Tag: career (page 1 of 2)

5 Ways to Master the Art of Letting Go

Excerpt from huffingtonpost.comWe've all had to let go of things at some point or another. Whether it be a pet, friend, boyfriend, or simply graduating high school. We are constantly ending chapters in order to start new chapters.Though age and expe...

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Love by Numbers ~ Online Dating Statistics

Online Dating StatisticsData
Total number of single people in the U.S.54,250,000
Total number of people in the U.S. who have tried online dating41,250,000
Total eHarmony members15,500,000
Total Match.com members21,575,000
Number of questions to fill out on eHarmony survey400
Annual revenue from the online dating industry$1,249,000,000
Average spent by dating site customer per year$239
Average length of courtship for marriages that met online18.5 Months
Average length of courtship for marriages that met offline42 Months
Percent of users who leave within the first 3 months10 %
Percent of male online dating users52.4 %
Percent of female online dating users47.6 %
Percent who say common interests are the most important factor64 %
Percent who say physical characteristics are the most important factor49 %
Percent of marriages in the last year in which the couple met on a dating site17 %
Percent of current committed relationships that began online20 %
Percent of people who believe in love at first sight71 %
Percent of women who have sex on the first online dating encounter33 %
Percent of people who say they have dated more than one person simultaneously53 %
Percent of sex offenders who use online dating to meet people10 %
What’s more important on a first date 
Personality30 %
Smile & Looks23 %
Sense of Humor14 %
Career & Education10 %
Type of hair color most people are attracted to 
Blonde32 %
Brown16 %
Black16 %
Don’t Mind16 %
Red8 %
Bald8 %
Gray4 %
Girls Prefer 
Nice Guys38 %
Bad Guys15 %
Blend of Both34 %
Any man I can get6 %
Guys Prefer 
The modern career girl42 %
The girl next door type34 %
The hottie24 %
Online Dating Facts
A woman’s desirablility online peaks at 21
At 26, Women have more online pursuers than men
By 48, Men have twice as many online pursuers as Women
Men lie most about; Age, Height, Income
Women lie most about: Weight, Physical Build, Age

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Scientists Solve Mystery of Strange Object at Milky Way Center ~ Greg Giles

This image shows the supermassive black hole Sgr A* and the region around it. The inset shows Sgr A* and G2. Image credit: NASA / CXC / MIT / F.K. Baganoff et al. / E. Slawik / G. Witzel et al.

A mysterious red object heading towards a black hole at the center of our Milky Way Galaxy turns out to be a pair of binary stars that have merged together, according to a team of researchers led by Dr Gunther Witzel from the University of California Los Angeles.

Astronomers have been gazing at a giant mystery located at the center of our Milky Way galaxy for over a decade now, but a paper published in the Astrophysical Journal Letters claims to have identified the culprit - apair of binary stars that merged together at some point in their history. The object that was falsely believed to be a gas cloud is now headed toward our galaxy’s supermassive black hole, Sagittarius A* (or Sgr A*).

The object, named G2, is located approximately 26,000 light-years from Earth and has a mass about three times that of our planet.

“This may be happening more than we thought. The stars at the center of the galaxy are massive and mostly binaries. It’s possible that many of the stars we’ve been watching and not understanding may be the end product of mergers that are calm now.”

“It was one of the most watched events in astronomy in my career,” Prof Ghez said. “G2 now is undergoing a ‘spaghetti-fication’ – a common phenomenon near black holes in which large objects become elongated.”

“We are starting to understand the physics of black holes in a way that has never been possible before,” Prof Ghez concluded.
Greg Giles

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India’s Mars mission: A Picture that Spoke 1,000 words

When the crowded command control room of India's Mars mission exploded into applause after it successfully put a satellite into orbit around the Red Planet, photographer Manjunath Kiran of the AFP news agency clicked this remarkable image of scienti...

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Ascension and the Intuitive Ability of Clairvoyance

by Trish LeSageThose who are on the path of ascension may eventually possess the ability of clairvoyance. Clairvoyance is the ability to see beyond that which is perceived with the physical eyes. Clairvoyance includes seeing with the third eye, also known as the psychic eye, the inner eye, or the mind's eye.For example, words, symbols, or other information may appear in the mind's eye of a person who possesses the ability of clairvoyance. This may happen as a form of guidance unexpectedly [...]

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Galactic Federation of Light Saul May-15-2013

War has become “unfashionable” and will shortly be unthinkable
05/15/2013 by John Smallman

Humanity’s progress towards awakening is proceeding apace, and that is because you have reached the point

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December 25th through December 31st & January overview

alpha life trends This week, December 25th through December 31st, begins with our New Moon in Capricorn setting up new and different offshoots from our business, career and industrial pursuits. Jupiter turns direct on Sunday, which gives us a way to ...

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December 18th through December 24th

alpha life trends ... Equinox shifts our revised focus to career and business pursuits... This week, December 18th through December 24th, gives us the last few steps through the goal-oriented sign of Sagittarius. With Mercury now direct and moving ...

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Djwhal Khul: Peaceful Protest


Djwhal Khul Spirituality Article Channeled by Rev. Terri Newlon (Complimentary every week)

“Peaceful Protest”

October 27, 2011

(Channeling begins)

Djwhal Khul here. Tashi delek.

Alright. My to...

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33 Year Air Force General had a conversation with me about Secret Space Program


Topic started on 31-8-2011 by vincenz32


Guys, I am a long time lurking member. And I wish this was more of a tight knit small forum because my honesty and warm character cou...

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Adama, Aurelia: Releasing the Need to Get Anywhere


Hello, it is Adama, Aurelia and also Ahnahmar, speaking together. Lately we have all been discussing with our channel Erin the importance of staying where you are, in integrity, without trying to get somewhere, whether it be off to an...

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A Saint-Germain Channeling – Help Wanted: A Steady Job with Soul Purpose, too.


By Alexandra Mahlimay and Dan Bennack Cluj-Napoca, Romania August 21, 2010 www.joyandclarity.com

The following is part of a Soul purpose reading with Saint-Germain. It includes astrological information and a channeling. It&...

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Thank You Thursday: Our Divine Purpose

a message from Hillis Pugh

Thursday, 14 October, 2010 

Be thankful this day for divine purpose.

As we go through life we carry out multiple purposes and experience various lessons for each purpose. Through life, each experience ...

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