Tag: aspect (page 1 of 13)

Peace Meditation

After the plandemic plan did not have the desired effect, the Dark Forces have stepped up their efforts to increase End Time madness.The Jesuits, Knights of Malta and Knights of Columbus are now polarizing political left and political right in the Uni...

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Blue Dawn

Age of Aquarius meditation was very successful and we have reached the critical mass, albeit barely. Around 150,000 people were actively participating:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=33Yb3_60gwE&feature=youtu.beThis was just enough to push us over ...

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About ~Asara~ (Annette Sassou)

The Pleiadian-Sirian-Arcturian Council of Light:
“We are here now.
We love you.
We are you, from your future, to assist you on your

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Now is Here!

I moved to Rawlins 2 years ago after leaving when I was 10. I truly need to make some genuine friends who are into experiencing the full breadth of what our home (Planet Earth and our local system) have to offer. I am finished with friendships based on control and disrespect. I am a visual artist (I attached some art for you to see) and I am also a committed sovereign incarnate to earn the right to disarm the dysfunction patterns and distortions this collective chose to experience through the lucifer experiment. The allot time is over and we all must recognize that we are no longer in an illusion of separation. We are again one with all of creation. We have a clear choice. We can choose to again incarnate into another lucifer experiment in another aspect of creation or we may choose to rejoin the one. This will all occur within universal law. WIthin a free will creation all aspects or experience occur with full agreement of all parties or it would simply not occur. But how? For a violation to occur you would have to press against the mind of god or the one. We are all the one. Earth is a larger molecule within theone. ANd like any cancer that has grown within the body of god it is currently being treated. How do we here on earth treat cancer? I think you know the answer. It is self evident and the chemo, so to speak, is about to begin. What do you choose? Your timelines,experiences are now clearly before you. This transition phase seeded first in 1969 then amplified in 1986 put firmly into action within the consciousness of God in September 11, 2001 has been spirling and limiting each soul potential possibilities so the would be able to identify their truths in an undeniable manor so when this flash point occurs your choice would also be undeniably clear.

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A Short Situation Update

The Chimera group has used the September 1st annular solar eclipse as a trigger to reopen a negative plasma portal through the Congo energy vortex. You can see that the path of totality for the eclipse goes through Congo:  Exactly 67 minutes after...

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Video Proof the Powerball Lottery is Rigged ~ Greg Giles

Waiting in line for a Powerball ticketAs yet another piece of evidence surfaces to confirm how each and every aspect of our world is is controlled and manipulated by those who wield power from their dark corners of life, millions of people awaken today...

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Galactic Goddess

As the energies from the Galactic Center intensify, it is important for the people to be aware of the Galactic Goddess. In the past, people were aware of the masculine energies from the Galactic Center, which manifest as Galactic superwaves, capable of shifting planetary poles, triggering drastic climate changes and making species extinct. It is time now to become aware of the Galactic Goddess, the feminine aspect of the Galactic superwave, which will manifest itself as Love, never before known on this planet.
This energy will ease our breakthrough at the time of the Event and effectively cancel out the vast majority of negativity at the peak of the transition.
More than people are aware of this energy and are able to channel it through their energy fields and their bodies, more it will be able to soften our global collective path.
This is one example how it can manifest:
It would be good if as many Sisterhood of the Rose groups as possible are formed worldwide to channel this Galactic energy. If you would like to form a group in your area, you can go here:
The following groups are not directly connected with the Sisterhood of the Rose but are very well aligned with the essence of the Goddess and are a good example how Sisterhood of the Rose groups could operate:
The Cabal is very well aware of the power of the Goddess energy in manifesting the Event and although we are not in the Middle Ages anymore, they are still suppressing it:
Most likely you have noticed that no significant intel was released in the last few weeks. Most reliable intel sources have not received anything significant or have been asked not to release anything significant until certain operations of the Light forces are completed. This has made room for heaps of disinfo and blogosphere is full of speculations which are mainly not based on reality, and also full of people accusing each other of being »AI / mind programmed«. Please be aware that on this planet obviously everybody is mind programmed to a certain degree and yet most people are good in their essence and they try to do their best to improve the situation. This is where our focus should be. 
The situation is expected to improve in a week or two as a certain phase is completed, new intel is released and happenings from behind the scenes finally get released into the blogosphere. 
The Breakthrough is near!

