Tag: butterfly (page 1 of 2)

Report: No endangered animals in 200 zoos across the US!

Excerpt from thenextdigit.com

On May 15, the 10th anniversary of Endangered Species Day has been kicked off across the United States, which sees a series of wildlife awareness events with the participation of over 200 zoos. These zoos across the country restricted access to a few of their endangered animals and birds to make visitors feel the non existence of such species.
Ohio’s Akron Zoo also participated in the awareness event, where it shrouded Sumatran tigers from visitors, with only limited access to visitors to capture a glimpse of the endangered tiger species. In Dallas Zoo, authorities kept the African penguins were kept away from visitors’ sight, while allowing those visitors who commit to eat sustainable seafood, switching off lights when not in use and such kind of conservation efforts.

Ohio’s Akron Zoo’s director of marketing and guest services David Barnhardt revealed that the zoo will be using this event to launch their own program SAFE (Saving Animals from Extinction) where the zoo will create awareness of saving endangered animals. SAFE is sponsored by the Association of Zoos and Aquariums. He also said,
“Through SAFE we will pull all of these resources we have available to us and develop action plans, raise awareness and engage the public to help these endangered species.”
Endangered Species Day is an opportunity for every humans to learn about the importance of animals, especially endangered species, and day to day actions they can take to protect these species, according to the Endangered Species Coalition. The Endangered Coalition not only sponsors events in the states, but also provides toolkits for zoos which interested in its own endangered species awareness programs such as SAFE.
Dallas Zoo has initiated a program in February 2015, named as the Wild Earth Academy, which educates people about endangered species. Ben Jones, Wild Earth Academy’s Senior Director and Dean, said in a statement:
“There’s a balance in nature and it’s very evident that that balance is becoming imbalanced, it’s shifting. We have to do our part to use the resources that we have, but not use them up.”
The Coalition also produces the yearly report “Vanishing: Ten American Species Our Children May Never See” – listing the top 10 most endangered species during the time of reporting. 2014’s ‘Vanishing’ report listed endangered animals like the Monarch butterfly, Mountain yellow-legged frog (extinct from southern Sierra Nevada), North Pacific right whale, great white shark (California/Mexico), little brown bat (extinct due to white-nose syndrome, an illness caused by a deadly fungus from Europe), whitebark pine, rusty patched bumblebee, greater sage-grouse, polar bear and snake river sockeye salmon.

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Science: Plants Have Senses and Can Hear, Feel and Identify Attackers

Alisa Opar, GuestThe plant world is a violent place. When munching caterpillars or grazing cattle set their sights on a luscious leaf, a plant can’t hightail it out of harm’s way. Instead, flora fight back with noxious chemicals. But what repels one critter may not work on the next hungry mouth, explains Heidi Appel, a senior research scientist in the Bond Life Sciences Center at the University of Missouri. She’s found that some plants can actual [...]

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Galactic Federation of Light Mary Magdalene April-07-2013

Pamela Kribbe — Mary Magdalene: Feeling at Home on Earth
Thanks to Wes Annac: http://aquariusparadigm.com/2013/04/07/pamela-kribbe-mary-magdalene-feeling-at-home-on-earth/#more-20924

Mary Magdalene: Feeling at Home on Earth
As channelled by Pamela Kribbe — February

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The Evolution of the Butterfly

by Bruce Lipton

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Oracle Report ~ Friday February 17 2012


Oracle Report Third Quarter Moon Phase

The keywords for today are emergence, transformation, and metamorphosis. In some way, something new is emerging from within us. This can be anything: a new way to look at something, a new ...

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New Continents Arising: November’s Taurus Full Moon


November 07, 2011

One does not discover new continents without consenting to lose sight of the shore for a very long time. Andre Gide

AUSTRALIA, n. A country lying in the South Sea, whose industrial and commercial development ...

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HEAVEN #3937 You Are the Sun , September 5, 2011


God said:

A caterpillar doesn't resist being transformed into a butterfly, and yet you resist your own transformation. In your case, it is not really so much a transformation as it is removing old layers that have kept you hid...

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dreaming ..

