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Update by Sheldan Nidle – 13 April

Channeler: Sheldan Nidle

Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation

6 Etznab, 1 Kank'in, 5 Caban

Selamat Jarin! We return with more to tell you about your world. Right now, our Earth allies continue to work on undermining the present banking system. Since the start of fractional banking in the early 1810s, the dark cabal has managed to slowly gain control of the global banking system. This system, like its partner the nation-state, is beholden to the moneyed interests on your world. Opposing them is a group of enlightened ones who saw the gross inequities produced by these systems and sought to reform them. In the past few decades, the opportunity arose to pull off this massive reform. The desperate conditions now surrounding your world's economies are a pressing reason to do these reforms properly. We have watched as your greedy and arrogant cabal plotted to avoid tackling these issues, but this proved to be a more difficult avenue to pursue than the cabal originally anticipated. A large group of hardened profiteers has attacked the cabal with a savage vengeance to the point where it can be said that a sickening sort of cannibalism is taking place.

As this self-destructive feeding-frenzy continues, the cabal inevitably hurtles toward its demise. The world watches as this grotesque performance reaches rock bottom. Our intervention, meanwhile, strengthens the activities of our Earth allies. Your limited-conscious realm is governed by money and power, ensuring that the state is wedded to the whims of the wealthy. This symbiotic relationship now requires a quick end. Our Earth allies comprehend this and have drawn up a host of new agreements between various states, the powerful, and our allies. These rare birds understand how important it is to create a situation in which the "old ways" are put at risk in order to finally discard them. These strategies are close to achieving their objective. Many on your world are truly frustrated at the time this has taken so far. We sympathize and are using our own plans to hasten the long-overdue end of the old ways. Your old reality is visibly cracking under the combined strains of the activities of both the cabal and of our Earth allies.

While this strange operation is underway, Mother Earth has put us on notice to accelerate drastically our timetable for first contact. The recent increase in earthquakes measuring seven plus on the Richter scale is a clear warning of what she has in store, as is the extinction level of many endangered plants and animals. Meanwhile, the melting of the glaciers in the Northern Hemisphere continues unabated. The South Pole is temporarily a different story; here, millions of people are being affected by the huge rip in the ozone layer, and we have worked to repair this hole which is why the Antarctic glaciers are actually expanding again. Our next job is to give similar support to the Arctic ozone hole, but Mother Earth regards these as mere minor fixes. The slight shift in the Earth's 23.5 degrees of obliquity caused by the Chilean earthquake is yet another harbinger of what Mother Earth plans. We meet frequently with our Earth allies to discuss these vital matters and have begun a series of talks with major Earth governments.

Your ecosphere is strongly rebelling, and Mother Earth requires that you leave her surface soon to take up your new homes in the beautiful 5-D world that is Inner Earth. Remember that Earth, like all stars and planets, is hollow. Inside her is the most splendid world filled with sights, sounds, and fragrances that will astound you! To get you there we need to complete Heaven's work and return you to full consciousness. This is no small task when the major governments of your world plot with the dark to keep you from your destiny. Heaven reassures us every day that this goal is non-negotiable and that the upcoming period is when this grand transition is to take place. We have put together a team that is working closely with your planet's Spiritual Hierarchy and a firm timetable is being agreed upon. We asked our Earth allies to accelerate their plans for bringing down the dark cabal and we, meanwhile, are implementing a special plan to speed your conversion by Light Chamber into fully conscious Beings.

These various plans are currently under full review by our Command Board and the entire fleet. We are repositioning a number of atmospheric fleets and calling upon our family in Agartha to assist us in resolving and activating the requirements of several scenarios. We need to move you smoothly and swiftly to Inner Earth, where special zones have been set aside in which several crystal cities have been constructed for you. Here you will find the living quarters and Light Chambers where you are to undergo your transformation into fully conscious Beings. A training syllabus has been compiled to teach you about the etiquette you will need once you are fully conscious. When you are competent and comfortable with your new state of consciousness, you are then ready to be introduced to galactic society. Initially, you will live within a typical Agarthan "podlet," where you can freely discuss what you are seeing and experiencing.

This period of adjustment will take place while Mother Earth restores your former surface home. This immense reconfiguration is to happen after all living things have been evacuated. Once the new topography is set in place, the new ecology will be introduced. Mother Earth wants a far more varied and a much more friendly series of living zones to be set up around the world, and her new lands, seas, and skies will be the habitats of many new creatures and plants. The only artificial structures are to be small special villages placed on major surface nodes, where you, as Mother Earth's new guardians, are to keep her multiplicity of realms in balance with ritual, dance, and chants. You are also to assist with the song and ritual of your Cetacean allies. Together, you are to honor Mother Earth and be responsible for the well being of all her life forms on this most exquisite of worlds.

This joint activity with the cetaceans will show you how easy it is to work with your fellow humans as well as other fellow sentient Beings to preserve the natural balance of planets and to unfold the divine plan. As fully conscious Beings you take up your role as physical Angels and use your abilities to make of your home world a true paradise for all living aspects of a loving and caring Creator. The society you create will nurture each individual, and your galactic society will be able to creatively solve any challenge you come up against. As a people you are to be known for your ability to understand even the most abstruse nuance of limited consciousness. This talent is to permit you in the very near future to raise many limited-consciousness planets to the Light, thus bringing you a wonderful celebrity.

The present is seemingly a time of great turmoil and danger for you. See it as a precursor to the great worldwide shift. Your world is racing toward first contact and Heaven is working miracles to wonderfully transform your lives. Happily, it is also when the dark cabal is to capitulate; when the truth of many things will be finally revealed; and when a new day of peace and prosperity dawns. A new abundance and a new financial system are waiting to roll out. This is not pie in the sky, but is to unfold before you as the old ways fade slowly but surely. Relish this strange and extraordinary time, and try not to be impatient. We are coming, and our Earth allies are nearly ready to spring their grand surprises upon you!

