Tag: astral travel (page 1 of 2)

First Signs of Physical Ascension are Here ~ via Aluna Joy

As channeled by Aluna Joy
I was called to be on the Pacific Coast for the past 2 weeks, and I got very clear about a new experience which I have been having. This experience sparked this transmission from the Star Elders. I was told about this amazing time for many years, and, now that it is finally here, I still have a sense of disbelief and awe about it all. But myself, and others are having similar experiences in the last few weeks. The first signs of physical ascension are here.
Related Article . . . One experience I had about what it might be like when we go to the new world:http://www.alunajoy.com/2009mar.html
So . . . I was having these little episodes where I would find myself somewhere else, and then I was slammed dunked back into this world. This was not very fun by the way. It felt different from the dimensional shifts, OBE’s, astral travel, etc. which I have experienced in the past. It happened a few times over the course of the last few weeks. When I would come back, I could not remember anything, and thus had nothing to share as well. It was frustrating to say the least.
One day, while camping at the ocean’s edge, my partner Raphael and I, had a calling to go lay down on the sand. By the way, the sand in Southern California is silicon based and acts like an enormous crystal. We were both out almost instantly. It didn’t feel like I went to sleep. There again, I found myself in another reality that was not yet complete. I saw what I would call a description of myself anchored there. There were a lot of other things that I saw that I could not describe to you now.
Neither one of us knew how long we were gone, or if it was instantaneous. What brought me back into my body was a HUGE rush of energy that felt like it spun my brain around. I was massively dizzy, and it felt like I was going to fall off the beach. I grabbed a hand full of sand. This was followed with a huge rush of nausea. It was all gone in seconds. I opened my eyes and was confused to see where I was, and how long I had been gone. I didn’t move and tried to remember as much as I could. Then the Star Elders wanted me to share this message . . . because it is time . . .
From the Star Elders . . .
2013 is ground-breaking territory, a renaissance of sorts, in so many ways that one transmission will not graze the surface. Yet there is something newly emerging in the world that we want you to pay attention to. It is so subtle that you might have missed it . . . or it might have hit you like a huge spiritual surge. Either way, the first signs of this new cycle show us that physical ascension is already manifesting within this cycle that is new to us all.
These ascension experiences are similar to what others have experienced on their spiritual path. But what we are beginning to SEE now are not OBEs (out of body experiences), astral travel and dimensional shifts. All of these can have similar symptoms, but there is a big difference. With OBE’s, you travel but are aware that you are out of your body, and you can see a cord or connection to your home base. Astral travel is nearly the same, where you travel with your higher light body, but you are not taking your physical body . . . like flying dreams.
Also, remote viewing is similar to astral travel. Dimensional shifts are when you slip unknowingly into another frequency. This world looks and feels very different from our world. You can meet Ascended Masters in other dimensions and some people even go to Mystery Schools to learn, most of which you cannot remember when you come back into your body; though it does change your life. All these experiences have prepared you all for what it coming now.
What is happening is this . . . You are beginning to wobble between the old world and the new one, but now with your physical body. This is hard work for you! You might feel like you need to suddenly lay down for a rest, only to wake up suddenly with great dis-orientation. You might get a fading glimpse of the framework of this new world. It looks and feels similar to this world but at a higher frequency, and it does not make much sense yet. This world is still under construction. There is already an identity anchored there for you now.
This will be your new home base. It might look like a description of who you are as your ascended self. There is other frame works being built as well, but there is no way to use words to describe this to you as yet. Oddly, while this is going on, we expected to see more unity and harmony in your world. But the world feels like it is becoming even more polarized. This polarized field might make you feel isolated for a while.
We expect this polarization to be temporary, and it will start to balance out as you adjust your physical body with the new higher energies. As you wobble, your history, patterns and un-resolved issues are being excessively magnified. We are so happy that those reading this have done a lot of clearing of their past. This will make it easier for you to maintain harmony and peace even though all your internal signals are racing wildly, causing some anxiety, depression and odd health issues.
Light workers will now fall into two categories: 1) those holding a space of pure energy and bliss, and 2) those that are still working hard in the trenches regarding humanity’s ascension process. Both sides are vital and indispensable right now.
“Workers” . . . try not to take on too much in these days, and dial back your schedule. You will absolutely need to do this. Give yourself some peaceful space in your life. You will be feeling some very strong symptoms as much is being cleared through your body right now. The new world is being born through you.
“Blissers” . . . you are holding the template for home base for this new world. You are lucky to have the space to really ground yourself on the Earth and swim in her natural waters. Spend as much time in nature as possible. This will help you maintain harmony and stay in bliss. We need you to stay in bliss as much as possible, as this holds space for your family of light workers who are still deployed in the fields working hard regarding humanity’s ascension process.
Gather together with like-minded ones as this will also give you clarity and support in this confusing time. In fact, this is one of only a few things now that will feel real to you. This world is feeing less real to you every day. Your like-minded soul family is your anchor and your base camp. They are your support system and your reality checkers. They will keep you sane in this energy that you might perceive as insane.
Others around you, who had not cleared themselves, may be exploding within and without in these exaggerated energies. The wobble will be confusing and disorienting to them. Remember these ones were working to keep the world turning as you say. They took on jobs that you didn’t want, and they are working extremely hard to catch up. They are dealing with feelings of rage, followed by wild attempts to hang on to the past and what is familiar. They don’t know they must surrender, and let go as you do.
This will manifest, and fill your news casts with sad and violent acts, odd accidents and suicide, drug overdoses, etc. You must send them love, when you have a bit of extra energy. Do not empathize or get distressed about these events. You will only feed and prolong that which is being stripped away. This is a necessary process. We expect their reactions to normalize and be temporary as well. Everyone on Earth is receiving divine dispensation and tremendous help from higher realms and Ascender Masters.
Our advice to glide through this time is to stay grounded, stay as positive as possible but stay authentic to the moment, take care of your human vehicle, find your like-minded support groups, and go with the flow as much as possible. But most of all . . . know that all is well. You will succeed at this ascension in spite of the bumps that rattle your self-confidence. You are on a one-way conveyor belt to the next world now. You can’t mess up at this point. Relax and let go, and keep your eyes open to all the experiences in front of you as you will not see this time come again.
~ The Star Elders
Physical Ascension Signs/Check List . . . some people are experiencing . . .
*** Waking up from dreams knowing that you were somewhere else that looked similar to Earth, but it was not; yet it felt as real as this world;
*** A feeling like you were somewhere else but can remember where;
*** Waking up confused, unsettled, and apprehensive; like you lost something or you are in the wrong place;
*** A strong sense that something is coming soon, but yet you are oddly comfortable with the feeling;
*** Feeling jolts of electricity racing through your body;
*** Strong and sudden nausea;
*** Feeling like you are imploding or like you are in a pressure cooker;
*** A loud ringing, buzzing in the ears;
*** Finding yourself on hold or waiting for something, but you don’t know what it is; and
*** Feeling like you are in a time warp.
“A human being is part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. We experience ourselves, our thoughts and feelings as something separate from the rest. A kind of optical delusion of consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from the prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty. The true value of a human being is determined by the measure and the sense in which they have obtained liberation from the self. We shall require a substantially new manner of thinking if humanity is to survive.”
~ Albert Einstein.
Copyright 2013 – Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this article on the condition that the content remains complete, full credit is given to the author(s), and that it is distributed freely. Aluna Joy Yaxk’in, PO Box 1988 Sedona, AZ 86339 USA

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