Tag: calmness (page 1 of 2)

15 Quotes on Enlightened Business Practices from Steve Jobs’ Guru

Kyle McMillan, GuestAccording to The Business Insider, Steve Jobs only downloaded one book, ever, to his iPad 2: Autobiography of a Yogi, by Paramahansa Yogananda. To those in the know, this should come as no surprise, as it was also his parting gift to all of the attendees at his funeral — the last gesture he made towards everyone closest to him on earth. Jobs’ spirituality was not widely well-known during his life, and while many will contest that certain busi [...]

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Sananda/One Who Serves – The Calm Before The Storm


22 March 2012

Channeler: James McConnell

This is Sananda and I would ask you dear ones, do you feel that, do you feel or sense that sense of calmness throughout your body? Do you feel that sense of something is about to occur,...

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Lucas – Wondering Who am I?


Oct 24

Posted by Wes Annac

Standing in front of my mind’s eye galaxy I am wondering what and who I am. I know we are lightbeings. But where do I come from? Is it the star that I say every night bright in the sky as I lon...

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HEAVEN #3904 Get up! Arise! , August 3, 2011


God said:  

Calmness is next to Godliness. Aspire to be calm. Calmness means to take life in your stride. Whatever transpires, keep walking forward.

You do not need a quota of upset. You can do without any. You are not ...

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SaLuSa 13-April-2011


We say again what wonderful souls you all are and admire your dedication to see out the challenges that have been presented to you. Having been separated from your Higher Self by the veil of forgetfulness, you have still found the Lig...

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SaLuSa 21–March–2011


Events move on towards the inevitable changes that will see your future fulfilled. These are not easy times but you knew that part of your experiences would include this period. Your confidence in the outcome arises from your faith in...

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HEAVEN #3702 You Don’t Need This, January 13, 2011


God said:

Anger is ego’s henchman. Whenever you are angry, know that ego is at play. Anger is a by-product of ego. Whether your anger is justified or not, anger itself is a representative of ego. Anger doesn’t let y...

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SaLuSa 3-December-2010

As time progresses you will find that groups with different beliefs about the end times, will surface in their determination to be heard. It is necessary therefore to be strong in your own beliefs, and not be deflected from them. Indeed the nearer you...

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Perilous Mayhem!

St. Germain | 01 September 06

Matters still remain very perilous as the last cabal see the final chance to continue their mayhem. They do not realise that their continual threats against the Iran alliance, is highlighting the very action that horrifies the majority of people. A sudden turn of events can take them by surprise, but the specter of enlarging the Middle East confrontation has been hanging over those countries for quite a long time. It has been continually placed in the front line of the news, and the prospect of a total war has been found most chilling.

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Expanding on Truth!

Ag-agria | 18 August 06

A day in your life can be packed with discoveries that pose a challenge. You see things happening, hear from others about the news and read much that begs your consideration. This is the nature of life upon Earth, and out of all of your experiences somehow you have to make good sense of them. Your computer like brain categorizes information according to your priorities, and can actually place it deep in the recesses of your mind if it is considered unimportant. It can in fact create a memory block if you have unpleasant experiences that you literally want to forget.

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Keeping the Greater Picture in Mind!

Ag-agria  | 10 August 06


As ever, you are confronted with issues that are of Man’s making, and it has revealed the worst aspects when Brother fights Brother. For those of you who have risen above the hatred and passion being generated, it brings sadness that after millennia of time that peaceful intentions seem so far away. Lessons are still being learnt, and great responsibility is upon the shoulders of those who seek an end to hostilities.

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Msg from SaLuSa – 04 Aug 06

SaluSa | 04 August 06

Without a doubt this month is one of great importance, and over the next few weeks there will be developments brought to your attention. They will show you signs that open up a path to change as you have expected. There are two directions being clearly opened up, one is more of the same chaos and destruction that you are now experiencing. The other is the intensity of the Light that is now growing more rapidly than at any other previous time.

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Msg from St. Germain – 03 Aug 06

St. Germain | 03 August 06

You need hardly be reminded that you are in the end times, and are seeing a great clear out of the dark energies that have been holding everyone back. It is of necessity that they are dealt with before the next step in your evolution can take place. On the surface matters do appear worse, but it is necessary to bring matters to a head. Many of you as individuals are also in a similar position, and working hard to move out of the lower vibrations.

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