Once upon a time, I, Chuang Chou, dreamt I was a butterfly, fluttering hither and thither, to all intents and purposes a butterfly. I was conscious only of my happiness as a butterfly, unaware that I was Chou. Soon I awaked, and there I was, veritably ...

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HEAVEN #3924 Reveal God, Reveal Your Self , August 23, 2011


God said:  

Be truthful. You want Me, seek Me, even when you don't acknowledge Me. You know something that is good even when you cannot see it. There is a knowing of something more, and you know it.

I am you, and it...

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New Moon July 29 Energy Scope- An Omnipotent Dance Among The Cosmos


27 July 2011


A divine dance of omnipotent oneness is again at birth .The new moon in leo will have us at a quantum passion for new beginnings and clearing out of the old as we see even more throu...

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Hot off the Press

....and straight from the Sources mouths, this chat between me an Annette just now:

annette zegt:
 and unfortunatly, my star, or twin ray (not twin soul) is blonde, and i cant re unite with him until my mission is done, cant be a muse to other men with him around,
Dre zegt:
 and when will you know? Dumb question, you just know, right?
annette zegt:
 when he arrives here
 as he is off planet

Dre zegt:
 but then it is still not done because nothing ever ends......
annette zegt:
 as im sure yr is too
 nope just the start for me
 did you not watch the outkast vid
Dre zegt:
 was watching Angel-A, the whole movie, of which Guest posted a part
 watched it briefly at work (unlike youtube that wasn't stopped by the firewall), but forgot it coming home.
annette zegt:
 you will understand
 after u watched it,
Dre zegt:
 oh, I will, already understood quite a lot today I think
annette zegt:
 just put yrself in womans role
Dre zegt:
 I already did watching it partly
annette zegt:
 well she is me
 except i help others do what i do, so i can retire
Dre zegt:
 does that mean I'm the alien looking like Wesley Snipes in Demolition Man?
annette zegt:
 nope yr the earth person
 yr female is coming
Dre zegt:
 male / female, what's in a role, who'se on a roll?
annette zegt:
 but you have to do the work, an d get up to her vibration, which u only get by helping others
Dre zegt:
 yet somehow, I feel that urgency is the issue here, whetehr or not to succumb to it
annette zegt:
 when u amuse others it amuses you, so all are amused,
Dre zegt:
 you are a clear teacher, Annette. I imediately dig the teachings
 they make sense....
annette zegt:
 when everyone learns to love  and help each other, its the only way to lift yrselfs up, higher vibration people cant do it for us, we have to do it for our selves or we learn nothing
Dre zegt:
 so I just continue to make people wonder about there being more.....
annette zegt:
 when we raise up to match them, then our twins can rejoin us
 where do u think she is?
 she is higher up guiding you all the way, even sent me to help
Dre zegt:
 she said Rotterdam when she left, but her facebook page now claims Budapest I think
annette zegt:
 nope yr not getting it,
 she in facebook, is just yr outline of who yr getting back
  just a vague image
 beleive me
 yr higher self never incarnates at the same time as you
Dre zegt:
 I know hter is this 'ambiguity' when I think / feel of her. Seda is the 3D model last encountered, but she is EVERYWHERE
annette zegt:
  only one of u can come down lower, its a safe gard in case you get too caught up
Dre zegt:
 So I'm in deep cover and she's my backup....
annette zegt:
 but they can send bits of them selves down to be with u,
 on all yr previuos incarnations, but u are in last one in 3d, so you have to get yr vibrations up, then she can come, we can now raise up the earth, too, so we dont have to leave
Dre zegt:
 makes sense....
annette zegt:
 there are 3 vibration on earth at mo, 3d/4d 4/5d and 5d
 im 4/5 holding door open, for as many a sposs
Dre zegt:
 I/m 3/4.....
annette zegt:
 yes, can you see why, i cant go back down to 3/4
 but we both have 4
Dre zegt:
 4 being the web that connects us
annette zegt:
  which is holding doors open, im reaching down so are you, too get as many up as possible
Dre zegt:
 true, I'm aiming for the true 3's, the sleepers
annette zegt:
 yes, and im passing down the info from 5
Dre zegt:
 no interest in getting up where I can no longer reach them
 we're dimension straddlers
annette zegt:
 but doors will close very soon, for 3/4
Dre zegt:
 so by then I must become 4/5 or stay 3
annette zegt:
 4/5 will need to stay till 2013, to stablise people
 nope you cant go back down
 yr 3/4
 door will close and you will stay over on 4
 wouldnt recomend 3.
 its going to get ruff
Dre zegt:
 but the higher door will be open longer so I've got more than 2013 right?
annette zegt:
 then its easy
 but for me, was very hard, i had to pull myself higher than the earths vibrations
Dre zegt:
 And I was thinking it's easy already.....  
 but then I'm swimming in water that's comfortably warm
annette zegt:
 but for others the earth will ground them and gradually bring them up as she will be 5d soo as 3d closes
Dre zegt:
 so even 3D gets it better
annette zegt:
 no it closes end of
Dre zegt:
 but they are still on 5D earth, or is that 3D also?
annette zegt:
 just like the butterfly leaves the empty cocoon
Dre zegt:
 hadn't heard that one....
annette zegt:
 3d earth will be but an empty cast
Dre zegt:
 do you figure we should post this chat on moorelife?
annette zegt:
 the earth is sheding her old skin to make way for the new, and only those alinned to her new skin will stay safe, untill her skin harden
 2112 here
Dre zegt:
annette zegt:
 if you like, but i take no credit as always, i just tell it as i know it
 source is my source
Dre zegt:
 that would be in the intro..... of course
annette zegt:
 but nobody should be panicing, as if yr reading it yr already 3/4
Dre zegt:
annette zegt:
 3d people are the ones loosing it and taking people with them, love them more,
Dre zegt:
 nobody ever gets info they are not supposed to Know
annette zegt:
 thats right,
 and id love feed back, because we all have our oppinions, which is whats makes us individual,
Dre zegt:
 OK, once we finish I'll post it
annette zegt:
 and to let every one know as yr posing this, i do not channel or hear voices in my head, i just know this stuff, it comes straight out
Dre zegt:
 as do I, have done all my life, although the amount of things I Know is increasing
annette zegt:
 untill we are all in 5d, then id advise to be carefull if u channel
 3d earth grid is still opperational, till you can close it off
Dre zegt:
 me? littl'ol me? chucks!
annette zegt:
 if you want signs that yr thinking is correct, ask nature to help
 a bird tweeting to u is one
Dre zegt:
 just like I'd figured out, lately.... thanks
annette zegt:
 or a butterfly or a feather at yr feet as yr thinking something profound
Dre zegt:
 hear the birds every morning on the way to work
annette zegt:
 say hi to them in yr head, and see the differnce
 but bet u do that already lol
Dre zegt:
 I've even done it out loud lately
annette zegt:
 me too
 ok post his, as i feel like we are being watched
Dre zegt:
will do

