Tag: appearances (page 2 of 2)

Healing the Waters, Healing the World

5 July 2010 - 12:22pm

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this message came as a direct result of my having asked Jeshua

"what can i do to extend my love into this appearance "  (the oil spill)

what you will read below is jeshuas response as to who we are and

how t...

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Denisa: Self Love

oh....dear one
the days of seeking are over...
you are the one you have been seeking...
going to workshops...
following this guru or that master
this or that....
all of it is "over"
there is only one journey...
~the journey within~

the journey of self love
where you discover every belief
born of a thought of separation
from that which I AM
that creates effects that you would
experience that seem unlike love...
how does one heal those appearances??
with your own self-love...
you are the lotus
who allows its petals
to open and bathe in the
light of its own Self love...
drinking in the sunlight of love...
wrapping  your petals of the lotus
that you are
in your own Self Love...
allowing love itself
to dissolve all the effects
birthed from a silly belief
that you are not now one
with that which I AM...
yet...dear one...as the powerful creator
you are
all the effects of that thought
surround you...
none of them are the truth about you
if they do not reflect the love..
the radiance of that which you truly are...
yes.....only love heals...
 love is what you are seeking
but the seeking has been a game
of the ego...
you already are love...
you are the divinity you long for...
to rediscover that is to
bring all of your self
to your Self
allowing that very Self
to dissolve every boundary...
~every gap~
between that which I AM
and that which you think you are...
you see
from where i abide...
from the view at the top
~there is no gap~...!!!!!!
there is only ONE....
peace be with you always....
if you would like to be added to this list
simply send me an email...
touch a heart this day...
feel free to pass this along...
i can only share that which i experience
and that experience is what is shared here
with you...for you...as you...

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Important Preparation

Humanity is experiencing a quantum shift this year in every facet of our lives. The end result of this acceleration of energy, vibration, and consciousness will be an extremely positive event for everyone. Unfortunately, due to the challenges surfacing in people’s lives to be healed, many do not realize the opportunity at hand. Instead of empowering their hopes and dreams during this unique opportunity, people are being overwhelmed with fear and feelings of helplessness. For this reason, the Company of Heaven is asking Lightworkers around the world to redouble our efforts. We are One, and we have the ability to serve as surrogates on behalf of our sisters and brothers in the Family of Humanity.  We are being called to action! The time for us to accept the responsibility of being our sister’s and brother’s keepers is NOW!

I know that many Lightworkers are also feeling overwhelmed. The difference is that regardless of outer appearances we know within the deepest recesses of our hearts that we are going to be God Victorious, and that everything we need to serve the Light on behalf of our fellow Human Beings and all Life on this planet is already within us. We are powerful beyond our knowing and when we join our hearts and minds together we are invincible. This is the level of heart commitment that we are being asked to reach at this time. The Company of Heaven is standing in readiness awaiting the opportunity to amplify our unified efforts a thousand times a thousand fold.

At this very moment, our I AM Presences are increasing the frequency of vibration within our physical, etheric, mental, and emotional bodies the maximum we can endure in every 24-hour period. This may feel a little bit stressful, but it is enabling us to receive higher frequencies of Light than we have ever experienced. Remember, Light is infinitely more powerful than the fragmented, fear-based mis-creations of our human egos which are surfacing to be healed. The more Light we can project into this surfacing negativity the faster it will be transmuted, and the sooner the patterns of perfection for the New Earth will tangibly manifest in our lives.

The year 2010 is being heralded as the Year of Manifestation by the Legions of Light serving this planet. After decades of tenacious work by millions of Lightworkers in every conceivable location on Earth, we have reached a critical mass, a tipping point, that will allow the patterns of perfection for the New Earth to begin physically manifesting. Pay attention to the positive things that are being brought to your awareness and you will confirm this for yourself. Do not focus on the bombardment of negativity that is designed to polarize people and to perpetuate fear and separation. Focus instead on the evidence of positive changes that are happening everywhere. Where your attention is, there you are. Empower only what you want to co-create in your life not the things that you do not want.

Here are some powerful invocations that have been given to Humanity by the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth. When we say these invocations with deep feeling, we join in consciousness with thousands of Lightworkers around the world who are also saying these invocations. Together we create a tremendous Chalice of Light through which the Light of God will flow to heal the maladies manifesting in our individual and our collective lives. This will clear the way for the manifestation of our hopes, our dreams, and the patterns of perfection for the New Earth.
Invoking The Violet Flame

Through the Beloved Presence of God, I AM, now blazing in my heart, I invoke ALL of the Legions of Light throughout infinity who are associated with the 5th-Dimensional frequencies of the Violet Flame.

On behalf of myself and ALL Humanity, I AM now blazing the 5th-Dimensional frequencies of the Violet Flame through every atomic and subatomic particle and wave of Life on Earth that is vibrating at a frequency less than the harmony and balance of God.

Beloved I AM, look into my life and the lives of ALL Humanity and see what yet remains to be balanced by us to any person, place, condition or thing we may have wronged at any time, in any way, for any reason.

Reach your great loving hands of Light into all of the positively qualified energy we have released throughout our Earthly sojourns, and draw forth a thousand times as much perfection as we have ever done wrong.

Fashion from this substance of perfection a Gift of Love, whatever is necessary to balance every debt we have created which still remains unpaid to any part of Life.  

