Tag: awesome (page 2 of 3)

HEAVEN #3677 The Journal of Your Life

God said:

The world has taught you safety above all. Where did the idea of safety come from? It came from the idea of fear. Dismiss fear, and you won’t be craving safety. You will be craving to live life to its fullest. I do not tell yo...

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She had me @ hello…

Dedicated to Extince, the homey whose viervoeters rocked my world.....

She had me @ Hell-o, I met her 'cross the Table 

Our eyes met somewhere out-a-here, thus rend'ring me unABLE

to do ma thang, and do her in, but then I'm glad ...

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No, I don’t want to get up!

Sunday morning, freakin' seven AM!  I should be in my bed, enjoying a long sleep in just because this is one of those days my boss doen't need me at work. But no: once I wake up with that unconfortable feeling in my chest, I know the drill: I can...

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Another Bright New Day

Been working again yesterday, for the first time in weeks. It went OK, just as I'd intended that morning. This morning I do not have to work, at least not for my boss. That meant waking up as I felt like, which in this case meant growing tired of lyin...

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the End for Now!

With this 1000th posting, I declare snoedel.moorelife.nl officially deflowered, hazed, broken in and fucked up. I'm tired, shooting my load into the void. I guess I've been a naughty boy today, sort of. Time for me to bend over or lay down, get on my knees and beg for forgiveness from all my readers for tirelessly abusing, amusing and confusing them at times.

Yes oly69, I saw the ad on the web earlier, even used it to fill the gap that a Murphian Crunch performed on Mel's laptop. Gravity sucks, but that's OK because i like to be sucked! thanks for the advance on my paycheck, snoedel.moorelife.nl will from tomorrow be launched through a brandnew Acer One

You Yoda's are Awesome Analog Avatars. Triple A!

Love Ya!


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There’s more than One Dré, or is there?

Hey Dre!

Shot for an awesome site! Been reading it for many years. Post this if you keen. Take good care man!


Cool, mail from myself! Well, best to you also, brother. Well actually, this week I AM cancelling my TV subscription! Not that I'm convinced it is all evil, just that it feels a bit too pre-cooked.....

Love your Light, keep it cooperative....


Dear Friends

Through many years of cleansing, hardship, blurred vision and the chaos of absorbing integrated energy fields of myriads of free flow thought and projected intent patterns of others my eyes have finally opened to the peace and love that surpasses all understanding. I am filled with life and disconnected from fear. Being as we are, people that care, the overdose of toxic exposures of negative thought form/energy patterns via media, cellphone and alas people that buy into it has led to judgments projected on me during years of shining my light that resulted to a crash in my story of life. Disconnected for many years from my emotions, the sight in front of me and my sense of destiny has led me to the space of total and absolute surrender to the part of me that guides and directs my thoughts, my life, my flow. I experienced an unbelievable story of life, adventure but could not experience the feelings of the story that was happening in front of me. But non the less, I was lifted and relocated to a place of extremely high vibration compared to my previous realm of living. Angelic-like people came to me and helped healing me. I, by my own understanding could not possibly have done this. For the largest part of seven years I had only one weapon of protection and getting through my day – Faith. Faith in the knowing that I am divinely guided, faith in the knowing that events are happening that are beyond my control, faith in the knowing that I will awaken and live a life that resembles Heaven on Earth. During this process I disconnected without seeming conscious choice from all the things that were so sacred to me, my family, great friends, my beloved country (South Africa), myself. I understood deeply that I am going through a profound clearing phase. At my moment of total disconnection, standing naked in front of nothing, broken but as fearless as I could be, the pendulum of life started swinging in the other direction. Love came to me and started filling me, day by day, year by year (through my beloved one). My ability to absorb and see beauty escalated. As toxic thoughts left my heart and my body my sense of flow took on a new form. My surfing became expressive, my voice became eloquent, my light intensified. I stood unwavering in my belief, not fearing anything that came my way in the form of relationships, dangers in my surroundings or anything. I became aware that everyone and everything around me started showing glimpses of similar light, faith and joy when our movements brought us together. I have been thinking about Heaven on Earth for a few years now and have realized I have moved into this space, in my physical environment, in my relationships with all things and in my heart. I have become so sensitive to vibrations that I can not watch television any more, I can not engage eye contact with most people I find in magazines, I’ve moved away from conversations of any form of fear based material and ego based life styles or redirect thoughts/conversations that head in that way. For me, my surfing magazines are one of the portals to my parallel universe of beauty, the search. They share the love with those who love our planet expressed in their adventures, their clothing and the life lived. I have disconnected in thought and in lifestyle from the chase of nothingness, the material and the desire for acceptance. It was a long and amazing journey and I by no means got this right by myself. It was the part of me higher than myself that brought me everything at exactly the right moment to do, to read and to experience to move me into this seeming space of eternal love. Dear friends, feel yourself again by eating well, love yourself again by letting go of every single thought that is not focused on the best of the best, the most beautiful of beautiful. Move away from places and people that don’t care about you. Don’t buy their magazines of gossip because they lock you into feeling incomplete. Don’t listen to gossip because you are perfect and beautiful. PUT OFF YOUR TV. Can you hear the background sounds they use to lock you in and can you feel the lies they tell you in the media. It does not fulfill. Read amazing books. Let love pulsate through your veins. Your body can lift its vibration tremendously in one day. Fast, stretch, you deserve beauty and the best in life. You must believe! From living in a city surrounded by money hunters, my businesses that crashed, so broke at times that I lay sick on a tile floor with not one cent, no food, sick and nowhere to go seeing miracles taking place in front of my eyes. I believed, strong and unwavering. Kept my honor in tact and tried to never sell out on myself. And now I reside in my definition of the light worlds. Everything is breathtakingly amazing and filled with my most beautiful expressions of love. My eyes have opened to the natural world around me. I can sense the mystery (that I use to as a child) of the plants, the trees, the waves, the wind and space of stillness. I feel complete, wise, still and at peace with the world.

You must believe. You must know that you are fine. You must know that you are divinely guided, always and every step of the way.

Be strong. Heaven is here, in your heart, pure and truthful. Fill your all with beauty and realness. Keep it simple. Be fearless. We ARE warriors, We are Warriors of the Light!

My the spirit of the most high guide you, fill you and bless you in all your ways and all your days.