Today, we continued with our discussion of what is transpiring on your world. We intend to see you very, very soon! Our ships are in place to do whatever is necessary to bring you to the magic moment that is full consciousness. The time of wish fulfillment is at last upon you. Know, dear Ones, in your Heart of Hearts that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

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Love has many facets

Greetings Dear ones for I am Kryon of magnetic service.

We’d like to say how beautiful and wonderful it is to be here in Devon, England, this afternoon, for there is much love, softness and tenderness in the air. The energies are changing not only for you but for the entire planet and a new world is coming, and a fantastic new point of view. We tell you that you are only dreaming, there is a whole new world coming, a world filled with love and joy and freedom; it is an honest world filled with integrity. As you release whatever you need to release to set yourself free from whatever binds you, you come closer to the divine and you come closer to the very truth of who you are.

Allow the love to flow. Close your eyes and go inside and feel the love flowing through your hearts. Love is not a new energy, but to allow love to flow easily is quite a shift for humanity to make, and there are new varieties of love on the way and there will be love flowing through you and flowing into your inner child and family constellation. This will dissolve issues very quickly and the closer the planet gets to 2012 the easier and easier love will flow through you and dissolve whatever resistance you have to love.

Forgiveness will flow easily and you will let go of what you need to let go of, for clinging onto things is the root of all human suffering. If you cling onto something that is old and decaying it does not allow you to connect with the new you, the part of you that you came here to this earth to experience; to experience the truth of yourself, your authentic self, for that is what we are doing here today; allowing you to let go of what is not authentic and allowing you to connect with your Spirit guides and with the energies of love and deep divine connectedness. The more deeply you connect to the divine the easier you will find life; you will be guided more deeply, and at the same time that you the receive your guidance, the fear, the anger and the resentments will also be let go of and these feelings are what stop you going forward into your truth and into a new world.

As we have said before, Britain has a very divisive and colonial past within its psyche and Britain is moving towards a rebirth, a new way of living, a new state of being, but first of all come you who are here to do the work for your nation, not only for your nation but for the planet. To bring back ancient knowledge that was here two thousand years ago but has been lost; this wisdom is being reignited inside all of you here today this day, this wisdom is powerful, it is true Christ consciousness.

We are here to expand this energy, so we ask that you drop down deep within yourselves and look within yours hearts for that spark of Christ consciousness. We are here today to expand that consciousness and dissolve the fear and whatever stops this consciousness being acted upon. So just go to this space where you can see this spark of light, the love light, and the light of Christ within your hearts; and even if you can’t see it, just feel it. Feel the light and feel the love and stay connected with your circle, allowing love to flow from you to everybody in the circle, and receiving that love and channelling that love into Christ consciousness and into what blocks you seeing and what blocks Christ consciousness flowing in your life. Just allow yourselves to feel the love and feel the oneness and feel the connectedness. Feel the connectedness with Stonehenge, and allow the feeling of Stonehenge to flow through your hearts and into this Christ consciousness, allowing Christ consciousness to be energized within your bodies and dissolving any obstacles in its way. Christ consciousnesses will once again be on this green and pleasant land and that connectedness and that movement into Christ consciousness is happening here in Tinmouth in Devon. There are many portals and gateways into the new energies, here and in this moment these gateways and portals are open and you have the opportunity to walk through them and access more of the truth of who you are.

The moon is almost full and the moon will take away what emotions do not serve you and allow you to connect deeper and deeper into your true self, into your masculine self and into your feminine self; healing the masculine and allowing the feminine to flow; allowing yourselves to be exactly who you are meant to be for in the darkness of your psyche live the gifts you have brought to this planet to be shared with the rest of the world. Allow yourselves to spend time in the darkness of your psyche, in the places that you’ve never ever been before, and just be inside yourselves, and feel where these gifts that you bring to this earth are. Allow yourselves to channel the love into dissolving the darkness around your gifts, around the success and joy that you seek for your life; as you unravel these gifts on the inside of yourself, that is where you will find your own joy, happiness and love.

Love is the only answer, love is the only way forward, love is the light that shines in the darkness, love is the light that dissolves your problems and love is the light that manifests your gifts. This part of the world is very old and has been known to man for a long long time, many things have happened here; many things have come and gone. Good things, bad things; but consciousness until now has been waning, consciousness will now begin to grow, to expand through your bodies and through this little town in Devon, a new consciousness is on its way and each one of you, as you manifest your gifts, will enhance the consciousness of this small town. You are moving away from mass consciousness into your own consciousness of Christ. There will be even more expanded consciousness to come, there is a completely new world of your own choosing to come.

We ask you to allow your vibrations to rise even more and absorb more and more of the love that is on offer here today, becoming like a sponge soaking up everything that belongs to you, that you need to make your life work, that you need to manifest these gifts here on earth to begin to make this place heaven on earth and to make this a part of the new world; a place of gentleness and kindness, a loving a place where the aggressive masculine is no longer dominant, a place where love an truth thrive, where they make the world a better place not only for yourselves and your children but for everyone in the community who will benefit as a result.

There is a new world coming, a world based in love and as you heal the inner mother, father and child, and you let the past loves come and go you will step into a world you never believed was possible; where you create purely out of love, love not only for yourself but for your fellowman, love is the only answer, love is the only way forward, love is love. Love has many facets but in its most powerful it is very gentle and very soft and very caring, like cotton wool. So we ask you to drop deeper and deeper into your bodies and allow yourselves to connect more strongly to Spirit. Allow the divine guidance to flow through you into your bodies allowing it to connect even deeper and deeper to mother earth and see under the soles of your feet the roots of connectedness going deep in to mother earth.

Feel the energy that surrounds you and observe what you are feeling. As these new energies come in the old ones must leave, and your cells will become more and more activated; your cells will face the light. The more that you face the light the easier your life will become, you will have the energy to do what you want to do with your life, you will have the energy to heal those karmic wounds of the past, and the wounds your families have carried for hundreds if not thousands of years; starting off in Africa and ending up in this lifetime. There is a new world coming and it is up to each individual to do his or her inner work to bring consciousness to their own bodies, to their own communities; but first it is healer heal thyself.

