Tag: Buffalo

Physicists: Black holes don’t erase information

Excerpt from earthsky.org
Since 1975, when Hawking showed that black holes evaporate from our universe, physicists have tried to explain what happens to a black hole’s information.

What happens to the information that goes into a black hole? Is it irretrievably lost? Does it gradually or suddenly leak out? Is it stored somehow? Physicists have puzzled for decades over what they call the information loss paradox in black holes. A new study by physicists at University at Buffalo – published in March, 2015 in the journal in Physical Review Letters – shows that information going into a black hole is not lost at all.

Instead, these researchers say, it’s possible for an observer standing outside of a black hole to recover information about what lies within.

Dejan Stojkovic, associate professor of physics at the University at Buffalo, did the research with his student Anshul Saini as co-author. Stojkovic said in a statement:
According to our work, information isn’t lost once it enters a black hole. It doesn’t just disappear.
What sort of information are we talking about? In principle, any information drawn into a black hole has an unknown future, according to modern physics. That information could include, for example, the characteristics of the object that formed the black hole to begin with, and characteristics of all matter and energy drawn inside.

Stojkovic says his research “marks a significant step” toward solving the information loss paradox, a problem that has plagued physics for almost 40 years, since Stephen Hawking first proposed that black holes could radiate energy and evaporate over time, disappearing from the universe and taking their information with them. 

Disappearing information is a problem for physicists because it’s a violation of quantum mechanics, which states that information must be conserved.
According to modern physics, any information about an astronaut entering a black hole - for example, height, weight, hair color - may be lost.  Likewise, information about he object that formed the hole, or any matter and energy entering the hole, may be lost.  This notion violates quantum mechanics, which is why it's known as the 'black hole information paradox.

According to modern physics, any information related to an astronaut entering a black hole – for example, height, weight, hair color – may be lost. This notion is known as the ‘information loss paradox’ of black holes because it violates quantum mechanics. Artist’s concept via Nature.

Stojkovic says that physicists – even those who believed information was not lost in black holes – have struggled to show mathematically how the information is preserved. He says his new paper presents explicit calculations demonstrating how it can be preserved. His statement from University at Buffalo explained:
In the 1970s, [Stephen] Hawking proposed that black holes were capable of radiating particles, and that the energy lost through this process would cause the black holes to shrink and eventually disappear. Hawking further concluded that the particles emitted by a black hole would provide no clues about what lay inside, meaning that any information held within a black hole would be completely lost once the entity evaporated.

Though Hawking later said he was wrong and that information could escape from black holes, the subject of whether and how it’s possible to recover information from a black hole has remained a topic of debate.

Stojkovic and Saini’s new paper helps to clarify the story.
Instead of looking only at the particles a black hole emits, the study also takes into account the subtle interactions between the particles. By doing so, the research finds that it is possible for an observer standing outside of a black hole to recover information about what lies within.
Interactions between particles can range from gravitational attraction to the exchange of mediators like photons between particles. Such “correlations” have long been known to exist, but many scientists discounted them as unimportant in the past.
Stojkovic added:
These correlations were often ignored in related calculations since they were thought to be small and not capable of making a significant difference.
Our explicit calculations show that though the correlations start off very small, they grow in time and become large enough to change the outcome.
Artist's impression of a black hole, via Icarus
Artist’s impression of a black hole, via Icarus

Bottom line: Since 1975, when Stephen Hawking and Jacob Bekenstein showed that black holes should slowly radiate away energy and ultimately disappear from the universe, physicists have tried to explain what happens to information inside a black hole. Dejan Stojkovic and Anshul Saini, both of University at Buffalo, just published a new study that contains specific calculations showing that information within a black hole is not lost.

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No sedative necessary: Scientists discover new ‘sleep node’ in the brain

No sedative necessary: Scientists discover new 'sleep node' in the brain
Using designer genes, researchers at UB and Harvard were able to 'turn on' specific neurons in the brainstem that result in deep sleep.


(Medical Xpress)—A sleep-promoting circuit located deep in the primitive brainstem has revealed how we fall into deep sleep. Discovered by researchers at Harvard School of Medicine and the University at Buffalo School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, this is only the second "sleep node" identified in the mammalian brain whose activity appears to be both necessary and sufficient to produce deep sleep.