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Total Relaxation Achieved

This morning, I woke up with enough inspiration to add seven pages to my novel in less than an hour, and the exercise has maneuvered me in a state where you guys and gals get the short end of the stick: I'm leaving website update to my other team members today, and will enjoy this day in total relaxation. As a bandaid, here are the pages I added today:

Thursday, October 30th, 2003, 20:21

Somebody lied to me today, but both he and I Know it: Henk told me today his Thursday meetings are going to end, so I won't be able to continue visiting his psychic hour.


In case you hadn't guessed, Henk is a psychic. He is the guy who helped me realize about the vow I'd made at age eight, to figure out the Cosmos, and tell everyone who will hear about it. I'm glad he did, especially from the viewpoint of where I am now, finishing the novel that will be the culmination of this life's work.

Henk magically appeared as a friend of a friend of a colleague of my wife, in a moment where I desperately needed him. The first night he told me my soul was aligned someway half outside my body, but he wouldn't fix it. Instead, he had me fix it myself! Make-belief, hypnosis, name it what you want, but that night I felt better than I had in years!

Henk held what he called his Thursday meetings, and invited me to come. No entrance fees or anything, although some of us sometimes brought cookies to go with the ever abundant coffee. When one day I offered him fifty euros for his services, he looked at me and merely asked: “Why are you doing this?” in a non-incriminating manner.

Lying on the table, Henk taught me to recognize the flow of energy throughout my body, and he kept trying to teach me to breathe properly. In that, he seemed not to succeed, or did he: I've always been a shallow on-demand breather. Just couldn't stick to his program of deep, belly-based breathing.

And he asked me to write. Write manually, while in fact I dislike my own handwriting. I did it, but for serious writing like this novel I still stick to hammering it out on the keyboard. Maybe my disregard for his lessons is what eventually got him to call it “Class Dismissed!”, but I don't think so.....

One last experiment I remember around that time happened around that time, was an outing to the local kids farm with my family. I was very occupied with my being, and while the kids played, I was sitting on a bench in the Sun. A fly came up to me, and landed on my right leg, just above the knee. I figured, if my vibration was OK, I'd be able to approach it sincerely, without disturbing it.

I moved my left hand, index finger outstretched, to the vicinity of it's bulging faceted eyes, quite slowly. Do you know how hard it is to approach a common housefly from the front, to within one millimeter of it's head? I did succeed however, and we sat there for seconds, face to 'face'.

Finally, I broke the magic by becoming greedy, and carefully nudged its head. The fly got up, and landed just out of range of my hand, as if to say: “OK, I know your boundaries now....”

When I later told Henk about it, he applauded me for having made so much progress. And when he stopped seeing me on Thursdays, he offered his help for anything I might require later on. Well Henk, I'd love to send you this manuscript, but by now I think you will somehow magically get your hands on it when the time comes....


Saturday, April 17th, 2010, 04:42

Today I am somewhat in conflict, but in a good way. I'm going to break my word in a manner of speaking, but only because I know Jolene will forgive me, in a way will even silently applaud me for it!

Just like I Knew Henk, the psychic that helped me at age 35 to remember my vow at age eight, was lying when he told me his Thursday meetings were ending, I just Know Jolene meant just about the complete opposite of what she told me: she asked me not to tell anyone about her life, but I'm sure she'll absolutely not mind that I tell this story anyway, with the proper precautions to achieve what the business end of the world would call 'Plausable Denyability', or in other words, a bit of white lying magic to protect the innocent.

I met Jolene on the train the other day, quite by incident, and very nicely. Somehow, I felt very, very connected to her, even though she turned out to be a person who had an uncanny ability to tell me exactly what kind of a person I am! Or maybe just because of that, because with her, my Know-indicator was on the blink.

But despite the obvious connect, she kept her distance. We did exchange addresses, and over the next few weeks, she phoned me a couple of times, just to hear about how I was doing, and what was up in my life. Jolene felt very awesome, kinda like Selina, even though with her there was this barrier, which both of us kept intact: externally, she was the kind of person I'm not really attracted to, which was aggravated by the fact she tried convince me that our relationship was purely business (which is kind of a dirty word to me).

She claimed she needed help with her computer, and one day, I was invited to provide said help. I traveled there at the appointed hour, and walked the last few hundred meters from the bus to her home, or at least the address she gave me. It was in a well to do neighborhood, all privately owned homes. I rang the bell, and was invited in, only to find myself in a pigsty! I mean, she'd warned me her place was a mess, but I figured it to be like mine sometimes is, for lack of futuristic domestic droids. This however looked far worse, and my first instinct, which I immediately followed, was to offer her to help clean things up a bit. She wouldn't hear of it however, claiming she'd gotten me in there to help her along where the computer was concerned.

So I sat down, amidst a flurry of newspaper clippings, partially opened mail, and other 'messy' things. Nothing really gross, just this consistent wrapping of disorder that I could easily ignore in order to get my work done. She wanted a general cleanup of her computer, like I've done dozens of times for myself and others. Defrag, cleanup, remove unused software, install basic stuff needed to do proper work, you know the drill. So did I, or so I thought...

I'd seen she used Outlook for her mail, but also observed that her Word and Excel where complaining about needing an installer CD to be usable. I usually resort to public domain software wherever possible, and so gave her the option of having OpenOffice installed, instead of those office applications. She agreed, not realising like I should have, that her Outlook was part of the Microsoft Office I was aiming to replace. We chatted on, while she made us something to eat in a kitchen that to me would have been barely unacceptable as starting point for cooking activities.

It was a home-brewn soup, as she called it, quite tasty, but too many unknown ingredients to be on my list of favorite dishes. I somewhat too ardently refused seconds, but we parted as friends. Then, after I'd gotten home, she called that her E-mail no longer worked. Realizing my colossal blunder I gladly took the blame, but was relieved she didn't expect me to get back on the train right that instance. I did offer to attempt a rescue using TeamViewer, so I could take over her system from home, but being a self-proclaimed digifobe, she declined that. She did get another friend to call me later, to dissolve the matter via phone.

But then there's the little incongruities that trigger you to the weirdness of the situation: though Jolene claimed she was afraid of computers, I counted no less than three systems in her home: the computer I needed to work on, an IBM Thinkpad carelessly lying around, and a Compaq DeskPro system in one of the bedrooms. Add to that the question she'd asked me about purchasing Val's old laptop, and I guessed myself in the twilight zone.

Speaking of zones: even though she and I were in the zone constantly, I was very near the edge of my comfort zone while in that place. To me, a home needs to be somewhat cleaner to be comfortable, but it was Jolene's home, so I kept abiding by her will, and tried not to disturb the flurry of newspaper clippings that so cozily surrounded me.