Beloved I AM, I ask you to forgive every person, place, condition or thing which may have wronged us in any way, and balance all debts owed to us by Life everywhere.

I accept this done through the Power of God I AM.   And so it is.


Through the Divinity pulsating in my heart, I consecrate my life now to the reestablishment of my Covenant with God. I clearly know and understand with my new level of Divine Consciousness, that whatever I AM thinking, feeling, saying, or doing I AM empowering, cocreating, and magnetizing into my life.

From this moment forth, I dedicate my thoughts, words, actions, and feelings to empowering and cocreating the patterns of perfection for the New Earth. I begin with me, but I know that simultaneously I AM a surrogate serving on behalf of ALL Humanity, for we are all One. As I AM lifted up, all life is lifted up with me.

I invoke the entire Company of Heaven to come forth now. Blessed Ones, please assist me in this holy endeavor, and empower these activities of Light a thousand times a thousandfold.

Beloved Father-Mother God, I AM my I AM Presence, and I AM enveloped in the invincible protection of God’s Light and Divine Love as I sojourn through my Earthly experiences.

I AM manifesting perfection in my physical, etheric, mental, and emotional bodies.

I AM co-creating loving relationships in my life.

I AM fulfilling my Divine Purpose and reason for being, and I AM financially and creatively rewarded in my job.

I AM an example of Divine Family Life, including my place in the family of Humanity.

I AM fulfilling my Divine Potential as a son or daughter, a wife or husband, a mother or father, a grandmother or grandfather, a woman or man, as a friend, a relative, a coworker, a steward of the Earth, a teacher, a way shower, a Lightworker, and a cocreator of the New Earth.

I AM a living example of  Divine Love, Trust, Integrity, Honesty, Tolerance, Acceptance, and Reverence for ALL Life.

I AM able to listen, understand, and communicate openly and honestly with every evolving soul.

I AM effortlessly Ascending into the Divine Heart and Mind of God with every Holy Breath I take.

Within the Causal Body of God, I AM tapping into the Divine Guidance and the viable solutions that will assist me in fulfilling my Divine Plan and my purpose and reason for being.

I AM open to the Divine Guidance of my I AM Presence and the Legions of Light in the Realms of Truth. I easily communicate with these Beings of Light through open heart and mind telepathic communication.

I AM One with ALL Life, and I communicate openly with the Angelic and Elemental Kingdoms as well.

I AM daily and hourly fulfilling the Immaculate Concept of my Divine Plan
and the Divine Plan for Beloved Mother Earth.

Sealing Affirmation

I now invoke the full-gathered momentum of the Violet Flame to transmute every thought, word, action, or feeling I have ever expressed in any time frame or dimension, both known and unknown, that would in any way interfere with or prevent these patterns of perfection for the New Earth from manifesting tangibly in the world of form.

I AM the Immaculate Concept of these patterns of perfection NOW made manifest and sustained by Holy Grace.

I AM the Immaculate Concept of these patterns of perfection NOW made manifest and sustained by Holy Grace.

I AM the Immaculate Concept of these patterns of perfection NOW made manifest and sustained by Holy Grace. 

I accept that these patterns for the New Earth are victoriously manifesting even as I speak.

In God’s most Holy Name, I AM. And so it is!

(These invocations are from the book of invocations, I AM Co-creating the New Earth by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles)

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Arcturian Group April 18, 2010

Greetings to all of you on this fine day of spring. 

We see the hope and  energy of change and  renewal within all.   Indeed, the spring within all is bursting forth  new ideas of truth, and new ways of expressing that of which you are becoming more and more aware.  It is a time of new beginnings and  the flowering forth of fruitage from your  new awareness in ways of service and love for your fellow man.  You are beginning to see that all are connected, regardless of how  outer appearances may look.  All is One dear ones, all is an expression of the one Source and that is the lesson now being learned.The issues of volcanic eruptions and the many earth shattering quakes are teaching you compassion and love for your brothers and sisters who have chosen to experience these things for the betterment of mankind in order that others can learn to serve and to love.  It is a part of your evolving growth dear ones, to  learn that there is only One in many forms and varieties.  Those who are far from this realization are now learning through  these issues of tragedy as they become aware of those who suffer and  need help.  Lessons do not need to be learned at this level, but there are many who are not yet ready to learn from within, from that place of inner knowing and so for now, they learn in the ways of the third dimension and all is proceeding according to plan.  Those who have chosen to refuse to embrace truth are being left to stagnate in their place of choosing.  All have free will, and all evolve when and if they choose.

We see many more events coming that will encourage those who have not wanted any change, to change.  The fears of  many are holding the world  in a bondage of sorts;  a strong connection to the past, to old ways of seeing and doing things. Those who have been served well  by the old,  will soon find that these ways do not work any longer because energy is rapidly changing and is no longer in place to manifest  these old ideas.  They will then be forced to look at new ways of seeing and  doing as they struggle to hold on to outdated concepts and beliefs, believing that the "good old days"  were the best and can be brought back.  This is not the way of evolution dear ones, and you would not want to stay in one state of consciousness forever.  You are here on earth to grow and evolve; always moving toward the Light within and the realization of your oneness with Source.

