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Babaji Nagaraj: Expect the Highest Outcome

Channeler: Marlene Swetlishoff


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Beloved Lightworkers,

There have been many channeled messages in the last several days telling you to be in preparation for the many changes that are imminent. Know that all is now ready and that there will be an announcement that will set in motion all that is now ready to be revealed to all of Humanity around the World. These revelations will come one at a time, slowly, to allow Humanity to digest the information before the next one comes forth and so on.

You are now seeing the blatant attempts to create division and disharmony amongst the people and from our vantage point, these attempts are not at all succeeding in the way it was intended and is indeed backfiring upon the instigators. Soon all will be quiet once again as Humanity continues to absorb the Cosmic Light of the Creator that is now pouring upon the Earth and the great cleansing, purifying and revisiting of all that had already been experienced and which has come forth yet again to be addressed once and for all.

There is already a great energy of peacefulness settling in upon the Planet and all of her inhabitants. There is evidence of this everywhere if one but looks. Brother is helping brother and sisters join hands to create meaningful and positive changes in their communities and their World. The impulse to be of Service is being felt within more and more of Humanity and more people are discovering that yes, one person CAN make a difference and are taking up the torch by standing in their Light and conviction. By taking their peaceful stand, they open the way for many more to courageously take their stand.

People power is fast becoming the trend across the length and breadth of Humanity. It is the Great Awakening that is now beginning to transpire across your beautiful Planet, within the minds and hearts of all the inhabitants of the Earth. There is a feeling of joy, anticipation and celebration and it is becoming a feeling of palpable excitement. Issues of duality are beginning to be balanced in all quarters of the populace in every hamlet, town, city and country.

All that needs to be resolved is coming forth and many are recognizing that there is a greater sense within them of playing a part for the rest of Humanity in these issues that come forth for resolution and are not really issues of their own making. This is indeed so, for many, many of you are taking on the transmutation of the issues of others in order to act as proxy’s for the clearing of these issues on behalf of all in order to facilitate an acceleration of the clearing process of the entire Planet and all upon Her.

You are asked to continue to stand in your Light and perform your daily disciplines, to ground yourselves into the great Crystal in the crystalline core of the Earth and to continue to hold the Highest Vision for all of Humanity and to expect nothing less than the Highest outcome for the Highest good of all. Your work and ours together, continues to gain momentum.

I AM Babaji Nagaraj

©2010 Marlene Swetlishoff

Permission is given to share this message with others, as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe's credit, copyright and website is included. www.therainbowscribe.com

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The Emergence of Beauty

Slowly the beginnings awaken.

The blossoming of the new heart, the emergence of the trusting, wide perspective; the emergence of the new human.  A vessel for the Soul, aligned and connected consciously to the host planet, to all-that-is, to the inner desires of the Omniverse, filtered through and attended to by the unique focal point of one specific soul incarnate: YOU.

This awakening is tribal in nature.  You become one of a collective.  Your ways are refined and innately shared; you pick up on the ways of being of your fellow-tribe members and you identify beyond traditional boundaries.  Knowing full well that eventually this tribe will emerge and be a viable and visible social matrix for organizing customs, culture and societies—for now it is simply HOME.

The longer you reside in this new dimensional space, the more you will naturally synchronize your creative actions and your specific “take” on what is needed in such a way as to harmonize and further amplify the beauty of the whole.  This thriving of the new earth organisms is innate and magnificently wise.  There is a collective knowing of what will benefit the emergent forms you are tipping into and what will allow the energies of all of you –a collective which is continually expanding and amassing—to network and cultivate the social matrix, the energetic matrix the communication matrixes that externalize and manifest your inner belonging.

Normally in a moment such as these, there would be much singing and dancing!

Are you taking the time to celebrate?  There have been more and more invitations to recognize this glorious moment of dimensional ascension and to take the beauty of the afternoon, for example, as a liberal and specific invitation to you to go out into delight and be happy~!

There is much to be proud of and anticipating of.

Next to where you are now there is already unfolding a new movement in which your tribe is gathering and setting up camp.  You may or may not be involved in an actual physical move.  This will come forth and be clear to you.  Many of you are already in the places you chose for this existence.  Many geographic spaces are being adjusted—by weather, by storms, by fires, by the shifting of the earth’s plates—to allow for a fresh start and even more amazingly!  To allow for old energies from within the earth in some areas, to surface and once again swirl and round-up those for whom these energetic blueprints or configurations will be a familiar and reminiscent place to create a home.

Matter comes into being knowing its purpose in these spaces and you will naturally notice when driving in your car, or walking, that when you enter these geographic areas that the energy feels so much better to you.  Enter these spaces often and ground yourself in these new and old energies which are available now for you to find your way and feed yourselves. 

