Tag: angry energy

Illuminating Your Shadow Self

Master Kuthumi gives you an understanding and an exercise to overcome and transmute the darker energies of yourself and others.

As I come into your presence once more, calm yourself in your body and mind. Be still, open to receive, to ponder my words and listen to the guidance of your Higher self.

First I require that you understand your shadow self. It is a facet of you, a facet of your thinking, of your behaviour. What do I mean by the word facet? It is a ‘face’ of you, it is part of you. Your shadow self provides you with the experience of duality, in your thoughts, speech and behaviour. Here I call it your shadow self for the purpose of ease, of understanding and also because your shadow self contains little Light, therefore it is darker than your Higher self which is Light.

Much of the transition you are experiencing is the effects of these two facets of self – the shadow and the Higher self. Simply put – duality.

These two selves allow you to experience, to compare, to understand all sides, all facets, you see. Allow me to give you an example. You may wish to create a new beginning, perhaps to sell your house. You have visualised, planned and eagerly wait in anticipation of a sale. Suddenly a storm arrives with strong winds. The house suffers damage and requires repair. Your plan is now put aside. Disbelief, anger and disappointment follow.

Only weeks before you were excited, full of anticipation of what your next home would be like. You eagerly thought of space, rooms, furnishings. Now it is put aside. I say put aside, not gone, for your desire has not gone. This is only a temporary set back on your path. However your shadow self appears and dispels much of the Light you previously held. Anger quickly builds. You look to see who you can blame and vent your anger to. At this point anyone will do. Those closest to you will feel the harshness of your angry words. Friends and associates will simply hear your anger through a lengthy session of verbal complaints mixed with a desire for sympathy. Yet the shadow self will not be released easily. Anger sits below the surface, waiting to resurface at any opportunity – even using unrelated issues to resurface. Anger takes a stronger hold of your personality. You reside in your shadow self, in darkness during this time.

Those who are sensitive to the energy of the aura can see your anger and feel it. The first reaction is to step away from the angry energy because they don’t want the anger to ‘rub off’ on them. This can easily happen. Yes, you need to understand this also. When someone who is in the flow of life, peaceful, calm, comes into contact with a person who is holding strong negative energy such as strong anger, the negativity can be absorbed into their auric field.

The person will begin to feel discontent, unsettled and they too begin to move into their own shadow self. You may have noticed this effect yourself after a day shopping in a mall atmosphere. Of course not every one your auric field flows through will be angry. Sometimes you will be left with a feeling of heaviness after your shopping experience.

I call this an accumulation of various energies of the lower dimensions. Because it is lower dimensional energy, which is ‘heavy.’

I use a shopping experience merely as an example.

Those of you operating from a higher level will feel it as a heaviness around you, in your energy field. It will not sit well with your higher energetic levels. Left uncleared, this lower energy will keep building in your energy field. Soon you too will begin operating from your shadow self. This effect can happen quickly with two people who love each other. Sometimes they operate very closely to one another. When one experiences frustration or anger, negative words and actions usually follow. The other person is quick to absorb the others negative emotion and the anger is spread like a virus. This happens very quickly because they are so open to the other person, so close, they become like a sponge absorbing the other person’s emotions. There are many examples of this occurring.

Easy Two Step

As you enter a state of new awareness how can you change this? What can you do? First you need to listen to your inner body’s voice. Recognize what you feel. Understand what you are feeling. Acknowledge it. This is important to do. Once you acknowledge why you are feeling your shadow self, why you have entered that space, then you can prevent the negativity building any further on your mental and emotional bodies.

With the acknowledgment you begin to take charge of your shadow self. You can then deal with it, overcome and erase it.

How do you erase it? Since everything arises from intent, I ask you, what is your intent in that moment of acknowledgment? Often the action is out of your control. It may be a storm, or the action of another, both out of your control. Understand you cannot change the event. Neither can you change another’s anger or critism. They must take responsiblility for that. Is it your intent to stay in the darkness of your shadow self or to remain in the Light flow of your life? Your intent makes the choice. You see it is not so difficult.