 If all stayed  "perfect" according to the third dimensional standards (concepts) , then what would spur you to move deeper?  We say to you that  all are being spurred in what ever ways necessary, to move deeper and this is what all the issues taking place right now on earth are about-a moving deeper into the realization of your oneness with all that is.  This  is a  huge shift,  movement out of metaphysics and into mysticism.  Big Step for mankind and you are ready! 

In metaphysics you work  to attain dollar bills, health and home. In mysticism you realize that you, in your real identity, are the energy that appears outwardly as these things.   You can never  be separated from your true home because your home is Divine consciousness, this realization (not intellectual knowledge is the first step)
then appears outwardly as...

These are difficult but necessary lessons as you first move out of what you have been taught and  always believed to be the end all of truth.  As you embrace the new and release the old, it can feel as if your whole foundation is being pulled out from under you, but always remember you are being guided and supported.

Take it deeper.  Take it deeper, dear ones and  soon you will understand. This is our message to you.  Gradually you will come to see why and how you are here, and it has nothing to do with having more money, possessions, or beauty (concept) of the body. 

We love you and support your journey.  You are strong and powerful beings of light.

Thank you Arcturian Group  4/18/10

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The Art of Balancing Self is Achieving Neutrality


APRIL 14, 2010

"The Neutral Zone"

Blessed Are You BELOVED ONES! We Greet You with a Heart-Felt Welcome, Welcome One & All.

We invite each of you to take a moment here to settle into your chairs and become comfortable. And as you begin to settle into your seats feel your body being supported at this time.

We invite you to focus on your breath now and for the next few minutes as you quiet the mind leaving your cares of the day behind you as you breathe in the stillness of Peace into your Being as you breathe into your heart. Breathe with us now for the next few moments.

Allow your focus to settle into your Heart Center, into the Sanctuary of Your Sacred Heart Center as you continue to breathe. Feel the Peace... yes, feel the Peace as you continue to breathe in the Crystalline Golden Light particles which are now brightly illuminating within your Sacred Heart Center. Recall the Golden Chalice of your Heart Center, for you are the Holy Grail of Reunification, and know that as you continue to breathe you nourish your entire body and each cell of your Body as you breathe in the Crystalline Golden Light particles which are all around you...

Please pause here for a few moments to just breathe! KNOW that as you focus on your breath you Honor your body with Love & Acceptance for providing the vehicle for this amazing journey of Awakening. Please take these few moments to pause with Conscious Love & Acceptance of the Self and of your body as you breathe into your Heart Center.



We invite each of you to add your Love and your Light to the Consciousness Grids here on Mother Earth. As Often as you think of it we encourage each of you to send your Heart Light to these Consciousness Grids around Mother Earth. Hold the Vision of Heaven on Earth. Raise your heart and your minds above the 3D Grids to assist in the building of the New Consciousness Grids of Love & Peace.

Many of you may already be participating with different groups on this very project. For those who are not actively participating with a Group, you may simply visualize a "Golden Web" of Light surrounding the Earth as the Lightworkers around the planet participate in a conscious and/or non-conscious state to build the New Earth Consciousness Grid or Christ Consciousness Grid. For those of you who do not have inner vision yet that enable you to see these grids, in the simplest form of support you may simply close your eyes
and see purposely choose to see a beautiful new world at peace where every man, woman & child are living a joyful, rich and rewarding life.

For those who feel inspired there are Groups you can join to work together on this project. However all that is truly needed is your Heart Light holding the Vision of the New Earth! Remain calm and peaceful no matter what the news media are reporting. Focus on maintaining a "neutral" state of mind and inner balance. Remember to ask yourself; What am I feeding and nourishing in my world? Be the Co-Creators of the New Earth Energies and add your Love & Light to the WHOLE!


The Photon Energies is much lower this month, yet the energies are much gentler than past cycles when the Photon Energy has dropped this low. We are continually being "refined" by these cycles of "ebbing and flowing" in the Waves of Light.

The healing of the Mental & Emotional bodies continues to be the "subject" or "focus" of our Journey through Ascension. Family, loved ones, friends & the work place will continue to mirror to each of us just where we are still stuck in duality and where ego is ruling our lives. The beautiful part of this is, all of these areas will also mirror to us where we have found BALANCE in our lives and where we are functioning from our hearts and not the mental energies of the ego intellect that always need to be right.

Many are still experiencing a rewire, however to a lesser degree than previously as this rewire phase is reaching completion. Which is good, many of us are ready for a "pause" to regroup and integrate the new energies. Many of you are already experiencing the new levels of awareness and inner communication arriving for each of you.

Those of you who are still feeling isolated and feeling the need to sleep a lot, do not concern yourselves. During these periods your Higher Self is doing much work on inner levels with the Consciousness Grids of the Planet. So simply be gentle with yourselves knowing you have been working the "Night Shift" on the Consciousness Grids.

Many have continued to feel challenged by ongoing Life Lessons as the energies have continued to accelerate in clearing the Mental & Emotional Bodies for the individual and well as the Group Consciousness. The increasing frequencies of Light are pushing all of us to transform, transmute and adapt to the incoming Waves of Light. For those who are less conscious they will be acting out that which is in need of clearing, those of us who are choosing to remain more conscious will have the "pleasure" of clearing out all that is need of resolution and balancing.

Now is a perfect time to eliminate and release the old, outworn, outdated and obsolete in our lives. We will be urged to let go of old attitudes, communication and thinking patterns that no longer serve our purpose. We may feel the need to re-evaluate our needs for security and asked to eliminate rigid emotions that no longer serve us. This is an excellent time to undergo an internal form of house cleaning, and look into ourselves to determine exactly what we do and do not need.

