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Releasing religion

Man's search for meaning, purpose and the nature of life is reflected in the myriad of religions established around the world. Likely, religious institutions have been an intricate part of human culture as long as man has existed on the planet. Religious beliefs shape the life experience of the multitudes, regardless of the nature of such beliefs.

There are many definitions of religion and each individual may use a particular faith and its prescribed beliefs for unique and multiple purposes. While one may use religion to learn more about human nature, another may use it as a vehicle to serve his or her fellow man and a yet another may practice worship of a supreme being.

Unity consciousness offers the experience that man is a god unto himself, and that there is no God separate and apart from what is within each human. As this fundamental truth is recognized within our civilization, there will be no need for the worship of a separate God nor a need for any type of handed-down dogma or creed in one's life.

Religion in any form is a reflection of a particular level or state of consciousness. As one's consciousness shifts or expands, so will one's view of religion and its applicability to one's life. Unity consciousness offers a religion that is no religion, a recognition of oneness and that each soul is a divine manifestation. Instead of various handed-down teachings being offered as "the way," each person would be recognized as having his or her "way" within. There would be no such worship of an external being, only a deep reverence for the magnificence of and reverence for each human being and all of life. Truth is not taught; it is experienced and as one experiences Truth, those perceptions that do not resonate with Truth will simply float away.

Beliefs, which are views or conclusions accepted by an individual, may or may not be true. For thousands of years, it was man's commonly-held belief that the world was flat and that any venture to the "edge" of the world would meet disaster. It was only when man began to see from a broader view that he realized the "truth" of the earth's circular shape. Unity consciousness offers the broad view, a view from above, that gives true understanding.

Virtually every religion on earth today reflects a consciousness of separation. Man is man and God is God. In separation, man often relates to God as a magnanimous entity outside of the self. Various religions may relate to Jesus, Mohammed, Buddha or another master figure outside of self as a savior or messiah. Such beings of wisdom came to share their Truth, yet never asked to be worshipped or followed. Instead, they came from an experience of unity consciousness, a state that recognizes the divinity of each individual. The greatest spiritual masters and those judged the lowliest of humans are the same - gods within themselves. One is no more or less than another. The difference is only in the state of awareness of the individuals.

The experience of unity conscious is freedom, a release of any beliefs, concepts, tenets, conclusions and convictions that harbor in the mind and imprison the soul. Such mental constructs may have their source in an individual's perception related to any institution existing today, including religion or religious beliefs. As mentioned, inherent in the experience of unity consciousness is the experience of Truth, and with the discovery of Truth comes the letting go of that which is false. It's the butterfly shedding the chrysalis to experience the freedom of flight.

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The Presence of Archangels

Dear Ones,

We are beyond the time of slow evolution because the planetary needs are too great. That is why the Archangels are here at this special time, bringing forth miracles and healing separation. As people have turned toward the Light, the planet is vibrating to a new frequency of energy. The miracles will be apparent as this energy unfolds bringing forth a peaceful presence in the world.

We have not come this way before. The Archangels have not been directed toward an active participation on the earth on a daily, personal basis until now. It’s as if we lead the way to freedom for each person through the parting of the seas of lower consciousness. We come to humanity and say you are pregnant with the Divine Presence. Birth a new consciousness on to the planet. Sing praises to God and know these gifts are available to all who are sincerely seeking a life of Peace, Unity and Love.

Divine Love is beyond separation into race and religion. It is this energy of Wholeness and Unity that the Archangels bring to earth at this time. Raising the collective consciousness will bring about miraculous change. It starts in the heart of each person who lets go of separation within their being, and embraces the totality of their beauty and connection to the God Source. It begins in the moment when choice is made for Peace, instead of pride and arrogance. It begins when the good of your planetary home takes precedence over momentary greed. It begins with the desire for Peace awakening within each person on earth.

Many already believe this way. Let those people hold the flame for miracles. Be a courageous spiritual warrior holding a vision of God’s Love and Light within each person and the collective consciousness. Be the one who believes in miraculous transformation of all that would destroy the beauty and sustenance that the earth offers. When many minds hold the thought of miracles as the natural order of things, it will be. Truth resonates in the light expanding through the minds of all beings. There are many hearts longing for Peace and this collective calling will bring forth harmony between all peoples on earth.

There is another force of good awakening in the world. It is the Force of Unity – the power generated by the gathering of souls together to honor the Divine Presence. A new interest in the aspects of ceremony and a rekindling of the ancient ways of worship is coming forward, striking a chord in the heart of people everywhere. When souls gather in sacred ceremony a new energy emerges. There is a true focus toward Unity and each person is forever changed when the energy of Divine Light is generated within. The power of ceremony will bring that energy into the collective consciousness, and will create a new resonance with God inside each person who participates with pure intention.

Gather together in harmony with this miraculous intention for creative solutions everywhere. Harmonize yourself with the One Mind of the Creator, no matter what name is called. Visualize together the strength of Divine Light empowering the earth and know the presence of the Archangels enfold the planet in Love. Call forth God’s Grace and be willing to have miracles bless all in a new wave of loving existence. Join together in Unity by holding the vision of Peace awakening in the minds of the world’s leaders. Know that miraculous solutions are available when many beings collectively turn toward the Light of the One Heart.