Now 2010 you must take responsibility for the totality of you. Your intent, words, actions through to the temple of your body. Your health, your food. All are your responsibility more than ever before. Own your choices. This is the only way to create your future. When an event happens in your outer world which you cannot control or alter, which affects your emotional body, step back. Take a good look at the situation and your feelings about it. What are you noticing? What are you feeling from your Higher self? At times you will see some good, not obvious at first glance. Other times you must simply wait for the situation to disperse. It may be a time to observe only. I remind you to take your feelings to the Light, to your Higher self, to God. Here they are easily transmuted, and solutions found.

It saddens me when I hear words of “ but I can’t do that, I don’t know how.” My friend it is only your conscious mind which has forgotten. It is your intent which is so important. Simply ask, verbalize it be taken from you and transmuted in Light. I tell you it will be so. Your intent is everything, it is all.

During your times of transition and the changes of Earth you are experiencing, take care not to allow your shadow self to rule you, particularly your thoughts.

When you pause and acknowledge you will see the situation clearly, unhindered by a fog of anger. You are then able to transcend your shadow self and to maintain a Light flow around you, around your daily life.

Light Flow

You are waking up to your Light flow which has always been within you. The time of alertness, the time of acknowledging your feelings and your love are here on Earth- NOW! This is your transformation. This is how you, all of you will begin to create a new Earth. You will create it by correct intent, with love. Peace will follow. You have heard these words many times have you not? This is because they are truth. These words contain man’s future. Do not cast them aside I urge you. Rather grab them with both hands and hold these words, the meaning, the responsibility, hold this close to you. The next time you recognize heaviness and anger arising within you, remember. Pause and transmute. Release it. Do not own the negativity. Move it on. How you ask? With breath work. Breathe it out of your auric field, forcefully and quickly. Let me tell you:

You may sit or stand with your feet slightly apart for support of the body.

Breathe in very deeply. Feel power and intent as you fill your lungs with air.

Now quickly and forcefully blow the air out of your mouth like a great gust of wind, releasing stale and negative energy within you.

Imagine a balloon you have blown up and then you let go of it. The air rushes out so quickly with force does it not?

It is a force like this you require when breathing out quickly.

It is not difficult to do, yet it will transmute the energies of negativity and anger if done correctly. Do this at least three times.

You must be alert, be aware, know thyself my friend, know thyself. Feel your own flow of life. Live it, protect it and feed it with love.

Master Kuthumi

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The New Decade

Beloved friend, peace be with you. I am the one you have known as Joseph, Earthly father to the one you know as Jeshua and beloved husband of the one you now call Mother Mary. I had my own life, my own identity as Joseph, and I lived that lifetime happily in the Essene community. After releasing the body in that lifetime, there were other lifetimes when I collected much wisdom, the same as you are doing now, and I brought the wisdom once again into an incarnation which you now have called St. Germain.

It is from the vantage point as St. Germain that I would speak with you now, for there is a message from the Council of One that has been given to me to pass along to you. You have heard me speak of the Council of One. It is truly the council of all of the higher souls, the souls that have come into awakening.

Even though you have focus upon your present personality and lifetime, you are part of the Council of One, for in truth there is no separation. We are all One. We are All of the divine one Mind. As you have heard it said, you are the expression of the one creative Principle come forth into various realities to try out different scripts, to try out how it would be to create, and vast and myriad have the creations been and will continue to be, even outside of what you see now this reality to be, even outside of what you would define as a physical reality.

The realities will continue, and that is why the Council of One has asked me to speak with you now as you embark upon a new decade. You have come through the experience of moving into a new millennium some ten years ago in your arbitrary timing, where there were many prophecies, including many negative prophecies, because this reality believes in duality, where there can be good and the opposite of good. Some of the prophecies were quite dire.