Since the recent Equinox of March 21 most of us have felt an increased intensity in the energies around relationships in general, all relationships, for life experience is all a relationship to something/someone else. Most of us have noticed that everything "feels" a bit different than in the past, yet "appearances" have not changed much. For myself personally even though the energies have certainly "shifted" what I have noticed as being different than in the "past" is how the "Aries" energies are much softer than in years past, and I am able to move through the intensity with greater ease than before. We are certainly in "New Territory" so to speak.

But don't hold your breath.... We are moving into a potentially intense time. There are some very powerful alignments later this summer, living in your heart is the only answer to moving through the times ahead. We will not go into the Astrology of it all here as our Channel is not an Astrologer and that would be too intricate for her mind to process.

(Please remember here Dear Ones as we cover the potential intensity ahead that you are the Creators of Your own Reality and have been given the Birthright of having Dominion over your Life and your Reality, that said let us proceed)

We can see & hear intensity in the news and media groups. We can witness the emotional turmoil among the US Citizens as President Obama's Healthcare Plan passed. We can also see the intensity in the recent storms, earthquakes, potential tsunami etc. (Remember Dear Ones that All is in Perfect Divine Order even when you have not understood the Perfection yet). Remember that each Soul has a Blueprint and those who leave in large groups during these horrendous events are their Plan. Have compassion for their families yet, know that all is in Perfection. These Souls are simply going to be experiencing from the other side of the veil now.

Many can also see some of the intensity in the lives of people you know (or very possibly even ourselves), as decisions that need to be made are up-front and center in your world. Many are moving in new directions, whether it refers to one's home or place of residence, as well as the work place.

For those who have denied any of your heart-centered needs, you will feel these needs push themselves into your awareness even stronger than before. All energy that is in need of resolution will find a way to manifest the desired outcome. Any of you who have experienced feeling overwhelmed or overloaded and as if you have reached your limits (physically, emotionally, or mentally), are looking to find a new way. Remember to ask to be shown the way... Then... Watch & Listen for the synchronicities of life to show you the way.

Now is the time to find the courage to follow your hearts lead. Love yourself enough to make the choices needed to free yourself from "Old Energy Patterns of Experience". Now is the time to overcome your "fear of the consequences" whatever they may be. These are times when our heart's choices take the reins.

Mercury will be entering a retrograde phase between April 17-May 11. This will be a period to reveiw, reorganize, redo items you are currently working on. Be very aware if you must sign contracts to read everything carefully before signing. Be aware that misunderstandings are often experienced and clarify that you understand what you are hearing.

Now is a perfect time to organize your thought processes around making these potential changes. Take a sheet of paper make 2 columns, PRO'S & CON'S. This will help you to actually SEE the benefits of making a change, rather than continuing to procrastinate. "Make Note" of the fears you may have, and look closely at the benefits you will receive if you work through your fear. When there is clarity the solutions will align and you will "Shift" your perspectives.

We are integrating great waves of higher frequency and now is a perfect time to Observe Everything in our outer lives as an indicator of our inner vibrational relationship and partnership with Soul. The question of "How am I feeling in this Now Moment" is the Most Profound Key to understanding the vibrational match we have with the thought or feeling of the people, places and work environments in our lives. For those who find themselves feeling less than a perfect match we invite you to spend more time each day in developing your Inner Relationship with Soul.


The most important thing for anyone to do right now is to develop your inner communication with your Soul. Many of you have an open channel with your Soul. For those who have this connection and are not using it currently we encourage you to resume this relationship now more than ever. You will find this ultimately important as we move forward in the days ahead.

Automatic Writing is one of the most powerful forms of communication to open up as a way to communicate with your Soul. This will also expand any connection you may already have with Soul.

We invite you to sit down with a pen/pencil & paper available and then to state your intentions out loud.

Then close your eyes as though you are about to go into a meditation. Take several deep cleansing breaths and just before you begin to go more deeply into the meditative state open your eyes and just allow the pen/pencil to move in whatever manner the energies bring through, if you need to close your eye again just to re-enforce the energies then please do so at any time in the process...

Don't judge what comes out, don't worry about your penmanship, or punctuation... simply allow the words to just flow out. You will be surprised at what a powerful tool Automatic Writing can be! We recommend keeping a notebook, file, or journal of these writings as they will prove to be very "enlightening" as you reflect back on them at a later time.

As you develop the Automatic Writing you will expand the "portal" of communication in your brain. After having used Automatic Writing for a while, soon you will be able to just have regular conversations with Soul on a regular basis without the need for Automatic Writing, and yes even you can do this! At one time we all communicated in this way and will again. This is telepathic communication. (The benefits of Automatic Writing act like "a Chimney Sweep", cleaning out the "proverbial cobwebs" of the mind.)



What we would like to expand on at this time, is a greater understanding of what it means to "Integrate Polarity".

We have discussed achieving the "Neutral Zone" as we wish to call it today. This means not becoming polarized in opposition to anything. Now the "main point" we wish to focus on today is that this is not achieved by IGNORING polarity/duality.

