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Your ‘Mastery Self’ Travels Time to Assist You

Channeler: DL Zeta

When we speak of future selves, we refer to selves that exist in other time/space realities that hold understandings which you have not yet attained. By this definition, your future self is capable of assisting and guiding you in consciousness.

In the future there is a "you" that has obtained mastery consciousness. To the extent that you are in resonance with this "mastery self," you are able to receive its assistance and guidance. You have other future selves that exist at all points along the spectrum between your present level of consciousness and your mastery self. Those nearest your present moment are in closest resonance with you and therefore easier to access.

Your present rate of spiritual development determines the extent to which your future selves are able to travel time to assist you. If you are rapidly growing and expanding, it is likely this growth trajectory will multiply exponentially, paving the way for future selves in the next 2-5 years to serve as guides for your present-moment self.

If you are rapidly expanding your consciousness, your near-future selves will be spiritually adept at traveling back in consciousness to assist you and to serve as a wise and uplifting presence. Aligning in this way opens the door to quantum spiritual growth. It is quantum spiritual growth that brings you into closer resonance with your "mastery self," further igniting the fires of transformation in your life. The more you are a vibrational match for your mastery self, the more this self is able to assist and guide you.

Excerpt from Messages from the Future: Adopting Your Future Self as Guide and Mentor by DL Zeta http://www.celestialvision.org/messages-from-the-future-ebook/
Also see: Traveling Time to Meet a Future Self in Consciousness
Traveling Time to Release Energetic Bookmarks: A Soul Retrieval Journey http://celestialvision.squarespace.com/-celestial-vision-audio-series/

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Your Ascension Process

Sunday, 04 April 2010

First of all this channel came on the 7th anniversary of the Goddess and I offering these teleconferences.I can remember how in the beginning there were three or four people who would show up to share the journey with me! The Goddess then went on to speak of the ascension of the earth and our part in this creation. The channel took place on Easter Sunday, so the energies of ascension were even stronger than usual.

The Goddess spoke in general terms of the ascension of the earth.She spoke of how the shift of the Earth into the higher dimensions has created so much more potential for each of us as humans.She then spoke of creating and manifesting through ease rather than struggle.What are you doing in your life? Emotions such as anger, fear, rage, control, anything along those lines; will keep you feeling separate from your divinity.

Through this channel you may experience the shifting energies that are taking place upon the Earth.You may also experience your own process and where you are along this path.This is a chance to shift your alignment and vibration.The is a clear alignment between the you in your daily life and you as you make choices in your life.Choosing life, choosing ease, choosing alignment with your divinity creates amazing changes within your life!

The Audio CD & Free MP3 Download versions of this teleconference are available here.


Nama sika; venia benyaI AM the one, I AM the whole

I greet you beloved family.I come into each one of you with my heart wide open as I reach out to align with you; you as you are in your space upon the Earth plane.You as you are very present within your own life.

I am ever with you; I constantly flow my love, my light, my energy to any and all who seek an alignment with me.

I take this moment to speak of the anniversary taking place for Shelly and myself.As she said it's been seven years that we have been ‘public' with our messages for people.She and I have been together even longer than that.

During this time amazing transformations have taken place upon the Earth. Some of you have a sense of feeling every single bump and pothole along the way.Others of you may be new to this process and just discovering what it means to you.No matter where you are within your process, you always have a place with me.I love and so adore each one of you.

Humans have a very unique process that you call life.In some regards as I look at you and all that is happening within your life, my consideration is why do you take the hard road?It does not have to be as challenging as it is.I of course share my opinion with you and from the human perspective as I look at your life; it's quite different than mine.

I will share my thoughts.Consciousness has been upon the Earth for millions of years.The human consciousness from the time in which it took form until where you are today, is so significantly different it would be useless to try to compare.During the times of Lemuria, many of the extra-terrestrials chose to come and live and experience their lives upon the Earth.

We call them the extra-terrestrials, or the ETs, because you think of yourselves as humans and being of the Earth plane.The reality is all of humanity came from someplace else as it began to inhabit the Earth.It was a choice; it was an experiment some might say; so the Earth forms were quite different.I feel I am a little bit getting off on a tangent so let me simply come forward from there.

As each one of you originally came to the Earth plane, it was thought that the Earth was about experiences; about struggle, about experiencing diverse reactions.One could say good versus evil, easy versus hard, and that is of course one perspective.Through it all there have been groups of people intermixed amongst all of you who came in with the intention of finding their experiences through ease, through joy or through a space of balance.

At the time of Lemuria it was a little bit easier to do that.The time in which you live right now is the second time that the vibrations and the energies have set themselves up to give you greater opportunities and potentials.

We've been through the history of the Earth many times and we need not revisit that.I did want to share with you on this day that the intention put forth when we began doing these teleconferences was to create a place of assistance for individuals to find their divinity within and to manifest that divinity within their lives.

Looking forward to the next seven years or however long we continue to do this, that is essentially still our main intention.The minor things change as we flow with the energies and the experiences that are evident upon the Earth.

With that I invite you to take one more deep breath in, breathing deeply all the way down within yourself.As you do so feel that connection and then release your consciousness as if it shifts upward, as if it moves out from your physical body and you allow it to align with the magnetic grid.

Look around; feel the space in which your higher self resides.Look at the impulses of light and energy that represent thoughts that are transmitted from one person to another or from one group to another.All of these impulses are forms of communication.Remember the first time we aligned with this space; I'll bring it up so you may feel what it was like.It felt heavier; the speed moving through the pathways was slower.There were in fact less pathways.

The intention of hundreds of thousands of people to work within this space is what's created this finer, lighter vibration.You are all a part of that creation.Have a sense of shifting; allow your consciousness to move through until you come into space with the crystalline grid.As you find yourself within the crystalline, you've let go the magnetic pull of the Earth.Take this moment and feel the balance that is just intrinsic within here.

Allow that balanced energy to flow through you; it flows up and down, in and out.Again, at the very beginning [meaning when we started the teleconferences seven years ago] we did not align with the crystalline grid. And then when you first began to do so it was as if you were within a small tunnel and you could actually have a sense of crystals around you.Do you remember those experiences?If not take a moment and I will transmit them to you for your perception.

Once the Earth itself ascended into the fourth dimension, the crystalline grid was able to make those quantum leaps forward or upward or outward, howsoever you want to think of it.The crystalline grid as you see it today represents the amazing expansion that is going through the world and consciousness.

This is not about people and new traits or habits; this is the actual consciousness of the Earth and of your own personal self that is reflected within.Feel the flow and the essence.From here I invite you to shift your focus into the soul plane.

As you arrive within the soul plane have a sense of reaching out or opening up to feel your I Am presence.This is you with all of your divinity; this is you in complete alignment with your consciousness.

I the Goddess come into this space in which you are located.As I do so I reach out to each one of you.I reach out and embrace; I merge my energies with yours.As I do so you may find yourself shifting into the All That Is.

This too is a place of creation.There has always been a place in which the consciousness of the Universe mingles with itself.Here in the All That Is that is a portion of what takes place.As you come into this place feeling your alignment, allow the flow to move through you.

There is so much that I would love to do with you this evening.This is taking place on the actual day that the Christians are celebrating Easter so there are very intense and powerful energies about ascension.Ascension itself may have a different meaning to different people.

Each one of you who is here, who is interested in this type of journey, or this type of experience, is interested in ascending within this lifetime.There are some individuals that have had an experience as if they experienced death without leaving this physical body and they then came back as a new person or a different person.

Others of you have sought to expand your conscious awareness so that you have more of your divinity within and around you; this too is ascension.There may be various individual definitions and whatever makes sense to you or resonates with you is your reality.

What I would like to say to you is that 100% of you who have come here, who have chosen to be a part of this, have shifted your consciousness into the fourth through the fifth, through the sixth and seventh dimensions.It used to be unheard of that someone would be able to live for extended periods of time in the fifth dimension, let alone the sixth and the seventh.

The more that you allow your physical body, your mental and your emotional, to be in the alignment of the higher vibrations; the greater your ability to live in these higher dimensions.It used to be only the angels were able to sustain a presence on the Earth at these dimensions.This is one of the reasons that people were unable to discern the angels were within and around them.The vibration was such a difference from that individual's vibration that they were unable to discern.Now this may still be your experience; the difference is you now have the ability and the greater capacity to create this type of alignment if you so choose.

Another dramatic change is the lightbody energy.We have worked with this quite in depth since last August.We were working with the preparation for that for probably 18 months to two years before that time.Allowing the crystalline vibration to integrate with the Earth is what has allowed the lightbody energies to become available to each one of you.

Your higher vibration of yourself is manifested in your lightbody energies.So coming back around to the ascension; if you consider where you were - we could say five years ago, or 10 or 20 years ago, it matters not - well, probably five years or greater we shall say.If you consider where you were and where you are now various degrees of changes have occurred.We are here on the precipice of yet another large integration which is the next step forward.

Every time you create change for yourself, that you manifest your divinity or whatever it is that brings you into this alignment, it's assisting the collective whole.So let's do that with you right now.Consider where you are within your life.Consider what comes to you first and foremost.Is it the struggle?Is it what challenges you?Is it the aspects that have greater ease?

I then invite you to consciously reach out while here in the All That Is and have a sense of expanding into a greater amount of your divinity.In doing so allow that energy to flow through whatever it was that was first and foremost in your thoughts.Do you have a new perception?Does your awareness expand in such a way that whatever it is that's within your life right now is able to transition?

As you consider whatever it is, I then ask you to have a sense of letting that go from your thoughts.This time I invite you to deliberately bring up anything that is holding you back or gives you a sense of being held back.Is there any time in your life that it feels as if you're running in place and not getting anywhere?

