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The World’s Food Seeds are Going Extinct, but You Can Help

Alex Pietrowski, Staff WriterMost of the truly important news of our times goes unnoticed, under-reported or ignored by the corporate media, and as they focus on the ever-evolving narrative of human political drama, we are missing opportunities to participate in the most important struggles of our time. Seven generations from now, the destruction of the world’s seed diversity by corporate greed will have a much greater impact on the human condition than as much as any [...]

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I Place The Future In The Hands Of God – The Stem Cell Research In The Resurrection Of Our Body – Episode II #SCR-05

I Place The Future In The Hands Of God - The Stem Cell Research In The Resurrection Of Our Body - Episode II #SCR-05Watch at themasterteacher.tvThe Stem Cell Regeneration Series. Readings: NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC MAGAZINE: July 2005: Stem Cell Article...

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The Stem Cells Healing Capacity Of Mind And Body – The Illuminate Spiritual Reality Of Mother Aurobindo – Episode II #SCR-04b

The Stem Cells Healing Capacity Of Mind And Body - The Illuminate Spiritual Reality Of Mother Aurobindo - Episode II #SCR-04bWatch at themasterteacher.tvThe Stem Cell Regeneration Series. Readings: NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC MAGAZINE: July 2005: Stem Cel...

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The Stem Cells Healing Capacity Of Mind And Body – The Illuminate Spiritual Reality Of Mother Aurobindo – Episode I #SCR-04a

The Stem Cells Healing Capacity Of Mind And Body - The Illuminate Spiritual Reality Of Mother Aurobindo - Episode I #SCR-04aWatch at themasterteacher.tvThe Stem Cell Regeneration Series. Readings: SRI AUROBINDO: Savitri: The Call To The Quest, TEX...

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I Will Be Still An Instant And Go Home – The Stem Cell Research In The Resurrection Of Our Body – Episode I #SCR-02a

I Will Be Still An Instant And Go Home - The Stem Cell Research In The Resurrection Of Our Body - Episode I #SCR-02aWatch at themasterteacher.tvThe Stem Cell Regeneration Series. Readings: LESSON 182: I Will Be Still An Instant And Go Home [para 1...

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I Am The One Self United With My Creator – Celebrating The Homecoming Of The Teachers Of God – The Oneness University Episode #FR-05

I Am The One Self United With My Creator - Celebrating The Homecoming Of The Teachers Of God - The Oneness University Episode #FR-05Watch at themasterteacher.tvThe Final Revision Series. Readings: LESSON 182: I Will Be Still An Instant And Go Home...

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Why the Government Refuses to Turn Against Monsanto

Ready Or Not ... Here We Come! A Message From Archangel Michael/Ashtar Sheran

Dr. Mercola, GuestIn the video below, Funny or Die pokes fun at Monsanto’s “feeding the world” message by highlighting some of the most obvious features of genetically engineered (GE) foods, such as the unnatural crossing of genetic material between plant and animal kingdoms, the use of toxic chemicals and Monsanto’s ever-expanding monopoly.​“I own everything!” Mama Monsanto exclaims, and that’s pretty close to the truth. Monsanto [...]

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Infants Deeply Traumatized By Common Medical Procedures

Just Up Ahead...and Right on Schedule -- Sirian High Council -- Patricia Cori

Sayer Ji, Green Med InfoA concerning new study suggests that decades of medical procedures performed on infants without pain management has had deeply traumatizing effects.A groundbreaking study published in eLife titled, “fMRI reveals neural activity overlap between adult and infant pain,” demonstrates that the infant pain experience, despite long held assumptions to the contrary, closely resembles that of adults.Researchers discovered that when  [...]

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The Truth About Mind Control, Antibiotics and Beneficial Bacteria

Will Hartfield, ContributorMost of your body is, well, not human. Single-cell bacteria living in and on your body – mouth, nose, skin, but especially gut – outnumber your human cells by at least three to one, totaling a whooping 100 trillion(1). These bacteria are called microbiomes and together they form your personal microbiota, which has a huge impact on your physical as well as mental health. There’s a growing body of research that proves just how beneficial the [...]

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Greg Giles ~ Who are the Authentic Channels? ~ Part 2

I wish to make it clear that the complicity of Freemasons in this mind control program which uses synthetic telepathy, or voice to skull (V2K) technology, is not a wild theory I am proposing but a conclusion I have reached through careful analysis o...

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Pharmaceutical Marketing Supported by Deceitful Clinical Research

Alex Pietrowski, StaffThe business model for bringing lucrative new pharmaceutical drugs to market includes very robust marketing budgets, and 9 out of 10 pharmaceutical companies spend more on advertising than they do on research. And why not? Americans spend an average of $1000 per person, per year onpharmaceutical drugs, and the effort to capture these dollars is leading more companies to fast track or even fabricate the research involved in bringing a new drug to market [...]

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Solar System / Planetary Situation Update

  Clearing of the Chimera group continues. The main problem remaining are implants of the Cabal members, connected with Tunnels of Set to Yaldabaoth plasma accretion vortex which extends throughout the Solar system, tied to plasma strangelet and t...

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Dow Chemical Punished for Lying About the Safety of New Herbicide

Alex Pietrowski, StaffA potentially dangerous new product, Enlist Duo, from Dow Chemical might actually undergo the scrutiny it deserves, now that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has asked the Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals to abandon its approval of the herbicide. New information that the EPA discovered in a review of Dow’s patent application for Enlist Duo – which Dow seems to have conveniently omitted in its application to gain the agency&rsquo [...]

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