If you will refer back to our messages on "The Power of Conscious Choice" and how by Mastering the Art of the "Observer Self" or "The Silent Witness. What this implies is Consciously Choosing to be "Fully Present in the Now Moment" and not functioning in " Auto Pilot" mode.

By continually choosing to be in "the Now Moment" we are witnessing each moment and being "fully present" which enables such clarity as to be aware of what our choices are in any given moment. We can divert a potential disagreement, or argument with an individual who may not be quite as conscious in that moment, by simply choosing not to go into a reactionary mode of needing to defend one-self, or needing to be right.

You may find yourself not able to understand the other persons point of view in that moment, yet the Key is not to "judge" that persons perceptions. In that moment use whatever method you prefer to transform/transmute the energies of polarity. My choice is simply to stop and breathe into my heart, or when more deeply triggered to use the Violet Flame of Transmutation to burn off any polarity in that moment.

A beautiful practice that I only know in a minimal way is to use the Hawaiian Healing Practice of "Ho 'O Pono Pono". Which goes like this:
"Thank You, I'm Sorry, Please Forgive Me, I love You".

In my perception this is a perfect way to "neutralize" polarity issues. All anyone ever wants is to feel loved and accepted.

The Beauty of "Ho 'O Pono Pono" is, when you say "Thank You", you are expressing your Gratitude to the individual for being given the opportunity to CHOOSE LOVE and to Master in That Now Moment the Perfection of Neutrality and Balance.

As you say "I'm Sorry", the other person feels acknowledged, while on the other hand you are also saying you are sorry to yourself as well for not having been more fully conscious and present in that Now Moment.

"Please Forgive Me", honors the other person as it honors you, for most often we do not recognize that we are usually unhappy with ourselves when we may have "played out" for another person that their feelings have been overlooked somehow.

Any time we say "I Love You" is a healing to all involved and nourishes the Unity of which we are all a part.

If you find it infinitely impossible in a given situation to move into this space, a position that can neutralize a situation is to simply say. "Let us just agree to disagree on this matter, and I Love You", and move past the need to CONTROL another Being or situation. Realize that any need to control reveal an unconscious level of fear that has not been resolved.

When One is in a state of Balance within the "Neutral Zone", this means you have no need to create attachment cords, control circumstantial outcomes or engage in karmic relationships that energetically feed off of something external to yourself. This can look like the need to control another. This can look like judging another. This will also look like anger, or resentment or any expression of Duality Consciousness.

As we move forward on the Ascension Path it is of upmost importance to become "Self Contained" without the "need" to be attached to another emotionally or energetically. This is very challenging in family and intimate relationships to achieve, yet is a very important part of "Self Mastery". It is not to diminish the Love you have for anyone, it is to achieve freedom from "dependency" so that you may attain your Full Sovereignty as an integrated Divine Human who is whole unto themselves.

And so in last month's message we brought into focus the GREAT IMPORTANCE of LOVING THE SELF. As you refine your ability to Love Yourself you move into greater levels of Self Mastery and Balance enabling you to function in the "Neutral Zone" more, and more.

Spend time each day reflecting on the Truth of Your Being re-enforcing the TRUTH, THAT YOUR ESSENCE IS LOVE. Breathe this Essence of Your Own Light into your Being daily for it Nourishes your body and your Soul Essence and assists in building the Light Body. TRUST with a PASSION THE LOVE THAT YOU ARE, for this will nourish your Mental Body and Emotional Body as you find your Perfect Balance within. RE-MEMBER THAT YOU ARE GOD INDIVIDUALIZED AS YOU!

We invite you to embrace the Self with sincerity in your hearts as you affirm these words as your TRUTH!

And So It Is Beloved Ones, That We Honor You for The Journey You Have Chosen, You Are Loved beyond Measure!

Blessed Be,
We Are One, Master Dakon, Sariniela, Anjuriel, and the I AM That I AM

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The Power of a Sacred Space

We are going to give you the way to have World Peace and a solution to every crisis you are facing in your life.

Now that we have your attention, we want to remind you of a simple Truth. When the world of appearances is chaotic, there is only one place where you can go to find the peace you are seeking, and that is within your being. You will find yourself being drawn there very naturally when you set your intention to have peace in your life. Peace within you leads to peace on Earth, because your inner peace will radiate into the world around you.

What we are suggesting is not new information but the effects are profound. There are many ways to develop inner peace that have been used for centuries and they are deceptive in their simplicity.

Creating a sacred space in your home can be of paramount importance to begin this process. Set aside a place where you can go every day to develop your “peace muscle,” for indeed, inner peace is a like a muscle that may take practice to develop. Your sacred space need not be elaborate but when you have a clean, uncluttered place to be in, it will help calm your mind very quickly. You may choose a corner with a chair that is comfortable to you or you may prefer a pillow on the floor.

When you have a focal point of beauty, it adds to your practice in a graceful way. Use a flat surface such as a table, or even a box will do. Cover it with an attractive, clean cloth if the flat surface is not pleasing to the eyes. Start with a candle to symbolize the Light of God. Light this candle and ask for Peace to fill the world within and around you. You will offer a profound service to the world when you perform that simple act, as you are increasing the vibrational frequency of energy where you are sitting. This beautiful energy of peace will fill your life.

Flowers on this table are also very soothing, and offer great beauty while they carry the energy of growth, inspiration and a connection to Nature. When you place one flower in a vase next to the candle you have in your focal point area, you are creating a sacred space in your home in which you can sit in peace as you learn to BE.