Yesterday, I mailed her to inquire if her friend's rescue operation had succeeded. I got back a mail, so it obviously had: she said she wasn't angry or disappointed, but told me not to mail, phone, or try to contact her otherwise.

Now I could mourn the loss of a friend, but this sounded way more like: “School's over, class dismissed!”

Final sync: I just found out Rush are on their “Time Machine Tour”! How very syncy that they are mentioned in various places in this Now Time Tale......

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Day 10 – Presence

I am printing the semi-final draft of my book, Heroes of the Now as I write this...  Galley Proofs are next!  Awesome. 

Blessings on your Journey…

As you begin to sense the energy around you, perhaps even interact with it as you will likely come to do, notice the presence that you carry.  It is much easier to navigate the waters around us if we can still them with our presence.  As we continue on this Journey, we begin to see what is all around us for what it really is.  Creation, intention and energy…

What is presence?  A quick look in the dictionary reveals:

EXISTENCE, being there.

ATTENDANCE, appearance, company, companionship.

AURA, charisma, poise, self-assurance, self-confidence.

Our presence at any moment, is the gift that we all have access to.  If we allow our EXISTENCE, ATTENDANCE and AURA to radiate we can fully tune in to all that is happening in our surroundings. We can move with confidence, assured that our actions are timed perfectly without preconceived notion of the way things should be.  When we come into our being and embrace the guidance our presence shares, then we can fully comprehend the magnitude of this discovery.

It can turn it all around.  Bring your presence to you now… Show up for yourself, attend this experience fully.  Stay in it and use all your senses to perceive the energy that flows around you.  Connect to it and feel it coursing through you.

Now is a good time to take a look at what is happening in your mind.  What are the thoughts or voices saying? If there are mental distractions, just see them and ask them to step back for now… Bookmark them as coordinates for later exploration and Soul Recovery.  For now, remain present and and look around you… What is in your surroundings? Name them off… Closet, monitor, keyboard, music, cd hard drive, computer, desk, chair…  This simple exercise can bring you quickly to your presence.

Sit up and attend.  Feel your Soul energy rise up in your spine, lengthening and exposing your heart.  Allow your aura to shine and feel it extend beyond your physical body.  Presence.  From this place one can act authentically and with higher consciousness.  Listen with more than your ears, see with more than your eyes, feel with more than your skin, smell with your entire body, taste beyond imagination…  Bring about your entire being and receive what your presence brings to you.

Feel you Authentic Self expanding and filling you up, overflowing with radiance you carry the frequency of Love from this place.  It fills the space around you with an electromagnetic field that tunes your surroundings to the vibration of Love.  All that comes into contact with it is affected and will begin to vibrate at the same frequency.

Today, share your Presence with the Universe.  Show up for yourself and all those around you, share the Love that you are, by carrying presence everywhere you are… eating, sleeping, working or playing Be Present.  It is your gift to Humankind.

Share the Love,



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Day 7 – True Nature

Hi, Blessings on your Journey Brothers and Sisters...  I was unable to post the links to the videos at the end of this post.  They are with the original post at heroesofthenow.com...  And they are really awesome.  Check em out... Maybe Dre can get 'em linked up...  thanks Dre, if you do...  Marc 

I am Love and Kindness, I feel Love and Kindness, I share Love and Kindness, I Love myself completely, I Love all that I am, I Love all Creation.

Look at the Natural world around you.  The animals, birds, trees and stones, all of creation in the Natural world provides the clue.  Look around and see what is happening in the Natural world.  There is only joy, only celebration.  Only Love.  The Natural world shows us our True Nature if we let it.  We are part of that Natural world, but over 1000’s of years we have disconnected from this.  Humanity has come to be the conqueror of Nature, placing ourselves at the top of the chain, very much a domineering force.

We have done innumerable wrongs to our Mother Earth, to the Natural world with our influence.  We have come to a place in time, where the Natural World is suffering and trying to heal.  Our Earth Mother needs to heal and she is.  Many of the Wisdom Keepers are trying to communicate this at this time.  Humanity has been dominating and attempting to control Nature and it hurts all involved.

Today in our practice we go deeper.  We take total personal responsibility and cancel contracts, etc.  We get into our breath and find our center.  We are grateful.  And as this all sinks deeper into our being we can begin to see.  There is a glimmer there, at the core of our beings.  The light, we are aware of it, but perhaps unsure.  In our quest to remember, this is a very important stage.

Here we must start to remember that we always have been a part of the Natural World.  We are no different than the birds singing to me right now through my window.  They are singing a celebration song to the rising sun, happy, joyous, free and filled with Love and Gratitude.  Do you celebrate the dawn of a new day so fully?  What about the spring blooms?  Do the flowers have an agenda, are they trying to conquer anything by rising up out of the ground and doing what comes Naturally?  No, they just do what is natural, growing towards the sun, blooming vibrant beautiful flowers that attract other collaborators within the web of life.  They are a pure expression of Love.  They are in their Nature.

So, today on this seventh day, a number of spiritual significance, we look for our True Nature.  It is right here  all around us if we drop all constructs and allow the Truth to shine bright.  Our True Nature is that of Love and Kindness.  All else is an illusion created over time to keep us from seeing.  We created it with the collective consciousness, it is what it is and now it is crumbling.

When we embrace our True Nature, we can see it much more clearly.  I am Love and Kindness and I take total personal responsibility for all my thoughts, words and actions. Anything that I experience or promote through action, thoughts and words that is other than Love and Kindness is part of the illusion.

How do you feel right now?  What kind of experience are you having?  How does your body feel?  Where is your mind and what is it doing?  Journal about these topics.  Explore.  Go deeper and deeper into your being, into your sub-consciousness and shine the illuminating light of consciousness into the shadow places.  What does Love and Kindness mean to you?  Write a mini-essay on this topic for yourself and only yourself.  Make some time today to explore this notion and see if it works for you.  Ask the question… What is my True Nature.  Strip away all the fear, greed, anger, hatred, self-doubt, competition… remove all obstacles from the path and search the depths of your being for the Truth.  How do you feel?

I have come to experience that my True Nature is that of Love and Kindness.  I have seen where I have come off that path and gone against Creation, against my True Nature and have recognized it to be the source of my pain and suffering in those times.  With a deep experience of gratitude, I humbly submit to my True Nature.

