Tag: allowance (page 1 of 2)

Greg Giles ~ Breaking the Magician’s Code: The Secret to the Channeled Message Trick Revealed

Growing up as a child I was fascinated by the master magicians and their amazing feats of prestidigitation and the incredible skill necessary to fool the eyes with conjure, coin or card. I performed my own magic shows in my basement for friends and fam...

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7 Reasons You Need More Magnesium

Margie King, GuestMagnesium is the fourth most abundant mineral in your body.  But few people fully appreciate this miraculous mineral. The human genome project reveals that 3,751 human proteins have binding sites for magnesium.[i]  And so far we know this one essential mineral activates over 350 biochemical processes in the body to keep things flowing.Here are just seven good reasons to get more magnesium today. 1. Prevent Migraines. According to University of Vermo [...]

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Top Secret Government Programs That Your Not Supposed To Know About

Originally Posted at in5d.com The following is the alleged result of the actions of one or more scientists creating a covert, unauthorized notebook documenting their involvement with an Above Top Secret government program. Government publications and information obtained by the use of public tax monies cannot be subject to copyright. This document is released into the public domain for all citizens of the United States of America. THE ‘MAJIC PROJECTS’ SIGMA is the project whic [...]

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What Most People Do Not Know About Manifestation

As the planet continues to raise her vibration toward a fifth dimensional frequency, the ability to manifest is becoming easier and faster. Ultimately those who are awakened to the possibility of a New Earth are working toward manifesting this into reality and need to know the missing piece of manifestation in order to be successful co-creators. The trinity of manifestation Manifestation involves using heartfelt intention, the Law of Attraction, and the Universal Law of Detachment. T [...]

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Galactic Federation of Light Hilarion May-12-2013


May 12-19, 2013

Beloved Ones,

These are the days of endurance, steadfastness and of the exploring of the different aspects of your many faceted selves. Take

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utube video on allowance…the key to undoing the veil.


Dharma One


from the book The Bridge To Home

jeshua ben joseph  channels this thru denisa

allowance is the first key in undoing the veil

we have placed over the real world..

it und...

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~abiding within your center of peace ~

~abiding within your center of peace ~

i am sending once again a beautiful message

from the Voice of Love...a free meditation

into the space of peace within...

this is to be experienced.......

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~ Love is eternally neutral ~


 dear heart...

for you are all One Heart

appearing to be "many"....

as always....i come forth...we come forth

from a space of great joy...

for it is joy to share that which is t...

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the pathway is already in place...

all you need do is choose to walk it

in your shoes of allowance....


IT IS NOW.....   with ...

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what abides within you???

http://www.designsbywillow.com     what abides within you???   oh....sweet souls of one light divine...   this cosmic heart of love that contains the waters of free flowing grace that lead to loves perf...

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BE  AT  PEACE   There is an ocean that dwells Beneath you.. Its “essence” is unseen by you Yet all that it is  can be witnessed And experienced by you Each moment…   It is an ocean of consciousnes...

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Feng Shui for Better Living

a message from The Brotherhood of Light channeled by Edna G. Frankel

Sunday, 4 July, 2010 

Greetings, dear ones, from the Brotherhood of Light! We are excited and delighted to be sharing e...

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Dear one
Much light has once again been delivering
The consciousness of christ
Upon the shores of time and the shores
Of non-time…

This light of purification is now effecting
All things on your beloved planet…
All forms of life are being purified
By the divine waters of grace….
This may be known to you as a “bubbling effect”…
There are rumblings and  earthquakes
Desiring to be released
Thru your bodies at this now moment
Yes….you are one with your mother earth
And she is preparing along with you
To “move into her new dimension
Of love and light”…
Flow with them…dear one
Flow with them…allow the bubbles to arise
And burst
For they will bring much clarity and wisdom
Long remembered
With each allowance of the “burst”
Thus allowing your Mother Earths
Transistion to be softer and gentler
For all upon her…

These bursts are simply old beliefs…
Thoughts and beliefs held deep…deep
Within your sub conscious which are
Ready to be released and let go of….
This is an “inner journey”
Know this dear one…
Any reaction to “any moment”
Is coming from within you
And it is yours to embrace
And bring within
To this shared heart of love….
All…all is transmuted and made whole again
Thru this very process…
So…dear one…do not hold back…
Allow the rumblings and inner quakes
To arise….
Embrace them…
Bring them within to our shared heart
Where all will be made “new again”
You see
You NOW have the power of your full Self
Within you
It is the very power of love ….
The only true power there is…
What is bubbling up
For you to remember and recognize
Within yourself
Is that anything other than
The power of love…
The presence of love
Is not real
And is holding you back
From your greatness…your divinity…
This very divinity is alive and well
Within you now
And if you will simply bring all unlike
What love is
I will
All you need do is embrace them
And bring them home to love…
This is a truth yet it must be practiced
To be re-alized….
Love’s perfect solution
Is within you now
As it was before you took
The thought of separation
From me…
All the reading and seeking
Will not actualize this truth for you…
It is for you to re-discover it
And then to take the action
Of “doing it”….
For you are love
And love always
Seeks itself…
Come within and find me there…
The voice of love…
Love is the answer to all things…
You simply have not remembered what
True love is….
It is the very power within you
That if remembered again
Will transform all things
If they are embraced “by you”

If you would like to be added to this list simply
Send me an email and I will add you

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