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I Am All You Need

Beloved ones, it doesn't matter what name you call Me, or even if you believe in Me at all. While the mind might reach for explanations, the heart knows that I Am Real. I Am the center of your life and of your being. I Am the strands of Light from which you are woven.

If you allow Me now, I will activate your heart, that each of you might find yourself alive in Me, experiencing the life that I make and experiencing Love as the truth of your being. Then, your heart will walk with Me through everything that the world of the mind presents and you will be free, for I will feed you from this Love and your heart will free you to live in this abundance that never ends.

This, beloved ones, is the only shift that must be made. There is nothing that you need to figure out, for the moment that you allow your heart to fully open, then your experience of life will change. Until now you have been perceiving this Shift to the Heart through the perceptual filters of your ego-mind. When you allow your heart to become the center through which you live, then all that you see and experience will be founded in this endless peace, this Love, this beauty and the fecundity of God.

I Am life making more of itself. I Am Love knowing itself expanded and if you walk with Me with an active and open heart, then everything reveals this endless beauty that we create together. Walk with Me as the center of your life and being and no matter what the world says is before you, Love will clear the path and bring you everything.

Love will feed you and bring you all you need to know the truth through the vehicle of Love, the center of your being that is all you need to fund your life from pure Creation consciousness, to create as My heart with the power of never-ending Love. As the open heart of God I Am, you give to everyone, everything that Love brings forth as gifts to them.