Allow whatever this is to become infused with your divinity.When there are things in your life or within yourself that give you a sense of holding you back or keeping you constricted, that sense of lack comes from a sense of feeling isolated from your divinity.Therefore especially as you are in this place of your divinity, allow that essence to flow through.

As you consider whatever that was, ask yourself ‘is there a reason to hold onto it?' Is there a way that this is benefiting you?And then allow more of your divinity to flow through.When you consider emotions such as anger, fear, rage, control, anything along those lines, you also will find that you feel separated from your divinity.Therefore the more that you practice allowing your divinity to flow through you and through any given situation, the more that you will become reconnected in that Earth-bound existence.

Now as you look at your life, as you consider perhaps those things that came up the first time I asked you what's in your life; those things that you sensed were holding you back.Having allowed that deeper connection to your divinity to move through those experiences; look towards the future.Look towards what you seek to have within your life.For so many of you I get a sense that you're saying ‘more of my divinity, greater ease in manifesting, greater abundance, greater flow, greater whatever' within your life.

Look at where you are right now.As I say that I see how some of you begin to constrict or make narrow your focus.So once more breathe in or expand your consciousness, do whatever resonates with you, but allow yourself to feel that open flow of your divinity.

In doing so you can align with much greater ease where you are right now.Then as you look towards what you seek to manifest, you can create a subtle change or difference so that the vibration and the flow of energy moves with ease, moving back and forth through what you seek to have and where you are right now.

The ascension process is about your Earth-bound reality being in greater alignment with your divinity.You are already doing this more so than what you realise.As you are here in the All That Is, it's so easy to let your consciousness shift to be in the flow, to be open, and to be welcoming of these energies.So truly ascension is about you, the human, accepting who you are as your divinity.

The greater amount [of your divinity] that you are able to accept, the greater your ascension.And just as we spoke of, those energies that kept you from being able to perceive your divinity, in that sense it keeps you from being able to manifest for greater lengths of time the greater amount of your divinity.

I invite each one of you to consciously remove any veil, remove any barriers, remove anything that separates you from your divinity.Even here within this space as I say that, I see an even deeper integration for each one of you.

You will find that the more you explore your divinity, the more there is.You cannot get to the complete access as a human.When you allow your consciousness to expand into this space, or you merge with your I Am presence in the soul plane, at that point you have the opportunity to let your energies swirl through and you can take in all the various information and perceptions of who you are as your divine essence.

The way to allow for this within your daily life upon the Earth involves a few what could be very simple steps but this is where things become difficult for people.When you as a human are in a space of complete love and acceptance for who you are as a human, you're in complete alignment and balance with your divinity.When you have thoughts or actions or beliefs that push you out of that alignment less of your divinity can be perceived.

So think about your life; most of you have periods of time that you feel good, you feel as if things are flowing, you feel happy and then something may come along that seems to push you off that space of balance.You might at that point go into self-doubt, criticism, judgement, whatsoever that may be.And that's when again your perception is that either your divinity would no longer love you, or that there's just not as much of your divinity there.

Your divinity is immense.It is always there; there's absolutely nothing you can do as a human that would disconnect you from your divinity.Any sense of disconnection comes from you in your human perception.Therefore as you are moving through your days, again we go back to that space where you feel good, where you feel yourself in the flow, you feel like things are happening, there's movement, there's action and then again something pushes you off.

If you acknowledge ‘Yep, I've been pushed off but I choose to come back around into my space of self-love and acceptance'.Then you find yourself right back in that balance and that alignment with your divinity.

It's not necessarily a matter of if you get pushed off, but when and for how long.You will find that you stay in that space for less and less periods of time the more that you have accommodated your divinity.Feel it move through and open to the feeling. You may say it in your heart, in your mind or out loud - ‘ I love and accept myself because I am that I am'.

Feel the energy move through you, feel how good it is to know that you are within that space.On this day as so many have focused upon ascension, I support each one of you in whatever your path is following.I encourage you to find a means that is with ease; I encourage you to find a way that you feel open, comfortable and good about loving yourself.

The last aspect that I will speak about tonight in regards to this ascension is the lightbody energies.Feel their energies move through you.You have your own aspect of that energy; you have created an alignment.

So as you consciously choose to reach out towards the lightbody energies and as you consciously allow for them to move through you - you as your consciousness, you as your physical self with your mental, emotional and spiritual aspects - you find it's another way of solidifying your ascension.

The lightbody energies are the alignment with the crystalline; they are the alignment with your expanded DNA.They're your alignment with the sixth and seventh dimensions.They're your alignment as you ascend to these higher vibrations within your daily life.

Allow yourself to feel the flow, feel the open acceptance of what that is for you.You find that as you move through this transition more and more of your physical essence is becoming transparent.This too is a part of the ascension process.Look at your life without limits.Look at your life as integrating as much of your divinity as you possibly can.Work with your lightbody energies as you assist this integration.

Feel where you are right now and know that everything is in motion and where you are now is but a stepping-stone to where you will be in days, weeks, months or years.It's all good because it is that it is.

So with that, beloved family, come back together as a group.Feel your energies as you create somewhat of a loose circle.As this occurs have a sense of seeing a hologram of the Earth and Ariellis, also known as the New Earth, as they come up within this group.As you look at these holograms you may have a sense of the transformation that's taking place within each space.

I invite you to infuse your experience tonight, your deeper alignment with your lightbody energies and your divinity into this hologram.It's as if sparkles and beams of multi-colored lights radiate out as this gets transmitted within.

You then have a sense of seeing these holograms, they move through space and time until they align with the crystalline grid.As they do so it's as if a shift takes place, with Ariellis moving towards Ariellis and Earth's hologram moving towards the Earth.Each one merges with the physical Earth and we focus upon the Earth and this hologram going within.It goes inside until it encounters the center or the core essence of the Earth itself.

There is a sense of linking with the crystals and then everything that you transmitted into that hologram begins to radiate out through the Earth itself.This is another means that the Earth has allowed or integrated so as to be able to ascend.Feel your own energies as they come back up within and around you.And then it continues to flow.

Let your consciousness shift. You may find yourself coming back within the All That Is, but now there is an excitement to return to your physical body, to return to your physical reality so that you can more fully experience everything that took place during this journey.You may feel yourself shifting through the soul plane.

You feel that increased flow with your divinity that is open and moves back and forth with ease, and you allow your consciousness to shift, moving into the crystalline grid.

As you find yourself blending within this space, you have a sense of letting your consciousness merge as it moves backwards.You have a sense of blending with the magnetic grid as once more you feel this space, this energy, this pathway.

This shift in perception from when you were here as you went out on the journey and as you come back is a very evident way to show you just how much of an impact you have not only upon yourself but upon the Earth.

Once more, have a sense of shifting.This time you feel yourself as you come down within the Earth.As you are here within this space you begin to feel and become conscious of your physical body.As this energy continues to integrate feel the flow of your divinity as it moves within and around you.

As your divinity continues to flow I invite you to consciously put forth that sense of self-love.As you invite self-love to come within you, see what that feels like.The majority of you already feel this to a degree. Let's now shift it into unconditional self-love.

What that means is you realise that you are human, you realise that as a human things happen in your daily life but you choose to accept yourself no matter what is happening.And by accepting yourself you feel compassion, you feel love, you feel awareness.

As you consider what you seek to have, be it in regards to your ascension process or your daily life or everything, recognise where you are when you are here in the space of self-love and acceptance.And then send that vibration that flow, that awareness out towards the Universe, your Earth plane, your existence and everyone that you come into contact with.

As you do this begin to feel yourself and be comfortable with your physical body.As you are becoming comfortable with your body, allow your energies to begin to ground.Feel what this means to you, feel your sense of awareness.In this regards the All That Is, is not so very far away.

As you are coming back within the conference room I invite you to press *7 upon your phone and this will bring you into the queue so that I may speak with you about any questions that you may have.

[For those people on the call there were a number of technical glitches at this time.It was 20 minutes before they were resolved which is why there are so few questions.]

Question: I have a question, my name is Peggy.I have been having considerable nerve damage that results in great pain and tremendous heat.I have to stand in front of a fan to cool myself off.It happens like hot flashes but worse.Sometimes it happens 2 or 3 times a day and at night, it's just making my life terribly uncomfortable.

Answer:As far as the heat, that feels different than the nerves that you are talking about.The heat does feel like menopause type symptoms.How old are you? Do you mind if I ask?

I just turned 84!

Eighty four and a revisiting of hot flashes there, huh?

More so because it makes my feet not numb, but the atrophy feeling, it's like they are attacking and my feet are stiff.In fact I moved from where I was upstairs to downstairs and my legs are getting tremendously hot now.(um hmm) I also have pneumonia; I just got out of the hospital last week, so I get short of breath also.A lot of doctors don't want to handle me, they say I'm too complicated (Okay) I'm sensitive to the drugs they give me.

Okay, Okay. So what I need to say. As far as the nerve problem and the heat you are feeling it feels as if there is blocked energy throughout your body.It feels like there have been a number of separate individual type illnesses or type processes that we see going on with your body.It's like one part of your body is not communicating with the other part of the body.We can't spend too much time here because we know others are waiting, but what we will do for you is invite you to take a deep breath in and breathe down into your heart center.As you do that, as you focus on your heart expanding and moving outward; consciously let our energies flow up and down through you.It's like a circle that gets bigger and bigger and bigger.It clears out everything within you.We consciously put forth the intention that there will be a flow of energy that moves through.It feels to us as if even your chakras are disconnected from one another because of this lack of flow.So if you will focus on consciously letting the energy and vibration circling through and around your body.You can do this by taking deep breaths in through your lungs, through your heart and consciously move throughout the rest of your body.This is the way of increasing the flow of energy as it moves through you. If you will then consciously focus on each of your chakra centers as being open and radiating energy as a transmitter in that form, we sense that will help number 1with the hot flashes because that feels very much like disconnect inside. But we also think that when that is flowing better, the nerve damage you are feeling in your feet is also going to improve for you because it will then be that there is a great flow of energy and circulation going through your legs and that will help with the symptoms on your feet.Alright beloved?

