Tag: breaking (page 3 of 5)

Galactic Federation of Light El Morya April-02-2013

Julie Miller: Ascended Master El Morya — Creating a Relationship with God
Thanks to Méline Lafont
Channeler: Julie Miller
Creating a Relationship with God
Ascended Master, El Morya’s Weekly Message

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Cosmic Awareness Newsletter 2012-01


7 March 2012

Channeler: Will Berlinghof

Well...Anasazi1 just made me realize that there was no Cosmic Awareness message posted here recently,so here's the most recent one avaiable right one,as the CAC newsletter is for mem...

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Breaks, Breakdowns and Breaking Through The Barriers: October’s Aries Full Moon

Lynda Hill I’ll need a magic carpet to get out of this one. Donald Davis If you surrendered to the air, you could ride it. Toni Morrison Aerodynamically the bumblebee shouldn’t be able to fly, but the bumblebee doesn’t know that, so it goes on f...

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Aghartha In The Hollow Earth!


The Inner Earth & Realm of Aghartha

Aghartha In The Hollow Earth!

By Dr Joshua David Stone

The biggest cover-up of all time is the fact that there is a civilization of people living in the center of Earth, whose c...

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Heart Activations to All!

Circle of Light Spiritual Center offers Heart Activations to All!

The Messages from God at Circle of Light tell us that the Love pouring onto the Earth is now increasing exponentially, flooding hearts at this time of the Shift to the Heart. We at Circle of Light have been directed to offer a new service, Heart Activation, for anyone who desires to expand the opening of his/her heart more fully to receive this increasing influx of Love.

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Incommunicado? You’ve God IT!

Even if I don't: Touchy just dropped the bombshell of her Everlasting insomnia on me, having not been able to replenish herself from the nightly drip feed. With her supplier keeping me company on the fabricated one night stand, Netty had been pining a...

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Massacre at backyard high…

I'm a live and let live kinda guy, so much so even that my backyard looks like a jungle, hindering the human beings wanting to reach my back door. The kids' chihuahua's don't mind, they play in that jungle just the same. And I don't really mind the ne...

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2 July 2010 - 1:31pm

Channeler: Patricia Diane Cota-Robles

July 1, 2010


In the past few mailings I have been discussing the opportunity that is being provided this summe...

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Kamikaze fly….

I was on the phone to my dad just now, during the 11:22 coffee break in my cleanup day, when it happened: with a nice  arial maneuver to draw attention to itself as it approached, a common house fly dove right into my steaming coffee! What coul...

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The Vital Importance of Inner Alignment

by Owen Waters

Many people in society today work at jobs they don’t like, and find themselves with little or no time for activities that increase the quality of their lives. Such people are out of alignment with their inner selves.

Traditionally, society has pressured people into conformity. Peer pressure to conform to an immediate social group begins at school because, from an early age, people are taught that they should conform to outside standards.

In England, the phrase “know your place” is used as a put-down to someone who has started to become outstanding in some way. In Australia, the traditional phrase is “cut down the tall poppies.” In Japan, it is “The nail that sticks up shall be pounded down.”

However, this pressure towards conformity has been lessening in recent decades, and it will continue to lessen as people realize that there is strength in diversity. Diversity is natural. Conformity is unnatural. In the universe, every snowflake, every person, and even every proton is unique. Together, the sum of the parts makes up a perfect universe of infinite diversity.

Diversity is designed into the universe because the universe exists in order that Infinite Being, the All That Is, may gain an infinite variety of experiences. In the case of human beings as expressions of the one source, we have freewill so that we can makes choices. Making choices, and experiencing the results of those choices, is what human life is all about.

Inner alignment means becoming more of your true self. Your inner being is your true self, and by developing your inner potential, you express more and more of your true self.

In heart-centered, New Reality consciousness, mutual support is shared between people. That means that being different is good, developing personal skills is good, and exploring your own potential is good. Deep within, everyone is equal. However, in your unique form of expression in the outer world, you are different to everyone else. Not better or worse, not more-than or less-than; just different, because diversity is natural and is honored through mutual respect.

The New Reality of heart-centered consciousness is being built on this Earth, one person at a time. New Reality consciousness is a supportive and empowered state of consciousness, rather than the Old Reality consciousness of separation and fear.

When a person manifests their own unique, inner being, they become aligned, in the way that a laser beam is aligned, rather than being scattered by external should’s and should-not’s. When many people in society become aligned in their own personal power, the whole becomes far more influential than the sum of the parts. In fact, it becomes exponentially more powerful.

When enough pioneers choose New Reality consciousness, there will come a day when their powerfully aligned influence will reach a critical mass. Then, it will transform the remainder of society and, suddenly, everyone will “get it.” Society, as a whole, will then realize that heart-centered consciousness is the way forward into creating its bright, new future.

