Tag: ancient egypt

The Science of the Dogon

Excerpt from The Science of The Dogon, by Laird ScrantonThe information presented in the preceding chapters demonstrates a direct relationship between the symbols and themes of the Dogon creation story and known scientific facts relating to the formation of the universe, matter, and biological reproduction. This relationship is a broad and specific one that is couched in clear definitions and supported by priestly interpretations and cosmological drawings. The parallels between Dogon myth [...]

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Was Ancient Egypt the inheritor of a body of scientific & spiritual knowledge from an earlier civilization?

A growing body of evidence is suggesting a missing chapter in human history. Symbolist author and Egyptologist John Anthony West explores evidence of a sophisticated science behind the unexplainable accomplishmentsof Ancient Egypt. Was Ancient Egypt ...

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How we cracked the code of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphs ~ The story of one of the greatest archeological finds in history

The Rosetta StoneOn display at the British MuseumClick to zoom

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The Curse of the Spinning Statue at Manchester Museum ~ Captured on Video

The 10-inch tall relic, which dates back to 1800 BC, was found in a mummy's tomb and has been at the Manchester Museum for 80 years.An ancient Egyptian statue has spooked museum bosses -- after it mysteriously started to spin round in a display case....

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What Would You Take With You to the Afterlife? – Life, Death, Out-of-Body Experiences and the Journey of Consciousness

Matthew Butler, GuestPeople save up for retirement, but how well do we prepare for the journey after? Ancient cultures put great emphasis on the afterlife, because they knew consciousness continued after death. They were right: Out-of-body experiences reveal we really do exist beyond the body. Knowing this truth should inspire us to seek in life what really matters and remains after death – awakened consciousness.What is the greatest mystery of life? According to a legendar [...]

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Egyptian Mummy-Making May Have Began Far Earlier than Scientists Believed


By Sid Perkins

Long before ancient Egyptians swaddled their pharaohs in balm-and-resin-soaked linens and placed them in treasure-bedecked tombs, their more egalitarian predecessors were using essentially the same embalming recipe.

A mummy undergoing a CT scan at the Royal Brompton Hospital.

The finding, published in PLoS ONE, pushes back known use of the multi-ingredient ointment by about 2,000 years, the authors estimate. The early blend includes a resin that probably came from at least 1,000 kilometers away from the gravesites, hinting that the region already had an established and extensive trade network.

The results will have archaeologists rethinking how mummification evolved, says Alice Stevenson, an archaeologist at University College London who was not involved in the study.

CT scan 3D visualization of Tamut's mummified remains, showing her body within the sarcophagus.

Previously, the earliest known use of resin for mummification in Egypt was around 2200 bc, says Stephen Buckley, an archaeological chemist at the University of York, UK, and a co-author of the new paper. It was thought that before then, bodies buried in the region’s hot, dry sand had desiccated naturally. But now, Buckley and his colleagues’ detailed analyses of linen samples unearthed in central Egypt more than 80 years ago suggest that nature had a little help.

The CT scan of the skull of the mummy of an adult man (name unknown). The scan shows the remains of the brain (colored in blue) and evidence of a tool that was left in the skull as a mistake during the mummification process (in green).

Ancient recipe

The samples of funerary wrappings came from four graves at a site near the Nile river called Mostagedda, where they were excavated in the 1920s and 1930s. Soon afterwards, they were placed in museums, where they sat largely ignored for decades.

Carbon dating suggests that the oldest sample had sheathed a body interred around 4200 bc, and the most recent about 3150 bc. A microscope showed that the linens were impregnated with resins, says Buckley, and mass spectrometry later revealed a complex melange of substances. The bulk of the material was a mixture of animal fats and plant sterols (which are chemically similar to cholesterol).

But between 5% and 20% of the blend was made up of pine resin and aromatic plant extracts, and there were trace amounts of plant-derived sugars and natural petroleum, possibly gleaned from an oil seep. Many of these ingredients have antibacterial properties that would have aided preservation of a body, Buckley notes.

The animal fat in the balm probably came from sponges found on the sea floor north of Egypt, the team suggests. The pine resin can be traced back to southeastern Anatolia, in what is now part of Turkey. The sources of other ingredients have not yet been identified, but the pine resin alone suggests that the Egyptians of the era, who left no written record and were largely pastoral, had established trade with distant regions.

Finally, the substance included moderate amounts of three compounds that typically form only when plant resins are strongly heated, hinting that the balm was deliberately cooked and not simply stirred together, the researchers contend.

“The discovery that these substances had themselves been deliberately processed before use points to a more sophisticated level of treatment of the dead than had previously been suspected at such an early date,” says John Taylor, an Egyptologist at the British Museum in London.

Blends used in subsequent millennia, including during the pinnacle of Egyptian mummification that began around 2900 bc, used similar — although not identical — ingredients in the same general proportions, says Buckley. The lack of fundamental change in the recipe over that extensive interval is both “sensational and surprising”, says Jana Jones, an Egyptologist and textiles researcher at Macquarie University in Sydney, Australia, and a co-author of the research.

“It’s interesting to see that sort of recipe that early,” says Stevenson. Bodies interred in prehistoric Egypt had all sorts of burial treatments, she notes: “It was a period of great experimentation, and no two burials were identical.”

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Who Lived in Pre-historic Egypt?

Badarian figurineancientegyptonline.co.ukBadarian CultureThe Badarian people lived in Upper Egypt, on the eastern bank of the Nile, from approximately 5000 BC to 4400 BC. Though they were a semi-nomadic people, they formed small settlements and bega...

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Ancient Egypt Pyramids Mystery May Be Solved

By Korrey Laderoute  The ancient Egyptians knew in their day what we have just discovered now; friction. The mystery of how the pyramids came to be created in ancient Egypt may finally be solved, thanks to physicists from the University of A...

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Laura Tyco – Private TAUK with Higher Self – 5 Dec 2011/12/05 – Pre Ancient Egyptian Life


5 December 2011

Channeler: Laura Tyco

Laura: Good evening. I thank you once again for answering my call. I had the most amazing set of visions last night, and this morning. And with it came also a set of knowledge, ...

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Accepting Greater Clarity & Integration


a message from Goddess of Creation channeled by Shelly Dressel

Sunday, 16 October, 2011  (posted 4 November, 2011)

As people are seeking to create change in their lives, it comes about in many ways. You may see it in the...

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Your Brilliant Illumination – Message from Master, God Mercury


Your Brilliant Illumination Message from Master, God Mercury Channelled by: Julie Miller October 17, 2011   Greetings dear sons and daughters of God; some know me best as Hermes, the Messenger of the Gods, or as Thoth o...

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11:11 Master Numbers!

Created, Channeled, Written, Published and copyrighted by Gillian






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