When you understand yourself you know yourself, and when you understand and know yourself, you understand the universe and the solar system and you will understand your neighbours and friends, and you will feel so much freer and more capable of living the life you have always dreamed of, in fact your life will go away and your life will become a dream. It will become like a river flowing into the ocean, your life will flow like a river, there will no longer be the wounded inner child to stop the flow, or your family karma getting in the way of the flow. Your lessons will get easier and easier, you will move into a completely new world taking yourselves into a very special place, feeling much love, your body feeling light and ecstatic as your thoughts will become your reality. Automatically your thoughts will begin got be more and more positive and more and more loving and your reality will become more and more loving. Whatever you give out you will receive back, so whenever you have the opportunity to give, give, for you can only truly give to yourself.

Continue to allow the love to flow; the energy of England doesn’t look too good on the economic front, but out of the chaos always comes order, there will always be somebody who will resolve the chaos and bring order. You have been tested an stretched and new ideas are coming of a new way of living, new ways to power the nation, new energies. This will all begin to happen and there will be a new order moving through England, a new way of government, a new way of understanding. The people and their needs and a recognition of the damage of the last two world wars to the psyche of Britain, this will also begin to be resolved.

Britain stands proud in this world, a solid masculine nation with a very strong structure and that structure is now to be used to allow a different kind of energy to flow through the nation and through the world and that is the energy of ethics and integrity. It will not devalue the nation in any way, in fact it will increase Britain’s power in the world for the divine requires receptive energies to be able to work through and these receptive energies will begin to manifest themselves in positions of power and in fact this has already been happening. These new energies will take the place of the old energies which will make way for them.

Britain is no longer at the center of its empire but it is still at the center of many aspects of the world. It needs new ideas and new ways of doing thing, but these can only happen through pure love and true ethics. The banking system, if it does not become ethical will collapse. Money is an important commodity and is useful, but it is rather wiser to allow the financial system to become ethical than let it collapse. Spirit needs mediums to work through and money is a medium. If too much of this medium is diverted into the wrong areas then Spirit can’t use it and Spirit won’t use it. Spirit is all powerful and all mighty and if Spirit deems fit to stop using the financial system as it is today then it will collapse, make no mistake. It is for everybody to bring ethics into the world of finance and bring ethics into their hearts, money is not love; money can be a reflection of love but it is not love. Love is love and money is money, money won’t make you happy, but when you are happy you are likely to get money which will keep you happy. Love is love and love is what makes the world go around. Don’t let yourselves be mistaken about this, everybody needs money to live but everybody needs love, love is far more important than money; if you don’t receive love through your hearts you die.

Love is a very powerful energy and an energy that you fear, or, there would have been times that you experienced love and that love was taken away. Remember you gave yourself that love and you took that love away from yourselves. We ask you once again to let it flow, remember those times that you stopped loving, step by step of the way let them come and let them go. You are much older and wiser now and you won’t make the same mistakes once the love starts to flow again. Sometimes with age comes the fear of making the same mistake again. A mistake is a gift and a lesson; you won’t make the same mistake again, you might make another but not the same, so let go of your fears of making mistakes and allow the mistakes to happen until you get it right, until the flow of love continues to flow through your hearts incessantly with a force and with a power.

Love is the answer, love is the only answer. Love is your connection to the divine. Love is your journey into oneness, for you will find love; we have spoken earlier of consciousness and unconsciousness. Unconsciousness is made conscious by love, by loving actions and deeds and energies. Observe your behaviors and see to it you act with love and care and kindness, when you are being kind to yourself, you are loving yourself. Whatever is given is given to yourself.

Dear ones let the journey begin and let it continue. Go deeper and deeper and deeper into your own hearts and find our what is in your heart that you are afraid of; where is this fear of love, what is it? Let it come and let it go. The paradox is that love can dissolve the fear a little bit like the song of amazing grace; “once I was lost, and now I am found”, but it is amazing grace that lost you and found you. It’s the same energy flowing through you, you become lost and you become found, you became connected then disconnected.

So allow the love to flow, just let it flow like when you were a child, let the love flow for this is the energy of the new age, the energies of Christ consciousness and love flowing from eternity till eternity from infinity to infinity. Just know that there is new world coming; you are the new world you are on the cutting edge of the new world. Bring love and healing to your planet and your community. There is freedom, there is will, there is joy, and there is ecstasy to come. You will feel yourselves becoming stronger and stronger and stronger. Allow these energies to flow through you into the darkness that is hiding your gifts and allow your gifts to energize and manifest.

Dear ones without these gifts here on earth, the new age can’t begin. This is what we are waiting for, you are not waiting for Spirit, you are waiting for yourselves. We are waiting for you to manifest your authenticity on planet earth.

Allow the love to flow, feel yourself in the flow of love as if you are sitting in the middle of a river feeling the love like you feel the water against you. Feel it and the resistance you have to this love, and allow the resistance to dissolve into the flow. Allow the resistance to dissolve, just take your time, be patient; allow the love to dissolve the resistance, and see that your heart becomes more deeply connected to the divine and that your gifts manifest here on earth.

Go well, God bless and take care, for this is Kryon signing out. Thank you.

Copyright © David Brown.  All rights reserved.

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Bridges to Light

“You must dissolve the borders of your perceptions that more and more of what IS can come into your conscious knowing…” IRSHA

I am a channel, though perhaps an unlikely candidate to fulfill a role as mysterious as many seem to perceive it to be. For more than twenty years, I had a successful business career in sales and field management, including a number of years as Vice President with an international research firm (very left brain.) In addition to my business career, I played the roles of wife, mother, grandmother and single parent. In order to raise my three sons – now grown – I have, at different times, worked as a writer, seminar and conference leader, professional singer and fashion model. I have also appeared on radio and television.

Six years ago, Beings of very powerful energy began to broadcast through my body for verbal communication into the dimension of human life experience. It was explained to me to be a mutual agreement made many lifetimes ago in preparation for this most important time this NOW – for human kind. The purpose was described as a necessary re-interpretation of ageless wisdom for contemporary understanding and application. New models, new myths, and new metaphors have been transmitted to provide ways to apprehend the unknowable, the unnameable.