  • I am Love and Kindness
  • I feel Love and Kindness
  • I share Love and Kindness
  • I Love myself completely
  • I Love all that I am
  • I Love all Creation.

Check out this 2 part video.  Watch it several times if you are so inclined, there is much wisdom shared.  Find yourself, find your Nature.  Embrace the vibrations of the Universe… Love.

Blessings on your Journey…

Love and Kindness,


Heroes of the Now

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An Open Love Letter

Know that this is true: you are beautiful. Take that in. Feel the truth of that inside of you. Keep feeling that. This is the Grace of God. Go you!

Know that, no matter what, you are not alone. With the real feelings of this Presence within you, now breathe deep and find the essence of Trust. This Trust is the great surrender to the Divine Plan for you. The easiest way to describe this is to say you are not in charge. At the highest level, it is not for you to decide or do, for it is already done. You have nothing to worry about. You have nothing to fear, nor do you have anything to remember except one thing: where is your connection? Where is your consciousness? Where is your allegiance? This is a feeling state, that when you have it sealed in every aspect of your being (the seven sacred seals are your primary chakra energy centres), then you have aligned, by your conscious choice, to your Divine Purpose. Your Divine Purpose is to live in a constant state of remembrance. And this is the truth of who you are! This is your Divine Purpose.

And so when you are in a constant state of remembrance of who you are, which is the Divine expression of your Godsource on Earth, then it is easier to accept the external shifting of Earthly life. When you think of the transformation of Light that has taken place within you, of course your external world must rearrange itself to accommodate your new vibration.  This is a cause for celebration at a soul level! This is a deeper realization of your Truth in conscious expression.

Your human personality and the Earthly rules and the old paradigms of worry about what people think and that things are not working the way they “should” by those old definitions, is a painful time – but only to that aspect of yourself that is holding onto the old human rules and paradigms. Know what we mean? Your Divine Self is celebrating the greater expression of you! The mistake that is made is to continue to look outside yourself for reassurance or truth or what to “do”. It does not come from there. It comes from in here. It comes from keeping, no matter what, your connection with a Loving, open heart to Divine Source that is expressed in you. Feel it. Your brain is secondary. Your thoughts are there to help you process your feelings into concepts - but stay in the heart. The heart is where the Truth lies and where your pilot light burns with your Truth.

Keep your mind in check. Keep your mind from controlling you, for the mind only processes information from the past, for it cannot know the future. It is only a processor, like a computer. But the heart, the heart is your true source. Take dominion over your mind. This is what meditation helps with, along with music, laughter, friends, family, animals, nature…all this is to keep you heart-centred. This is a perfect day to remind you of this. And then you realize every day is Love day.

Heal the wounds of your heart. The sadnesses, the fears, the hurts, the yearning, the wounds - for these are all from the past. Do this by asking for this to be so. Be willing to let go of what has hurt you, in your known an unknown experience. Let Love in. Choose to be otherwise. Allow forgiveness to permeate your being so that it becomes compassion. Ask for the compassion of the Buddha. Ask to know mercy like Mother Mary, Quan Yin and Mary Magdalene. Ask for the courage of David. Call upon the lion to stand by you and the lamb to be in your arms. Call upon peace in your being.

Think of it this way: you are Source and were asked to come into a dense vibrational experience to expand the consciousness of Source. So you honourably agreed to come, manifest in a three-dimensional human form and be subjected to dense, dualistic human experiences. And now you remember that there is more. The spark has been ignited and there is no turning back. You are remembering, in each now moment, who you really are. You are the original Divine Spark, the big one – that is even so much greater than the little one that has been lit in you now. Consider the possibilities! They are as boundless as Source Itself.

Okay, so you have found yourself tangled in your previous human creations. That’s okay. Now that you know who you are, and remember in each moment, and move around life more and more and more expressed as Original Source, you are naturally, awesomely, perfectly, miraculously, mind-blowingly, Earth-shatteringly, always in the right place at the right time doing the right thing in the right way and nothing else matters but that.  So you see, you don’t actually have to do anything other than follow the truth of your heart in the moment. Speak your Truth. Be your Truth. Love your Truth. Work your Truth. Exercise your Truth. Walk your Truth. Eat your Truth. Live your Truth. And do it all with Love. You see, if you are expressing the Big Love, then all things are right in your world.

So how do you know, you ask? Follow what makes your heart soar. Deal with the disharmonies with Love. Stop what doesn’t work and begin what does. Don’t push against anything. Love it to peace. Do not run away. Accept. Surrender. Love. And it miraculously works out. Trust. Trust. Trust. Divine patience in all things. There is a larger plan that you are not in charge of, so let go and let God. Your work is to find the love of God expressed through you and allowing your mind to follow your heart. Peace. Peace. Peace. The mind cannot find peace on its own, it must be governed. It must be trained. It must be chilled through Divine understanding.

So lovingly complete unfinished business. Wrap it up with Love. And begin to draw near to what pleases your heart! Surround yourself with supportive, uplifting experiences and people. Ask in each moment where you are to go and what you are to do…follow your own Divine inspiration. Do what brings you joy. If it doesn’t and you can choose otherwise, do it. If you need to do it, then find peace and love in it. Push against nothing. Resist nothing. It causes drag on your own heart, and hearts are meant to be free, unburdened, unbroken and unteathered. Nurture your heart in this way. Consider it your greatest gift, your deepest treasure – something to be healed and guarded and expanded and used!

In practical ways, it is important to get on doing what makes you happy. It is like when you are working in the garden and you need to weed and clear and dig and rebuild and redesign and invest and rearrange and reseed…all the while you are glad in your heart with each thing that you are doing…it doesn’t even matter what is or isn’t accomplished, you are just enjoying each now moment. And then, when you least expect it, and angel will tap you on the shoulder and there will be something else to do, somewhere else to go, someone else to share it with, something new! Just find peace in tending your garden. Relish in the beauty and serenity and simplicity. Be grateful for everything - the good, the bad and the ugly - for it is all Divine! Live in a constant state of gratitude. No matter what it appears like on the outside. It is all Divine inside. Worry for nothing, as that is old behaviour. And most of all, know that it comes from inside you. You need not do or get or have anything from the outside. Be at peace with who you already are. The answers do not come from outside you – even through this message – it is just prompting you to remember what you already know. Who you already are.

So. There is nothing to do. There is everything to be. Just radiate it. Be the peace of it. Know it. Share it.