Published online in August in Nature Neuroscience, the study demonstrates that fully half of all of the brain's sleep-promoting activity originates from the parafacial zone (PZ) in the brainstem. The brainstem is a primordial part of the brain that regulates basic functions necessary for survival, such as breathing, blood pressure, heart rate and body temperature.
"The close association of a sleep center with other regions that are critical for life highlights the evolutionary importance of sleep in the brain," says Caroline E. Bass, assistant professor of Pharmacology and Toxicology in the UB School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences and a co-author on the paper.
The researchers found that a specific type of neuron in the PZ that makes the neurotransmitter gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) is responsible for deep sleep. They used a set of innovative tools to precisely control these neurons remotely, in essence giving them the ability to turn the neurons on and off at will.
"These new molecular approaches allow unprecedented control over brain function at the cellular level," says Christelle Ancelet, postdoctoral fellow at Harvard School of Medicine. "Before these tools were developed, we often used 'electrical stimulation' to activate a region, but the problem is that doing so stimulates everything the electrode touches and even surrounding areas it didn't. It was a sledgehammer approach, when what we needed was a scalpel."
"To get the precision required for these experiments, we introduced a virus into the PZ that expressed a 'designer' receptor on GABA neurons only but didn't otherwise alter brain function," explains Patrick Fuller, assistant professor at Harvard and senior author on the paper. "When we turned on the GABA neurons in the PZ, the animals quickly fell into a deep sleep without the use of sedatives or sleep aids."
How these neurons interact in the brain with other sleep and wake-promoting brain regions still need to be studied, the researchers say, but eventually these findings may translate into new medications for treating sleep disorders, including insomnia, and the development of better and safer anesthetics.
"We are at a truly transformative point in neuroscience," says Bass, "where the use of designer genes gives us unprecedented ability to control the brain. We can now answer fundamental questions of brain function, which have traditionally been beyond our reach, including the 'why' of sleep, one of the more enduring mysteries in the neurosciences."

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The Animals Speak of the Need for Accelerated Change


9 March 2011

Channeler: Navajo

March 7, 2011

Chief Dan George, Salish, British Columbia, 1899-1981

“There is a longing among all people and creatures to have a sense of purpose and worth. To satisfy that comm...

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Posted at the Buffalo Diaries on 1/13/11...

There is Light… There is Love. Shadows have been exposed, processed and released. I am experiencing a lightness of being that is refreshing and new. The process continu...

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the Shadow Release Begins…


Posted at the Buffalo Diaries on 12/28/2010

It has been quite some time since I last sat down to write about this exquisite Soul Journey to Consciousness. I understand now the depth of the time I have created with mysel...

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the Buffalo Spirit returns…

When I began writing the Buffalo Diaries, Buffalo Spirit came to me. It was in my consciousness in a way that was very powerful and upon researching the meaning, I understood. The qualities of my experience… thoughts, words and actions were mos...

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Day 7 – Musing and Writing in Sandpoint, ID

Sandpoint, ID Motelled up tonight; it’s raining hard and windy. Feels like winter is coming, but I am prepared. It was the muses that brought me indoors. The little voice speaking volumes today. So here I am getting a flow of conscious...

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A revealing shamanic journey

this is a long one so I am just posting a link this time.  Thanks everyone for your support and contributions of light to the planet at this time... 


Love and Kindness, Marc

the Buffalo Diaries

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the Buffalo Diaries has moved…

Hi Everyone...

I have moved the Buffalo Diaries to it’s new home over the weekend. All writing will be posted at the new website from now on. 


Thank you for following along here and I hope you find your way over to the new home soon.

Blessings on your Journey.

Love and Kindness,

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I forgive…

There was a lie, a life-altering lie that began so long ago. I am doing the work to let it go and forgive those that were involved. They only wanted what was best for me, I understand but the energy perpetuated by the lie shaped my life. I didn’t know about it until about 10 years ago, then when I did come to know it was because I asked, then almost forgotten until recently again... Hmmmm... Sounds familiar... Sounds like a soul retrieval coordinate... So, I went in...