There will be virtual and physical communities.  You will have physical and non-physical connections that create and sustain you as a matrix of relationships informed by all-that-is and also specifically mirroring that unique energy and perspective which you have brought through in this lifetimes in this specific existence for the purpose of ascending the planetary unified field and ka-boom!  Exponentially expanding the Omniverse at the same time.

It’s quite an experience.  For those of us who are non-physical, who can easily see the vectors of creative energy and track their “landing” the anticipation of our collective experience of this moment of full manifestation is immense.  We are here to call into your awareness this astonishing “future” of your ongoing creativity; so that you might approach these days of bringing your physical form into alignment with the enthusiasm and positive expectation of a powerful creator playing in form. 

Remember my beloved beings of light and love—you are the doorways to this transformation for all-that-is.  You, your combined and unique amalgamation of perspective and form, as you continue your dance, attuning more and more to the cosmic music that longs to experience this renewal of the Gods on Earth—are imagining and creating what we all long to experience through you.

The new beginnings of our unified consciousness are bringing more beauty into the world in which you live.  And as you continually attune yourself to the vibration of love, to the realization of the interconnectedness of al-that-is and to your own divine and perfect perspective, the more you will realize and radiate that beauty.

The ordered essence of the world in which you live being brought forth; that is what beauty is.  And as you awaken to your own divinity, your self-love brings forth the order into visible form, and also allows you to recognize it in all that you encounter. 

Through this, time—the specific time/space point which is the unified field of the Earth plane—and timelessness, are connected; the mystery of the multi-dimensional human soul revealed.

We are filled with anticipation and joy in this knowledge!  We are Ashira.

© 2009-2010, Meredith Murphy, Expect Wonderful | Modern Paradise Publications http://www.expectwonderful.com – You are free to share, copy, distribute and display the work under the following conditions: You must give author credit, you may not use this for commercial purposes, and you may not alter, transform or build upon this work.  For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the license terms of this work. Any of these conditions can be waived if you get the permission of the copyright holder.  Any other purpose of use must be granted permission by the author.

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Sheldan Nidle Sirian Update – March 9th

Sheldon Nidle Sirian Update Mar 9/10

Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation

10 Akbal, 6 Ceh, 5 Caban

Selamat Jarin! We return with more to discuss with you. At present, the Earth allies have instituted a worldwide Intelligence blackout to demonstrate to everyone that they are applying the necessary security measures in anticipation of the first domino of the changes. The "roadblocks" are now self-imposed as our Earth allies slow down their operations in order to make sure that all potential opponents are removed from any position where they could cause delays to the immense global changes. So far, the remnants of the dark cabal have shown no proclivity to further hinder our Earth allies' good works. The final agreements are in place, as are the funds to carry out the numerous governmental and financial changes. All is in readiness for the grand plan to be implemented. Meanwhile, our inner ring of ships around Mother Earth is prepared to carry out its many pre-landing assignments. Our Earth allies are fully aware that Heaven has given us all the "green light" to act when the time is ripe, and to this end, we have recalled our various planetary patrols and stand ready to act!

For her part, Mother Earth is accelerating the preparatory stage of a series of massive, global earth changes. Your planet and her Spiritual Hierarchy tell us that time is running out, and it is therefore essential that some sort of pre-evacuation warnings be issued. Pursuant to this, the waiting interim governments comprehend the need to reprioritize their schedule of changes, and we are working with them on plans that meet the Earth Hierarchy's criteria. The most pressing issue is to ascertain how best to prepare each of you for the much reduced time span before departure from the planet surface becomes necessary. A general intensification of planetary activity is also being noticed by your astronomers, who see an upsurge of unaccountable activity happening throughout your solar system. The heightened activity is affecting the space stations and shuttles in near-earth orbit and has lead to the cancellation of most rocket-propelled, manned space missions. In fact, your seriously panicked secret governments are using their antigravity fleet in a desperate bid to avail themselves of a hi-tech escape plan.

The dark cabalists' attempts to defy Earth's Spiritual Hierarchy are typical of them, but fear is now compelling them to physically challenge our clearly stated prohibitions: we have informed them in no uncertain terms that their operations are limited to the planet and its atmosphere; likewise, the Agarthans have banned the cabal's craft from Inner Earth. This puts the cabal in a predicament that has only one solution: to surrender, and to do so ASAP! Your lovely planet is turning to the Light and it is time for you to be informed of what lies ahead. Your dark elites' sources of information have made them vividly aware that their physical survival is now at stake. It is essential for them to surrender and permit our Earth allies to get on with the announcements detailing what is to happen and why. Mother Earth is in the final stages before serious earth changes begin. Further, Heaven requires you to be informed that you are not alone in the galaxy and that your space and spiritual families are here to bring you, with Love and grace, back into full consciousness.