Yes, will that help the lack of circulation as far as blood flow? It goes out but doesn't want to come back up.

Exactly so by focusing on feeling the flow of energy moving through you, it doesn't mean it goes out and stays out there; it goes out and comes back, goes out and comes back. The flow is not just one direction; it's a continuous movement through your entire body.We see that this is going to help relieve some of those symptoms.We feel there are many things going on with you this is but one step that will help you to feel better.

So I just concentrate on deep breathing into my heart.

If you consider your heart as it beats the blood through your body; let that consciousness and focus from your heart move throughout your body, move throughout your bloodstream.

Okay, thank you very much.

You are welcome.

Question: I have a question about moving forward in a career and finances at the same time discovering this joy in Reiki healing. I don't know what to call it, it feels like channeling but when I was practicing Reiki I felt all these things that I wanted to tell the people I was practicing on about their next step, what they could do to heal themselves, what different things they could do about eating or activities or things like that.I shared it with them and it seemed to resonate with them.I am just wondering about a possible career, focusing on that for my future, acting and moving on.My question is kind of vague here.

Answer:Well actually you are asking a number of different things here.We want to address the Reiki since you talked of that at length.Reiki is a means of channeling energy.When you are giving a Reiki treatment to someone you are the conduit and that energy is coming from the universe moving through you and into the patient.Therefore it's very common to receive information about that patient because you are there, you are open, you are in a place to receive. This is what we see is very much a part of what is going to be happening to you in your future.Whether you decide to do acting, energy healing, any type of work you decide to do; by being in the flow of the universal energy, letting it come through you and hearing the voices and the information, the energy; will all assist you no matter what you are doing. Just as you are able to convey to a person whatever you are working on, so too you can convey that information to yourself.We see that it's not that you have blocked things in the past, it feels as if you have been somewhat distracted or trying to figure out how to do everything at the same time.You absolutely can if you so choose!But we would also say to you that if you let your focus be on drawing that energy through you, letting it flow through you in whatever form it needs to and then seeing what comes to your awareness, what allows you to focus that intention and then see whatever insights are there for you.Alright?

Yes, thank you!

You're welcome.

Question: I have a question related to that Sandra.(She meant Shelly.)I have been in the healing profession for 17 or 18 years.Recently like within the past month, I have put it on a back burner and gone back into the mainstream to return to work.I am wondering if you can speak to that for me. It feels like the next thing, but I am wondering if I will ever get back to what I was doing before in the way that I had originally intended.

Answer: we think the reason that all shifted for you is because you had run your path in the way that you originally set it up and originally put forth your intention.Our sense in looking at this is that it's time for you to begin to look at the energy work you were doing from a different perspective; one that includes consciously expanding your vibration and consciously moving into a new dimension.We know that's a little bit vague, but the sense we get is that you've been doing something and it's time to change.There's a part of you that says you don't really know what to do, this is what you've always enjoyed, I really love this kind of work.What that was doing was bringing up short your creative process.It came to the point where we get a sense of shorting out.From the shorting out you decided to go back to main stream because I know I can count on the income and then try to figure it out in the future.No you we don't see you staying in the mainstream for long, only perhaps 6 months or a year, maybe even less than that.You are in the process of creating this change within your own self that allows for this higher integration of not only the energy work you were doing before but new and different modalities.It feels as if there is something you have created that is a blend of different things. It involves crystals, it involves colors, it involves light, it involves tones; many different things.It feels as if you are in the process of bringing this into a new place or a new perspective.By allowing yourself to let that flow and let the creativity move through you in whatever way it does, you will find that you will get back around to that in a very short period of time.Does that resonate with you?

It does, it really resonates with me, it's very confirming. Do you have any suggestions of how I can manage my energy of working in a mainstream setting so that I am able to nurture this creative thing that is getting ready to surface?

Well we think that number 1, as you've gone back into mainstream you have a little bit been kicking yourself about it; ‘gosh, I guess I couldn't succeed' ‘I must have been doing something wrong'. It's as if it's a negative thing to go back into mainstream work.What we would like you to do about this is first of all recognize it's not a negative, it's not a failure.It's not anything at all like that. It is simply where you are right now as a means of making ends meet in your life.It is just going in another direction.Then if you do that first and number 2 you step into more of a place of enjoying this type of work, enjoying being back in the work force, enjoying everything that that has to offer you.Then when you come and say ‘okay now I'm going to do my play time, I'm going to set aside time for myself and begin to see what insights come to me'. We see you journaling, we see you practicing different things and working on people because we sense you still have a few clients you see.As you work with them in particular, but also as you work for yourself and on yourself; then you will see what direction you need to go.Does that resonate with you?

Yes, you have made it very clear.Thank you.

You are welcome!

Question: I have talked to you about the same problem I have had for quite a while now.I am raising my vibration a lot.As I do that, the other side ramps up against me! I am not just attracting random negativity, it's an opposition here.I am asking at this point for a divine intervention.I really don't know what else to do but continue to work on myself and hope I survive.

Answer:we are unclear where this is coming from and why it continues to persist with you.On the journey tonight when we spoke of being outside of that place of complete love and acceptance of yourself that is when that resistance will come in. When you have the feelings that you have, the attacks or that type of energy that is pulling down or back or into that other space it's coming in and aligning with an aspect of you that allows it to come into being.What we would say to you is that the more that you..... and that is part of the example of what I was speaking of when I mentioned how your perception of things and as you looked around at came from that place of fear, pain or sorrow.That's what generates that place of disconnection from your divinity or the perception of disconnection.So as you keep ramping up your vibration and as you keep integrating higher aspects of yourself and divinity yet this keeps remaining there pulling you back and pulling you down it's because there is something within you that is not being nurtured and nourished because it does create this resistance.We will blend with you; we will move through you, we will assist in releasing anything that is masking this from you so that you can have that much greater awareness within yourself.It may sound crazy, but anytime you feel that attack if you will go into a place of loving, honoring and nurturing yourself.The way you will do that is breathing deeply and breathing in your divinity, letting it move through you in every aspect.That is how you are bringing in more of your divinity. Instead of trying to ignore or fight something, you are now trying to love and nurture it. Does that resonate with you?

Yes, but what's happening and it's happening to a lot of people, I'm not the only one.The dark side, just to call it that for simplicity; they have a lot of different means that they can use.Some of it is artificial and can override my vibration I think but I don't know if that's possible with the larger energy.

We disagree.It cannot be possible.If your vibration is such.... Pause for a download....

It's okay, I know what you are going to say.

We simply do not agree with that.There is something within you that is allowing that to come in.Simply calling it the dark side and you bring in the light makes a split. It's a judgment of dark/ light; good/bad; hurts/ not.All of that is the type of energy that keeps you in separation and keeps you apart from your divinity.That's why if you consider it the dark side then flow the energy of love and acceptance to the ‘dark side'.If it's a low enough vibration-Shelly has experienced this and we have experienced it through Shelly when we work with individuals-we just flow the beautiful, unconditional love of divinity and the dark side as you call it or that lower vibration can't stand it, it doesn't like it, it just goes away.The light will make that dark side uncomfortable.It keeps coming back because there is something inside of you for it to align with.

Okay, I realize that it isn't really dark if it makes me evolve faster.It's very hard for me to be articulate after going on these journeys because they are so formless and beautiful.

Right, so coming back we would say just love the pain so to speak, love whatever it is that comes in.Whether you even think of it as love, acceptance or something else; just keeping it in that nameless form of that place where you go on these journeys it will burn it out.It will keep it from coming back within.But if you find yourself in the place of pain and resistance; it will keep it hanging on.

Let us just flow an energy through you.We will send through this bolus of light and we are going to let it go through you and assist you in clearing out. We can see that this feels like it's based in fear and old belief systems. So if you will, go through and work on that for yourself.Work with releasing it through compassion, loving and honoring, you will find that it will happen less and less until it no longer bothers you.



So for everybody I remind you to take in that opportunity to breathe into yourself; your divinity.Breathe in your self-love and awareness as simply that - your divinity flowing through you.You need not give it a name, or a shape, or a form or anything. Simply feel it as the flow and let it move through you doing whatever it may do.

I am ever with you and within.


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All Is Choice: Finding empowerment

This channeling concerns a group question regarding the well known channeled phrase "All Is Choice".

You may have already noticed in thinking about the statement "All Is Choice" on a big picture, theoretical basis, it is not all that useful in a practical sense.  It can be comforting to have that as a basis or background, but the human mind finds it impossible to maintain a real connection to that idea when also faced with mundane, day to day activities.

In other words, when you pick up your coffee cup to take a sip, it is not that useful to you in that moment to imagine how that small action fits into the overall arc of your life as a projection of a soul. How does taking a sip of coffee serve you in the larger sense?  It's almost impossible to grasp that - and then the question arises: "how does the act of taking a sip of coffee affect me, either positively or negatively, in terms of the overall arc of my life?"   From that moment, from the human perspective, it's almost impossible to tell.

And so for some, a sense of "bullshit" can erupt from this.  The human mind invents reasons to stave away inner chaos.  The concept of "all is choice" can be used to push away feelings and to rationalize acts or feelings about acts in a way that's typically not very useful to a person. An intellectualolder soul can have strong feelings about an act, but step back to intellectualize under an "all is choice" motto in order to be "loving" and deny negative feelings.

While stepping back and becoming part of that larger perspective is part of the old soul experience, there's a not so fine line there. When that stepping back is done to create a denial of what's being felt in the present than that is not particularly useful.