I remember many years ago, commenting to myself, my ex-wife and my parents that I was living a lie. It was at a time where my marriage was really in a bad way and I was very unhappy in that victim role. But what was coming to the surface were the sensations that something wasn’t right. I was a liar... I spoke other than the Truth and watched as it manifested all around me. What I know now is that I was fully immersed in a lie the whole time and I didn’t know it. When I asked about it 10 years ago and was told it started to release its hold on me and thus began a 10-year Journey to unravel the Truth and reclaim my sovereignty. 

The one thing that stands out for me in my past is that I was unable to speak my Truth. But that was supported and reinforced so as I continued to interact with the world, I would go very quickly to the lie. Energetically the Truth holds a vibration of Love, much different from the frequency of fear, which is where the ability to consciously speak other than the Truth comes from. So, I lived in fear, surrounded by it, at times heavier than others but there always. I had no idea until just yesterday the impact this had on me. 

At the core of my being I was reinforced with the energy of fear and taught that lying was an acceptable solution, albeit the preferred solution. That complete suppression of my Truth was the preferred way to be and I would likely get further along and be more successful in “Life” should I adopt this way of being. I did... And the rest is history as they say... Until Now. This is not history, I am making history... laying down the experience and in this case setting it straight. No more lie for me... I am free! I speak my Truth, clearly and consciously with Love and Kindness I stand in the Truth.

And so I heal... I do the work around this experience, being shown it so to get my power and Soul Pieces back from it. To illuminate the darkness it created and heal. In living this life, Creator wants to express through me... through all of us really, and by living in an other than the Truth way I was unable to express the True Essence of my being. 

Love and Kindness, that is what I am. Joy and Bliss immaculate, I am. Forgiveness, I am.

I let it all go... In this moment I consciously affirm my Loving intent to Forgive and Release this entire Timeline. I take total personal responsibility for all my thoughts, words and actions and I cancel all contracts, vows and agreements that go against my highest good. I call back all my power and sovereignty, lost, taken or given away from this experience. I release all parties caught up in the lie and forgive them all with Love and Kindness. From the depth of my being and deep within my Soul, I forgive...

There is no moment before now, just memories... history. I can change that in the blink of an eye. I can stop being attached to it so it affects my beingness now, and I do so. It is done, it is forgiven and I can move on. 

Opening my eyes I see a brighter space around me and the birds are singing... There is Love in the air. Creator is expressing through me and I can feel it with all my senses, deep into my bones it goes and springs forth. I am so Happy! The Truth has set me free...

I take a moment and close my eyes again looking to see if there is anything left to see and it is gone. The veil lifted and the illusion seen in the Light of the Truth. It is good... 

I am moving consciously into new territory these days, standing in the Light that I am. As I get further down the path, my steadiness begins to grow and what was once unsure footing is now rock solid. I am standing firmly rooted in my being... and tests have come to show me that I am, so I continue. I am discovering me and allowing me to be discovered. Self-empowerment through direct experience is bringing about the desired results.

I asked for this... My soul steadily working with me until I remembered, then guiding me to the Truth, the healing and the Love. And now, my Soul is shining bright in this body vessel for all to see, the two well aware of one another and assisting each other on the Journey. 

I have reconnected to my book, Heroes of the Now and am setting about to finish it. Excerpts will be up soon, and a website. I am very excited. As this day begins, I understand why I was awoken at 4:00 this morning. I needed to complete the process and spend that last couple of hours completely clearing from yesterday and the past. Their was unresolved stuff that I needed to move through so as to fully embrace what is coming in for me now. 2 hours of deep Forgiveness and Release is a wonderfully empowering way to spend the morning. 

So, the ending becomes the beginning and I rise with the dawn of a new day and begin to create...

Love and Kindness,

 the Buffalo Diaries


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the Little Boy

There is this chair that I remember from being a little boy... It is a small rocking chair that I sat in at my Grandparents house in when I was just a wee little being. Did I say small? Well, it is... From my limited experience with children I would guess that 3 or 4 years would be the oldest a child would be to be able to sit in it. It is rather plain, unremarkable to look at really, but it turns out to be a powerful object. It was purchased in 1855 for my dad’s great great grandfather and from that time, all the lineage of men in the Titus family have sat in that chair... including me. Now, I have to say the magnitude of this particular revelation didn’t fully dawn on me until last night, yet I have been doing the work that allowed for me to see for many, many years. There is a flood of memories that are coming back, all the synchronicity remembered... But there is one memory that kept coming up.