And all the while you will have followed your own heart back unto itself…the Original Source that is you. In the meantime, you will have unfolded a beautiful life filled with all that you desire, because it is just the external reflection of you. You created it because you are the Creator. Make it beautiful. Make it more extraordinary beyond your imagining. This ends how it began, reminding you that you are beautiful. Feel it from the inside and all will blossom from there. It is not out there. You need none of it and when you have let go, you will realize you can have all of it. Just like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz!

You are Loved beyond measure. You are cradled in the arms of God. Remember to have fun and play and feel the lightness of your True Spirit.

Happy day of Love today and all days!


Special Note: This message was originally written as a personal Soul Reading on Valentine’s Day this year, but it was such a universal message of Love that the recipient gave me permission to share it with you. So this is to you with blessings from Barbara!

© 2010 Rebecca Couch, Dean Noblett and HeartLight ~ Living from the Heart. www.heartlight.ca - www.deannoblett.com/
Copies of this message may be made for non-commercial purposes through distribution in any media as long as nothing is changed, the author is credited and this copyright notice and web address is included. Publications and websites interested in carrying this information as monthly columns or special features are encouraged to do so. If the material must be shortened in length, please state that it is an edited version and refer the readers to the original full-length version on www.heartlight.ca or www.spiritlibrary.com

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Will it Blend? – iPad

To some this is awesome,
to others it is monstrous.
I just observe this as one of 
the endless ways of gathering 


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We begin right here, right now…

Today we begin a journey into expanded consciousness.  We start right where we are, right now…  Take a couple of minutes to allow yourself to be in your body and breath.  Deep breaths into your belly allowing it to expand, filling your lungs deeply and fully.  Cycle a few of those and be…

Over the next two weeks, I will be posting here daily.  A theme for the day will emerge from the practice and I will share my experience with it and guide you, the participant through an experience of letting go and remembering.  This is a transformational practice and much healing can and will occur if one is willing to do the work and go deep.  We must let so much go in order to remember, so that is what we shall do.

 Today we be begin.  Right here, Right Now…  Commit to this practice for the next 2 weeks.  Stand up for your inner being and say I accept.  We come to the practice as we are right now, carrying all the experiences that we care to remember, or not remember into this moment with us.  So, take a look…

  • Was it easy or difficult to find a moment to just breathe and be?  How long did it last?
  • Was your mind still or filled with thoughts?
  • Were you able to shut out the external world or did it invade your space?
  • What emotions were just under the surface?
  • Were you skeptical or resonant?
  • Was there judgement or blame of self and others?
  • Was there Love and Kindness?  Joy or Happiness?

Don’t let these questions be your only guide…  Merely allow yourself to take stock of where you are at.  Acceptance is a good practice now.  Accept the way things are in this moment as you enter your practice.  This is the way we come to it, as we are…  The better we can accept that the smoother things will be and easier it will be to raise our vibrational frequency.

So, take a look today as you move from experience to experience, moment to moment and pay attention to what comes up.  Allow for an intuitive experience to come to you, stay open and bring awareness to the present as often as possible.  And we begin, as we are right now.

Prepare for the journey by starting your own journal, gather your supplies… pen and paper, open a word document and save it, find your tools of expression and gather them to you.  Perhaps a video and or blog comes of it or it comes from the ethers and returns to, it’s up to you.  However, you do need to document this journey for yourself…  So, come to peace with that and find your means of expression, call it out and embrace it for it will be your companion and guide for the next two weeks.

I welcome feedback and comments, please share your experiences here and/or at the Facebook fan page.  This experience is for all to share, learn and grow…  To understand that there is community in this peaceful endeavor.  In beauty we walk together and create synergy as we all come to faster vibrational frequencies and higher consciousness our light shines bright!

Now go into your practice again and take a few minutes to meditate, begin by focusing all attention and awareness on the breath.  Expand your being through your breath, rising into higher frequencies of Love and Kindness.  Feel it move through you in this breath.  You may choose to use a guided meditation to assist you in your practice, awesome… A sample from Heavenly Hygiene a shamanic meditation that is a stand alone World Peace Meditation is available here.

Now with your awareness firmly rooted, carry this experience throughout the day.  Notice and express, experience and journal…  Bring your consciousness, that which you just connected to into as many moments as you can today.

Blessings to you on your way…

Love and Kindness,



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Questions Re: the “Higher” Self

Melora through Joanna Neff (Jyoti Alla-An) 

Following is an edited transcription of a Melora session in which both my and a friend's questions about our relationship with our respective Higher Selves are answered. It is clear that even if we don't/can't sense Higher Beings, it doesn't mean that they are NOT there! So it is with our Higher Self. By including more personal aspects of this session, I am letting readers and clients know that I undergo my own spiritual struggles from time to time. What Melora refers to at the end of the article is that since I had not worked with Melora directly for almost two years, I wasn't at all sure she would "be there" for me for this session. Right before we began, I felt the old, familiar Melora energy very strongly, and then I knew we would have a powerful session.

(from a session with a friend on 7/12/09)

MELORA: We are Melora, and we welcome you today. Your question prompts us to say something about the relationship with one's Higher Self. People who believe that they should follow whatever their Higher Self "wants" for them are opening themselves up to enslavement, either by their Higher Self or by some being masquerading as their Higher Self . . . like an astral entity. You all are allowed free will, and you can trust yourself to make decisions as a being. You can trust that you have the right to make those decisions for yourself in this embodiment, to be happy with those decisions and not to worry about whether your Higher Self approves.

Now, in our discussion of soul hierarchies-and in our discussion of the Higher Self's role-we have explained that the Higher Self does indeed get these "spiritual brownie points" earned by the sufferings and travails of the embodied versions of you. We don't mean to sound sarcastic about this, but in the Earth zone-because of the density and the darkness-suffering seems to be the only way that people's souls can advance.

However, in reality, suffering is not really required for soul advancement. We hope you are understanding our answer. Suffering only seems to be what purifies people, that advances them or makes them grow. It is not really the Higher Self that created the situation in which only suffering advances the Soul. Thus, you have the right to trust yourself to keep advancing at the Soul level without suffering.

The next step in that deductive process, or that rational line of thought, is that your Higher Self would embrace choices you make that would liberate you and make you feel wonderful. It's only those in embodiment, and those "historic" and experiential illusions that all the great saints had to suffer or to be martyrs . . . that is at the most extreme degree. Those beliefs have a grip on many, or most, people, and those beliefs can be resolved and changed by your free will and your intention.