This process of divine change has been tampered with by the dark and its endless infernal schemes. Our task has been to counter these infamous activities and to keep your changes to Heaven's timetable. Our multiple star-nation command board meets daily to put together programs ensuring that Heaven's decrees are carried out. No single star-nation has the power to thwart these divine operations. We are acting as one to guarantee that Heaven's commands are accomplished by means of this first contact mission. To this end, we have set up a series of guidelines that our diplomatic missions are extending to the Earth allies and various governments on your world. We have made it very clear that this is the time for action. Your long-suffering planet makes it evident, too, that the string of delays that has punctuated the recent past must end. We are advised to plan for all possible contingencies and to be ready to carry them out at a moment's notice.

Our fleets are at the ready, and we have compiled a series of back-up announcements to cover any eventualities we may face. These range from simple, forthright announcements informing you of our existence and the need to start mass landings, to emergency broadcasts warning you of imminent earth changes that require us to evacuate you from your surface homes. In the case of the former, we can then also address the secret technologies and set the timing for our arrival on your shores. In any event, we greatly prefer that these broadcasts be delivered by the interim governments. Mother Earth desires, above all, to see far more progress than is happening at present. Those actions that set the stage for an interim world need to happen. We cannot overstate the importance of this. Our purpose here is to shepherd what is now underway to a smooth and rapid success.

Our deep involvement in your affairs has afforded us many new and interesting insights into the dark's operation on your world. We were told about its modus operandi long ago and have spent the past two decades seeing it all in action. The extent to which the dark has been able to change you from a strong, integrated Being into a weak and compliant one that is so divided against itself that you actually "die" after a few decades is quite astonishing. Happily, Heaven is reintegrating and restoring you to your former power and abilities so that you can contribute significantly to the unfolding of the divine plan in physicality. We gleefully look forward to this wondrous transformation and intend to welcome you back with great fanfare. Your hard-won wisdom has the power to accelerate certain consciousness-oriented developments now brewing throughout this galaxy.

This galaxy is undergoing a vast transformation toward the Light. Everywhere, formerly dark star-nations and immense empires are becoming less dictatorial and more inclined toward personal sovereignty and individual rights. There, everyone is highly motivated to develop a Lightbody and to transcend the limitations of 3-D physicality. This longing has enticed many to focus on what you are going through, and so it is in everyone's best interests for us to advise and mentor you back into full consciousness. Besides, you are part of our space family. Humans were given the gift of a Lightbody and Heaven has protected it from destruction. The following chapter of our joint history is predicated on your return to the Light, so you can see that this sacred transformation of yours is most important to us.

The pressure-cooker that is first contact is boiling over! It is imperative that the agenda drawn up between our Earth allies and us now be completed. First, we need to get the waiting caretaker governments into power, together with the prosperity fund deliveries which will kick-start the gold-backed financial system. Then we are to co-sponsor the unveiling of a series of remarkable new technologies, adding ours to the pot. Third, we need, together, to address Mother Earth and quickly remedy her current condition. You need to adopt a whole new set of perceptions and come to honor her role in your evolution. She is a living Being and you are her invited guests. You need to become independent, and fully responsible guardians of her diverse ecosystems.

Today, we addressed various developments happening on your world and explained how these relate to the first contact mission. Mother Earth is subtly pursuing a course that is intended to force the hand of the dark and demonstrate how vital it is for our Earth allies to swiftly complete their complex agenda. Know, dear Ones, in your Heart of Hearts that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!) info@paoweb.com

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Ag-agria – 01 September 2008

For those of you who are abreast with the news of what is happening in the world, it is no surprise to find that it’s collapse is far reaching. However, what is becoming apparent, is the powerful energy generated by the people who are seeking changes that will move them onto a new level of being. The old ways are suddenly being seen as inadequate and unfulfilling, and unable to deliver what people desire. There is tiredness amongst you from being repeatedly embroiled in issues of war and confrontation. It is no longer acceptable, and your patience with your authorities is running out. You have realized that life should provide you with much satisfaction and would do so, as long as you were not having to consistently fight for acknowledgment of your entitlement to a happy and joyful life.

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Extraterrestrial A-Z!

Hello Gang!

I just came accross this information today. It is very interesting and somewhat mind opening. In case you haven’t noticed, lately in my art style I have been exploring beings from other worlds who are here assisting us. This guide book is sure going to make my art allot more interesting and hopefully with some good perception I will make a couple more artistic leaps in style along the way. I am committed to illustrating my perceptions through art with all of my communications and shareings. Be sure and keep checking back, becuase as my mind unfolds so does my art. And now… ET’s A-Z…

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