. You interview for a new job, for example, and find yourself anxiously waiting to hear how you did while knowing that at the same time you need to be patient and detached from the outcome. Or, you try to be a good parent by encouraging your son to go out into the world to live a full, rich life, while everything inside you begs to hold tight to keep him safe.

How do we hold the tension of the opposites and still thrive and enjoy our lives? What can we do to make this experience less stressful? Here are a few things that helped me:

Give voice to your feelings. As I grappled with mixed emotions during the trip, I felt alone and a little crazy. After all, here I was in one of the most beautiful cities in the world and part of me wanted to be home. It didn't make sense. But, once I stopped suffering in silence and shared my thoughts with Michael, I discovered that he felt it, too. Sharing my feelings and knowing I wasn't alone immediately made me feel better.

Honor the opposites. Rather than judge one side as better or worse than the other, give both parts of you equal consideration. I spent some time by myself writing about the traveler in me who was thoroughly enjoying seeing new places, meeting new people, and having new adventures. And I also wrote about the other part that loved our home, missed Poupon, and wanted the comfort and peace of familiar routines. What I soon discovered was that giving time and space to both parts of me made me feel stronger and more capable of being with the tension.

Strengthen your ability to hold both. Once I felt stronger, I had a glimpse of what Marion was talking about when she said that "wholeness" comes from holding the tension of the opposites. Rather than try to exorcise or ignore my uncomfortable feelings, I needed to see the choice to be with both as a kind of "inner training session." As I centered myself in the tension, I imagined weaving parts of me together into a stronger, more mature woman. By doing this I was developing an emotional muscle that would ultimately allow me to bring more of who I am to the world.

I hope this makes sense. As is often the case, I'm working it out as I write. I know I'm not alone, though. We're all faced with the task of living with opposing feelings and experiences. It's what we do with it that matters most. My intention is to master the art of holding myself in the beauty and possibility of the in-between world. And I invite you to join me ☺.

Take Action Challenge

This week, identify an inner conflict that reflects two different parts of you. Then, talk to someone about it. Share your feelings and experiences. Give time and attention to both parts by writing about them in a journal or notebook. Finally, find an image that reflects the strength of holding the tension and allow this image to inspire you to stay steady and strong.

I found this week's video while looking up the email address of a colleague I adore. It's captivating and inspiring as coach, Rich Fettke, tells the story of what happened when he jumped out of an airplane (with footage of the actual jump!). Thanks for taking us along with you, Rich!


Life Makeover for the Year 2009(sm) is written and produced by Cheryl Richardson.© Copyright 1999-2009 Cheryl Richardson, P.O. Box 13, Newburyport, MA 01950, www.cherylrichardson.com. All rights reserved. Used with permission.

Have a question for Cheryl? Call in during her live Internet radio show -- Coach on Call -- on the Internet at www.hayhouseradio.com. The show airs live on Mondays at 5pm ET (2pm PT) and is replayed throughout the week.

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The Truth Revealed

Freedom is what we all seek in our lives, no matter how we each define it. There is no question that it is a universal desire regardless of our culture, religion, beliefs, status, wealth, diversity and uniqueness. Everyone wants freedom and is either fighting for the freedom of others in some way, or yearning for the right to express themselves in a way that is uninhibited and free of judgement. Which ever way we look at it, we all want to experience the joy in the freedom of being (the same thing that unconditional love affords us), yet feel that our freedom is being compromised by a variety of external influences.

While many of us are still relying on the happenings in our outer circumstances to determine how we feel, we are now at a stage in our evolution to know better. Our journey together has reached a point where we are heading into unchartered waters where the level of freedom we experience in the future is determined by the present liberation we feel inside. Actually, we are still defining what freedom really means and we have become so attached to the dramas of life that complete freedom can be a scary proposition for many. Who am I without the addiction to my – and everyone else’s - dramas?

