Tag: adventure (page 2 of 5)

Galactic Federation of Light Landing Party Part 2 April-21-2013

Galactic/Earth Alliance The Landing Party Remembers — Part 2 Suzanne Lie

Dear Readers,
I now present the second portion of the message that I began in my last Blog

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Montague Keen Speaks of the Dark’s Attempts to Cull the Population ~ via veronica Keen

As channeled by Veronica Keen

Many people are having difficulty coming to terms with the information that is being made public at this time. What was suppressed is now leaking out. Your governments deliberately kept you in darkness and under control. Yes, there are beings from other planets amongst you. Many of them chose to live among you, so as to lead you forward into the Light and to release you from the burden which the Dark Ones imposed on you.

The population of the Earth had to increase enormously to prevent the dark takeover. The Dark Ones have responded in return, by using many methods to cull the population: through vaccination, medication, and altering the air you breathe and the food you eat. This is why this information is so important to understand. Do not agree to anything without thoroughly researching it. All the information you need is freely available to everyone.

The Dark Ones want you to be as sheep, blindly obeying your “Masters” orders. You, and you alone, are responsible for your life. You must take back this responsibility from the politicians and the medical profession, since they are being used to enforce the agenda. The thirteen who control all on Earth, have been successful until now. They are prepared to go to any lengths to create their New World Order. They manipulate every situation for their own ends. They own all forms of news information and entertainment, and they ruthlessly use them to MIND CONTROL the masses.

It is up to each one of you to free yourselves from this manipulation by refusing to buy into it. It is time for all of you to take control. Start with your own lives and the lives of those who are dependant on you. Share freely all information that will help others to see the full picture. Become the LEADERS; not the mindless, who conform to the agenda for their own extinction.

I have asked, many times, for you to learn to meditate. Then, you will be able to get whatever information is relevant to you, directly, without third party involvement. It takes time to perfect meditation, but those who have done this, have benefitted hugely from the experience and the information gained. The Spirit World will assist and guide you. We are ready and willing to help you.

Free yourselves from all restrictions that were imposed on you by Church and State. Your minds are yours, and yours alone. Use them to your own advantage. Why would so much be done to dumb down your minds by those who control you, if they were not frightened of you waking up and using your minds to see what is being done to you. As beings, you are far greater than those who control you and manipulate you. They are terrified that you will come to realise this fact. They are IN FEAR OF YOU.

Your controllers are not capable of LOVE. They do not have compassion, so they can kill without conscience. They are constantly finding new ways of killing that you would never suspect. You must understand that your ability to love and relate to all living things is your greatest weapon. Love will win the day. LOVE has a powerful energy that invades their darkness. This is why they try to destroy it. To them, money and possessions equal love. You, on the other hand, know that love is what makes life worthwhile. It lifts you and embraces you. It engulfs you and makes you happy and fulfilled. Look with love upon everything and you will find that it improves the quality of your lives enormously. Where there is love, there is no room for aggression.

The Earth itself is trying to help you understand this, too. It lives and suffers also, because of what is being done to it. It is trying to communicate this to you. You need to protect and care for the Earth as it supports your lives by producing food, plants, and trees. It supports your wildlife. It needs to be loved and cared for. Treat everything with love and it will respond. By helping each other, humanity will survive. Planet Earth will be reunited once more with the living universe. This is your greatest adventure.

Look with eyes wide open at all the restrictions upon your lives. Ask what you can do about them. Ask why you just accept, without question, all the laws that enslave you. Questions need to be asked, and reasons demanded, in a civilised and respectful way. This is being done in Ireland. There is no reason why others cannot follow the example. It has to start somewhere, so why should not the most sinned against country on Earth, lead the way forward.

The true history of Ireland is hidden in the Vatican. When this comes to light, then the real history of your world will be available to all of you for the first time in nearly 2000 years. It is not possible to keep it hidden forever. It is time the truth was revealed and humanity moves forward in truth and light. Everything that Man needed to know and understand, was known back then. People were at one with Nature. They understood how the planet worked and they connected with other planets. Then, at one disastrous gathering of the corrupt, plans were made to take control of Mankind and to take over Planet Earth. All that was truth and light was destroyed. The enslavement of Mankind began and continues to this day.