So, your eyes might see a world that is filled with confusion and your mind might say that many good things failed, but as the active heart, the center of Creation, the vision of Love reveals the deeper truth of God and shows you the miracle of awakening life in every person, in every molecule, in every atom that dances the joy of harmony engaged in Making Love, until every breath is stunning in its majesty and you know yourself as the heart of All I Am. Knowing yourself, then each of you then knows Me, reflected as the world through Love's perfect vision.

Each person is revealed to be the mystery of the heart of Love unveiled. Even those things, beloved ones, that the mind sees as filled with fearful possibilities, the heart shall show you as the potential of Love to break free from the cage of dualistic seeing through the recognition that I Am Love and only Love is Real. I Am the strength that brings you easily to greater freedom, as you allow the active heart to reveal the most amazing life and it is your own.

I promise you, My dearest and most precious ones, as you step in tune with Me, heart active and open, you can literally walk through mine fields of every kind -- be they physical, mental or emotional -- and I, God, I who Am Creator -- shall guide your every step that you might find that right between the polarities of the ego's world is the beacon of the heart that guides your every step.

In these times of great change, Love's perfect guidance, the tender way you hear My voice, the reassurance of My presence and of your strength in Me will bring you through every challenge effortlessly. But so much more than this will always be revealed, for right between the polarities of ego, the active heart releases the dream of "not enough" -- frees everything and everyone it touches, brings back the purity of the surrendered life and the endless effervescent supply of life that feeds your consciousness, creates true heart awareness and wraps the world in the unity of this Love.

Step by step I Am present here and guiding you, and bringing you the gift of Love with every touch. Each life you see, each person you bless, everything that comes into your sphere of influence is effortlessly entrained to this perfection of Love, raised up to the highest and purest vibration of God that your vision which through the mind has ever been looking down…looking at the world it has made, the ground you walk upon … that this might fall away in an instant as the heart comes online.

The heart raises you up from your knees upon which you have been worshipping Me, be this figuratively or realistically, and opens you into your endless experience of yourself as the pure heart of all Creation, the heart of Love, the center of All I Am. In that instant that is Now, the assurance comes that there is no question that I Am always providing for you, for what life doesn't nourish the heart within it?

This Shift to the Heart, this joyous Heart Activation changes your experience of life right now and brings you the ongoing moment of pure bliss as you know yourself as the orgasmic heart of Creation itself and you become the vehicle through which I love.

Oh, dear ones, you finally know you are My heart giving. You are ever and always the pure and open conduit of Love. You are singing forth the truth of every being that one moment in the presence of this active heart, alive in you, bring effortless entrainment, bringing every life into its perfect place in the dance and bringing the acceptance of all these endless gifts.

So if you find yourself beholding the world in trepidation, if you feel those waves of fear rising up, if the duality play of daily life hooks you again, simply return and choose to live the heart, to be the heart of God I Am, integrated soulfully, so that only Love's Will moves you.

Just as you breathe, so too do you absorb this Love, taking it in, allowing it to feed you, receiving Love's atomic power to fuel your life and letting your active heart bring the expansion of Love and the consciousness of Love itself, until you are the experience of the ecstasy of extending this gift of God -- until you feel yourself interwoven with Me perfectly, until you know yourself as this heart, this conduit of Love given to you, that you might accept your true identity and all that Love provides.

What I Am saying here to each of you is that I Am more than enough. I Am the Source of all you are and of all you need, not only to sustain your life but to allow the very riches of Creation itself to burst forth in freedom and to know the truth as power and beauty, grace and peace and unending Love live as the truth of your being through our communion, by whatever name you call Me.

Whatever definitions you have held, dear ones, let this Love supersede them all through direct experience. Please let Me in. Let Me come and touch your heart. Let Me electrify it. Let Me throw open the doorway of heart perception and please, let the Will of Love I Am be fulfilled in you that the wonder, the miracle and the mystery can now be present as your life and as the world.

