Tag: balance and harmony

Galactic Federation of Light SaLuSa April-17-2013

SaLuSa on Peace by Multidimensional Ocean — 17 April 2012

We are pleased to see your discerning and filtering of information being more and more reliable. Your conscious

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Celestial Trends for November 2011

alpha life trends November 2011 Overview November is universally a SIX* month (in numerology* terms). SIX brings in a strong series of events that are geared toward resolution, bringing forward balance and harmony. Mercury moves into Sagittarius on th...

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Diving Deeper Into Our True And Authentic Selves- Roseheart


29 August 2011 


We are now diving deeper into our true and authentic selves and so much time may have been spent focussing on what needs healing or clearing within us this can be overwhelming at times as we may ...

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August 21st through August 27th

alpha life trends ... Pathway emerges as we walk through this last week ofMercury retrograde ... This week, August 21st through August 27th, begins with Venus opposition Neptune early Sunday morning. Venus brings forward the solutions that need to be...

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SaLuSa 20-June-2011


What you are doing as Lightworkers requires a good degree of faith, as it is not given to you to know the complete picture. Yet as a part of the mass consciousness you sense what is happening, and you know that all is well. Your Light...

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Energy Report – February 2011


a message from Kate Spreckley

Wednesday, 2 February, 2011  (posted 4 February, 2011)

As we move into February an abundance of energy becomes available to us to shift and accelerate our personal growth, development and ev...

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SaLuSa 14-January-2011


We can talk now of the months to come that are set to raise your levels of consciousness, as so much energy is being beamed to Earth. This is wonderful as it means that even more Light than previously will be grounded, and bring neare...

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SaLuSa 22-December-2010

As those who celebrate at this festive season look forward to gathering with family and friends, the feeling of happiness and joy is growing. Humans are remarkable at finding the ability to do so, whilst at the same time experiencing difficult...

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You Are The Cosmic Heartbeat Of God

a message from Archangel Michael channeled by Michelle Coutant

Tuesday, 28 September, 2010 

Beloved Ones,

Begin now, in this Now Moment to expand your consciousness. The dawn of the new era is here,...

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Love Is The Answer

a message from Sananda channeled by Michelle Coutant

Friday, 16 July, 2010 

Beloved Ones,

In the dawn of a new era, there are many challenges facing each one of you. Face these challenges i...

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Ela – 13 August 2008

I could prove God statistically. – George Gallup


13 August 2008

The Galactic Federation is a gigantic organization that serves your Universe. Certain Star Nations such as ours from Arcturus have a more direct connection with Earth, having been involved with your civilization for thousands of years. We are not just the peacekeepers, but also seek to ensure that the plan for all galaxies within it, flow with the plan for its growth. We can travel quickly and efficiently within the different dimensions, and can reach our destination quite easily regardless of its distance from us. In fact neither time or distance are such important factors as upon Earth.

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