From a basis of beginning to sense and comprehend realities not experienced through the filter of our five senses, the choice can be made by each to release attachments to things, places, beliefs and people which inhibit the evolution of conciousness. Introduction: Elmarilla’s Story

My creed for many years has been: GOD/ GODDESS is – therefore I am – and all that is! Spirit is REAL, vital and at work in the Universe and in us. Life has meaning and each of us has purpose. My purpose is to fully realize/actualize my Self and to make my contribution. I cannot fully realize my Self without making my contribution, and I cannot make my true contribution without realizing my Self. I am responsible for my Self – not my parents, my upbringing, the environment, the government, or what I had for breakfast. In suffering the pain of my own mistakes and in forgiving myself for me, I can learn to love my Self and others unconditionally, and to grow, and to serve.

It is my choice to be actively involved in this process until the day of my death/transition, and beyond. This process I see as my odyssey.

My odyssey is very personal (as it is for each of us) and is travelled inwardly before the changes in direction in the outward journey manifest. In fact, the signposts – symbols – of the inner journey indicate those directions for my outward way.

I feel somewhat ill at ease in sharing some of them, since I am basically a private person, but chose a number of years ago to plunge into the “sea of life” and run the risk of drowning, rather than watch in safety from the shore. I had a powerful and beautiful dream about that very figure of speech. It is still vivid in my mind and gives me the courage to risk to be open – letting myself out and allowing others in.

My journey started in the Midwest – lowa – on a farm. My childhood could be perceived as mostly idyllic: climbing trees, jumping into the hay from the rafters in the hayloft, riding ponies, swimming in a creek, picking wildflowers in the woods. Various life traumas occurred: the usual childhood diseases, including rheumatic fever at age 12; our home burned with all possessions lost at ~ 3; suffered through adolescence; experienced my first loss of a loved one – my very dear Grandfather; accumulated the wounds of life that happen to us all and got sidetracked for a while onto the “conform; do your duty; don’t feel too much; play it safe” track. Now and then my Self would pop out as when in the seventh grade Methodist Sunday School class, the teacher passed out W.C.T.U. commitment cards for us to sign, stating that we would never “touch a drop.” I refused to sign on the grounds that although I didn’t drink then, I might want to try it some day. I was not popular in the class after that.

I went to college – studied art, music, psychology, teacher education; got married; gave birth to three fine sons and did everything that women of my generation were “supposed to do.” I never became angry – I did have stomach problems and heart palpitations. I was very very “nice” the perfect daughter, perfect mother, perfect wife, perfect ministers wife. My ex husband had gone to graduate school and then to seminary after we married. We were on the staff of various Methodist churches in Arkansas, New Orleans, Louisiana and Minneapolis, MN. for a number of years. I (my Sell] gradually began to emerge again and to question and to form my own beliefs about life in the Spirit and life in general.

My experience of the organized church was stifling. Operating within a structure which preached love but generated guilt and fear of failure to conform to the “shoulds” and “oughts” did not make sense to me. I could not comprehend a relationship between this kind of “Love” and the unconditional Love that it seemed to me was spoken of and demonstrated by Jesus and the other Masters.

Finally, after 19 years, my husband, the church and I parted company. It was a bitter experience which took some time to recover from. The shock and sorrow of suicide ended a brief second marriage with a mate who turned out to have a severe illness. I still love both men dearly and realize that I magnetized these situations into my life as necessary experiences for my preparation.

Irsha has given that, “… Grief has a sharpness to it like a wound from the thrust of a knife; sadness is personal with hard edges; but sorrow is attuned to the collective of human kind, so therefore is vast with soft borders and has within it the core of compassion and unconditional love.”

In the meantime, I raised my sons (all three today are genuinely caring, authentic, contributing human beings), I formed relationships (some brief – lives just touching in passing, but significantly so – and some lasting) with other honest, searching persons who accepted my eccentricities without judgment.

I embarked full steam upon a career in the business world that eventually led to a position as a vice president with a research firm in New York City. I took up the cause of women without becoming a flaming feminist by mentoring others and by example. In addition to my business career, I also worked at various times as a writer, seminar leader, professional singer and fashion model.

You may wonder how a so-called “career woman” involved with statistics and research suddenly became a channel for cosmic mind. My extra-curricular interests have expressed in the realm of spiritual/metaphysical studies for at least 20 years. However, the channeling started spontaneously six years ago with very little warning. I was ,guided to turn on my tape recorder and meditate. My consciousness stilled and upon coming to sometime later, discovered a lengthy teaching had been recorded. Since then, profound change has been my experience in life. I was directed to leave my career and my home – all that meant security to me, and for a Capricorn, that’s a “biggie” – and allow myself to be used as a channel for the reception and transmission of information and energy by unseen beings from another dimension. Those of you who come to experience or read about this kind of “unusual” event always bring a host of questions, especially if this is new for you. These are the ones most often asked:

Why do you do this?

Who is IRSHA, and where do they come from? How does it work?

How does it feel?

When did it begin? Where do you go? Could we be channels? How does this fit with Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, etc.?

Are you possessed, Crazy?

How do you know the information is true? How do we know the information is true? What is your background for this?

Here are the answers, and I hope that the reading of them will remove the mystique usually associated with channels and channelled information.

I do this because it gives me a sense of fulfillment of my purpose.

The process is relatively simple when it is understood that all that exists is of energy and that the human is an energy field living in an assortment of slowly moving molecules called a body. The energy field (Spirit) is part of All that Is. Our human consciousness doesn’t remember this, so we think ourselves separate. A leap of faith reestablishes the connection in conscious awareness – then it’s just a process of allowing oneself to be used. It’s literally becoming as a radio receiver and transmitter for other dimensional frequencies. The more refined and powerful the vibrational frequeny, the higher the consciousness being transmitted.

The Irsha energy flows into my body (circuits) at the back of my head through the occipital lobes into the pineal gland and then through my body like an electric current, but pulsating like radio waves. The frequencies are translated into words and broadcast through my mechanism.

It is a feeling of ecstacy – unconditional love – and very powerful. When channeling, it flows through my hands and into the room and is reported as being experienced similarly by those in the audience.