Our suggestion about how any person can view their life in terms of choice in a way that's empowering would be to instead of looking at things at the macro level to look at the micro level and to connect emotion to every moment:

As I pick up my coffee cup to take a sip, what am I feeling?  Am I feeling energized?  Am I feeling frustrated?  Am I feeling hurried because I need to gulp down a whole cup of coffee before I leave for my day?  Am I feeling complacent?  Am I feeling bored?

That's only a small fraction of the kinds of feelings that someone can feel in the simple act of picking up coffee cup to take a sip.  The more you are present and aware of what you feel in a given moment, the more you will feel connected to your own empowerment regarding choice.

Choice within Simple Actions

Let's examine this more.  We will go back to the coffee cup analogy. In that act of picking up the coffee cup, you have all kinds of choices. Perhaps they might be in some ways dependent upon or connected to other factors. If you're in a hurry, then you might pick up the coffee cup in a certain forceful way. If your mind is engaged in something else and you reach out with a fumbling hand because you decide you want a sip of coffee while you're staring at your laptop screen, that's another way of being present in that moment.

A small word of caution: while it is possible to be mindful and aware of what you were feeling in every given moment, that again is not necessarily useful to the human experience. In other words, you can get anal about it: "I'm sitting in a chair.  What am I feeling now?  I'm leaning back a little.  What am I feeling now? I glance out the window.  What I am feeling now? ... "   And you can get caught up, lost in the midst of intellectualizing.  You would be trying to feel instead of allowing the feelings to be present. There's a balance.

Not everyone that we're speaking to can join in what's referred to as an "old soul perspective" of stepping back and becoming distant. And that's okay - it's not necessary in order to feel empowered in your own life or feel good about what's going on in the world.

When we are referring to empowerment in this instance, we mean feeling that you yourself have the ability to make changes in your life as you see fit.  The very first step in that is assessing where you are in a given moment.  This is why we talk about the micro level, or bringing in an element of mindfulness.

The most useful way to apply that concept is when you feel the "big feelings" - when you feel a fair amount of emotion.  That's when you rest in that and simply ask "what am I feeling?" from within your presence - from outside your intellect.  Allow the feeling to be there while you rest in it.

Question:  I recently had an experience where my child was misbehaving and getting very angry, screaming and not listening.  I felt a very strong impulse to spank him until he "behaved", but then I caught myself because I know that is very bad for him.  I guess my own childhood pain came out - I don't know.  But then I got very tense and pushed away the feelings, but I still noticed him being very frightened of me and seemingly feeling threatened.  I guess by stuffing away those violent feelings, I was also being unloving.  This relates to the nature of choice to me - both were fairly automatic.  Either I behave like my parents did to me or I try to repress and do the opposite, but somehow create a similar dynamic.  I didn't feel I had any other choice.

This situation is a moment of big emotion.  The parent, feeling all this welling up inside them, has a moment to create that change from how they themselves were treated as a child. So the parent can assess this, starting with the knowing of "I'm feeling this big emotion."

Realize first that immediate action is not necessary. In other words, following through with that spanking energy is not necessary.  Removing or changing the emotion is not necessary.  If there is a big emotion there then this is a time for the parent to sit with that emotion for a moment without taking action.  Allow it to be there.   The action arises from believing that the emotion can't be there.  It wants to move through and out.  Tensing is another way of saying that the emotion cannot be there - and it also communicates to the child that their own mirroring emotion should not be there.

Again, this is an invitation for the parent to truly be with that emotion without moving into action.  This "action" can be external or internal, such as tensing or rationalizing.  Understand that this moving into action is likely a pattern for that person that came from their own childhood (such as with the pattern of self destruction).  Whether or not they tense themselves and try to try to deter any tendencies that feel negative, or they go ahead and strike the child:  those are two opposites of the same spectrum of non-acceptance.  The trick them would be to simply sit with the emotion and to let it be there without taking action.

Once the parent does that, other perceptions begin to come up: realizations that this is a connection to my own life. Realizations that I don't need to perpetuate this with my child, that there are other choices available now that the need to push an experience away has dissolved.  Emotions are simply energy.  They are an experience.  From our perspective, all emotions are good emotions, as energy itself has no value judgments attached.  But people can feel disempowered by emotions when they have not been encouraged to actually feel them.  Surrendering to the experience of an emotion is a tremendously empowering act.

The child's experience is a little different.  A child is naturally feeling a little bit disempowered, especially in western cultures, because of the physical dynamic that already exists. In other words, they're a small person and surrounded by big people who make the rules, provide the structure and play the "authority figure". There's already an atmosphere of not feeling that they have a choice.  But also within the child is a beautiful invitation to create a sense of choice in the midst of what could feel like a disempowering situation. The choice is about feeling.   The child too has the impulse to take action:  Do I cower and cover my head?   Do I run away?  Do I try to smile to defuse the situation?  Those are all potential actions.  But the child too can simply be with the emotion.

A child naturally does this at a very early age, but in the western culture is largely educated away from this.  This is true in the modern world in many Eastern cultures as well. The role of "parental authority" is a factor in 90% of the cultures around your world now.

We can offer a practical exercise beyond the theoretical which we've already given you that can increase your ability to feel connected to the choices in your own life.  We've already talked about stepping back while feeling and allowing yourself to feel when a big emotion comes up.  Again, that's useful situation by situation as it comes up for you.

In order to assist, provide support and create a pattern of energy movement within you now that can become a foundation for you whenever those big emotions come up so that you can practice what we've already told you, we can offer this.

This exercise is best if done seated and your spine is relatively straight. If you are accustomed to a particular meditation posture this is a good opportunity to take a particular posture but it's not necessary; you can be seated in a chair. 

[We offer the audio recording of this with beautiful background music which you may download to aid you in this exercise.]

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Closing your eyes, take a deep breath and allow it to float out if you.  Take another deep breath, hold it for a moment and allow it too to float out if you.  As you release that breath, imagine your conscious awareness expanding.   Every time you breathe in and breathe out your awareness expands. In other words, rather than being tightly placed inside your head, perhaps, it moves to a space outside yourself. You can start with a space that extends about a foot away from your body.

Just as you breathe out, allow your breath to float into that space about a foot on all sides of your body and allow your awareness to extend to that distance.  It's especially important to bring your awareness up over your head to that distance.

Now you can imagine that your awareness has expanded to a place that's up above and slightly outside of your physical body. This causes you to have the sensation that your movements would be slower, more flowing than you are accustomed to.  You feel wiser, perhaps.

Understand that within the space you may also incorporate all your emotion world by stepping up and back and out just slightly. You have the opportunity to include an awareness of more of yourself than you are accustomed. Yet this is not a  place of overwhelm. This is where you can be with those big emotion's without being overwhelmed by them.

If the idea of choice and empowerment has been particularly troubling to you - in other words if at times in your life you have felt buffeted by the winds of chance - then we would suggest taking a few moments of each day to perform this exercise.  Understand that when those big emotions come up for you this is the place that you can rest in while you are allowing yourself to be present within those emotions. And when we say "be present with" we are not suggesting that you become detached from and intellectual about them.  But we are suggesting that from this space you can see them for what they are. You can allow them into you without creating a need for action.

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Soulmate Relationships and the Right Use of Trust

Channeler: DL Zeta

In order to bring a soulmate connection into your life, you may need to identify and work with some deep-seated core issues. One core issue shared by many is trust. This is because many people fail to understand the right use of trust and, as a result, they have had numerous negative experiences around this issue.

Some people have unknowingly closed their hearts due to past hurts and rejections. This closing initially occurs at a time when something painful happens that causes a loss of trust. Fearing future recurrences, the person vows never to love or trust anyone again. Such resolutions create an energetic field that serves as a shield against future intimacy.

One challenge to reopening one's heart is that it doesn't feel safe. One thing that can give a person the confidence to love again is learning to discern when it’s appropriate to trust. Those things that can be trusted are the workings of the universe, the love and guidance of our higher self, universal laws, and one's intuition.

When it comes to others, we can always trust another person to act in accordance with their present level of spiritual understanding, no more or less. It is when we trust that others will act in a way that’s inconsistent with their understandings that we feel hurt and betrayed. As we accept and see others as they truly are, we have no need to trust them to act in any way other than they are.

Excerpt from Manifesting Your Inner Soulmate in Physical Reality By DL Zeta
& Meeting a Soulmate in Consciousness: a Guided Meditation
For more information, visit http://www.celestialvision.com/

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Needed Science for the Times

Greetings dear ones, I am Kryon of magnetic service. Again we are here in a way that may seem strange to many. I want you to get used to hearing this voice and understanding the reality that is here. Perhaps you might ask yourself, "Is this real?" You might say, "Kryon, I'm having a hard time believing that you're really channeling, that the voice comes from the other side of the veil. It's just so difficult!" If that's what you're saying today, Human Being, I will say that you are blessed to be so honest with words coming from the struggle to work out of the three-dimensional box you are in.

Dear one, if you ask the right questions of your own Higher-Self, of your own belief, of your own psyche, you then start have things revealed that you didn't expect. For it indeed is a quantum experience on the other side of the veil. My partner [Lee] and I are linearizing this conversation for you. This is a quantum experience and that means that language is only a small part of it. The audio that you hear and the words seen on the page are only a portion of it.

In the past, we have spoken of something called the third language. This third language, identified some time ago, is not a language in linearity. It is instead a language of the catalyst of the three. We use the three in numerology to represent a catalytic action number. That is to say that all of you have the ability to receive what is being given at a level which is quantum, and not a language such as words on a page. Even the reader of this particular message can ask for a quantum experience and then be in the session with those who are in the room in real time.

We're going to give you some science. We've chosen, perhaps, an odd place for that [Albuquerque, New Mexico]. But we really haven't, for we think in a quantum way. We wanted to come to this place and honor those who built this building [The Indian Center]. We want to honor the ancestors who are here, listening. We've come to a very quiet place in the stillness of the southwest in order to give a message of clarity, and purity, so that others will also receive it in this fashion.
Science for today

When we give a scientific message, I ask my partner to go very slow. Some of the things we speak of now have been revealed to him, and some have not. So I asked him to proceed slowly, for it will be heard and read clearly and much will be seen around it. For what follows in this message is not just esoterics. There will be practicality presented and there will be physicists looking at it... and that makes my partner nervous.