The truth on all levels is now being revealed to the masses as the dense energies of deceit and injustice are being exposed to clear the way for a new experience of being with each other. The darker side of humanity is showing us that we each need to look in the mirror of our own reality to determine what limitations and judgments we continue to chain ourselves to from the past that inhibit our sense of freedom. While we now have access to higher frequencies of energy that lead to a reality of total freedom, any fears we are still clinging to will present themselves to us for the opportunity to transcend them and experience the freedom we so desire.

Those of us who are awake to our true nature have been anticipating the arrival of this time on the planet for what seems like an eternity and now we must move from waiting to full participation. It is not our role to focus on who is still caught up in the old way, but instead to integrate all we have learned and know to be true so we can unite in the light of the new world. The prophecy of separating the wheat from the chaff is happening now. We must recognize the truth in every situation we are experiencing or witnessing and apply what we know so we are not pulled back into the trenches through the temptations of the old ways. The only domain we have control over in this universe is our own. Our purpose is not to interfere with the lessons others need to learn, but to learn what we need to from others by recognizing ourselves in the other. Therein lies the gift of self reflection.

The ever-present NOW is calling for us to be true to ourselves at all levels. We must embrace every opportunity that we are given to serve and hold the highest frequency of light that we are capable of holding without compromising our own well-being. We can no longer slow down our vibration to wait for others to “catch up” as that is the ego playing games and fighting to hang on to control. It is time to let go and trust that everyone is exactly where they need to be and choose to take the opportunity to jump into the higher dimensional experience once and for all.

The portal to the fifth dimension is inside of us and can only be accessed through becoming that which we already are. As we move through the portal of the heart - unconditional love - we discover the spiritual kingdom we so yearn for and can manifest the new world in whatever way we choose to experience. So go forth and create what it is you desire to experience and others of like mind will show up to support you!

Our external reality is a means to fine-tune our inner selves by owning our creations, releasing our judgments and allowing others the same courtesy without prejudice or a feeling of righteousness. That behavior is also the ever-masterful ego finding clever ways to distract us from the centre of our own Being in a desperate bid to cling onto its existence. Because of this we need to pay attention to our intentions, motives and agendas as it is here the ego lies lurking to catch us off guard when we innocently stray from our authenticity. The difference now is very subtle, so we must tune-in to remain centered and connected to our mission and purpose at all times.

On one hand, the initial journey home is a solitary one and yet we are ultimately joining together as the ascension wave gains momentum through sharing love and understanding like never before. It’s becoming more obvious as we look around and see the many beautiful souls who are gathering and connecting from all over the planet to indicate that the new world is taking form. Those who choose to stay in the illusion of the old world are fading fast from our everyday lives as two distinct worlds are now in place. The thing is, we can’t control who partakes in which reality, for in truth, only one reality exists: our own.

When we find ourselves confronted with a person or situation that challenges us or pushes our buttons, we can celebrate in the opportunity it presents for us to heal, evolve and anchor the highest frequencies of light possible. For it is in our external experiences that the truth of our inner state of being is revealed.

Our ticket to paradise comes at a price: it will cost us everything we “thought” we knew and our attachments to “things” and life as we know it. The pay-off is that the unknown, which is ever-present, will become our ally where we have the freedom to be and create in ways that we can not yet comprehend. Creation will be spontaneous when born from love and the expression of that love is a gift that all of creation will celebrate and cherish.

We have such incredible support from the higher realms in ways we still cannot see. Now that the veils between the worlds have been dissolved, the real truth is revealed for all to see who are ready. Life will take on a form which is so “out of this world”, we will rejoice together in having played our role in the overall unfolding of the Divine Plan.

It is a new beginning and quite literally, only the sky is the limit!