This article was written by Owen Waters, author of the ground-breaking e-book, “Discover Your Purpose in Life.”

Finding your own unique purpose in life is essential to gaining inner alignment. The e-book, “Discover Your Purpose in Life,” will not only show you how to discover the purpose of your inner being and your own destiny, it will take you on a voyage of inner discovery. On this voyage, you will pass through the layers of what used to be unsolved mysteries. At each step, we will go deeper still, always using the question why to go deeper still, until we reach the final layer and discover the answer to the greatest mystery in life.

Just imagine what it will be like to wake up every morning and know that you hold the key to the very reason for life itself. Not just to your own purpose, but the master key to the very reason for the existence of the universe!

When you gain this profound depth of understanding, imagine the sense of purpose and destiny that will be yours each and every day!

Discover your own unique purpose in life now. See how it fits in perfectly with the natural flow of the universe and even with the original reason for life itself. Your voyage of discovery is waiting.

Download your personal copy of “Discover Your Purpose in Life” now, at:


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Day 12 – Discernment and Highest Good

Blessings on your Journey, Brothers and Sisters!

You walk the path of Universal Knowledge and your energy is strong. You have come to a place of knowing of your Authentic Self during this Journey. You have greater access to your Higher Consciousness and this provides you with information from those higher sources of knowledge. As we continue developing our higher awareness, many insights about ourselves begin to reveal. We can see how our energy responds to situations and interactions around us. We are listening for the guidance from the Higher Consciousness and must learn to discern what supports the Highest Good for all Creation; doing what is in your highest good is supporting the highest good for all.

So, today let’s begin again with total personal responsibility, canceling contracts, etc and breaking spells and curses. Continue with forgiveness and release and call back your power to return to you and reunite with your Soul Essence. This is the foundation, stand tall on this foundation and expand your light, radiating bright. Share Love with yourself…

I am Love and Kindness,
I feel Love and Kindness,
I share Love and Kindness,
I Love myself completely,
I Love all that I am… I Love all Creation.

Feel your roots, deep into our Mother… expanding and networking deep into the Earth’s core. Release into the Mother and accept all that she has to offer, allow the abundance that springs forth naturally to be received by you. Forgive and release all the past and step fully and completely, alive, vibrating and free into this Now moment. Breathe…

Continue to develop a relationship with your Higher Self. Listen to what you have to say and more importantly, how you say it… What is the truth and how do I discern the Truth? Ask yourself these questions. What does the physical interface into the energy worlds tell me about my current moment? Is my body tense or relaxed? Awake or drowsy? Hot or cold? Guts churning or calm? Muscles twitching or prickly sensations? Come to know yourself… Higher consciousness communicates in many ways and is very personal in nature. You will be the one who knows

What brings you Joy? What brings you Bliss and Peace… Tranquility? What brings the abundance and how do you allow it to flow naturally into your life? When do you feel the most connected to your Higher Self? What activities have you done in the past that brings your closer to All that Is? What have you always wanted to do, but never felt you could? What are your dreams?

Bring yourself into relationship with yourself… How would you cultivate a new friendship in the external world? It is no different, you need to learn about yourself and as you do, you will naturally begin to develop tools of discernment that work for you. Discernment is the ability to see the truth and your higher self, guides and helpers are all there to assist us in this. We are all aware that there is a tremendous amount of disinformation available to us at this time, so it is imperative to our development to cultivate discernment. As the light grows strong, throughout all times it has been shown that there are those out there that wish to possess it for themselves under the context of some fear-based reality. To plug us in, so as to feed a mass consciousness that is self-perpetuating and promotes denser vibrations. I have seen this to be other than for the highest good of all Creation and continue to cultivate my relationship to my higher consciousness.

My Soul knows! This has been shown to me time and time again through synchronicity, signs and visions along the way. When I look back into the past, I see that they were always there… I was just to heavy and connected to a mass consciousness to be able to see them. It has only been since reclaiming my freedom from these systems and programming that I am more consistently able to see and hear everything that my Soul wants me to see. I continue to develop that relationship always and as it deepens I am brought to places of greater knowledge and understanding.

Follow your energy today… Come out of your meditations this morning, clean and clear, with your Authentic Self shining bright. Feel your aliveness and vigor and create a touchstone or benchmark. Note the sensations, the thoughts, the awareness, the entirety of your being-ness right now. Write it down, draw a picture, record your voice, write a series of reminders to yourself that you can access if this “feeling” slips… Listen to your Soul and create what it tells you. Ask yourself how to remember what to do when the energy drops and you are pressed to do something other than your highest good,… YOU know.