Our Jyoti is showing us the character Scarlet O'Hara in "Gone with the Wind": "As God is my witness, I will never be hungry again!" Those moments of life-changing, gut-wrenching commitment and intention enable you to manifest what you really want. Until you have that level of commitment, you will go back-and-forth, as on a see-saw.

ER: Speaking of Higher Selves, in a way it's almost like they're wanting us to make our own decisions, because that's how they experience things through us. It's not like we come in with everything already pre-set. We may have some kind of thoughts about some of the things we want to accomplish in this lifetime, but there's quite a bit of freedom to attain that in different experimental ways. Do I understand that correctly?

MELORA:Yes! We have said that in your Soul Group, for example-and your Soul Hierarchy-as that expresses at "your end" of the hierarchy, in embodiment in third-dimension, you do have motifs as a group or as a hierarchy and issues that you want to explore when you come into embodiment in every lifetime. So, for example, the Pallas Athena motifs would be Freedom, civilized behavior, the arts, Truth, Courage . . . do you see? You will come into embodiment with these being impressed at the Soul level, but then once you get there, anything can happen. As a result of those impressed motifs that you have chosen to explore, you will attract certain experiences to you, but those experiences have not been selected ahead of time.

ER: In my soul group or hierarchy, what are some of the motifs that we're trying to embody or that kind of characterize our lineage.

MELORA: It is interesting that what we're being given as a motif for you is more what's holding you back. For example, you can say somebody is stubborn and judge that as "bad," but the flip side of that is that they're also very loyal. If you throw out stubborn, you throw out loyal. Answering your question has to do with something that is similar to that, regarding what's holding you back.

There is such a drive for integrity in the way you conduct yourself and appear to be to others whom you serve. We realize this is very convoluted, but we will give you some examples to try to explain. At the core of what we're trying to describe here is your requirement for dignity and to be treated with dignity. At the same time, you have a desire to "let your hair down" and not be up on a pedestal, because you have found how much pressure is involved in maintaining that-and that the dignity is not worth the loss of freedom and expansiveness that your Soul would really like to experience. And so at the core of the dignity motif would be integrity of being.

Now, where we are, we are not as hard on you as you are on yourself about what integrity means. In this world, what happens is that you have all this propaganda from the church and society-socially current delusions, and whatever. Whenever you fall for those structures, it goes against your being-ness. In a way, you have yourself shackled because of looking at the reflection back from things that are not really appropriate to tell you about whether you're in integrity or not.

ER: Yes. Could you give me another example?

MELORA: We will keep going, and of course everything about you is complex.

ER: [laughs] Thank you.

MELORA: We're trying to get there. Integrity of Spirit requires you to love yourself (not out of ego), and so if you're kind to all of these people but you're not kind to yourself, you come out of integrity with yourself. It's not okay to mistreat yourself any more than it would be okay to mistreat others.

Back to integrity, what we're receiving is that your concept of integrity places a burden of behavior upon you in certain situations-especially professional situations-that fills you with tension and that makes you feel constricted. Even though you need to feel the dignity, you need to feel the respect, and you need to feel that you're serving, it's kind of been backfiring for a long time. It's not really giving you what you need, and it's not really expressing who you are as a being in integrity. What we're receiving is that the more you pay attention to, and respond to, your being-ness regarding this motif, the more happy rewards you will get.

All of the impediments to your being-ness have to do with 3rd-dimensional concerns, and so trusting yourself, as a being, that you will be able to actualize your dreams is the sticking point here.

ER: Definitely. And then one last question for me about my guides: I have a duality here. I feel like I'm always in contact with them, but then I don't think I am at all. I think I work with them so much with my inner . . . that I think they're such a part of me that I don't even feel them anymore or acknowledge them anymore. I know that sounds totally crazy, and I can't put it into words.

MELORA:You know, our Jyoti has discussed this with us before, and we have said that your guides are always there, whether you're aware of them or not. This might apply to our Jyoti's question. We'll see. Your guides may not be the same guides that you used to have, and so you are perhaps feeling that they're not there because they're not the ones you're used to. There are so many stimuli around you, and so much information coming in that you're intuitively receiving, and so forth, that there's just kind of a lot of static, and you just need to "tune into that station"-the frequency of those guides-on purpose. And all you have to do is ask.

There's a main guide with male energy-an almost monk-like energy, but not in any oppressive sense. This guide is choosing this energy and form as a quasi-religious figure: someone you would call "Father" and that you would trust, but not the stereotypical Catholic monk. More like Francis of Asissi that you trust as a being and would call "Father." That's what the energy of this guide feels like. It really is someone you would go to, not as a father confessor but as someone to ask advice of and counsel from.

ER: I would like to address some of the questions that my friend, Jyoti, has in regards to this incredible sense, sometimes, of separateness--

MELORA: All the time . . .

ER: --or aloofness from her Higher Self . . . whether this is an intentional thing. If you could clarify that for us a little bit more.

MELORA: Yes. We would be happy to do so. We heard two things right off the bat. The first was how many times in our Jyoti's lifetime people have mistakenly considered her to be aloof and indifferent, when actually she is quite the contrary. We could call it an introversion that is energetic and not just an expression of our Jyoti as more introverted than extroverted. It is a whole different way of perceiving reality and reacting to reality when you're an introvert, versus when you're an extrovert. And yet this is the way she perceives her own Higher Self to be: indifferent and aloof.

The second thing is that our Jyoti's concept of her Higher Self and her attempts, if you will, to connect to her Higher Self, largely are intellectual-largely come from her mind, not her heart. These attempts also reflect a total lack of nurturing and parenting in her current lifetime. So her reality, for example, practically since birth, has been: "They don't care about me; they don't like me. " There's no parental connection that allows her to look at herself as having any sort of parental-type connection or to accept the possibility of that. (This is not the answer she was expecting.) And so, her Higher Self would respond if our Jyoti could approach her Higher Self from her heart, which is a very difficult thing for her to do. The belief that "they're just not there" is so deeply entrenched.

In a conversation with a so-called "psychic" reader on the phone about three months ago, our Jyoti became very frustrated when the woman said, "All you have to do is reach toward your Higher Self." And our Jyoti said: "I am tired of reaching toward my Higher Self. I want her to reach toward me!" And, as with the answer to your question about whether your guides are really there, we would say to our Jyoti that her Higher Self is very much there. She even asked once: "Is my Higher Self retarded or something?" Remember that one? [laughs] (Her Higher Self does not begrudge that comment.)