Well, you came into this new millennium and guess what? The computers still worked, the washing machines still worked, the telephones still worked, and you kept waiting for a few months into the new millennium for disaster, perhaps, to come from the skies, forgetting that you are the creative ones who bring forth everything, and you are the ones who then judge whatever comes forth, whether it be good or medium or not so good.

You also came into a new century, and you wondered as you moved into the new millennium and embarked upon the new century, “What is this century going to bring?” You looked back to the previous century and you saw an evolution of awareness that was quite tumultuous, quite representative of the belief in duality, for there were the world wars, as they were called, where many countries were engaged on one side and on the other side, believing in separation and believing that new technology would solve everything.

But you also looked back at previous centuries and there was hope and optimism that truly you could be moving into another Golden Age. Now, you have known some five centuries or so ago an Age of Enlightenment, an age when there was much of evolutionary thought that went beyond the dark, the so-called Dark Ages.

Then there was a balancing in this reality where if you have something on one hand, pretty soon you are going to have something on the other hand to balance it out, so that you have come through some centuries since the Age of Enlightenment to a place where the enlightenment and the darkness have interchanged with each other at various times. 

So the first decade of the new century of the new millennium has been a working out, a review, if you will, of what has been in the past centuries.

You are now moving into the next decade of this new century and new millennium, and it is going to be one of excitement for you. There is going to be a winding down of some of the conflicts that you have seen going on, because the younger generations are going to be tired. Even though the habitual generational thinking has been all that they have known and all that they have been taught, they are going to begin to ask, “Is there not another way?”

In the next decade you will be interacting with ones that you see face to face and you are going to be interacting with other ones that are as a potential face to face, ones you have known in other lifetimes and constellations, who have agreed to meet up with you once again at a specified time within this reality. Furthermore, you will be interacting with ones that are within the mind and within the memory.

Sometimes you feel a presence around you that perhaps you can identify as a friend who has released the body or a loved one who has released the body or an ascended master whom you have read about, and you feel, “But this one cannot be here with me.” But this one is. Where else would they go? They are within your field of energy as you are within their field of energy. This awareness is going to be the most important part of the new decade: knowing the energy that you are and the energy of all ones, whether they are in physicality or in mind, Intelligence—capital “I”.

Awareness of Energy is going to be the most pivotal point of the next decade. You are going to feel and experience the world in a different way, and others are going to know it because of how you go in your life, knowing that you are truly not the body, you are not the personality, you are the energy of an ascended master radiating forth the Intelligence.

You are all ascended masters who have agreed one more time that you will descend into this reality that is not your home, that is not the place where you want to abide forever, but you have agreed that you will bring your energy and your Light and your laughter into this reality that believes itself so seriously to have to judge, to have to struggle.

This next decade is going to be a movement into knowing non-separation. You are going to see separation still with some worldly affairs. You are still going to see separation of bodies. But you are also going to understand that the bodies are not solid. They are forever changing as your energy patterns change.

You have the technology for reading the auras already, for having the photographs that show the change in the auric pattern as you have different emotions or as you think different thoughts. And the photographs are proof for you, because this reality yet wants to see the proof out there before the understanding and truth is then accepted within.

The new decade is going to fine-tune a knowing, the same knowing that you feel when you hug another one and you are in love with that other one, where you know yourself to be One with that other one—just for an instant, perhaps, or longer. When you are in that embrace, truly what you have done is to bring the energy fields together even closer, into a place where you can feel—if you tune in to it—the vibrational level of Oneness.

This decade is going to see a change in how you view yourself, how you view others, and how you view the world situation. You are not going to deny the Earthly conditions. If you are in a position where your help is needed, you will give the physical help, you will give the golden coins if that is what is needed, you will help ones as your guidance tells you to do.

In this next decade, because you are going to understand the great ball of energy that you are—and I do not mean that you are overweight—you are going to feel yourself totally, happily alive, and you are going to be very intuitive as to others’ energy, where they feel themselves to be.