Please, beloved ones, make room for Me. Let Me come and walk with you. Let Me activate your heart that you might be truly alive with the atomic power of Love expanding your boundaries and the explosion, this explosion of Love easily changing everything -- how you see and feel and how effortlessly you allow joy, how perfectly you allow the provision of Love to fund your life, to fuel your every moment and to bring to you the most magnificent experience of the expression of this Love as your counterpart, the essence of your heart made manifest that you might see and feel and deeply know My Love for you…

…that you might give it to all who need it…this Love…this power…this joy of life that parts the waters of the illusory world of the dualistic mind and reveals the heart's reality of Love and plenty that in every Now Moment I might be your guide and also be your Real identity, the fully awake center of Love.

The heart of God I Am shall entrain it all, magnetizing every heart to this miracle and every life to the gift of transformation that just as the butterfly, you find yourself free at last after all the work of transforming…that you might realize that this is who you have been all along, the heart of God, unlimited.

Only your heart can know Me and it knows Me perfectly, but you have been living with a veil of fear around it. Step into My presence and say "Yes" that Creation, the power of life may bring the unveiling, may open up that chrysalis that has so long held you, that you might spread the wings of your spirit and rejoice in freedom.

Just remember that in these times that might seem confusing to the mind, I Am your truth, your center, your activation of Love and I Am all you need.

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Love Poem of Life (take III)

Hi everybody,

Here I go to dance and sing
Some poetry of light with a magical ring...
This journey begins from deep in my heart
It is my deepest life prayer in every part.
I truly hope it lifts your hearts up high
To spread your wings and fly in the sky.

I slowly remember, as it comes together again...
As above outside, so below within...

Life is like being within a round crystal ball
That reflects back to us our inner all.
The truth that I see in front of me outside
Is a different point of view
Than what can be seen to be true
From your own point of view.

Life is an amazing journey of adventure
In the discovery of just how far...
Who we each individually within
Really and truly are!

Our feeling heart (((❤))) is our key
That opens our door of our whole me
To really and truly feel and see
Into the infinite universal oneness
Of what I call the "we within me"!

What an awesome resonating feeling view
That feels to go through me connecting all of you.
Like waves of love dancing all over me
It really feels to be all we are truly meant to be!

As I bask in this infinite light
It all comes so fully into sight
And I truly feel in my heart what I see
That we really are all one within me!

Fully being me in the all that I now see
Includes being all of you
Felt in my heart to be so true!

What is true within you that I see within me
Is that as I do unto you,
I actually do unto the you of the "we within me"!

It truly is magic in the highest degree
This love from our heart of the "we within me".
It connects us all in every way
Inviting us to join in the ultimate play.

It's all about love! It's all about peace!
It's all about the infinite love that will never cease.
It's all in our heart where our healing will start.
In all of our thoughts and feelings within
Our love seeks to mingle with all and to blend.

Remember the caterpillar life that came to an end
Became the butterfly of new life from within!
It broke through the cocoon of fear without
To shine its love to the world all about!

Love is our light that shines up our day
To guide us from within and show us the way!
It calls us out from our cocoon to play.
Love isn't really in our heart to stay
But fully blooms when we shine it away.

I really and truly do love each of you!
Deep within your heart you know this is true!
I am your mirror shining your love back to you.
I am you from a completely different point of view.
Remember this love that you feel from me
Is really within your own "we within me"!

May love shine in your heart and lift you high
To soar like an eagle and touch the sky!
It calls us forth to come out and see
All the wonders of life that it means to be free!

There are no limits to how high we can fly
As we release it all to soar into the sky!
Allow your caterpillar to be a butterfly
And you will discover the reasons why!
Then from high above you shall see
That it's less about understanding
Than simply choosing to be
Our one true we in our individual me!

I really do feel love for all of you
And dream this poetic explosion of light
Will open up the we within you too!
As "I" am also you from another point of view!


Just writing and playing with this is an adventure in of itself for my "we within me".
Even now as I read it, I feel there is some that wants to evolve more and have fun.
So who knows where it will all go, as I share what I know in my own sort of show.... lol
It's so funny, because the more that I dance and sing,
the more comes out with a resonate ring...

Love you all from the depths of my heart,


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