Allow yourself a moment to do nothing but BE

Learning to BE is an essential component for a happy life. Many structures people have relied on are crumbling, and great change is in process. You will serve yourself, your family and your community greatly when you take time to just BE. This being nature within you is a quieter place that promotes inner peace. It thrives the more you give yourself time in the sacred space you created in your home. Soon, as this quiet space within you becomes more familiar, you will notice yourself feeling more peaceful as you have expanded into your heart. Your happiness begins there within you, not in your outer circumstances. In your sacred space, you fill yourself with the Light of God. Every time you intentionally give yourself time to breathe in a conscious manner, you are breathing in light and allowing Divine Love and Peace to fill every cell of your being. No matter how much time you are able to give to your self, it will create profound change within you.

This sacred space in a quiet corner of your home will become one of your most valuable assets. In the midst of change, you have a place to go where you can feel peace in your heart. Soon you only have to think of your sacred space, and with a breath you will be there in your mind. Imagine how this will affect your life, and those around you. One person centered in the Light of Peace can create a profound shift in the world around them. This person will hold a higher vibrational frequency than others in the normal chaotic world where you have lived for so long. Imagine how beautiful it would be if everyone were able to attain this place of peace within.

A Witness to the World

Development of what has been called the witness consciousness is a useful tool. It prepares you to notice the world around you with more equanimity. When you can temper your responses to outward appearance, you will feel much happier and have more peace in your life. Learning to center your self in this witness place can be a key ingredient to inner peace. You can begin the process by breathing in a more balanced way, even when you are driving. To keep your center, your breath can be an efficient tool.

A Balanced Breath is one where you breathe in the same number of counts on the inhalation that you do on the exhalation. As you do this, you begin to feel a sense of calm as your heart beats more slowly. It enhances your experience when you imagine yourself breathing in golden light with every inhalation, and releasing golden light with every exhalation. This golden light literally carries the presence of the Angels and holds the qualities of consciousness you want in your world. You can be breathing in Divine Love with every in breath, and breathing Peace into the world with every out breath.

And then there are Angels

One asset not to be discounted in order to bring you a sense of inner peace would be the Angelic Dimensions. The Angels are very available in these times of change. Have you noticed the digital clocks repeating 11:11?  That is a moment with the Angels, opening a new doorway in your mind where you can send energy in the direction you intend. The Angelic Realms offer qualities of consciousness that people crave in their lives, such as Divine Grace, Peace, Harmony, Love, Clarity and Wisdom. You can invite these qualities into your life and the Angels will strengthen the Light connecting you to these qualities. It is a profound, prayerful way to live. A prayer for Grace does not have to be difficult and wordy, but it does help the process when you give yourself time to receive what you are asking for. Often prayers may be on the fly and sound like, “Help, bring me peace. Quickly. Now!” It is not that this prayer would not be useful, but just imagine what might occur if you had used prayer as an intention in your morning practice. It might sound more like this:

Dear God (Goddess, All that Is, Divine Presence, Spirit, or your personal master teacher),

Thank you for bringing Divine Light into my life. I ask the Angels of Grace and the presence of Divine Love to fill every fiber of my being, so I may have more Peace in every area of my life. I bless my family, my work and my being with this Light and I am profoundly grateful. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

When you add your thanks even before you see the results, this attitude of gratitude increases your receptiveness. You can complete the prayer with the traditional “Amen”, or as a closure, you can say, “So be it,” or “So it is.”

Then stay where you are, and breathe for a few minutes. In these simple ways you are empowering your life. Your prayers become a beacon calling to you the light and wisdom you seek. Your breath becomes a prayerful thought blessing the world. Create a sacred space where you can dwell with the Angels. Ask for the Divine Light to fill you with Grace, as well as all you need to bring you Peace, and then give yourself time to breathe in the blessings being offered you at this time.

When you feel more at peace, breathe out these blessings and send Peace to a world that needs you to be a Beacon of Light. As if you were a lighthouse on a point of land in the vast ocean, the Divine Light you send out into the world shines clearly in the dark night of chaotic times. Your sacred space within and without allows you to do the work of creating more Peace within you, and this creates Peace in your world.

And so it is.

Shanta Gabriel For Archangel Gabriel

Copyright © Shanta Gabriel. These messages can be shared as long as they are used in their entirety and proper credit is given for the work. I love people to be able to share the work with others. www.thegabrielmessages.com.

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The Power of Creating a Sacred Space

Channeler: Shanta Gabriel

A Message to the World from Archangel Gabriel

Dear Ones,

We are going to give you the way to have World Peace and a solution to every crisis you are facing in your life.

Now that we have your attention, we want to remind you of a simple Truth. When the world of appearances is chaotic, there is only one place where you can go to find the peace you are seeking, and that is within your being. You will find yourself being drawn there very naturally when you set your intention to have peace in your life. Peace within you leads to peace on Earth, because your inner peace will radiate into the world around you.

What we are suggesting is not new information but the effects are profound. There are many ways to develop inner peace that have been used for centuries and they are deceptive in their simplicity.

Creating a sacred space in your home can be of paramount importance to begin this process. Set aside a place where you can go every day to develop your “peace muscle,” for indeed, inner peace is a like a muscle that may take practice to develop. Your sacred space need not be elaborate but when you have a clean, uncluttered place to be in, it will help calm your mind very quickly. You may choose a corner with a chair that is comfortable to you or you may prefer a pillow on the floor.