Now, this is already happening, but it is going to increase. As this awareness increases, you are going to also know how to keep your balance, to keep your feeling of joy in the face of others who are finishing or completing their dramas. You will not be disruptive to their dramas, but you will keep your own balance within yourself.

Your planet, this most beautiful planet that we have brought forth, is changing. You have noticed some of the climate changes. You have noticed the intensity of some of the storms and the change in weather patterns. You have either been experiencing it where your dwelling place is or where the loved ones and friends are dwelling.

There has been an intensity of energy patterns swirling around this planet. Those patterns come from the collective consciousness. Those patterns…where else could they come from if all is One? come from you—you as the collective. They also come from your directive; in other words, you can direct a storm away from wherever you are if you know that you can do this, and you can.

For other ones, they may decree that they want to know the adrenaline rush of a storm. And if you want to do that, there is no judgment. It is an experience. But if you do not want to experience the intensity of a storm—call it a tornado, a thunderstorm, even a snowstorm—if you do not want the hurricane coming to your dwelling place, you can direct it out to sea, up into the upper atmosphere. You can direct it, because it is connected to your energy. All is One.

The intensity of the storms that you see happening now and the swirling of the climate change that is happening is coming from the collective consciousness that is sometimes throwing a temper tantrum, and so you see the out-picturing of that energy. It may be coming from confusion within the collective consciousness and so it is out-pictured, again, as a clearing, as a storm that will come through and will clear the energy.

Now, there are climate changes that are happening. There is global warming, and it is due to humankind. Yes, you are the reason for the global warming, but that is not said in judgment as a negative thing. It is said to allow you to understand how powerful you are, how you bring forth changes, how you have asked for evolutionary changes in what grows upon this planet, what form of the animal life is going to be upon the planet. For truly, as one species may seem to leave the planet, another species is born. There is never a vacuum. There is always a change which is happening.

So you can take responsibility for the global warming. The global warming comes because you are stepping up your vibratory rate as the collective. And, again, there is no judgment in it. It is an experience.

Nothing is ever lost. The form may change. The species may change, and things may look different, feel different. Your historians have told you of the ice ages, and you have evidence of the glaciers and the glacial rubbish, the rocks that have been left behind by the glaciers of other times. So this is not something that you are bringing about as disaster. It is part of what you have decreed that you will know as change, because the collective consciousness of the human is one that desires to know change. 

If truth be told, and I will tell it, all of creative Intelligence wants to know change. You are the extension of the one creative Principle; therefore, you are going to keep on creating. There is nothing wrong with change. Flow with it. Welcome it. Look for new species of flowers, trees, plants, animals, even humankind. Know you that in what you would call prehistory the human form—you do know this, because some of your scientists have taught you this, although there are ones who do not believe in evolution, as it is called—you had heavy fur covering on the body. You still have some of that left. Some of the men, you still have some of the heavy fur covering around the chin.

So in this next most wonderful decade that you are just now walking into, there is going to continue to be an evolution of humankind – not especially in the appearance but in recognizing and acknowledging that which you are in energy. Because truly, no matter how much makeup the woman or man puts on, how much of the raiment you change and put on, the energy that you are is going to be obvious. Everyone will feel and know if it is a loving energy or if it is a confused energy or an angry energy, and there will be no hiding it.

The awareness is going to be accentuated in your next decade, because ones are going to feel—especially those of you who are already the sensitives—are going to be feeling energy within themselves, and you will be able to catch yourself as you begin to perhaps close down, or as you perhaps feel a bit of the rising of the volcano of energy.

Begin to build up a self esteem, and begin to feel then the expansion of your energy, where you feel at peace with yourself and you feel at peace with others, because truly no one can touch your peace. You are the only one who can affect your peace, and that is only temporary.

More and more you are going to come truly alive as the energy that you are, as the walking, moving, loving, living Energy that you are.

Your energy truly reaches the farthest galaxies, because there is no separation in Mind—capital “M”. There is no separation. It is all creative Principle.

So be it.

- Joseph/St. Germain
in expression through Judith

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