Here is your task. You have returned to Earth in order to restore the truth and light, and this you will do. It will be done peacefully. Love will be your guiding light. This is a time for decisions to be made. The right decisions, that will benefit humanity and Planet Earth. The evil assault on humanity must cease forthwith.

My dear, life is difficult right now. Try to keep calm and controlled. Much is done to try to cause you fear. See it for what it is. Those who are with you, are with you one hundred percent. Circumstances are created to cause you worry and distress, but you must rise above them. The end result will surpass all expectations. Then, you will quickly forget all the suffering you endured along the way.

This is a critical time for your world. Keep calm and do not be drawn into the false information being put forward in an effort to start World War III. You want PEACE, not WAR ! Stand together for peace. You are the 99% and you must never forget that. You have a voice, so use it. We in Spirit stand with you, so you are not alone.

Appreciate all that Nature provides for you. Springtime is about new beginnings. This is Mankind’s NEW BEGINNING. Go forward with confidence because you are on the right track.

My love, I wish that I was still beside you, to comfort and support you. I am only a thought away. I never leave you. Love endures, my dear.

I am your adoring, Monty.

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Galactic Federation of Light Montague Keen May-05-2013

Montague Keen,

Many people are having difficulty coming to terms with the information that is being made public at this time. What was suppressed is now leaking out.

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Galactic Federation of Light The Pleiadians May-03-2013

Channeled Interview with the Pleiadians: Increased Energy, Expanding upon Dedication and the Various Laws of Manifestation by Wes Annac: http://aquariusparadigm.com/2013/05/03/channeled-interview-with-the-pleiadians-increased-energy-expanding-upon-dedication-and-the-various-laws-of-manifestation/

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Galactic Federation of Light Ulrika Dreamflights April-20-2013

Heaven Letters April-15-2013

Heavenletter #4525 What Runs Your Motor, April 15, 2013
Gloria Wendroff

God said:
What matters to you? What matters most to you? Take a good look. What are

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Galactic Federation Of Light The Andromeda Galaxy February 05 2012

Galactic Federation Of Light The Andromeda Galaxy February 05 2012

http://lightworkers.org/channeling/152268/message-andromeda-galaxy-9-fall-your-self-alone http://radiantlyhappy.blogspot.com.au/2012/02/message-from-andromeda-galaxy-9-fall.html http...

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Aghartha In The Hollow Earth!


The Inner Earth & Realm of Aghartha

Aghartha In The Hollow Earth!

By Dr Joshua David Stone

The biggest cover-up of all time is the fact that there is a civilization of people living in the center of Earth, whose c...

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HEAVEN #3677 The Journal of Your Life

God said:

The world has taught you safety above all. Where did the idea of safety come from? It came from the idea of fear. Dismiss fear, and you won’t be craving safety. You will be craving to live life to its fullest. I do not tell yo...

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Supercharge Your Brain

This video is related to the article "Amygdala - The amazing brain music adventure". Thank to Eleanor for the link.


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WORLD GRATITUDE | Growing through the Fall

Greetings and glad tidings ~

In this Go Gratitude Experiment update you will find:

  • an invitation to participate in our 9th, and final, wave of World Gratitude.
    You can sign on here: http://www.WorldGratitude.com , or read below for
    more info.
  • Personal message from Stacey Robyn – ‘Growing through the Fall’


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It’s July! Here are the Keys to Your New Porsche

a message from Archangel Michael channeled by Meredith Murphy

Thursday, 1 July, 2010  (posted 4 July, 2010)

Clearing away anything which does not fit with your “future” incarnation...

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There’s more than One Dré, or is there?

Hey Dre!

Shot for an awesome site! Been reading it for many years. Post this if you keen. Take good care man!


Cool, mail from myself! Well, best to you also, brother. Well actually, this week I AM cancelling my TV subscription! Not that I'm convinced it is all evil, just that it feels a bit too pre-cooked.....

Love your Light, keep it cooperative....