This is not going to be complex, for even the one sitting in the chair who doesn't understand science will still receive what they need to receive through the third language. They will understand why these things are being given and appreciate them. All through this process, the entourage who has poured into this place, who represents the ancestors of all of you, resound with it all. Even the ancients who are here, and who are wrapped into this building, into this place, where my partner gives a message of science, are pleased.

Reassurance about Global Warming: what is happening?

This message is not necessarily a long one, but one which you have to hear. It's about the environment and science. So let us start with some assurance and positive news. Let us review one more time that what you are seeing in weather changes on this planet have not been created by Humans. What you have called global warming is not global warming at all, and I say it again: It is part of the cycle that always was. This information is not new, and we told you these things some years ago when the idea of warming first was presented, and fear was the result. We also called out the weather changes you are seeing now, back in 1989 when my partner began this journey with me. Long before the idea of warming was popular, I was telling you to expect this cycle.

The North Pole has melted several times and come back several times. It is waxing and waning. The water evaporation cycle [what Kryon called the water cycle] is the way Gaia works. However, this time it appears to be here sooner than expected, and that is alarming to many. If you were to ask Gaia right now to come in to this place, Gaia would give this message: "Humans have not caused this." Could it be any clearer? I give you this information so there would be no alarm sounded regarding it or actions taken that might be in response to a false idea.

However, at the same time I tell you that there is a mandate to change how you create your energy. What you put into the air is significant, for it is a hazard to your health. What you put into the air hurts Humanity, not necessarily Gaia. Gaia is far more resilient than you think. Gaia adjusts in ways you don't expect, and faster than you expect. Your contribution to pollution is insignificant compared to just a few natural volcanic eruptions of the past. Gaia takes care of Gaia, and the process is not new, or a surprise. However, for humanity we say, "Clean up the air and you will live longer." It's not about stopping a weather cycle that you have created. Hardly! It's about common sense for life.

It's going to get colder. That's one of the subjects of today. You're going to need more energy to combat the cold, and we have given you advice in the past regarding this, and one of them we wish to revisit today. For it is time for you to think out of the box of three dimensions when it comes to some of the things that we have discussed with you.

You think in a straight line. You don't necessarily think past certain concepts, but rather you assume things that then create straight line thinking. At the same time I give you this information, I will also tell you that this particular concept is already known on the planet. It is the way of it. We do not give you something that has not already occurred to a Human Being. Free choice is what we have told you is the operative word. So in order to honor this free choice attribute, the things presented today must have already occurred to a Human Being before we will deliver a message like this. This creates a situation where the Humans are manifesting it, not just using hints from Spirit.

When these insights are received by humanity, they normally land as inspiration on the planet in more than one place at a time. That is to say, epiphanies of discovery happen all at once, usually three to four places in order to assure that they will not be lost. It's like this: The vibration of the planet is like a big door that opens and closes with the vibration of an enlightened or non-enlightened humanity. If you chose to close this door by creating a low vibration of the planet, then information, invention, and discovery are lost. They actually go away, since humanity doesn't even care to look! However, when the vibration becomes higher, the door opens and discovery and invention just "lay there" ready to be seen. So Spirit does not dole out inventions, but rather the system you have created allows for it. For high science is always there no matter what, but the Human Beings on the planet temper how much of it becomes available by how high the planet vibrates with human consciousness. This explains how you have lost so much science in the past 50,000 years. There were societies who actually were far more quantum thinking than anything you currently have today.

There is an actual irony here in that you have higher tech inventions today, but far lower conscious of understanding. You have marvelous computing power that only is programmed for 3D! Later this will be funny to you.

There is tremendous energy available to you directly from the earth, and it's free. It is not what you call free energy, for you have to build an extractor to get it. But it's everywhere; its forever (you don't use it up) and it's called geothermal energy.

New ways to obtain geothermal heat

It's all below your feet, not really that far away and its natural heat. It's hot enough for you to drill down and create steam. If you can create steam through natural process of thermal energy, then you can drive steam turbines and create electricity. That will create the power you need to survive some harsher winters and to heat your homes. Electricity may not be the most efficient method to use to heat a home, but it may be the cleanest in comparison to the methods that pollute the air. If you can create the electricity itself in a very efficient way, it becomes far more viable for everyday use.

Using steam, there are other ways to create electricity as well. Humanity is fond of very elaborate steam engines, and you've been using them a very, very long time. Today's nuclear reactors are simply very expensive steam engines. You heat water using nuclear reactors and create steam with that heat, which then drives your turbines. So we're giving you something to think about. For nuclear power, as clean and good as it is, has bi-products which are dangerous and you know this. Geothermal, although very clean, can also be dangerous. So now we open the discussion of something new.

If you can drill approximately five kilometers into the earth, you will find enough heat to make a steam engine work. Now, five kilometers to you is not all that far as measured in a straight line along the surface of the earth. Many of you actually walk that distance to school and work and realize that it's not that far. But if you're going to drill that distance, technically it becomes difficult and dangerous. It's not just dangerous for the driller, but can be dangerous for the planet. On the way down through the crust of the earth to the five kilometer mark, you go through pockets of attributes... releasing gas perhaps; releasing fire, perhaps; releasing water, perhaps. If nothing else, sometimes you interrupt what we will call the integrity of the lubricant of the shale itself. What I'm saying here is you might even advance the potential of an earthquake, all by drilling down only five kilometers.

So now I'm going to give you the answer of how to make steam without drilling so far down, and it requires thinking "out of the box" of what you have always assumed. All along you're thinking that you're going to drill down and put a pipe in the earth with water in it. You put water in, and get steam out. However, what if I told you that you only have to drill down a fraction of that distance, and you will find enough heat to boil fluid! You'd say, "Impossible." This feature exists over the hot spots of the earth, which have heat very close to the surface, but those attributes don't exist in most of the places we're asking you to drill. The answer is not to use water. It's time to marry the highest technology that you have on the planet, with things you didn't expect to marry them with, and this is thinking out of the box.

This is the kind of thinking that is becoming a little more quantum, seeing the entire picture instead of just seeing what you think it should be, or what you are used to. There are solutions here, and some already know what they are. There is elegant chemistry that will boil at a fracture of the temperature that water will, and this is the answer: Learning to use those substances and those fluids with this chemistry within a geothermal closed system machine, which doesn't have to drill down five kilometers. How about two kilometers? Using this known chemistry it will be possible to drill only a fraction of the distance, and get the heat you need for steam.

So we tell you this because you're going to need to do this. If you heed this advice, you'll find that the timing and the synchronicity of discovery is at hand. That is to say, you will understand it all and realize that the elements will fall together and you will get your steam engine. And it won't take five years to build and it won't be dangerous and you don't have to cover it with a shell. Much easier. It won't belch smoke. It won't pollute, and you don't have to worry about being next to it. Think about it... natural heat from Gaia that is forever! It will create electricity you're going to need to heat homes and businesses... because eventually it's going to get colder. That's number one.

What Humanity needs the most right now

We're going to give you one other insight: This is not new, in that the following information was known, then inappropriately sold and pocketed by industry. Since the idea is already known, I'm going to give it to you here so that the public can see it and anyone with synchronicity who listens to, or reads this message, will understand it. Even you sitting in the chairs will understand the concept, but the scientists and the physicists will then have to implement it. We would not mention it here unless it were very timely.

The resource that humanity is going to need the most as the population grows, as the weather changes, is what you probably already had guessed: Fresh water! Already it's becoming scarce. You will notice the snow is falling more and more in the wrong places, and often in areas that have no infrastructure to capture the runoff. The reservoirs and aqueducts are built for the old energy with the old weather patterns. As the population grows, water will be the issue.

The New Desalinization Answer

Here is one immediate answer. It is a profound thing when the earth is mostly water, yet you cannot drink it! The answer is to use the sea and the ocean, and convert it. The ocean, of course, is not fresh water, so you have to ask how to extract the salt.

Desalinization exists today in a very inefficient way. Large amounts of water have to go into vats of containment and sit there while heat is used in various ways. There are various systems, some of them steam, some of them not, all requiring heat to take out the salt. It takes a long time. It's expensive and not efficient. Therefore it is not tenable to desalinate for an entire city. Instead, only places that simply have no fresh water at all have a system like this. It becomes a necessity of inconvenience and expense instead of a good solution.

Now, I'm asking you to think out of the box and I'm going to give you the answer of how to desalinate water in a new way. My partner, I want you to go slow here.

Most of the largest cities on earth are on the coastlines of the ocean... very near water. This is because over time those coastal areas were the places where trade could happen with ships and ports. So you end up with the largest cities being on the ocean. It's a good place to start, is it not, to get water for them, from the source which they can simply look at and use? The answer is not that difficult, but it requires something that has not been considered.

The highest technology you have today has to do with the smallest of the small. You call it nano-technology. It is chemistry and even chemical machines, extremely small, taking form as what you would call robots. These ultra small, molecular sized robots exist today, and are at the pinnacle of your new inventive efforts. Even now, your science is considering how to insert them into the Human bloodstream to seek out and kill disease... as an enhancement to the white blood cells that you currently have. That's how small the nanoparticles are.