It is time to awaken to the power of Divine Love and the Light available for life on earth right now. Allow the Archangels entry to your open mind and heart. Call in the Christed One. Know the stillness of the Buddha prevails within you and the sustaining presence of Vishnu exists in the world.  Let Allah be praised, and invite the Divine Feminine to flow into minds that have been hardened. The worldly powers of man’s government do not hold a candle to the radiant presence of the Archangels and the Divine Grace that can harmonize the minds and hearts of all who live on the planet earth.

Believe. Have Faith and know all things are possible when you stand together in the Light of God’s Grace and Love.

And so it is.

Archangel Gabriel
Through Shanta Gabriel

Copyright © Shanta Gabriel. These messages can be shared as long as they are used in their entirety and proper credit is given for the work. I love people to be able to share the work with others. www.thegabrielmessages.com.

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Sunday, March 7, 2010 . Those six planes…

Channeler: Kris-Won

Greetings from Alpha Spaceship!

Those who expect quick results in our advances towards dissipating the darkness on Mother Earth, waiting for others to do all the work required to cut short the effort the dark ones make to maintain their hegemony and power over humanity, we say to them that the New Earth will not be for those who wish to have a better world while at the same time are lazy and make no effort on their part for that new world to come together and truly materialize on the physical plane. This idyllic world exists already on the astral plane, because before things materialize on the physical plane of matter, they take shape on the astral plane, and even before that on the mental plane - and before that on the causal plane, and so on. Why is that? Because the Will of God materializes first on the highest planes, which we could name the "celestial planes" where the monad resides and who is the purest Spirit of the multidimensional being, that is, man. After that, the plans of the Creator gradually descend until they are matter, as if they were crossing the layers of an onion starting from the inside and finally reaching the outermost layer, which is the densest of the seven bodies that make up the human being.

Well then, we have this advancement towards a new world and the new humanity is already a reality in the six internal bodies of man, which correspond to the six planes enveloping and including the physical plane which are, from highest to lowest density: the astral plane, the mental plane, the causal plane, the buddhic plane, the atmic plane and the monadic or divine plane. Those six planes are already living that luminous and resplendent new reality, which must also come to materialize on the physical plane or the outermost layer of the "onion", following this simile.

For the lifting of your three-dimensional physical/material reality, it is necessary for the indigenous human being of the planet to intervene, who has been called to raise his/her vibration to move onto a higher, new density. Otherwise, we who have come to visit you from outer space to help lift you to a new dimension, would be violating your "free will." It is not possible for us alone to propel your quantic leap. Your cooperation is necessary also, which we have from some of you (all of those who have volunteered, they know who they are and in which way they can partake in this task of lifting humanity). However, there are still many amongst you who had been called to help us lift humanity from their "sleep" state and into their new awakening stage but they continue to be distracted in the world of dense matter. Even though many of them believe in the existence of older brothers from other worlds, they remain "asleep" playing with the toys of the phenomenal and misleading world of matter, and keep on playing the game with the dark ones without supporting us, we who have come precisely to save you from the clutches of these regressive and speculative forces.

What they do is so illogical and foolish, like a child insisting on playing with other children who do not want to go to school in spite of the fact that its mother and father sent the child to school to learn what it will need to become a cultured and refined person and assist in some way society. But that child has older brothers who know it has not done its task of learning, and so they go to that place where the child is playing with those other children who do not want to learn, rescuing it from its ignorance and explaining to the child that the best thing it could learn from life to become an ideal and useful citizen is to go to school and follow the indications of their mother and father, for the child's parents are the same as those of its older brothers.

Humanity living at this time on the surface of the Earth is like that child, and it must now decide whether to keep on "playing" or if it prefers to make the decision and follow the advice given by its older brothers, and to follow the loving and wise indications of its mother and father who only watch over their child so that it grows and is educated in the correct path.

Many of you get demoralized because you claim not to know how to contribute to overcoming the current situation you are living in and to be able to get out of the chaotic situation the world finds itself in. In order for a person to be able to heal, it is necessary that before the healing takes place this person must go through a stage where the symptoms get worse and there is a "peak" point with more pain and more suffering before the organism returns to its natural state, that of not being sick. That is why you must be patient and wait until Gaia, who is also a living organism going through that same crisis before "healing", reaches her optimal state of health after liberating herself from the viruses and bacteria that had undermined her health. Do not despair, for the celestial doctor has already prescribed the necessary medication for her body to recover and become healthy and strong.

Do not stress yourselves thinking that you have to contribute to the planetary healing, which is undergoing huge rescue actions; it is not asked of you to do great deeds to achieve human Ascension. You only have to sit down and go within to connect internally with the Divine Plan, and you yourselves without outside help will be able to know how you can cooperate with us to manifest the New Earth. Doing something simple would be enough, because if one and another and another of the humans who are awakening cooperates in a small way, no matter how small it is, we will reach our objective of definitively taking away power from the dark forces who have dominated you for so long. They will not be able to continue deceiving the human beings who inhabit this planet in much greater numbers than them, for they represent only a handful of humans in comparison to the world population.

Continue following us through the multiple channels that we use to get to you our information. Follow our advice, do not stop reading our messages and cooperate in the way you feel from within is right for you and through which you can contribute to bring about this new stage that planet Earth and all the beings who inhabit her will live.

Peace and Love

Channeler: Kris-Won
Source: Commander Sohin of Alpha Spaceship
Translator: Gloria

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11:11 Master Numbers!

Created, Channeled, Written, Published and copyrighted by Gillian






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