My mom used to say to me... “you can break the cycle...” and now I can see what she was priming me for. I am breaking the cycle.

I have had this chair in my possession now for many years. It has had a stigma attached to it for me though... there was always a pressure that I would have a child that would sit in that chair. It came from my family mostly, in those early years after I got married, but really there was a pressure to have children to one extent or another. But it never felt right to me, so I never did... And now I can see why...

There is a lineage that needs to be healed before that could ever happen and I saw it last night. This chair physically links me to 6 generations of males in my family... There is no mention of girls in the history, and I guess there were none... I’ll have to ask.

So, in 1855 my great great great grandfather and grandmother purchased this chair for their little boy. In their parenting, they would be influenced heavily by their upbringing so the strong link continues to their parents making my linkage with this chair going back to my great great great great grandparents (over 200 years)... Wow... and so I have been shown what needed to be done.

I am here to heal this family lineage... Turns out, both sides of my family actually. I am perfectly positioned at this time to do the work that effects my entire family line, mother and father’s side. I understand now... I am to bring balance and wholeness back into the world, healing 200 years of slow metamorphosis towards a masculine dominated family unit. A slow and insidious movement from the Divine Feminine to a more logical and controlling dominance over nature is what has happened to humanity. And I have seen this in my family experience that has culminated with me. 

I always said that I didn’t want to bring a child into this world as it is. And I didn’t, but now I see how that can heal and change. That healing happens with me. I was unwilling to perpetuate a cycle that has been other than good for the planet as a whole. And now I see that right before my very eyes when I look at this chair. It holds a place of honor now...

I realize that every Titus male that has sat in that chair had come across the veil in a purposeful way, choosing the Titus Family to embody their Soul Signature for a purpose. To share Love and Kindness, to be the embodiment of Creator and carry that forward onto Mother Earth. To create Heaven on Earth through thoughts, words and actions. And they all sat in this chair, Soulful energy bright and untainted by the illusion perpetuated by fear, greed, anger, etc. There I sat. In that chair, sat beings who were clear, luminescent and bright... As they aged and began to take on the “issues of the day”, the chair remained clear as they would have been too large to sit in it any more. Eventually, the chair moved out of the way... placed in storage and passed down through each generation. 

As it was brought forward again, an opportunity for another Soul to bring it through. To carry the frequency of Love throughout their physical life, to stand up for the light and break the cycle. This chair carries such Light and I admit that I had issues with it before I could see just how pure it really is. But that is what I am here to do. I have been shown that and I am doing that. I am the one I have been waiting for... 

Thomas Banyaca Sr. (1910-1999); Speaker of the Wolf, Fox and Coyote Clan, and Elder of the Hopi Nation.
It is time to speak your truth. Create your community, Be good to each other.Do not look outside yourself for a leader. There is a river flowing now very fast, It is so great and swift.
There are those who will be afraid, They will try to hold onto the shore. They will feel they are being pulled apart, And will suffer greatly.

Understand that the river knows its' destination, The elders say we must let go of the shore. Push off into the middle of the river, Keep our eyes open and our heads above water. And I say; see who is in there with you, Hold fast to them and celebrate!

At this time in history, We are to take nothing personally. Least of all, ourselves!For the moment we do, Our spiritual growth and journey comes to an end.

The Time of the Lone Wolf is over! Gather yourselves! Banish the word 'struggle' from Your attitude and vocabulary. All that we do now must be done, In a sacred manner and in celebration.We are all about to go on a journey, We are the one's we have been waiting for!

In this knowing, I have broken the cycle...

I am to do the work that heals myself, my family, my ancestors... I am the one to show the way. I am the one who has remembered. I am Love and Kindness, I am that vibration that matches the Universal One and so to my family all of creation. Remember?

So I continue to do the work that heals and heal generations while doing so. I am realigning to Creation, connecting to my original blueprint... the energy that I brought forward into this dimension when I chose this body, these parents and grandparents. I am seeing the Truth and it brings freedom. Love is all around me and I am Love. Embodying that brings forth an entirely different beingness than I carried throughout most of my life... I like it!!!!