Life experience is Joy and Bliss and Creation! We are magnificent beings of Light and Love and are here to express that through the medium that is before us. When you find yourself in a situation where you sense there is a choice to make for your highest good, listen to yourself, connect to your Higher Consciousness and breathe… The answer will come to you, trust in you as you will know.

Then proceed, with Love and Kindness, knowing that your actions are for the highest good for all Creation, you are free…

What a beautiful day…

Love and Kindness,


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Day 8 – Forgive and Release

We are energy beings; vibrating at different frequencies we move through this experience aware or unaware of this fact. There are many scientific proofs of this, however certainly hasn’t been consider mainstream science. There are those out there in the world today who are living examples of this phenomena. They are the Heroes of the Now. They are the ones who are bringing consciousness to Humanity. We can look to these beings who have truly embraced a new reality that has been available for all time and see what is in store for the Human Race.

We, as a species, are evolving into something new, something so beautiful and creative as to propel a giant leap in the evolution of mankind. We are at this place, teetering it seems on the fulcrum, at the tipping point with all the mass of the past pressing us to that place where it all changes. This, I have seen in my Journeys. This, others have seen, as well in their own way. The messages are clear and the guidance is strong.

We are moving towards the Shift, consciously or not, the choice is Now. Becoming aware of our True Nature and how we dance to the rhythms of Universe is a step on the way to Higher Consciousness. We have done that. We can look around, stripped bare to the Light of this Body and see the Truth of the Natural World. We are that, Nature. Look past the objects created for our apparent need and see the True Nature of All that IS.

Creation, it is all around, one must only look beyond the illusion created by the ego and influenced by mass consciousness and societal boundaries, to see it. Reach out right now with your hands, close your eyes and interact with the energy of creation. Like water in your hands, flowing through open fingers… cup your hands and hold it for a moment. With each breath feel it expanding and contracting, pulsing in your hands it is the life force, creation energy that surrounds and permeates all.

Today, on our Journey, as we take total personal responsibility for all our thoughts, words and actions, cancel contracts, vows and agreements and break all spells and curses recognize that in this moment you are free. You are part of Creation and Creation itself… On this Journey we must learn to Forgive and release those places in our past that we have bound ourselves to. We must let it go, through a process of forgiveness and release that is very personal in nature. It is your process… Stop here for a moment and breathe. Cycle through a few breaths and allow this to sink in…

This is your experience and you make it yours by doing. Today, create your process to forgive and release. You will know it is working when you get lighter. When your energy begins to expand in all directions and you can feel it radiating from your heart, you will know.

My experience with this process is that it is deep and transformative and much healing has come from it. I have found places that I was still connected to energetically that anchored my now experience to an event, situation or timeline in the past. I was experiencing something that was being filtered and influenced by the past and I found that I was not fully present. In Soul Retrieval, we Journey to search for those places and bring them into balance with Love and Kindness, returning energy to us now so we can become whole again. We use our emotions to serve as coordinates, markers that lead the way to the original fracture, so as to heal and bring the energy back into wholeness, rather than act out our them out in negative and harmful ways.

What releases the bind is forgiveness and release.

So, today we forgive ourselves… Go deep into your meditation today and align with Creation. Connect to the vibration of the Universe, the frequency of Love and work with it. See yourself as One with Creation, be One… There is no other and forgive. Let it go, see the chunks breaking free and falling away crumbling into nothing and everything returning to Creator for recycling stuck energy fades away and is replaced by the energy of Creation in this Divine Union with Creator.

Make it yours, work it. We call it doing the work for a reason, but what joyful and rewarding work it is. Come into alignment now with Creator, breath in the life energy that surrounds you always and let it go… See all the times in your life experiences where you have gone against creation and allow those blockages to dissolve, as you work the energy of forgiveness and release.

Forgive you. Say it out loud… I forgive and release you, your name   . Go where the energy guides you,  see your connections to those past events dissolve and the energy returning to you in a golden white light.  See it return to you and fill the spaces left by the releasing energy.  See this exchange in your own way and work with it… Coach and encourage yourself during this process, as you have access to your Higher Consciousness and Guides.  Allow this process to work as you work with it.  Allow the emotions to come into your awareness, connect to them only long enough to see what your need to see, then commence the forgiveness.  Ask Creator to show you the way, if you like.  Allow your True Nature to show you…  You know.

I am Love and Kindness… I feel Love and Kindness… I share Love and Kindness, I Love Myself completely, I Love all that I am, I Love all Creation…

I Forgive and Release myself from those times that I went against Creation…  I forgive and release myself completely.  I align to the Highest Good for all Creation.  I forgive myself…

See yourself standing tall in a golden radiating ball of golden white light and breathe…  See yourself whole and complete, One with all that surrounds you, One with all Creation… Creator.

Treat yourself well today… You deserve it.

Love and Kindness,


Heroes of the Now

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