Tag: Caution (page 2 of 2)

Something Old Something New Something Borrowed Something Blue: January’s Cancer Full Moon


January 09, 2012

Tis not the many oaths that make the truth; But the plain single vow, that is vow’d true. William Shakespeare

I dreamed of a wedding of elaborate elegance; a church filled with flowers and friends. I ask...

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The Search For Meaning – Where To Find It? December’s Gemini Lunar Eclipse


December 07, 2011

The books we read should be chosen with great care, that they may be, as an Egyptian king wrote over his library, “The medicines of the soul.” Paxton Hood

To me the charm of an encyclope...

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Moves and Maneuvers Brinkmanship and Battles: November’s Sagittarius New Moon


November 20, 2011

A quarrel is quickly settled when deserted by one party: there is no battle unless there be two. Seneca

Once the game is over, the king and the pawn go back into the same box. Italian proverb

It is one of...

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Assessing Asserting Assuming and Aligning Again: August’s Aquarian Full Moon


By Lynda Hill

August 10, 2011

Life is what we make it, and the world is what we make it. The eyes of the cheerful and of the melancholy man are fixed upon the same creation; but very different are the aspects which it bears t...

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Lynda Hill’s Sabian Symbols: Overthrowing The Old And Bringing In A New Order: July’s Leo New Moon


July 24, 2011

By Lynda Hill

If you don’t stand for something, you will fall for anything. Chinese Proverb

A man may be poorly dressed and penniless, yet his burning desire can bring him the opportunity of his lifeti...

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Handling Baggage Vs. Redistributing The Weight: May’s Taurus New Moon


May 02, 2011

By Lynda Hill, Linda Hill's Sabian Symbols

Everyone thinks his own burden heavy. French Proverb

The burden which is well borne becomes light. Ovid

Do not free the camel of the burden of his hump; you ...

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Knowledge, Passion, Temptation and Forbidden Fruit: The Aries New Moon


a message from Lynda Hill

Sunday, 27 March, 2011  (posted 1 April, 2011)

Religion has done love a great service by making it a sin. Anatole France

It was from the rind of one apple tasted that the know...

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What Needs To Be Said? The Unsealed Letter: February’s Leo Full Moon


a message from Lynda Hill

Monday, 14 February, 2011

Please excuse the length of this letter; I do not have time to be brief. Anon

Better than a thousand useless words is one single word that gives peace. Better than a thou...

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Focused Energy Or Tunnel Vision: February’s Aquarius New Moon


a message from Lynda Hill

Saturday, 29 January, 2011  (posted 1 February, 2011)

The only way round is through. Robert Frost

No steam or gas ever drives anything until it is confined. No Niagara is ever turned into li...

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Secrets, Decisions, Resolutions and Revolutions: January’s Cancer Full Moon


a message from Lynda Hill

Tuesday, 18 January, 2011  (posted 19 January, 2011)

Seek not to change the world, but choose to change your mind about the world. A Course in Miracles

It is easy to take liberty ...

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Eyjafjallajökull Volcano in Iceland Spirit Photos!

Of all forms of caution, caution in love is perhaps the most fatal to true happiness.

– Bertrand Russell

Through photo manipulation of photos of the eruption I am able top show you the faces of some of the spirits evolved in the healing of mother earth.

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Ready for Dimensional Living?

“A blow with a word strikes deeper than a blow with a sword.”  -Robert Burton
(And when you truly begin to understand and know multidimensional consciousness you imeaditly understand the impact every unaligned thought creates.  These basic ‘private’ thoughts have created much of our demise not re-membering the power we each hold.  ALL-ways OBSERVE | EXPLORE!)

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