I look at this chair now and I remember sitting in it. The little boy with the Old Soul, gently taking it all in... Such wonder and amazement expressed, Joy and Bliss. I remember... Before the body developed or the ego was formed, I remember. And, as those who came before, I grew out of the chair and began to forget.

But I remember now...
I take a deep breath, center and begin to rock...

Love and Kindness,

the Buffalo Diaries


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I am dancing the Dance of Life now, having released many major blockages the other day.  It is not over, to be sure but I am gaining ground fast these past several days.  My clarity is strong, my intuition my guide and Love and Kindness my way.  Stuff still comes up to be released, but it went very easily.  I reclaimed a very important and key piece of my Soul signature the other night and it shows in my being.  


My work is getting stronger, seeing is becoming easier and there is a general ease about me that I hadn’t had before.  I have and continue to see All That Is...  It is flowing through me as I stay clear and in my light.  I am allowing the guidance to come and I listen.  In the stillness,  it comes... the knowing of.  And as I gain my strength and power, there are challenges and many ways to manage them.  I have chosen Love and Kindness.  I claim and maintain my sovereignty.  I know what is best for me right now and I see where I may falter if I engage in certain situations.

In this sensitivity, I have noticed that there are triggers that activate in me deep programming and I have had the propensity to slip into a different state of being when encountering those triggers.  Also, I have noticed that what was a trigger in the past has little effect on me once I have done the work around it.  Yay!  There is a way to be free!  Forgiveness and Release...  Love and Kindness...  These are the tools I needed for the journey.  These monikers instruct to let it all go and radiate the Love that is the Source of all Creation.  To embody the vibration of Love and activate parts of my being that had been dormant for so long.  


Well, I acknowledge that this has been an arduous journey, but I have said many times it is worth it.  The relentless pursuit of the Truth brings about Freedom.  I am in better health and wellness than I have ever been in my life.  My 20 year old dance teacher took me for a 25 year old and was shocked by my age in years.  My mind is clear and the toxic emotions, thoughts and voices that once ruled the roost are at bay.  I have acknowledged much about myself and sought to understand me.  What I found is wonderful and I know how to stay true on this path.  The journey has presented many things along the way that have been moved with Love.  Much darkness faced and dispelled by just Loving more.  


When I see a potential trigger I look at what is happening with the energy and ask Creator what is in my highest and best good.  In the stillness comes that answer and I listen.  Oftentimes, triggers present themselves right after a release and return of big life-changing Soul Energy.   In my case, I have been doing some big work and just released a major blockage that had been holding me back for most of my life.  So, I am sensitive now.  I just received a piece of me back that I haven’t seen or experienced in so long.  I need time to integrate and come to know and understand this part of me.  During this time, I must surround myself with like-minded, like-energy people, places and things... experiences.  Walking into the shadow of what I just released and am healing is self-sabotage and an alignment with the dark.  I am Light and Love incarnate.  Darkness identified in me is to be released immediately without pause or question because that is what my Authentic Self wants and that is why I am here.  To heal...


So much to heal I understood yesterday morning as my Brother Joseph and I shared a Lakota Pipe Ceremony at Shaman’s Cave.  My physicality in this dimension is so to act out the experiences necessary to cleanse my Soul Energy.  In doing so, I am contributing to the health and well-being of All That Is.  This is the Truth.  It comes to me that we, human beings were never meant to go down the path that we did, but somehow we forgot a long time ago who we really were.  Humanities choices on a mass consciousness scale, manipulated by the dark forces of power, envy, greed, lust, anger, fear and hatred, has brought us to a precipice.  It is all right here before us if we choose to see.  And so there is much to heal, I know... and I know that healing myself is the way to contribute to the healing of All That Is.  


I have made my choice...  I stand for the Light.  I stand for Love.  This is my choice, final answer.  The internal debate has ceased and that bridge has been crossed.  I am on the side of Light.  


One must choose for themselves where their alignment is.  Personal choice and free will requisite for the journey, one will come to many challenges that require discernment, trust and inner guidance.  But the choice must be made...  There has been acceptance, I have observed the “way things are” and a general malaise regarding personal spiritual growth.  But it seems as though things are shifting.  People are awakening and beginning to see.  Choices are being made and those that are aligning to the Light are experiencing a number of life-changing things.  For all people this time is one of vibrational shift and it brings clarity if one allows it.  It is a process, every individual different in their experience, but thematically there is common ground.  