As channeling is occurring, my consciousness could best be described as in a timeless, spaceless condition. I do not usually have a sense of what is being said, so I always tape record for later listening.

If you are alive and here on Earth, you are channeling. Your body is a channel for your own life energy. It has been given that all who are opening will channel higher frequendes in this new time, each expressing according to his/her agreed upon life purpose (whether it be as teacher, healer, musician, artist, gardener, animal husband man, food preparer, poet, storyteller, and so forth) for your greater joy and the enhancement of your service.

How does this fit with the organized religions? The information given includes all – excludes none. Presently, our many different religious systems divide mankind rather than unite. Irsha’s teachings do not conflict with any except those notions in each that are divisive. Rather, Irsha reveals the thread of unity in the diverse and colorful tapestry of creation.

Am I possessed, Crazy? If so, it is with commitment and zeal; crazy about the beauty, wisdom and energy of Irsha. It rewards me continually.

How do I know it is true? Most of it has been, and continues to be, validated by events and circumstances in my own life and the lives of others, and it just “rings true” for me.

How do you know the information is true? You don’t, until in your experience it is supported by your own discoveries, or the teachings resonate with your own deepest knowing. Irsha says, “Don’t let your brains go soft – become your own Guru. Truth is truth and knowing of it is within each. If what we say is truth, it is that which you already know and the hearing of it simply calls it up into your own remembrance.”

What is my background for this? In my odyssey you discovered that my background is much like yours – adventurers in the unfolding drama of human life.

© 1993 by Elmarilla Bailey    http://irsha.com/

This entry was posted on Sunday, May 18th, 2008 at 4:30 pm.

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The Great Staircase

It is I, Kuthumi who greets you once more on the vibration of love, of Light, of all in creation. There are many levels of creation, some may call them dimensions of creation. I can tell you that the levels of the various dimensions were created to help mankind to ascend. You could think of them as sign posts to show the way to God’s staircase. Each dimension another step toward you becoming all that is.

I have spoken recently of your levels of creation as you enter another year in your time and experience. Some of you understand the power you have always possessed within – the power to create with love – correct love. Correct love. Let me ask you, what is it you consider to be correct love? Do you feel being true to your loved one a correct love? Or taking care of a loved one who is ill, is that correct love? Lovingly polishing your prized vehicle, do you consider this correct love? What do you consider to be correct love?

I can tell you that each of these examples are correct providing you are excreting true love from your heart. That you are also experiencing joy and gratitude for the experience.

If you are looking after another because you feel you have to, or it is your duty, then that is not correct love, no. It is a burden to you. A burden which can easily grow to resentment and anger which will taint your heart and Soul. Over time you will grow bitter, resentful and when you look in the mirror you will wonder how you grew so many lines on your face. How? It was from what you saw as a burden, what you experienced as resentment which grew in your mind until it became dark and consumed your thoughts and days. Your shoulders bent over with the heaviness and your face portrayed it all. Any love was stifled by what you focused on – burdens, anger, resentment.

Correct love is given freely, not from a sense of duty or pressure from another. That is why I gave the example of lovingly caring for a special vehicle, one that is special to you. For in that caring is also gratitude – and this is the key to correct love – gratitude. When there is gratitude, when you can give thanks for someone or something, then you have gratitude. You have brought your love into balance. Gratitude cannot survive in possessiveness. For possessiveness is born of fear. Fear of loss, fear of betrayal, fear you will be hurt and lose what you give your love to. Therefore, there is no gratitude.

Gratitude promotes a freedom, an expansion of love. When you are possessive, the love is smothered and can become a burden to you, a burden of inadequacy of yourself. Deep within you do not love yourself so how can others love you, care for you? You feel you are not worthy. Yet you crave affection. Because you are so focused on receiving affection from another, you will draw a person into your life who is able to give you the affection and love you desire. But your dark thoughts of fear soon turn into possession as your inner fear grows stronger and darker. Your fear becomes the burden.

This is one example which is very large on the emotional body of your planet – fear of giving love – fear of receiving love. This is the one area all must overcome to enable you to climb another step on the Great Staircase. Until you can give and receive love freely, you will not progress forward. This is not a difficult step. Begin to look through the eyes of gratitude instead of wishing and wanting more. First be thankful for what you have. Take time to experience the joy in what you have. It was what you wanted once.


This will lead you to a correct intent. Your intent as you go through life will be to enjoy all. To take pleasure in all things, no matter how small that pleasure may be.

It is this emotion of pleasure, the intent, the expectation of knowing you can find pleasure within which will bring Universal abundance to you.

The pleasure you find may be the blue sky, a simple flower, a soft blade of grass, or realizing your own worth, your own will to overcome adversity, your healthy working body, or feeling the Light in your Soul. The recognition is the pleasure. The knowing you will find something of pleasure is your intent, your knowing.

Many are experiencing diverse levels of emotional relationship. Some are difficult, even painful. You wonder why this must be so. How you will endure. Difficult situations can be overcome with a correct intent, correct attitude and correct love. Work through these levels to a release of emotion. You can then come to a place of inner peace. First, a correct intent. Your intent is a release of the emotion and the situation. It is important you create a strong intent with no doubt or fear. Be strong in your wish that you will overcome the situation and the attached emotions within yourself. You are not responsible for another. I speak of you only. This first step may require repetition. For example each time you experience inner anger, fear or pain remind yourself of your intent – that you will overcome your emotions and therefore take control of your part in the situation.


This creates a correct attitude. You accept that you will overcome and rebalance your inner peace. You will take personal responsibility for your own actions, emotions, words and attitude. In this you connect to your own Soul Power. You may need a correct action in taking personal responsibility. You may need to apologize or to put your view forward. The correct action may be to leave, to walk away. Sometimes you see a different person than you did previously. You may have created a false illusion of a person in your mind. Created them how you wished them to be. When you see the totality of the person there can be disappointment. As you pause and reflect, you will see that this is not how you thought they were. Take personal responsibility that you created a different image of the person. Since it was not correct in it’s totality, how could the other person live up to your image of them? It was your image. Not necessarily the other person’s totality of how they are.