When you have a focal point of beauty, it adds to your practice in a graceful way. Use a flat surface such as a table, or even a box will do. Cover it with an attractive, clean cloth if the flat surface is not pleasing to the eyes. Start with a candle to symbolize the Light of God. Light this candle and ask for Peace to fill the world within and around you. You will offer a profound service to the world when you perform that simple act, as you are increasing the vibrational frequency of energy where you are sitting. This beautiful energy of peace will fill your life.

Flowers on this table are also very soothing, and offer great beauty while they carry the energy of growth, inspiration and a connection to Nature. When you place one flower in a vase next to the candle you have in your focal point area, you are creating a sacred space in your home in which you can sit in peace as you learn to BE.

Allow yourself a moment to do nothing but BE

Learning to BE is an essential component for a happy life. Many structures people have relied on are crumbling, and great change is in process. You will serve yourself, your family and your community greatly when you take time to just BE. This being nature within you is a quieter place that promotes inner peace. It thrives the more you give yourself time in the sacred space you created in your home. Soon, as this quiet space within you becomes more familiar, you will notice yourself feeling more peaceful as you have expanded into your heart. Your happiness begins there within you, not in your outer circumstances. In your sacred space, you fill yourself with the Light of God. Every time you intentionally give yourself time to breathe in a conscious manner, you are breathing in light and allowing Divine Love and Peace to fill every cell of your being. No matter how much time you are able to give to your self, it will create profound change within you.

This sacred space in a quiet corner of your home will become one of your most valuable assets. In the midst of change, you have a place to go where you can feel peace in your heart. Soon you only have to think of your sacred space, and with a breath you will be there in your mind. Imagine how this will affect your life, and those around you. One person centered in the Light of Peace can create a profound shift in the world around them. This person will hold a higher vibrational frequency than others in the normal chaotic world where you have lived for so long. Imagine how beautiful it would be if everyone were able to attain this place of peace within.

A Witness to the World

Development of what has been called the witness consciousness is a useful tool. It prepares you to notice the world around you with more equanimity. When you can temper your responses to outward appearance, you will feel much happier and have more peace in your life. Learning to center your self in this witness place can be a key ingredient to inner peace. You can begin the process by breathing in a more balanced way, even when you are driving. To keep your center, your breath can be an efficient tool.

A Balanced Breath is one where you breathe in the same number of counts on the inhalation that you do on the exhalation. As you do this, you begin to feel a sense of calm as your heart beats more slowly. It enhances your experience when you imagine yourself breathing in golden light with every inhalation, and releasing golden light with every exhalation. This golden light literally carries the presence of the Angels and holds the qualities of consciousness you want in your world. You can be breathing in Divine Love with every in breath, and breathing Peace into the world with every out breath.

And then there are Angels

One asset not to be discounted in order to bring you a sense of inner peace would be the Angelic Dimensions. The Angels are very available in these times of change. Have you noticed the digital clocks repeating 11:11? That is a moment with the Angels, opening a new doorway in your mind where you can send energy in the direction you intend. The Angelic Realms offer qualities of consciousness that people crave in their lives, such as Divine Grace, Peace, Harmony, Love, Clarity and Wisdom. You can invite these qualities into your life and the Angels will strengthen the Light connecting you to these qualities. It is a profound, prayerful way to live. A prayer for Grace does not have to be difficult and wordy, but it does help the process when you give yourself time to receive what you are asking for. Often prayers may be on the fly and sound like, “Help, bring me peace. Quickly. Now!” It is not that this prayer would not be useful, but just imagine what might occur if you had used prayer as an intention in your morning practice. It might sound more like this:

“Dear God” (Goddess, All that Is, Divine Presence, Spirit, or your personal master teacher),

“Thank you for bringing Divine Light into my life. I ask the Angels of Grace and the presence of Divine Love to fill every fiber of my being, so I may have more Peace in every area of my life. I bless my family, my work and my being with this Light and I am profoundly grateful. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.”

When you add your thanks even before you see the results, this attitude of gratitude increases your receptiveness. You can complete the prayer with the traditional “Amen”, or as a closure, you can say, “So be it,” or “So it is.”

Then stay where you are, and breathe for a few minutes. In these simple ways you are empowering your life. Your prayers become a beacon calling to you the light and wisdom you seek. Your breath becomes a prayerful thought blessing the world. Create a sacred space where you can dwell with the Angels. Ask for the Divine Light to fill you with Grace, as well as all you need to bring you Peace, and then give yourself time to breathe in the blessings being offered you at this time.

When you feel more at peace, breathe out these blessings and send Peace to a world that needs you to be a Beacon of Light. As if you were a lighthouse on a point of land in the vast ocean, the Divine Light you send out into the world shines clearly in the dark night of chaotic times. Your sacred space within and without allows you to do the work of creating more Peace within you, and this creates Peace in your world.

And so it is.

Shanta Gabriel
For Archangel Gabriel
Copyright: March 30, 2010

This message from Archangel Gabriel may be shared with others as long as it is used in its entirety and copyright credit is given to the author.