Naturally there are objections to this, since it seems to alter the Human body. It doesn't, any more than any supplement that is not naturally created, which you have learned can help you with pain, disease, chemical balance, or even to sleep at night. So it joins forces with the kinds of science that has been given to Humanity to help keep you alive. Remember, that although we teach that a Human Being can use their own consciousness to do that, there are millions who will not believe it, or not be interested in that. So science takes up the slack, so to speak, and there is much today that is known to assist the quality of Human life that is not metaphysical. This is a balance, and is proper and appropriate. Still there are those who will let their own child die, rather than use science to help balance a disease. They believe that anything that is not given from God is not appropriate. It's time to fully understand that good science is simply the discovery and implementation of the way God created the Universe. Used with integrity, it is appropriate, God-given, blessed, and was allowed to be discovered due to a higher-vibrational Earth. In other words, you earned it! Therefore to throw it away or call it evil is to not understand it.

A man is very thirsty. He is very religious and prays for water to be given to him. Along comes another man with water, and offers it to him. The thirsty man rejects it, saying that he expects it only from God and will wait. He dies thirsty, never understanding the synchronicity of God is through other Humans! Learn to appreciate the science that is given to you to extend your life, for this is appropriate and is given to Humanity for this reason.

Nanotechnology is becoming smarter. Science is learning to make the robots intelligent through chemistry, through logic, through electronics. It's like the logic of a computer, which can cleverly help you to do many things. It doesn't think for you, but rather it assists you in tasks you can't do yourself. These tiny smart robots can help desalinate water.

I'm going to give you a task: You're going to build a desalinization plant where the water never stops flowing, and where salt can be removed in real time, and a by-product created that you had no idea about. The water never has to rest and never has to be cooked. There is no heat involved at all. Using nano-technology, the water goes in one end of the machine, and it comes out the other in a steady flow. In—salty, out—fresh, and ready then for standard purification.

The first stages of the system require that you release enough nano-technology robots assigned to find the dissolved salts and attach themselves to them. Here is the secret, however: every single robot is magnetized! I am the magnetic master, after all.

[Kryon smile]

All of the salt then becomes magnetic, with tiny little nano robots hanging on to all of it. On to the next stage: Flowing into the next area, the water is exposed to tremendous, huge electromagnets, pulling the salt out of the water completely and totally, because the salt is now magnetic! Out it goes. Over simplified, perhaps, but this is the way of it. No heat is involved.

Now, the by-product... you won't believe it! Oh, and this will be controversial when you discover it. Magnetic fields applied to water often create water that is quite healing. Do you see where this is going? What a device that might be! It would be quantum, you know, because it uses magnetics. There would be those who will say that magnetically treated water is bad for you, since you are altering it in a way that is not understood. They don't realize the amount of energy that other Humans have gone through to find the healing waters of the earth! Now you get a bit of that while desalinating water! There will be no proof either way of what is happening, so that will make it controversial. All people will know is that fewer people are getting sick!

So this is what we wanted to give you today. This is what we wanted to have recorded today in this way, so that you might hear it and it would be published. I wish to tell you what we see in the future, based on the potentials you have developed. We're not going to give you a time frame, for there is none.

The Future of Science

The information I'm about to give you can be two generations away, maybe even three. But it all has to do with quantum invention. Physicists, listen. I'm going to give you something you already know, and it's possible. It involves another field of science but it opposes everything three dimensional you've ever learned. Humans are funny. Even in the highest math and geometry, everything is defined in a straight line. Therefore Humans just love to define a circle as a polygon with an infinite number of straight lines. That's funny! It's almost as though a circle didn't exist in nature, and the Human has to create a formula using a straight line object for it to exist. Interesting, isn't it? I'm just giving you the Human straight line bias, and its fun to look at. Bubbles have always been around. They're beautiful, you know? They're natural, you know? The circle is a natural occurring event in space, as well... think planets. But Humans want this shape to be an infinite number of straight lines.

Like cartoon characters on a page, the stick figures find a few three dimensional properties in their two dimensional lives, and they "prove" them by creating an infinite number of stick figures to explain the shape.

What you already suspect is that gravity and magnetism all naturally bend. They don't go straight, and they never have. What about light? It doesn't either. When affected by the other two, it bends also. That should tell you something. Nothing is really a straight line at all! The only straight lines around are the brains of the Humans. [Kryon joke] You're not using the right kinds of math either, and we told you that long ago. There's an elegance of math that is quantum and if I begin to tell you about it, even in the simplest terms, it's going to seem overly complex.

The New Math is coming

Quantum math uses something that is going to be discovered and we're going to give it a name: influential numbers. These are numbers that do not have empirical values, but instead have values that are influenced by the numbers around them. Four is not a four. Four is modified because of the numbers that sit next to it, as in a formula, or in linearity as in counting. Each time a formula is manufactured in a quantum state, the numbers within it are all influenced by the others around it. This is because all of the numbers in that formula are modified by the numbers that are next to them. They're influential numbers. If the four is used in a linear way, it is affected by the five, or by the three. They all influence the numbers next to each other, as seen in the conceptual sense. The reason is that a quantum reality is one that is never linear or has the attributes that you think are "normal."

However complex, it is not random, and there is indeed an elegant system... a beautiful thing when you find out the attributes and see the consistency of the change. Chaos does not look like chaos when you understand the "chaos rules." Eventually, when you see this, you will then have the formula for a circle being a whole number, not an irrational number as it exists today. It won't be pi. Instead, it will be "pi solved." We ask the physicists to work it backwards if you have to, in order to get a whole number of pi. That will give you a hint and what has to be done with the rest of the computations.

Imagine mathematics with influential numbers! For each number is not empirical but influenced by the one around it. I'm giving you high math now, and here's how it's going to serve you: Because when you start to understand it, you're finally going to understand what I'm going to call the Holy Grail of Physics. That's a Human term [Kryon wink].

In your straight-line thinking, in your bias, you have many 3-D formulas, don't you? And when you look at the basis of physics, you talk about matter having mass. In those things which have mass you've even figured out the atomic structure and density. You are proud of the consistency of the formulas, based on what you see around you, and you think they're static, don't you? You think there is a formula for everything, and it explains how things move and react. "If it has a certain atomic density and mass, then it weighs this or that in a certain gravity. You've got it all figured out.

Indeed, you have! But only in 3-D. So as soon as you become quantum with these formulas, they all stretch and become different. All this to tell you yet again, that it is possible for you to alter the mass of any object in existence. It doesn't matter how large or small or how dense it is. You can alter the mass of it, and therefore (pause..) the effect that gravity has on it. There is no such thing as anti-gravity, only the control of mass. So whatever formula you have in 3D that tells you how much something should weigh, can be then changed by controlling the mass of the object in question. Therefore you are not changing gravity (which is really a quantum product of two other forces), but of the mass of an object. And it has to do with controlling the atomic density, or apparent density as seen by gravity.

In Yugoslavia, there's a famous workshop. Historic it is, for it belongs to the man who thought out of the box, Tesla. In that workshop, there are marks on the ceiling made by the objects that took off from his workbench and went straight up! They shattered, hitting the ceiling hard! Nikola was frustrated, for he had discovered the creation of massless objects and didn't know how! He thought out of the box... the only one in existence to ever give you a blueprint on how alternating current might work. Oh, it's more than 3-D. Study it, for it's elegant.

All of this that Tesla did was created by magnetics, and this was also the basis behind the experiment in his workshop. However, in Tesla's time there were no computers or any of the finite instruments you have today to measure or create tiny fluctuations in magnetic fields. He accomplished the creation of altering the mass of an object, but he couldn't control it, and didn't know exactly how he did it. Frustrated, he was. By the way, he's back. I'm not going to tell you where. Maybe he will read this and know what to do next?

[Kryon smile]

Clever, it is, how magnetic fields can be arranged around other magnetic fields. Even solutions [fluids] can be magnetized to create clever shaped fields within fields... sometimes at right angles to each other, sometimes not, to give you a condition that will create a change in mass. None of these things are out of the purview of Human development. How long it'll take? We don't know. That's up to you. But do you understand what it will change? Everything! It means that the things of science fiction are finally yours. What you called anti-gravity is simply an object with controllable mass. It'll float no matter how big. It's doable. Maybe it's time to implement it?

"Kryon, why do you tell us about these things?" With this we close. The answer is that we want you to stay here. All of this is given in love. We want you to stay here! And you're not going to have much luck with that unless you start thinking more quantum, unless you start accelerating the inventions and put some of the politics out of the way. But the countries which must do this are the ones who have the highest technical abilities and they also have the highest influential structures that are in the way of it all. It is time for the population to understand this and turn the physicists loose and not strap them with those things which are political, or industrially or efficiently "appropriate." Perhaps you don't know what I speak of, but they do.

In the process of this, there will be life extension; in the process there will epiphanies; in the process you might even find that this message was accurate and true. Somewhere down the line, if you do, then you've got a puzzle, don't you, physicists? Don't you? If you're listening to this, you've got a puzzle, because who is it who is speaking from the other side of the veil, giving you information that is true and real and scientific? At some level, you're going to have to say it's real. At some time in the future you're going to have to admit that the spiritual and the science is allied, and that the energy that created the earth and the magnetics and the gravity and all of the things you studied, is a piece of you... since the creator is inside of each of you. Then maybe you'll open up?

It all has to do with this puzzle: Is this real or not? Is Kryon real or not? Is love real or not? Well, some of you know, because you've sat in the presence of the creator today who loves you. This family on my side of the veil, loves you. It's a wonderful Valentine message, isn't it? So we say to you, dear ones, that all of the things that we talk about, whether they're scientific, or have to do with your Akash, or your core soul, or a Higher-Self, are given for one reason: to make the life you are living on this planet easier. It's so you may discover the compassion that is the glue that puts you together with creation, that changes the earth itself, for the shift is upon you.

What you call the 2012 energy is already here, having arrived approximately 1998. Let this be what it is supposed to be, a time of high consciousness, of scientific evolution with integrity, with an economy that is a re-emerging with integrity, with government that slowly changes old energy. There is a new paradigm occurring, with things that you would never put together in the past. This is an oxymoron - cannot exist together - integrity and government - integrity and insurance - integrity with banking. A new paradigm is upon you, and this shift is difficult. We have the warrior and the worker in the chairs in front of me. They know it because that's why they came: the Akash is alive and well in you, dear ones, and you know who you are. I know who you are. And I celebrate each, each one.