The old ways are rooted in darker frequencies, were developed under dark regimes and have perpetuated suffering throughout the world for thousands of years.  They other than worked for spiritual growth and access to the Divine.  Well, that is what is happening  right now, spiritual growth...  So they don’t work and I am letting it all go.  I have chosen and understand now that in my blissful ignorance of the past, in not choosing to see back then I lost all my power and the choice was made for me... I was plugged in, just another part of the mass consciousness guided by slower vibrations.


In choosing the Light, I have become devoutly steadfast in my highest and best good.  I am listening to the  guidance from my higher consciousness and it is leading me farther away from the old ways.  I am less able to relate to people, places and things... experiences that are rooted in those old ways.  There is less energy  to relate within and often there is very little to say if it is an experience relating to people.  So, I have found myself going within...  Staying present, conscious and aware.  When I am faced with a trigger, something that tries to pull me back into my own connections to the past and the old ways, I am ultra-sensitive.  The energy I have worked so hard to get back is so fresh, like a baby new... I must protect it as the new being it truly is.  The allure of the old ways a strain on my newly returned energy and so I choose to limit my exposure.


In doing so, I realize that I am certain that this is the right thing for me now.  I am certain that my spiritual growth and Freedom is my number one priority and I am taking steps to strengthen my new ways of being.  I am finding experiences that are reinforcing the new ways and I embrace those fully.  I am less inclined to just go out...  When I do it is with purposeful intent that I do so and when I do I share Love with all Creation.  The Muses, my Guides and Helper Spirits are all around me and I release myself to Creator that I may be a vessel filled with Love.  That I may think, speak and act with Love and Kindness in all situations.  


This is my destiny, this is what I chose and this is what I am...


Love and Kindness,



the Buffalo Diaries 


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I am Love and Kindness,

I feel Love and Kindness,

I share Love and Kindness,

I Love myself completely,

I Love all that I am,

I Love all Creation...


Today I mourn the loss of my innocence.  It was taken from me gradually, slowly and insidiously with great resistance on my part.  It was by design...  A part of the world we live in, resonant with the vibration of mass consciousness.  Fit in to the societal norms and expectations and to do so meant the loss of much of my Authentic Soul Energy.  I was born into this world with the knowledge of different things.  That perfect balance of Yin/Yang, masculine/feminine, harmonious to the natural way of things.  


Now I see how it happened and understand why...  And so it can heal.

There was a trigger yesterday that brought on emotions...  I lost consciousness and later realized I had been taken over by an angry little boy acting out through my physicality.  I took total personal responsibility for my thoughts, words and actions during that time and I began to see what was happening.  I was being given an opportunity to look into the depths of my life experience to understand why I was having the emotional response and subsequent acting out.  


I was led back to very early childhood experiences and memories.  I saw the programming taking place.  Playgrounds, daycare, Kindergarten, all revealed more to see.  I remember being met with disapproval, disdain, uncertainty by others.  I didn’t seem to fit in...  Something about what I was doing didn’t match the frequency of society.  I do see now that all children are truly creators in awe of it all.  The discoveries and insights blessings of each moment understood by the Soul dominated being.


Some time along the way, things started to change.  Socialization is something I remember from psychology or sociology classes.  The conforming of the being to societal norms, expectations, rules, etc.  I was shown my early experiences with this process of conformation in vivid detail this morning,  I saw myself in the school setting, not understanding why I couldn’t align with what I was being taught, but getting a tremendous amount of disapproval if not doing the “right” things.  


Everything about that time was about fitting in...  I didn’t, until I did.  And therein lies the trauma.  When I gave in I turned against Creation.  When I rolled over and started to dutifully participate in the system is when the fracture occurred.  I experienced the pain of it all again this morning as my angry little boy showed me all that I needed to see.  I watched as I fought against it...  Tried to explain that it wasn’t for me.  That what I wanted or needed to learn for my highest and best good wasn’t the teachings I was receiving.  I didn’t want to plug into those ways, but as a child needing approval I began to do what it took.  Fracture...