Shanta Gabriel is an inspired teacher, healer and the author of The Gabriel Messages, compassionate wisdom from Archangel Gabriel that is practical and provides clear suggestions for emotional and spiritual balance. Shanta’s work with the Archangels was both unexpected and spontaneous when she received a surprise visit from Archangel Michael in 1988. This huge winged being blessed her healing work with Light and opened the way for communication from Archangel Gabriel in 1990. Shanta has received messages from Gabriel since that time. She offers these messages free of charge on her website and in her newsletter. You can sign up for this service, see frequent postings, listen to her meditations and interviews, or view her private sessions and workshops on her website: www.thegabrielmessages.com.

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Your First New Tool Kit Lesson


Posted: 09 Mar 2010 02:05 PM PST

Dear Ones,

Brenda is not certain that she has any information for you today, but we will tell you that today’s blog is quite dramatic in terms of your future on earth. Let us begin.

In our last blog we discussed how acceptance of yourself and others is a key element during this two-week period following the full moon. Perhaps you are already noting that issues that irritated you in the not-so-distant past are becoming humorous.

A bit like the “noisy” neighbor who is beginning to endear herself to you. Your noisy neighbor constantly provides you with in-depth information that she thinks will be of interest to you or is to her. But instead of irritating you, you are beginning to find value in her observations. Once you find the value, you will realize how fun her constant need to provide you with her latest tidbit of information is. And then you will find yourself labeling your noisy neighbor as a crime stopper or in a similar beneficial fashion. Your perspective has shifted from irritation to welcoming.

So it will be for those who have irritated you in the past. Perhaps we should delineate that last statement just a bit. If you sense the emerging humor in their actions and do not feel the need to run when they appear, those people will, in all likelihood, remain in your life for some time. There are others who make you feel dull and heavy whenever you are in contact with them. Those are the individuals who will soon leave your life.

The shift in perspective we discussed in our last blog is for those people you wish to retain in your life. There will be some relationships you will find too repulsive to continue. Those relationships will be noted via your feelings when you are in their presence and shortly thereafter. Do you feel drained? Tired? Angry? Or any of the other feelings you no longer wish to feel to any degree? Then it is time to move on.

Those people who are to remain in your life have or soon will be seen by you in a different light. Their activities and former irritating behaviors will now seem fun or even become nonexistent given the joy the two of you experience in each other’s company.

Let us be more concise. You have reached the place in this New Age shift in which you now know who is to remain in your life. You have always had this skill.  It is just that you have never had this skill to the degree that you now have. And in the Old Age, you had difficulties trusting this skill because of your society’s need to control actions that you were fully capable of controlling.

We promised you a New Age tool kit. Your ability to discern who is appropriate for you is one of your major New Age tools.

While it is true that you have always created your own reality, that reality was often a “hit or miss” experience. Perhaps you wished to experience anger so you created a “mish mash” of anger possibilities and accessed them all to a certain degree knowing that one of them would be the key to that lesson.

You are now much more focused. You do not have the time nor the interest to throw a number of lessons “out there” hoping that one will meet your needs. Because of the recent energy shifts, you now will create the perfect lesson for the areas you are interested in. And by creating the perfect lesson, you will move through each lesson much more rapidly.

You will know the perfect lesson by the feelings you access when you are with that person or in that environment. You will feel light and bright even though it might appear to be an uncomfortable situation. By the same token, if you are exposing yourself to lessons that are not necessary or not appropriate according to your inner being, you will feel dull and heavy.

Your New Age lessons are to be in joy, rather than pain. So listen to your inner being and follow its dictates. Despite outward appearances, your new lessons will be learned in joy if you listen to your feelings – and then act on those feeling skills.

If you are somewhere or with someone who makes you feel dark and heavy, you are not with the person or in the environment necessary for you to learn your new joy lessons. Rather, you are in an environment of pain that will feel less and less comfortable as you move further into the New Age.

Listen to your inner being and go for the joy. That is your key New Age lesson.

To do otherwise is to try to continue in pain when pain is no longer necessary or appropriate. You have a new tool kit and we are going to help you access it. The first tool is that of listening to your inner being and it will tell you if you are throwing a number of balls in the air hoping that one will be the lesson you wish to experience; or if you have honed your skills to the point that you easily and gracefully move from one lesson to the other.

Listen to your inner voice. Trust your inner voice. And learn to giggle and play with joy with the best of them. This is your first New Age tool kit lesson. So be it. Amen.

Life Tapestry Creations.com    If you would like to receive my free blogs as they are posted, please click the Subscribe Link on the upper portion of my subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line and complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address.

Introducing “It’s Time,” the third book in “The Creation Series.” Books one and two are titled, “Economics of the Heart” and “Create Your Community.” For more information, please visit Life Tapestry Creations.com.

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SaLuSa – 05 September 2008

So much depends on the weeks ahead as many different events work themselves out. At first glance they appear to be separate, but they all connect with the plan of the Galactic Federation to bring an end to the last cabal’s influence. Their powerful control base within the financial empire has to be removed, and that requires an in depth investigation of their affairs. They have been involved in many recent covert events, and we see various revelations bringing the truth to your notice It can sometimes be painful, not least of all that it reveals how you have been let down by those within whom you placed your trust. The trickery and blatant deceit has been occurring for almost the last century, and you have been literally kept in the dark.

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“Happiness is a perfume you cannot pour on others without getting a few drops on yourself.”




“I (WE) AM!” an illustration by SethD8 – 25 Feb 07

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