In this understanding there is growth, there is gratitude. Gratitude that you can now see and understand the relationships in a different way, through different eyes.

You are now free to take correct action. To once more pause and decide what you choose to do. With the emotion of gratitude, you also activate your Soul through your Higher Self.

In this way you are able to give correct love. You may choose to walk away, but you are still able to send the other person correct love for their journey. In this you experience the freedom of Soul, of unconditional love.

This is one of the final steps for mankind to complete and to work through. To understand and to practice in your daily levels of life. As you grow stronger in your Soul Power of self, you will see with a new understanding, a new intent and in this there is gratitude – for your journey, and the part others played in awakening you to overcome your inner fears and doubts. It is through these difficult experiences you endure, that your greatest growth can occur. Then you climb another step on the Great Staircase.

Master Kuthumi

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The Fisher King Wound

Greetings Dear ones, for I am Kryon of magnetic service.

It's wonderful to be with you all this night, this very night. And it is wonderful once again to be back here in Durbanville with this familiar energy, here in the Western Cape.

There are many, many changes happening on the planet; many, many changes. You are coming into a new world of love, a world of integrity, a world that is changing, a world that will know no boundaries, a world of love, of joy, of freedom. There is a completely new world coming; stress free with much love. We have always told you in these channellings that this day would come, but this day is getting closer and closer, where you create your own reality, a reality of your own choosing.

Many of you have been working on yourselves, working through your own issues. These are difficult times for there is much change and change is never easy. Change is always difficult, for you have to learn new things and you have to learn new ways to be within the new energy. Some of these ways will be like second nature. Just as you all know how to spend money, it's the making of it that is the problem, the unknown. But money will begin to come so easily as you change yourselves on the inside; your reality will begin to change on the outside; for the new world is coming where you will create your reality out of pure love.

You've noticed that your emotional state can be up and down, but the time is coming where it will no longer be up and down, there will be a smooth and gradual increase in vibration. Many things are to happen in this world; for instance between America and China there is to be a power struggle, and America will begin to loose some of the globe. South Africa being a nation whose power and influence, mainly through Africa, will increase. Brazil in Latin America will become a much stronger and more powerful nation leading the way for Latin America. India will also increase in power in the masculine realm, for the masculine real is what controls this earth. The more masculine you are the more femininity you can control; but that is not where you want to be on this planet for many things must change on this planet.

The way that the planet is managed is going to change, spirit is seeing to this. We can see in this hierarchical society that the bankers are taking a completely disproportionate amount of wealth from society and keeping it to themselves. This will happen for a little while longer, but slowly but surely a new energy will come to replace this, a new energy of smoothness and containment, an energy of love. The more work you do on yourself the softer and the more gentle you will become, and at the same time you will be able to maintain your boundaries more strictly. In the softness is the receiving and you will begin to receive what you are truly looking for. It is human nature to love and to be loved, but at the moment it does not work for everybody. In fact most people never truly experience love, most people don't understand love and don't know how to love and receive love or give love to themselves. This shift will be happening this year in 2010 whereby love will be on the increase for humanity, where there is a dawning of a new level of love and a new level of understanding.

There is much talk of the year 2012, and there will be significant changes to come in mass consciousness in the global energies in 2012, but the major changes are happening now, they are happening already as the planets move. There are many planetary shifts coming that are leading the way into a new world, a revolutionary new world. Your energies will completely change and the energies of the earth will completely change. We have always said in the channelings that love is the only answer. Love is what floats everybody's boat. Without the ocean there cannot be a boat to sail. The ocean is the love, the water is love, and once you begin to get the flow of love under control and allow it to move in a direction that you truly want it to, in the direction of your true dreams, that is when the old world will come to an end and the new one will begin.

We offer you some worlds of advice, and that is to let the material world go. Don't be too interested in the material world. Spend some time as these new planetary changes are coming about doing more and more inner work, for many things will change. David has explained about the solar system and how you have an inner solar system that is completely dependant on how your entire family relates. You will slowly begin to create love and peace and harmony throughout your family and the more peace and love and harmony there is in the outer world in your families, the more there will be with on the outside. Remember that your family are the closest things that you have to yourselves, the mirror reflection is very clear from family members. What you don't like in your family members, it's a good idea to acknowledge and work through. During your inner work allow more and more love to flow between you and those that are closest to you. This is not easy, it was never set up to be easy, but this is just the way it is, this is what your souls chose before you came to this earth. You chose your families and you chose those specific issues to work through.

Allow yourself to connect with each person in the room through your heart center and allow love to flow. Close your eyes and go inside, allowing your hearts to open. Send love to everybody in this circle and receive love from everybody in this circle. Allowing the love in this circle to grow bigger and bigger and becoming love. Acknowledge your spirit guides coming into the room, being at your feet, and feel them and feel the Kryon energy. Feel how the energies are beginning to change as you love what can be a perfect stranger next to you and that person loves you in return, for that is what you came to experience here on this earth. The forgetting of what love was was followed by the long journey and the remembering of what love is. Allow yourselves to visualise Mother Earth beneath your feet. See inside Mother Earth a beautiful pink heart. See that heart beating, and at the same time feel your own heart beating. Feel your own heart beating and observe that beautiful pink heart in the center of Mother Earth beating too. Allow yourself to descend into that beautiful pink heart at the center of Mother Earth and feel yourself held by beautiful pink hands. Feel held and absolutely safe and absolutely secure and absolutely loved by Mother Earth. Whatever you are feeling let it come, and let it go... there are new energies coming, but the first step is to be fully connected to Mother Earth, to feel the love of Mother Earth, to feel the caring and the support and the oneness. Feel held, absolutely safe and absolutely secure. When you feel the things in your body which are not love, just let them come, and let them go... feel the love, the love of Mother Earth and the love of this group, here in Durbanville, this night.

