Tag: birthed (page 1 of 2)

Intention and the Rite of Disengagement

What we participate in is pretty much the name of the game. What do we spend our time, energy and intention on? What are we consciously and/or subconsciously empowering that’s leading to our own dis-empowerment? Where attention and thus intention goes, energy flows. Where is ours going, collectively and individually? Something to seriously consider on a continual basis in this massively manipulated energetic world.I’ve been blown away recently by the rapid rise in consciousness [...]

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Cosmic Awareness Newsletter 2012-01


7 March 2012

Channeler: Will Berlinghof

Well...Anasazi1 just made me realize that there was no Cosmic Awareness message posted here recently,so here's the most recent one avaiable right one,as the CAC newsletter is for mem...

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~ open the palms to receive only Me….~


~ Open the Palms to Receive that Which

I AM....

a gentle voice comes to me..

it whispers...~new now ~ is already here

and it always has been....!!!!

you are simply letting go o...

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Birthing a Better Future


a message from Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

Wednesday, 13 July, 2011  

You each walk into a stairway of questing, of questioning, of asking, what is the next step of my journey, of my mission? You stand at the top of the stair...

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the pathway is already in place...

all you need do is choose to walk it

in your shoes of allowance....


IT IS NOW.....   with ...

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A journey into “how god loves”

I awoke this morning in an uncomfortable space…feeling my “past” S...

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what abides within you???

http://www.designsbywillow.com     what abides within you???   oh....sweet souls of one light divine...   this cosmic heart of love that contains the waters of free flowing grace that lead to loves perf...

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BE  AT  PEACE   There is an ocean that dwells Beneath you.. Its “essence” is unseen by you Yet all that it is  can be witnessed And experienced by you Each moment…   It is an ocean of consciousnes...

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this message came as a direct result of my having asked Jeshua

"what can i do to extend my love into this appearance "  (the oil spill)

what you will read below is jeshuas response as to who we are and

how t...

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Denisa: Self Love

oh....dear one
the days of seeking are over...
you are the one you have been seeking...
going to workshops...
following this guru or that master
this or that....
all of it is "over"
there is only one journey...
~the journey within~

the journey of self love
where you discover every belief
born of a thought of separation
from that which I AM
that creates effects that you would
experience that seem unlike love...
how does one heal those appearances??
with your own self-love...
you are the lotus
who allows its petals
to open and bathe in the
light of its own Self love...
drinking in the sunlight of love...
wrapping  your petals of the lotus
that you are
in your own Self Love...
allowing love itself
to dissolve all the effects
birthed from a silly belief
that you are not now one
with that which I AM...
yet...dear one...as the powerful creator
you are
all the effects of that thought
surround you...
none of them are the truth about you
if they do not reflect the love..
the radiance of that which you truly are...
yes.....only love heals...
 love is what you are seeking
but the seeking has been a game
of the ego...
you already are love...
you are the divinity you long for...
to rediscover that is to
bring all of your self
to your Self
allowing that very Self
to dissolve every boundary...
~every gap~
between that which I AM
and that which you think you are...
you see
from where i abide...
from the view at the top
~there is no gap~...!!!!!!
there is only ONE....
peace be with you always....
if you would like to be added to this list
simply send me an email...
touch a heart this day...
feel free to pass this along...
i can only share that which i experience
and that experience is what is shared here
with you...for you...as you...

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artist unknown
you are all awakening to the "truth"
that you are ........ what god is...
all birthed forth from the same
Sacred Heart...
all containing within you
that which the Sacred Heart is...
to use your power as a creator
is to expand that which "is"
into that which "is not"....
so...many of you ask "what is my service"???
oh...beloved one
it is ~to be who you TRULY are~
to bring ~who you TRULY are~
into each and every now moment
of your awareness...
you are love...........you are peace...
love allows and embraces...
to walk in those shoes
and to discard all other "forms of shoes"
one might choose to wear
is the "way of the heart"
being conscious...owning who you truly are...
being the presence of peace and love
by "bringing that to each and every now"...
you see dear one
you are the arms that embrace all of creation...
it has always been so...
what this day would you choose to
reflect into this world that
"you created"....???
yes...the bringers of heaven to earth
are those who ~KNOW~
they are heaven itself !!!
touch a heart this day even with the simplest
of smiles and you will immediately know
that you have brought the presence of love
unto yourself!!!.
if you would like to be added to this list simply send me an email...
to be removed also simply send along a request...
i do understand that we all are "attracted to"
that which we are ready for...so i take no offense
in removing you....
touch a heart this day