So I went against creation and that is what traumatized my Soul.  I lost a tremendous amount of power as a result and it created a giant hole in my being.  As I continued towards membership in the herd I saw that by conforming in school I began to conform with those around me.  When I didn’t, I had no friends...  when I did there were other kids around me.  But I did things that were not for my highest good and I made choices that weren’t of the Loving frequency.  I did this early on to fit in and was tortured as a result.  That is what it feels like when going against creation.  Torture.


As that was happening, I saw that the ones I thought I could turn to and trust completely weren’t really there for me.  Both working professionals and also plugged in, my experiences must have been really challenging for them.  Night terrors, demons and darkness... monsters under the bed are experiences that I remember.  There was coaching and guidance to follow the path of instruction being provided to me in school, that was the most important thing.  


I saw the times that I came home from school and cried, the fracturing of my soul so painful as I struggled internally about giving in to it all.  There was so much going on and I saw it all, the angry little boy exposing the entire timeline for me to heal.  I asked why he was angry... and he revealed that he felt betrayed.  The illusion or societal matrix was not real and he knew it, but he/I didn’t have the strength to fight it any longer and I failed at that time to stay in my Authentic Being.  He wasn’t heard, nor supported to the level that he was seeing.  He admitted he was angry and thus projecting blame on people, places and events.  


I was told in that moment to forgive and release it all, yet I still struggled.  I was mourning still, however as the physical discomforts of the release subsided I began to take leadership and started to ask what this angry little boy needed to forgive and heal.  He needed to be heard...  He needed for me to listen to him and understand that he knew things about things I am soon to discover.  He wanted to be heard then in a context that was not allowed and I told him that I was stronger now, more mature and that it was safe to come home.  I told him that I wouldn’t make the same mistakes, that I would continue to retrieve all my power and Authentic Energy until I was whole and complete as Creator originally intended.  That I would carry the light into myself to reveal more of me that has been hidden from my being... To heal those dark places. 


As I listened, tears of joy, grief, sadness, despair, hope and finally to Love and Kindness streamed down my face a river of relief, forgiveness and release I held the timeline in my hands.  That’s correct, I held the entire energetic timeline in my hands vibrant and alive pulsing with the frequency of the healing.  Waves of emotion ran through me as I healed this Soul Piece one of this biggest on this path of redemption.  I have to forgive.  I am forgiveness and compassion, I forgive and release myself.  


So I went deep and continue to go deeper still as the timeline in my hands heals.  I must forgive, for myself and this angry little boy all the experiences on this timeline where I went against my highest and best good.


It is so as I say it to be so. Talk we did and he continued to reveal things to me, just moments ago he showed me that I was on the right path...      


at this point I stopped, took a deep breath as deeper still forgiveness and release was about to occur and I noticed that my word count was 11:11, a spiritually significant number signifying synchronicity...  I was releasing for about an hour then came back to write the rest...


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And so I listened.  He told me that I was a vessel and that the past is only the past if I hold onto it.  He explained that if I was holding onto it, I needed to process something and it would not be forgiven and released until I did.  He showed me that the body temple of the Soul, is as light as the Soul if we allow it to be, but as we go through this life experience we tend to hold onto the past and thus our bodies became denser.  As I experienced this in a physical way, I acknowledge that it is true.  I was holding energy and it was sticking to me physically as well as energetically.  Blockages created by density as other parts of me were getting lighter.


It felt as though going through the eye of the needle and that frequency that can’t pass through is stuck holding the rest of me back.  I must release it.  I must let it go by forgiving it completely, allowing it to release from my entire being.  Coming into this Now moment without that baggage of the past allows me my freedom.  I am not a slave to my past any longer.  I am Free.  I am Sovereign.  I am the Light of this perfectly functioning body, the Universal One, beyond this perfectly functioning mind I am a complete radiant being. 


I understand this now, how it makes a difference.  I choose Love.  I choose the Light that makes me lighter, wholer (new word ) and more complete. I choose Love and Kindness.  I choose Forgiveness and Release so as to better experience the perfection that is all around me, permeating the very existence of all things.  I choose the Truth.  I choose Freedom!


I keep telling myself that over and over again today as I release the weight of this burden.  I continue to talk to the not-so-angry boy as we both soften into the true reality that surrounds me.  I don’t have to participate in activities that go against my highest and best good.  I declared to the universe that I call back all my power and energy lost along the way, that I reclaim all my sovereignty and FREE WILL.  In this declaration it returns to me.  