Allow yourself to connect to one another from this space of being held by Mother Earth. Now allow a connection from the heart of the Great Central Sun, and see at the heart of the Great Central Sun a beautiful lime green heart. Allow the energy of the Great Central Sun to flow through your crown chakra, through your third eye, through your throat chakra and through your heart through the solar plexus and through your second chakra. Allow this energy to energise your second chakra for a little while. Allowing it to awaken the Kundaleni, the two snakes that live in the base of your pelvis. Just feeling this energy moving and cleansing all your chakras and energising your Kundaleni. These two snakes have much to say if you give them a chance to speak. As they become energised allow these snakes of the Kundaleni to speak, for they have much knowledge and much wisdom. Allow yourselves to become energised. Be gentle with yourselves, allowing the energies to flow. Allow the energy of Father Sky to move through the second chakra and the base, connecting to the heart of Mother Earth. Just feel the love, for this is the love of the new world, the new age.

If humanity had behaved itself you could have had this energy two thousand years ago. This smoothness, this love, this joy. There is a story we will to tell you this night and this is the story of the Fisher Kings and the Fisher King's Wound. After Christ's Crucifixion, he and his family moved to France and England and they intermarried with the royalties in these countries. Out of these marriages came new religions, Celtic Christianity in Britain and the Cathars in the south of France. Celtic Christianity lived on for six hundred years before it was replaced by Roman Christianity, but in the south of France this energy and this new religion lived on into the twelfth century. These were the true descendants of Christ, this was the true Christianity and their beliefs were based in the true teachings of Christ. In the third century in Britain there was a Roman invasion and an attempt to break this Celtic Christianity. Slowly but surely this Celtic Christianity was dissolved and replaced by the Roman Christianity. This was a divine society based in love and connectedness and freedom and joy that had only lived for a few hundred years, it lasted a little longer in the south of France until the Roman Catholic church made a pact with the king of France; until genocide was committed against half a millions Cathars.

Why we tell you this story is because in the psyche of the West there is a problem; two thousand years later there is still one aspect of yourself that is the true Christ and then there is another aspect of yourself which tries to mimic Christ. The true Christ has to win and the Christ that is mimicking Christ has to move away, it has to dissolve. What we ask you to do is to find the true Christ inside yourself and allow your spirit guides to guide you to find the true Christ consciousness within yourself. This aspect of yourself can be quite angry, quite hurt, and quite wounded. The other side of yourself is the ancient Catholic Church that caused such devastation in the past and it is for you to observe these two aspects of yourself. These two cannot live together but they must understand each other. This is the journey of Western man, to overcome this collision between Roman Catholicism and the Cathars. You must sit and observe these two aspects of your inner self and be with these two aspects.

This is wounding on a global scale, this is mass consciousness for the West. This does not allow you to be whole. We ask that you allow love and true Christ consciousness and Catholic consciousness and the energies of responsibilities to flow through you. There has to be healing of this wound and you have to connect to the true divine, the loving divine. The western psyche is in this position at this present moment and will remain so until this wound is healed, until there is forgiveness all round. Let the energy of forgiveness flow around both aspects of your Christ consciousness, for in allowing apology to flow from one side to the other and back you will begin to release the anger and resentment held against these two aspects of yourself. Everyone in this room has had both lifetimes, as Cathars and as Catholics or as a Celtic Christians. You have experienced all these different aspects of worship and it is time for the truth to flow through. You may feel a little uncomfortable as you allow these energies to flow through the different aspects of yourselves. Just allow the love to flow, allow the apology to flow. Let it go where it needs to go. The energies of apology often release a lot of anger and a lot of discomfort and there is a lot of fear involved in resolving this issue. You are involving the masters of the world and the masters of your own universe, and those that have been mastered, suppressed, repressed and oppressed. Allow the energy of apology to flow through you and into the different aspects of yourself. Know that you will release negative energies and feel it releasing. Feel it coming; let it come and let it go...

As you release these energies you will be stepping into a new world, into a new state of being, a new state of consciousness. Let the next energy through, the energies of forgiveness, and allow all these aspects of yourself to forgive one another in the hope that they can live together. Allow the forgiveness to flow wherever it needs to for you are healing mass consciousness, you are allowing a new divine flow, a new connectedness, a higher level of connectedness to the divine, and you are healing a massive scar, a massive wound in the landscape of the psyche of Western man. There can be true love on this earth; peace, love, joy and freedom for all. It is a safe world for all, all peoples can become whole, can become one. There is enough for everybody, there will be a completely different world when whole-people walk this earth again.

It is not just those in the West who suffer with this wound, the Eastern religions also have their problems, they also have their disconnections and dysfunctions. So now let’s allow through the energies of the Sacred Embrace which will heal the trauma that has been caused through this fractured Christianity. It will reconnect you to the divine. Allow through the energies of the Sacred Embrace, allow these energies to flow through you and into your Fisher King Wound. This is where the stories of Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table began. Allow the energies of the troubadours and romantic love to return to your body and to your psyche. As this wound heals you will bring back into your bodies the energies of honour and respect and these new energies will be able to flow through you. Conflict will begin to dissolve.

On this planet that you live on there can be one truth or there can be a million truths, but there is one divine; an all pervading energy that brings love, connectedness and freedom into your bodies - The light that will replace the darkness. Allow the next energy, the energy of the Sacred Filter to flow through this conflict within. The sacred filter will filter out all the negativity from the past. It will either transform it or stop it. It will stop all good energies flowing into the past.

Allow for an anchoring of pure love into the ground here, into the floor here in Durbanville. Allow pure love to flow through your hearts, allowing it to dissolve the issues between Catholic and Cathar, between Catholic and Celtic Christians, allowing it to be dissolved completely. Allow your divine connection to become stronger and more powerful and allow yourselves to be truly connected and deeply, deeply loved. You are all loved for absolutely no reason whatsoever.

Feel the love that Spirit has for you this night in this room and feel this love. Let the love flow through your hearts, connecting to the beautiful divine. Your bodies will light up when you allow yourselves to become light, and in this light you will find your freedom and your joy. You will find your love for life.

Dear ones this is Kryon signing out, go well, God bless, and take care, thank you all.

Copyright © David Brown.  All rights reserved.

