Tag: ambassador (page 1 of 3)

Declan of the Pleiades: An Ambassador of Peace and His Perspective On Disclosure.


Declan of the Pleiades: An Ambassador of Peace and His Perspective On Disclosure.

By, AuroRa Le. April 30, 2012.

I am Declan, a Pleiadian and an Ambassador of Peace with the Galactic Federation of Light. I am your treasured Br...

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THE WEEK AHEAD -30 APRIL 2012 – Angela Peregoff


The Week Ahead: 04/30/2012

~Angela Peregoff

Are you paying attention to the universal sleight-of-hand that is about to happen this coming weekend? If you’re under pressure and thinking that it has all been self-generated...

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04-04-2012 ~ The Fourth Initiatory Gateway of Light

~ 04-04-2012 ~ Fourth Initiatory Gateway of Light ~

You Tube http://www.youtube.com/user/AnritaMelchizedek

Mp3 download www.pleiadianlight.net/dl.htm

On April 4th 2012, we enter into the fourth initiatory Gateway of Light through the Overlighting of the fourth ray of harmony through conflict, and a beautiful Emerald Green Flame of Light, amplified in focus through the Christ Full Moon on April 6th, and taking us into deeper levels of the knowing of ourselves as these Christ Conscious Beings of Light. This initiation, esoterically referred to the Initiation of Renunciation, takes us off the Wheel of Karma onto the Spiral of Forward Evolution through our ability to let go of any perceived conflicts within our lives and experience a deeper expression of our creative natures through the wild man/wild woman archetypes. As co-creators to the Company of Heaven and these sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love, this ray offers us an opportunity to experience the Christed Timelines and New Earth Templates through a deeper understanding of our service work in peace, freedom and joy, creativity and Love; individual and collective signatures of our magnificence and preciousness, while bringing a focus to greater levels of universal abundance and interconnectivity with one another.

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Ashtar – Confirmations of Arrests and Changes


Mar 23

Ashtar – Confirmations of Arrests and Changes Ashtar on the Road Teleconference, 3/20/12 “Well, Greetings Everyone! We are so thrilled, because we have the perspective to assure you that all of the news you ...

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HEAVEN #4099 Concede. Surrender. Love., February 14, 2012


God said:

Have We talked about love enough? Do you think We are finished? Do you think everything about love has been said and there is no more to say about it?

On the contrary, I am of the opinion that there is nothing else t...

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Disclosure (all levels) and Appearance of Fly-Overs | UFO Digest provides video proof of ufos, alien abduction and the paranormal.


Feb 3

Submitted by Arrai’El on Fri, 01/27/2012 – 12:36

Disclosure is said to be near…with Fly-Overs becoming a pre-cursor for First Contact

On NASA website, by Apollo 16 (April 1...

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The sins of the parents, Galactic Federation of Light,Sharon-Ann Riley, 23 January 2012


23 January 2012

Channeler: Sharon-Ann Riley: Galactic Ambassador - Spiritual Master

Greetings Brothers and Sisters of the New Earth,

Cosmic triggers activated by unconditional love, created by New Earth Consciousness, are ...

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Ben Arion – Galactic Federation First Contact – Through Diversity We Find Unity – 16 January 2012


Jan 16

(The links are mentioned in the picture and at the end.)

Keywords in this first contact is Love and Truth. Nothing will be as before. A reunion together with thousands of Cosmic Civilizations, only in this galaxy. It&ac...

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HEAVEN #4061 Love Is Like a Kiss from God , January 7, 2012


God said:

It is true. Everything unto its season. And, yet, love is always in season. Love is never out of season. Love in your heart is already given, you understand. Love has its own rules, and one is that it gives of itself w...

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2012: Year of Power


By Lee Harris

Power will be THE word for the coming year. 2012 has long been focused on . Ancient cultures and civilizations prophesized about this time. What the year itself would bring, and the gateway that the year represents. ...

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Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Merry Christmas


24 December 2011

Channeler: Sharon Taphorn

A special message from the angels

We are very happy and honoured to be called upon to share in this way. To share our love, our support and our strength with you as you share your...

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David Wilcock Urgent Update!


This is an audio piece from American Freedom Radio. David Wilcock had recieved a death threat after releasing a recent article he had posted on his website. This is a developing story.

Please forward this message.


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Scorpio New Moon: October 26, 2011 by B. Hand Clow


24 October 2011

Astrologer: Barbara Hand Clow

Global (and individual) balancing began with the Fall Equinox and was reinforced by the Libra New Moon on September 27-and now the time for truth and personal integrity h...

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