Dear Friends

Through many years of cleansing, hardship, blurred vision and the chaos of absorbing integrated energy fields of myriads of free flow thought and projected intent patterns of others my eyes have finally opened to the peace and love that surpasses all understanding. I am filled with life and disconnected from fear. Being as we are, people that care, the overdose of toxic exposures of negative thought form/energy patterns via media, cellphone and alas people that buy into it has led to judgments projected on me during years of shining my light that resulted to a crash in my story of life. Disconnected for many years from my emotions, the sight in front of me and my sense of destiny has led me to the space of total and absolute surrender to the part of me that guides and directs my thoughts, my life, my flow. I experienced an unbelievable story of life, adventure but could not experience the feelings of the story that was happening in front of me. But non the less, I was lifted and relocated to a place of extremely high vibration compared to my previous realm of living. Angelic-like people came to me and helped healing me. I, by my own understanding could not possibly have done this. For the largest part of seven years I had only one weapon of protection and getting through my day – Faith. Faith in the knowing that I am divinely guided, faith in the knowing that events are happening that are beyond my control, faith in the knowing that I will awaken and live a life that resembles Heaven on Earth. During this process I disconnected without seeming conscious choice from all the things that were so sacred to me, my family, great friends, my beloved country (South Africa), myself. I understood deeply that I am going through a profound clearing phase. At my moment of total disconnection, standing naked in front of nothing, broken but as fearless as I could be, the pendulum of life started swinging in the other direction. Love came to me and started filling me, day by day, year by year (through my beloved one). My ability to absorb and see beauty escalated. As toxic thoughts left my heart and my body my sense of flow took on a new form. My surfing became expressive, my voice became eloquent, my light intensified. I stood unwavering in my belief, not fearing anything that came my way in the form of relationships, dangers in my surroundings or anything. I became aware that everyone and everything around me started showing glimpses of similar light, faith and joy when our movements brought us together. I have been thinking about Heaven on Earth for a few years now and have realized I have moved into this space, in my physical environment, in my relationships with all things and in my heart. I have become so sensitive to vibrations that I can not watch television any more, I can not engage eye contact with most people I find in magazines, I’ve moved away from conversations of any form of fear based material and ego based life styles or redirect thoughts/conversations that head in that way. For me, my surfing magazines are one of the portals to my parallel universe of beauty, the search. They share the love with those who love our planet expressed in their adventures, their clothing and the life lived. I have disconnected in thought and in lifestyle from the chase of nothingness, the material and the desire for acceptance. It was a long and amazing journey and I by no means got this right by myself. It was the part of me higher than myself that brought me everything at exactly the right moment to do, to read and to experience to move me into this seeming space of eternal love. Dear friends, feel yourself again by eating well, love yourself again by letting go of every single thought that is not focused on the best of the best, the most beautiful of beautiful. Move away from places and people that don’t care about you. Don’t buy their magazines of gossip because they lock you into feeling incomplete. Don’t listen to gossip because you are perfect and beautiful. PUT OFF YOUR TV. Can you hear the background sounds they use to lock you in and can you feel the lies they tell you in the media. It does not fulfill. Read amazing books. Let love pulsate through your veins. Your body can lift its vibration tremendously in one day. Fast, stretch, you deserve beauty and the best in life. You must believe! From living in a city surrounded by money hunters, my businesses that crashed, so broke at times that I lay sick on a tile floor with not one cent, no food, sick and nowhere to go seeing miracles taking place in front of my eyes. I believed, strong and unwavering. Kept my honor in tact and tried to never sell out on myself. And now I reside in my definition of the light worlds. Everything is breathtakingly amazing and filled with my most beautiful expressions of love. My eyes have opened to the natural world around me. I can sense the mystery (that I use to as a child) of the plants, the trees, the waves, the wind and space of stillness. I feel complete, wise, still and at peace with the world.

You must believe. You must know that you are fine. You must know that you are divinely guided, always and every step of the way.

Be strong. Heaven is here, in your heart, pure and truthful. Fill your all with beauty and realness. Keep it simple. Be fearless. We ARE warriors, We are Warriors of the Light!

My the spirit of the most high guide you, fill you and bless you in all your ways and all your days.


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