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Heaven #3387 It Takes a Subtle Hearing

Getting rest is a good thing. You do not need to put it off. You do not need to be embarrassed that you need to take a break, or even withdraw, and go to bed early, or sleep a weekend away. Sleep exists for a reason. You do not need to be perpetual motion any more than you need to be perpetual rest. Both rest and action are part of life on Earth. Love yourself enough to give yourself both. Both matter. One is not better than the other. Both serve.

You are a being in a body. Your mind is part of your body, beloveds, and mind and body require rest. Your soul is always rested. Your soul is ongoing soul energy. Your soul is that immortal part of you. It does not require fuel. Your soul, rather, fuels you.

Your soul is ever awake. Souls do not sleep. Bodies do. Minds do.

Mind and body have cycles. Soul, on the other hand, is a perennial growing flower that knows only blossoming. You are safe in your soul. It is your guardian angel, so to speak. It is your guide. It is your reminder of Heaven. Your soul is you, beloveds.

The soul does not withdraw. It emblazons you forward. It beckons you Heavenward. And you follow. True, you can ignore the bidding of your soul, but not forever. Your soul is forever. Ignoring the depths of you is not.

The soul is steady but not demanding. Well, your soul is a lot like Me. It is ever-present, ever-caring for you, ever complete in itself. You do not control your soul. It needs not control any more than I need to be controlled. There are no additives for your soul, nor are there additives for Me. In terms of divine life, there is no adding, nor is there taking away.

Your soul will never lead you astray. It will not mislead you. Your soul will uplift you. Your soul connects you to Me and to all that you desire.

Never would I create a child of Mine without soul. Your soul comes with a solid guarantee. Your soul is forever indemnified. I am speaking to your soul now, your kindred soul. Your soul meets with Me. Whatever is going on in your life, your soul and I are in conference. We play music together. We are an ensemble. What is the instrument We play?

You can say We play life. We play Heaven. We play music that you may not yet be able to hear on Earth. The thing is that We play music, great music, great music by and for souls just like yours.

Silently We sing. It takes a subtle hearing. Hear Us now. Hear this chorus like you have never heard it before. It is most beautiful. And you are humming and listening with Me now, and you are as beautiful as the music We make. There is no escaping this chorus.

When you remember that We are One, then there is not even an orchestra leader. The One plays the cello. The One plays the piano. The One waves the baton. The One sits in the audience enrapt in the music of uncountable guitars. The whole score is love announced, pronounced and thrown to the winds. Heartwaves make music, this music of the soul, this music of love that never ceases, always plays, plays for the love of the music of love. Our music is resounding through the Universe now. It never stops. There is a crescendo you may not yet hear, yet it is a crescendo just the same. It is everywhere. Shh, do you hear it now?

Copyright © 1999-Now Heavenletters™
Heavenletters™ -- Helping Human Beings Come Closer to God and Their Own Hearts
Gloria Wendroff, Overseer

Although Heavenletters are copyrighted, you are invited to share them, send them to friends, add to your newsletter, use as a signature, make bumper stickers, skywrite with them – whatever you like, and please include the Source! www.heavenletters.org. And, of course, do not charge for them!

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Diane – 29 August 2008

Because things are the way they are, things will not stay the way they are. – Bertolt Brecht



You are on your way, as you might say to the Promised Land and it will far exceed your expectations. After all of the turmoil you have experienced with the prospect of Mankind entering a period of collapse, it will be so uplifting to be able to put the past behind you. You have moods of consciousness, and presently there is much despondency at the direction the world is heading.  Yet within all of it a bright new dawn is emerging, that speaks of unity and a great coming together of all people. Changes are occurring all of the time, but hope is there that they will lead to new pathway that will put the past behind you.

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A New Mandate for ALL Americans!

Good afternoon. I Am Saint Germain.

Change came to the country of America on 9/11 2001 as a message to all who do not care about the men and women who are creating an aura of light for this country. Many details have been denied or collectively managed by the collaborators. No details given to the media correctly describe this death, desecration and collapse of America’s commitment to making a contribution to human awareness. No details given can completely clarify the disinterest of Mr. Bush during these attacks. No details given are compatible with the destruction that occurred on the east side of New York. No details given are correct.

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Standing at the Doorway of Light!

Atmos  | 26 September 2006

Dear Ones, events as ever speed on to their destined end, and we are
quite satisfied that all is proceeding well. Bear in mind it is a
mammoth task to achieve the levels of participation by our allies, which
will carry you over the obstacles that stand in your way. Primarily it
is your last cabal that stands in the way, but we approach them on many
fronts and they cannot prevent the inevitable. It is written that the
end of this cycle shall result in victory for the Light, and so shall it

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Discerning Yourself!

Diane | 06 September 06

From the source of the many messages you receive, you get a measure of what is being done on your behalf. It has been a feature of this period, that many people have been enabled to make contact with Beings that are off Earth. Never before have so many become awakened, and it is a sign of the growth of consciousness that is taking place. For those who knowingly work with their Higher Selves, it is a small step to open up a line to other Beings.

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Your Future, Your Choice!

Ker-On | 04 September 06

Dear Ones, as you perceive your world at present, there is so much turmoil taking place. Yet out of all that is happening there is a new Earth emerging. From it you will see that the necessary changes are beginning to occur that will yet lead you to happier times, and outline the path to Ascension. This current period is rather lengthy, because those that oppose changes are allowed to resist them. There is no forcing the issue, and your freedom of choice is still paramount whether you are of the dark or Light.

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Evolving Reality!

Ela | 29 August 2006

Because you live in a reality created by yourselves, no one is allowed to interfere or alter your destiny. That is except you, or those who preside over your evolutionary path. Perhaps this will answer some of you who feel that intervention on your behalf should take place now. It is not that sympathy or compassion is lacking, far from it, and every opportunity is taken to make your path as easy as possible. 

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Play it Forward!

Hello Gang!

This is a another artist making an impression on the world. Artist X is their idenity, and they are trying to get 1 Million people to listen to their music over the next 90 days! Let’s help’em out and take a trip over to their website where you can hear the music. Artist X‘s letter I recieved over on zaadz is posted below, and of course a bit of my art.

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