So, really, the victory for our Jyoti in this entire lifetime is to learn to open her heart and not be afraid just to "step off the cliff" and "go for broke."

ER: That's easier said than done.

MELORA: Of course.

ER: When you're in this incarnate body and you've been mutilated in the past, it's really hard to bring your heart out on a platter-the sense of trust is huge. How can Jyoti's Higher Self, and her guides, and the people like us who love her, support her on this journey. It's sure not an easy one, from where we see it.

MELORA: The truth is that our Jyoti is afraid that she'll just break apart. She's afraid that if she lets go to that extent, she'll be annihilated-and not even from outside herself. Kind of implode. It's something that she needs to deal with gradually but regularly, so that she can work through it. It is probably the pain-at the core-that she's afraid of and that she masks constantly. But she has made it much bigger than it really is in the sense of fearing going to that core-fearing the feeling of what's really under there that's she's tried so hard for so many years to heal . . . and that we're feeling so intensely with her now. It is something that she needs to do and that she keeps avoiding doing.

ER: Is there any technique that is available to us that--

MELORA: She's saying "amnesia." [laughs]

ER: "Amnesia." [laughs] Anything that might be helpful for her? To kind of approach this in a systematic, comfortable way?

MELORA: No. We're hearing that this feeling of disconnect from her Higher Self is a pivotal sign, or a pivotal emblem, of the problem itself. We're sensing that it would be easier for our Jyoti, sincerely and intensely, from her heart, to ask for that connection with her Higher Self and not say: "You owe this to me" and "Why aren't you reaching back toward me?" and some four-letter words. Like a temper tantrum of a child that is not getting what it wants. That is the unhealed child in her that is really mad and hurts.

ER: Could a form of Jyoti that is the adult intercede?

MELORA: She has tried this, but it hasn't worked so far.

ER: It doesn't have to be right now, but if you could clarify this--

MELORA: What we would like to attempt here is . . . we say "attempt" because, if you understand the strange situation of our speaking through Jyoti while we say we would like to connect her with her Higher Self . . . It's a kind of schizophrenic thing, but our Jyoti's become used to it over our years of working with someone else who is asking questions for her in her behalf. Give us a moment.

We are endeavoring to give our Jyoti a visual representation of her Higher Self-not just her usual impression of "a blank wall"-to give herself some kind of form, so that she can relate to her Higher Self. Up until this point, she has decided that she might as well not have a Higher Self, do you see. This disconnection is so extreme that it is as though she cannot even imagine she has a Higher Self.

We are giving her physical sensations as well-what you have when there's a real person there with you. [long pause while I experience my Higher Self] Okay. That's helping. [another long pause while I experience my Higher Self for the first time] All right. We did not want to interrupt her experience by commenting while it was going on.

The breakthrough here for our Jyoti, who always claims she's not very visual, is that she was given a very powerful visual representation of her Higher Self coming toward her . . . with beautiful light and a sense of movement, and with the gown and robes flowing back and away from "the form" of her Higher Self. And our Jyoti was seeing the light and feeling angelic kinds of energies. The important thing is that we are making this real for our Jyoti, because she used to feel nothingness when she would think of her Higher Self or try to contact her Higher Self.

This was an impressive entrance of her Higher Self as we helped our Jyoti feel her Higher Self's energy. It is definitely a female Higher Self, with beautiful golden blonde hair. No angel "wings" but a sense of power-great power-and yet a calm center, andshe was just flying toward our Jyoti. Flying through space and time to our Jyoti, and then enfolding her in her arms. And our Jyoti is saying: "That's enough-enough for right now." But we know this is a big breakthrough, and so we can start here and continue with this as time goes on.

Now that our Jyoti has this image, she can close her eyes and feel what it feels like and imagine it, which is often the way we have counseled clients in the past. This is a very positive, good first step, and we thank you for inquiring in our Jyoti's behalf.

ER: Any messages that her Higher Self wants to give Jyoti? Not extensive, but any words of wisdom?

MELORA: Well, our Jyoti wishes to keep this private, because the thing she abhors the most is crying in front of other people. And kindness melts her down. We thank you, but this is something she will need to be committed to: taking time to explore this and to feel all of the love that is really there for her but that she hasn't believed is there for her, in spite of her calling her Higher Self "retarded." In fact, as you can imagine, her Higher Self is quite the opposite.

ER: [laughs]

MELORA: Our Jyoti wouldn't be as smart as she is if her Higher Self were "retarded." We thank you for helping our Jyoti by asking these questions.

ER: It's because we love Jyoti.

MELORA: And did you have any other questions for yourself?

ER: Would it be appropriate to ask for help in meeting my Higher Self?

MELORA: Absolutely! Since you are so visual, this should be a lot easier for you than for our Jyoti, although she is more visual...

ER: --than she gives herself credit for.

MELORA: All right. If you would start breathing very deeply--as deeply as is comfortable. Don't force it. When you let your breath out, let it out totally, so that you can get rid of the carbon dioxide and other toxins as you breathe out. So breathe as deeply and comfortably as comfortable. What is the question of your heart that you want to convey to your Higher Self. If this is private, you can just tell us so, and then just think of it or sense it, and then we will help direct that to your Higher Self.

ER: I am sensing it.

MELORA: What we would like you to see to start out with is a beautiful female hand in the sky, and you will see the rest of the form later. But reach toward that beautiful hand. It's not a disembodied hand; it's attached to someone. [laughs] You will begin to see the shape and form of your Higher Self as you take the hand of your Higher Self and as it comes toward you in time and space in this beautiful sky. Are you seeing that? That the hand is attached to a beautiful form?

ER: Um hmm.

MELORA: The form now starts to become clearer. It's as though the form of your Higher Self is coming out of the clouds, and you are able to see more and more of this form. And please tell us if that is happening for you.

ER: Very much so.

MELORA: If you wish, describe the form of your Higher Self as you are experiencing her.

ER: She looks very Asian, actually, which surprises me.

MELORA: It shouldn't. What about your devotion to Quan Yin and what about your children?

ER: Yeah. That's true. Hello!

MELORA: Hello. All right. And now we would like you to feel all of your senses. Is there are scent? There's a floral scent, isn't there?

ER: Yeah. You know, it almost smells like linden. I love linden/freesia flower. It's kind of a linden and almost a honeysuckle smell. Kind of that sweetness, you know?

MELORA: And are there sounds associated with your Higher Self-a rustling of clothing?

