Tag: cannot (page 1 of 30)

Sharing A New Place And Time In San Jose #MMT-Spec

The Musical Mind Training Series. Readings: LESSON 307: Conflicting Wishes Cannot Be My Will, OUT OF TIME JOURNAL: Page 16: The Cosmology Of A Course In Miracles, LESSON 308: This Instant Is The Only Time There Is, LESSON 309: I Will Not Fear To Look W...

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All About God And How I Found Myself – Workbook Lessons 42-45 #L42-45

The Illuminate Mind Training Series. Readings: LESSON 7: I See Only The Past., LESSON TITLES: 8-41, LESSON 41: God Goes With Me Wherever I Go., LESSON 42: God Is My Strength. Vision Is His Gift., LESSON 43: God Is My Source. I Cannot See Apart From Him...

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I’m Right In The Middle Of My Own Holiness – Workbook Lessons 36-41 #L36-41

The Illuminate Mind Training Series. Readings: LESSON 7: I See Only The Past., LESSON TITLES: 8-35, LESSON 35: My Mind Is Part Of God's. I Am Very Holy., LESSON 36: My Holiness Envelops Everything I See., LESSON 37: My Holiness Blesses The World., LESS...

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Arcturian Group via Marilyn Raffaele MARCH 25 2018 Galactic Federation Of Light

By Marilyn Raffaele.

MARCH 25,2018

Greetings, dear ones. Once again we lovingly offer guidance in order to assist your evolutionary journey at this time of so much

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Mike Quinsey ~ Channeling his Higher Self ~ 23 March 2018


Mike Quinsey ~ Channeling his Higher Self ~ 23 March 2018

For some time now much has been happening behind the scenes, and if anything

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All About God And How I Found Myself – Workbook Lessons 42-45 – Episode II #L42-45

All About God And How I Found Myself - Workbook Lessons 42-45 - Episode II #L42-45Watch at themasterteacher.tvThe Illuminate Mind Training Series. Readings: LESSON 7: I See Only The Past., LESSON TITLES: 8-41, LESSON 41: God Goes With Me Wherever ...

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I’m Right In The Middle Of My Own Holiness – Workbook Lessons 36-41 – Episode I #L36-41

I'm Right In The Middle Of My Own Holiness - Workbook Lessons 36-41 - Episode I #L36-41Watch at themasterteacher.tvThe Illuminate Mind Training Series. Readings: LESSON 7: I See Only The Past., LESSON TITLES: 8-35, LESSON 35: My Mind Is Part Of Go...

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Sharing A New Place And Time In San Jose – We Meet At The End Of This Space Time Episode – Episode II #MMT-Spec

Sharing A New Place And Time In San Jose - We Meet At The End Of This Space Time Episode - Episode II #MMT-SpecWatch at themasterteacher.tvThe Musical Mind Training Series. Readings: LESSON 307: Conflicting Wishes Cannot Be My Will, OUT OF TIME JO...

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Why the Government Refuses to Turn Against Monsanto

Ready Or Not ... Here We Come! A Message From Archangel Michael/Ashtar Sheran

Dr. Mercola, GuestIn the video below, Funny or Die pokes fun at Monsanto’s “feeding the world” message by highlighting some of the most obvious features of genetically engineered (GE) foods, such as the unnatural crossing of genetic material between plant and animal kingdoms, the use of toxic chemicals and Monsanto’s ever-expanding monopoly.​“I own everything!” Mama Monsanto exclaims, and that’s pretty close to the truth. Monsanto [...]

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Is The CIA Manipulating The Weather?

Derrick Broze, ContributorIn a recent speech, the director of the Central Intelligence Agency discussed the controversial topic of geoengineering, leading some activists to ask whether the agency is actively and deliberately modifying the weather.​In late June, John Brennan, director of the Central Intelligence Agency, spoke at a Council on Foreign Relations meeting about threats to global security. Director Brennan mentioned a number of threats to stability before di [...]

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The Truth About Mind Control, Antibiotics and Beneficial Bacteria

Will Hartfield, ContributorMost of your body is, well, not human. Single-cell bacteria living in and on your body – mouth, nose, skin, but especially gut – outnumber your human cells by at least three to one, totaling a whooping 100 trillion(1). These bacteria are called microbiomes and together they form your personal microbiota, which has a huge impact on your physical as well as mental health. There’s a growing body of research that proves just how beneficial the [...]

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Are you Communicating with Your Spirit Guide or Cyberspace Agent? Take the Quiz! ~ Greg Giles

A U.S.cyberspace operations center It should be apparent to all by now that agencies within the U.S. Department of Defense and also within the U.S. intelligence community are actively engaged in programs that utilize the synthetic telepathy technolo...

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The Nature of Conspiracy & How it is Exposed

 Conspiracy: an evil, unlawful, treacherous, or surreptitious plan formulated in secret by two or more persons. (dictionary.com)  While I near completion on my next blog entry entitled, The Hidden Agenda of the Galactic Federation Progra...

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