Dean Noblett

© 2010 Rebecca Couch, Dean Noblett and HeartLight ~ Living from the Heart. www.heartlight.ca - www.deannoblett.com/
Copies of this message may be made for non-commercial purposes through distribution in any media as long as nothing is changed, the author is credited and this copyright notice and web address is included. Publications and websites interested in carrying this information as monthly columns or special features are encouraged to do so. If the material must be shortened in length, please state that it is an edited version and refer the readers to the original full-length version on www.heartlight.ca or www.spiritlibrary.com

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40 Day Vigil for the Divine Masculine II

March 8, 2010

So much has happened since I started my vigil for the Divine Masculine that it is hard even to know where to start. There has been such an overwhelming response to my note that  affirmed what is happening for me that I am feeling compelled to call people together during this time to talk and process what is happening individually and in the collective. I am calling a gathering of those who have been guided to be part of this vigil. I will put out a note later as to when we will gather.

I am also being called to offer a class for men that will include Sacred Body Postures, Divine Decree work and Divine BluePrint Restoration work.(More info to come about this). This class will support the reawakening of and re-memberance of the Masculine Consciousness of this Planet .  Also during this time I will offer a class for the women to help them re-member their own Divine Masculine.

A lot of people have responded with notes about their dreams confirming the struggle going on in the collective within the Masculine as well how the Feminine is responding to this struggle. Other people have written about their calling to cleanse or fast. There has been great conversations about the vigil at the store have spurred more questions than answers.

Some questions for you to ponder:

*Where did the command “Big Boys don’t cry” come from and how damaging has that been to the Masculine and to the Feminine?  How have Mothers contributed to this belief and why. How have fathers contributed to this belief and why.  How can we give the men in our lives permission to cry, to feel deeply?

*How have women gotten stuck in the anger that started the Feminist movement and how has that further harmed the Masculine? If women are still stuck in anger, what is the anger about and how can we use the energy of Anger to move forward. Are you ready to let go of your beliefs that you are a victim of the Masculine and are you ready to let go of any beliefs you have that the Feminine is better than the Masculine or that the Masculine is better than the Feminine? Are you ready to fully embody both and to see the value in both.

*How has “Stoic Masculine” abused the” Heart-Centered Masculine” (See Broke Back Mountain) within you and in the world and in the collective?

In my own personal journey, I have had many epiphanies about my relationship to the Masculine. I realized that I have held anger, love, fear, awe, protectiveness, grief and contempt for the Masculine all at the same time. There was a defining moment when I was a child in which my father’s impatience and rage froze me in fear, anger and powerlessness. I became split about my feelings for my father. He nurtured me in a way my Mother never was able to, but I became afraid of his feelings and then realized, that my gift of empathy would tell me how I needed to behave, so I wouldn’t trigger his rage. For over 40 years, the fear and anger at the Masculine overshadowed my love for the men in my life. In order to be “safe” I used my empathy to stay safe. I began to change who I was.   By freeing myself from that moment and coming into a place of compassion for my father, I retrieve my magical little girl and empowered myself so that my relationship with my husband is shifting. I realized that that the wounds I carried triggered reactions that triggered the wounds that he carried. I see his sensitive little boy that is just as afraid of the critical rage of the Feminine as I was of the Masculine critical rage.

 I was talking to my best friend from growing up and she, being a devout Christian, asked me if I knew that lent was going on right now and that it was related to Jesus’ 40 days in the desert. I did note Ash Wednesday this year, but I really know nothing about the story. My vigil for the masculine didn’t start on Ash Wednesday. Not sure what the significance is, but if I remember correctly Easter is the first Sunday after the Full Moon in Libra and I started my fast while the moon was in Libra and will end it on the first day of the new moon in Aries. When I think about Libra I think about the Scales or Balance.  What I see coming for the Divine Masculine is that even though the Masculine energy is struggling between the part of itself that is self-centered and that part of itself that is here to be of service, the end result on the new Moon in Aries will be a Divine Child that will be in touch with himself, mentally emotionally and physically. This Divine Child will be able to feel deeply, laugh loudly live large, and love deeply. He will be able to take care of himself(Ariesian energy)  so that he will be able to be of service to the world(Libran energy). He will be able to know and feel his connection to this planet as well as his connection to the Heavens. This is an archetype that is returning to the planet at this time. It is my understanding that while Christ was in the desert, He saw his shadow side, (or battled his brother) accepted the darkness, saw the gifts that the shadow (his twin) brought and then became whole. It was this descendant experience that he went through that gave him the strength, courage and knowing to be able to fulfill his destiny. In doing so, he lay down a template for humanity that should we choose to tap into it, this template will allow us to fulfill our destinies at this time.