ER: Yeah. Yeah. It's like she's dancing-not just dancing but just kind of this beautiful flowing motion. Almost like a martial arts form . . . like kung fu. Not in a fighting style-

MELORA: Right. As an art.

ER: Round motions, like circles.

MELORA: Like Tai Chi?

ER: A little quicker and faster than Tai Chi.

MELORA: What you're experiencing now is a description of how you realize your dreams: movement from here to there. And you see it does not have to be like martial arts. You don't have to be a warrior in order to go from here to there. Be an artist with what you already know and who you already are. She's smiling. [laughs] Very affectionate energy there.

ER: Very much so. I feel like a little kid, and she's just so smiley and accepting of who I am.

MELORA: It's almost as though she's performing for you, putting on a little show for you to entertain and uplift you, and to show you the artistry of your Soul. We keep hearing this phrase.

ER: Wow! This is really special. Thank you.

MELORA: It is the artistry that will take you there-not your brain, not your intellect, but the dance, the movement. And we're hearing that she requests that you bring your children and husband in and that you all dance with her. See what happens.

ER: [laughs] It's like a reunion. And she's gotten bigger.

MELORA: She would like you to join hands with your children and your husband in a circle. She's going to provide energy to support this dance. She wants you to feel the shift from having this feel kind of odd and then natural to having it be open, joyful and expansive. Please tell us if and when you get to that point.

ER: Almost there.

MELORA: Just enjoy it with all of your senses; just open your heart to it.

ER: There's a little resistance and fear from [her son].

MELORA: So have your Higher Self come over to him, embrace him or enfold him, and just feel that tension resolving. And have him look into her face and see beyond his being a boy in Boulder, Colorado, and see her with his Soul-and see his many lifetimes and feel the connection with the Asian spirit-the Asian, Zen understanding of the flow of life.

ER: Much better.

MELORA: Um hmm. Because he's Westernized, he will have forgotten temporarily that Asians do not look at "this is the beginning" and "this is the end." The angles go away and nature, and the flow of things and the movement of things, all continue . . . not so much the sense of past, present and future of the Western mind. Your movement as a being from "here" to "there" is just movement-not a beginning and not an end.
And now we are being asked to bring your mother into the middle of the circle that you're forming with your husband and your two children. We would like you to see her transformed, and you know this doesn't mean that suddenly she's going to become well in this lifetime.

ER: Exactly.

MELORA: But we would like you to see her take on a radiance as she becomes liberated from this lifetime that has been so difficult for her. See the radiance of her as a being, now, grow brighter and brighter. And tell us if this is happening for you.

ER: Um hmm.

MELORA: Just stay with that so that you can be assured that this is really what you're moving toward with her and what you are wishing to help facilitate for her: her liberation. And has she transformed in any way?

ER: Um hmm.

MELORA: Good. We would like you to look at yourself and see if the same thing has happened to you: see your radiance come up, not that you're going through transition, but see your radiance come up as you dance around your mother in a circle with your husband and your children. Then see the radiance of your children and your husband come up just like Christmas lights! This is very powerful, isn't it?

ER: Very much so. [sighs]

MELORA: We would like you to experience that your Higher Self gives all of you a blessing. [pause] What form, or forms, are the blessings taking? Is she bringing incense. Is she bestowing light, color?

ER: [pause] More like a globe around all of us, including my Mom.

MELORA: All right. And see this as protective and not constrictive, and so let the "globe" not be too solid. Have it be protective but not the kind of protection that would keep everything out. You want all these wonderful things to be coming in now to support. We're seeing the globe more as the support for your family as a group.

ER: It's [the globe] almost like that movie with Jodie Foster, with everything moving in all directions. It's cool.

MELORA: Very good, and it is about going "home." This was so in that movie as well. All right, and just so that we can gently "disconnect," have all of you say goodbye to your wonderful Higher Self. She is, of course, honoring all of you-those you love so much. Now see them go back to wherever they were before. Now you and your Higher Self are together. Get as close to your Higher Self as you feel comfortable. Let her hold you if that is comfortable. Just feel what it feels like to be nurtured by her and loved by her. We see you almost as a small child: five years old, looking up into her face.

ER: That's exactly it.

MELORA: Let yourself feel all that love . . . "and healing," she said. And healing.

ER: It's kind of cool: She's giving me back some of the fire I've lost.

MELORA: Mmm. Stay with that.

ER: [sighs]

MELORA: See if she has a message for you. It's more fun if you can find it out for yourself, but if you need our help we are, of course, here for you.

ER: Um, probably a little help...

MELORA: Don't give up so soon. [laughs] Stay with it.

ER: I see fireworks or something.

MELORA: What does that feel like?

ER: Joyous.

MELORA: Good. It's not something for your brain to interpret. It's like "Yippee!" A celebration, and fireworks are AWESOME! Sometimes loud, even-hard for a Libra.

ER: A double-Libra.

MELORA: Loud and boisterous joy . . . joy with abandon . . . and light . . . exploding.

ER: --which is pretty happy.

MELORA: Does that surprise you?

ER: No. I guess not, but I wasn't sure.

MELORA: There's a coyness-almost a flirtatiousness but, of course, higher beings don't really flirt. It has to do with how they express joy and how they express affection. And so she has this coy little smile, and we see the fan coming up to cover the face a little bit because she's smiling behind the fan. There's a playfulness. That's it. That's what it is, and definitely Asian.
The word "artistry" keeps coming, so what we will give you for your homework is to explore your own artistry. "How am I an artist?" "Why does that word keep coming up," and "Why is it that Melora said that artistry-not your mind--is what will help you realize your dreams."

ER: Does artistry include writing?

MELORA: Artistry includes everything that expresses you as a being. It's not about work; it's not about a profession. It's about your qualities as a being and your expressing them.

ER: Interesting.

MELORA: It's a totally different way of functioning in the world.

ER: Yeah, it really is.

MELORA: A lot more fun. [laughs]

ER: [laughs] Melora, you are incredible! Thank you: both you and Jyoti.

MELORA: It is our very, very great pleasure.

ER: This is one of the most transcendent experiences I've ever had.

MELORA: Well, we wish to assure our Jyoti that we are indeed here. It's not a matter of "Melora is back." Melora never went away. And so our Jyoti had said before the session: "I will totally let go of my ego; I will not have my personality involved when Melora comes through." It has been our very great pleasure to serve you in the Light, and we are Melora.

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