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greetings and salutations from home my beloved and cherished friends...
i come forth thru this one on this day in what you would call your time
of 2010...
i want to bring you a "feeling".....a feeling of deep love...
a "knowing" of deep love that births forth like a spring flower
whose presence touches many if they would "choose" to take a moment
and en-join with the energetic field of such a flower.....
do notice my beloved heart that i used the word "choose" for you
see ~everything~ is a choice....you are free in any moment to choose to enjoin with the perfection and
beauty of the spring bud or you are just as free to walk by it and have
your thoughts be elsewhere.....thinking about your job....your problems...
your wants and needs.....
so...where am i taking you with all of this that i am speaking of...?.
dear beloved friends....i am taking you on the only real journey there truly
is....the journey of the now moment...
for you see....there is only now..............and there is only now eternally...
yes...once you drop the body you are still in the eternal now...
you simply change the vehicle you would experience it through...
you are the one who chooses what you will experience in each now moment
and all that you could choose to see is available for you in each ...
in each now you can choose to see the beauty and the perfection
thus "calling it to yourself" or you can choose to see what is wrong...
what is im-perfect in your eyes...what does not seem to "be" going
right for you....yes....dear one..........it is all in "the palms of your hands"...
you will experience immediately whatever you choose to...
so...that being said...let me speak to you now of why it is so very important
to choose to see with the eyes of love...
what some have called the "eyes of Christ"
when one chooses to notice the beauty of the spring flower even as they
may be in the midst of momentary sadness...even when they may be
a little "down in the dumps" ....in that very now moment you have
chosen for the only thing that is truly real...............you have chosen love...
yes....yes...yes....simply by acknowledging the essence and beauty of that
seemingly "one" flower of life..you have made a choice....
you and you alone have chosen to "experience" the "feeling"
of beauty...................love....all that is dear beloved's...
that choice immediately changes your vibration and keeps you in what I
like to call the "flow of life"......(the flower of love)
to be in that flow as often as possible will bring to you many miraculous
 for you see it is the vibration you carry that attracts to you all that
you could "possibly see"...
what you "perceive" no matter how it may "appear" is
what  ~ you will experience~...!!!!
let it begin by knowing "all is well"....
not trusting all is well....for trusting still has a ring of doubt to it
does it not??
to trust means that a moment in gods kingdom "is not perfect"...
it is a wonderful grand step to start with but it will not take you
where in truth i know you would like to be...
so....today....begin with practicing "knowing" all is in divine order...
skip the step from trust to knowing...
simply know that "all is god" no matter what is happening in any now moment....
take within you the deep breath of peace and claim it to be so
from the core of your being....
yes...you are the master...therefore you and you alone "claim what you will
experience"......  this dear hearts is the law of the land...
i am of the angelic realm and from here we simply extend fluid love...
we breathe it in and we extend it out...........
we fill all of creation with color....spectacle....tone........fluid "lovitity"
now.................this one whom i share thru has reached this level of
purity within herself and she knew she would take this journey
before birth.......................she is one with me now..........having birthed the divine
feminine of Angel Gabriel and bringing it here to earth.............
i speak of this thru her not for her own personal glory...
i speak of it so she "will own it" as so...!!!
miracles ....miracles of wonder are happening on your beloved terra now
and it is up to you to "seek them out"...
in other words............turn your tellys to those shows that enlighten you...
lift you....there are many wonderful beings of light doing much
to lift this world into a higher vibration and you can be of service
simply by your "acknowledgement" that love is here now..............
doing exactly what love does.........................
love extends itself eternally.................................this is so.
so...i leave you this day with one exercise that you can put into practice
whenever a thought arises within you that something in your world
is not of a divine nature...
when you experience such a moment...practice this....
feel the difference in the "feeling within you" when you think you
must "trust" it........
then feel the POWER of KNOWING ALL IS WELL...
there will be much there for you....
practice this throughout your coming days and weeks as there will be
much in your world that you could judge...have an "opinion" on...
beloveds........from our vantage point there is no such thing as an opinion...
there is no such thing as a judgment...
there is only the awareness of the perfection of all that love is...
this is what i wish for you to discover.....play with it...
keep it light.....for you see it is seriousness that keeps realities
of your own creation in place...
with that....i say to you...............you are deeply .....deeply honored
and loved for walking in the shoes of light and love on your beloved
earth at this moment "in time"...
yet....when you practice this that i have set out before you
in truth "you are not in time" at all...
you are in heaven...............................
i love you.....
I AM ANGEL GABRIEL................
brought here by Deniseanew@aol.com

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The Crystal Butterfly

the caterpillar is the symbol
of the small self...
the belief that you are the "created"
the crystal butterfly is birthed
when you shift your focus
from being the created
to "knowing"

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