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999 | A Gift of Cosmic Consciousness

All mankind love a lover.

   ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson



The upcoming 999 time gate will usher us into the final leg of our cosmic journey on Earth by finally providing all the vibrational keys and codes we need to complete the harmonic set of the old Solar Law and threshold known as the 666 whereby we can more fully reside within its inverted state of consciousness, the 999 Cube of Stars.

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Ready for Dimensional Living?

“A blow with a word strikes deeper than a blow with a sword.”  -Robert Burton
(And when you truly begin to understand and know multidimensional consciousness you imeaditly understand the impact every unaligned thought creates.  These basic ‘private’ thoughts have created much of our demise not re-membering the power we each hold.  ALL-ways OBSERVE | EXPLORE!)

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Life in then Cosmos!

“I am not a vegetarian because I love animals; I am a vegetarian because I hate plants.”

~A. Whitney Brown

“HAMANITIES NEW RECORDS”    illustration by SethD8 – 15 Feb 2007


Diane 7 February 2007

Your expectations are now rightly high as you cannot help but note the changes that are occurring all around you. It matters little what level they are taking place, the collective effect is one that can be felt and seen. Outwardly you see moves within the political circles, suggesting that a common consensus of opinion is developing. One that augurs well for bringing a halt to the escalation of the war in the Middle East. Inwardly you feel a releasing of the pressure brought about by negative energies that impound upon you. You find a resilience that comes of having built up a resistance through raising your vibrations.

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Beginning to Notice our Evolution!

“The conventional view serves to protect us from the painful job of thinking.~John Kenneth Galbraith

“Official Evolution Notice!”   Illustration by SethD812 Feb 2007

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Victory Over Addictions!

The thing I hate about an argument is that it always interrupts a good discussion.

~G.K. Chesterton

Illustration Inspired from Below!

“Victory Over Addiction”                                                    SethD8   23 Jan 07

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Your Future, Your Choice!

Ker-On | 04 September 06

Dear Ones, as you perceive your world at present, there is so much turmoil taking place. Yet out of all that is happening there is a new Earth emerging. From it you will see that the necessary changes are beginning to occur that will yet lead you to happier times, and outline the path to Ascension. This current period is rather lengthy, because those that oppose changes are allowed to resist them. There is no forcing the issue, and your freedom of choice is still paramount whether you are of the dark or Light.

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Universal Love Transmutes Dark Energies!

“SaLuSa Using Universal Love in Transmutation” by Seth D8

SaLuSa | 24 August 06

We sense your ongoing feeling of frustration, and that is understandable in view of the time you have been waiting for the final chapter in your lives to unravel. From different spiritual sources much encouragement has been given, and messages from us and other Beings have projected possible events that have not always materialized. That is the nature of the period you are in, with a number of paths having been opened up that have thrown up numerous possibilities.

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Seth Speaks Newsletter – Vol. XXIII

Seth Speaks Newsletter

Volume XXIII

Riverbeing 1 by Tracy Marshall


In This Abreviated Blog Issue XXIII:

September 11th Foretold by Susan M. Watkins

Seth – “An Integral Conscious Creation Myth” Part 12 of 15 by Paul Helfrich

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Message from St. Germaine – 28 July 06

St. Germain | 28 July 06


Dear Ones what is happening in the Middle East is bringing about a mass revulsion by people throughout the world. It has become the focal point of all your feelings and desire to see change. It is painful to see the suffering and senseless carnage, which is against all their instincts and love for their fellow human Beings.

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Message from Ker-On | 24 July 06


Ker-On  | 24 July 06


Events are developing very quickly upon Earth, and it is clear that decision time is being forced on to many people who are involved in determining the path of Humanity. Either you choose to stay on one that leads to continued death and destruction, or pressure is brought to bear to change your present course.

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