All the times I have gone against creation are shown to me in a blur and I allow them to dissolve, along with the cords attaching me to those memories into the ethers and back to Source.  I allow past judgements to dissolve and the cords attaching me to them to release from my being.  I stand tall in the Light of my Being, getting stronger every moment.  


A dear friend calls and we discuss the transformation symptoms and fears.  Hits start coming in as I acknowledge the fear that they ride on.  I release all fear and move completely to Love.  I spoke with Creator just before some of the fear hits came through, turning over my Life to the Divine Source.  And just afterwards, the calls and emails came in, trying to hook me back into a fear-based society.  I refuse.  I am the Light and I carry Love with me at all times.  This is my connection to Source, Love is.  It is my armor and weapons in this battle for my Soul, for my freedom.


I must Love all things, all situations... all Creation.  To truly stand in my Light, I must fully embrace Love and release all fear and it’s derivatives.  Those frequencies are binding and constrictive, a dense and heavy burden on the Light being that I am.  I release them.  I release all Fear and it’s derivatives from my being.  I take total personal responsibility for all my thoughts, words and actions.  With Love and Kindness I walk this path on my Journey to awakening and remembering...


I see how I was plugged in and am taking steps now to unplug, to deconstruct the programs and reclaim my freedom.  It is a process, indeed.  Some days deeper insights than others, but I know I am safe and secure as I am in the presence of Creator, connected and supported by all of Creation.  I allow this to be my reality, carrying my Authentic Frequency of Love and Kindness to my experience.  I continue to dig deep into the forgiveness and in doing so, more layers come up to be released.


I see just how I (and the angry little boy) was holding blameful energy towards those that were closest to me during that time.  I dig deep calling upon my Power Animal to show me the way to forgiveness.  It takes an enormous effort but I start to break apart the blocks of anger and hatred for those that I projected the blame onto.  As they shatter apart and I am able to breathe again a little more of me slips through the eye of the needle.  I am going to make it to the other side...  I deeply forgive those whom I blamed and I release all connections and cords connecting me to that energy.  I see them breaking free and dissolving.  I look upon the central figures and place them in the Divine Catalyst and shine the light of my Love upon them.  I let go of all the thoughts, words and actions taken in the past that perpetuated the blameful projection.  It is in my highest and best good to release this energy, so I do.  I can feel myself getting lighter, stronger and coming fuller into my being. 


I transformed a breakdown into a breakthrough!  By my free will and choice I am moving towards freedom, peace and tranquility.  I stand in the eye of the storm, calm and centered I move always in the peaceful calm.  I choose Love and LIght... Freedom.  There is no other way for me, I will prevail.  I am winning this time...


That’s what I told the angry little boy that finally got him to soften.  I acknowledged that I was winning this time.  That I could stand up to the pantheon this time and would prevail.  It is true.  The frequency of the planet is rising, the frequency of the universe is rising and so too  I . It is already in motion, I have come to see and what I must do, I am doing.  Letting go of the density of fear and fully embracing the higher frequency of Love.  This is what the planet needs to heal and this is what humanity needs to heal.  Humanity is at the crossroads, I believe and I have chosen Love.  I choose to move into the next phase of my existence with Love as my companion and guide.  I am better able to do that by letting go...


So, I continue to do the work...  I continue to be present, awake and aware so as to see the signposts that are guiding me to my knowledge.  I allow myself the space and energy to do this work and Creator supports me in this endeavor.  All will be provided as I align with the energies of creation and dispel all anti-creation energy from my being.   I walk with Creator.   Creator is showing me the way now and I continue my Journey...


I am so grateful to have the opportunity to see the Truth and reclaim my Freedom.  To be able to heal myself... my body and mind thus setting my spirit free to soar to the greatest heights.  To meet my Soul and reclaim vast amounts of energy lost along the way, I am so thankful for. I allow it all to wash away, remnants of the past dissolving and allowing greater access to my Freedom.  


I now stand tall and move forward in the Light, embodying that which is me, My True and Authentic Self leads the way from the and I embrace the experience, become one with it in its perfection and beauty.  


I prepare, taking a breath and adjusting my frame, I listen for the rhythm of the Universe and begin to Dance...


Love and Kindness...



the Buffalo Diaries


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