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Galactic Wave of Love

In the center of our Galaxy, there is a huge double star, the source of Light and life for this Galaxy, the Galactic Goddess, the Pleroma, the Galactic Central Sun. It breathes and pulses with a regular rhythm, each heartbeat taking 26,000 years to complete. Every time the Galactic heart beats, the Galactic center sends a wave of highly charged physical and non-physical particles throughout the Galaxy. 
This Galactic heart beat has entrained the precession of the Earth axis to align with the 26,000 year cycle:
We are approaching a Galactic wave right now and it will culminate in the Event. 
Previous Galactic pulses have been quite intense, as it has been very accurately described by PaulLaViolette:
He and many other people are expecting the current Galactic pulse to be quite intense:

In reality, there are powerful Light forces present inside our Solar system to ensure that the process will be much more harmonious this time. 
There will still be a lot of emotional intensity and some increase in tectonic activity:
But the main aspect of this Galactic pulse will be a wave of cosmic Love. This Love energy is the basis of universal cosmic reality and is now reaching our shores. This energy has Galactic proportions and can not be stopped by the Cabal, no matter what they try to do. 

This energy will completely clear the primary anomaly and the plasma octopus entity around the Earth, which was called Yaladaboth in Gnostic teachings:
Gnostic myth clearly states that Yaldabaoth was hidden in the »thick cloud« of plasmatic plane:
Pleromic energy of Galactic Love will dissolve all false teachings of the Archons, as you can read in those two excellent articles:
As we are getting closer to the Event, the energies will trigger human suppressed reactions even more. Therefore it is of the utmost importance for the people to learn how to debate constructively and stop attacking each other. You can find instructions how to do this in the following article:
American Kabuki has put it even more simply:

Many people are expecting the Galactic wave to hit us in September or even before that. This is very unlikely, as complexity wave analysis shows first increased probability peak in October-December timeframe. Complexity wave analysis is a very sophisticated computer model of the Resistance Movement which predicts future trends based on cosmic cycles and free will vector analysis. 
It is important to understand that the Event is an active interaction between our global consciousness and the Galactic Center and that Galactic energies are coming to us based on our ability to receive them. This is why it is so important for as many people to awaken as soon as possible. 
It is also good for you to have a personal connection with the Galactic Center in your meditations. If the energies flowing through you are too strong, you can communicate to the Galactic Center to tone them down.
Our active communication with the Pleroma, with the Galactic Center, is creating a feedback loop that will trigger the Event when the time is right.
The Breakthrough is near!

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Smart Meters and Domestic Surveillance

Catherine J. Frompovich, GuestTalk about copycats! Whoa! Someone did a rather convincing job of that, I’d say. It’s the Internet site “Domestic Surveillance Directorate. Defending Our Nation. Securing The Citizen,” which identifies itself as a “parody” on the NSA (National Security Agency). The parody site does an excellent job, so I encourage readers to study it thoroughly, as it contains too much information to talk about here [...]

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Dying With Dignity

 Excerpt from huffingtonpost.comBy Debbie FinkCo-authored by Karen Bloch MorseThere is nothing easy or natural about watching your 41-year-old friend (of 41 years) -- who, by all counts, looks healthy -- ...

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The Class-Domination Theory of Power

by G. William DomhoffNOTE: WhoRulesAmerica.net is largely based on my book,Who Rules America?, first published in 1967 and now in its7th edition. This on-line document is presented as a summary of some of the main ideas in that book.Who has predominant power in the United States? The short answer, from 1776 to the present, is: Those who have the money -- or more specifically, who own income-producing land and businesses -- have the power. George Washington was one of the biggest landowner [...]

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Desperately Seeking Extraterrestrials ~ Fermi’s Paradox Turns 65 ~ Part 1

Excerpt from huffingtonpost.comIntroduction 65 years ago, in 1950, while having lunch with colleagues Edward Teller and Herbert York, Nobel physicist Enrico Fermi suddenly blurted out, "Where is everybody?" His question is now known as Fermi's p...

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Could Google’s Project Fi be cable’s answer to wireless?

 Excerpt from cnet.com Google's Project Fi wireless service has the potential to turn the mobile industry on its head. But not in the way you might expect. Last week, Google announce...

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