And so it is.


The information is free and available for you to print out, copy and distribute as you wish. Its Copyright, however, prohibits its sale in any form except by the publisher. 

Lee Carroll

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Sneak Preview……

Today, I feel urged to to reveal a little of the novel I'm currently writing. Not sure what it will accomplish, but the urge is there, and it feels good. "Make It Real" is a so-called braided tale weaving three timelines into a timeless piece of reflection:

  • My 2007 past self, in the form of the novel Going Within, which I wrote back then. It's name turned out to be aptly appropriate, for it is now Going Within the new Make It Real novel.
  • My 2010 now self, which comments on things as I write this novel.
  • My 4444 future self, an android, who addly enough bears the name of 'Sander R.B.E. Beals', the 'author' of this book for those who don't know any better....

Comment I got from a fifteen year old as I told him the outline of the story: "This book is going to change a lot"  and me, daft as I am, said "Why?, it is almost half finished"  Turned out he meant that it would change many of those reading it....  And you know what they say about kids.  And no, he wasn't one of my kids.......

Love your Light, 


P.S. I still come up short on my list of E-mail addresses to present to the publisher as receivers of the mailing about that book. Especially since I do not specifically wish to invite my colleagues to join. This story might be a bit too close to home to involve them. However, if they pass the barriers I will be putting up, then their knowledge of it is apparently what should happen.

4444AD, Day 223, 12:34, Home

I'm flat on my back, relaxing as I'm working. The two by two meter vidcloth on the ceiling displays various windows, from various eras. Top left is my vision feed of March 12th, 2010. I have the accompanying audio on the speakers, and “Day sixteen: Loser” plays, not interfered by anything else in the vicinity. I just love seeing myself be busy creating. The video feed gets interrupted by the screen saver kicking in: photos of an intimately familiar lady fill that top left corner. I leave it be, and switch to another, apparently me in a train. Nobody in  view, just empty seats opposite me.   
I remember how I felt back then, being busy with the idea of the neural network I'd envisioned seeing myself create. I know I can't actually make myself achieve anything better back then, but I can make myself feel better about it. I flip open the plans of the quadrionic mind in my mind's eye, and study them for the next few minutes. By focusing the energy of that activity on my past incarnation, I can strengthen his belief in the fact that he will, in due time, achieve his goal. Just as I eventually did in 2042....
Seda steps into the bedroom, seeing me enjoy myself. She bounces onto the bed next to me, and immediately succeeds in getting my mind off myself. Hey, some people have that effect on me, what can I say? “And, where has my most favorite girl in all the world been hanging around?” I ask her. She tells me she's been walking around town, collecting interesting things from an antiques shop she frequents on a regular basis. Roberto, the antiquarian, told her he had some really nice needlework from around the turn of the second millennium. She jumps off the bed, and steps into the corridor, only to return with four almost square frames. They depict four angels, delicately embroidered on white linen. Two are relatively colorful, a third is done in distinct autumn-like colors. The forth and final one apparently depicts wintertime. A quick reference to the vidcloth on the ceiling gives the game away: the design is indeed a quartet, and these are called the Four Seasons. My vision enhancer highlights a slightly off-colored patch in the corners of the needle works. In icy blue, nearly indistinguishable from the surrounding whiteness, some sort of code is embroidered: MS2000. I now begin to appreciate the weird familiarity of the female foursome: I have seen them before! Rather than letting the raw power of the Google vision search loose on it, I'd rather let my mind do the work involved. The vision search is a descendant of the Google image search, which searches for imagery based on text. Vision Search does quite the opposite: based on a single image, it retrieves images of the same subject, or similar ones, to enable the user to gather context data on something they've only seen once.
And then it hits me: around 2000, my dad in that life embroidered these  ladies, proud to have done it in only 555 hours! I flip over the frames, and indeed: one of them has a small label on it, specifying the name of the works, the period they were made in, and the telltale 555 hours.
It is always nice to find stuff from your own past. It reminds you of the timelessness and the interconnectedness of things, which reminds me:
While Seda goes down to the kitchen to make her famous macaroni with synthetic (but no less tasty) chicken and sweet & sour, I go with her and read some more in my manuscript, so attentively sent to me by Denisa.....

'From one marvel to the next'

Thinking back, I wonder why our hosts arrived on foot when they could just as easily have flown right to where we were standing. When asked, Mayra gives a simple explanation: “Two beings on foot pose much less of a threat than a flying saucer carrying the same two people. Hence our preference for walking the extra distance”. Now there’s a train of thought I can wholeheartedly agree with. I thank her for the explanation, and go back to my own thoughts, that wander to the design of the floater that we are in. Sure, its mind-controlled interface is spectacular enough, but otherwise it’s very minimalist in design: a large metal disc-shaped object, with a depression at the center. Around it, seven seats are placed. Come to think of it, it looks suspiciously like the wild water rides that we use on the outside of the globe. Only this one floats on air instead of water, and it’s a much smoother ride. It has no apparent roof structure, so I ask Kayim about it. He explains that inside, the weather does not have its ups and downs like outside, for there are no seasons. There is occasional rain, but the people here don’t really mind that, and the same force field that floats the floater also keeps out the excess water. As we approach the city, I take a closer look at it: it consists almost entirely of spheres of various sizes, some buried halfway in the surface. Lots of green in between, making it a great place to live in, I imagine. The spheres are different shades of color, giving the impression of soap bubbles from afar.
We land on the edge of the city, next to a modest globe. I can now spot an entirely glass surface surrounding it, which can be seen to be divided into six distinct levels. The top level seems to have no real ceiling, more like a greenhouse. We enter the structure at ground level, and step onto a disc that’s in the core of the building. You can look up and see all the floors, just like an elevator that has no walls. The disc starts to rise, and I see Melanie trying to scare me to death: she holds out her arm, and steps to the side of the platform to allow the next floor to chop it off. Her plan is foiled, because of some unseen barrier that won’t allow anything to cross the edge of the platform as long as it is moving. Mayra notices also, and laughs at my youngest.
We stop on the next floor, and find it divided into four quarter-circle rooms. “These are the working areas,” Mayra explains: “They are on the lower levels because of the frequent transporting of goods in and out of them. Because of their being on the lower half of the sphere, they are usually lit by artificial means”. I see what she means, but for the life of me cannot discover any source of internal light. Still, the rooms seem better lit than any I’ve seen on the surface. We get onto the disc again, only to stop briefly at the next level, which is divided into six pie-shaped rooms.
Each one has two discs on the floor, and two discs on the ceiling directly above them. One of the rooms clearly demonstrates the purpose of the discs: another Inner Earth person is suspended in between two discs. As we approach, he effortlessly swings into an upright position, and steps forward to meet us. “I’ve been waiting for you since I finished preparing our meal. My name is Sinan.” Further talking reveals that he is the mate of Mayra, and Kayim is their son. They live together in this house, which seems somewhat large for the three of them. Mayra explains that they have been appointed hosts of the access point that we came through, so they sometimes have guests from the surface, hence the six bedrooms. The seven of us step onto the central disc again, and ascend to the next level, which also has six pie-shaped rooms. “These are for various activities,”, Mayra explains: “Kayim has his musical studio in one of these”. Laura can’t wait to hear her new friend: “Will you please play us something?”, she asks in her sweetest voice. Kayim obliges, and takes the seat behind a desk that features various colored crystals. They light up the moment he sits down, and his hands above the array of crystalline light start making subtle movements. The end result is one of the sweetest compositions I’ve ever heard. All of us stand there and listen intently, until the spontaneous concert is finished. When it does, we outsiders all applaud Kayim, with Laura cheering as well. “Who wrote that marvelous piece?”, she wants to know. Kayim smiles, taking a bow: “I just improvised a little, so you could say I 'wrote' it...”, he says.
We go up another level, and come to another set of four rooms, with large, tilted windows all around the circumference of the building. Three of the four rooms are home to various plants, growing in shallow tanks containing a greenish, luminous substance. “This is our hydroponics area. It grows all of the fruits and vegetables we consume.”, Mayra explains. She goes on to tell us that the plants that thrive best on real sunlight are closest to the windows, whereas the more rugged plants get by on artificial light. Finally, the ones that don't require light, like mushrooms, are grown in a subterranean level at the base of the sphere. The one remaining room on this level is the kitchen, which has its own dedicated access to the dining table above, which we will see shortly.  Sinan gestures towards the central disc again, to introduce us to the final level of the structure: the living area.
The four of us stand  in awe of the sight we behold: a large circular floor, that is topped by an equally large glass dome. Basically, this dome is the top sixth part of the sphere, leaving the entire floor permanently lit by the smoky central sun. We can see the entire city, and the landscape that surrounds it. ”That's something different from the street view you get from your average city home.”, I say to Gea. She looks at me, and just smiles quietly. Mayra calls our attention to a round table, with a big gaping hole in the middle. As we look on, a plateau displaying the most delicious dishes surfaces, inviting us to the table. Around it we find simple but adequate stools, that automatically adjust their height to the size of the person sitting on them. We all sit down, when Sinan invites us to quietly contemplate the origins of the food we are about to eat. I look over the dishes, and realize that no matter how different they are from the foods of the outer world, their origins are the same: it is all part of the All, just as we are.
Sinan wishes us a healthy meal, and puts some food on his plate. As I ask him to hand me one of the green eggs that are in his vicinity, the central plateau of the table rotates, so I can easily take one myself. “How did you do that?”, I ask. Mayra explains that it is the same mechanism that controls the floater outside. She invites me to try it myself, because it isn't that hard. I notice a delicious piece of fruit across the table, and decide to give it a go. I concentrate on choosing the fruit, and the plateau revolves to the point where I can reach in and get it. Of course the girls can't wait to perform their own experiments on it. Unfortunately, they both formulate their requests at the same time, and the end result is that the table voices its objection against this conflict by a short somewhat irritated sound. Kayim laughs, and tells Laura to let her sister go first. Melanie, seated right next to me, chooses her food with care, and then mentions to me that Laura has already learnt her first words of Solara Maru, from Kayim. I look across the table, and see the two of them exchanging meaningful looks.
I ponder the apparent design choices of the Inner Earth people: their homes seem  built for maximum efficiency.  Distinguishing them from the houses of neighbors appears to be totally irrelevant. Mayra explains that the spherical shape has been chosen because it leaves a minimal surface for a maximal content, thus minimizing the exchange of energy  with the environment. Not that they really need it of course, because the season-less weather keeps the outdoor temperature always around twenty degrees centigrade. “We prefer the beauty of optimal solutions to the aesthetics.” Sinan says. I state that even though aesthetics is not their main concern, they haven't lost their eye for beauty. When everybody seems to have had enough, the plateau slowly sinks back to the kitchen level. Mayra points out that the remains of  our copious meal will be recycled into the substance that feeds the hydroponics area.
As we stand up, Sinan again draws our attention to the table. The plateau has returned, and the large circular surface becomes the scene where a scale model of the city appears. Even my untrained eye recognizes the configuration of spheres, some large and some small. But the differences between big and small are much smaller than between houses and office buildings up top. Mayra explains that massive office buildings are not needed here, as most of the people work from their homes. In fact, most won't call it work, because basically it is just doing what they love to do. The only reason things seem so out of proportion on the outside, is because there everything is controlled instead of trusting that nature will find the right way. “Call me an anarchist, but that reasoning doesn't sound half bad”, I thought.  Since consumption here is on a much lower level than outside, big stores are also not needed. Life inside isn't all about money, certainly not. The necessities of life are provided for all, and to acquire luxury items, people trade instead of spending their days doing things they don't like.
With the model, Sinan wants to show us which sights we will be visiting tomorrow. On the left, he points to a fairly large globe, half buried in the forest. This is the city's swimming pool, that has been chosen as an item on our trip because it is markedly different from the surface swimming pools: you simply cannot drown there, because the “water” is far denser, causing you to float easier. “Like the Red Sea!” Melanie interjects. “But it isn't that salty” Kayim asks her. “Help, I didn't bring my swim gear!” Laura utters with panic in her voice. “Don't worry” Mayra says: “We can pretty much make you any apparel you find suitable.” So apparently, there's nothing to stop us from having a nice swim tomorrow. Sinan points out that this will happen tomorrow afternoon. The morning will be spent with the Elders, who will give us a bit of a history lesson.
I ask Sinan if there is a possibility to access the Web on the outside. I would very much like to update my site with a story of our exploits on the inside. Sinan leads me to a round seat, which envelops me with a spherical ‘screen’ the moment I sit down. It is projected around the seat, and is pressure sensitive. On the edge of the seat is a keyboard, which can be augmented by use of the dictation unit. It doesn’t take me long to get the hang of it. Once Sinan has shown me how to get to the outer web, I quickly find my own site, and am somewhat hesitantly typing and talking away to let our readers know how exciting it is down here.
As I finish, I notify Linda and Carlo. They are on holiday themselves, so I mail them, and send SMS-es to both their cellphones. I tell them something like “no matter what you hear, we're OK”. That ought to cover any rash actions by the hotel staff, or other people. Gea is up next, and takes the seat.
An hour or two later, even though the internal Sun is still high in the sky, it is the moment of sleep. Mayra leads us to the bedrooms a little lower, and gets us something to wear while in ‘bed’. I am very curious about the force field that acts as a mattress, will it be easy to lie on? We first go into the room designated to the girls. Mayra demonstrates how you can just walk onto the lower disc, after which you will be slightly lifted up to the levitation center of the field. After that, it is easy to position your body any way you like. The kids get into their nightly attire, step onto the pads, and immediately start doing rolls, and other tricks. I wonder how long they will be doing that before falling asleep. As for the lack of night, the windows have their own mechanism to remedy that: they slowly fade from transparent to dark gray, creating a great nightly look. Mayra, Gea and me leave the kids to their tricks, and go into two other rooms, one for Gea and one for me. After I’ve dressed for the night, it is my turn to try the ‘bed’. I step onto it, and feel myself being slightly lifted. It is a weird sensation, because there seems to be no extra pressure from below, like when you’re sitting on a bed. It is more the absence of weight, without the lack of oxygen normally found in outer space. But it also does not seem to be quite like normal weightlessness, for there is a certain friction between the force field and my body, that makes it easy to move around. I experiment a little, but it doesn’t take much time to find my optimum position. I doze off quickly, forgetting all about my peculiar surroundings.
But it doesn't last long. Not seven minutes later, I wake up terrified, because I just realize that I forgot my pills! I get dressed again, and think about why oh why I don't keep the bottle in my pocket at all times. Since our trip to the pyramids was only supposed to last a few hours, I'd plain forgotten about it, since I didn't need them till bedtime anyway.
I step onto the landing, and almost bump into Mayra. She sees the worried look on my face, and asks what is wrong. I explain the predicament of missing medication to her, and she looks me into the eyes: “Fortunately, we do have a remedy, a permanent one even”, she smiles. She leads me to the lower level, speaks some words I haven't heard yet, and grabs what seems like a futuristic motorcycle helmet from a closed container. “Here, put this on”.
I do, and Mayra pushes the shiny red button that is now on my forehead. A weird sensation, a tingling starts right below the button, inside my skull. “What is it doing,” I ask. Not that I'm scared or anything, because during my manic episodes I've felt similar sensations. “Basically, it does what you would call a defragmentation of your neural net.” Mayra volunteers. She goes on to say that where I come from, the Lithium would be used by the brain to perform a similar function itself. This just is more thorough, and will last me about a year. If needed, she can even have me taken to see a doctor, who will cure it permanently....  After that, I have no problem getting back to sleep.

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Goodbye to Sol’ara An

A Message from Sol'Ara An to her website subscribers:

Dear website subscribers, I have come to a decision to let go of the website, it will be closed on Monday, March 22, 2010.

I have finally surrendered to the truth that there is something new for me to move forward to.  Letting go has never been easy for me.

I want to thank you all for your support. It has been my honor to be of service!  I am grateful to all of you for allowing me to share Divine Mother through my Soul Group energies.  I have learned so much from this experience, and my heart is flowing with great love for all of you!

I am not leaving my "work" in anyway, I am simply changing the form with which I proceed.  As many of you feel the changes I encourage you to honor your most authentic self.  Knowing that as we take the steps that spirit asks of us, letting go of our "training wheels", our road ahead shall align to the flow of our next step with gentle and rewarding energies.  I will send out messages from Divine Mother when they come through me and pass them on to those who have offered their services to send these messages out such as Spirit Library.

I look forward to sharing myself in new ways on my new blog, which will allow me to share myself in a more full way.  I shall send out information as to that address to those who want it.  Just email me with your request and I will let you know.  Sunday, March 21st will be the last day to email me at info@solara-an.com

I will keep everyone on my Prayer List that has requested to be there prior to now for as long as I continue my prayers.  If you would like to contact me to place you on my prayer list you will need to email me by Sunday, March 21st. 

I would like to offer you the following information - leaving you with a referral to others who in my humble opinion carry the divine feminine energies well:

Cyndi Silva - facilitator for metaphysicalwisdom.com website:

Cyndi offers a variety of metaphysical teachers and healers and more on this website.  She also creates the websites, and so if you are in need of a website I would highly recommend her!  Cyndi also offers "Metaphysical Wednesday's Teleconferences" every Wednesday @ 12:00pm eastern.  Please visit her website to find a wealth of wisdom! 

Cyndi is a spiritual teacher and wise woman herself and has an audio offering of her yoga and meditation CD for purchase on her website.  I think you will find this to be a wonderful gift for your inner self and the love and nurturing your body needs.

A La Lansun - website: newagepublications.com  -  A wise woman, who channels her high self has brought through a beautiful message to all who are ready to meet their true Twin Flames.  The information is more than you have heard before, and if you listen to your heart you will know if this is for you.  This is for those women ready to pick up the chalice of the divine feminine empowerment once again!

Please join -A La Lansun and Cyndi Silva on the Metaphysical Wednesday teleconference at 12:00 noon eastern time/1:00pm central to discuss "The Tonti Connection".  The article is on the metaphysicalwisdom.com website, and also on A La Lansun's website as well.  Please read this first so that you can offer your own insights as well.  I recommend this call highly!

Also find on the Metaphysical Wisdom website:  Divine Attunements with Maika Suneagle from Hawaii - a free audio of a teleconference done last week.  This is powerful and timely!  I hope you will give yourself the gift of this recording.  He also offers an 8 week teleconference series.

Well, it's time to close this door and walk through to the otherside of the great path of love to continue our journey.  We are always together, as we are all One, and so I will not say goodbye... but -  I'll be seeing you!

My Love & Blessings Always!

Sol'Ara An

Sol'Ara An
Emissary of Divine Light

Web:  www.solara-an.com 

Universal Copyright 2009-2010 is authorized. Please distribute freely as long as the URL http://www.solara-an.com is  included as the resource and the article/channeling is intact and complete as written, and is distributed on a non-commercial,  no charge basis. Also, please email the channel of your intention. All rights reserved.

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Hu-Mans, Devine Beings of Pure Love!

“Love is the immortal flow of energy that nourishes, extends and preserves. Its eternal goal is life.” Smiley Blanton

“Hu-Mans, Devine Beings of Pure Love!” an illustration by SethD8 26 FEB 07

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